# Commands covered:  rename
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl built-in
# commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output
# for errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest 2
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

catch [list package require -exact Tcltest [info patchlevel]]

testConstraint testdel [llength [info commands testdel]]

# Must eliminate the "unknown" command while the test is running, especially
# if the test is being run in a program with its own special-purpose unknown
# command.
catch {rename unknown unknown.old}
catch {rename r2 {}}
proc r1 {} {return "procedure r1"}
rename r1 r2

test rename-1.1 {simple renaming} {
} {procedure r1}
test rename-1.2 {simple renaming} {
    list [catch r1 msg] $msg
} {1 {invalid command name "r1"}}
rename r2 {}
test rename-1.3 {simple renaming} {
    list [catch r2 msg] $msg
} {1 {invalid command name "r2"}}

# The test below is tricky because it renames a built-in command. It's
# possible that the test procedure uses this command, so must restore the
# command before calling test again.
rename list l.new
set a [catch list msg1]
set b [l.new a b c]
rename l.new list
set c [catch l.new msg2]
set d [list 111 222]
test rename-2.1 {renaming built-in command} {
    list $a $msg1 $b $c $msg2 $d
} {1 {invalid command name "list"} {a b c} 1 {invalid command name "l.new"} {111 222}}

test rename-3.1 {error conditions} {
    list [catch {rename r1} msg] $msg $errorCode
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "rename oldName newName"} {TCL WRONGARGS}}
test rename-3.2 {error conditions} {
    list [catch {rename r1 r2 r3} msg] $msg $errorCode
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "rename oldName newName"} {TCL WRONGARGS}}
test rename-3.3 {error conditions} -setup {
    proc r1 {} {}
    proc r2 {} {}
} -returnCodes error -body {
    rename r1 r2
} -result {can't rename to "r2": command already exists}
test rename-3.4 {error conditions} -setup {
    catch {rename r1 {}}
    catch {rename r2 {}}
} -returnCodes error -body {
    rename r1 r2
} -result {can't rename "r1": command doesn't exist}
test rename-3.5 {error conditions} -setup {
    catch {rename _non_existent_command {}}
} -returnCodes error -body {
    rename _non_existent_command {}
} -result {can't delete "_non_existent_command": command doesn't exist}

catch {rename unknown {}}
catch {rename unknown.old unknown}
catch {rename bar {}}

test rename-4.1 {reentrancy issues with command deletion and renaming} testdel {
    set x {}
    testdel {} foo {lappend x deleted; rename bar {}; lappend x [info command bar]}
    rename foo bar
    lappend x |
    rename bar {}
    set x
} {| deleted {}}
test rename-4.2 {reentrancy issues with command deletion and renaming} testdel {
    set x {}
    testdel {} foo {lappend x deleted; rename foo bar}
    rename foo {}
    set x
} {deleted}
test rename-4.3 {reentrancy issues with command deletion and renaming} testdel {
    set x {}
    testdel {} foo {lappend x deleted; testdel {} foo {lappend x deleted2}}
    rename foo {}
    lappend x |
    rename foo {}
    set x
} {deleted | deleted2}
test rename-4.4 {reentrancy issues with command deletion and renaming} testdel {
    set x {}
    testdel {} foo {lappend x deleted; rename foo bar}
    rename foo {}
    lappend x | [info command bar]
} {deleted | {}}
test rename-4.5 {reentrancy issues with command deletion and renaming} testdel {
    set env(value) before
    interp create foo
    testdel foo cmd {set env(value) deleted}
    interp delete foo
    set env(value)
} {deleted}
test rename-4.6 {reentrancy issues with command deletion and renaming} testdel {
    proc kill args {
	interp delete foo
    set env(value) before
    interp create foo
    foo alias kill kill
    testdel foo cmd {set env(value) deleted; kill}
    list [catch {foo eval {rename cmd {}}} msg] $msg $env(value)
} {0 {} deleted}
test rename-4.7 {reentrancy issues with command deletion and renaming} testdel {
    proc kill args {
	interp delete foo
    set env(value) before
    interp create foo
    foo alias kill kill
    testdel foo cmd {set env(value) deleted; kill}
    list [catch {interp delete foo} msg] $msg $env(value)
} {0 {} deleted}
if {[info exists env(value)]} {
    unset env(value)

# Save the unknown procedure which is modified by the following test.

catch {rename unknown unknown.old}

set SAVED_UNKNOWN "proc unknown "
append SAVED_UNKNOWN [list [info args unknown.old] [info body unknown.old]]
test rename-5.1 {repeated rename deletion and redefinition of same command} {
    for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
        eval $SAVED_UNKNOWN
        tcl_wordBreakBefore "" 0
        rename tcl_wordBreakBefore {}
        rename unknown {}
} {}

catch {rename unknown {}}
catch {rename unknown.old unknown}

test rename-6.1 {old code invalidated (epoch incremented) when cmd with compile proc is renamed} -body {
    proc x {} {
        set a 123
        set b [incr a]
    rename incr incr.old
    proc incr {} {puts "new incr called!"}
} -cleanup {
    rename incr {}
    rename incr.old incr
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "incr"}
if {[info commands incr.old] != {}} {
    catch {rename incr {}}
    catch {rename incr.old incr}

# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# End: