# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation. 
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Ajuba Solutions
# All rights reserved.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: tcltest.test,v 1.14 2001/05/22 00:52:13 hobbs Exp $

set tcltestVersion [package require tcltest]
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

if {[package vcompare $tcltestVersion 1.0] < 1} {
    puts "Tests require that version 2.0 of tcltest be loaded."
    puts "$tcltestVersion was loaded instead - tests will be skipped."

makeFile {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
    test a-1.0 {test a} {
	list 0
    } {0}
    test b-1.0 {test b} {
	list 1
    } {0}
    test c-1.0 {test c} {knownBug} {
    } {}
    test d-1.0 {test d} {
	error "foo" foo 9
    } {}
} test.tcl

# test -help
test tcltest-1.1 {tcltest -help} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -help} msg]
    set result [catch {runCmd $cmd}]
    list $result [regexp Usage $msg]
} {1 1} 
test tcltest-1.2 {tcltest -help -something} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -help -something} msg]
    list $result [regexp Usage $msg]
} {1 1}
test tcltest-1.3 {tcltest -h} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -h} msg]
    list $result [regexp Usage $msg]
} {0 0} 

# -verbose, implicit & explicit testing of tcltest::verbose
test tcltest-2.0 {tcltest (verbose default - 'b')} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl} msg]
    list $result [regexp "Contents of test case" $msg] [regexp a-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
} {0 1 0 0 1}
test tcltest-2.1 {tcltest -verbose 'b'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -verbose 'b'} msg]
    list $result [regexp "Contents of test case" $msg] [regexp a-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
} {0 1 0 0 1}
test tcltest-2.2 {tcltest -verbose 'p'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -verbose 'p'} msg]
    list $result [regexp "Contents of test case" $msg] [regexp a-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
} {0 0 1 0 1}
test tcltest-2.3 {tcltest -verbose 's'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -verbose 's'} msg]
    list $result [regexp "Contents of test case" $msg] [regexp a-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
} {0 0 0 1 1}
test tcltest-2.4 {tcltest -verbose 'ps'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -verbose 'ps'} msg]
    list $result [regexp "Contents of test case" $msg] [regexp a-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
} {0 0 1 1 1}
test tcltest-2.5 {tcltest -verbose 'psb'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -verbose 'psb'} msg]
    list $result [regexp "Contents of test case" $msg] [regexp a-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
} {0 1 1 1 1}

test tcltest-2.5a {tcltest -verbose 'pass skip body'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -verbose "pass skip body"} msg]
    list $result [regexp "Contents of test case" $msg] [regexp a-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
} {0 1 1 1 1}

test tcltest-2.6 {tcltest -verbose 't'}  {
    -constraints {unixOrPc} 
    -body {
	set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -verbose 't'} msg]
	list $result $msg
    -result {^0 .*a-1.0 start.*b-1.0 start}
    -match regexp

test tcltest-2.6a {tcltest -verbose 'start'}  {
    -constraints {unixOrPc} 
    -body {
	set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -verbose start} msg]
	list $result $msg
    -result {^0 .*a-1.0 start.*b-1.0 start}
    -match regexp

test tcltest-2.7 {tcltest::verbose}  {
    -body {
	set oldVerbosity [tcltest::verbose]
	tcltest::verbose bar
	set currentVerbosity [tcltest::verbose]
	tcltest::verbose foo
	set newVerbosity [tcltest::verbose]
	tcltest::verbose $oldVerbosity
	list $currentVerbosity $newVerbosity 
    -result {{body a r} {f o o}}

test tcltest-2.8 {tcltest -verbose 'error'} {
    -constraints {unixOrPc}
    -body {
	set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -verbose error} msg]
	list $result $msg
    -result {errorInfo: foo.*errorCode: 9}
    -match regexp
# -match, tcltest::match
test tcltest-3.1 {tcltest -match 'a*'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -match a* -verbose 'ps'} msg]
    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+3.+Failed.+0" $msg]
} {0 1 0 0 1}
test tcltest-3.2 {tcltest -match 'b*'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -match b* -verbose 'ps'} msg]
    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+0.+Skipped.+3.+Failed.+1" $msg]
} {0 0 1 0 1}
test tcltest-3.3 {tcltest -match 'c*'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -match c* -verbose 'ps'} msg]
    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+0.+Skipped.+4.+Failed.+0" $msg]
} {0 0 0 1 1}
test tcltest-3.4 {tcltest -match 'a* b*'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -match {a* b*} -verbose 'ps'} msg]
    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+2.+Failed.+1" $msg]
} {0 1 1 0 1}

