# The file tests the tclZlib.c file.
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl built-in
# commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output
# for errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright © 1996-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright © 1998-1999 Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
    package require tcltest 2.5
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

testConstraint zipfs [expr {
    [llength [info commands zlib]] && [regexp tcltest [info nameofexecutable]]
testConstraint zipfslib 1
set ziproot [zipfs root]
set CWD [pwd]
set tmpdir  [file join $CWD tmp]
file mkdir $tmpdir

test zipfs-0.0 {zipfs basics} -constraints zipfs -body {
    package require tcl::zipfs
} -result {2.0}
test zipfs-0.1 {zipfs basics} -constraints zipfs -body {
    expr {${ziproot} in [file volumes]}
} -result 1

if {![string match ${ziproot}* $tcl_library]} {
    # "make test" does not map tcl_library from the dynamic library on Unix
    # Hack the environment to pretend we did pull tcl_library from a zip
    # archive
    set tclzip [file join $CWD libtcl[info patchlevel].zip]
    testConstraint zipfslib [file isfile $tclzip]
    if {[testConstraint zipfslib]} {
        zipfs mount /lib/tcl $tclzip
        set ::tcl_library ${ziproot}lib/tcl/tcl_library

test zipfs-0.2 {zipfs basics} -constraints zipfslib -body {
    string match ${ziproot}* $tcl_library
} -result 1
test zipfs-0.3 {zipfs basics: glob} -constraints zipfslib -setup {
    set pwd [pwd]
} -body {
    cd $tcl_library
    expr { [file join . http] in [glob -dir . http*] }
} -cleanup {
    cd $pwd
} -result 1
test zipfs-0.4 {zipfs basics: glob} -constraints zipfslib -setup {
    set pwd [pwd]
} -body {
    cd $tcl_library
    expr { [file join $tcl_library http] in [glob -dir [pwd] http*] }
} -cleanup {
    cd $pwd
} -result 1
test zipfs-0.5 {zipfs basics: glob} -constraints zipfslib -body {
    expr { [file join $tcl_library http] in [glob -dir $tcl_library http*] }
} -result 1
test zipfs-0.6 {zipfs basics: glob} -constraints zipfslib -body {
    expr { [file join $tcl_library http] in [glob [file join $tcl_library http*]] }
} -result 1
test zipfs-0.7 {zipfs basics: glob} -constraints zipfslib -body {
    expr { "http" in [glob -tails -dir $tcl_library http*] }
} -result 1
test zipfs-0.8 {zipfs basics: glob} -constraints zipfslib -body {
    expr { "http" in [glob -nocomplain -tails -types d -dir $tcl_library http*] }
} -result 1
test zipfs-0.9 {zipfs basics: glob} -constraints zipfslib -body {
    glob -nocomplain -tails -types f -dir $tcl_library http*
} -result {}
test zipfs-0.10 {zipfs basics: join} -constraints {zipfs zipfslib} -body {
    file join [zipfs root] bar baz
} -result "[zipfs root]bar/baz"
test zipfs-0.11 {zipfs basics: join} -constraints {zipfs zipfslib} -body {
    file normalize [zipfs root]
} -result "[zipfs root]"
test zipfs-0.12 {zipfs basics: join} -constraints {zipfs zipfslib} -body {
    file normalize [zipfs root]//bar/baz//qux/../
} -result "[zipfs root]bar/baz"

test zipfs-1.3 {zipfs errors} -constraints zipfs -returnCodes error -body {
    zipfs mount a b c d e f
} -result {wrong # args: should be "zipfs mount ?mountpoint? ?zipfile? ?password?"}
test zipfs-1.4 {zipfs errors} -constraints zipfs -returnCodes error -body {
    zipfs unmount a b c d e f
} -result {wrong # args: should be "zipfs unmount zipfile"}
test zipfs-1.5 {zipfs errors} -constraints zipfs -returnCodes error -body {
    zipfs mkkey a b c d e f
} -result {wrong # args: should be "zipfs mkkey password"}
test zipfs-1.6 {zipfs errors} -constraints zipfs -returnCodes error -body {
    zipfs mkimg a b c d e f
} -result {wrong # args: should be "zipfs mkimg outfile indir ?strip? ?password? ?infile?"}
test zipfs-1.7 {zipfs errors} -constraints zipfs -returnCodes error -body {
    zipfs mkzip a b c d e f
} -result {wrong # args: should be "zipfs mkzip outfile indir ?strip? ?password?"}
test zipfs-1.8 {zipfs errors} -constraints zipfs -returnCodes error -body {
    zipfs exists a b c d e f
} -result {wrong # args: should be "zipfs exists filename"}
test zipfs-1.9 {zipfs errors} -constraints zipfs -returnCodes error -body {
    zipfs info a b c d e f
} -result {wrong # args: should be "zipfs info filename"}
test zipfs-1.10 {zipfs errors} -constraints zipfs -returnCodes error -body {
    zipfs list a b c d e f
} -result {wrong # args: should be "zipfs list ?(-glob|-regexp)? ?pattern?"}

file mkdir tmp
test zipfs-2.1 {zipfs mkzip empty archive} -constraints zipfs -returnCodes error -body {
    zipfs mkzip [file join $tmpdir empty.zip] $tcl_library/xxxx
} -result {empty archive}
# The next series of tests operate within a zipfile created a temporary
# directory.
set zipfile [file join $tmpdir abc.zip]
if {[file exists $zipfile]} {
   file delete $zipfile
test zipfs-2.2 {zipfs mkzip} -constraints zipfs -body {
    cd $tcl_library/encoding
    zipfs mkzip $zipfile .
    zipfs mount ${ziproot}abc $zipfile
    zipfs list -glob ${ziproot}abc/cp850.*
} -cleanup {
    cd $CWD
} -result "[zipfs root]abc/cp850.enc"
testConstraint zipfsenc [zipfs exists /abc/cp850.enc]
test zipfs-2.3 {zipfs info} -constraints {zipfs zipfsenc} -body {
    set r [zipfs info ${ziproot}abc/cp850.enc]
    lrange $r 0 2
} -result [list $zipfile 1090 527] ;# NOTE: Only the first 3 results are stable
test zipfs-2.4 {zipfs data} -constraints {zipfs zipfsenc} -body {
    set zipfd [open ${ziproot}/abc/cp850.enc]	;# FIXME: leave open - see later test
    read $zipfd
} -result {# Encoding file: cp850, single-byte
003F 0 1
} ;# FIXME: result depends on content of encodings dir
test zipfs-2.5 {zipfs exists} -constraints {zipfs zipfsenc} -body {
    zipfs exists /abc/cp850.enc
} -result 1
test zipfs-2.6 {zipfs unmount while busy} -constraints {zipfs zipfsenc} -body {
    zipfs unmount /abc
} -returnCodes error -result {filesystem is busy}
test zipfs-2.7 {zipfs unmount} -constraints {zipfs zipfsenc} -body {
    close $zipfd
    zipfs unmount /abc
    zipfs exists /abc/cp850.enc
} -result 0
# Repeat the tests for a buffer mounted archive
test zipfs-2.8 {zipfs mkzip} -constraints zipfs -body {
    cd $tcl_library/encoding
    zipfs mkzip $zipfile .
    set fin [open $zipfile r]
    fconfigure $fin -translation binary
    set dat [read $fin]
    close $fin
    zipfs mount_data def $dat
    zipfs list -glob ${ziproot}def/cp850.*
} -cleanup {
    cd $CWD
} -result "[zipfs root]def/cp850.enc"
testConstraint zipfsencbuf [zipfs exists /def/cp850.enc]
test zipfs-2.9 {zipfs info} -constraints {zipfs zipfsencbuf} -body {
    set r [zipfs info ${ziproot}def/cp850.enc]
    lrange $r 0 2
} -result [list {Memory Buffer} 1090 527] ;# NOTE: Only the first 3 results are stable
test zipfs-2.10 {zipfs data} -constraints {zipfs zipfsencbuf} -body {
    set zipfd [open ${ziproot}/def/cp850.enc]	;# FIXME: leave open - see later test
    read $zipfd
} -result {# Encoding file: cp850, single-byte
003F 0 1
} ;# FIXME: result depends on content of encodings dir
test zipfs-2.11 {zipfs exists} -constraints {zipfs zipfsencbuf} -body {
    zipfs exists /def/cp850.enc
} -result 1
test zipfs-2.12 {zipfs unmount while busy} -constraints {zipfs zipfsencbuf} -body {
    zipfs unmount /def
} -returnCodes error -result {filesystem is busy}
test zipfs-2.13 {zipfs unmount} -constraints {zipfs zipfsencbuf} -body {
    close $zipfd
    zipfs unmount /def
    zipfs exists /def/cp850.enc
} -result 0

catch {file delete -force $tmpdir}

test zipfs-3.1 {zipfs in child interpreters} -constraints zipfs -setup {
    set interp [interp create]
} -body {
    interp eval $interp {
	zipfs ?
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
    interp delete $interp
} -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "?": must be canonical, exists, find, info, list, lmkimg, lmkzip, mkimg, mkkey, mkzip, mount, mount_data, root, or unmount}
test zipfs-3.2 {zipfs in child interpreters} -constraints zipfs -setup {
    set interp [interp create]
} -body {
    interp eval $interp {
	zipfs mkzip
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
    interp delete $interp
} -result {wrong # args: should be "zipfs mkzip outfile indir ?strip? ?password?"}
test zipfs-3.3 {zipfs in child interpreters} -constraints zipfs -setup {
    set safe [interp create -safe]
} -body {
    interp eval $safe {
	zipfs ?
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
    interp delete $safe
} -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "?": must be canonical, exists, find, info, list, lmkimg, lmkzip, mkimg, mkkey, mkzip, mount, mount_data, root, or unmount}
test zipfs-3.4 {zipfs in child interpreters} -constraints zipfs -setup {
    set safe [interp create -safe]
} -body {
    interp eval $safe {
	zipfs mkzip
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
    interp delete $safe
} -result {not allowed to invoke subcommand mkzip of zipfs}

test zipfs-4.1 {zipfs lmkimg} -constraints zipfs -setup {
    set baseImage [makeFile "return sourceWorking\n\x1A" base]
    set targetImage [makeFile "" target]
    set addFile [makeFile "return mountWorking" add.data]
    file delete $targetImage
} -body {
    zipfs lmkimg $targetImage [list $addFile test/add.tcl] {} $baseImage
    zipfs mount ziptest $targetImage
    try {
	list [source $targetImage] [source //zipfs:/ziptest/test/add.tcl]
    } finally {
	zipfs unmount ziptest
} -cleanup {
    removeFile $baseImage
    removeFile $targetImage
    removeFile $addFile
} -result {sourceWorking mountWorking}
test zipfs-4.2 {zipfs lmkimg: making an image from an image} -constraints zipfs -setup {
    set baseImage [makeFile "return sourceWorking\n\x1A" base_image.tcl]
    set midImage [makeFile "" mid_image.tcl]
    set targetImage [makeFile "" target_image.tcl]
    set addFile [makeFile "return mountWorking" add.data]
    file delete $midImage $targetImage
} -body {
    zipfs lmkimg $midImage [list $addFile test/ko.tcl] {} $baseImage
    zipfs lmkimg $targetImage [list $addFile test/ok.tcl] {} $midImage
    zipfs mount ziptest $targetImage
    try {
	list [glob -tails -directory //zipfs://ziptest/test *.tcl] \
	    [if {[file size $midImage] == [file size $targetImage]} {
		string cat equal
	    } else {
		list mid=[file size $midImage] target=[file size $targetImage]
    } finally {
	zipfs unmount ziptest
} -cleanup {
    removeFile $baseImage
    removeFile $midImage
    removeFile $targetImage
    removeFile $addFile
} -result {ok.tcl equal}
test zipfs-4.3 {zipfs lmkimg: stripping password} -constraints zipfs -setup {
    set baseImage [makeFile "return sourceWorking\n\x1A" base_image.tcl]
    set midImage [makeFile "" mid_image.tcl]
    set targetImage [makeFile "" target_image.tcl]
    set addFile [makeFile "return mountWorking" add.data]
    file delete $midImage $targetImage
} -body {
    set pass gorp
    zipfs lmkimg $midImage [list $addFile test/add.tcl] $pass $baseImage
    zipfs lmkimg $targetImage [list $addFile test/ok.tcl] {} $midImage
    zipfs mount ziptest $targetImage
    try {
	glob -tails -directory //zipfs://ziptest/test *.tcl
    } finally {
	zipfs unmount ziptest
} -cleanup {
    removeFile $baseImage
    removeFile $midImage
    removeFile $targetImage
    removeFile $addFile
} -result {ok.tcl}
test zipfs-4.4 {zipfs lmkimg: final password} -constraints zipfs -setup {
    set baseImage [makeFile "return sourceWorking\n\x1A" base_image.tcl]
    set midImage [makeFile "" mid_image.tcl]
    set targetImage [makeFile "" target_image.tcl]
    set addFile [makeFile "return mountWorking" add.data]
    file delete $midImage $targetImage
} -body {
    set pass gorp
    zipfs lmkimg $midImage [list $addFile test/add.tcl] {} $baseImage
    zipfs lmkimg $targetImage [list $addFile test/ok.tcl] $pass $midImage
    zipfs mount ziptest $targetImage
    try {
	glob -tails -directory //zipfs://ziptest/test *.tcl
    } finally {
	zipfs unmount ziptest
} -cleanup {
    removeFile $baseImage
    removeFile $midImage
    removeFile $targetImage
    removeFile $addFile
} -result {ok.tcl}
test zipfs-4.5 {zipfs lmkimg: making image from mounted} -constraints zipfs -setup {
    set baseImage [makeFile "return sourceWorking\n\x1A" base_image.tcl]
    set midImage [makeFile "" mid_image.tcl]
    set targetImage [makeFile "" target_image.tcl]
    set addFile [makeFile "return mountWorking" add.data]
    file delete $midImage $targetImage
} -body {
    zipfs lmkimg $midImage [list $addFile test/add.tcl] {} $baseImage
    zipfs mount ziptest $midImage
    set f [glob -directory //zipfs://ziptest/test *.tcl]
    zipfs lmkimg $targetImage [list $f test/ok.tcl] {} $midImage
    zipfs unmount ziptest
    zipfs mount ziptest $targetImage
    list $f [glob -directory //zipfs://ziptest/test *.tcl]
} -cleanup {
    zipfs unmount ziptest
    removeFile $baseImage
    removeFile $midImage
    removeFile $targetImage
    removeFile $addFile
} -result {//zipfs://ziptest/test/add.tcl //zipfs://ziptest/test/ok.tcl}

test zipfs-5.1 {zipfs mount_data: short data} -constraints zipfs -body {
    zipfs mount_data gorp {}
} -returnCodes error -result {bad zip data}
test zipfs-5.2 {zipfs mount_data: short data} -constraints zipfs -body {
    zipfs mount_data gorp gorpGORPgorp
} -returnCodes error -result {bad zip data}
test zipfs-5.3 {zipfs mount_data: short data} -constraints zipfs -body {
    set data PK\x03\x04.....................................
    append data PK\x01\x02.....................................
    append data PK\x05\x06.....................................
    zipfs mount_data gorp $data
} -returnCodes error -result {bad zip data}
test zipfs-5.4 {zipfs mount_data: bad arg count} -constraints zipfs -body {
    zipfs mount_data gorp {} foobar
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "zipfs mount_data ?mountpoint? ?data?"}

test zipfs-6.1 {zipfs mkkey} -constraints zipfs -body {
    binary scan [zipfs mkkey gorp] cu* x
    return $x
} -result {224 226 111 103 4 80 75 90 90}

# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# End: