# This file contains tests for the tclVar.c source file. Tests appear in the
# same order as the C code that they test. The set of tests is currently
# incomplete since it currently includes only new tests for code changed for
# the addition of Tcl namespaces. Other variable-related tests appear in
# several other test files including namespace.test, set.test, trace.test, and
# upvar.test.
# Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for errors.
# No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
    package require tcltest 2.2
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

testConstraint testupvar [llength [info commands testupvar]]
testConstraint testgetvarfullname [llength [info commands testgetvarfullname]]
testConstraint testsetnoerr [llength [info commands testsetnoerr]]

catch {rename p ""}
catch {namespace delete test_ns_var}
catch {unset xx}
catch {unset x}
catch {unset y}
catch {unset i}
catch {unset a}
catch {unset arr}
test var-1.1 {TclLookupVar, Array handling} -setup {
    catch {unset a}
} -body {
    set x "incr"  ;# force no compilation and runtime call to Tcl_IncrCmd 
    set i 10
    set arr(foo) 37
    list [$x i] $i [$x arr(foo)] $arr(foo)
} -result {11 11 38 38}
test var-1.2 {TclLookupVar, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY implies global namespace var} {
    set x "global value"
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable x "namespace value"
        proc p {} {
            global x  ;# specifies TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY to get global x
            return $x
} {global value}
test var-1.3 {TclLookupVar, TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY implies namespace var} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        proc q {} {
            variable x  ;# specifies TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY to get namespace x
            return $x
} {namespace value}
test var-1.4 {TclLookupVar, no active call frame implies global namespace var} {
    set x
} {global value}
test var-1.5 {TclLookupVar, active call frame pushed for namespace eval implies namespace var} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {set x}
} {namespace value}
test var-1.6 {TclLookupVar, name starts with :: implies some namespace var} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {set ::x}
} {global value}
test var-1.7 {TclLookupVar, error finding namespace var} -body {
    set a:::b
} -returnCodes error -result {can't read "a:::b": no such variable}
test var-1.8 {TclLookupVar, error finding namespace var} -body {
    set ::foobarfoo
} -returnCodes error -result {can't read "::foobarfoo": no such variable}
test var-1.9 {TclLookupVar, create new namespace var} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        set v hello
} {hello}
test var-1.10 {TclLookupVar, create new namespace var} -setup {
    catch {unset y}
} -body {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        set ::y 789
    set y
} -result {789}
test var-1.11 {TclLookupVar, error creating new namespace var} -body {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        set ::test_ns_var::foo::bar 314159
} -returnCodes error -result {can't set "::test_ns_var::foo::bar": parent namespace doesn't exist}
test var-1.12 {TclLookupVar, error creating new namespace var} -body {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        set ::test_ns_var::foo:: 1997
} -returnCodes error -result {can't set "::test_ns_var::foo::": parent namespace doesn't exist}
test var-1.13 {TclLookupVar, new namespace var is created in a particular namespace} {
    catch {unset aNeWnAmEiNnS}
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        namespace eval test_ns_var2::test_ns_var3 {
            set aNeWnAmEiNnS 77777
        # namespace which builds a name by traversing nsPtr chain to ::
        namespace which -variable test_ns_var2::test_ns_var3::aNeWnAmEiNnS
} {::test_ns_var::test_ns_var2::test_ns_var3::aNeWnAmEiNnS}
test var-1.14 {TclLookupVar, namespace code ignores ":"s in middle and end of var names} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        set : 123
        set v: 456
        set x:y: 789
        list [set :] [set v:] [set x:y:] \
             ${:} ${v:} ${x:y:} \
             [expr {":" in [info vars]}] \
             [expr {"v:" in [info vars]}] \
             [expr {"x:y:" in [info vars]}]
} {123 456 789 123 456 789 1 1 1}
test var-1.15 {TclLookupVar, resurrect variable via upvar to deleted namespace: compiled code path} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
	variable foo 2
    proc p {} {
	variable ::test_ns_var::foo
	lappend result [catch {set foo} msg] $msg
        namespace delete ::test_ns_var
	lappend result [catch {set foo 3} msg] $msg
	lappend result [catch {set foo(3) 3} msg] $msg
} {0 2 1 {can't set "foo": upvar refers to variable in deleted namespace} 1 {can't set "foo(3)": upvar refers to variable in deleted namespace}}
test var-1.16 {TclLookupVar, resurrect variable via upvar to deleted namespace: uncompiled code path} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
	variable result
        namespace eval subns {
	    variable foo 2
	upvar 0 subns::foo foo
	lappend result [catch {set foo} msg] $msg
        namespace delete subns
	lappend result [catch {set foo 3} msg] $msg
	lappend result [catch {set foo(3) 3} msg] $msg
        namespace delete [namespace current]
	set result
} {0 2 1 {can't set "foo": upvar refers to variable in deleted namespace} 1 {can't set "foo(3)": upvar refers to variable in deleted namespace}}
test var-1.17 {TclLookupVar, resurrect array element via upvar to deleted array: compiled code path} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
	variable result
	proc p {} {
	    array set x {1 2 3 4}
	    upvar 0 x(1) foo
	    lappend result [catch {set foo} msg] $msg
	    unset x
	    lappend result [catch {set foo 3} msg] $msg
	set result [p]
        namespace delete [namespace current]
	set result
} {0 2 1 {can't set "foo": upvar refers to element in deleted array}}
test var-1.18 {TclLookupVar, resurrect array element via upvar to deleted array: uncompiled code path} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
	variable result {}
	variable x
	array set x {1 2 3 4}
	upvar 0 x(1) foo
	lappend result [catch {set foo} msg] $msg
	unset x
	lappend result [catch {set foo 3} msg] $msg
        namespace delete [namespace current]
	set result
} {0 2 1 {can't set "foo": upvar refers to element in deleted array}}
test var-1.19 {TclLookupVar, right error message when parsing variable name} -body {
    [format set] thisvar(doesntexist)
} -returnCodes error -result {can't read "thisvar(doesntexist)": no such variable}

test var-2.1 {Tcl_LappendObjCmd, create var if new} {
    catch {unset x}
    lappend x 1 2
} {1 2}

test var-3.1 {MakeUpvar, TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY not specified for other var} -setup {
    catch {unset x}
} -body {
    set x 1997
    proc p {} {
        global x  ;# calls MakeUpvar with TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY for other var x
        return $x
} -result {1997}
test var-3.2 {MakeUpvar, other var has TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY specified} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        catch {unset v}
        variable v 1998
        proc p {} {
            variable v  ;# TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY specified for other var x
            return $v
} {1998}
test var-3.3 {MakeUpvar, my var has TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY specified} -setup {
    catch {unset a}
} -constraints testupvar -body {
    set a 123321
    proc p {} {
	# create global xx linked to global a
	testupvar 1 a {} xx global 
    list [p] $xx [set xx 789] $a
} -result {{} 123321 789 789}
test var-3.4 {MakeUpvar, my var has TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY specified} -setup {
    catch {unset a}
} -constraints testupvar -body {
    set a 456
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
	catch {unset ::test_ns_var::vv}
	proc p {} {
	    # create namespace var vv linked to global a
	    testupvar 1 a {} vv namespace 
    list $test_ns_var::vv [set test_ns_var::vv 123] $a
} -result {456 123 123}
test var-3.5 {MakeUpvar, no call frame so my var will be in global :: ns} -setup {
    catch {unset aaaaa}
    catch {unset xxxxx}
} -body {
    set aaaaa 77777
    upvar #0 aaaaa xxxxx
    list [set xxxxx] [set aaaaa]
} -result {77777 77777}
test var-3.6 {MakeUpvar, active call frame pushed for namespace eval} -setup {
    catch {unset a}
} -body {
    set a 121212
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        upvar ::a vvv
        set vvv
} -result {121212}
test var-3.7 {MakeUpvar, my var has ::s} -setup {
    catch {unset a}
} -body {
    set a 789789
    upvar #0 a test_ns_var::lnk
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        set lnk
} -result {789789}
test var-3.8 {MakeUpvar, my var already exists in global ns} -setup {
    catch {unset aaaaa}
    catch {unset xxxxx}
} -body {
    set aaaaa 456654
    set xxxxx hello
    upvar #0 aaaaa xxxxx
    set xxxxx
} -result {hello}
test var-3.9 {MakeUpvar, my var has invalid ns name} -setup {
    catch {unset aaaaa}
} -returnCodes error -body {
    set aaaaa 789789
    upvar #0 aaaaa test_ns_fred::lnk
} -result {can't create "test_ns_fred::lnk": parent namespace doesn't exist}
test var-3.10 {MakeUpvar, between namespaces} -body {
    namespace eval {} {
	variable bar 0
	namespace eval foo upvar bar bar
	set foo::bar 1
	list $bar $foo::bar
} -cleanup {
    unset ::aaaaa
} -result {1 1}
test var-3.11 {MakeUpvar, my var looks like array elem} -setup {
    catch {unset aaaaa}
} -returnCodes error -body {
    set aaaaa 789789
    upvar #0 aaaaa foo(bar)
} -result {bad variable name "foo(bar)": upvar won't create a scalar variable that looks like an array element}

test var-4.1 {Tcl_GetVariableName, global variable} testgetvarfullname {
    catch {unset a}
    set a 123
    testgetvarfullname a global
} ::a
test var-4.2 {Tcl_GetVariableName, namespace variable} testgetvarfullname {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
	variable george
	testgetvarfullname george namespace
} ::test_ns_var::george
test var-4.3 {Tcl_GetVariableName, variable can't be array element} -setup {
    catch {unset a}
} -constraints testgetvarfullname -body {
    set a(1) foo
    testgetvarfullname a(1) global
} -returnCodes error -result {unknown variable "a(1)"}

test var-5.1 {Tcl_GetVariableFullName, global variable} -setup {
    catch {unset a}
} -body {
    set a bar
    namespace which -variable a
} -result {::a}
test var-5.2 {Tcl_GetVariableFullName, namespace variable} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable martha
        namespace which -variable martha
} {::test_ns_var::martha}
test var-5.3 {Tcl_GetVariableFullName, namespace variable} {
    namespace which -variable test_ns_var::martha
} {::test_ns_var::martha}

test var-6.1 {Tcl_GlobalObjCmd, variable is qualified by a namespace name} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable boeing 777
    apply {{} {
        global ::test_ns_var::boeing
        set boeing
} {777}
test var-6.2 {Tcl_GlobalObjCmd, variable is qualified by a namespace name} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        namespace eval test_ns_nested {
            variable java java
        proc p {} {
            global ::test_ns_var::test_ns_nested::java
            set java
} {java}
test var-6.3 {Tcl_GlobalObjCmd, variable named {} qualified by a namespace name} {
    set ::test_ns_var::test_ns_nested:: 24
    apply {{} {
        global ::test_ns_var::test_ns_nested::
        set {}
} {24}
test var-6.4 {Tcl_GlobalObjCmd, variable name matching :*} {
    # Test for Tcl Bug 480176
    set :v broken
    proc p {} {
	global :v
	set :v fixed
    set :v
} {fixed}
test var-6.5 {Tcl_GlobalObjCmd, no-op case (TIP 323)} {
} {}
test var-6.6 {Tcl_GlobalObjCmd, no-op case (TIP 323)} {
    proc p {} {
} {}

test var-7.1 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, create and initialize one new ns variable} -setup {
    catch {namespace delete test_ns_var}
} -body {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable one 1
    list [info vars test_ns_var::*] [set test_ns_var::one]
} -result {::test_ns_var::one 1}
test var-7.2 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, if new and no value, leave undefined} {
    set two 2222222
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable two
    list [info exists test_ns_var::two] [catch {set test_ns_var::two} msg] $msg
} {0 1 {can't read "test_ns_var::two": no such variable}}
test var-7.3 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, "define" var already created above} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable two 2
    list [lsort [info vars test_ns_var::*]] \
         [namespace eval test_ns_var {set two}]
} [list [lsort {::test_ns_var::two ::test_ns_var::one}] 2]
test var-7.4 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, list of vars} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable three 3 four 4
    list [lsort [info vars test_ns_var::*]] \
         [namespace eval test_ns_var {expr $three+$four}]
} [list [lsort {::test_ns_var::four ::test_ns_var::three ::test_ns_var::two ::test_ns_var::one}] 7]
test var-7.5 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, value for last var is optional} -setup {
    catch {unset a}
    catch {unset five}
    catch {unset six}
} -body {
    set a ""
    set five 555
    set six  666
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable five 5 six
        lappend a $five
    lappend a $test_ns_var::five \
        [set test_ns_var::six 6] [set test_ns_var::six] $six
} -cleanup {
    catch {unset five}
    catch {unset six}
} -result {5 5 6 6 666}
test var-7.6 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, variable name can be qualified} -setup {
    catch {unset newvar}
} -body {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable ::newvar cheers!
    return $newvar
} -cleanup {
    catch {unset newvar}
} -result {cheers!}
test var-7.7 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, bad var name} -returnCodes error -body {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable sev:::en 7
} -result {can't define "sev:::en": parent namespace doesn't exist}
test var-7.8 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, if var already exists and no value is given, leave value unchanged} {
    set a ""
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable eight 8
        lappend a $eight
        variable eight
        lappend a $eight
    set a
} {8 8}
test var-7.9 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, mark as namespace var so var persists until namespace is destroyed or var is unset} -setup {
    catch {namespace delete test_ns_var2}
} -body {
    set a ""
    namespace eval test_ns_var2 {
        variable x 123
        variable y
        variable z
    lappend a [lsort [info vars test_ns_var2::*]]
    lappend a [info exists test_ns_var2::x] [info exists test_ns_var2::y] \
        [info exists test_ns_var2::z]
    lappend a [list [catch {set test_ns_var2::y} msg] $msg]
    lappend a [lsort [info vars test_ns_var2::*]]
    lappend a [info exists test_ns_var2::y] [info exists test_ns_var2::z]
    lappend a [set test_ns_var2::y hello]
    lappend a [info exists test_ns_var2::y] [info exists test_ns_var2::z]
    lappend a [list [catch {unset test_ns_var2::y} msg] $msg]
    lappend a [lsort [info vars test_ns_var2::*]]
    lappend a [info exists test_ns_var2::y] [info exists test_ns_var2::z]
    lappend a [list [catch {unset test_ns_var2::z} msg] $msg]
    lappend a [namespace delete test_ns_var2]
} -result [list [lsort {::test_ns_var2::x ::test_ns_var2::y ::test_ns_var2::z}] 1 0 0\
	{1 {can't read "test_ns_var2::y": no such variable}}\
	[lsort {::test_ns_var2::x ::test_ns_var2::y ::test_ns_var2::z}] 0 0\
	hello 1 0\
	{0 {}}\
	[lsort {::test_ns_var2::x ::test_ns_var2::z}] 0 0\
	{1 {can't unset "test_ns_var2::z": no such variable}}\
test var-7.10 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, variable cmd inside proc creates local link var} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        proc p {} {
            variable eight
            list [set eight] [info vars]
} {8 eight}
test var-7.11 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, variable cmd inside proc creates local link var} {
    proc p {} {   ;# note this proc is at global :: scope
        variable test_ns_var::eight
        list [set eight] [info vars]
} {8 eight}
test var-7.12 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, variable cmd inside proc creates local link var} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable {} {My name is empty}
    proc p {} {   ;# note this proc is at global :: scope
        variable test_ns_var::
        list [set {}] [info vars]
} {{My name is empty} {{}}}
test var-7.13 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, variable named ":"} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable : {My name is ":"}
	proc p {} {
	    variable :
	    list [set :] [info vars]
} {{My name is ":"} :}
test var-7.14 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, array element parameter} -body {
    namespace eval test_ns_var { variable arrayvar(1) }
} -returnCodes error -result "can't define \"arrayvar(1)\": name refers to an element in an array"
test var-7.15 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, array element parameter} -body {
    namespace eval test_ns_var { 
	variable arrayvar
	set arrayvar(1) x
	variable arrayvar(1) y
} -returnCodes error -result "can't define \"arrayvar(1)\": name refers to an element in an array"
test var-7.16 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, no args (TIP 323)} {
} {}
test var-7.17 {Tcl_VariableObjCmd, no args (TIP 323)} {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
} {}

test var-8.1 {TclDeleteVars, "unset" traces are called with fully-qualified var names} -setup {
    catch {namespace delete test_ns_var}
    catch {unset a}
} -body {
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable v 123
        variable info ""
        proc traceUnset {name1 name2 op} {
            variable info
            set info [concat $info [list $name1 $name2 $op]]
        trace var v u [namespace code traceUnset]
    list [unset test_ns_var::v] $test_ns_var::info
} -result {{} {test_ns_var::v {} u}}
test var-8.2 {TclDeleteNamespaceVars, "unset" traces on ns delete are called with fully-qualified var names} -setup {
    catch {namespace delete test_ns_var}
    catch {unset a}
} -body {
    set info ""
    namespace eval test_ns_var {
        variable v 123 1
        trace var v u ::traceUnset
    proc traceUnset {name1 name2 op} {
	set ::info [concat $::info [list $name1 $name2 $op]]
    list [namespace delete test_ns_var] $::info
} -result {{} {::test_ns_var::v {} u}}

test var-9.1 {behaviour of TclGet/SetVar simple get/set} -setup {
    catch {unset u}
    catch {unset v}
} -constraints testsetnoerr -body {
    list \
	[set u a; testsetnoerr u] \
	[testsetnoerr v b] \
	[testseterr u] \
	[unset v; testseterr v b]
} -result [list {before get a} {before set b} {before get a} {before set b}]
test var-9.2 {behaviour of TclGet/SetVar namespace get/set} -setup {
    catch {namespace delete ns}
} -constraints testsetnoerr -body {
    namespace eval ns {variable u a; variable v}
    list \
	[testsetnoerr ns::u] \
	[testsetnoerr ns::v b] \
	[testseterr ns::u] \
	[unset ns::v; testseterr ns::v b]
} -result [list {before get a} {before set b} {before get a} {before set b}]
test var-9.3 {behaviour of TclGetVar no variable} -setup {
    catch {unset u}
} -constraints testsetnoerr -body {
    list \
	[catch {testsetnoerr u} res] $res \
	[catch {testseterr u} res] $res
} -result {1 {before get} 1 {can't read "u": no such variable}}
test var-9.4 {behaviour of TclGetVar no namespace variable} -setup {
    catch {namespace delete ns}
} -constraints testsetnoerr -body {
    namespace eval ns {}
    list \
	[catch {testsetnoerr ns::w} res] $res \
	[catch {testseterr ns::w} res] $res
} -result {1 {before get} 1 {can't read "ns::w": no such variable}}
test var-9.5 {behaviour of TclGetVar no namespace} -setup {
    catch {namespace delete ns}
} -constraints testsetnoerr -body {
    list \
	[catch {testsetnoerr ns::u} res] $res \
	[catch {testseterr ns::v} res] $res
} -result {1 {before get} 1 {can't read "ns::v": no such variable}}
test var-9.6 {behaviour of TclSetVar no namespace} -setup {
    catch {namespace delete ns}
} -constraints testsetnoerr -body {
    list \
	[catch {testsetnoerr ns::v 1} res] $res \
	[catch {testseterr ns::v 1} res] $res
} -result {1 {before set} 1 {can't set "ns::v": parent namespace doesn't exist}}
test var-9.7 {behaviour of TclGetVar array variable} -setup {
    catch {unset arr}
} -constraints testsetnoerr -body {
    set arr(1) 1
    list \
	[catch {testsetnoerr arr} res] $res \
	[catch {testseterr arr} res] $res
} -result {1 {before get} 1 {can't read "arr": variable is array}}
test var-9.8 {behaviour of TclSetVar array variable} -setup {
    catch {unset arr}
} -constraints testsetnoerr -body {
    set arr(1) 1
    list \
	[catch {testsetnoerr arr 2} res] $res \
	[catch {testseterr arr 2} res] $res
} -result {1 {before set} 1 {can't set "arr": variable is array}}
test var-9.9 {behaviour of TclGetVar read trace success} -setup {
    catch {unset u}
    catch {unset v}
} -constraints testsetnoerr -body {
    proc resetvar {val name elem op} {upvar 1 $name v; set v $val}
    set u 10
    trace var u r [list resetvar 1]
    trace var v r [list resetvar 2]
    list \
	[testsetnoerr u] \
	[testseterr v]
} -result {{before get 1} {before get 2}}
test var-9.10 {behaviour of TclGetVar read trace error} testsetnoerr {
    proc writeonly args {error "write-only"}
    set v 456
    trace var v r writeonly
    list \
	[catch {testsetnoerr v} msg] $msg \
	[catch {testseterr v} msg] $msg
} {1 {before get} 1 {can't read "v": write-only}}
test var-9.11 {behaviour of TclSetVar write trace success} -setup {
    catch {unset u}
    catch {unset v}
} -constraints testsetnoerr -body {
    proc doubleval {name elem op} {upvar 1 $name v; set v [expr {2 * $v}]}
    set v 1
    trace var v w doubleval
    trace var u w doubleval
    list \
	[testsetnoerr u 2] \
	[testseterr v 3]
} -result {{before set 4} {before set 6}}
test var-9.12 {behaviour of TclSetVar write trace error} testsetnoerr {
    proc readonly args {error "read-only"}
    set v 456
    trace var v w readonly
    list \
	[catch {testsetnoerr v 2} msg] $msg $v \
	[catch {testseterr v 3} msg] $msg $v
} {1 {before set} 2 1 {can't set "v": read-only} 3}

test var-10.1 {can't nest arrays with array set} -setup {
   catch {unset arr}
} -returnCodes error -body {
   array set arr(x) {a 1 b 2}
} -result {can't set "arr(x)": variable isn't array}
test var-10.2 {can't nest arrays with array set} -setup {
   catch {unset arr}
} -returnCodes error -body {
   array set arr(x) {}
} -result {can't set "arr(x)": variable isn't array}

test var-11.1 {array unset} -setup {
    catch {unset a}
} -body {
    array set a { 1,1 a 1,2 b 2,1 c 2,3 d }
    array unset a 1,*
    lsort -dict [array names a]
} -result {2,1 2,3}
test var-11.2 {array unset} -setup {
    catch {unset a}
} -body {
    array set a { 1,1 a 1,2 b }
    array unset a
    array exists a
} -result 0
test var-11.3 {array unset errors} -setup {
    catch {unset a}
} -returnCodes error -body {
    array set a { 1,1 a 1,2 b }
    array unset a pattern too
} -result {wrong # args: should be "array unset arrayName ?pattern?"}

test var-12.1 {TclFindCompiledLocals, {} array name} {
    namespace eval n {
	proc p {} {
	    variable {}
	    set (0) 0
	    set (1) 1
	    set n 2
	    set ($n) 2
	    set ($n,foo) 2
	lsort -dictionary [array names {}]
} {0 1 2 2,foo}

test var-13.1 {Tcl_UnsetVar2, unset array with trace set on element} -setup {
    catch {unset t}
} -body {
    proc foo {var ind op} {
	global t
	set foo bar
    namespace eval :: {
	set t(1) 1
	trace variable t(1) u foo
	unset t
    set x "If you see this, it worked"
} -result "If you see this, it worked"

test var-14.1 {array names syntax} -body {
    array names foo bar baz snafu
} -returnCodes 1 -match glob -result *
test var-14.2 {array names -glob} -body {
    array names tcl_platform -glob os
} -result os

test var-15.1 {segfault in [unset], [Bug 735335]} {
    proc A { name } {
	upvar $name var
	set var $name
    # Note that the variable name has to be 
    # unused previously for the segfault to
    # be triggered.
    namespace eval test A useSomeUnlikelyNameHere
    namespace eval test unset useSomeUnlikelyNameHere
} {}

test var-16.1 {CallVarTraces: save/restore interp error state} {
    trace add variable ::errorCode write " ;#"
    catch {error foo bar baz}
    trace remove variable ::errorCode write " ;#"
    set ::errorInfo
} bar

test var-17.1 {TclArraySet [Bug 1669489]} -setup {
    unset -nocomplain ::a
} -body {
    namespace eval :: {
	set elements {1 2 3 4}
	trace add variable a write "string length \$elements ;#"
	array set a $elements
} -cleanup {
    unset -nocomplain ::a ::elements
} -result {}

test var-18.1 {array unset and unset traces: Bug 2939073} -setup {
    set already 0
    unset x
} -body {
    array set x {e 1 i 1}
    trace add variable x unset {apply {args {
	global already x
	if {!$already} {
	    set already 1
	    unset x(i)
    # The next command would crash reliably with memory debugging prior to the
    # bug fix.
    array unset x *
    array size x
} -cleanup {
    unset x already
} -result 0

test var-19.1 {crash when freeing locals hashtable: Bug 3037525} {
    proc foo {} { catch {upvar 0 dummy \$index} }
    foo ; # This crashes without the fix for the bug
    rename foo {}
} {}
catch {namespace delete ns}
catch {unset arr}
catch {unset v}

catch {rename p ""}
catch {namespace delete test_ns_var}
catch {namespace delete test_ns_var2}
catch {unset xx}
catch {unset x}
catch {unset y}
catch {unset i}
catch {unset a}
catch {unset xxxxx}
catch {unset aaaaa}

# cleanup

# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# End: