# Package covered:  opt1.0/optparse.tcl
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

# the package we are going to test
package require opt 0.4.6

# we are using implementation specifics to test the package

#### functions tests #####

set n $::tcl::OptDescN

test opt-1.1 {OptKeyRegister / check that auto allocation is skipping existing keys} {
    list [::tcl::OptKeyRegister {} $n] [::tcl::OptKeyRegister {} [expr $n+1]] [::tcl::OptKeyRegister {}]
} "$n [expr $n+1] [expr $n+2]"

test opt-2.1 {OptKeyDelete} {
    list [::tcl::OptKeyRegister {} testkey] \
	    [info exists ::tcl::OptDesc(testkey)] \
	    [::tcl::OptKeyDelete testkey] \
	    [info exists ::tcl::OptDesc(testkey)]
} {testkey 1 {} 0}

test opt-3.1 {OptParse / temp key is removed} {
    set n $::tcl::OptDescN
    set prev [array names ::tcl::OptDesc]
    ::tcl::OptKeyRegister {} $n
    list [info exists ::tcl::OptDesc($n)]\
	    [::tcl::OptKeyDelete $n]\
	    [::tcl::OptParse {{-foo}} {}]\
	    [info exists ::tcl::OptDesc($n)]\
	    [expr {"[lsort $prev]"=="[lsort [array names ::tcl::OptDesc]]"}]
} {1 {} {} 0 1}
test opt-3.2 {OptParse / temp key is removed even on errors} {
    set n $::tcl::OptDescN
    catch {::tcl::OptKeyDelete $n}
    list [catch {::tcl::OptParse {{-foo}} {-blah}}] \
	    [info exists ::tcl::OptDesc($n)]
} {1 0}

test opt-4.1 {OptProc} {
    ::tcl::OptProc optTest {} {}
    ::tcl::OptKeyDelete optTest
} {}

test opt-5.1 {OptProcArgGiven} {
    ::tcl::OptProc optTest {{-foo}} {
	if {[::tcl::OptProcArgGiven "-foo"]} {
	    return 1
	} else {
	    return 0
    list [optTest] [optTest -f] [optTest -F] [optTest -fOO]
} {0 1 1 1}

test opt-6.1 {OptKeyParse} {
    ::tcl::OptKeyRegister {} test
    list [catch {::tcl::OptKeyParse test {-help}} msg] $msg
} {1 {Usage information:
    Var/FlagName Type Value Help
    ------------ ---- ----- ----
    (-help                  gives this help)}}

test opt-7.1 {OptCheckType} {
    list \
	    [::tcl::OptCheckType 23 int] \
	    [::tcl::OptCheckType 23 float] \
	    [::tcl::OptCheckType true boolean] \
	    [::tcl::OptCheckType "-blah" any] \
	    [::tcl::OptCheckType {a b c} list] \
	    [::tcl::OptCheckType maYbe choice {yes maYbe no}] \
	    [catch {::tcl::OptCheckType "-blah" string}] \
	    [catch {::tcl::OptCheckType 6 boolean}] \
	    [catch {::tcl::OptCheckType x float}] \
	    [catch {::tcl::OptCheckType "a \{ c" list}] \
	    [catch {::tcl::OptCheckType 2.3 int}] \
	    [catch {::tcl::OptCheckType foo choice {x y Foo z}}]
} {23 23.0 1 -blah {a b c} maYbe 1 1 1 1 1 1}

test opt-8.1 {List utilities} {
    ::tcl::Lempty {}
} 1
test opt-8.2 {List utilities} {
    ::tcl::Lempty {a b c}
} 0
test opt-8.3 {List utilities} {
    ::tcl::Lget {a {b c d} e} {1 2}
} d
test opt-8.4 {List utilities} {
    set l {a {b c d e} f}
    ::tcl::Lvarset l {1 2} D
    set l
} {a {b c D e} f}
test opt-8.5 {List utilities} {
    set l {a b c}
    ::tcl::Lvarset1 l 6 X
    set l
} {a b c {} {} {} X}
test opt-8.6 {List utilities} {
    set l {a {b c 7 e} f}
    ::tcl::Lvarincr l {1 2}
    set l
} {a {b c 8 e} f}
test opt-8.7 {List utilities} {
    set l {a {b c 7 e} f}
    ::tcl::Lvarincr l {1 2} -9
    set l
} {a {b c -2 e} f}
# 8.8 and 8.9 missing?
test opt-8.10 {List utilities} {
    set l {a {b c 7 e} f}
    ::tcl::Lvarpop l
    set l
} {{b c 7 e} f}
test opt-8.11 {List utilities} {
    catch {unset x}
    set l {a {b c 7 e} f}
    list [::tcl::Lassign $l u v w x] \
	    $u $v $w [info exists x]
} {3 a {b c 7 e} f 0}

test opt-9.1 {Misc utilities} {
    catch {unset v}
    ::tcl::SetMax v 3
    ::tcl::SetMax v 7
    ::tcl::SetMax v 6
    set v
} 7
test opt-9.2 {Misc utilities} {
    catch {unset v}
    ::tcl::SetMin v 3
    ::tcl::SetMin v -7
    ::tcl::SetMin v 1
    set v
} -7

#### behaviour tests #####

test opt-10.1 {ambigous flags} {
    ::tcl::OptProc optTest {{-fla} {-other} {-flag2xyz} {-flag3xyz}} {}
    catch {optTest -fL} msg
    set msg
} {ambigous option "-fL", choose from:
    -fla      boolflag (false)
    -flag2xyz boolflag (false)
    -flag3xyz boolflag (false)}
test opt-10.2 {non ambigous flags} {
    ::tcl::OptProc optTest {{-flag1xyz} {-other} {-flag2xyz} {-flag3xyz}} {
	return $flag2xyz
    optTest -fLaG2
} 1
test opt-10.3 {non ambigous flags because of exact match} {
    ::tcl::OptProc optTest {{-flag1x} {-other} {-flag1} {-flag1xy}} {
	return $flag1
    optTest -flAg1
} 1
test opt-10.4 {ambigous flags, not exact match} {
    ::tcl::OptProc optTest {{-flag1xy} {-other} {-flag1} {-flag1xyz}} {
	return $flag1
    catch {optTest -fLag1X} msg
    set msg
} {ambigous option "-fLag1X", choose from:
    -flag1xy  boolflag (false)
    -flag1xyz boolflag (false)}

# medium size overall test example: (defined once)
::tcl::OptProc optTest {
    {cmd -choice {print save delete} "sub command to choose"}
    {-allowBoing -boolean true}
    {arg2 -string "this is help"}
    {?arg3? 7 "optional number"}
} {
    list $cmd $allowBoing $arg2 $arg3 $moreflags

test opt-10.5 {medium size overall test} {
    list [catch {optTest} msg] $msg
} {1 {no value given for parameter "cmd" (use -help for full usage) :
    cmd choice (print save delete) sub command to choose}}
test opt-10.6 {medium size overall test} {
    list [catch {optTest -help} msg] $msg
} {1 {Usage information:
    Var/FlagName Type     Value   Help
    ------------ ----     -----   ----
    (-help                        gives this help)
    cmd          choice   (print save delete) sub command to choose
    -allowBoing  boolean  (true)
    arg2         string   ()      this is help
    ?arg3?       int      (7)     optional number
    -moreflags   boolflag (false)}}
test opt-10.7 {medium size overall test} {
    optTest save tst
} {save 1 tst 7 0}
test opt-10.8 {medium size overall test} {
    optTest save -allowBoing false -- 8
} {save 0 8 7 0}
test opt-10.9 {medium size overall test} {
    optTest save tst -m --
} {save 1 tst 7 1}
test opt-10.10 {medium size overall test} {
    list [catch {optTest save tst foo} msg] [lindex [split $msg "\n"] 0]
} {1 {too many arguments (unexpected argument(s): foo), usage:}}

test opt-11.1 {too many args test 2} {
    set key [::tcl::OptKeyRegister {-foo}]
    list [catch {::tcl::OptKeyParse $key {-foo blah}} msg] $msg\
	    [::tcl::OptKeyDelete $key]
} {1 {too many arguments (unexpected argument(s): blah), usage:
    Var/FlagName Type     Value   Help
    ------------ ----     -----   ----
    (-help                        gives this help)
    -foo         boolflag (false)} {}}
test opt-11.2 {default value for args} {
    set args {}
    set key [::tcl::OptKeyRegister {{args -list {a b c} "args..."}}]
    ::tcl::OptKeyParse $key {}
    ::tcl::OptKeyDelete $key
    set args
} {a b c}

# cleanup