# process.test --
# This file contains a collection of tests for the tcl::process ensemble.
# Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for
# errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright © 2017 Frederic Bonnet
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
    package require tcltest 2.5
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

# Utilities
file delete [set path(test-signalfile)  [makeFile {} test-signalfile]]
set path(test-signalfile2) [makeFile {} test-signalfile2]
# $path(sleep) time ?filename? -- sleep for time (in ms) and stop if it gets signaled (file gets deleted)
set path(sleep) [makeFile {
    after [expr {[lindex $argv 0]*1000}] {set stop 1}
    if {[set fn [lindex $::argv 1]] ne ""} {
	close [open $fn w]
	proc check {} {
	    if {![file exists $::fn]} { # exit signaled
		after 10 {set ::stop 2}
	    after 10 check
	after 10 check
    vwait stop
} sleep]

proc wait_for_file {fn {timeout 10000}} {
    if {![file exists $fn]} {
	set toev [after $timeout {set found 0}]
	proc check {fn} {
	    if {[file exists $fn]} {
		set ::found 1
	    after 10 [list check $fn]
	after 10 [list check $fn]
	vwait ::found
	after cancel $toev
	unset ::found
    file exists $fn
proc signal_exit {fn {wait 1}} {
    # wait for until file created if expected:
    if {!$wait || [wait_for_file $fn]} {
	# delete file to signal exit for child-process:
	while {1} {
	    if {![catch { file delete $fn } msg opt]
		|| [lrange [dict get $opt -errorcode] 0 1] ne {POSIX EACCES}
	    } break

set path(exit) [makeFile {
    exit [lindex $argv 0]
} exit]

# Basic syntax checking
test process-1.1 {tcl::process command basic syntax} -returnCodes error -body {
} -result {wrong # args: should be "tcl::process subcommand ?arg ...?"}
test process-1.2 {tcl::process subcommands} -returnCodes error -body {
    tcl::process ?
} -match glob -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "?": must be autopurge, list, purge, or status}

# Autopurge flag
# - Default state
test process-2.1 {autopurge default} -body {
    tcl::process autopurge
} -result {1}
# - Enabling autopurge
test process-2.2 {enable autopurge} -body {
    tcl::process autopurge true
    tcl::process autopurge
} -result {1}
# - Disabling autopurge
test process-2.3 {disable autopurge} -body {
    tcl::process autopurge false
    tcl::process autopurge
} -result {0} -cleanup {tcl::process autopurge true}

# Subprocess list & status
test process-3.1 {empty subprocess list} -body {
    llength [tcl::process list]
} -result {0}
test process-3.2 {empty subprocess status} -body {
    dict size [tcl::process status]
} -result {0}

# Spawn subprocesses using [exec]
# - One child
test process-4.1 {exec one child} -body {
    tcl::process autopurge 0
    set pid [exec [interpreter] $path(exit) 0 &]
    set list [tcl::process list]
    set statuses [tcl::process status -wait]
    set status [lindex [tcl::process status $pid] 1]
    expr {
           [llength $list] eq 1
        && [lindex $list 0] eq $pid
        && [dict size $statuses] eq 1
        && [dict get $statuses $pid] eq $status
        && $status eq 0
} -result {1} -cleanup {
    tcl::process purge
    tcl::process autopurge 1
# - Two children
test process-4.2 {exec two children in parallel} -body {
    tcl::process autopurge 0
    set pid1 [exec [interpreter] $path(exit) 0 &]
    set pid2 [exec [interpreter] $path(exit) 0 &]
    set list [tcl::process list]
    set statuses [tcl::process status -wait]
    set status1 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid1] 1]
    set status2 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid2] 1]
    expr {
           [llength $list] eq 2
        && [lsearch $list $pid1] >= 0
        && [lsearch $list $pid2] >= 0
        && [dict size $statuses] eq 2
        && [dict get $statuses $pid1] eq $status1
        && [dict get $statuses $pid2] eq $status2
        && $status1 eq 0
        && $status2 eq 0
} -result {1} -cleanup {
    tcl::process purge
    tcl::process autopurge 1
# - 3-stage pipe
test process-4.3 {exec 3-stage pipe} -body {
    tcl::process autopurge 0
    set pids [exec \
          [interpreter] $path(exit) 0 \
        | [interpreter] $path(exit) 0 \
        | [interpreter] $path(exit) 0 \
    lassign $pids pid1 pid2 pid3
    set list [tcl::process list]
    set statuses [tcl::process status -wait]
    set status1 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid1] 1]
    set status2 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid2] 1]
    set status3 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid3] 1]
    expr {
           [llength $pids] eq 3
        && [llength $list] eq 3
        && [lsearch $list $pid1] >= 0
        && [lsearch $list $pid2] >= 0
        && [lsearch $list $pid3] >= 0
        && [dict size $statuses] eq 3
        && [dict get $statuses $pid1] eq $status1
        && [dict get $statuses $pid2] eq $status2
        && [dict get $statuses $pid3] eq $status3
        && $status1 eq 0
        && $status2 eq 0
        && $status3 eq 0
} -result {1} -cleanup {
    tcl::process purge
    tcl::process autopurge 1

# Spawn subprocesses using [open "|"]
# - One child
test process-5.1 {exec one child} -body {
    tcl::process autopurge 0
    set f [open "|\"[interpreter]\" \"$path(exit)\" 0"]
    set pid [pid $f]
    set list [tcl::process list]
    set statuses [tcl::process status -wait]
    set status [lindex [tcl::process status $pid] 1]
    expr {
           [llength $list] eq 1
        && [lindex $list 0] eq $pid
        && [dict size $statuses] eq 1
        && [dict get $statuses $pid] eq $status
        && $status eq 0
} -result {1} -cleanup {
    close $f
    tcl::process purge
    tcl::process autopurge 1
# - Two children
test process-5.2 {exec two children in parallel} -body {
    tcl::process autopurge 0
    set f1 [open "|\"[interpreter]\" \"$path(exit)\" 0"]
    set f2 [open "|\"[interpreter]\" \"$path(exit)\" 0"]
    set pid1 [pid $f1]
    set pid2 [pid $f2]
    set list [tcl::process list]
    set statuses [tcl::process status -wait]
    set status1 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid1] 1]
    set status2 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid2] 1]
    expr {
           [llength $list] eq 2
        && [lsearch $list $pid1] >= 0
        && [lsearch $list $pid2] >= 0
        && [dict size $statuses] eq 2
        && [dict get $statuses $pid1] eq $status1
        && [dict get $statuses $pid2] eq $status2
        && $status1 eq 0
        && $status2 eq 0
} -result {1} -cleanup {
    close $f1
    close $f2
    tcl::process purge
    tcl::process autopurge 1
# - 3-stage pipe
test process-5.3 {exec 3-stage pipe} -body {
    tcl::process autopurge 0
    set f [open "|
          \"[interpreter]\" \"$path(exit)\" 0
        | \"[interpreter]\" \"$path(exit)\" 0
        | \"[interpreter]\" \"$path(exit)\" 0
    set pids [pid $f]
    lassign $pids pid1 pid2 pid3
    set list [tcl::process list]
    set statuses [tcl::process status -wait]
    set status1 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid1] 1]
    set status2 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid2] 1]
    set status3 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid3] 1]
    expr {
           [llength $pids] eq 3
        && [llength $list] eq 3
        && [lsearch $list $pid1] >= 0
        && [lsearch $list $pid2] >= 0
        && [lsearch $list $pid3] >= 0
        && [dict size $statuses] eq 3
        && [dict get $statuses $pid1] eq $status1
        && [dict get $statuses $pid2] eq $status2
        && [dict get $statuses $pid3] eq $status3
        && $status1 eq 0
        && $status2 eq 0
        && $status3 eq 0
} -result {1} -cleanup {
    close $f
    tcl::process purge
    tcl::process autopurge 1

# Async child status
test process-6.1 {async status} -setup {
    signal_exit $path(test-signalfile) 0; # clean signal-file
} -body {
    tcl::process autopurge 0
    set pid [exec [interpreter] $path(sleep) 1 $path(test-signalfile) &]
    set status1 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid] 1]
    signal_exit $path(test-signalfile); # signal exit (stop sleep)
    set status2 [lindex [tcl::process status -wait $pid] 1]
    expr {
           $status1 eq {}
        && $status2 eq 0
} -result {1} -cleanup {
    tcl::process purge
    tcl::process autopurge 1
test process-6.2 {selective wait} -setup {
    signal_exit $path(test-signalfile)  0; # clean signal-files
    signal_exit $path(test-signalfile2) 0;
} -body {
    tcl::process autopurge 0
    # Child 1 sleeps 1s
    set pid1 [exec [interpreter] $path(sleep) 1 $path(test-signalfile) &]
    # Child 2 sleeps 1s
    set pid2 [exec [interpreter] $path(sleep) 2 $path(test-signalfile2) &]
    # Initial status
    set status1_1 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid1] 1]
    set status1_2 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid2] 1]
    # Wait until child 1 termination
    signal_exit $path(test-signalfile); # signal exit for pid1 (stop sleep)
    set status2_1 [lindex [tcl::process status -wait $pid1] 1]
    set status2_2 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid2] 1]
    # Wait until child 2 termination
    signal_exit $path(test-signalfile2); # signal exit for pid2 (stop sleep)
    set status3_2 [lindex [tcl::process status -wait $pid2] 1]
    set status3_1 [lindex [tcl::process status $pid1] 1]
    expr {
           $status1_1 eq {}
        && $status1_2 eq {}
        && $status2_1 eq 0
        && $status2_2 eq {}
        && $status3_1 eq 0
        && $status3_2 eq 0
} -result {1} -cleanup {
    tcl::process purge
    tcl::process autopurge 1

# Error codes
test process-7.1 {normal exit} -body {
    tcl::process autopurge 0
    set pid [exec [interpreter] $path(exit) 0 &]
    lindex [tcl::process status -wait $pid] 1
} -result {0} -cleanup {
    tcl::process purge
    tcl::process autopurge 1
test process-7.2 {abnormal exit} -body {
    tcl::process autopurge 0
    set pid [exec [interpreter] $path(exit) 1 &]
    lindex [tcl::process status -wait $pid] 1
} -match glob -result {1 {child process exited abnormally} {CHILDSTATUS * 1}} -cleanup {
    tcl::process purge
    tcl::process autopurge 1
test process-7.3 {child killed} -constraints {win} -body {
    tcl::process autopurge 0
    set pid [exec [interpreter] $path(exit) -1 &]
    lindex [tcl::process status -wait $pid] 1
} -match glob -result {1 {child killed: unknown signal} {CHILDKILLED * {unknown signal} {unknown signal}}} -cleanup {
    tcl::process purge
    tcl::process autopurge 1

removeFile $path(exit)
removeFile $path(sleep)

rename wait_for_file {}
rename signal_exit {}