test tcltest-3.5 {tcltest::match}  {
    -body {
	set oldMatch [tcltest::match]
	tcltest::match foo
	set currentMatch [tcltest::match]
	tcltest::match bar
	set newMatch [tcltest::match]
	tcltest::match $oldMatch
	list $currentMatch $newMatch
    -result {foo bar}
# -skip, tcltest::skip
test tcltest-4.1 {tcltest -skip 'a*'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -skip a* -verbose 'ps'} msg]
    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+0.+Skipped.+2.+Failed.+1" $msg]
} {0 0 1 1 1}
test tcltest-4.2 {tcltest -skip 'b*'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -skip b* -verbose 'ps'} msg]
    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+2.+Failed.+1" $msg]
} {0 1 0 1 1}
test tcltest-4.3 {tcltest -skip 'c*'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -skip c* -verbose 'ps'} msg]
    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
} {0 1 1 0 1}
test tcltest-4.4 {tcltest -skip 'a* b*'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -skip {a* b*} -verbose 'ps'} msg]
    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+0.+Skipped.+3.+Failed.+1" $msg]
} {0 0 0 1 1}
test tcltest-4.5 {tcltest -match 'a* b*' -skip 'b*'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -match {a* b*} -skip b* -verbose 'ps'} msg]
    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+3.+Failed.+0" $msg]
} {0 1 0 0 1}

test tcltest-4.6 {tcltest::skip} {
    -body {
	set oldSkip [tcltest::skip]
	tcltest::skip foo
	set currentSkip [tcltest::skip]
	tcltest::skip bar
	set newSkip [tcltest::skip]
	tcltest::skip $oldSkip
	list $currentSkip $newSkip
    -result {foo bar}

# -constraints, -limitconstraints, tcltest::testConstraint,
# tcltest::constraintsSpecified, tcltest::constraintList, 
# tcltest::limitConstraints
test tcltest-5.1 {tcltest -constraints 'knownBug'} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -constraints knownBug -verbose 'ps'} msg]
    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+2.+Skipped.+0.+Failed.+2" $msg]
} {0 1 1 1 1}
test tcltest-5.2 {tcltest -constraints 'knownBug' -limitconstraints 1} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -constraints knownBug -verbose 'p' -limitconstraints 1} msg]
    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+3.+Failed.+0" $msg]
} {0 0 0 1 1}

test tcltest-5.3 {tcltest::testConstraint - constraint empty (tcltest::safeFetch)}  {
    -body {
	set r1 [tcltest::testConstraint tcltestFakeConstraint]
	set r2 [tcltest::testConstraint tcltestFakeConstraint 4]
	set r3 [tcltest::testConstraint tcltestFakeConstraint]
	list $r1 $r2 $r3
    -result {0 4 4}
    -cleanup {unset tcltest::testConstraints(tcltestFakeConstraint)}

test tcltest-5.4 {tcltest::constraintsSpecified} {
    -setup {
	set constraintlist $tcltest::constraintsSpecified
	set tcltest::constraintsSpecified {}
    -body {
	set r1 [tcltest::constraintsSpecified]
	tcltest::testConstraint tcltestFakeConstraint1 1
	set r2 [tcltest::constraintsSpecified]
	tcltest::testConstraint tcltestFakeConstraint2 1
	set r3 [tcltest::constraintsSpecified]
	list $r1 $r2 $r3
    -result {{} tcltestFakeConstraint1 {tcltestFakeConstraint1 tcltestFakeConstraint2}}
    -cleanup {
	set tcltest::constraintsSpecified $constraintlist
	unset tcltest::testConstraints(tcltestFakeConstraint1) 
	unset tcltest::testConstraints(tcltestFakeConstraint2) 

test tcltest-5.5 {tcltest::constraintList} \
	-constraints {!$::tcltest::testConstraints(singleTestInterp)} \
	-body { lsort [tcltest::constraintList] } \
	-result [lsort {
    95 98 asyncPipeClose eformat emptyTest hasIsoLocale interactive knownBug
    mac macCrash macOnly macOrPc macOrUnix macOrWin nonBlockFiles nonPortable
    notRoot nt pc pcCrash pcOnly root singleTestInterp socket stdio tempNotMac
    tempNotPc tempNotUnix tempNotWin unix unixCrash unixExecs unixOnly unixOrPc
    unixOrWin userInteraction win winCrash winOnly

test tcltest-5.6 {tcltest::limitConstraints} {
    -setup {
	set keeplc $tcltest::limitConstraints
	set keepkb [tcltest::testConstraint knownBug]
    -body {
	set r1 [tcltest::limitConstraints]
	set r2 [tcltest::limitConstraints knownBug]
	set r3 [tcltest::limitConstraints]
	list $r1 $r2 $r3
    -cleanup {
	tcltest::limitConstraints $keeplc
	tcltest::testConstraint knownBug $keepkb
    -result {false knownBug knownBug}

# -outfile, -errfile, tcltest::outputChannel, tcltest::outputFile,
# tcltest::errorChannel, tcltest::errorFile
set printerror [makeFile {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
    puts $::tcltest::outputChannel "a test"
    ::tcltest::PrintError "a really short string"
    ::tcltest::PrintError "a really really really really really really long \
	    string containing \"quotes\" and other bad bad stuff"
    ::tcltest::PrintError "a really really long string containing a \
    ::tcltest::PrintError "a really really long string containing a \
    ::tcltest::PrintError "Problem renaming file: error renaming \"Z:/ws/tcl8.2/win32-ix86/tests/core\" to \"Z:/ws/tcl8.2/win32-ix86/tests/movecore-core\""
} printerror.tcl]

test tcltest-6.1 {tcltest -outfile, -errfile defaults} {
    -constraints unixOrPc
    -body {
	catch {exec [tcltest::interpreter] $printerror} msg
	return $msg
    -result {a test.*a really}
    -match regexp
test tcltest-6.2 {tcltest -outfile a.tmp} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest printerror.tcl -outfile a.tmp} msg
    set result1 [catch {exec grep "a test" a.tmp}]
    set result2 [catch {exec grep "a really" a.tmp}]
    list [regexp "a test" $msg] [regexp "a really" $msg] \
	    $result1 $result2 [file exists a.tmp] [file delete a.tmp] 
} {0 1 0 1 1 {}}
test tcltest-6.3 {tcltest -errfile a.tmp} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest printerror.tcl -errfile a.tmp} msg
    set result1 [catch {exec grep "a test" a.tmp}]
    set result2 [catch {exec grep "a really" a.tmp}]
    list [regexp "a test" $msg] [regexp "a really" $msg] \
	    $result1 $result2 [file exists a.tmp] [file delete a.tmp]
} {1 0 1 0 1 {}}
test tcltest-6.4 {tcltest -outfile a.tmp -errfile b.tmp} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest printerror.tcl -outfile a.tmp -errfile b.tmp} msg
    set result1 [catch {exec grep "a test" a.tmp}]
    set result2 [catch {exec grep "a really" b.tmp}]
    list [regexp "a test" $msg] [regexp "a really" $msg] \
	    $result1 $result2 \
	    [file exists a.tmp] [file delete a.tmp] \
	    [file exists b.tmp] [file delete b.tmp]
} {0 0 0 0 1 {} 1 {}}

test tcltest-6.5 {tcltest::errorChannel - retrieval} {
    -setup {
	set of [tcltest::errorChannel]
	set tcltest::errorChannel stderr
    -body {
    -result {stderr}
    -cleanup {
	set tcltest::errorChannel $of

test tcltest-6.6 {tcltest::errorFile (implicit errorChannel)} {
    -setup {
	set ef [tcltest::makeFile {} efile]
	set of [tcltest::errorFile]
	set tcltest::errorChannel stderr
	set tcltest::errorFile stderr
    -body {
	set f0 [tcltest::errorChannel]
	set f1 [tcltest::errorFile]
	set f2 [tcltest::errorFile $ef]
	set f3 [tcltest::errorChannel]
	set f4 [tcltest::errorFile]
	list $f0 $f1 $f2 $f3 $f4 
    -result {stderr stderr .*efile file[0-9a-f]+ .*efile}
    -match regexp
    -cleanup {
	tcltest::errorFile $of
test tcltest-6.7 {tcltest::outputChannel - retrieval} {
    -setup {
	set of [tcltest::outputChannel]
	set tcltest::outputChannel stdout
    -body {
    -result {stdout}
    -cleanup {
	set tcltest::outputChannel $of

test tcltest-6.8 {tcltest::outputFile (implicit outputFile)} {
    -setup {
	set ef [tcltest::makeFile {} efile]
	set of [tcltest::outputFile]
	set tcltest::outputChannel stdout
	set tcltest::outputFile stdout
    -body {
	set f0 [tcltest::outputChannel]
	set f1 [tcltest::outputFile]
	set f2 [tcltest::outputFile $ef]
	set f3 [tcltest::outputChannel]
	set f4 [tcltest::outputFile]
	list $f0 $f1 $f2 $f3 $f4 
    -result {stdout stdout .*efile file[0-9a-f]+ .*efile}
    -match regexp
    -cleanup {
	tcltest::outputFile $of

# -debug, tcltest::debug
test tcltest-7.1 {tcltest test.tcl -debug 0} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -debug 0} msg
    regexp "Flags passed into tcltest" $msg
} {0}
test tcltest-7.2 {tcltest test.tcl -debug 1} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -debug 1 -skip b*} msg
    list [regexp userSpecifiedSkip $msg] \
	    [regexp "Flags passed into tcltest" $msg]
} {1 0}
test tcltest-7.3 {tcltest test.tcl -debug 1} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -debug 1 -match b*} msg
    list [regexp userSpecifiedNonMatch $msg] \
	    [regexp "Flags passed into tcltest" $msg]
} {1 0}
test tcltest-7.4 {tcltest test.tcl -debug 2} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -debug 2} msg
    list [regexp "Flags passed into tcltest" $msg] [regexp "Running" $msg]
} {1 0}
test tcltest-7.5 {tcltest test.tcl -debug 3} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest test.tcl -debug 3} msg
    list [regexp "Flags passed into tcltest" $msg] [regexp "Running" $msg]
} {1 1}

test tcltest-7.6 {tcltest::debug} {
    -setup {
	set old $tcltest::debug
	set tcltest::debug 0
    -body {
	set f1 [tcltest::debug]
	set f2 [tcltest::debug 1]
	set f3 [tcltest::debug]
	set f4 [tcltest::debug 2]
	set f5 [tcltest::debug]
	list $f1 $f2 $f3 $f4 $f5
    -result {0 1 1 2 2}
    -cleanup {
	set tcltest::debug $old

# directory tests

makeFile {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
    makeFile {} a.tmp
    puts "testdir: [tcltest::testsDirectory]"
} a.tcl

makeFile {} thisdirectoryisafile  

set normaldirectory [tcltest::makeDirectory normaldirectory]

# -tmpdir, tcltest::temporaryDirectory
test tcltest-8.1 {tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir a} {unixOrPc} {
    file delete -force thisdirectorydoesnotexist
    exec $::tcltest::tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir thisdirectorydoesnotexist
    list [file exists [file join thisdirectorydoesnotexist a.tmp]] \
	    [file delete -force thisdirectorydoesnotexist] 
} {1 {}}
test tcltest-8.2 {tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir thisdirectoryisafile} {
    -constraints unixOrPc
    -body {
	catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir thisdirectoryisafile} msg
	# The join is necessary because the message can be split on multiple
	# lines 
	join $msg
    -result {not a directory}
    -match regexp

# Test non-writeable directories, non-readable directories with directory flags
set notReadableDir [file join $::tcltest::temporaryDirectory notreadable]
set notWriteableDir [file join $::tcltest::temporaryDirectory notwriteable]

::tcltest::makeDirectory notreadable
::tcltest::makeDirectory notwriteable

switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
    "unix" {
	file attributes $notReadableDir -permissions 00333
	file attributes $notWriteableDir -permissions 00555
    default {
	file attributes $notWriteableDir -readonly 1

test tcltest-8.3 {tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir notReadableDir} {unixOnly} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir $notReadableDir} msg 
    # The join is necessary because the message can be split on multiple lines
    list [regexp {not readable} [join $msg]]
} {1}

test tcltest-8.4 {tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir notWriteableDir} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir $notWriteableDir} msg
    # The join is necessary because the message can be split on multiple lines
    list [regexp {not writeable} [join $msg]]
} {1}

test tcltest-8.5 {tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir normaldirectory} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir $normaldirectory} msg
    # The join is necessary because the message can be split on multiple lines
    file exists [file join $normaldirectory a.tmp]
} {1}   

set current [pwd]
test tcltest-8.6 {tcltest::temporaryDirectory}  {
    -setup {
	set old $tcltest::temporaryDirectory
	set tcltest::temporaryDirectory $normaldirectory
    -body {
	set f1 [tcltest::temporaryDirectory]
	set f2 [tcltest::temporaryDirectory $current]
	set f3 [tcltest::temporaryDirectory]
	list $f1 $f2 $f3
    -result "$normaldirectory $current $current"
    -cleanup {
	set tcltest::temporaryDirectory $old

test tcltest-8.6a {tcltest::temporaryDirectory - test format 2} -setup {
    set old $tcltest::temporaryDirectory
    set tcltest::temporaryDirectory $normaldirectory
} -body {
    set f1 [tcltest::temporaryDirectory]
    set f2 [tcltest::temporaryDirectory $current]
    set f3 [tcltest::temporaryDirectory]
    list $f1 $f2 $f3
} -cleanup {
    set tcltest::temporaryDirectory $old
} -result "$normaldirectory $current $current" 

# -testdir, tcltest::testsDirectory
test tcltest-8.10 {tcltest a.tcl -testdir thisdirectorydoesnotexist} {
    file delete -force thisdirectorydoesnotexist
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest a.tcl -testdir thisdirectorydoesnotexist}  msg
    list [regexp "does not exist" [join $msg]]
} {1}

test tcltest-8.11 {tcltest a.tcl -testdir thisdirectoryisafile} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest a.tcl -testdir thisdirectoryisafile} msg
    # The join is necessary because the message can be split on multiple lines
    list [regexp "not a directory" [join $msg]] 
} {1}

test tcltest-8.12 {tcltest a.tcl -testdir notReadableDir} {unixOnly} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest a.tcl -testdir $notReadableDir} msg 
    # The join is necessary because the message can be split on multiple lines
    list [regexp {not readable} [join $msg]]
} {1}

test tcltest-8.13 {tcltest a.tcl -testdir normaldirectory} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest a.tcl -testdir normaldirectory} msg
    # The join is necessary because the message can be split on multiple lines
    regexp "testdir: $normaldirectory" [join $msg]
} {1} 

test tcltest-8.14 {tcltest::testsDirectory} {
    -setup {
	set old $tcltest::testsDirectory
	set current [pwd]
	set tcltest::testsDirectory $normaldirectory
    -body {
	set f1 [tcltest::testsDirectory]
	set f2 [tcltest::testsDirectory $current]
	set f3 [tcltest::testsDirectory]
	list $f1 $f2 $f3
    -result "$normaldirectory $current $current"
    -cleanup {
	set tcltest::testsDirectory $old

# tcltest::workingDirectory
test tcltest-8.60 {tcltest::workingDirectory}  {
    -setup {
	set old $tcltest::workingDirectory
	set current [pwd]
	set tcltest::workingDirectory $normaldirectory
	cd $normaldirectory
    -body {
	set f1 [tcltest::workingDirectory]
	set f2 [pwd]
	set f3 [tcltest::workingDirectory $current]
	set f4 [pwd] 
	set f5 [tcltest::workingDirectory]
	list $f1 $f2 $f3 $f4 $f5
    -result "$normaldirectory $normaldirectory $current $current $current"
    -cleanup {
	set tcltest::workingDirectory $old
	cd $current

# clean up from directory testing

switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
    "unix" {
	file attributes $notReadableDir -permissions 777
	file attributes $notWriteableDir -permissions 777
    default {
	file attributes $notWriteableDir -readonly 0

file delete -force $notReadableDir $notWriteableDir

# -file, -notfile, tcltest::matchFiles, tcltest::skipFiles
test tcltest-9.1 {-file a*.tcl} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest \
	    [file join $::tcltest::testsDirectory all.tcl] -file a*.test} msg
    list [regexp assocd\.test $msg]
} {1}
test tcltest-9.2 {-file a*.tcl} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest \
	    [file join $::tcltest::testsDirectory all.tcl] \
	    -file a*.test -notfile assocd*} msg
    list [regexp assocd\.test $msg]
} {0}

test tcltest-9.3 {tcltest::matchFiles}  {
    -body {
	set old [tcltest::matchFiles]
	tcltest::matchFiles foo
	set current [tcltest::matchFiles]
	tcltest::matchFiles bar
	set new [tcltest::matchFiles]
	tcltest::matchFiles $old
	list $current $new
    -result {foo bar}

test tcltest-9.4 {tcltest::skipFiles} {
    -body {
	set old [tcltest::skipFiles]
	tcltest::skipFiles foo
	set current [tcltest::skipFiles]
	tcltest::skipFiles bar
	set new [tcltest::skipFiles]
	tcltest::skipFiles $old
	list $current $new
    -result {foo bar}

# -preservecore, tcltest::preserveCore
makeFile {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

    test makecore {make a core file} {
	set f [open core w]
	close $f
    } {}
} makecore.tcl

test tcltest-10.1 {-preservecore 0} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest makecore.tcl -preservecore 0} msg
    file delete core
    regexp "Core file produced" $msg
} {0}
test tcltest-10.2 {-preservecore 1} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest makecore.tcl -preservecore 1} msg
    file delete core
    regexp "Core file produced" $msg
} {1}
test tcltest-10.3 {-preservecore 2} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest makecore.tcl -preservecore 2} msg
    file delete core
    list [regexp "Core file produced" $msg] [regexp "Moving file to" $msg] \
	    [regexp "core-" $msg] [file delete core-makecore]
} {1 1 1 {}}
test tcltest-10.4 {-preservecore 3} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest makecore.tcl -preservecore 3} msg
    file delete core
    list [regexp "Core file produced" $msg] [regexp "Moving file to" $msg] \
	    [regexp "core-" $msg] [file delete core-makecore]
} {1 1 1 {}}

test tcltest-10.5 {tcltest::preserveCore} {
    -body {
	set old [tcltest::preserveCore]
	set result [tcltest::preserveCore foo]
	set result2 [tcltest::preserveCore]
	tcltest::preserveCore $old
	list $result $result2
    -result {foo foo}

# -load, -loadfile, tcltest::loadScript, tcltest::loadFile
set loadfile [makeFile { 
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
    puts $::tcltest::loadScript
} load.tcl]

test tcltest-12.1 {-load xxx} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest load.tcl -load xxx} msg
    set msg
} {xxx}

test tcltest-12.2 {-loadfile load.tcl} {unixOrPc} {
    catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest load.tcl -debug 2 -loadfile load.tcl} msg
    list \
	    [regexp {tcltest} [join $msg [split $msg \n]]] \
	    [regexp {loadScript} [join $msg [split $msg \n]]]
} {1 1}

test tcltest-12.3 {tcltest::loadScript} {
    -setup {
	set old $tcltest::loadScript
	set tcltest::load-body {}
    -body {
	set f1 [tcltest::loadScript]
	set f2 [tcltest::loadScript xxx]
	set f3 [tcltest::loadScript]
	list $f1 $f2 $f3
    -result {{} xxx xxx}
    -cleanup {
	set tcltest::loadScript $old

test tcltest-12.4 {tcltest::loadFile} {
    -setup {
	set olds $tcltest::loadScript
	set tcltest::load-body {}
	set oldf $tcltest::loadFile
	set tcltest::loadFile {}
    -body {
	set f1 [tcltest::loadScript]
	set f2 [tcltest::loadFile]
	set f3 [tcltest::loadFile load.tcl]
	set f4 [tcltest::loadScript]
	set f5 [tcltest::loadFile]
	list $f1 $f2 $f3 $f4 $f5
    -result "{} {} $loadfile { 
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
    puts \$::tcltest::loadScript
} $loadfile
    -cleanup {
	set tcltest::loadScript $olds
	set tcltest::loadFile $oldf

# tcltest::interpreter
test tcltest-13.1 {tcltest::interpreter} {
    -setup {
	set old $tcltest::tcltest
	set tcltest::tcltest tcltest
    -body {
	set f1 [tcltest::interpreter]
	set f2 [tcltest::interpreter tclsh]
	set f3 [tcltest::interpreter]
	list $f1 $f2 $f3
    -result {tcltest tclsh tclsh}
    -cleanup {
	set tcltest::tcltest $old

# -singleproc, tcltest::singleProcess
makeDirectory singleprocdir
makeFile {
    set foo 1
} [file join singleprocdir single1.test]

makeFile {
    unset foo
} [file join singleprocdir single2.test]

set allfile [makeFile {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force tcltest::*
    tcltest::testsDirectory [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] singleprocdir]
} [file join singleprocdir all-single.tcl]]

test tcltest-14.1 {-singleproc - single process} {
    -constraints {unixOrPc}
    -body {
	exec [tcltest::interpreter] $allfile -singleproc 0
    -result {Test file error: can't unset .foo.: no such variable}
    -match regexp

test tcltest-14.2 {-singleproc - multiple process} {
    -constraints {unixOrPc}
    -body {
	exec [tcltest::interpreter] $allfile -singleproc 1
    -result {single1.test.*single2.test.*all\-single.tcl:.*Total.*0.*Passed.*0.*Skipped.*0.*Failed.*0}
    -match regexp

test tcltest-14.3 {tcltest::singleProcess} {
    -setup {
	set old $tcltest::singleProcess
	set tcltest::singleProcess 0
    -body {
	set f1 [tcltest::singleProcess]
	set f2 [tcltest::singleProcess 1]
	set f3 [tcltest::singleProcess]
	list $f1 $f2 $f3
    -result {0 1 1}
    -cleanup {
	set tcltest::singleProcess $old

# -asidefromdir, -relateddir, tcltest::matchDirectories,
# tcltest::skipDirectories 

# Before running these tests, need to set up test subdirectories with their own
# all.tcl files.

makeDirectory dirtestdir
makeDirectory [file join dirtestdir dirtestdir2.1]
makeDirectory [file join dirtestdir dirtestdir2.2]
makeDirectory [file join dirtestdir dirtestdir2.3]
makeFile {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force tcltest::*
    tcltest::testsDirectory [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] \
} [file join dirtestdir all.tcl]
makeFile {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force tcltest::*
    tcltest::testsDirectory [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] \
	    dirtestdir dirtestdir2.1]
} [file join dirtestdir dirtestdir2.1 all.tcl]
makeFile {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force tcltest::*
    tcltest::testsDirectory [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] \
	    dirtestdir dirtestdir2.2]
} [file join dirtestdir dirtestdir2.2 all.tcl]
makeFile {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force tcltest::*
    tcltest::testsDirectory [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] \
	    dirtestdir dirtestdir2.3]
} [file join dirtestdir dirtestdir2.3 all.tcl]

test tcltest-15.1 {basic directory walking} {
    -constraints {unixOrPc}
    -body {
	exec [tcltest::interpreter] [file join \
	    [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] dirtestdir all.tcl]
    -match regexp
    -returnCodes 1
    -result {Tests located in:.*dirtestdir.*Tests located in:.*dirtestdir2.1.*Tests located in:.*dirtestdir2.2.*Tests located in:.*dirtestdir2.3}

test tcltest-15.2 {-asidefromdir} {
    -constraints {unixOrPc}
    -body {
	exec [tcltest::interpreter] [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] dirtestdir all.tcl] -asidefromdir dirtestdir2.3
    -match regexp
    -returnCodes 1
    -result {Tests located in:.*dirtestdir.*Tests located in:.*dirtestdir2.1.*Tests located in:.*dirtestdir2.2.*dirtestdir2.2 test ended at .*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Error:  No test files remain after applying  your match and skip patterns!
Error:  No test files remain after applying  your match and skip patterns!
Error:  No test files remain after applying  your match and skip patterns!$}

test tcltest-15.3 {-relateddir, non-existent dir} {
    -constraints {unixOrPc}
    -body {
	exec [tcltest::interpreter] [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] dirtestdir all.tcl] -relateddir [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] dirtestdir0]
    -returnCodes 1
    -match regexp
    -result {[^~]|dirtestdir[^2]}

test tcltest-15.4 {-relateddir, subdir} {
    -constraints {unixOrPc}
    -body {
	exec [tcltest::interpreter] [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] dirtestdir all.tcl] -relateddir dirtestdir2.1
    -returnCodes 1
    -match regexp
    -result {Tests located in:.*dirtestdir2.[^23]}
test tcltest-15.5 {-relateddir, -asidefromdir} {
    -constraints {unixOrPc}
    -body {
	exec [tcltest::interpreter] [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] dirtestdir all.tcl] -relateddir "dirtestdir2.1 dirtestdir2.2" -asidefromdir dirtestdir2.2
    -match regexp
    -returnCodes 1
    -result {Tests located in:.*dirtestdir2.[^23]}

test tcltest-15.6 {tcltest::matchDirectories} {
    -setup {
	set old [tcltest::matchDirectories]
	set tcltest::matchDirectories {}
    -body {
	set r1 [tcltest::matchDirectories]
	set r2 [tcltest::matchDirectories foo]
	set r3 [tcltest::matchDirectories]
	list $r1 $r2 $r3
    -cleanup {
	set tcltest::matchDirectories $old
    -result {{} foo foo}

test tcltest-15.7 {tcltest::skipDirectories} {
    -setup {
	set old [tcltest::skipDirectories]
	set tcltest::skipDirectories {}
    -body {
	set r1 [tcltest::skipDirectories]
	set r2 [tcltest::skipDirectories foo]
	set r3 [tcltest::skipDirectories]
	list $r1 $r2 $r3
    -cleanup {
	set tcltest::skipDirectories $old
    -result {{} foo foo}

test tcltest-19.1 {TCLTEST_OPTIONS default} {
    -constraints {unixOrPc}
    -setup {
	if {[info exists ::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS)]} {
	    set oldoptions $::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS)
	    unset ::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS)
	} else {
	    set oldoptions none
	# set this to { } instead of just {} to get around quirk in
	# Windows env handling that removes empty elements from env array.
	set ::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS) { }
	set olddebug [tcltest::debug]
	tcltest::debug 2
    -cleanup {
	if {$oldoptions == "none"} {
	    unset ::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS) 
	} else {
	    set ::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS) $oldoptions
	tcltest::debug $olddebug
    -body {
	set ::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS) "-debug 3"
    -result {^$}
    -match regexp
    -output {tcltest::debug\s+= 2.*tcltest::debug\s+= 3}

# Begin testing of tcltest procs ...

# PrintError
test tcltest-20.1 {PrintError} {unixOrPc} {
    set result [catch {exec $::tcltest::tcltest printerror.tcl} msg]
    list $result [regexp "Error:  a really short string" $msg] \
	    [regexp "     \"quotes\"" $msg] [regexp "    \"Path" $msg] \
	    [regexp "    \"Really" $msg] [regexp Problem $msg]
} {1 1 1 1 1 1}

# test::test
test tcltest-21.1 {expect with glob} {
    -body {
	list a b c d e
    -match glob
    -result {[ab] b c d e}

test tcltest-21.2 {force a test command failure} {
    -body {
	test foo {
	    return 2
	} {1}
    -errorOutput {^test foo: bad flag 1 supplied to tcltest::test\n$}
    -result {1}
    -match regexp

test tcltest-21.3 {test command with setup} {
    -setup {
	set foo 1
    -body {
	set foo
    -cleanup {unset foo}
    -result {1}

test tcltest-21.4 {test command with cleanup failure} {
    -setup {
	if {[info exists foo]} {
	    unset foo
    -body {
	test foo-1 {foo-1} {
	    -cleanup {unset foo}
    -result {^0$}
    -match regexp
    -output "Test cleanup failed:.*can't unset \"foo\": no such variable"

test tcltest-21.5 {test command with setup failure} {
    -setup {
	if {[info exists foo]} {
	    unset foo
    -body {
	test foo-2 {foo-2} {
	    -setup {unset foo}
    -result {^0$}
    -match regexp
    -output "Test setup failed:.*can't unset \"foo\": no such variable"

test tcltest-21.6 {test command - setup occurs before cleanup & before script} {
    -body {
	test foo-3 {foo-3} {
	    -setup {
		if {[info exists foo]} {
		    unset foo
		set foo 1
		set expected 2
	    -body {
		incr foo
		set foo
	    -cleanup {
		if {$foo != 2} {
		    puts [tcltest::outputChannel] "foo is wrong"
		} else {
		    puts [tcltest::outputChannel] "foo is 2"
	    -result {$expected}
    -result {^0$}
    -match regexp
    -output "foo is 2"

test tcltest-21.7 {test command - bad flag} {
     -body {
	test foo-4 {foo-4} {
	    -foobar {}
    -result {1}
    -errorOutput {test foo-4: bad flag -foobar supplied to tcltest::test*}
    -match glob

# alternate test command format (these are the same as 21.1-21.6, with the
# exception of being in the all-inline format)

test tcltest-21.7 {expect with glob} \
	-body {list a b c d e} \
	-result {[ab] b c d e} \
	-match glob

test tcltest-21.8 {force a test command failure} -body {
    test foo {
	return 2
    } {1}
} -errorOutput {test foo: bad flag 1 supplied to tcltest::test
} -result {1}

test tcltest-21.9 {test command with setup} \
	-setup {set foo 1} \
	-body {set foo} \
	-cleanup {unset foo} \
	-result {1}

test tcltest-21.10 {test command with cleanup failure} -setup {
    if {[info exists foo]} {
	unset foo
} -body {
    test foo-1 {foo-1} -cleanup {unset foo}
} -result {^0$} -match regexp \
	-output {Test cleanup failed:.*can't unset \"foo\": no such variable}

test tcltest-21.11 {test command with setup failure} -setup {
    if {[info exists foo]} {
	unset foo
} -body {
    test foo-2 {foo-2} -setup {unset foo}
} -result {^0$} -output {Test setup failed:.*can't unset \"foo\": no such variable} -match regexp

test tcltest-21.12 {test command - setup occurs before cleanup & before script} -body {
    test foo-3 {foo-3} -setup {
	if {[info exists foo]} {
	    unset foo
	set foo 1
	set expected 2
    }  -body {
	incr foo
	set foo
    }  -cleanup {
	if {$foo != 2} {
	    puts [tcltest::outputChannel] "foo is wrong"
	} else {
	    puts [tcltest::outputChannel] "foo is 2"
    }  -result {$expected}
} -result {^0$} -output {foo is 2} -match regexp

# test all.tcl usage (runAllTests); simulate .test file failure, as well as
# crashes to determine whether or not these errors are logged.

makeDirectory alltestdir
makeFile {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force tcltest::*
    tcltest::testsDirectory [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] \
} [file join alltestdir all.tcl]
makeFile {
    exit 1
} [file join alltestdir exit.test]
makeFile {
    error "throw an error"
} [file join alltestdir error.test]
makeFile {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force tcltest::*
    test foo-1.1 {foo} {
	-body { return 1 }
	-result {1}
} [file join alltestdir test.test]

test tcltest-22.1 {runAllTests} {
    -constraints {unixOrPc}
    -body {
	exec [tcltest::interpreter] [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] alltestdir all.tcl] -verbose t
    -match regexp
    -result "Test files exiting with errors:.*error.test.*exit.test"

# makeFile, removeFile, makeDirectory, removeDirectory, viewFile
test tcltest-23.1 {makeFile} {
    -setup {
	set mfdir [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] mfdir]
	file mkdir $mfdir
    -body {
	makeFile {} t1.tmp
	makeFile {} et1.tmp $mfdir
	list [file exists [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] t1.tmp]] \
		[file exists [file join $mfdir et1.tmp]]
    -cleanup {
	file delete -force $mfdir \
		[file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] t1.tmp] 
    -result {1 1}
test tcltest-23.2 {removeFile} {
    -setup {
	set mfdir [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] mfdir]
	file mkdir $mfdir
	makeFile {} t1.tmp
	makeFile {} et1.tmp $mfdir
	if  {![file exists [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] t1.tmp]] || \
		![file exists [file join $mfdir et1.tmp]]} {
	    error "file creation didn't work"
    -body {
	removeFile t1.tmp
	removeFile et1.tmp $mfdir
	list [file exists [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] t1.tmp]] \
		[file exists [file join $mfdir et1.tmp]]
    -cleanup {
	file delete -force $mfdir \
		[file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] t1.tmp] 
    -result {0 0}
test tcltest-23.3 {makeDirectory} {
    -body {
	set mfdir [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] mfdir]
	file mkdir $mfdir
	makeDirectory d1
	makeDirectory d2 $mfdir
	list [file exists [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] d1]] \
		[file exists [file join $mfdir d2]]
    -cleanup {
	file delete -force [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] d1] $mfdir
    -result {1 1}
test tcltest-23.4 {removeDirectory} {
    -body {
	set mfdir [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] mfdir]
	file mkdir $mfdir
	file mkdir [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] t1]
	file mkdir [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] $mfdir t2]
	if {![file exists $mfdir] || \
		![file exists [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] $mfdir t2]]} {
	    return "setup failed - directory not created"
	removeDirectory t1
	removeDirectory t2 $mfdir
	list [file exists [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] t1]] \
		[file exists [file join $mfdir t2]]
    -result {0 0}
test tcltest-23.5 {viewFile} {
    -body {
	set mfdir [file join [tcltest::temporaryDirectory] mfdir]
	file mkdir $mfdir
	makeFile {foobar} t1.tmp
	makeFile {foobarbaz} t2.tmp $mfdir
	list [viewFile t1.tmp] [viewFile t2.tmp $mfdir]
    -result {foobar foobarbaz}
    -cleanup {
	file delete -force $mfdir

# cleanup
if {[file exists a.tmp]} {
    file delete -force a.tmp
