# safe-zipfs.test --
# This file contains tests for safe Tcl that test its compatibility with the
# zipfs facilities introduced in Tcl 8.7.  Test numbering is for comparison
# with similar tests in safe.test that do not use the zipfs file system.
# Sourcing this file into tcl runs the tests and generates output for errors.
# No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright © 1995-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright © 1998-1999 Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

apply [list {} {
    global auto_path
    global tcl_library
    if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
        package require tcltest 2.5
        namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

    foreach i [interp children] {
        interp delete $i

    set SaveAutoPath $::auto_path
    set ::auto_path [info library]
    set TestsDir [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]]

    set ZipMountPoint [zipfs root]auto-files
    zipfs mount $ZipMountPoint [file join $TestsDir auto-files.zip]

    set PathMapp {}
    lappend PathMapp $tcl_library TCLLIB $TestsDir TESTSDIR $ZipMountPoint ZIPDIR

    proc mapList {map listIn} {
        set listOut {}
        foreach element $listIn {
            lappend listOut [string map $map $element]
        return $listOut
    proc mapAndSortList {map listIn} {
        set listOut {}
        foreach element $listIn {
            lappend listOut [string map $map $element]
        lsort $listOut

    # Force actual loading of the safe package because we use un-exported (and
    # thus un-autoindexed) APIs in this test result arguments:
    catch {safe::interpConfigure}

    testConstraint AutoSyncDefined 1
    # Tests 5.* test the example files before using them to test safe interpreters.

    test safe-zipfs-5.1 {example tclIndex commands, test in parent interpreter; zipfs} -setup {
        set tmpAutoPath $::auto_path
        lappend ::auto_path [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1] [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]
    } -body {
        # Try to load the commands.
        set code3 [catch report1 msg3]
        set code4 [catch report2 msg4]
        list $code3 $msg3 $code4 $msg4
    } -cleanup {
        catch {rename report1 {}}
        catch {rename report2 {}}
        set ::auto_path $tmpAutoPath
    } -match glob -result {0 ok1 0 ok2}
    test safe-zipfs-5.2 {example tclIndex commands, negative test in parent interpreter; zipfs} -setup {
        set tmpAutoPath $::auto_path
        lappend ::auto_path [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0]
    } -body {
        # Try to load the commands.
        set code3 [catch report1 msg3]
        set code4 [catch report2 msg4]
        list $code3 $msg3 $code4 $msg4
    } -cleanup {
        catch {rename report1 {}}
        catch {rename report2 {}}
        set ::auto_path $tmpAutoPath
    } -match glob -result {1 {invalid command name "report1"} 1 {invalid command name "report2"}}
    test safe-zipfs-5.3 {example pkgIndex.tcl packages, test in parent interpreter, child directories; zipfs} -setup {
        set tmpAutoPath $::auto_path
        lappend ::auto_path [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0]
    } -body {
        # Try to load the packages and run a command from each one.
        set code3 [catch {package require SafeTestPackage1} msg3]
        set code4 [catch {package require SafeTestPackage2} msg4]
        set code5 [catch HeresPackage1 msg5]
        set code6 [catch HeresPackage2 msg6]
        list $code3 $msg3 $code4 $msg4 $code5 $msg5 $code6 $msg6
    } -cleanup {
        set ::auto_path $tmpAutoPath
        catch {package forget SafeTestPackage1}
        catch {package forget SafeTestPackage2}
        catch {rename HeresPackage1 {}}
        catch {rename HeresPackage2 {}}
    } -match glob -result {0 1.2.3 0 2.3.4 0 OK1 0 OK2}
    test safe-zipfs-5.4 {example pkgIndex.tcl packages, test in parent interpreter, main directories; zipfs} -setup {
        set tmpAutoPath $::auto_path
        lappend ::auto_path [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]
    } -body {
        # Try to load the packages and run a command from each one.
        set code3 [catch {package require SafeTestPackage1} msg3]
        set code4 [catch {package require SafeTestPackage2} msg4]
        set code5 [catch HeresPackage1 msg5]
        set code6 [catch HeresPackage2 msg6]
        list $code3 $msg3 $code4 $msg4 $code5 $msg5 $code6 $msg6
    } -cleanup {
        set ::auto_path $tmpAutoPath
        catch {package forget SafeTestPackage1}
        catch {package forget SafeTestPackage2}
        catch {rename HeresPackage1 {}}
        catch {rename HeresPackage2 {}}
    } -match glob -result {0 1.2.3 0 2.3.4 0 OK1 0 OK2}
    test safe-zipfs-5.5 {example modules packages, test in parent interpreter, replace path; zipfs} -setup {
        set oldTm [tcl::tm::path list]
        foreach path $oldTm {
            tcl::tm::path remove $path
        tcl::tm::path add [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]
    } -body {
        # Try to load the modules and run a command from each one.
        set code0 [catch {package require test0} msg0]
        set code1 [catch {package require mod1::test1} msg1]
        set code2 [catch {package require mod2::test2} msg2]
        set out0  [test0::try0]
        set out1  [mod1::test1::try1]
        set out2  [mod2::test2::try2]
        list $code0 $msg0 $code1 $msg1 $code2 $msg2 -- $out0 $out1 $out2
    } -cleanup {
        tcl::tm::path remove [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]
        foreach path [lreverse $oldTm] {
            tcl::tm::path add $path
        catch {package forget test0}
        catch {package forget mod1::test1}
        catch {package forget mod2::test2}
        catch {namespace delete ::test0}
        catch {namespace delete ::mod1}
    } -match glob -result {0 0.5 0 1.0 0 2.0 -- res0 res1 res2}
    test safe-zipfs-5.6 {example modules packages, test in parent interpreter, append to path; zipfs} -setup {
        tcl::tm::path add [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]
    } -body {
        # Try to load the modules and run a command from each one.
        set code0 [catch {package require test0} msg0]
        set code1 [catch {package require mod1::test1} msg1]
        set code2 [catch {package require mod2::test2} msg2]
        set out0  [test0::try0]
        set out1  [mod1::test1::try1]
        set out2  [mod2::test2::try2]
        list $code0 $msg0 $code1 $msg1 $code2 $msg2 -- $out0 $out1 $out2
    } -cleanup {
        tcl::tm::path remove [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]
        catch {package forget test0}
        catch {package forget mod1::test1}
        catch {package forget mod2::test2}
        catch {namespace delete ::test0}
        catch {namespace delete ::mod1}
    } -match glob -result {0 0.5 0 1.0 0 2.0 -- res0 res1 res2}

    # high level general test
    # Use zipped example packages not http1.0 etc
    test safe-zipfs-7.1 {tests that everything works at high level with conventional AutoPathSync; zipfs} -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 1
        set tmpAutoPath $::auto_path
        lappend ::auto_path [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0]
        set i [safe::interpCreate]
        set ::auto_path $tmpAutoPath
    } -body {
        # no error shall occur:
        # (because the default access_path shall include 1st level sub dirs so
        #  package require in a child works like in the parent)
        set v [interp eval $i {package require SafeTestPackage1}]
        # no error shall occur:
        interp eval $i {HeresPackage1}
        set v
    } -cleanup {
        safe::interpDelete $i
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result 1.2.3
    test safe-zipfs-7.2 {tests specific path and interpFind/AddToAccessPath with conventional AutoPathSync; zipfs} -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 1
        } else {
            set SyncVal_TMP 1
    } -body {
        set i [safe::interpCreate -nostat -nested 1 -accessPath [list [info library]]]
        # should not add anything (p0)
        set token1 [safe::interpAddToAccessPath $i [info library]]
        # should add as p* (not p1 if parent has a module path)
        set token2 [safe::interpAddToAccessPath $i "/dummy/unixlike/test/path"]
        # should add as p* (not p2 if parent has a module path)
        set token3 [safe::interpAddToAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0]]
        set confA [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set mappA [mapList $PathMapp [dict get $confA -accessPath]]
        # an error shall occur (SafeTestPackage1 is not anymore in the secure 0-level
        # provided deep path)
        list $token1 $token2 $token3 --  [catch {interp eval $i {package require SafeTestPackage1}} msg] $msg --  $mappA -- [safe::interpDelete $i]
    } -cleanup {
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result {{$p(:0:)} {$p(:*:)} {$p(:*:)} -- 1 {can't find package SafeTestPackage1} -- {TCLLIB */dummy/unixlike/test/path ZIPDIR/auto0} -- {}}
    test safe-zipfs-7.4 {tests specific path and positive search with conventional AutoPathSync; zipfs} -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 1
        } else {
            set SyncVal_TMP 1
    } -body {
        set i [safe::interpCreate -nostat -nested 1 -accessPath [list [info library]]]
        # should not add anything (p0)
        set token1 [safe::interpAddToAccessPath $i [info library]]
        # should add as p* (not p1 if parent has a module path)
        set token2 [safe::interpAddToAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]
        set confA [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set mappA [mapList $PathMapp [dict get $confA -accessPath]]
        # this time, unlike test safe-zipfs-7.2, SafeTestPackage1 should be found
        list $token1 $token2 --  [catch {interp eval $i {package require SafeTestPackage1}} msg] $msg --  $mappA -- [safe::interpDelete $i]
        # Note that the glob match elides directories (those from the module path)
        # other than the first and last in the access path.
    } -cleanup {
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result {{$p(:0:)} {$p(:*:)} -- 0 1.2.3 -- {TCLLIB * ZIPDIR/auto0/auto1} -- {}}

    test safe-zipfs-9.9 {interpConfigure change the access path; tclIndex commands unaffected by token rearrangement (dummy test of doreset) with conventional AutoPathSync; zipfs} -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 1
    } -body {
        set i [safe::interpCreate -accessPath [list $tcl_library  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]]
        # Inspect.
        set confA [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set mappA [mapList $PathMapp [dict get $confA -accessPath]]
        set path1 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]
        set path2 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]

        # Load auto_load data.
        interp eval $i {catch nonExistentCommand}

        # Load and run the commands.
        # This guarantees the test will pass even if the tokens are swapped.
        set code1 [catch {interp eval $i {report1}} msg1]
        set code2 [catch {interp eval $i {report2}} msg2]

        # Rearrange access path.  Swap tokens {$p(:1:)} and {$p(:2:)}.
        safe::interpConfigure $i -accessPath [list $tcl_library  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]
        # Inspect.
        set confB [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set mappB [mapList $PathMapp [dict get $confB -accessPath]]
        set path3 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]
        set path4 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]

        # Run the commands.
        set code3 [catch {interp eval $i {report1}} msg3]
        set code4 [catch {interp eval $i {report2}} msg4]

        list $path1 $path2 -- $path3 $path4 -- $code3 $msg3 $code4 $msg4 -- $mappA -- $mappB
    } -cleanup {
        safe::interpDelete $i
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result {{$p(:1:)} {$p(:2:)} -- {$p(:2:)} {$p(:1:)} -- 0 ok1 0 ok2 -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/auto1 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto2*} -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/auto2 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto1*}}
    test safe-zipfs-9.10 {interpConfigure change the access path; tclIndex commands unaffected by token rearrangement (actual test of doreset) with conventional AutoPathSync; zipfs} -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 1
    } -body {
        set i [safe::interpCreate -accessPath [list $tcl_library  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]]
        # Inspect.
        set confA [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set mappA [mapList $PathMapp [dict get $confA -accessPath]]
        set path1 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]
        set path2 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]

        # Load auto_load data.
        interp eval $i {catch nonExistentCommand}

        # Do not load the commands.  With the tokens swapped, the test
        # will pass only if the Safe Base has called auto_reset.

        # Rearrange access path.  Swap tokens {$p(:1:)} and {$p(:2:)}.
        safe::interpConfigure $i -accessPath [list $tcl_library  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]
        # Inspect.
        set confB [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set mappB [mapList $PathMapp [dict get $confB -accessPath]]
        set path3 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]
        set path4 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]

        # Load and run the commands.
        set code3 [catch {interp eval $i {report1}} msg3]
        set code4 [catch {interp eval $i {report2}} msg4]

        list $path1 $path2 -- $path3 $path4 -- $code3 $msg3 $code4 $msg4 -- $mappA -- $mappB
    } -cleanup {
        safe::interpDelete $i
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result {{$p(:1:)} {$p(:2:)} -- {$p(:2:)} {$p(:1:)} -- 0 ok1 0 ok2 -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/auto1 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto2*} -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/auto2 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto1*}}
    test safe-zipfs-9.11 {interpConfigure change the access path; pkgIndex.tcl packages unaffected by token rearrangement with conventional AutoPathSync; zipfs} -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 1
    } -body {
        # For complete correspondence to safe-stock-9.11, include auto0 in access path.
        set i [safe::interpCreate -accessPath [list $tcl_library  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]]
        # Inspect.
        set confA [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set mappA [mapList $PathMapp [dict get $confA -accessPath]]
        set path0 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0]]
        set path1 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]
        set path2 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]

        # Load pkgIndex.tcl data.
        catch {interp eval $i {package require NOEXIST}}

        # Rearrange access path.  Swap tokens {$p(:2:)} and {$p(:3:)}.
        # This would have no effect because the records in Pkg of these directories
        # were from access as children of {$p(:1:)}.
        safe::interpConfigure $i -accessPath [list $tcl_library  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]
        # Inspect.
        set confB [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set mappB [mapList $PathMapp [dict get $confB -accessPath]]
        set path3 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]
        set path4 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]

        # Try to load the packages and run a command from each one.
        set code3 [catch {interp eval $i {package require SafeTestPackage1}} msg3 opts3]
        set code4 [catch {interp eval $i {package require SafeTestPackage2}} msg4 opts4]
        set code5 [catch {interp eval $i {HeresPackage1}} msg5 opts5]
        set code6 [catch {interp eval $i {HeresPackage2}} msg6 opts6]

        list $path1 $path2 -- $path3 $path4 -- $code3 $msg3 $code4 $msg4 --  $mappA -- $mappB -- $code5 $msg5 $code6 $msg6
    } -cleanup {
        safe::interpDelete $i
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result {{$p(:2:)} {$p(:3:)} -- {$p(:3:)} {$p(:2:)} -- 0 1.2.3 0 2.3.4 -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto1 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto2*} -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto2 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto1*} -- 0 OK1 0 OK2}
    test safe-zipfs-9.12 {interpConfigure change the access path; pkgIndex.tcl packages unaffected by token rearrangement, 9.10 without path auto0 with conventional AutoPathSync; zipfs} -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 1
    } -body {
        set i [safe::interpCreate -accessPath [list $tcl_library  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]]
        # Inspect.
        set confA [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set mappA [mapList $PathMapp [dict get $confA -accessPath]]
        set path1 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]
        set path2 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]

        # Load pkgIndex.tcl data.
        catch {interp eval $i {package require NOEXIST}}

        # Rearrange access path.  Swap tokens {$p(:1:)} and {$p(:2:)}.
        safe::interpConfigure $i -accessPath [list $tcl_library  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]
        # Inspect.
        set confB [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set mappB [mapList $PathMapp [dict get $confB -accessPath]]
        set path3 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]
        set path4 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]

        # Try to load the packages and run a command from each one.
        set code3 [catch {interp eval $i {package require SafeTestPackage1}} msg3 opts3]
        set code4 [catch {interp eval $i {package require SafeTestPackage2}} msg4 opts4]
        set code5 [catch {interp eval $i {HeresPackage1}} msg5 opts5]
        set code6 [catch {interp eval $i {HeresPackage2}} msg6 opts6]

        list $path1 $path2 -- $path3 $path4 -- $code3 $msg3 $code4 $msg4 --  $mappA -- $mappB -- $code5 $msg5 $code6 $msg6
    } -cleanup {
        safe::interpDelete $i
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result {{$p(:1:)} {$p(:2:)} -- {$p(:2:)} {$p(:1:)} -- 0 1.2.3 0 2.3.4 -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/auto1 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto2*} -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/auto2 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto1*} -- 0 OK1 0 OK2}
    test safe-zipfs-9.13 {interpConfigure change the access path; pkgIndex.tcl packages fail if directory de-listed, with conventional AutoPathSync; zipfs} -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 1
    } -body {
        set i [safe::interpCreate -accessPath [list $tcl_library  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]]
        # Inspect.
        set confA [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set mappA [mapList $PathMapp [dict get $confA -accessPath]]
        set path1 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]
        set path2 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]

        # Load pkgIndex.tcl data.
        catch {interp eval $i {package require NOEXIST}}

        # Limit access path.  Remove tokens {$p(:1:)} and {$p(:2:)}.
        safe::interpConfigure $i -accessPath [list $tcl_library]

        # Inspect.
        set confB [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set mappB [mapList $PathMapp [dict get $confB -accessPath]]
        set code4 [catch {::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]} path4]
        set code5 [catch {::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]} path5]

        # Try to load the packages.
        set code3 [catch {interp eval $i {package require SafeTestPackage1}} msg3]
        set code6 [catch {interp eval $i {package require SafeTestPackage2}} msg6]

        list $path1 $path2 -- $code4 $path4 -- $code5 $path5 -- $code3 $code6 --  $mappA -- $mappB
    } -cleanup {
        safe::interpDelete $i
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result {{$p(:1:)} {$p(:2:)} -- 1 {* not found in access path} -- 1 {* not found in access path} -- 1 1 -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/auto1 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto2*} -- {TCLLIB*}}
    test safe-zipfs-9.20 {check module loading, with conventional AutoPathSync; zipfs} -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 1
        set oldTm [tcl::tm::path list]
        foreach path $oldTm {
            tcl::tm::path remove $path
        tcl::tm::path add [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]
    } -body {
        set i [safe::interpCreate -accessPath [list $tcl_library]]

        # Inspect.
        set confA [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set sortA [mapAndSortList $PathMapp [dict get $confA -accessPath]]
        set modsA [interp eval $i {tcl::tm::path list}]
        set path0 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]]
        set path1 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod1]]
        set path2 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod2]]

        # Try to load the packages and run a command from each one.
        set code0 [catch {interp eval $i {package require test0}} msg0]
        set code1 [catch {interp eval $i {package require mod1::test1}} msg1]
        set code2 [catch {interp eval $i {package require mod2::test2}} msg2]
        set out0  [interp eval $i {test0::try0}]
        set out1  [interp eval $i {mod1::test1::try1}]
        set out2  [interp eval $i {mod2::test2::try2}]

        list [lsort [list $path0 $path1 $path2]] -- $modsA --  $code0 $msg0 $code1 $msg1 $code2 $msg2 -- $sortA -- $out0 $out1 $out2
    } -cleanup {
        tcl::tm::path remove [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]
        foreach path [lreverse $oldTm] {
            tcl::tm::path add $path
        safe::interpDelete $i
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result {{{$p(:1:)} {$p(:2:)} {$p(:3:)}} -- {{$p(:1:)}} -- 0 0.5 0 1.0 0 2.0 -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/modules ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod1 ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod2} -- res0 res1 res2}
    # - The command safe::InterpSetConfig adds the parent's [tcl::tm::list] in
    #   tokenized form to the child's access path, and then adds all the
    #   descendants, discovered recursively by using glob.
    # - The order of the directories in the list returned by glob is system-dependent,
    #   and therefore this is true also for (a) the order of token assignment to
    #   descendants of the [tcl::tm::list] roots; and (b) the order of those same
    #   directories in the access path.  Both those things must be sorted before
    #   comparing with expected results.  The test is therefore not totally strict,
    #   but will notice missing or surplus directories.
    test safe-zipfs-9.21 {interpConfigure change the access path; check module loading, with conventional AutoPathSync; stale data case 1; zipfs} -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 1
        set oldTm [tcl::tm::path list]
        foreach path $oldTm {
            tcl::tm::path remove $path
        tcl::tm::path add [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]
    } -body {
        set i [safe::interpCreate -accessPath [list $tcl_library]]

        # Inspect.
        set confA [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set sortA [mapAndSortList $PathMapp [dict get $confA -accessPath]]
        set modsA [interp eval $i {tcl::tm::path list}]
        set path0 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]]
        set path1 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod1]]
        set path2 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod2]]

        # Add to access path.
        # This injects more tokens, pushing modules to higher token numbers.
        safe::interpConfigure $i -accessPath [list $tcl_library  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]
        # Inspect.
        set confB [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set sortB [mapAndSortList $PathMapp [dict get $confB -accessPath]]
        set modsB [interp eval $i {tcl::tm::path list}]
        set path3 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]]
        set path4 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod1]]
        set path5 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod2]]

        # Load pkg data.
        catch {interp eval $i {package require NOEXIST}}
        catch {interp eval $i {package require mod1::NOEXIST}}
        catch {interp eval $i {package require mod2::NOEXIST}}

        # Try to load the packages and run a command from each one.
        set code0 [catch {interp eval $i {package require test0}} msg0]
        set code1 [catch {interp eval $i {package require mod1::test1}} msg1]
        set code2 [catch {interp eval $i {package require mod2::test2}} msg2]
        set out0  [interp eval $i {test0::try0}]
        set out1  [interp eval $i {mod1::test1::try1}]
        set out2  [interp eval $i {mod2::test2::try2}]

        list [lsort [list $path0 $path1 $path2]] -- $modsA --  [lsort [list $path3 $path4 $path5]] -- $modsB --  $code0 $msg0 $code1 $msg1 $code2 $msg2 -- $sortA -- $sortB --  $out0 $out1 $out2
    } -cleanup {
        tcl::tm::path remove [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]
        foreach path [lreverse $oldTm] {
            tcl::tm::path add $path
        safe::interpDelete $i
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result {{{$p(:1:)} {$p(:2:)} {$p(:3:)}} -- {{$p(:1:)}} -- {{$p(:3:)} {$p(:4:)} {$p(:5:)}} -- {{$p(:3:)}} -- 0 0.5 0 1.0 0 2.0 -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/modules ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod1 ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod2} -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/auto1 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto2 ZIPDIR/auto0/modules ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod1 ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod2} -- res0 res1 res2}
    # See comments on lsort after test safe-zipfs-9.20.
    test safe-zipfs-9.22 {interpConfigure change the access path; check module loading, with conventional AutoPathSync; stale data case 0; zipfs} -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 1
        set oldTm [tcl::tm::path list]
        foreach path $oldTm {
            tcl::tm::path remove $path
        tcl::tm::path add [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]
    } -body {
        set i [safe::interpCreate -accessPath [list $tcl_library]]

        # Inspect.
        set confA [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set sortA [mapAndSortList $PathMapp [dict get $confA -accessPath]]
        set modsA [interp eval $i {tcl::tm::path list}]
        set path0 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]]
        set path1 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod1]]
        set path2 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod2]]

        # Add to access path.
        # This injects more tokens, pushing modules to higher token numbers.
        safe::interpConfigure $i -accessPath [list $tcl_library  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]
        # Inspect.
        set confB [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set sortB [mapAndSortList $PathMapp [dict get $confB -accessPath]]
        set modsB [interp eval $i {tcl::tm::path list}]
        set path3 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]]
        set path4 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod1]]
        set path5 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod2]]

        # Try to load the packages and run a command from each one.
        set code0 [catch {interp eval $i {package require test0}} msg0]
        set code1 [catch {interp eval $i {package require mod1::test1}} msg1]
        set code2 [catch {interp eval $i {package require mod2::test2}} msg2]
        set out0  [interp eval $i {test0::try0}]
        set out1  [interp eval $i {mod1::test1::try1}]
        set out2  [interp eval $i {mod2::test2::try2}]

        list [lsort [list $path0 $path1 $path2]] -- $modsA --  [lsort [list $path3 $path4 $path5]] -- $modsB --  $code0 $msg0 $code1 $msg1 $code2 $msg2 -- $sortA -- $sortB --  $out0 $out1 $out2
    } -cleanup {
        tcl::tm::path remove [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]
        foreach path [lreverse $oldTm] {
            tcl::tm::path add $path
        safe::interpDelete $i
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result {{{$p(:1:)} {$p(:2:)} {$p(:3:)}} -- {{$p(:1:)}} -- {{$p(:3:)} {$p(:4:)} {$p(:5:)}} -- {{$p(:3:)}} -- 0 0.5 0 1.0 0 2.0 -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/modules ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod1 ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod2} -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/auto1 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto2 ZIPDIR/auto0/modules ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod1 ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod2} -- res0 res1 res2}
    # See comments on lsort after test safe-zipfs-9.20.
    test safe-zipfs-9.23 {interpConfigure change the access path; check module loading, with conventional AutoPathSync; stale data case 3; zipfs} -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 1
        set oldTm [tcl::tm::path list]
        foreach path $oldTm {
            tcl::tm::path remove $path
        tcl::tm::path add [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]
    } -body {
        set i [safe::interpCreate -accessPath [list $tcl_library]]

        # Inspect.
        set confA [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set sortA [mapAndSortList $PathMapp [dict get $confA -accessPath]]
        set modsA [interp eval $i {tcl::tm::path list}]
        set path0 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]]
        set path1 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod1]]
        set path2 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod2]]

        # Force the interpreter to acquire pkg data which will soon become stale.
        catch {interp eval $i {package require NOEXIST}}
        catch {interp eval $i {package require mod1::NOEXIST}}
        catch {interp eval $i {package require mod2::NOEXIST}}

        # Add to access path.
        # This injects more tokens, pushing modules to higher token numbers.
        safe::interpConfigure $i -accessPath [list $tcl_library  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]
        # Inspect.
        set confB [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set sortB [mapAndSortList $PathMapp [dict get $confB -accessPath]]
        set modsB [interp eval $i {tcl::tm::path list}]
        set path3 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]]
        set path4 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod1]]
        set path5 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod2]]

        # Refresh stale pkg data.
        catch {interp eval $i {package require NOEXIST}}
        catch {interp eval $i {package require mod1::NOEXIST}}
        catch {interp eval $i {package require mod2::NOEXIST}}

        # Try to load the packages and run a command from each one.
        set code0 [catch {interp eval $i {package require test0}} msg0]
        set code1 [catch {interp eval $i {package require mod1::test1}} msg1]
        set code2 [catch {interp eval $i {package require mod2::test2}} msg2]
        set out0  [interp eval $i {test0::try0}]
        set out1  [interp eval $i {mod1::test1::try1}]
        set out2  [interp eval $i {mod2::test2::try2}]

        list [lsort [list $path0 $path1 $path2]] -- $modsA --  [lsort [list $path3 $path4 $path5]] -- $modsB --  $code0 $msg0 $code1 $msg1 $code2 $msg2 -- $sortA -- $sortB --  $out0 $out1 $out2
    } -cleanup {
        tcl::tm::path remove [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]
        foreach path [lreverse $oldTm] {
            tcl::tm::path add $path
        safe::interpDelete $i
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result {{{$p(:1:)} {$p(:2:)} {$p(:3:)}} -- {{$p(:1:)}} -- {{$p(:3:)} {$p(:4:)} {$p(:5:)}} -- {{$p(:3:)}} -- 0 0.5 0 1.0 0 2.0 -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/modules ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod1 ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod2} -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/auto1 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto2 ZIPDIR/auto0/modules ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod1 ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod2} -- res0 res1 res2}
    # See comments on lsort after test safe-zipfs-9.20.
    test safe-zipfs-9.24 {interpConfigure change the access path; check module loading, with conventional AutoPathSync; stale data case 2 (worst case); zipfs} -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 1
        set oldTm [tcl::tm::path list]
        foreach path $oldTm {
            tcl::tm::path remove $path
        tcl::tm::path add [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]
    } -body {
        set i [safe::interpCreate -accessPath [list $tcl_library]]

        # Inspect.
        set confA [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set sortA [mapAndSortList $PathMapp [dict get $confA -accessPath]]
        set modsA [interp eval $i {tcl::tm::path list}]
        set path0 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]]
        set path1 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod1]]
        set path2 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod2]]

        # Force the interpreter to acquire pkg data which will soon become stale.
        catch {interp eval $i {package require NOEXIST}}
        catch {interp eval $i {package require mod1::NOEXIST}}
        catch {interp eval $i {package require mod2::NOEXIST}}

        # Add to access path.
        # This injects more tokens, pushing modules to higher token numbers.
        safe::interpConfigure $i -accessPath [list $tcl_library  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]  [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto2]]
        # Inspect.
        set confB [safe::interpConfigure $i]
        set sortB [mapAndSortList $PathMapp [dict get $confB -accessPath]]
        set modsB [interp eval $i {tcl::tm::path list}]
        set path3 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]]
        set path4 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod1]]
        set path5 [::safe::interpFindInAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules mod2]]

        # Try to load the packages and run a command from each one.
        set code0 [catch {interp eval $i {package require test0}} msg0]
        set code1 [catch {interp eval $i {package require mod1::test1}} msg1]
        set code2 [catch {interp eval $i {package require mod2::test2}} msg2]
        set out0  [interp eval $i {test0::try0}]
        set out1  [interp eval $i {mod1::test1::try1}]
        set out2  [interp eval $i {mod2::test2::try2}]

        list [lsort [list $path0 $path1 $path2]] -- $modsA --  [lsort [list $path3 $path4 $path5]] -- $modsB --  $code0 $msg0 $code1 $msg1 $code2 $msg2 -- $sortA -- $sortB --  $out0 $out1 $out2
    } -cleanup {
        tcl::tm::path remove [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 modules]
        foreach path [lreverse $oldTm] {
            tcl::tm::path add $path
        safe::interpDelete $i
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result {{{$p(:1:)} {$p(:2:)} {$p(:3:)}} -- {{$p(:1:)}} -- {{$p(:3:)} {$p(:4:)} {$p(:5:)}} -- {{$p(:3:)}} -- 0 0.5 0 1.0 0 2.0 -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/modules ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod1 ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod2} -- {TCLLIB ZIPDIR/auto0/auto1 ZIPDIR/auto0/auto2 ZIPDIR/auto0/modules ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod1 ZIPDIR/auto0/modules/mod2} -- res0 res1 res2}
    # See comments on lsort after test safe-zipfs-9.20.

    test safe-zipfs-18.1 {cf. safe-zipfs-7.1 - tests that everything works at high level without conventional AutoPathSync; zipfs} -constraints AutoSyncDefined -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 0
        } else {
            error {This test is meaningful only if the command ::safe::setSyncMode is defined}
        # Without AutoPathSync, we need a more complete auto_path,
        # because the child will use the same value.
        set lib1        [info library]
        set lib2        [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0]
        set ::auto_TMP  $::auto_path
        set ::auto_path [list $lib1 $lib2]

        set i [safe::interpCreate]
        set ::auto_path $::auto_TMP
    } -body {
        # no error shall occur:
        # (because the default access_path shall include 1st level sub dirs so
        #  package require in a child works like in the parent)
        set v [interp eval $i {package require SafeTestPackage1}]
        # no error shall occur:
        interp eval $i HeresPackage1
        set v
    } -cleanup {
        safe::interpDelete $i
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result 1.2.3
    test safe-zipfs-18.2 {cf. safe-zipfs-7.2 - tests specific path and interpFind/AddToAccessPath without conventional AutoPathSync; zipfs} -constraints AutoSyncDefined -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 0
        } else {
            error {This test is meaningful only if the command ::safe::setSyncMode is defined}
    } -body {
        set i [safe::interpCreate -nostat -nested 1 -accessPath [list [info library]]]
        set auto1 [interp eval $i {set ::auto_path}]
        interp eval $i {set ::auto_path [list {$p(:0:)}]}
        # should not add anything (p0)
        set token1 [safe::interpAddToAccessPath $i [info library]]
        # should add as p* (not p1 if parent has a module path)
        set token2 [safe::interpAddToAccessPath $i "/dummy/unixlike/test/path"]
        # should add as p* (not p2 if parent has a module path)
        set token3 [safe::interpAddToAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0]]
        # an error shall occur (SafeTestPackage1 is not anymore in the secure 0-level
        # provided deep path)
        list $auto1 $token1 $token2 $token3  [catch {interp eval $i {package require SafeTestPackage1}} msg] $msg  [safe::interpConfigure $i] [safe::interpDelete $i]
    } -cleanup {
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result "{} {\$p(:0:)} {\$p(:*:)} {\$p(:*:)} 1 {can't find package SafeTestPackage1} {-accessPath {[list $tcl_library  */dummy/unixlike/test/path  $ZipMountPoint/auto0]} -statics 0 -nested 1 -deleteHook {} -autoPath {}} {}"
    test safe-zipfs-18.4 {cf. safe-zipfs-7.4 - tests specific path and positive search and auto_path without conventional AutoPathSync; zipfs} -constraints AutoSyncDefined -setup {
        set SyncExists [expr {[info commands ::safe::setSyncMode] ne {}}]
        if {$SyncExists} {
            set SyncVal_TMP [safe::setSyncMode]
            safe::setSyncMode 0
        } else {
            error {This test is meaningful only if the command ::safe::setSyncMode is defined}
    } -body {
        set i [safe::interpCreate -nostat -nested 1 -accessPath [list [info library]]]

        # should not have been set by Safe Base:
        set auto1 [interp eval $i {set ::auto_path}]

        # This will differ from the value -autoPath {}
        interp eval $i {set ::auto_path [list {$p(:0:)}]}

        # should not add anything (p0)
        set token1 [safe::interpAddToAccessPath $i [info library]]

        # should add as p* (not p1 if parent has a module path)
        set token2 [safe::interpAddToAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0]]

        # should add as p* (not p2 if parent has a module path)
        set token3 [safe::interpAddToAccessPath $i [file join $ZipMountPoint auto0 auto1]]

        # should not have been changed by Safe Base:
        set auto2 [interp eval $i {set ::auto_path}]

        # This will differ from the value -autoPath {}
        set auto3 [interp eval $i [list set ::auto_path [list {$p(:0:)} $token2]]]

        # This time, unlike test safe-zipfs-18.2 and the try above, SafeTestPackage1 should be found:
        list $auto1 $auto2 $token1 $token2 $token3  [catch {interp eval $i {package require SafeTestPackage1}} msg] $msg  [safe::interpConfigure $i] [safe::interpDelete $i]
    } -cleanup {
        if {$SyncExists} {
            safe::setSyncMode $SyncVal_TMP
    } -match glob -result "{} {{\$p(:0:)}} {\$p(:0:)} {\$p(:*:)} {\$p(:*:)} 0 1.2.3 {-accessPath {[list $tcl_library *$ZipMountPoint/auto0 $ZipMountPoint/auto0/auto1]} -statics 0 -nested 1 -deleteHook {} -autoPath {}} {}"
    # cleanup
    set ::auto_path $SaveAutoPath
    zipfs unmount ${ZipMountPoint}
    unset SaveAutoPath TestsDir ZipMountPoint PathMapp
    rename mapList {}
    rename mapAndSortList {}
} [namespace current]]

# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# End: