# Commands covered: ::msgcat::mc ::msgcat::mclocale
#                   ::msgcat::mcpreferences ::msgcat::mcload
#                   ::msgcat::mcset ::msgcat::mcmset ::msgcat::mcunknown
# This file contains a collection of tests for the msgcat script library.
# Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1998 Mark Harrison.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: msgcat.test,v 1.10 2000/07/17 22:25:26 ericm Exp $

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

if {[catch {package require msgcat 1.0}]} {
    if {[info exist msgcat1]} {
	catch {puts "Cannot load msgcat 1.0 package"}
    } else {
	catch {puts "Running msgcat 1.0 tests in slave interp"}
	set interp [interp create msgcat1]
	$interp eval [list set msgcat1 "running"]
	$interp eval [list source [info script]]
	interp delete $interp

set oldlocale [::msgcat::mclocale]

# some tests fail in tne environment variable LANG exists and is not C

if {[info exists env(LANG)] && ($env(LANG) != "C")} {
    set ::tcltest::testConstraints(LANGisC) 0
} else {
    set ::tcltest::testConstraints(LANGisC) 1

# Test the various permutations of mclocale
# and mcpreferences.

test msgcat-1.1 {::msgcat::mclocale default} {LANGisC} {
} {c}
test msgcat-1.2 {::msgcat::mcpreferences, single element} {LANGisC} {
} {c}
test msgcat-1.3 {::msgcat::mclocale, single element} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale en
} {en}
test msgcat-1.4 {::msgcat::mclocale, single element} {
} {en}
test msgcat-1.5 {::msgcat::mcpreferences, single element} {
} {en}
test msgcat-1.6 {::msgcat::mclocale, two elements} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale en_US
} {en_us}
test msgcat-1.7 {::msgcat::mclocale, two elements} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale en_US
} {en_us}
test msgcat-1.8 {::msgcat::mcpreferences, two elements} {
} {en_us en}
test msgcat-1.9 {::msgcat::mclocale, three elements} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale en_US_funky
} {en_us_funky}
test msgcat-1.10 {::msgcat::mclocale, three elements} {
} {en_us_funky}
test msgcat-1.11 {::msgcat::mcpreferences, three elements} {
} {en_us_funky en_us en}

# Test mcset and mc, ensuring that namespace partitioning
# is working.

test msgcat-2.1 {::msgcat::mcset, global scope} {
    ::msgcat::mcset  foo_BAR text1 text2
} {text2}
test msgcat-2.2 {::msgcat::mcset, global scope, default} {
    ::msgcat::mcset  foo_BAR text3
} {text3}
test msgcat-2.2 {::msgcat::mcset, namespace overlap} {
    namespace eval bar {::msgcat::mcset  foo_BAR con1 con1bar}
    namespace eval baz {::msgcat::mcset  foo_BAR con1 con1baz}
} {con1baz}
test msgcat-2.3 {::msgcat::mcset, namespace overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo_BAR
    namespace eval bar {::msgcat::mc con1}
} {con1bar}
test msgcat-2.4 {::msgcat::mcset, namespace overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo_BAR
    namespace eval baz {::msgcat::mc con1}
} {con1baz}
test msgcat-2.5 {::msgcat::mcmset, global scope} {
    ::msgcat::mcmset  foo_BAR {
        src1 trans1
        src2 trans2
    ::msgcat::mc src1
} {trans1}
test msgcat-2.6 {::msgcat::mcmset, namespace overlap} {
    namespace eval bar {::msgcat::mcmset  foo_BAR {con2 con2bar}}
    namespace eval baz {::msgcat::mcmset  foo_BAR {con2 con2baz}}
} {2}
test msgcat-2.7 {::msgcat::mcmset, namespace overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo_BAR
    namespace eval baz {::msgcat::mc con2}
} {con2baz}

# Test mcset and mc, ensuring that more specific locales
# (e.g. "en_UK") will search less specific locales
# (e.g. "en") for translation strings.
# Do this for the 12 permutations of
#     locales: {foo foo_BAR foo_BAR_baz}
#     strings: {ov1 ov2 ov3 ov4}
#     locale foo         defines ov1, ov2, ov3
#     locale foo_BAR     defines      ov2, ov3
#     locale foo_BAR_BAZ defines           ov3
#     (ov4 is defined in none)
# So,
#     ov3 should be resolved in foo, foo_BAR, foo_BAR_baz
#     ov2 should be resolved in foo, foo_BAR
#     ov2 should resolve to foo_BAR in foo_BAR_baz
#     ov1 should be resolved in foo
#     ov1 should resolve to foo in foo_BAR, foo_BAR_baz
#     ov4 should be resolved in none, and call mcunknown

test msgcat-3.1 {::msgcat::mcset, overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mcset foo ov1 ov1_foo
    ::msgcat::mcset foo ov2 ov2_foo
    ::msgcat::mcset foo ov3 ov3_foo
    ::msgcat::mcset foo_BAR ov2 ov2_foo_BAR
    ::msgcat::mcset foo_BAR ov3 ov3_foo_BAR
    ::msgcat::mcset foo_BAR_baz ov3 ov3_foo_BAR_baz
} {ov3_foo_BAR_baz}
# top level, locale foo
test msgcat-3.2 {::msgcat::mcset, overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo
    ::msgcat::mc ov1
} {ov1_foo}
test msgcat-3.3 {::msgcat::mcset, overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo
    ::msgcat::mc ov2
} {ov2_foo}
test msgcat-3.4 {::msgcat::mcset, overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo
    ::msgcat::mc ov3
} {ov3_foo}
test msgcat-3.5 {::msgcat::mcset, overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo
    ::msgcat::mc ov4
} {ov4}
# second level, locale foo_BAR
test msgcat-3.6 {::msgcat::mcset, overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo_BAR
    ::msgcat::mc ov1
} {ov1_foo}
test msgcat-3.7 {::msgcat::mcset, overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo_BAR
    ::msgcat::mc ov2
} {ov2_foo_BAR}
test msgcat-3.8 {::msgcat::mcset, overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo_BAR
    ::msgcat::mc ov3
} {ov3_foo_BAR}
test msgcat-3.9 {::msgcat::mcset, overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo_BAR
    ::msgcat::mc ov4
} {ov4}
# third level, locale foo_BAR_baz
test msgcat-3.10 {::msgcat::mcset, overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo_BAR_baz
    ::msgcat::mc ov1
} {ov1_foo}
test msgcat-3.11 {::msgcat::mcset, overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo_BAR_baz
    ::msgcat::mc ov2
} {ov2_foo_BAR}
test msgcat-3.12 {::msgcat::mcset, overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo_BAR_baz
    ::msgcat::mc ov3
} {ov3_foo_BAR_baz}
test msgcat-3.13 {::msgcat::mcset, overlap} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo_BAR_baz
    ::msgcat::mc ov4
} {ov4}

# Test mcunknown, first the default operation
# and then with an overridden definition.

test msgcat-4.1 {::msgcat::mcunknown, default} {
    ::msgcat::mcset foo unk1 "unknown 1"
} {unknown 1}
test msgcat-4.2 {::msgcat::mcunknown, default} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo
    ::msgcat::mc unk1
} {unknown 1}
test msgcat-4.3 {::msgcat::mcunknown, default} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo
    ::msgcat::mc unk2
} {unk2}
test msgcat-4.4 {::msgcat::mcunknown, overridden} {
    rename ::msgcat::mcunknown oldproc
    proc ::msgcat::mcunknown {dom s} {
        return "unknown:$dom:$s"
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo
    set result [::msgcat::mc unk1]
    rename ::msgcat::mcunknown {}
    rename oldproc ::msgcat::mcunknown
    set result
} {unknown 1}
test msgcat-4.5 {::msgcat::mcunknown, overridden} {
    rename ::msgcat::mcunknown oldproc
    proc ::msgcat::mcunknown {dom s} {
        return "unknown:$dom:$s"
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo
    set result [::msgcat::mc unk2]
    rename ::msgcat::mcunknown {}
    rename oldproc ::msgcat::mcunknown
    set result
} {unknown:foo:unk2}
test msgcat-4.6 {::msgcat::mcunknown, uplevel context} {
    rename ::msgcat::mcunknown oldproc
    proc ::msgcat::mcunknown {dom s} {
        return "unknown:$dom:$s:[info level]"
    ::msgcat::mclocale foo
    set result [::msgcat::mc unk2]
    rename ::msgcat::mcunknown {}
    rename oldproc ::msgcat::mcunknown
    set result
} {unknown:foo:unk2:1}

# Test mcload.  Need to set up an environment for
# these tests by creating a temporary directory and
# message files.

set locales {en en_US en_US_funky}

catch {file mkdir msgdir}
foreach l $locales {
    set fd [open [string tolower [file join msgdir $l.msg]] w]
    puts $fd "::msgcat::mcset $l abc abc-$l"
    close $fd

test msgcat-5.1 {::msgcat::mcload} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale en
    ::msgcat::mcload msgdir
} {1}
test msgcat-5.2 {::msgcat::mcload} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale en_US
    ::msgcat::mcload msgdir
} {2}
test msgcat-5.3 {::msgcat::mcload} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale en_US_funky
    ::msgcat::mcload msgdir
} {3}

# Even though en_US_notexist does not exist,
# en_US and en should be loaded.

test msgcat-5.4 {::msgcat::mcload} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale en_US_notexist
    ::msgcat::mcload msgdir
} {2}
test msgcat-5.5 {::msgcat::mcload} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale no_FI_notexist
    ::msgcat::mcload msgdir
} {0}
test msgcat-5.6 {::msgcat::mcload} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale en
    ::msgcat::mc abc
} {abc-en}
test msgcat-5.7 {::msgcat::mcload} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale en_US
    ::msgcat::mc abc
} {abc-en_US}
test msgcat-5.8 {::msgcat::mcload} {
    ::msgcat::mclocale en_US_funky
    ::msgcat::mc abc
} {abc-en_US_funky}
test msgcat-5.9 {::msgcat::mcload} {
    rename ::msgcat::mcunknown oldproc
    proc ::msgcat::mcunknown {dom s} {
        return "unknown:$dom:$s"
    ::msgcat::mclocale no_FI_notexist
    set result [::msgcat::mc abc]
    rename ::msgcat::mcunknown {}
    rename oldproc ::msgcat::mcunknown
    set result
} {unknown:no_fi_notexist:abc}

# cleanup temp files
foreach l $locales {
    file delete [string tolower [file join msgdir $l.msg]]
# Clean out the msg catalogs
file delete msgdir

# Test mcset and mc, ensuring that resolution for messages
# proceeds from the current ns to its parent and so on to the 
# global ns.
# Do this for the 12 permutations of
#     locales: foo
#     namespaces: ::foo ::foo::bar ::foo::bar::baz
#     strings: {ov1 ov2 ov3 ov4}
#     namespace ::foo            defines ov1, ov2, ov3
#     namespace ::foo::bar       defines      ov2, ov3
#     namespace ::foo::bar::baz  defines           ov3
#     ov4 is not defined in any namespace.
# So,
#     ov3 should be resolved in ::foo::bar::baz, ::foo::bar, ::foo;
#     ov2 should be resolved in ::foo, ::foo::bar
#     ov1 should be resolved in ::foo
#     ov4 should be resolved in none, and call mcunknown

namespace eval ::foo {
    ::msgcat::mcset foo ov1 "ov1_foo"
    ::msgcat::mcset foo ov2 "ov2_foo"
    ::msgcat::mcset foo ov3 "ov3_foo"
namespace eval ::foo::bar {
    ::msgcat::mcset foo ov2 "ov2_foo_bar"
    ::msgcat::mcset foo ov3 "ov3_foo_bar"
namespace eval ::foo::bar::baz {
    ::msgcat::mcset foo ov3 "ov3_foo_bar_baz"
::msgcat::mclocale foo

# namespace ::foo
test msgcat-6.1 {::msgcat::mc, namespace resolution} {
    namespace eval ::foo {::msgcat::mc ov1}
} {ov1_foo}
test msgcat-6.2 {::msgcat::mc, namespace resolution} {
    namespace eval ::foo {::msgcat::mc ov2}
} {ov2_foo}
test msgcat-6.3 {::msgcat::mc, namespace resolution} {
    namespace eval ::foo {::msgcat::mc ov3}
} {ov3_foo}
test msgcat-6.4 {::msgcat::mc, namespace resolution} {
    namespace eval ::foo {::msgcat::mc ov4}
} {ov4}
# namespace ::foo::bar
test msgcat-6.5 {::msgcat::mc, namespace resolution} {
    namespace eval ::foo::bar {::msgcat::mc ov1}
} {ov1_foo}
test msgcat-6.6 {::msgcat::mc, namespace resolution} {
    namespace eval ::foo::bar {::msgcat::mc ov2}
} {ov2_foo_bar}
test msgcat-6.7 {::msgcat::mc, namespace resolution} {
    namespace eval ::foo::bar {::msgcat::mc ov3}
} {ov3_foo_bar}
test msgcat-6.8 {::msgcat::mc, namespace resolution} {
    namespace eval ::foo::bar {::msgcat::mc ov4}
} {ov4}
# namespace ::foo
test msgcat-6.9 {::msgcat::mc, namespace resolution} {
    namespace eval ::foo::bar::baz {::msgcat::mc ov1}
} {ov1_foo}
test msgcat-6.10 {::msgcat::mc, namespace resolution} {
    namespace eval ::foo::bar::baz {::msgcat::mc ov2}
} {ov2_foo_bar}
test msgcat-6.11 {::msgcat::mc, namespace resolution} {
    namespace eval ::foo::bar::baz {::msgcat::mc ov3}
} {ov3_foo_bar_baz}
test msgcat-6.12 {::msgcat::mc, namespace resolution} {
    namespace eval ::foo::bar::baz {::msgcat::mc ov4}
} {ov4}

namespace delete ::foo::bar::baz ::foo::bar ::foo

::msgcat::mclocale foo
::msgcat::mcset foo format1 "this is a test"
::msgcat::mcset foo format2 "this is a %s"
::msgcat::mcset foo format3 "this is a %s %s"

test msgcat-7.1 {::msgcat::mc, extra args go through to format} {
    ::msgcat::mc format1 "good test"
} "this is a test"
test msgcat-7.2 {::msgcat::mc, extra args go through to format} {
    ::msgcat::mc format2 "good test"
} "this is a good test"
test msgcat-7.3 {::msgcat::mc, errors from format are propagated} {
    catch {::msgcat::mc format3 "good test"}
} 1
test msgcat-7.4 {::msgcat::mc, extra args are given to unknown} {
    ::msgcat::mc "this is a %s" "good test"
} "this is a good test"

# Reset the locale
::msgcat::mclocale $oldlocale
