# This makefile is used to convert Tcl manual pages into various # alternate formats: # # Windows help file: 1. Build the winhelp target on Unix # 2. Build the helpfile target on Windows # # HTML: 1. Build the html target on Unix TCL = tcl@TCL_VERSION@ TK = tk@TCL_VERSION@ VER = @TCL_WIN_VERSION@ TCL_BIN_DIR = @TCL_BIN_DIR@ TCL_SOURCE = @TCL_SRC_DIR@ TK_SOURCE = $(TCL_SOURCE)/../$(TK) PRO_SOURCE = $(TCL_SOURCE)/../pro ITCL_SOURCE = $(TCL_SOURCE)/../itcl3.1.0 TCL_DOCS = $(TCL_SOURCE)/doc/*.[13n] TK_DOCS = $(TK_SOURCE)/doc/*.[13n] PRO_DOCS = \ $(PRO_SOURCE)/doc/man/procheck.1 \ $(PRO_SOURCE)/doc/man/prodebug.1 \ $(PRO_SOURCE)/doc/man/prodebug.n \ $(PRO_SOURCE)/doc/man/prolicense.1 ITCL_DOCS = \ $(ITCL_SOURCE)/itcl/doc/*.[13n] \ $(ITCL_SOURCE)/itk/doc/*.[13n] # $(ITCL_SOURCE)/iwidgets3.0.0/doc/*.[13n] COREDOCS = $(TCL_DOCS) $(TK_DOCS) #PRODOCS = $(COREDOCS) $(PRO_DOCS) $(ITCL_DOCS) PRODOCS = $(COREDOCS) $(PRO_DOCS) TCLSH = $(TCL_BIN_DIR)/tclsh CC = @CC@ # # Targets # all: core pro: $(MAKE) DOCS="$(PRODOCS)" VER="" rtf core: $(MAKE) DOCS="$(COREDOCS)" rtf rtf: $(TCL_SOURCE)/tools/man2help.tcl man2tcl $(DOCS) LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(TCL_BIN_DIR) \ TCL_LIBRARY=$(TCL_SOURCE)/library \ $(TCLSH) -encoding utf-8 $(TCL_SOURCE)/tools/man2help.tcl tcl "$(VER)" $(DOCS) winhelp: tcl.rtf man2tcl: $(TCL_SOURCE)/tools/man2tcl.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o man2tcl $(TCL_SOURCE)/tools/man2tcl.c clean: -rm -f man2tcl *.o *.cnt *.rtf helpfile: hcw /c /e tcl.hpj