# The file tests the tclZlib.c file. # # This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl built-in # commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output # for errors. No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright © 1996-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Copyright © 1998-1999 Scriptics Corporation. # Copyright © 2023 Ashok P. Nadkarni # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of # this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} { package require tcltest 2.5 namespace import -force ::tcltest::* } source [file join [file dirname [info script]] tcltests.tcl] testConstraint zipfs [expr {[llength [info commands zipfs]]}] testConstraint thread [expr {0 == [catch {package require Thread 2.8-}]}] set ziproot [zipfs root] set CWD [pwd] set tmpdir [file join $CWD tmp] file mkdir $tmpdir test zipfs-0.0 {zipfs basics} -constraints zipfs -body { package require tcl::zipfs } -result {2.0} test zipfs-0.1 {zipfs basics} -constraints zipfs -body { expr {${ziproot} in [file volumes]} } -result 1 if {[string match ${ziproot}* $tcl_library]} { testConstraint zipfslib 1 set zipLibTop [file tail [file join {*}[lrange [file split $tcl_library] 0 1]]] } else { set zipLibTop "" } test zipfs-0.2 {zipfs basics} -constraints zipfslib -body { string match ${ziproot}* $tcl_library } -result 1 test zipfs-0.3 {zipfs basics: glob} -constraints zipfslib -setup { set pwd [pwd] } -body { cd $tcl_library expr { [file join . http] in [glob -dir . http*] } } -cleanup { cd $pwd } -result 1 test zipfs-0.4 {zipfs basics: glob} -constraints zipfslib -setup { set pwd [pwd] } -body { cd $tcl_library expr { [file join $tcl_library http] in [glob -dir [pwd] http*] } } -cleanup { cd $pwd } -result 1 test zipfs-0.5 {zipfs basics: glob} -constraints zipfslib -body { expr { [file join $tcl_library http] in [glob -dir $tcl_library http*] } } -result 1 test zipfs-0.6 {zipfs basics: glob} -constraints zipfslib -body { expr { [file join $tcl_library http] in [glob [file join $tcl_library http*]] } } -result 1 test zipfs-0.7 {zipfs basics: glob} -constraints zipfslib -body { expr { "http" in [glob -tails -dir $tcl_library http*] } } -result 1 test zipfs-0.8 {zipfs basics: glob} -constraints zipfslib -body { expr { "http" in [glob -nocomplain -tails -types d -dir $tcl_library http*] } } -result 1 test zipfs-0.9 {zipfs basics: glob} -constraints zipfslib -body { glob -nocomplain -tails -types f -dir $tcl_library http* } -result {} test zipfs-0.10 {zipfs basics: join} -constraints {zipfs zipfslib} -body { file join ${ziproot} bar baz } -result "${ziproot}bar/baz" test zipfs-0.11 {zipfs basics: join} -constraints {zipfs zipfslib} -body { file normalize ${ziproot} } -result "${ziproot}" test zipfs-0.12 {zipfs basics: join} -constraints {zipfs zipfslib} -body { file normalize ${ziproot}//bar/baz//qux/../ } -result "${ziproot}bar/baz" file mkdir tmp test zipfs-2.1 {zipfs mkzip empty archive} -constraints zipfs -returnCodes error -body { zipfs mkzip [file join $tmpdir empty.zip] $tcl_library/xxxx } -result {empty archive} ### # The next series of tests operate within a zipfile created a temporary # directory. ### set zipfile [file join $tmpdir abc.zip] if {[file exists $zipfile]} { file delete $zipfile } test zipfs-2.2 {zipfs mkzip} -constraints zipfs -body { cd $tcl_library/encoding zipfs mkzip $zipfile . zipfs mount $zipfile ${ziproot}abc zipfs list -glob ${ziproot}abc/cp850.* } -cleanup { cd $CWD } -result "${ziproot}abc/cp850.enc" testConstraint zipfsenc [zipfs exists ${ziproot}abc/cp850.enc] test zipfs-2.3 {zipfs info} -constraints {zipfs zipfsenc} -body { set r [zipfs info ${ziproot}abc/cp850.enc] lrange $r 0 2 } -result [list $zipfile 1090 527] ;# NOTE: Only the first 3 results are stable test zipfs-2.4 {zipfs data} -constraints {zipfs zipfsenc} -body { set zipfd [open ${ziproot}/abc/cp850.enc] ;# FIXME: leave open - see later test read $zipfd } -result {# Encoding file: cp850, single-byte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} ;# FIXME: result depends on content of encodings dir test zipfs-2.5 {zipfs exists} -constraints {zipfs zipfsenc} -body { zipfs exists ${ziproot}abc/cp850.enc } -result 1 test zipfs-2.6 {zipfs unmount while busy} -constraints {zipfs zipfsenc} -body { zipfs unmount /abc } -returnCodes error -result {filesystem is busy} test zipfs-2.7 {zipfs unmount} -constraints {zipfs zipfsenc} -body { close $zipfd zipfs unmount /abc zipfs exists /abc/cp850.enc } -result 0 ### # Repeat the tests for a buffer mounted archive ### test zipfs-2.8 {zipfs mkzip} -constraints zipfs -body { cd $tcl_library/encoding zipfs mkzip $zipfile . set fin [open $zipfile r] fconfigure $fin -translation binary set dat [read $fin] close $fin zipfs mount_data $dat def zipfs list -glob ${ziproot}def/cp850.* } -cleanup { cd $CWD } -result "${ziproot}def/cp850.enc" testConstraint zipfsencbuf [zipfs exists ${ziproot}def/cp850.enc] test zipfs-2.9 {zipfs info} -constraints {zipfs zipfsencbuf} -body { set r [zipfs info ${ziproot}def/cp850.enc] lrange $r 0 2 } -result [list {Memory Buffer} 1090 527] ;# NOTE: Only the first 3 results are stable test zipfs-2.10 {zipfs data} -constraints {zipfs zipfsencbuf} -body { set zipfd [open ${ziproot}/def/cp850.enc] ;# FIXME: leave open - see later test read $zipfd } -result {# Encoding file: cp850, single-byte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} ;# FIXME: result depends on content of encodings dir test zipfs-2.11 {zipfs exists} -constraints {zipfs zipfsencbuf} -body { zipfs exists ${ziproot}def/cp850.enc } -result 1 test zipfs-2.12 {zipfs unmount while busy} -constraints {zipfs zipfsencbuf} -body { zipfs unmount /def } -returnCodes error -result {filesystem is busy} test zipfs-2.13 {zipfs unmount} -constraints {zipfs zipfsencbuf} -body { close $zipfd zipfs unmount /def zipfs exists /def/cp850.enc } -result 0 catch {file delete -force $tmpdir} test zipfs-3.1 {zipfs in child interpreters} -constraints zipfs -setup { set interp [interp create] } -body { interp eval $interp { zipfs ? } } -returnCodes error -cleanup { interp delete $interp } -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "?": must be canonical, exists, find, info, list, lmkimg, lmkzip, mkimg, mkkey, mkzip, mount, mount_data, root, or unmount} test zipfs-3.2 {zipfs in child interpreters} -constraints zipfs -setup { set interp [interp create] } -body { interp eval $interp { zipfs mkzip } } -returnCodes error -cleanup { interp delete $interp } -result {wrong # args: should be "zipfs mkzip outfile indir ?strip? ?password?"} test zipfs-3.3 {zipfs in child interpreters} -constraints zipfs -setup { set safe [interp create -safe] } -body { interp eval $safe { zipfs ? } } -returnCodes error -cleanup { interp delete $safe } -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "?": must be canonical, exists, find, info, list, lmkimg, lmkzip, mkimg, mkkey, mkzip, mount, mount_data, root, or unmount} test zipfs-3.4 {zipfs in child interpreters} -constraints zipfs -setup { set safe [interp create -safe] } -body { interp eval $safe { zipfs mkzip } } -returnCodes error -cleanup { interp delete $safe } -result {not allowed to invoke subcommand mkzip of zipfs} test zipfs-4.1 {zipfs lmkimg} -constraints zipfs -setup { set baseImage [makeFile "return sourceWorking\n\x1A" base] set targetImage [makeFile "" target] set addFile [makeFile "return mountWorking" add.data] file delete $targetImage } -body { zipfs lmkimg $targetImage [list $addFile test/add.tcl] {} $baseImage zipfs mount $targetImage ziptest try { list [source $targetImage] [source ${ziproot}ziptest/test/add.tcl] } finally { zipfs unmount ziptest } } -cleanup { removeFile $baseImage removeFile $targetImage removeFile $addFile } -result {sourceWorking mountWorking} test zipfs-4.2 {zipfs lmkimg: making an image from an image} -constraints zipfs -setup { set baseImage [makeFile "return sourceWorking\n\x1A" base_image.tcl] set midImage [makeFile "" mid_image.tcl] set targetImage [makeFile "" target_image.tcl] set addFile [makeFile "return mountWorking" add.data] file delete $midImage $targetImage } -body { zipfs lmkimg $midImage [list $addFile test/ko.tcl] {} $baseImage zipfs lmkimg $targetImage [list $addFile test/ok.tcl] {} $midImage zipfs mount $targetImage ziptest try { list [glob -tails -directory ${ziproot}/ziptest/test *.tcl] \ [if {[file size $midImage] == [file size $targetImage]} { string cat equal } else { list mid=[file size $midImage] target=[file size $targetImage] }] } finally { zipfs unmount ziptest } } -cleanup { removeFile $baseImage removeFile $midImage removeFile $targetImage removeFile $addFile } -result {ok.tcl equal} test zipfs-4.3 {zipfs lmkimg: stripping password} -constraints zipfs -setup { set baseImage [makeFile "return sourceWorking\n\x1A" base_image.tcl] set midImage [makeFile "" mid_image.tcl] set targetImage [makeFile "" target_image.tcl] set addFile [makeFile "return mountWorking" add.data] file delete $midImage $targetImage } -body { set pass gorp zipfs lmkimg $midImage [list $addFile test/add.tcl] $pass $baseImage zipfs lmkimg $targetImage [list $addFile test/ok.tcl] {} $midImage zipfs mount $targetImage ziptest try { glob -tails -directory ${ziproot}/ziptest/test *.tcl } finally { zipfs unmount ziptest } } -cleanup { removeFile $baseImage removeFile $midImage removeFile $targetImage removeFile $addFile } -result {ok.tcl} test zipfs-4.4 {zipfs lmkimg: final password} -constraints zipfs -setup { set baseImage [makeFile "return sourceWorking\n\x1A" base_image.tcl] set midImage [makeFile "" mid_image.tcl] set targetImage [makeFile "" target_image.tcl] set addFile [makeFile "return mountWorking" add.data] file delete $midImage $targetImage } -body { set pass gorp zipfs lmkimg $midImage [list $addFile test/add.tcl] {} $baseImage zipfs lmkimg $targetImage [list $addFile test/ok.tcl] $pass $midImage zipfs mount $targetImage ziptest try { glob -tails -directory ${ziproot}/ziptest/test *.tcl } finally { zipfs unmount ziptest } } -cleanup { removeFile $baseImage removeFile $midImage removeFile $targetImage removeFile $addFile } -result {ok.tcl} test zipfs-4.5 {zipfs lmkimg: making image from mounted} -constraints zipfs -setup { set baseImage [makeFile "return sourceWorking\n\x1A" base_image.tcl] set midImage [makeFile "" mid_image.tcl] set targetImage [makeFile "" target_image.tcl] set addFile [makeFile "return mountWorking" add.data] file delete $midImage $targetImage } -body { zipfs lmkimg $midImage [list $addFile test/add.tcl] {} $baseImage zipfs mount $midImage ziptest set f [glob -directory ${ziproot}/ziptest/test *.tcl] zipfs lmkimg $targetImage [list $f test/ok.tcl] {} $midImage zipfs unmount ziptest zipfs mount $targetImage ziptest list $f [glob -directory ${ziproot}/ziptest/test *.tcl] } -cleanup { zipfs unmount ziptest removeFile $baseImage removeFile $midImage removeFile $targetImage removeFile $addFile } -result [list ${ziproot}/ziptest/test/add.tcl ${ziproot}/ziptest/test/ok.tcl] test zipfs-5.1 {zipfs mount_data: short data} -constraints zipfs -body { zipfs mount_data {} gorp } -returnCodes error -result {illegal file size} test zipfs-5.2 {zipfs mount_data: short data} -constraints zipfs -body { zipfs mount_data gorpGORPgorp gorp } -returnCodes error -result {illegal file size} test zipfs-5.3 {zipfs mount_data: short data} -constraints zipfs -body { set data PK\x03\x04..................................... append data PK\x01\x02..................................... append data PK\x05\x06..................................... zipfs mount_data $data gorp } -returnCodes error -result {archive directory truncated} test zipfs-6.1 {zipfs mkkey} -constraints zipfs -body { binary scan [zipfs mkkey gorp] cu* x return $x } -result {224 226 111 103 4 80 75 90 90} # # Additional tests for more coverage. Some of the ones above may be duplicated. namespace eval test_ns_zipfs { namespace import ::tcltest::test namespace path ::tcltests variable zipTestDir [file normalize [file join [file dirname [info script]] zipfiles]] variable defMountPt [file join [zipfs root] testmount] proc readbin {path} { set fd [open $path rb] set data [read $fd] close $fd return $data } # Wrapper to ease transition if Tcl changes order of argument to zipfs mount # or the zipfs prefix proc mount [list zippath [list mountpoint $defMountPt]] { return [zipfs mount $zippath $mountpoint] } # Make full path to zip file proc zippath {zippath} { variable zipTestDir if {[file pathtype $zippath] eq "absolute"} { return $zippath } else { return [file join $zipTestDir $zippath] } } # list of paths -> list of paths under mount point mt proc zipfspathsmt {mt args} { return [lsort [lmap path $args {file join $mt $path}]] } # list of paths -> list of paths under [zipfs root] proc zipfspaths {args} { return [zipfspathsmt [zipfs root] {*}$args] } proc cleanup {} { dict for {mount -} [zipfs mount] { if {[string match //zipfs:/test* $mount]} { zipfs unmount $mount } } zipfs unmount [zipfs root] } proc mounttarget {mountpoint} { return [dict getdef [zipfs mount] $mountpoint ""] } # # zipfs root - only arg count check since do not want to assume # what it resolves to testnumargs "zipfs root" "" "" # # zipfs mount proc testbadmount {id zippath messagePattern args} { variable defMountPt set zippath [zippath $zippath] test zipfs-mount-$id $id -body { list [catch {mount $zippath} message] \ [string match $messagePattern $message] \ [mounttarget $defMountPt] } -cleanup { # In case mount succeeded when it should not cleanup } -result {1 1 {}} {*}$args if {![file exists $zippath]} { return } set data [readbin $zippath] test zipfs-mount_data-$id $id -body { list [catch {zipfs mount_data $data $defMountPt} message] \ [string match $messagePattern $message] \ [mounttarget $defMountPt] } -cleanup { # In case mount succeeded when it should not cleanup } -result {1 1 {}} {*}$args } # Generates tests for file, file on root, memory buffer cases for an archive proc testmount {id zippath checkPath mountpoint args} { set zippath [zippath $zippath] test zipfs-mount-$id "zipfs mount $id" -body { set canon [mount $zippath $mountpoint] list [file exists [file join $canon $checkPath]] \ [zipfs mount $canon] [zipfs mount $mountpoint] } -cleanup { zipfs unmount $mountpoint } -result [list 1 $zippath $zippath] {*}$args # Mount memory buffer test zipfs-mount_data-$id "zipfs mount_data $id" -body { set canon [zipfs mount_data [readbin $zippath] $mountpoint] list [file exists [file join $canon $checkPath]] \ [zipfs mount $canon] [zipfs mount $mountpoint] } -cleanup { cleanup } -result [list 1 {Memory Buffer} {Memory Buffer}] {*}$args } testnumargs "zipfs mount" "" "?zipfile? ?mountpoint? ?password?" testnumargs "zipfs mount_data" "data mountpoint" "" # Not supported zip files testbadmount non-existent-file nosuchfile.zip "couldn't open*nosuchfile.zip*no such file or directory" testbadmount not-zipfile [file normalize [info script]] "archive directory end signature not found" testbadmount zip64-unsupported zip64.zip "wrong header signature" # Inconsistent metadata testbadmount bad-directory-offset incons-cdoffset.zip "archive directory truncated" testbadmount bad-directory-magic incons-central-magic-bad.zip "wrong header signature" testbadmount bad-local-magic incons-local-magic-bad.zip "Failed to find local header" testbadmount bad-file-count-high incons-file-count-high.zip "truncated directory" testbadmount bad-file-count-low incons-file-count-low.zip "short file count" test zipfs-mount-on-drive "Mount point include drive" -body { zipfs mount [zippath test.zip] C:/foo } -result {Invalid mount path "C:/foo"} -returnCodes error -constraints win test zipfs-mount_data-on-drive "Mount point include drive" -body { zipfs mount_data [readbin [zippath test.zip]] C:/foo } -result {Invalid mount path "C:/foo"} -returnCodes error -constraints win test zipfs-mount-on-unc "Mount point is unc" -body { zipfs mount [zippath test.zip] //unc/share/foo } -result {Invalid mount path "//unc/share/foo"} -returnCodes error test zipfs-mount_data-on-unc "Mount point include unc" -body { zipfs mount_data [readbin [zippath test.zip]] //unc/share/foo } -result {Invalid mount path "//unc/share/foo"} -returnCodes error # Good mounts testmount basic test.zip testdir/test2 $defMountPt testmount basic-on-default test.zip testdir/test2 "" testmount basic-on-root test.zip testdir/test2 [zipfs root] testmount basic-on-slash test.zip testdir/test2 / testmount basic-on-bslash test.zip testdir/test2 \\ -constraints win testmount basic-on-relative test.zip testdir/test2 testmount testmount basic-on-absolute test.zip testdir/test2 /testmount testmount basic-on-absolute-bslash test.zip testdir/test2 \\testmount -constraints win testmount zip-at-end junk-at-start.zip testdir/test2 $defMountPt testmount zip-at-start junk-at-end.zip testdir/test2 $defMountPt testmount zip-in-zip [file join [zipfs root] test2 test.zip] testdir/test2 $defMountPt -setup { mount [zippath test-zip-in-zip.zip] [file join [zipfs root] test2] } -cleanup { zipfs unmount $mountpoint zipfs unmount [file join [zipfs root] test2] } testmount relative-mount-point test.zip testdir/test2 "" test zipfs-mount-busy-1 "Attempt to mount on existing mount point" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { zipfs mount [zippath testfile-cp437.zip] $defMountPt } -result "[zippath test.zip] is already mounted on $defMountPt" -returnCodes error test zipfs-mount-no-args-1 "mount - get mount list" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { set mounts [zipfs mount] lsearch -inline -stride 2 $mounts $defMountPt } -result [list $defMountPt [zippath test.zip]] test zipfs-mount-one-arg-1 "mount - get mount target - absolute path" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { zipfs mount $defMountPt } -result [zippath test.zip] test zipfs-mount-one-arg-2 "mount - get mount target - relative path" -setup { file copy [zippath test.zip] test.zip mount ./test.zip } -cleanup { cleanup file delete ./test.zip } -body { zipfs mount $defMountPt } -result [file normalize ./test.zip] test zipfs-mount-password-1 "mount - verify plaintext readable without password" -body { zipfs mount [zippath test-password.zip] $defMountPt readbin [file join $defMountPt plain.txt] } -cleanup { cleanup } -result plaintext test zipfs-mount-password-2 "mount - verify uncompressed cipher unreadable without password" -body { zipfs mount [zippath test-password.zip] $defMountPt set chans [lsort [chan names]]; # Want to ensure open does not leave dangling channel set result [list ] lappend result [catch {open [file join $defMountPt cipher.bin]} message] lappend result $message lappend result [string equal $chans [lsort [chan names]]] } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {1 {decryption failed - no password provided} 1} test zipfs-mount-password-3 "mount - verify compressed cipher unreadable without password" -body { zipfs mount [zippath test-password.zip] $defMountPt set chans [lsort [chan names]]; # Want to ensure open does not leave dangling channel set result [list ] lappend result [catch {open [file join $defMountPt cipher-deflate.bin]} message] lappend result $message lappend result [string equal $chans [lsort [chan names]]] } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {1 {decryption failed - no password provided} 1} test zipfs-mount-nested-1 "mount - nested mount on non-existing path" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { set newmount [file join $defMountPt newdir] mount [zippath test-overlay.zip] $newmount list \ [lsort [glob -tails -dir $defMountPt *]] \ [lsort [glob -tails -dir $newmount *]] \ [readbin [file join $newmount test2]] } -result {{newdir test testdir} {test2 test3} test2-overlay} test zipfs-mount-nested-2 "mount - nested mount on existing path" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { set newmount [file join $defMountPt testdir] mount [zippath test-overlay.zip] $newmount # Note - file from existing mount is preserved (testdir/test2) # Not clear this is desired but defined as such by the # current implementation list \ [lsort [glob -tails -dir $defMountPt *]] \ [lsort [glob -tails -dir $newmount *]] \ [readbin [file join $newmount test2]] } -result [list {test testdir} {test2 test3} test\n] # # unmount - only special cases. Normal case already tested as part of other tests testnumargs "zipfs unmount" "mountpoint" "" test zipfs-unmount-1 "Unmount bogus mount" -body { zipfs unmount [file join [zipfs root] nosuchmount] } -result "" test zipfs-unmount-2 "Unmount mount with open files" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] set fd [open [file join $defMountPt test]] } -cleanup { close $fd cleanup } -body { zipfs unmount $defMountPt } -result {filesystem is busy} -returnCodes error test zipfs-unmount-3 "Unmount mount with current directory" -setup { set cwd [pwd] mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cd $cwd cleanup } -body { # Current directory does not change on unmount. # This is the same behavior as when USB pen drive is unmounted set cwd2 [file join $defMountPt testdir] cd $cwd2 list [pwd] [zipfs unmount $defMountPt] [string equal [pwd] $cwd2] } -result [list [file join $defMountPt testdir] {} 1] test zipfs-unmount-nested-1 "unmount parent of nested mount on new directory should not affect nested mount" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] set newmount [file join [zipfs root] test newdir] mount [zippath test-overlay.zip] $newmount } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { zipfs unmount $defMountPt list \ [zipfs mount $defMountPt] \ [lsort [glob -tails -dir $newmount *]] \ [readbin [file join $newmount test2]] } -result {{} {test2 test3} test2-overlay} test zipfs-unmount-nested-2 "unmount parent of nested mount on existing directory should not affect nested mount" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] set newmount [file join [zipfs root] test testdir] mount [zippath test-overlay.zip] $newmount } -constraints bug-4ae42446ab -cleanup { cleanup } -body { # KNOWN BUG. The test2 file is also present in parent mount. # After the unmount, the test2 in the nested mount is not # made available. zipfs unmount $defMountPt list \ [zipfs mount $defMountPt] \ [lsort [glob -tails -dir $newmount *]] \ [readbin [file join $newmount test2]] } -result {{} {test2 test3} test2-overlay} # # paths inside a zip # TODO - paths encoded in utf-8 vs fallback encoding test zipfs-content-paths-1 "Test absolute and full paths" -setup { mount [zippath test-paths.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { # Primarily verifies that drive letters are stripped and paths maintained lsort [zipfs find $defMountPt] } -result {//zipfs:/testmount/filename.txt //zipfs:/testmount/src //zipfs:/testmount/src/tcltk //zipfs:/testmount/src/tcltk/wip //zipfs:/testmount/src/tcltk/wip/tcl //zipfs:/testmount/src/tcltk/wip/tcl/tests //zipfs:/testmount/src/tcltk/wip/tcl/tests/zipfiles //zipfs:/testmount/src/tcltk/wip/tcl/tests/zipfiles/abspath.txt //zipfs:/testmount/src/tcltk/wip/tcl/tests/zipfiles/fullpath.txt} # # zipfs list testnumargs "zipfs list" "" "?(-glob|-regexp)? ?pattern?" # Generates zipfs list tests for file, memory buffer cases for an archive proc testzipfslist {id cmdargs mounts resultpaths args} { set resultpaths [lmap path $resultpaths { file join [zipfs root] $path }] set resultpaths [lsort $resultpaths] test zipfs-list-$id "zipfs list $id" -body { lsort [zipfs list {*}$cmdargs] } -setup { foreach {zippath mountpoint} $mounts { zipfs mount [zippath $zippath] [file join [zipfs root] $mountpoint] } } -cleanup { cleanup } -result $resultpaths {*}$args # Mount memory buffer test zipfs-list-memory-$id "zipfs list memory $id" -body { lsort [zipfs list {*}$cmdargs] } -setup { foreach {zippath mountpoint} $mounts { zipfs mount_data [readbin [zippath $zippath]] [file join [zipfs root] $mountpoint] } } -cleanup { cleanup } -result $resultpaths {*}$args } # Some tests have !zipfslib constraint because otherwise they dump the entire Tcl library which is mounted on root testzipfslist no-mounts "" {} {} -constraints !zipfslib testzipfslist no-pattern "" {test.zip testmountA} {testmountA testmountA/test testmountA/testdir testmountA/testdir/test2} -constraints !zipfslib testzipfslist no-pattern-mount-on-empty "" {test.zip {}} {{} test testdir testdir/test2} -constraints !zipfslib testzipfslist no-pattern-mount-on-root "" [list test.zip [zipfs root]] {{} test testdir testdir/test2} -constraints !zipfslib testzipfslist no-pattern-mount-on-slash "" [list test.zip /] {{} test testdir testdir/test2} -constraints !zipfslib testzipfslist no-pattern-mount-on-mezzo "" [list test.zip testmt/a/b] {testmt/a/b testmt/a/b/test testmt/a/b/testdir testmt/a/b/testdir/test2} -constraints {!zipfslib} testzipfslist no-pattern-multiple "" {test.zip testmountA test.zip testmountB/subdir} { testmountA testmountA/test testmountA/testdir testmountA/testdir/test2 testmountB/subdir testmountB/subdir/test testmountB/subdir/testdir testmountB/subdir/testdir/test2 } -constraints !zipfslib testzipfslist glob [list "*testmount*2*"] {test.zip testmountA test.zip testmountB/subdir} { testmountA/testdir/test2 testmountB/subdir/testdir/test2 } testzipfslist opt-glob [list -glob "*testmount*2*"] {test.zip testmountA test.zip testmountB/subdir} { testmountA/testdir/test2 testmountB/subdir/testdir/test2 } testzipfslist opt-regexp [list -regexp "testmount.*(A|2)"] {test.zip testmountA test.zip testmountB/subdir} { testmountA testmountA/test testmountA/testdir testmountA/testdir/test2 testmountB/subdir/testdir/test2 } # # zipfs exists testnumargs "zipfs exists" "filename" "" # Generates tests for zipfs exists proc testzipfsexists [list id path result [list mountpoint $defMountPt] args] { test zipfs-exists-$id "zipfs exists $id" -body { zipfs exists $path } -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] $mountpoint } -cleanup { zipfs unmount $mountpoint cleanup } -result $result {*}$args } testzipfsexists native-file [info nameofexecutable] 0 testzipfsexists enoent [file join $defMountPt nosuchfile] 0 testzipfsexists file [file join $defMountPt test] 1 testzipfsexists dir [file join $defMountPt testdir] 1 testzipfsexists mountpoint $defMountPt 1 testzipfsexists root [zipfs root] 1 $defMountPt testzipfsexists mezzo [file join $defMountPt a b] 1 [file join $defMountPt a b c] testzipfsexists mezzo-enoent [file join $defMountPt a c] 0 [file join $defMountPt a b c] # # zipfs find testnumargs "zipfs find" "directoryName" "" # Generates zipfs find tests for file, memory buffer cases for an archive proc testzipfsfind {id findtarget mounts resultpaths args} { set setup { foreach {zippath mountpoint} $mounts { zipfs mount [zippath $zippath] [file join [zipfs root] $mountpoint] } } set memory_setup { foreach {zippath mountpoint} $mounts { zipfs mount_data [readbin [zippath $zippath]] [file join [zipfs root] $mountpoint] } } if {[dict exists $args -setup]} { append setup \n[dict get $args -setup] append memory_setup \n[dict get $args -setup] dict unset args -setup } set cleanup cleanup if {[dict exists $args -cleanup]} { set cleanup "[dict get $args -cleanup]\n$cleanup" dict unset args -cleanup } set resultpaths [lsort $resultpaths] test zipfs-find-$id "zipfs find $id" -body { lsort [zipfs find $findtarget] } -setup $setup -cleanup $cleanup -result $resultpaths {*}$args # Mount memory buffer test zipfs-find-memory-$id "zipfs find memory $id" -body { lsort [zipfs find $findtarget] } -setup $memory_setup -cleanup $cleanup -result $resultpaths {*}$args } testzipfsfind nonexistingmount [file join [zipfs root] nosuchmount] { test.zip testmountA test.zip testmountB/subdir } {} testzipfsfind absolute-path [file join [zipfs root] testmountA] { test.zip testmountA test.zip testmountB/subdir } [zipfspaths testmountA/test testmountA/testdir testmountA/testdir/test2] testzipfsfind relative-path testdir { test.zip testmountA test.zip testmountB/subdir } { testdir/test2 } -setup { set cwd [pwd] cd [file join [zipfs root] testmountA] } -cleanup { cd $cwd } # bug-6183f535c8 testzipfsfind root-path [zipfs root] { test.zip {} test.zip testmountB/subdir } [zipfspaths test testdir testdir/test2 testmountB testmountB/subdir testmountB/subdir/test testmountB/subdir/testdir testmountB/subdir/testdir/test2] -constraints !zipfslib testzipfsfind mezzo [file join [zipfs root] testmt a] { test.zip testmt/a/b } [zipfspaths testmt/a/b testmt/a/b/test testmt/a/b/testdir testmt/a/b/testdir/test2] testzipfsfind mezzo-root [zipfs root] { test.zip testmt/a/b } [zipfspaths testmt testmt/a testmt/a/b testmt/a/b/test testmt/a/b/testdir testmt/a/b/testdir/test2] -constraints !zipfslib test zipfs-find-native-absolute "zipfs find on native file system" -setup { set dir [makeDirectory zipfs-native-absolute] set subdir [file join $dir subdir] file mkdir $subdir set file [file join $subdir native] close [open $file w] } -cleanup { removeDirectory zipfs-native-absolute } -body { string equal [zipfs find $dir] [list $subdir $file] } -result 1 test zipfs-find-native-relative "zipfs find relative on native file system" -setup { set dir [makeDirectory zipfs-native-relative] set subdir [file join $dir subdir] file mkdir $subdir set file [file join $subdir native] close [open $file w] set cwd [pwd] } -cleanup { cd $cwd removeDirectory zipfs-native-relative } -body { cd [file dirname $dir] # string equal [zipfs find [file tail $subdir]] [list subdir subdir/native] zipfs find [file tail $dir] } -result {zipfs-native-relative/subdir zipfs-native-relative/subdir/native} # # zipfs info testnumargs "zipfs info" "filename" "" test zipfs-info-native-nosuchfile "zipfs info on non-existent native path" -body { zipfs info nosuchfile } -result {path "nosuchfile" not found in any zipfs volume} -returnCodes error test zipfs-info-native-file "zipfs info on native path" -body { zipfs info [info nameofexecutable] } -result "path \"[info nameofexecutable]\" not found in any zipfs volume" -returnCodes error test zipfs-info-nosuchfile "zipfs info non-existent path in mounted archive" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { zipfs info [file join $defMountPt nosuchfile] } -result "path \"[file join $defMountPt nosuchfile]\" not found in any zipfs volume" -returnCodes error test zipfs-info-file "zipfs info file within mounted archive" -setup { mount [zippath testdeflated2.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { zipfs info [file join $defMountPt abac-repeat.txt] } -result [list [zippath testdeflated2.zip] 60 17 108] test zipfs-info-dir "zipfs info dir within mounted archive" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { zipfs info [file join $defMountPt testdir] } -result [list [zippath test.zip] 0 0 119] test zipfs-info-mountpoint "zipfs info on mount point - verify correct offset of zip content" -setup { # zip starts at offset 4 mount [zippath junk-at-start.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { zipfs info $defMountPt } -result [list [zippath junk-at-start.zip] 0 0 4] test zipfs-info-mezzo "zipfs info on mount point - verify correct offset of zip content" -setup { # zip starts at offset 4 mount [zippath junk-at-start.zip] /testmt/a/b } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { zipfs info [file join [zipfs root] testmt a] } -result {path "//zipfs:/testmt/a" not found in any zipfs volume} -returnCodes error # # zipfs canonical test zipfs-canonical-minargs {zipfs canonical min args} -body { zipfs canonical } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "zipfs canonical ?mountpoint? filename"} test zipfs-canonical-maxargs {zipfs canonical max args} -body { zipfs canonical a b c } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "zipfs canonical ?mountpoint? filename"} proc testzipfscanonical {id cmdargs result args} { test zipfs-canonical-$id "zipfs canonical $id" \ -body [list zipfs canonical {*}$cmdargs] \ -result $result {*}$args } testzipfscanonical default-relative [list a] [file join [zipfs root] a] testzipfscanonical default-absolute [list /a] [file join [zipfs root] a] testzipfscanonical root-relative-1 [list [zipfs root] a] [file join [zipfs root] a] testzipfscanonical root-relative-2 [list / a] [file join [zipfs root] a] testzipfscanonical root-absolute-1 [list [zipfs root] /a] [file join [zipfs root] a] testzipfscanonical root-absolute-2 [list / /a] [file join [zipfs root] a] testzipfscanonical absolute-relative [list /MT a] [file join [zipfs root] MT a] testzipfscanonical absolute-absolute [list /MT /a] [file join [zipfs root] MT a] testzipfscanonical relative-relative [list MT a] [file join [zipfs root] MT a] testzipfscanonical relative-absolute [list MT /a] [file join [zipfs root] MT a] testzipfscanonical mountpoint-trailslash-relative [list MT/ a] [file join [zipfs root] MT a] testzipfscanonical mountpoint-trailslash-absolute [list MT/ /a] [file join [zipfs root] MT a] testzipfscanonical mountpoint-root-relative [list [zipfs root] a] [file join [zipfs root] a] testzipfscanonical mountpoint-root-absolute [list [zipfs root] /a] [file join [zipfs root] a] testzipfscanonical mountpoint-empty-relative [list {} a] [file join [zipfs root] a] testzipfscanonical driveletter [list X:] [zipfs root] -constraints win testzipfscanonical drivepath [list X:/foo/bar] [file join [zipfs root] foo bar] -constraints win testzipfscanonical drivepath-1 [list MT X:/foo/bar] [file join [zipfs root] MT foo bar] -constraints win testzipfscanonical backslashes [list X:\\\\foo\\\\bar] [file join [zipfs root] foo bar] -constraints win testzipfscanonical backslashes-1 [list X:/foo\\\\bar] [file join [zipfs root] foo bar] -constraints win testzipfscanonical zipfspath [list //zipfs:/x/y] [file join [zipfs root] x y] testzipfscanonical zipfspath-1 [list MT //zipfs:/x/y] [file join [zipfs root] x y] # # Read/uncompress proc testzipfsread {id zippath result {filename abac-repeat.txt} {openopts {}} args} { variable defMountPt set zippath [zippath $zippath] test zipfs-read-$id "zipfs read $id" -setup { unset -nocomplain fd zipfs mount $zippath $defMountPt } -cleanup { # In case open succeeded when it should not if {[info exists fd]} { close $fd } cleanup } -body { set fd [open [file join $defMountPt $filename] {*}$openopts] gets $fd } -result $result {*}$args set data [readbin $zippath] test zipfs-read-memory-$id "zipfs read in-memory $id" -setup { unset -nocomplain fd zipfs mount_data $data $defMountPt } -cleanup { # In case open succeeded when it should not if {[info exists fd]} { close $fd } cleanup } -body { set fd [open [file join $defMountPt $filename] {*}$openopts] gets $fd } -result $result {*}$args } testzipfsread stored test.zip test test testzipfsread stored-1 teststored.zip aaaaaaaaaaaaaa testzipfsread deflate testdeflated2.zip aaaaaaaaaaaaaa testzipfsread bug-23dd83ce7c empty.zip {} empty.txt # Test open modes - see bug [4645658689] testzipfsread stored-r+ teststored.zip aaaaaaaaaaaaaa abac-repeat.txt r+ testzipfsread deflate-r+ testdeflated2.zip aaaaaaaaaaaaaa abac-repeat.txt r+ testzipfsread stored-w+ teststored.zip {} abac-repeat.txt w+ testzipfsread deflate-w+ testdeflated2.zip {} abac-repeat.txt w+ testzipfsread stored-a+ teststored.zip {} abac-repeat.txt a+ testzipfsread deflate-a+ testdeflated2.zip {} abac-repeat.txt a+ testzipfsread enoent test.zip "file \"//zipfs:/testmount/nosuchfile\" not found: no such file or directory" nosuchfile {} -returnCodes error testzipfsread bzip2 testbzip2.zip {unsupported compression method} abac-repeat.txt {} -returnCodes error testzipfsread lzma testfile-lzma.zip {unsupported compression method} abac-repeat.txt {} -returnCodes error testzipfsread xz testfile-xz.zip {unsupported compression method} abac-repeat.txt {} -returnCodes error testzipfsread zstd testfile-zstd.zip {unsupported compression method} abac-repeat.txt {} -returnCodes error testzipfsread deflate-error broken.zip {decompression error} deflatezliberror {} -returnCodes error test zipfs-read-unwritable "Writes not allowed on file opened for read" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { close $fd cleanup } -body { set fd [open [file join $defMountPt test]] puts $fd blah } -result {channel "*" wasn't opened for writing} -match glob -returnCodes error # # Write proc testzipfswrite {id zippath result filename mode args} { variable defMountPt set zippath [zippath $zippath] set path [file join $defMountPt $filename] set body { set fd [open $path $mode] fconfigure $fd -translation binary puts -nonewline $fd XYZ seek $fd 0 puts -nonewline $fd xyz close $fd set fd [open $path] fconfigure $fd -translation binary read $fd } test zipfs-write-$id "zipfs write $id" -setup { unset -nocomplain fd zipfs mount $zippath $defMountPt } -cleanup { # In case open succeeded when it should not if {[info exists fd]} { close $fd } cleanup } -body $body -result $result {*}$args set data [readbin $zippath] test zipfs-write-memory-$id "zipfs write in-memory $id" -setup { unset -nocomplain fd zipfs mount_data $data $defMountPt } -cleanup { # In case open succeeded when it should not if {[info exists fd]} { close $fd } cleanup } -body $body -result $result {*}$args } testzipfswrite create-w test.zip "file \"//zipfs:/testmount/newfile\" not created: operation not supported" newfile w -returnCodes error testzipfswrite create-w+ test.zip "file \"//zipfs:/testmount/newfile\" not created: operation not supported" newfile w+ -returnCodes error testzipfswrite create-a test.zip "file \"$defMountPt/newfile\" not created: operation not supported" newfile a -returnCodes error testzipfswrite create-a+ test.zip "file \"//zipfs:/testmount/newfile\" not created: operation not supported" newfile a+ -returnCodes error testzipfswrite store-w teststored.zip "xyz" abac-repeat.txt w testzipfswrite deflate-w testdeflated2.zip "xyz" abac-repeat.txt w testzipfswrite store-w+ teststored.zip "xyz" abac-repeat.txt w+ testzipfswrite deflate-w+ testdeflated2.zip "xyz" abac-repeat.txt w+ testzipfswrite stored-a teststored.zip "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa\nbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\naaaaaaaaaaaaaa\ncccccccccccccc\nXYZxyz" abac-repeat.txt a testzipfswrite deflate-a testdeflated2.zip "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa\nbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\naaaaaaaaaaaaaa\ncccccccccccccc\nXYZxyz" abac-repeat.txt a testzipfswrite store-a+ teststored.zip "xyzaaaaaaaaaaa\nbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\naaaaaaaaaaaaaa\ncccccccccccccc\nXYZ" abac-repeat.txt a+ testzipfswrite deflate-a+ testdeflated2.zip "xyzaaaaaaaaaaa\nbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\naaaaaaaaaaaaaa\ncccccccccccccc\nXYZ" abac-repeat.txt a+ testzipfswrite bug-23dd83ce7c-w empty.zip "xyz" empty.txt w test zipfs-write-unreadable "Reads not allowed on file opened for write" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { close $fd cleanup } -body { set fd [open [file join $defMountPt test] w] read $fd } -result {channel "*" wasn't opened for reading} -match glob -returnCodes error test zipfs-write-persist "Writes persist ONLY while mounted" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { set path [file join $defMountPt test] set fd [open $path w] puts -nonewline $fd newtext close $fd set fd [open $path] set result [list [read $fd]] close $fd zipfs unmount $defMountPt mount [zippath test.zip] set fd [open $path] lappend result [read $fd] close $fd set result } -result [list newtext test\n] test zipfs-write-size-limit-0 "Writes more than size limit with flush" -setup { set origlimit $::tcl::zipfs::wrmax mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { close $fd set ::tcl::zipfs::wrmax $origlimit cleanup } -body { set ::tcl::zipfs::wrmax 10 set fd [open [file join $defMountPt test] w] puts $fd [string repeat x 11] flush $fd } -result {error flushing *: file too large} -match glob -returnCodes error test zipfs-write-size-limit-1 "Writes size limit on close" -setup { set origlimit $::tcl::zipfs::wrmax mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { set ::tcl::zipfs::wrmax $origlimit cleanup } -body { set ::tcl::zipfs::wrmax 10 set fd [open [file join $defMountPt test] w] puts $fd [string repeat x 11] close $fd } -result {file too large} -match glob -returnCodes error test zipfs-write-size-limit-2 "Writes max size" -setup { set origlimit $::tcl::zipfs::wrmax set ::tcl::zipfs::wrmax 10000000 mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { set ::tcl::zipfs::wrmax $origlimit cleanup } -body { set fd [open [file join $defMountPt test] w] puts -nonewline $fd [string repeat x $::tcl::zipfs::wrmax] close $fd file size [file join $defMountPt test] } -result 10000000 test zipfs-write-size-limit-3 "Writes incrementally - buffer growth" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { set fd [open [file join $defMountPt test] w] fconfigure $fd -buffering none for {set i 0} {$i < 100000} {incr i} { puts -nonewline $fd 0123456789 } close $fd readbin [file join $defMountPt test] } -result [string repeat 0123456789 100000] test zipfs-write-size-limit-4 "Writes disallowed" -setup { set origlimit $::tcl::zipfs::wrmax mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { set ::tcl::zipfs::wrmax $origlimit cleanup } -body { set ::tcl::zipfs::wrmax -1 open [file join $defMountPt test] w } -result {writes not permitted: permission denied} -returnCodes error # # read/seek/write proc testzipfsrw {id zippath expected filename mode args} { variable defMountPt set zippath [zippath $zippath] set path [file join $defMountPt $filename] set body { set result "" set fd [open $path $mode] fconfigure $fd -translation binary append result [gets $fd], set pos [tell $fd] append result $pos, puts -nonewline $fd "0123456789" append result [gets $fd], seek $fd $pos append result [gets $fd], seek $fd -6 end append result [read $fd]| close $fd # Reopen after closing - bug [f91ee30d3] set fd [open $path rb] append result [read $fd] } test zipfs-rw-$id "zipfs read/seek/write $id" -setup { unset -nocomplain fd zipfs mount $zippath $defMountPt } -cleanup { # In case open succeeded when it should not if {[info exists fd]} { close $fd } cleanup } -body $body -result $expected {*}$args set data [readbin $zippath] test zipfs-rw-memory-$id "zipfs read/seek/write in-memory $id" -setup { unset -nocomplain fd zipfs mount_data $data $defMountPt } -cleanup { # In case open succeeded when it should not if {[info exists fd]} { close $fd } cleanup } -body $body -result $expected {*}$args } testzipfsrw store-r+ teststored.zip "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa,15,bbbb,0123456789bbbb,ccccc\n|aaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n0123456789bbbb\naaaaaaaaaaaaaa\ncccccccccccccc\n" abac-repeat.txt r+ testzipfsrw store-w+ teststored.zip ",0,,0123456789,456789|0123456789" abac-repeat.txt w+ testzipfsrw store-a+ teststored.zip ",60,,0123456789,456789|aaaaaaaaaaaaaa\nbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\naaaaaaaaaaaaaa\ncccccccccccccc\n0123456789" abac-repeat.txt a+ testzipfsrw deflate-r+ testdeflated2.zip "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa,15,bbbb,0123456789bbbb,ccccc\n|aaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n0123456789bbbb\naaaaaaaaaaaaaa\ncccccccccccccc\n" abac-repeat.txt r+ testzipfsrw deflate-w+ testdeflated2.zip ",0,,0123456789,456789|0123456789" abac-repeat.txt w+ testzipfsrw deflate-a+ testdeflated2.zip ",60,,0123456789,456789|aaaaaaaaaaaaaa\nbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\naaaaaaaaaaaaaa\ncccccccccccccc\n0123456789" abac-repeat.txt a+ test zipfs-rw-bug-f91ee30d33 "Bug f91ee30d33 - truncates at last read" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { close $fd cleanup } -body { set path [file join $defMountPt test] set fd [open $path r+] puts -nonewline $fd X close $fd set fd [open $path r] read $fd } -result "Xest\n" # # Password protected proc testpasswordr {id zipfile filename password result args} { variable defMountPt set zippath [zippath $zipfile] test zipfs-password-read-$id "zipfs password read $id" -setup { unset -nocomplain fd if {$password ne ""} { zipfs mount $zippath $defMountPt $password } else { zipfs mount $zippath $defMountPt } } -cleanup { # In case open succeeded when it should not if {[info exists fd]} { close $fd } cleanup } -body { set fd [open [file join $defMountPt $filename]] gets $fd } -result $result {*}$args -constraints bbe7c6ff9e } # The bug bbe7c6ff9e only manifests on macos testConstraint bbe7c6ff9e [expr {$::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"}] # NOTE: test-password.zip is the DOS time based encryption header validity check (infozip style) # test-password2.zip is the CRC based encryption header validity check (pkware style) testpasswordr plain test-password.zip plain.txt password plaintext testpasswordr plain-nopass test-password.zip plain.txt "" plaintext testpasswordr plain-badpass test-password.zip plain.txt badpassword plaintext testpasswordr cipher-1 test-password.zip cipher.bin password ciphertext testpasswordr cipher-2 test-password2.zip cipher.bin password ciphertext testpasswordr cipher-nopass-1 test-password.zip cipher.bin {} "decryption failed - no password provided" -returnCodes error testpasswordr cipher-nopass-2 test-password2.zip cipher.bin {} "decryption failed - no password provided" -returnCodes error testpasswordr cipher-badpass-1 test-password.zip cipher.bin badpassword "invalid password" -returnCodes error testpasswordr cipher-badpass-2 test-password2.zip cipher.bin badpassword "invalid password" -returnCodes error testpasswordr cipher-deflate test-password.zip cipher-deflate.bin password [lseq 100] testpasswordr cipher-deflate-nopass test-password.zip cipher-deflate.bin {} "decryption failed - no password provided" -returnCodes error testpasswordr cipher-deflate-badpass test-password.zip cipher-deflate.bin badpassword "invalid password" -returnCodes error proc testpasswordw {id zippath filename password mode result args} { variable defMountPt set zippath [zippath $zippath] set path [file join $defMountPt $filename] set body { set fd [open $path $mode] fconfigure $fd -translation binary puts -nonewline $fd "xyz" close $fd set fd [open $path] fconfigure $fd -translation binary read $fd } test zipfs-password-write-$id "zipfs write $id" -setup { unset -nocomplain fd if {$password ne ""} { zipfs mount $zippath $defMountPt $password } else { zipfs mount $zippath $defMountPt } } -cleanup { # In case open succeeded when it should not if {[info exists fd]} { close $fd } cleanup } -body $body -result $result {*}$args -constraints bbe7c6ff9e } # NOTE: test-password.zip is the DOS time based encryption header validity check (infozip style) # test-password2.zip is the CRC based encryption header validity check (pkware style) testpasswordw cipher-w-1 test-password.zip cipher.bin password w xyz testpasswordw cipher-w-2 test-password2.zip cipher.bin password w xyz testpasswordw cipher-deflate-w test-password2.zip cipher-deflate.bin password w xyz testpasswordw cipher-badpass-w-1 test-password.zip cipher.bin badpass w {invalid password} -returnCodes error testpasswordw cipher-badpass-w-2 test-password2.zip cipher.bin badpass w {invalid password} -returnCodes error testpasswordw cipher-badpass-deflate-w test-password2.zip cipher-deflate.bin badpass w {invalid password} -returnCodes error testpasswordw cipher-w+ test-password.zip cipher.bin password w xyz testpasswordw cipher-deflate-w+ test-password2.zip cipher-deflate.bin password w xyz testpasswordw cipher-badpass-w+ test-password.zip cipher.bin badpass w {invalid password} -returnCodes error testpasswordw cipher-badpass-deflate-w+ test-password2.zip cipher-deflate.bin badpass w {invalid password} -returnCodes error testpasswordw cipher-a+ test-password.zip cipher.bin password a+ ciphertextxyz testpasswordw cipher-deflate-a+ test-password2.zip cipher-deflate.bin password a+ [lseq 100]xyz testpasswordw cipher-badpass-a+ test-password.zip cipher.bin badpass a+ {invalid password} -returnCodes error testpasswordw cipher-badpass-deflate-a+ test-password2.zip cipher-deflate.bin badpass a+ {invalid password} -returnCodes error # # CRC errors proc testcrc {id zippath filename result args} { variable defMountPt set zippath [zippath $zippath] test zipfs-crc-$id "zipfs crc $id" -setup { unset -nocomplain fd zipfs mount $zippath $defMountPt } -cleanup { # In case mount succeeded when it should not if {[info exists fd]} { close $fd } cleanup } -body { set fd [open [file join $defMountPt $filename]] } -result $result -returnCodes error {*}$args # Mount memory buffer test zipfs-crc-memory-$id "zipfs crc memory $id" -setup { zipfs mount_data [readbin [zippath $zippath]] $defMountPt } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { set fd [open [file join $defMountPt $filename]] } -result $result -returnCodes error {*}$args } testcrc local incons-local-crc.zip a "invalid CRC" testcrc store-crc broken.zip storedcrcerror "invalid CRC" testcrc deflate-crc broken.zip deflatecrcerror "invalid CRC" test zipfs-crc-false-positives { Verify no false positives in CRC checking } -constraints zipfslib -body { # Just loop ensuring no crc failures foreach f [zipfs list] { if {[file isfile $f]} { close [open $f] incr count } } expr {$count > 0} } -result 1 # # file stat,lstat proc fixuptime {t} { # To compensate for the lack of timezone in zip, all dates # expressed as strings and translated to local time if {[regexp {^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d} $t]} { return [clock scan $t -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"] } return $t } proc fixupstat {stat} { foreach key {atime ctime mtime} { # ZIP files have no TZ info so zipfs uses mktime which is localtime dict set stat $key [fixuptime [dict get $stat $key]] } if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne "windows"} { dict set stat blksize 0 dict set stat blocks 0 } return [lsort -stride 2 $stat] } # Wraps stat and lstat proc testzipfsstat {id mountpoint target result args} { test zipfs-file-stat-$id "file stat $id" -setup { zipfs mount [zippath test.zip] $mountpoint } -cleanup cleanup -body { lsort -stride 2 [file stat [file join $mountpoint $target]] } -result $result {*}$args test zipfs-file-lstat-$id "file lstat $id" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup cleanup -body { lsort -stride 2 [file lstat [file join $mountpoint $target]] } -result $result {*}$args } testzipfsstat enoent $defMountPt enoent "could not read \"[file join $defMountPt enoent]\": no such file or directory" -returnCodes error testzipfsstat nosuchmount $defMountPt //zipfs:/notamount/test "could not read \"//zipfs:/notamount/test\": no such file or directory" -returnCodes error testzipfsstat file $defMountPt test [fixupstat {atime {2003-10-06 15:46:42} ctime {2003-10-06 15:46:42} dev 0 gid 0 ino 0 mode 33133 mtime {2003-10-06 15:46:42} nlink 0 size 5 type file uid 0}] testzipfsstat dir $defMountPt testdir [fixupstat {atime {2005-01-11 19:03:54} ctime {2005-01-11 19:03:54} dev 0 gid 0 ino 0 mode 16749 mtime {2005-01-11 19:03:54} nlink 0 size 0 type directory uid 0}] testzipfsstat root-mount [zipfs root] [zipfs root] [fixupstat {atime .* ctime .* dev 0 gid 0 ino 0 mode 16749 mtime .* nlink 0 size 0 type directory uid 0}] -match regexp testzipfsstat root-subdir-mount $defMountPt [zipfs root] [fixupstat {atime .* ctime .* dev 0 gid 0 ino 0 mode 16749 mtime .* nlink 0 size 0 type directory uid 0}] -match regexp testzipfsstat mezzo [file join $defMountPt mt2] $defMountPt [fixupstat {atime .* ctime .* dev 0 gid 0 ino 0 mode 16749 mtime .* nlink 0 size 0 type directory uid 0}] -match regexp # # glob of zipfs file proc testzipfsglob {id mounts cmdopts result args} { set setup { foreach {zippath mountpoint} $mounts { zipfs mount [zippath $zippath] [file join [zipfs root] $mountpoint] } } if {[dict exists $args -setup]} { append setup \n[dict get $args -setup] dict unset args -setup } set cleanup cleanup if {[dict exists $args -cleanup]} { set cleanup "[dict get $args -cleanup]\n$cleanup" dict unset args -cleanup } test zipfs-glob-$id "zipfs glob $id $cmdopts" -body { lsort [glob {*}$cmdopts] } -setup $setup -cleanup $cleanup -result $result {*}$args } set basicMounts [list test.zip $defMountPt] testzipfsglob basic $basicMounts [list $defMountPt/*] [zipfspathsmt $defMountPt test testdir] testzipfsglob basic-pat $basicMounts [list $defMountPt/t*d*] [zipfspathsmt $defMountPt testdir] testzipfsglob basic-deep $basicMounts [list $defMountPt/tes*/*] [zipfspathsmt $defMountPt testdir/test2] testzipfsglob basic-dir $basicMounts [list -directory $defMountPt *] [zipfspathsmt $defMountPt test testdir] testzipfsglob basic-dir-tails $basicMounts [list -tails -dir $defMountPt *] [list test testdir] testzipfsglob basic-type-d $basicMounts [list -type d $defMountPt/*] [zipfspathsmt $defMountPt testdir] testzipfsglob basic-type-f $basicMounts [list -type f $defMountPt/*] [zipfspathsmt $defMountPt test] testzipfsglob basic-type-d-f $basicMounts [list -type {d f} $defMountPt/*] [zipfspathsmt $defMountPt test testdir] testzipfsglob basic-type-l $basicMounts [list -type l $defMountPt/*] {} foreach type {b c l p s} { testzipfsglob basic-type-1-$type $basicMounts [list -type $type $defMountPt/*] {} testzipfsglob basic-type-f-$type $basicMounts [list -type [list f $type] $defMountPt/*] [zipfspathsmt $defMountPt test] testzipfsglob basic-type-d-$type $basicMounts [list -type [list d $type] $defMountPt/*] [zipfspathsmt $defMountPt testdir] } testzipfsglob basic-path $basicMounts [list -path $defMountPt/t *d*] [zipfspathsmt $defMountPt testdir] testzipfsglob basic-enoent $basicMounts [list $defMountPt/x*] {} testzipfsglob basic-enoent-ok $basicMounts [list -nocomplain $defMountPt/x*] {} # NOTE: test root mounts separately because some bugs only showed up on these set rootMounts [list test.zip /] testzipfsglob root-1 $rootMounts [list [zipfs root]*] [zipfspaths $::zipLibTop test testdir] -constraints zipfslib testzipfsglob root-2 $rootMounts [list [zipfs root]*] [zipfspaths test testdir] -constraints !zipfslib testzipfsglob root-pat $rootMounts [list [zipfs root]t*d*] [zipfspaths testdir] testzipfsglob root-deep $rootMounts [list [zipfs root]tes*/*] [zipfspaths testdir/test2] testzipfsglob root-dir-1 $rootMounts [list -directory [zipfs root] *] [zipfspaths $::zipLibTop test testdir] -constraints zipfslib testzipfsglob root-dir-2 $rootMounts [list -directory [zipfs root] *] [zipfspaths test testdir] -constraints !zipfslib testzipfsglob root-dir-tails-1 $rootMounts [list -tails -dir [zipfs root] *] [list $::zipLibTop test testdir] -constraints zipfslib testzipfsglob root-dir-tails-2 $rootMounts [list -tails -dir [zipfs root] *] [list test testdir] -constraints !zipfslib testzipfsglob root-type-d-1 $rootMounts [list -type d [zipfs root]*] [zipfspaths $::zipLibTop testdir] -constraints zipfslib testzipfsglob root-type-d-2 $rootMounts [list -type d [zipfs root]*] [zipfspaths testdir] -constraints !zipfslib testzipfsglob root-type-f $rootMounts [list -type f [zipfs root]*] [zipfspaths test] testzipfsglob root-type-d-f $rootMounts [list -type {d f} [zipfs root]*] [zipfspaths test testdir] -constraints !zipfslib testzipfsglob root-path $rootMounts [list -path [zipfs root]t *d*] [zipfspaths testdir] testzipfsglob root-enoent $rootMounts [list [zipfs root]x*] {} testzipfsglob root-enoent-ok $rootMounts [list -nocomplain [zipfs root]x*] {} # glob operations on intermediate directories (mezzo) in mount # paths is another source of bugs set mezzoMounts [list test.zip $defMountPt/a/b test-overlay.zip $defMountPt/a/c] testzipfsglob mezzo-root-1 $mezzoMounts [list [zipfs root]*] [zipfspaths $::zipLibTop $defMountPt] -constraints zipfslib testzipfsglob mezzo-root-2 $mezzoMounts [list [zipfs root]*] [list $defMountPt] -constraints !zipfslib testzipfsglob mezzo-mountgrandparent $mezzoMounts [list $defMountPt/*] [list $defMountPt/a] testzipfsglob mezzo-mountparent $mezzoMounts [list $defMountPt/a/*] [zipfspathsmt $defMountPt/a b c] testzipfsglob mezzo-overlay [list test.zip $defMountPt/a/b test-overlay.zip $defMountPt/a] [list $defMountPt/a/*] [zipfspathsmt $defMountPt/a b test2 test3] # # file attributes proc testzipfsfileattr [list id path result [list mountpoint $defMountPt] args] { test zipfs-file-attrs-$id "zipfs file attrs $id" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] $mountpoint } -cleanup cleanup -body { lsort -stride 2 [file attributes $path] } -result $result {*}$args } testzipfsfileattr noent [file join $defMountPt nosuchfile] \ {file not found: no such file or directory} $defMountPt -returnCodes error testzipfsfileattr file [file join $defMountPt test] \ [list -archive [zippath test.zip] -compsize 5 -crc [expr 0x3BB935C6] -mount $defMountPt -offset 55 -permissions 0o555 -uncompsize 5] testzipfsfileattr dir [file join $defMountPt testdir] \ [list -archive [zippath test.zip] -compsize 0 -crc 0 -mount $defMountPt -offset 119 -permissions 0o555 -uncompsize 0] testzipfsfileattr root [zipfs root] {-archive {} -compsize 0 -crc 0 -mount {} -offset 0 -permissions 0o555 -uncompsize 0} testzipfsfileattr mountpoint $defMountPt \ [list -archive [zippath test.zip] -compsize 0 -crc 0 -mount $defMountPt -offset 0 -permissions 0o555 -uncompsize 0] testzipfsfileattr mezzo [file join $defMountPt a b] {-archive {} -compsize 0 -crc 0 -mount {} -offset 0 -permissions 0o555 -uncompsize 0} [file join $defMountPt a b c] foreach attr {-uncompsize -compsize -offset -mount -archive -permissions -crc} { test zipfs-file-attrs-set$attr "Set zipfs file attribute $attr" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup cleanup \ -body "file attributes [file join $defMountPt test] $attr {}" \ -result "unsupported operation" -returnCodes error } # # file normalize proc testzipfsnormalize {id path result {dir {}}} { if {$dir eq ""} { test zipfs-file-normalize-$id "zipfs file normalize $id" -body { file normalize $path } -result $result } else { test zipfs-file-normalize-$id "zipfs file normalize $id" -setup { set cwd [pwd] mount [zippath test.zip] [zipfs root] cd $dir } -cleanup { cd $cwd cleanup } -body { file normalize $path } -result $result } } # The parsing requires all these cases for various code paths # in particular, root, one below root and more than one below root testzipfsnormalize dot-1 [zipfs root] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize dot-2 [file join [zipfs root] .] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize dot-3 [file join [zipfs root] . .] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize dot-4 [file join [zipfs root] a .] [file join [zipfs root] a] testzipfsnormalize dot-5 [file join [zipfs root] a . . .] [file join [zipfs root] a] testzipfsnormalize dot-6 [file join [zipfs root] a b .] [file join [zipfs root] a b] testzipfsnormalize dot-7 [file join [zipfs root] a b . .] [file join [zipfs root] a b] testzipfsnormalize dotdot-1 [file join [zipfs root] ..] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize dotdot-2 [file join [zipfs root] .. ..] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize dotdot-3 [file join [zipfs root] a ..] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize dotdot-4 [file join [zipfs root] a .. .. ..] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize dotdot-5 [file join [zipfs root] a b ..] [file join [zipfs root] a] testzipfsnormalize dotdot-6 [file join [zipfs root] a b ..] [file join [zipfs root] a] testzipfsnormalize dotdot-7 [file join [zipfs root] a b .. ..] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize dotdot-8 [file join [zipfs root] a b .. .. .. ..] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize relative-1 a [file join [zipfs root] a] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize relative-2 . [zipfs root] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize relative-3 ./ [zipfs root] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize relative-4 ./a [file join [zipfs root] a] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize relative-5 ../ [file join [zipfs root]] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize relative-6 ../a [file join [zipfs root] a] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize relative-7 ../a/ [file join [zipfs root] a] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize relative-8 ../.. [zipfs root] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize relative-9 dir/a [file join [zipfs root] dir a] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize relative-10 dir/dirb/.. [file join [zipfs root] dir] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize relative-11 dir/../a [file join [zipfs root] a] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize relative-12 dir/../a/ [file join [zipfs root] a] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize relative-13 dir/../../../a [file join [zipfs root] a] [zipfs root] testzipfsnormalize relative-14 a [file join [zipfs root] testdir a] [file join [zipfs root] testdir] # # file copy test zipfs-file-copy-tozip-new {Copy native file to archive} -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { removeFile $_ cleanup } -body { file copy [set _ [makeFile "" source.tmp]] [file join $defMountPt X] } -result "error copying \"*source.tmp\" to \"[file join $defMountPt X]\": operation not supported" \ -match glob -returnCodes error test zipfs-file-copy-tozip-existing {Copy native file to archive} -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { removeFile $_ cleanup } -body { file copy [set _ [makeFile "newtext" source.tmp]] [file join $defMountPt test] } -result "error copying *: file exists" -match glob -returnCodes error test zipfs-file-copy-tozip-existing-force {Copy native file to archive} -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { removeFile $_ cleanup } -body { set to [file join $defMountPt test] file copy -force [set _ [makeFile "newtext" source.tmp]] $to readbin $to } -result "newtext\n" test zipfs-file-copy-tozipdir {Copy native file to archive directory} -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { removeFile $_ cleanup } -body { file copy [set _ [makeFile "" source.tmp]] [file join $defMountPt testdir] } -result "error copying \"*source.tmp\" to \"[file join $defMountPt testdir]/source.tmp\": operation not supported" \ -match glob -returnCodes error test zipfs-file-copydir-tozipdir {Copy native dir to archive directory} -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { file copy [temporaryDirectory] [file join $defMountPt testdir] } -result "can't create directory *: operation not supported" \ -match glob -returnCodes error test zipfs-file-copy-fromzip-new {Copy archive file to native} -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] set dst [file join [temporaryDirectory] dst.tmp] file delete $dst } -cleanup { file delete $dst cleanup } -body { file copy [file join $defMountPt test] $dst readbin $dst } -result "test\n" test zipfs-file-copydir-fromzip-1 {Copy archive dir to native} -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] set dst [file join [temporaryDirectory] dstdir.tmp] file delete -force $dst } -cleanup { file delete -force $dst cleanup } -body { file copy [file join $defMountPt testdir] $dst zipfs find $dst } -result [file join [temporaryDirectory] dstdir.tmp test2] test zipfs-file-copymount-fromzip-new {Copy archive mount to native} -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] set dst [file join [temporaryDirectory] dstdir2.tmp] file delete -force $dst } -cleanup { file delete -force $dst cleanup } -body { file copy $defMountPt $dst list [file isfile [file join $dst test]] \ [file isdirectory [file join $dst testdir]] \ [file isfile [file join $dst testdir test2]] } -result {1 1 1} # # file delete test zipfs-file-delete "Delete file in zip archive" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { set file [file join $defMountPt test] list \ [file exists $file] \ [catch {file delete $file} msg] \ $msg \ [file exists $file] } -result [list 1 1 {error deleting "//zipfs:/testmount/test": operation not supported} 1] test zipfs-file-delete-enoent "Delete nonexisting path in zip archive" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { set file [file join $defMountPt enoent] list \ [file exists $file] \ [catch {file delete $file} msg] \ $msg \ [file exists $file] } -result [list 0 0 {} 0] test zipfs-file-delete-dir "Delete dir in zip archive" -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { set dir [file join $defMountPt testdir] list \ [file isdirectory $dir] \ [catch {file delete -force $dir} msg] \ $msg \ [file isdirectory $dir] } -result [list 1 1 {error deleting unknown file: operation not supported} 1] # # file join test zipfs-file-join-1 "Ensure file join recognizes zipfs path as absolute" -body { file join /abc [zipfs root]a/b/c } -result [zipfs root]a/b/c # # file mkdir test zipfs-file-mkdir {Make a directory in zip archive} -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { file mkdir [file join $defMountPt newdir] } -result "can't create directory \"[file join $defMountPt newdir]\": operation not supported" -returnCodes error test zipfs-file-mkdir-existing {Make a an existing directory in zip archive} -setup { mount [zippath test.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { set dir [file join $defMountPt testdir] file mkdir $dir file isdirectory $dir } -result 1 # Standard paths for file command tests. Because code paths are different, # we need tests for... set targetMountParent $defMountPt; # Parent of mount directory set targetMount [file join $targetMountParent mt] ; # Mount directory set targetFile [file join $targetMount test]; # Normal file set targetDir [file join $targetMount testdir]; # Directory set targetEnoent [file join $targetMount enoent]; # Non-existing path proc testzipfsfile {id cmdargs result args} { variable targetMount test zipfs-file-$id "file $id on zipfs" -setup { zipfs mount [zippath test.zip] $targetMount } -cleanup cleanup -body { file {*}$cmdargs } -result $result {*}$args } proc testzipfsenotsup {id cmdargs args} { testzipfsfile $id $cmdargs "*: operation not supported" -match glob -returnCodes error } # # file atime testzipfsfile atime-get-file [list atime $targetFile] [fixuptime {2003-10-06 15:46:42}] testzipfsfile atime-get-dir [list atime $targetDir] [fixuptime {2005-01-11 19:03:54}] testzipfsfile atime-get-mount [list atime $targetMount] {\d+} -match regexp testzipfsfile atime-get-mezzo [list atime $targetMountParent] {\d+} -match regexp testzipfsfile atime-get-root [list atime [zipfs root]] {\d+} -match regexp testzipfsfile atime-get-enoent [list atime $targetEnoent] \ "could not read \"$targetEnoent\": no such file or directory" -returnCodes error set t [clock seconds] testzipfsenotsup atime-set-file [list atime $targetFile $t] testzipfsenotsup atime-set-dir [list atime $targetDir $t] testzipfsenotsup atime-set-mount [list atime $targetMount $t] testzipfsenotsup atime-set-mezzo [list atime $targetMountParent $t] testzipfsenotsup atime-set-root [list atime [zipfs root] $t] testzipfsfile atime-set-enoent [list atime $targetEnoent $t] \ "could not read \"$targetEnoent\": no such file or directory" -returnCodes error # # file dirname testzipfsfile dirname-file [list dirname $targetFile] $targetMount testzipfsfile dirname-dir [list dirname $targetDir] $targetMount testzipfsfile dirname-mount [list dirname $targetMount] $targetMountParent testzipfsfile dirname-mezzo [list dirname $targetMountParent] [zipfs root] testzipfsfile dirname-root [list dirname [zipfs root]] [zipfs root] testzipfsfile dirname-enoent [list dirname $targetEnoent] $targetMount # # file executable testzipfsfile executable-file [list executable $targetFile] 0 testzipfsfile executable-dir [list executable $targetDir] 0 testzipfsfile executable-mount [list executable $targetMount] 0 testzipfsfile executable-mezzo [list executable $targetMountParent] 0 testzipfsfile executable-root [list executable [zipfs root]] 0 testzipfsfile executable-enoent [list executable $targetEnoent] 0 # # file exists testzipfsfile exists-file [list exists $targetFile] 1 testzipfsfile exists-dir [list exists $targetDir] 1 testzipfsfile exists-mount [list exists $targetMount] 1 testzipfsfile exists-mezzo [list exists $targetMountParent] 1 testzipfsfile exists-root [list exists [zipfs root]] 1 testzipfsfile exists-enoent [list exists $targetEnoent] 0 # # file isdirectory testzipfsfile isdirectory-file [list isdirectory $targetFile] 0 testzipfsfile isdirectory-dir [list isdirectory $targetDir] 1 testzipfsfile isdirectory-mount [list isdirectory $targetMount] 1 testzipfsfile isdirectory-mezzo [list isdirectory $targetMountParent] 1 testzipfsfile isdirectory-root [list isdirectory [zipfs root]] 1 testzipfsfile isdirectory-enoent [list isdirectory $targetEnoent] 0 # # file isfile testzipfsfile isfile-file [list isfile $targetFile] 1 testzipfsfile isfile-dir [list isfile $targetDir] 0 testzipfsfile isfile-mount [list isfile $targetMount] 0 testzipfsfile isfile-mezzo [list isfile $targetMountParent] 0 testzipfsfile isfile-root [list isfile [zipfs root]] 0 testzipfsfile isfile-enoent [list isfile $targetEnoent] 0 # # file link testzipfsfile link-read-enoent [list link [file join $targetDir l]] {could not read link "//zipfs:/testmount/mt/testdir/l": operation not supported} -returnCodes error testzipfsfile link-read-notalink [list link $targetFile] {could not read link "//zipfs:/testmount/mt/test": operation not supported} -returnCodes error testzipfsfile link-write [list link [file join $targetDir l] $targetFile] {could not create new link "//zipfs:/testmount/mt/testdir/l" pointing to "//zipfs:/testmount/mt/test": operation not supported} -returnCodes error # # file mtime testzipfsfile mtime-get-file [list mtime $targetFile] [fixuptime {2003-10-06 15:46:42}] testzipfsfile mtime-get-dir [list mtime $targetDir] [fixuptime {2005-01-11 19:03:54}] testzipfsfile mtime-get-mount [list mtime $targetMount] {\d+} -match regexp testzipfsfile mtime-get-mezzo [list mtime $targetMountParent] {\d+} -match regexp testzipfsfile mtime-get-root [list mtime [zipfs root]] {\d+} -match regexp testzipfsfile mtime-set-enoent [list mtime $targetEnoent $t] \ "could not read \"$targetEnoent\": no such file or directory" -returnCodes error set t [clock seconds] testzipfsenotsup mtime-set-file [list mtime $targetFile $t] testzipfsenotsup mtime-set-dir [list mtime $targetDir $t] testzipfsenotsup mtime-set-mount [list mtime $targetMount $t] testzipfsenotsup mtime-set-mezzo [list mtime $targetMountParent $t] testzipfsenotsup mtime-set-root [list mtime [zipfs root] $t] testzipfsfile mtime-set-enoent-1 [list mtime $targetEnoent $t] \ "could not read \"$targetEnoent\": no such file or directory" -returnCodes error # # file owned testzipfsfile owned-file [list owned $targetFile] 1 testzipfsfile owned-dir [list owned $targetDir] 1 testzipfsfile owned-mount [list owned $targetMount] 1 testzipfsfile owned-mezzo [list owned $targetMountParent] 1 testzipfsfile owned-root [list owned [zipfs root]] 1 testzipfsfile owned-enoent [list owned $targetEnoent] 0 # # file pathtype testzipfsfile pathtype [list pathtype $targetFile] absolute # # file readable testzipfsfile readable-file [list readable $targetFile] 1 testzipfsfile readable-dir [list readable $targetDir] 1 testzipfsfile readable-mount [list readable $targetMount] 1 testzipfsfile readable-mezzo [list readable $targetMountParent] 1 testzipfsfile readable-root [list readable [zipfs root]] 1 testzipfsfile readable-enoent [list readable $targetEnoent] 0 # # file separator testzipfsfile separator [list separator $targetFile] / # # file size testzipfsfile size-file [list size $targetFile] 5 testzipfsfile size-dir [list size $targetDir] 0 testzipfsfile size-mount [list size $targetMount] 0 testzipfsfile size-mezzo [list size $targetMountParent] 0 testzipfsfile size-root [list size [zipfs root]] 0 testzipfsfile size-enoent [list size $targetEnoent] \ "could not read \"$targetEnoent\": no such file or directory" -returnCodes error # # file split testzipfsfile split-file [list split $targetFile] [list [zipfs root] testmount mt test] testzipfsfile split-root [list split [zipfs root]] [list [zipfs root]] testzipfsfile split-enoent [list split $targetEnoent] [list [zipfs root] testmount mt enoent] # # file system testzipfsfile system-file [list system $targetFile] {zipfs zip} testzipfsfile system-root [list system [zipfs root]] {zipfs zip} testzipfsfile system-enoent [list system $targetEnoent] {zipfs zip} # # file type testzipfsfile type-file [list type $targetFile] file testzipfsfile type-dir [list type $targetDir] directory testzipfsfile type-mount [list type $targetMount] directory testzipfsfile type-mezzo [list type $targetMountParent] directory testzipfsfile type-root [list type [zipfs root]] directory testzipfsfile type-enoent [list type $targetEnoent] {could not read "//zipfs:/testmount/mt/enoent": no such file or directory} -returnCodes error # # file writable testzipfsfile writable-file [list writable $targetFile] 1 testzipfsfile writable-dir [list writable $targetDir] 0 testzipfsfile writable-mount [list writable $targetMount] 0 testzipfsfile writable-mezzo [list writable $targetMountParent] 0 testzipfsfile writable-root [list writable [zipfs root]] 0 testzipfsfile writable-enoent [list writable $targetEnoent] 0 # TODO - mkkey, mkimg, mkzip, lmkimg, lmkzip testnumargs "zipfs mkkey" "password" "" -constraints zipfs testnumargs "zipfs mkimg" "outfile indir" "?strip? ?password? ?infile?" testnumargs "zipfs lmkimg" "outfile inlist" "?password? ?infile?" testnumargs "zipfs mkzip" "outfile indir" "?strip? ?password?" testnumargs "zipfs lmkzip" "outfile inlist" "?password?" # # Bug regressions test bug-6ed3447a7e "Crash opening file in streamed archive" -setup { mount [zippath streamed.zip] } -cleanup { cleanup } -body { set fd [open [file join $defMountPt -]] list [catch {read $fd} message] [close $fd] $message close $fd } -result {file size error (may be zip64)} -returnCodes error test bug-8259d74a64 "Crash exiting with open files" -setup { set path [zippath test.zip] set script "zipfs mount $path /\n" append script {open [zipfs root]test} \n append script "exit\n" } -body { set fd [open |[info nameofexecutable] r+] puts $fd $script flush $fd read $fd close $fd } -result "" # Following will only show a leak with valgrind test bug-9525f4c8bc "Memory leak with long mount paths" -body { set mt //zipfs:[string repeat /x 240] zipfs mount [zippath test.zip] $mt zipfs unmount $mt } -result "" test bug-33b2486199 "zipfs unmounted on thread exit" -constraints { thread } -body { set before [lsort [zipfs mount]] thread::release [thread::create] after 100; # Needed to allow the spawned thread to exit to trigger bug string equal $before [lsort [zipfs mount]] } -result 1 test bug-7d5f1c1308 "zipfs error on dotfiles" -setup { set basename bug-7d5f1c1308 set mt //zipfs:/$basename-mt set zipfile $basename.zip set dir [makeDirectory $basename] close [open [file join $dir .ext] w] } -cleanup { zipfs unmount $mt file delete $zipfile removeDirectory $basename } -body { zipfs mkzip $zipfile $dir [file dirname $dir] zipfs mount $zipfile $mt lsort [zipfs list $mt/*] } -result {//zipfs:/bug-7d5f1c1308-mt/bug-7d5f1c1308 //zipfs:/bug-7d5f1c1308-mt/bug-7d5f1c1308/.ext} } ::tcltest::cleanupTests return # Local Variables: # mode: tcl # End: