# The file tests the tclZlib.c file.
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl built-in
# commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output
# for errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1996-1998 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest 2.1
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

testConstraint zlib [llength [info commands zlib]]
test zlib-1.1 {zlib basics} -constraints zlib -returnCodes error -body {
} -result {wrong # args: should be "zlib command arg ?...?"}
test zlib-1.2 {zlib basics} -constraints zlib -returnCodes error -body {
    zlib ? {}
} -result {bad command "?": must be adler32, compress, crc32, decompress, deflate, gunzip, gzip, inflate, push, or stream}

test zlib-2.1 {zlib compress/decompress} zlib {
    zlib decompress [zlib compress abcdefghijklm]
} abcdefghijklm

test zlib-3.1 {zlib deflate/inflate} zlib {
    zlib inflate [zlib deflate abcdefghijklm]
} abcdefghijklm

test zlib-4.1 {zlib gzip/gunzip} zlib {
    zlib gunzip [zlib gzip abcdefghijklm]
} abcdefghijklm
test zlib-4.2 {zlib gzip/gunzip} zlib {
    set s [string repeat abcdef 5]
    list [zlib gunzip [zlib gzip $s -header {comment gorp}] -header head] \
	[dict get $head comment] [dict get $head size]
} {abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef gorp 30}

test zlib-5.1 {zlib adler32} zlib {
    format %x [expr {[zlib adler32 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde] & 0xffffffff}]
} b3b50b9b
test zlib-5.2 {zlib adler32} zlib {
    format %x [expr {[zlib adler32 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde 42] & 0xffffffff}]
} b8830bc4
test zlib-5.3 {zlib adler32} -constraints zlib -returnCodes error -body {
    zlib adler32 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde 42 x
} -result {wrong # args: should be "zlib adler32 data ?startValue?"}

test zlib-6.1 {zlib crc32} zlib {
    format %x [expr {[zlib crc32 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde] & 0xffffffff}]
} 6f73e901
test zlib-6.2 {zlib crc32} zlib {
    format %x [expr {[zlib crc32 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde 42] & 0xffffffff}]
} ce1c4914
test zlib-6.3 {zlib crc32} -constraints zlib -returnCodes error -body {
    zlib crc32 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde 42 x
} -result {wrong # args: should be "zlib crc32 data ?startValue?"}
test zlib-6.4 {zlib crc32: bug 2662434} -constraints zlib -body {
    zlib crc32 "dabale arroz a la zorra el abad"
} -result 3842832571

test zlib-7.0 {zlib stream} -constraints zlib -returnCodes error -setup {
    set s [zlib stream compress]
} -body {
    $s ?
} -cleanup {
    $s close
} -result {bad option "?": must be add, checksum, close, eof, finalize, flush, fullflush, get, put, or reset}
test zlib-7.1 {zlib stream} zlib {
    set s [zlib stream compress]
    $s put -finalize abcdeEDCBA
    set data [$s get]
    set result [list [$s get] [format %x [$s checksum]]]
    $s close
    lappend result [zlib decompress $data]
} {{} 136f033f abcdeEDCBA}
test zlib-7.2 {zlib stream} zlib {
    set s [zlib stream decompress]
    $s put -finalize [zlib compress abcdeEDCBA]
    set data [$s get]
    set result [list [$s get] [format %x [$s checksum]]]
    $s close
    lappend result $data
} {{} 136f033f abcdeEDCBA}
test zlib-7.3 {zlib stream} zlib {
    set s [zlib stream deflate]
    $s put -finalize abcdeEDCBA
    set data [$s get]
    set result [list [$s get] [format %x [$s checksum]]]
    $s close
    lappend result [zlib inflate $data]
} {{} 1 abcdeEDCBA}
test zlib-7.4 {zlib stream} zlib {
    set s [zlib stream inflate]
    $s put -finalize [zlib deflate abcdeEDCBA]
    set data [$s get]
    set result [list [$s get] [format %x [$s checksum]]]
    $s close
    lappend result $data
} {{} 1 abcdeEDCBA}

