# This file tests the tclWinConsole.c file. # # This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl # built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and # generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright © 1999 Scriptics Corporation. # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} { package require tcltest 2.5 namespace import -force ::tcltest::* } catch {package require twapi} ;# Only to bring window to foreground. Not critical ::tcltest::ConstraintInitializer haveThread { expr {![catch {package require Thread}]} } # Prompt user for a yes/no response proc yesno {question {default "Y"}} { set answer "" # Make sure we are seen but catch because ui and console # packages may not be available catch {twapi::set_foreground_window [twapi::get_console_window]} while {![string is boolean -strict $answer]} { puts -nonewline stdout "$question Type Y/N followed by Enter \[$default\] : " flush stdout set answer [string trim [gets stdin]] if {$answer eq ""} { set answer $default } } return [expr {!! $answer}] } proc prompt {prompt} { # Make sure we are seen but catch because twapi ui and console # packages may not be available catch {twapi::set_foreground_window [twapi::get_console_window]} puts -nonewline stdout "$prompt" flush stdout } # Input tests test console-input-1.0 {Console blocking gets} -constraints {win interactive} -body { prompt "Type \"xyz\" and hit Enter: " gets stdin } -result xyz test console-input-1.1 {Console file channel: non-blocking gets} -constraints { win interactive } -setup { unset -nocomplain result unset -nocomplain result2 } -body { set oldmode [fconfigure stdin] prompt "Type \"abc\" and hit Enter: " fileevent stdin readable { if {[gets stdin line] >= 0} { lappend result2 $line if {[llength $result2] > 1} { set result $result2 } else { prompt "Type \"def\" and hit Enter: " } } elseif {[eof stdin]} { set result "gets failed" } } fconfigure stdin -blocking 0 -buffering line vwait result #cleanup the fileevent fileevent stdin readable {} fconfigure stdin {*}$oldmode set result } -result {abc def} test console-input-1.1.1 {Bug baa51423c28a: Console file channel: fileevent with blocking gets} -constraints { win interactive } -setup { unset -nocomplain result unset -nocomplain result2 } -body { prompt "Type \"abc\" and hit Enter: " fileevent stdin readable { if {[gets stdin line] >= 0} { lappend result2 $line if {[llength $result2] > 1} { set result $result2 } else { prompt "Type \"def\" and hit Enter: " } } elseif {[eof stdin]} { set result "gets failed" } } vwait result #cleanup the fileevent fileevent stdin readable {} set result } -result {abc def} test console-input-2.0 {Console blocking read} -constraints {win interactive} -setup { set oldmode [fconfigure stdin] fconfigure stdin -inputmode raw } -cleanup { fconfigure stdin {*}$oldmode } -body { prompt "Type the key \"a\". Do NOT hit Enter. You will NOT see characters echoed." set c [read stdin 1] puts "" set c } -result a test console-input-2.1 {Console file channel: non-blocking read} -constraints { win interactive } -setup { set oldmode [fconfigure stdin] } -cleanup { fconfigure stdin {*}$oldmode puts ""; # Because CRLF also would not have been echoed } -body { set input "" fconfigure stdin -blocking 0 -buffering line -inputmode raw prompt "Type \"abc\". Do NOT hit Enter. You will NOT see characters echoed." fileevent stdin readable { set c [read stdin 1] if {$c eq ""} { if {[eof stdin]} { set result "read eof" } } else { append input $c if {[string length $input] == 3} { set result $input } } } set result {} vwait result fileevent stdin readable {} set result } -result abc # Output tests test console-output-1.0 {Console blocking puts stdout} -constraints {win interactive} -body { puts stdout "123" yesno "Did you see the string \"123\"?" } -result 1 test console-output-1.1 {Console non-blocking puts stdout} -constraints { win interactive } -setup { set oldmode [fconfigure stdout] dict unset oldmode -winsize } -cleanup { fconfigure stdout {*}$oldmode } -body { fconfigure stdout -blocking 0 -buffering line set count 0 fileevent stdout writable { if {[incr count] < 4} { puts "$count" } else { fileevent stdout writable {} set done 1 } } vwait done yesno "Did you see 1, 2, 3 printed on consecutive lines?" } -result 1 test console-output-2.0 {Console blocking puts stderr} -constraints {win interactive} -body { puts stderr "456" yesno "Did you see the string \"456\"?" } -result 1 # fconfigure get tests ## fconfigure get stdin test console-fconfigure-get-1.0 { Console get stdin configuration } -constraints {win interactive} -body { lsort [dict keys [fconfigure stdin]] } -result {-blocking -buffering -buffersize -encoding -eofchar -inputmode -translation} set testnum 0 foreach {opt result} { -blocking 1 -buffering line -buffersize 4096 -encoding utf-16 -inputmode normal -translation auto } { test console-fconfigure-get-1.[incr testnum] "Console get stdin option $opt" \ -constraints {win interactive} -body { fconfigure stdin $opt } -result $result } test console-fconfigure-get-1.[incr testnum] { Console get stdin option -eofchar } -constraints {win interactive} -body { fconfigure stdin -eofchar } -result \x1a test console-fconfigure-get-1.[incr testnum] { fconfigure -winsize } -constraints {win interactive} -body { fconfigure stdin -winsize } -result {bad option "-winsize": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, -translation, or -inputmode} -returnCodes error ## fconfigure get stdout/stderr foreach chan {stdout stderr} major {2 3} { test console-fconfigure-get-$major.0 "Console get $chan configuration" -constraints { win interactive } -body { lsort [dict keys [fconfigure $chan]] } -result {-blocking -buffering -buffersize -encoding -eofchar -translation -winsize} set testnum 0 foreach {opt result} { -blocking 1 -buffersize 4096 -encoding utf-16 -translation crlf } { test console-fconfigure-get-$major.[incr testnum] "Console get $chan option $opt" \ -constraints {win interactive} -body { fconfigure $chan $opt } -result $result } test console-fconfigure-get-$major.[incr testnum] "Console get $chan option -winsize" \ -constraints {win interactive} -body { fconfigure $chan -winsize } -result {\d+ \d+} -match regexp test console-fconfigure-get-$major.[incr testnum] "Console get $chan option -buffering" \ -constraints {win interactive} -body { fconfigure $chan -buffering } -result [expr {$chan eq "stdout" ? "line" : "none"}] test console-fconfigure-get-$major.[incr testnum] { fconfigure -inputmode } -constraints {win interactive} -body { fconfigure $chan -inputmode } -result {bad option "-inputmode": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, -translation, or -winsize} -returnCodes error } ## fconfigure set stdin test console-fconfigure-set-1.0 { fconfigure -inputmode password } -constraints {win interactive} -body { set result {} prompt "Type \"pass\" and hit Enter. You should NOT see characters echoed: " fconfigure stdin -inputmode password lappend result [gets stdin] lappend result [fconfigure stdin -inputmode] fconfigure stdin -inputmode normal lappend result [yesno "\nWere the characters echoed?"] prompt "Type \"norm\" and hit Enter. You should see characters echoed: " lappend result [gets stdin] lappend result [fconfigure stdin -inputmode] lappend result [yesno "Were the characters echoed?"] set result } -result [list pass password 0 norm normal 1] test console-fconfigure-set-1.1 { fconfigure -inputmode raw } -constraints {win interactive} -body { set result {} prompt "Type the keys \"a\", Ctrl-H, \"b\". Do NOT hit Enter. You should NOT see characters echoed: " fconfigure stdin -inputmode raw lappend result [read stdin 3] lappend result [fconfigure stdin -inputmode] fconfigure stdin -inputmode normal lappend result [yesno "\nWere the characters echoed?"] prompt "Type the keys \"c\", Ctrl-H, \"d\" and hit Enter. You should see characters echoed: " lappend result [gets stdin] lappend result [fconfigure stdin -inputmode] lappend result [yesno "Were the characters echoed (c replaced by d)?"] set result } -result [list a\x08b raw 0 d normal 1] test console-fconfigure-set-1.2 { fconfigure -inputmode reset } -constraints {win interactive} -body { set result {} prompt "Type \"pass\" and hit Enter. You should NOT see characters echoed: " fconfigure stdin -inputmode password lappend result [gets stdin] lappend result [fconfigure stdin -inputmode] fconfigure stdin -inputmode reset lappend result [yesno "\nWere the characters echoed?"] prompt "Type \"reset\" and hit Enter. You should see characters echoed: " lappend result [gets stdin] lappend result [fconfigure stdin -inputmode] lappend result [yesno "Were the characters echoed?"] set result } -result [list pass password 0 reset normal 1] test console-fconfigure-set-1.3 { fconfigure stdin -winsize } -constraints {win interactive} -body { fconfigure stdin -winsize {10 30} } -result {bad option "-winsize": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, -translation, or -inputmode} -returnCodes error ## fconfigure set stdout,stderr test console-fconfigure-set-2.0 { fconfigure stdout -winsize } -constraints {win interactive} -body { fconfigure stdout -winsize {10 30} } -result {bad option "-winsize": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, or -translation} -returnCodes error test console-fconfigure-set-3.0 { fconfigure stderr -winsize } -constraints {win interactive} -body { fconfigure stderr -winsize {10 30} } -result {bad option "-winsize": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, or -translation} -returnCodes error # Multiple threads test console-thread-input-1.0 {Get input in thread} -constraints { win interactive haveThread } -setup { set tid [thread::create] } -cleanup { thread::release $tid } -body { prompt "Type \"xyz\" and hit Enter: " thread::send $tid {gets stdin} } -result xyz test console-thread-output-1.0 {Output from thread} -constraints { win interactive haveThread } -setup { set tid [thread::create] } -cleanup { thread::release $tid } -body { thread::send $tid {puts [thread::id]} yesno "Did you see $tid printed?" } -result 1 ::tcltest::cleanupTests return