# Commands covered:  unload
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 by Georgios Petasis
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: unload.test,v 1.6 2006/12/17 03:47:08 das Exp $

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest 2
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

# Figure out what extension is used for shared libraries on this
# platform.
if {![info exists ext]} {
    set ext [info sharedlibextension]

# Tests require the existence of one of the DLLs in the dltest directory.
set testDir [file join [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]] dltest]
set x [file join $testDir pkgua$ext]
set dll "[file tail $x]Required"
testConstraint $dll [file readable $x]

# Tests also require that this DLL has not already been loaded.
set loaded "[file tail $x]Loaded"
set alreadyLoaded [info loaded]
testConstraint $loaded [expr {![string match *pkgua* $alreadyLoaded]}]

set alreadyTotalLoaded [info loaded]

# Certain tests require the 'teststaticpkg' command from tcltest
testConstraint teststaticpkg [llength [info commands teststaticpkg]]

# Basic tests: parameter testing...
test unload-1.1 {basic errors} {} {
    list [catch {unload} msg] $msg
} "1 {wrong \# args: should be \"unload ?switches? fileName ?packageName? ?interp?\"}"
test unload-1.2 {basic errors} {} {
    list [catch {unload a b c d} msg] $msg
} "1 {wrong \# args: should be \"unload ?switches? fileName ?packageName? ?interp?\"}"
test unload-1.3 {basic errors} {} {
    list [catch {unload a b foobar} msg] $msg
} {1 {could not find interpreter "foobar"}}
test unload-1.4 {basic errors} {} {
    list [catch {unload {}} msg] $msg
} {1 {must specify either file name or package name}}
test unload-1.5 {basic errors} {} {
    list [catch {unload {} {}} msg] $msg
} {1 {must specify either file name or package name}}
test unload-1.6 {basic errors} {} {
    list [catch {unload {} Unknown} msg] $msg
} {1 {package "Unknown" is loaded statically and cannot be unloaded}}
test unload-1.7 {-nocomplain switch} {} {
    list [unload -nocomplain {} Unknown]
} {{}}

set pkgua_loaded {}
set pkgua_detached {}
set pkgua_unloaded {}
# Tests for loading/unloading in trusted (non-safe) interpreters...
test unload-2.1 {basic loading of non-unloadable package, with guess for package name} [list $dll $loaded] {
    load [file join $testDir pkga$ext]
    list [pkga_eq abc def] [lsort [info commands pkga_*]]
} {0 {pkga_eq pkga_quote}}
test unload-2.2 {basic loading of unloadable package, with guess for package name} [list $dll $loaded] {
    list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded \
	    [load [file join $testDir pkgua$ext]] \
	    [pkgua_eq abc def] [lsort [info commands pkgua_*]] \
	    $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded
} {{} {} {} {} 0 {pkgua_eq pkgua_quote} . {} {}}
test unload-2.3 {basic unloading of non-unloadable package, with guess for package name} [list $dll $loaded] {
    list [catch {unload [file join $testDir pkga$ext]} msg] \
	    [string map [list [file join $testDir pkga$ext] file] $msg]
} {1 {file "file" cannot be unloaded under a trusted interpreter}}
test unload-2.4 {basic unloading of unloadable package, with guess for package name} [list $dll $loaded] {
    list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded \
	    [unload [file join $testDir pkgua$ext]] \
	    [info commands pkgua_*] \
	    $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded
} {. {} {} {} {} . . .}
test unload-2.5 {reloading of unloaded package, with guess for package name} [list $dll $loaded] {
    list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded \
	    [load [file join $testDir pkgua$ext]] \
	    [pkgua_eq abc def] [lsort [info commands pkgua_*]] \
	    $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded
} {. . . {} 0 {pkgua_eq pkgua_quote} .. . .}
test unload-2.6 {basic unloading of re-loaded package, with guess for package name} [list $dll $loaded] {
    list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded \
	    [unload [file join $testDir pkgua$ext]] \
	    [info commands pkgua_*] \
	    $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded
} {.. . . {} {} .. .. ..}

# Tests for loading/unloading in safe interpreters...
interp create -safe child
child eval {
    set pkgua_loaded {}
    set pkgua_detached {}
    set pkgua_unloaded {}
test unload-3.1 {basic loading of non-unloadable package in a safe interpreter, with package name conversion} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    catch {rename pkgb_sub {}}
    load [file join $testDir pkgb$ext] pKgB child
    list [child eval pkgb_sub 44 13] [catch {child eval pkgb_unsafe} msg] $msg \
         [catch {pkgb_sub 12 10} msg2] $msg2
} {31 1 {invalid command name "pkgb_unsafe"} 1 {invalid command name "pkgb_sub"}}
test unload-3.2 {basic loading of unloadable package in a safe interpreter, with package name conversion} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    list [child eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}] \
	    [load [file join $testDir pkgua$ext] pKgUA child] \
	    [child eval pkgua_eq abc def] \
	    [lsort [child eval info commands pkgua_*]] \
	    [child eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}]
} {{{} {} {}} {} 0 {pkgua_eq pkgua_quote} {. {} {}}}
test unload-3.3 {unloading of a package that has never been loaded from a safe interpreter} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    list [catch {unload [file join $testDir pkga$ext] {} child} msg] \
         [string map [list [file join $testDir pkga$ext] file] $msg]
} {1 {file "file" has never been loaded in this interpreter}}
test unload-3.4 {basic unloading of a non-unloadable package from a safe interpreter, with guess for package name} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    list [catch {unload [file join $testDir pkgb$ext] {} child} msg] \
         [string map [list [file join $testDir pkgb$ext] file] $msg]
} {1 {file "file" cannot be unloaded under a safe interpreter}}
test unload-3.5 {basic unloading of an unloadable package from a safe interpreter, with guess for package name} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    list [child eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}] \
	    [unload [file join $testDir pkgua$ext] {} child] \
	    [child eval info commands pkgua_*] \
	    [child eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}]
} {{. {} {}} {} {} {. . .}}
test unload-3.6 {reloading of unloaded package in a safe interpreter, with guess for package name} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    list [child eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}] \
	    [load [file join $testDir pkgua$ext] {} child] \
	    [child eval pkgua_eq abc def] \
	    [lsort [child eval info commands pkgua_*]] \
	    [child eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}]
} {{. . .} {} 0 {pkgua_eq pkgua_quote} {.. . .}}
test unload-3.7 {basic unloading of re-loaded package from a safe interpreter, with package name conversion} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    list [child eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}] \
	    [unload [file join $testDir pkgua$ext] pKgUa child] \
	    [child eval info commands pkgua_*] \
	    [child eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}]
} {{.. . .} {} {} {.. .. ..}}

# Tests for loading/unloading of a package among multiple interpreters...
interp create child-trusted
child-trusted eval {
    set pkgua_loaded {}
    set pkgua_detached {}
    set pkgua_unloaded {}
## Load package in main trusted interpreter...
test unload-4.1 {loading of unloadable package in trusted interpreter, with guess for package name} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    list [list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded] \
	    [load [file join $testDir pkgua$ext]] \
	    [pkgua_eq abc def] [lsort [info commands pkgua_*]] \
	    [list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded]
} {{.. .. ..} {} 0 {pkgua_eq pkgua_quote} {... .. ..}}
## Load package in child-safe interpreter...
test unload-4.2 {basic loading of unloadable package in a safe interpreter, with package name conversion} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    list [child eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}] \
	    [load [file join $testDir pkgua$ext] pKgUA child] \
	    [child eval pkgua_eq abc def] \
	    [lsort [child eval info commands pkgua_*]] \
	    [child eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}]
} {{.. .. ..} {} 0 {pkgua_eq pkgua_quote} {... .. ..}}
## Load package in child-trusted interpreter...
test unload-4.3 {basic loading of unloadable package in a second trusted interpreter, with package name conversion} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    list [child-trusted eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}] \
	    [load [file join $testDir pkgua$ext] pkguA child-trusted] \
	    [child-trusted eval pkgua_eq abc def] \
	    [lsort [child-trusted eval info commands pkgua_*]] \
	    [child-trusted eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}]
} {{{} {} {}} {} 0 {pkgua_eq pkgua_quote} {. {} {}}}
## Unload the package from the main trusted interpreter...
test unload-4.4 {basic unloading of unloadable package from trusted interpreter, with guess for package name} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    list [list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded] \
	    [unload [file join $testDir pkgua$ext]] \
	    [info commands pkgua_*] \
	    [list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded]
} {{... .. ..} {} {} {... ... ..}}
## Unload the package from the child safe interpreter...
test unload-4.5 {basic unloading of unloadable package from a safe interpreter, with guess for package name} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    list [child eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}] \
	    [unload [file join $testDir pkgua$ext] {} child] \
	    [child eval info commands pkgua_*] \
	    [child eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}]
} {{... .. ..} {} {} {... ... ..}}
## Unload the package from the child trusted interpreter...
test unload-4.6 {basic unloading of unloadable package from a safe interpreter, with guess for package name} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    list [child-trusted eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}] \
	    [unload [file join $testDir pkgua$ext] {} child-trusted] \
	    [child-trusted eval info commands pkgua_*] \
	    [child-trusted eval {list $pkgua_loaded $pkgua_detached $pkgua_unloaded}]
} {{. {} {}} {} {} {. . .}}

# cleanup
interp delete child
interp delete child-trusted
unset ext