test zlib-8.1 {zlib transformation} -constraints zlib -setup {
    set file [makeFile {} test.gz]
} -body {
    set f [zlib push gzip [open $file w] -header {comment gorp}]
    puts $f "ok"
    close $f
    set f [zlib push gunzip [open $file]]
    list [gets $f] [dict get [chan configure $f -header] comment]
} -cleanup {
    close $f
    removeFile $file
} -result {ok gorp}
test zlib-8.2 {zlib transformation} -constraints zlib -setup {
    set file [makeFile {} test.z]
} -body {
    set f [zlib push compress [open $file w]]
    puts $f "ok"
    close $f
    set f [zlib push decompress [open $file]]
    gets $f
} -cleanup {
    close $f
    removeFile $file
} -result ok
test zlib-8.3 {zlib transformation and fileevent} -constraints zlib -setup {
    set srv [socket -myaddr localhost -server {apply {{c a p} {
        fconfigure $c -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
        puts -nonewline $c [zlib gzip [string repeat a 81920]]
        close $c
    }}} 0]
    set port [lindex [fconfigure $srv -sockname] 2]
    set file [makeFile {} test.gz]
    set fout [open $file wb]
} -body {
    set sin [socket localhost $port]
    try {
	fconfigure $sin -translation binary
	zlib push gunzip $sin
	after 1000 {set total timeout}
	fcopy $sin $fout -command {apply {{c {e {}}} {
	    set ::total [expr {$e eq {} ? $c : $e}]
	vwait total
    } finally {
	close $sin
    append total --> [file size $file]
} -cleanup {
    close $fout
    close $srv
    removeFile $file
} -result 81920-->81920

test zlib-9.1 "check fcopy with push" -constraints zlib -setup {
    set sfile [makeFile {} testsrc.gz]
    set file [makeFile {} test.gz]
    set f [open $sfile wb]
    puts -nonewline $f [zlib gzip [string repeat a 81920]]
    close $f
} -body {
    set fin [zlib push gunzip [open $sfile rb]]
    set fout [open $file wb]
    set total [fcopy $fin $fout]
    close $fin ; close $fout
    list copied $total size [file size $file]
} -cleanup {
    removeFile $file
    removeFile $sfile
} -result {copied 81920 size 81920}
test zlib-9.2 "socket fcopy with push" -constraints zlib -setup {
    set srv [socket -myaddr localhost -server {apply {{c a p} {
        chan configure $c -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
        puts -nonewline $c [zlib gzip [string repeat a 81920]]
        close $c
    }}} 0]
    set file [makeFile {} test.gz]
} -body {
    lassign [chan configure $srv -sockname] addr name port
    set sin [socket $addr $port]
    chan configure $sin -translation binary
    zlib push gunzip $sin
    set total [fcopy $sin [set fout [open $file wb]]]
    close $sin
    close $fout
    list read $total size [file size $file]
} -cleanup {
    close $srv
    removeFile $file
} -result {read 81920 size 81920}
test zlib-9.3 "socket fcopy bg (identity)" -constraints {tempNotWin zlib} -setup {
    set srv [socket -myaddr localhost -server {apply {{c a p} {
        #puts "connection from $a:$p on $c"
        chan configure $c -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
        puts -nonewline $c [string repeat a 81920]
        close $c
    }}} 0]
    set file [makeFile {} test.gz]
} -body {
    lassign [chan configure $srv -sockname] addr name port
    #puts "listening for connections on $addr $port"
    set sin [socket localhost $port]
    chan configure $sin -translation binary
    set fout [open $file wb]
    after 1000 {set ::total timeout}
    fcopy $sin $fout -command {apply {{c {e {}}} {
        set ::total [expr {$e eq {} ? $c : $e}]
    vwait ::total
    close $sin; close $fout
    list read $::total size [file size $file]
} -cleanup {
    close $srv
    removeFile $file
} -returnCodes {ok error} -result {read 81920 size 81920}
test zlib-9.4 "socket fcopy bg (gzip)" -constraints zlib -setup {
    set srv [socket -myaddr localhost -server {apply {{c a p} {
        chan configure $c -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
        puts -nonewline $c [zlib gzip [string repeat a 81920]]
        close $c
    }}} 0]
    set file [makeFile {} test.gz]
} -body {
    lassign [chan configure $srv -sockname] addr name port
    set sin [socket $addr $port]
    chan configure $sin -translation binary
    zlib push gunzip $sin
    set fout [open $file wb]
    after 1000 {set ::total timeout}
    fcopy $sin $fout -command {apply {{c {e {}}} {
        set ::total [expr {$e eq {} ? $c : $e}]
    vwait ::total
    close $sin; close $fout
    list read $::total size [file size $file]
} -cleanup {
    close $srv
    removeFile $file
} -result {read 81920 size 81920}
test zlib-9.5 "socket fcopy incremental (gzip)" -constraints zlib -setup {
    set srv [socket -myaddr localhost -server {apply {{c a p} {
        chan configure $c -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
        puts -nonewline $c [zlib gzip [string repeat a 81920]]
        close $c
    }}} 0]
    proc zlib95copy {i o t c {e {}}} {
        incr t $c
        if {$e ne {}} {
            set ::total [list error $e]
        } elseif {[eof $i]} {
            set ::total [list eof $t]
        } else {
            fcopy $i $o -size 8192 -command [list zlib95copy $i $o $t]
    set file [makeFile {} test.gz]
} -body {
    lassign [chan configure $srv -sockname] addr name port
    set sin [socket $addr $port]
    chan configure $sin -translation binary
    zlib push gunzip $sin
    set fout [open $file wb]
    after 1000 {set ::total timeout}
    fcopy $sin $fout -size 8192 -command [list zlib95copy $sin $fout 0]
    vwait ::total
    close $sin; close $fout
    list $::total size [file size $file]
} -cleanup {
    close $srv
    rename zlib95copy {}
    removeFile $file
} -result {{eof 81920} size 81920}
test zlib-9.6 "bug #2818131 (gzip)" -constraints zlib -setup {
    set srv [socket -myaddr localhost -server {apply {{c a p} {
        chan configure $c -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
        zlib push gzip $c
        puts -nonewline $c [string repeat hello 100]
        close $c
    }}} 0]
} -body {
    lassign [chan configure $srv -sockname] addr name port
    after 1000 {set ::total timeout}
    set s [socket $addr $port]
    chan configure $s -translation binary
    zlib push gunzip $s
    chan event $s readable [list apply {{s} {
        set d [read $s]
        if {[eof $s]} {
            chan event $s readable {}
            set ::total [list eof [string length $d]]
    }} $s]
    vwait ::total
    close $s
    set ::total
} -cleanup {
    close $srv
    unset -nocomplain total
} -result {eof 500}
test zlib-9.7 "bug #2818131 (compress)" -constraints zlib -setup {
    set srv [socket -myaddr localhost -server {apply {{c a p} {
        chan configure $c -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
        zlib push compress $c
        puts -nonewline $c [string repeat hello 100]
        close $c
    }}} 0]
} -body {
    lassign [chan configure $srv -sockname] addr name port
    after 1000 {set ::total timeout}
    set s [socket $addr $port]
    chan configure $s -translation binary
    zlib push decompress $s
    chan event $s readable [list apply {{s} {
        set d [read $s]
        if {[eof $s]} {
            chan event $s readable {}
            set ::total [list eof [string length $d]]
    }} $s]
    vwait ::total
    close $s
    set ::total
} -cleanup {
    close $srv
    unset -nocomplain total
} -result {eof 500}
test zlib-9.8 "bug #2818131 (deflate)" -constraints zlib -setup {
    set srv [socket -myaddr localhost -server {apply {{c a p} {
        chan configure $c -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
        zlib push deflate $c
        puts -nonewline $c [string repeat hello 100]
        close $c
    }}} 0]
} -body {
    lassign [chan configure $srv -sockname] addr name port
    after 1000 {set ::total timeout}
    set s [socket $addr $port]
    chan configure $s -translation binary
    zlib push inflate $s
    chan event $s readable [list apply {{s} {
        set d [read $s]
        if {[eof $s]} {
            chan event $s readable {}
            set ::total [list eof [string length $d]]
    }} $s]
    vwait ::total
    close $s
    set ::total
} -cleanup {
    unset -nocomplain total
    close $srv
} -result {eof 500}
test zlib-9.9 "bug #2818131 (gzip mismatch)" -constraints zlib -setup {
    proc bgerror {s} {set ::total [list error $s]}
    set srv [socket -myaddr localhost -server {apply {{c a p} {
        chan configure $c -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
        zlib push gzip $c
        puts -nonewline $c [string repeat hello 100]
        close $c
    }}} 0]
} -body {
    lassign [chan configure $srv -sockname] addr name port
    after 1000 {set ::total timeout}
    set s [socket $addr $port]
    try {
        chan configure $s -translation binary
        zlib push inflate $s
        chan event $s readable [list apply {{s} {
            set d [read $s]
            if {[eof $s]} {
                chan event $s readable {}
                set ::total [list eof [string length $d]]
        }} $s]
        vwait ::total
    } finally {
        close $s
    set ::total
} -cleanup {
    unset -nocomplain total
    close $srv
    rename bgerror {}
} -result {error {invalid block type}}
test zlib-9.10 "bug #2818131 (compress mismatch)" -constraints zlib -setup {
    proc bgerror {s} {set ::total [list error $s]}
    set srv [socket -myaddr localhost -server {apply {{c a p} {
        chan configure $c -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
        zlib push compress $c
        puts -nonewline $c [string repeat hello 100]
        close $c
    }}} 0]
} -body {
    lassign [chan configure $srv -sockname] addr name port
    after 1000 {set ::total timeout}
    set s [socket $addr $port]
    try {
        chan configure $s -translation binary
        zlib push inflate $s
        chan event $s readable [list apply {{s} {
            set d [read $s]
            if {[eof $s]} {
                chan event $s readable {}
                set ::total [list eof [string length $d]]
        }} $s]
        vwait ::total
    } finally {
        close $s
    set ::total
} -cleanup {
    unset -nocomplain total
    close $srv
    rename bgerror {}
} -result {error {invalid stored block lengths}}
test zlib-9.11 "bug #2818131 (deflate mismatch)" -constraints zlib -setup {
    proc bgerror {s} {set ::total [list error $s]}
    set srv [socket -myaddr localhost -server {apply {{c a p} {
        chan configure $c -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
        zlib push deflate $c
        puts -nonewline $c [string repeat hello 100]
        close $c
    }}} 0]
} -body {
    lassign [chan configure $srv -sockname] addr name port
    after 1000 {set ::total timeout}
    set s [socket $addr $port]
    try {
        chan configure $s -translation binary
        zlib push gunzip $s
        chan event $s readable [list apply {{s} {
            set d [read $s]
            if {[eof $s]} {
                chan event $s readable {}
                set ::total [list eof [string length $d]]
        }} $s]
        vwait ::total
    } finally {
        close $s
    set ::total
} -cleanup {
    unset -nocomplain total
    close $srv
    rename bgerror {}
} -result {error {incorrect header check}}

test zlib-10.0 "bug #2818131 (close with null interp)" -constraints {
} -setup {
    proc bgerror {s} {set ::total [list error $s]}
    set srv [socket -myaddr localhost -server {apply {{c a p} {
        chan configure $c -translation binary
        zlib push inflate $c
        chan event $c readable [list apply {{c} {
            set d [read $c]
            if {[eof $c]} {
                chan event $c readable {}
                close $c
                set ::total [list eof [string length $d]]
        }} $c]
    }}} 0]
} -body {
    lassign [chan configure $srv -sockname] addr name port
    after 1000 {set ::total timeout}
    set s [socket $addr $port]
    chan configure $s -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
    zlib push gzip $s
    chan event $s xyzzy [list apply {{s} {
        if {[gets $s line] < 0} {
            chan close $s
    }} $s]
    after idle [list apply {{s} {
        puts $s test
        chan close $s
        after 100 {set ::total done}
    }} $s]
    vwait ::total
    set ::total
} -cleanup {
    close $srv
    rename bgerror {}
} -returnCodes error \
  -result {bad event name "xyzzy": must be readable or writable}
test zlib-10.1 "bug #2818131 (mismatch read)" -constraints {
} -setup {
    proc bgerror {s} {set ::total [list error $s]}
    proc zlibRead {c} {
        set d [read $c]
        if {[eof $c]} {
            chan event $c readable {}
            close $c
            set ::total [list eof [string length $d]]
    set srv [socket -myaddr localhost -server {apply {{c a p} {
        chan configure $c -translation binary
        zlib push inflate $c
        chan event $c readable [list zlibRead $c]
    }}} 0]
} -body {
    lassign [chan configure $srv -sockname] addr name port
    after 1000 {set ::total timeout}
    set s [socket $addr $port]
    chan configure $s -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
    zlib push gzip $s
    chan event $s readable [list zlibRead $s]
    after idle [list apply {{s} {
        puts $s test
        chan close $s
        after 100 {set ::total done}
    }} $s]
    vwait ::total
    set ::total
} -cleanup {
    close $srv
    rename bgerror {}
    rename zlibRead {}
} -result {error {invalid block type}}
test zlib-10.2 "bug #2818131 (mismatch gets)" -constraints {
} -setup {
    proc bgerror {s} {set ::total [list error $s]}
    proc zlibRead {c} {
        if {[gets $c line] < 0} {
            close $c
            set ::total [list error -1]
        } elseif {[eof $c]} {
            chan event $c readable {}
            close $c
            set ::total [list eof 0]
    set srv [socket -myaddr localhost -server {apply {{c a p} {
        chan configure $c -translation binary
        zlib push inflate $c
        chan event $c readable [list zlibRead $c]
    }}} 0]
} -body {
    lassign [chan configure $srv -sockname] addr name port
    after 1000 {set ::total timeout}
    set s [socket $addr $port]
    chan configure $s -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
    zlib push gzip $s
    chan event $s readable [list zlibRead $s]
    after idle [list apply {{s} {
        puts $s test
        chan close $s
        after 100 {set ::total done}
    }} $s]
    vwait ::total
    set ::total
} -cleanup {
    close $srv
    rename bgerror {}
    rename zlibRead {}
} -result {error {invalid block type}}

test zlib-11.1 "Bug #3390073: mis-appled gzip filtering" -setup {
    set file [makeFile {} test.input]
} -constraints zlib -body {
    set f [open $file wb]
    puts -nonewline [zlib push gzip $f] [string repeat "hello" 1000]
    close $f
    set f [open $file rb]
    set d [read $f]
    close $f
    set d [zlib gunzip $d]
    list [regexp -all "hello" $d] [string length [regsub -all "hello" $d {}]]
} -cleanup {
    removeFile $file
} -result {1000 0}
test zlib-11.2 "Bug #3390073: mis-appled gzip filtering" -setup {
    set file [makeFile {} test.input]
} -constraints zlib -body {
    set f [open $file wb]
    puts -nonewline [zlib push gzip $f -header {filename /foo/bar}] \
	[string repeat "hello" 1000]
    close $f
    set f [open $file rb]
    set d [read $f]
    close $f
    set d [zlib gunzip $d -header h]
    list [regexp -all "hello" $d] [dict get $h filename] \
	[string length [regsub -all "hello" $d {}]]
} -cleanup {
    removeFile $file
} -result {1000 /foo/bar 0}

# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# End: