--- BEGIN (CJK.INF VERSION 2.1 07/12/96) 185553 BYTES --- CJK.INF Version 2.1 (July 12, 1996) Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Ken Lunde. All Rights Reserved. CJK is a registered trademark and service mark of The Research Libraries Group, Inc. Online Companion to "Understanding Japanese Information Processing" - ENGLISH: 1993, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 1-56592-043-0 - JAPANESE: 1995, SOFTBANK Corporation, ISBN 4-89052-708-7 This online document provides information on CJK (that is, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) character set standards and encoding systems. In short, it provides detailed information on how CJK text is handled electronically. I am happy to share this information with others, and I would appreciate any comments/feedback on its content. The current version (master copy) of this document is maintained at: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/doc/cjk.inf This file may also be obtained by contacting me directly using one of the e-mail addresses listed in the CONTACT INFORMATION section. TABLE OF CONTENTS VERSION HISTORY RESTRICTIONS CONTACT INFORMATION WHAT HAPPENED TO JAPAN.INF? DISCLAIMER CONVENTIONS INTRODUCTION PART 1: WHAT'S UP WITH UJIP? PART 2: CJK CHARACTER SET STANDARDS 2.1: JAPANESE 2.1.1: JIS X 0201-1976 2.1.2: JIS X 0208-1990 2.1.3: JIS X 0212-1990 2.1.4: JIS X 0221-1995 2.1.5: JIS X 0213-199X 2.1.6: OBSOLETE STANDARDS 2.2: CHINESE (PRC) 2.2.1: GB 1988-89 2.2.2: GB 2312-80 2.2.3: GB 6345.1-86 2.2.4: GB 7589-87 2.2.5: GB 7590-87 2.2.6: GB 8565.2-88 2.2.7: GB/T 12345-90 2.2.8: GB/T 13131-9X 2.2.9: GB/T 13132-9X 2.2.10: GB 13000.1-93 2.2.11: ISO-IR-165:1992 2.2.12: OBSOLETE STANDARDS 2.3: CHINESE (TAIWAN) 2.3.1: BIG FIVE 2.3.2: CNS 11643-1992 2.3.3: CNS 5205 2.3.4: OBSOLETE STANDARDS 2.4: KOREAN 2.4.1: KS C 5636-1993 2.4.2: KS C 5601-1992 2.4.3: KS C 5657-1991 2.4.4: GB 12052-89 2.4.5: KS C 5700-1995 2.4.6: OBSOLETE STANDARDS 2.5: CJK 2.5.1: ISO 10646-1:1993 2.5.2: CCCII 2.5.3: ANSI Z39.64-1989 2.6: OTHER 2.6.1: GB 8045-87 2.6.2: TCVN-5773:1993 PART 3: CJK ENCODING SYSTEMS 3.1: 7-BIT ISO 2022 ENCODING 3.1.1: CODE SPACE 3.1.2: ISO-REGISTERED ESCAPE SEQUENCES 3.1.3: ISO-2022-JP AND ISO-2022-JP-2 3.1.4: ISO-2022-KR 3.1.5: ISO-2022-CN AND ISO-2022-CN-EXT 3.2: EUC ENCODING 3.2.1: JAPANESE REPRESENTATION 3.2.2: CHINESE (PRC) REPRESENTATION 3.2.3: CHINESE (TAIWAN) REPRESENTATION 3.2.4: KOREAN REPRESENTATION 3.3: LOCALE-SPECIFIC ENCODINGS 3.3.1: SHIFT-JIS 3.3.2: HZ (HZ-GB-2312) 3.3.3: zW 3.3.4: BIG FIVE 3.3.5: JOHAB 3.3.6: N-BYTE HANGUL 3.3.7: UCS-2 3.3.8: UCS-4 3.3.9: UTF-7 3.3.10: UTF-8 3.3.11: UTF-16 3.3.12: ANSI Z39.64-1989 3.3.13: BASE64 3.3.14: IBM DBCS-HOST 3.3.15: IBM DBCS-PC 3.3.16: IBM DBCS-/TBCS-EUC 3.3.17: UNIFIED HANGUL CODE 3.3.18: TRON CODE 3.3.19: GBK 3.4: CJK CODE PAGES PART 4: CJK CHARACTER SET COMPATIBILITY ISSUES 4.1: JAPANESE 4.2: CHINESE (PRC) 4.3: CHINESE (TAIWAN) 4.4: KOREAN 4.5: ISO 10646-1:1993 4.6: UNICODE 4.7: CODE CONVERSION TIPS PART 5: CJK-CAPABLE OPERATING SYSTEMS 5.1: MS-DOS 5.2: WINDOWS 5.3: MACINTOSH 5.4: UNIX AND X WINDOWS 5.5: OTHERS PART 6: CJK TEXT AND INTERNET SERVICES 6.1: ELECTRONIC MAIL 6.2: USENET NEWS 6.3: GOPHER 6.4: WORLD-WIDE WEB 6.5: FILE TRANSFER TIPS PART 7: CJK TEXT HANDLING SOFTWARE 7.1: MULE 7.2: CNPRINT 7.3: MASS 7.4: ADOBE TYPE MANAGER (ATM) 7.5: MACINTOSH SOFTWARE 7.6: MACBLUE TELNET 7.7: CXTERM 7.8: UW-DBM 7.9: POSTSCRIPT 7.10: NJWIN PART 8: CJK PROGRAMMING ISSUES 8.1: C AND C++ 8.2: PERL 8.3: JAVA A FINAL NOTE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS APPENDIX A: INFORMATION SOURCES A.1: USENET NEWSGROUPS AND MAILING LISTS A.1.1: USENET NEWSGROUPS A.1.2: MAILING LISTS A.2: INTERNET RESOURCES A.2.1: USEFUL FTP SITES A.2.2: USEFUL TELNET SITES A.2.3: USEFUL GOPHER SITES A.2.4: USEFUL WWW SITES A.2.5: USEFUL MAIL SERVERS A.3: OTHER RESOURCES A.3.1: BOOKS A.3.2: MAGAZINES A.3.3: JOURNALS A.3.4: RFCs A.3.5: FAQs VERSION HISTORY The following is a complete listing of the earlier versions of this document along with their release dates and sizes (in bytes): Document Version Release Date Size ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JAPAN.INF 1.0 Unknown Unknown JAPAN.INF 1.1 08/19/91 101,784 JAPAN.INF 1.2 03/20/92 166,929 (JIS) or 165,639 (Shift-JIS/EUC) CJK.INF 1.0 06/09/95 103,985 CJK.INF 1.1 06/12/95 112,771 CJK.INF 1.2 06/14/95 125,275 CJK.INF 1.3 06/16/95 130,069 CJK.INF 1.4 06/19/95 142,543 CJK.INF 1.5 06/22/95 146,064 CJK.INF 1.6 06/29/95 150,882 CJK.INF 1.7 08/15/95 153,772 CJK.INF 1.8 09/11/95 157,295 CJK.INF 1.9 12/18/95 170,698 CJK.INF 2.0 03/12/96 175,973 With the release of this version, all of the above are now considered obsolete. Also, note the three-year gap between the last installment of JAPAN.INF and the first installment of CJK.INF -- I was writing UJIP and my PhD dissertation during those three years. Ah, so much for excuses... RESTRICTIONS This document is provided free-of-charge to *anyone*, but no person or company is permitted to modify, sell, or otherwise distribute it for profit or other purposes. This document may be bundled with commercial products only with the prior consent from the author, and provided that it is not modified in any way whatsoever. The point here is that I worked long and hard on this document so that lots of fine folks and companies can benefit from its contents -- not profit from it. CONTACT INFORMATION I would enjoy hearing from readers of this document, even if it is just to say "hello" or whatever. I can be contacted as follows: Ken Lunde Adobe Systems Incorporated 1585 Charleston Road P.O. Box 7900 Mountain View, CA 94039-7900 USA 415-962-3866 (office phone) 415-960-0886 (facsimile) lunde@adobe.com (preferred) lunde@ora.com or ujip@ora.com WWW Home Page: http://jasper.ora.com/lunde/ If you wonder what I do for my day job, read on. I have been working for Adobe Systems for over four years now (before that I was a graduate student at UW-Madison), and my current position is Project Manager, CJK Type Development. WHAT HAPPENED TO JAPAN.INF? Put bluntly, JAPAN.INF died. It first evolved into my first book entitled "Understanding Japanese Information Processing" (this book is now into its second printing, and the Japanese translation was just published). After my book came out, I did attempt to update JAPAN.INF, but the effort felt a bit futile. I decided that something fresh was necessary. JAPAN.INF also evolved into this document, which breaks the Japanese barrier by providing similar information on Chinese and Korean character sets and encodings. It fills the Chinese and Korean gap, so to speak. My specialty (and hobby, believe it or not) is the field of CJK character sets and encoding systems, so I felt that shifting this document more towards those lines was appropriate use of my (copious) free time (I wish there were more than 24 hours in a day!). Besides, this document now becomes useful to a much broader audience. DISCLAIMER Ah yes, the ever popular disclaimer! Here's mine. Although I list my address here at Adobe Systems Incorporated for contact purposes, Adobe Systems does not endorse this document which I have created, and have continued (and will continue) to update on a regular basis (uh, yeah, I promise this time!). This document is a personal endeavor to inform people of how CJK text can be handled on a variety of platforms. CONVENTIONS The notation that is used for detailing Internet resource information, such as the Internet protocol type, site name, path, and file follows the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) notation, namely: protocol://site-name/path/file An example URL is as follows: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/00README The protocol is FTP, the site-name is ftp.ora.com, the path is pub/ examples/nutshell/ujip/, and the file is 00README. Also note that this same notation is used for invoking FTP on WWW (World Wide Web) browsing software, such as Mosaic, Netscape, or Lynx. Note that most references to HTTP documents use the four- letter file extension ".html". However, some HTTP documents are on file systems that support only three-letter file extensions (can you say "MS-DOS"?), so you may encounter just ".htm". This is just to let you know that what you see is not a typo. References to my book "Understanding Japanese Information Processing" are (affectionately) abbreviated as UJIP. These references also apply to the Japanese translation (UJIP-J). Hexadecimal values are prefixed with 0x, and every two hexadecimal digits represent a one-byte value. Other values can be assumed to be in decimal notation. Chinese characters are referred to as kanji (Japanese), hanzi (Chinese), or hanja (Korean), depending on context. References to ISO 10646-1:1993 also refer to Unicode (usually). I have done this so that I do not have to repeat "Unicode" in the same context as ISO 10646-1:1993. There are times, however, when I need to distinguish ISO 10646-1:1993 from Unicode. INTRODUCTION Electronic mail (e-mail), just one of the many Internet resources, has become a very efficient means of communicating both locally and world-wide. While it is very simple to send text which uses only the 94 printable ASCII characters, character sets that contain more than these ASCII characters pose special problems. This document is primarily concerned with CJK character set and encoding issues. Much of this sort of information is not easily obtained. This represents one person's attempt at making such information more widely available. PART 1: WHAT'S UP WITH UJIP? UJIP (First Edition) was published in September 1993 by O'Reilly & Associates, Incorporated. The second printing (*not* the Second Edition) was subsequently published in March 1994. The page count for both printings is unchanged at 470. The following files contain the latest information about changes (additions and corrections) made to UJIP and UJIP-J for various printings, both for those that have taken place (such as for the second printing of the English edition) and for those that are planned (the first digit is the edition, and the second is the printing): ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/errata/ujip-errata-1-2.txt ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/errata/ujip-errata-1-3.txt ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/errata/ujip-j-errata-1-2.txt I *highly* recommend that all readers of UJIP obtain these errata files. Those without FTP access can request copies directly from me. The Japanese translation of UJIP (UJIP-J), co-published by O'Reilly & Associates, Incorporated and SOFTBANK Corporation, was just released. The translation was done by my good friend Jack Halpern, along with one of his colleagues, Takeo Suzuki. The Japanese edition incorporates corrections and updates not yet found in the English edition. The page count is 535. Late-breaking news! I am currently working on UJIP Second Edition (to be retitled as "Understanding CJK Information Processing" and abbreviated UCJKIP). If all goes well, it should be available by January 1997, and will be well over 700 pages. If there was something you wanted to see in UJIP, now's your chance to send me a request... PART 2: CJK CHARACTER SET STANDARDS These sections describe the character sets used in Japan, China (PRC and Taiwan), and Korea. Exact numbers of characters are provided for each character set standard (when known), as well as tidbits of information not otherwise available. This provides the basic foundations for understanding how CJK scripts are handled on computer systems. The two basic types of characters enumerated by CJK character set standards are Chinese characters (kanji, hanzi, or hanja), which number in the thousands (and, in some cases, tens of thousands), and characters other than Chinese characters (symbols, numerals, kana hangul, alphabets, and so on), which usually number in the hundreds (there are thousands of pre-combined hangul, though). If you happen to be running X Windows, it is very easy to display these CJK character sets (if a bitmapped font for the character set exists, that is). Here is what I usually do: o Obtain a BDF (Bitmap Distribution Format) font for the target character set. Try the following URLs for starters: ftp://cair-archive.kaist.ac.kr/pub/hangul/fonts/ ftp://etlport.etl.go.jp/pub/mule/fonts/ ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/{big5,cns,gb,misc,unicode}/bdf/ ftp://ftp.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp/misc/fonts/jisksp-fonts/ ftp://ftp.net.tsinghua.edu.cn/pub/Chinese/fonts/ ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/unix/ ftp://ftp.technet.sg:/pub/chinese/fonts/ http://ccic.ifcss.org/www/pub/software/fonts/ BDF files usually have the string "bdf" somewhere in their file name, usually at the end. If the file is compressed (noticing that it ends in .gz or .Z is a good indication), decompress it. BDF files are text files. o Convert the BDF file to SNF (Server Natural Format) or PCF (Portable Compiled Format) using the programs "bdftosnf" or "bdftopcf," respectively. Example command lines are as follows: % bdftopcf jiskan16-1990.bdf > k16-90.pcf % bdftosnf jiskan16-1990.bdf > k16-90.snf SNF files (and the "bdftosnf" program) are used on X11R4 and earlier, and PCF files (and the "bdftopcf" program) are used on X11R5 and later. o Copy the SNF or PCF file to a directory in the font search path (or make a new path). Supposing I made a new directory called "fonts" in my home directory, I then run "mkfontdir" on the directory containing the SNF or PCF files as follows: % mkfontdir ~/fonts This creates a fonts.dir file in ~/fonts. I can now add this directory to my font search path with the following command: % xset +fp ~/fonts o The command "xfd" (X Font Displayer) with the "-fn" switch followed by a font name then invokes a window that displays all the characters of the font. In the case of two-byte (CJK) fonts, one row is displayed at a time. The following is an example command line: % xfd -fn -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--16-150-75-75-c-160-jisx0208.1990-0 You can create a "fonts.alias" file in the same directory as the "fonts.dir" file in order to shorten the name when accessing the font. The alias "k16-90" could be used instead if the content of the fonts.alias file is as follows: k16-90 -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--16-150-75-75-c-160-jisx0208.1990-0 Don't forget to execute the following command in order to make the X Font Server aware of the new alias: % xset fp rehash Now you can use a simpler command line for "xfd" as follows: % xfd -fn k16-90 The "X Window System User's Guide" (Volume 3 of the X Window System series by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.) provides detailed information on managing fonts under X Windows (pp 123-160). The article entitled "The X Administrator: Font Formats and Utilities" (pp 14-34 in "The X Resource," Issue 2), describes the BDF, SNF, and PCF formats in great detail. There is another bitmap format called HBF (Hanzi Bitmap Format), which is similar to BDF, but optimized for fixed-width (monospaced) fonts. It is described in the article entitled "The HBF Font Format: Optimizing Fixed-pitch Font Support" (pp 113-123 in "The X Resource," Issue 10), and also at the following URL: ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/hbf-discussion/ HBF fonts can be found at the following URL: ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/{big5,cns,gb,misc,unicode}/hbf/ Lastly, you may wish to check out my newly-developed CJK Character Set Server, which generates various CJK character sets with proper encoding applied. It is written in Perl, and accessed through an HTML form. This server can be considered an upgrade to my JChar tool (written in C). The URL is: http://jasper.ora.com/lunde/cjk-char.html 2.1: JAPANESE All (national) character set standards that originate in Japan have names that begin with the three letters JIS. JIS is short for "Japanese Industrial Standard." But it is JSA (Japanese Standards Association) who publishes the corresponding manuals. Chapter 3 and Appendixes H and J of UJIP provide more detailed information on Japanese character set standards. 2.1.1: JIS X 0201-1976 JIS X 0201-1976 (formerly JIS C 6220-1969; reaffirmed in 1989; and its revision [with no character set changes] is currently under public review) enumerates two sets of characters: JIS-Roman and half-width katakana. JIS-Roman is the Japanese equivalent of the ASCII character set, namely 128 characters consisting of the following: o 10 numerals o 52 uppercase and lowercase characters of the Latin alphabet o 32 symbols (punctuation and so on) o 34 non-printing characters (white space and control characters) The term "white space" refers to characters that occupy space, but have no appearance, such as tabs, spaces, and termination characters (line feed, carriage return, and form feed). So, how are JIS-Roman and ASCII different? The following three codes are (usually) different: Code ASCII JIS-Roman ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ 0x5C backslash yen symbol 0x7C broken bar bar 0x7E tilde overbar Half-width katakana consists of 63 characters that provide a minimal set of characters necessary for expressing Japanese. The shapes are compressed, and visually occupy a space half that of *normal* Japanese characters. 2.1.2: JIS X 0208-1990 This basic Japanese character set standard enumerates 6,879 characters, 6,355 of which are kanji separated into two levels. Kanji in the first level are arranged by (most frequent) reading, and those in the second level are arranged by radical then total number of (remaining) strokes. o Row 1: 94 symbols o Row 2: 53 symbols o Row 3: 10 numerals and 52 uppercase and lowercase Latin alphabet o Row 4: 83 hiragana o Row 5: 86 katakana o Row 6: 48 uppercase and lowercase Greek alphabet o Row 7: 66 uppercase and lowercase Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet o Row 8: 32 line-drawing elements o Rows 16 through 47: 2,965 kanji (JIS Level 1 Kanji; last is 47-51) o Rows 48 through 84: 3,390 kanji (JIS Level 2 Kanji; last is 84-06) Appendix B of UJIP provides a complete illustration of the JIS X 0208-1990 character set standard by KUTEN (row-cell) code. Appendix G (pp 294-317) of "Developing International Software for Windows 95 and Windows NT" by Nadine Kano illustrates the JIS X 0208-1990 character set standard plus the Microsoft extensions by Shift-JIS code (Microsoft calls this Code Page 932). Earlier versions of this standard were dated 1978 (JIS C 6226-1978) and 1983 (JIS X 0208-1983, formerly JIS C 6226-1983). JIS X 0208 went through a revision (from November 1995 until February 1996), and is slated for publication sometime in 1996 (to become JIS X 0208-1996). More information on this revision is available at the following URL: ftp://ftp.tiu.ac.jp/jis/jisx0208/ 2.1.3: JIS X 0212-1990 This supplemental Japanese character set standard enumerates 6,067 characters, 5,801 of which are kanji ordered by radical then total number of (remaining) strokes. All 5,801 kanji are unique when compared to those in JIS X 0208-1990 (see Section 2.1.2). The remaining 266 characters are categorized as non-kanji. o Row 2: 21 diacritics and symbols o Row 6: 21 Greek characters with diacritics o Row 7: 26 Eastern European characters o Rows 9 through 11: 198 alphabetic characters o Rows 16 through 77: 5,801 kanji (last is 77-67) Appendix C of UJIP provides a complete illustration of the JIS X 0212-1990 character set standard by KUTEN (row-cell) code. The only commercial operating system that provides JIS X 0212-1990 support is BTRON by Personal Media Corporation: http://www.personal-media.co.jp/ Section 3.3.18 provides information about TRON Code (used by BTRON), and details how it encodes the JIS X 0212-1990 character set. 2.1.4: JIS X 0221-1995 This document is, for all practical purposes, the Japanese translation of ISO 10646-1:1993 (see Section 2.5.1). Like ISO 10646-1:1993, it is based on Unicode Version 1.1. It is noteworthy that JIS X 0221-1995 enumerates subsets that are applicable for Japanese use (a brief description of their contents in parentheses): o BASIC JAPANESE (JIS X 0208-1990 and JIS X 0201-1976 -- characters that can be created by means of combining are not included -- 6,884 characters) o JAPANESE NON IDEOGRAPHICS SUPPLEMENT (1,913 characters: all non- kanji of JIS X 0212-1990 plus hundreds of non-JIS characters) o JAPANESE IDEOGRAPHICS SUPPLEMENT 1 (918 frequently-used kanji from JIS X 0212-1990, including 28 that are identical to kanji forms in JIS C 6226-1978) o JAPANESE IDEOGRAPHICS SUPPLEMENT 2 (the remainder of JIS X 0212- 1990, namely 4,883 kanji) o JAPANESE IDEOGRAPHICS SUPPLEMENT 3 (the remaining kanji of ISO 10646-1:1993, namely 8,746 characters) o FULLWIDTH ALPHANUMERICS (94 characters; for compatibility) o HALFWIDTH KATAKANA (63 characters; for compatibility) Pages 893 through 993 provide Kangxi Zidian (a classic 300-year-old Chinese character dictionary containing approximately 50,000 characters) and Dai Kanwa Jiten (also known as Morohashi) indexes for the entire Chinese character block, namely from 0x4E00 through 0x9FA5. At 25,750 Yen, it is actually cheaper than ISO 10646-1:1993! 2.1.5: JIS X 0213-199X I recently became aware that JSA plans to publish an extension to JIS X 0208, containing approximately 2,000 characters (kanji and non-kanji). A public review of this new standard is planned for Summer 1996. I would expect that its information will eventually be available at the following URL: ftp://ftp.tiu.ac.jp/jis/ 2.1.6: OBSOLETE STANDARDS JIS C 6226-1978 and JIS X 0208-1983 (formerly JIS C 6226-1983) have been superseded by JIS X 0208-1990. Section 4.1 provides details on the changes made between these earlier versions of JIS X 0208. JIS X 0221-1995 does not mean the end of JIS X 0201-1976, JIS X 0208-1990, and JIS X 0212-1990. Instead, it will co-exist with those standards. 2.2: CHINESE (PRC) All character set standards that originate in PRC have designations that begin with "GB." "GB" is short for "Guo Biao" (which is, in turn, short for "Guojia Biaojun") and means "National Standard." A select few also have "/T" attached. The "T" presumably is short for "Traditional." Section 2.2.11 describes ISO-IR-165:1992, which is a variant of GB 2312-80. It is included here because of this relationship. Most people correlate GB character set standards with simplified Chinese, but as you will see below, that is not always the case. There are three basic character sets, each one having a simplified and traditional version. Character Set Set Number Character Forms ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GB 2312-80 0 Simplified GB/T 12345-90 1 Traditional of GB 2312-80 GB 7589-87 2 Simplified GB/T 13131-9X 3 Traditional of GB 7589-87 GB 7590-87 4 Simplified GB/T 13132-9X 5 Traditional of GB 7590-87 2.2.1: GB 1988-89 This character set, formerly GB 1988-80 and sometimes referred to as GB-Roman, is the Chinese analog to ASCII and ISO 646. The main difference is that the currency symbol (0x24), which is represented as a dollar sign ($) in ASCII, is represented as a Chinese Yuan (currency) symbol instead. GB 1988-89 is sometimes referred to as GB-Roman. 2.2.2: GB 2312-80 This basic (simplified) Chinese character set standard enumerates 7,445 characters, 6,763 of which are hanzi separated into two levels. Hanzi in the first level are arranged by reading, and those in the second level are arranges by radical then total number of (remaining) strokes. GB 2312-80 is also known as the "Primary Set," GB0 (zero), or just GB. o Row 1: 94 symbols o Row 2: 72 numerals o Row 3: 94 full-width GB 1988-89 characters (see Section 2.2.1) o Row 4: 83 hiragana o Row 5: 86 katakana o Row 6: 48 uppercase and lowercase Greek alphabet o Row 7: 66 uppercase and lowercase Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet o Row 8: 26 Pinyin and 37 Bopomofo characters o Row 9: 76 line-drawing elements (09-04 through 09-79) o Rows 16 through 55: 3,755 hanzi (Level 1 Hanzi; last is 55-89) o Rows 56 through 87: 3,008 hanzi (Level 2 Hanzi; last is 87-94) Compare some of the structure with JIS X 0208-1990, and you will find many similarities, such as: o Hiragana, katakana, Greek, and Cyrillic characters are in Rows 4, 5, 6, and 7, respectively o Chinese characters begin at Row 16 o Chinese characters are separated into two levels o Level 1 arranged by reading o Level 2 arranged by radical then total number of strokes The Japanese standard, JIS C 6226-1978, came out in 1978, which means that it pre-dates GB 2312-80. The above similarities could not be by coincidence, but rather by design. Appendix G (pp 318-344) of "Developing International Software for Windows 95 and Windows NT" by Nadine Kano illustrates the GB 2312- 80 character set standard by EUC code (Microsoft calls this Code Page 936). Code Page 936 incorporates the correction of the hanzi at 79-81, and the correction of the order of 07-22 and 07-23 (see Section 2.2.3 for more details). 2.2.3: GB 6345.1-86 This document specifies corrections and additions to GB 2312-80 (see Section 2.2.2). The following is a detailed enumeration of the changes: o The form of "g" in Row 3 (position 71) was altered o Row 8 has six additional Pinyin characters (08-27 through 08-32) o Row 10 contains half-width versions of Row 3 (94 characters) o Row 11 contains half-width versions of the Pinyin characters from Row 8 (32 characters; 11-01 through 11-32) o The hanzi at 79-81 was corrected to have a simplified left-side radical (this was an error in GB 2312-80) Note that these changes affect the total number of characters in GB 2312-80 -- an increase of 132 characters. This now makes 7,577 as the total number of characters in GB 2312-80 (7,445 plus 132). There was, however, an undocumented correction made in GB 6345.1-86. The order of characters 07-22 and 07-23 (uppercase Cyrillic) were reversed. This error is apparently in the first and perhaps second printing of the GB 2312-80 manual, because the copy I have is from the third printing, and this has been corrected. Page 145 (Figure 113) of John Clews' "Language Automation Worldwide: The Development of Character Set Standards" illustrates this error. Developers should take special note of this -- I have seen GB 2312-80 based font products that propagate this ordering error. 2.2.4: GB 7589-87 This character set enumerates 7,237 hanzi in Rows 16 through 92 (last is 92-93), and they are ordered by radical then total number of (remaining) strokes. GB 7589-87 is also known as the "Second Supplementary Set" or GB2. 2.2.5: GB 7590-87 This character set enumerates 7,039 hanzi in Rows 16 through 90 (last is 90-83), and they are ordered by radical then total number of (remaining) strokes. GB 7590-87 is also known as the "Fourth Supplementary Set" or GB4. 2.2.6: GB 8565.2-88 This standard makes additions to GB 2312-80 (these additions are separate from those made in GB 6345.1-86 described in Section 2.2.3). GB 8565.2-88 is also known as GB8. In this case there are 705 additions, indicated as follows: o Row 13 contains 50 hanzi from GB 7589-87 (last is 13-50) o Row 14 contains 92 hanzi from GB 7590-87 (last is 14-92) o Row 15 contains 69 non-hanzi indicating dates and times, plus 24 miscellaneous hanzi (for personal/place names and radicals; last is 15-93). o Rows 90 through 94 contain 470 hanzi from GB 7589-87 (94 each) GB 8565.2-88 therefore provides a total of 8,150 characters (7,445 plus 705). 2.2.7: GB/T 12345-90 This character set is nearly identical to GB 2312-80 (see Section 2.2.2) in terms of the number and arrangement of characters, but simplified hanzi are replaced by their traditional versions. GB/T 12345-90 is also known as the "Supplementary Set" or GB1. The following are some interesting facts about this character set (some instances of simplified/traditional pairs that appear below are actually character form differences): o 29 vertical-use characters (punctuation and parentheses) included in Row 6 (06-57 through 06-85). o 2,118 traditional hanzi replace simplified hanzi in Rows 16 through 87. The "G1-Unique" appendix of the unofficial version (supplied to the CJK-JRG for Han Unification purposes) is missing the following four (specifies only 2,114): 0x5B3B 0x6D2F 0x5E7C 0x6F71 But, ISO 10646-1:1993 ended up getting these hanzi included anyway, with correct mappings. o Four simplified/traditional hanzi pairs (eight affected code points) in rows 16 through 87 are swapped: 0x3A73 <-> 0x6161 0x5577 <-> 0x6167 0x5360 <-> 0x6245 (see the next bullet) 0x4334 <-> 0x7761 o One hanzi (0x6245), after being swapped, had its left-side radical unsimplified (this character, now at 0x5360, is considered part of the 2,118 traditional hanzi from the second bullet): 0x6245 -> 0x5360 o 103 hanzi included in Rows 88 (94 characters) and 89 (9 characters; 89-01 through 89-09). These are all related to characters between Rows 16 and 87. - 41 simplified hanzi from Rows 16 through 87 moved to Rows 88 and 89 (traditional hanzi are now at the original code points): 0x3327 -> 0x7827 0x3E5D -> 0x7846 0x4B49 -> 0x7869 0x3365 -> 0x7828 0x3F64 -> 0x7849 0x4C28 -> 0x786B 0x3373 -> 0x7829 0x402F -> 0x784B 0x4D3F -> 0x786F 0x3533 -> 0x782C 0x4030 -> 0x784C 0x4D72 -> 0x7871 0x356D -> 0x782D 0x406F -> 0x784E 0x5236 -> 0x7878 0x3637 -> 0x782F 0x4131 -> 0x7850 0x5374 -> 0x7879 0x3736 -> 0x7832 0x463B -> 0x785C 0x5438 -> 0x787C 0x3761 -> 0x7833 0x463E -> 0x785D 0x5446 -> 0x787D 0x3849 -> 0x7835 0x464B -> 0x785E 0x5622 -> 0x7921 0x3963 -> 0x7838 0x464D -> 0x785F 0x563B -> 0x7923 0x3B2E -> 0x783B 0x4653 -> 0x7860 0x5656 -> 0x7926 0x3C38 -> 0x7840 0x4837 -> 0x7866 0x567E -> 0x7928 0x3C5B -> 0x7842 0x4961 -> 0x7867 0x573C -> 0x7929 0x3C76 -> 0x7843 0x4A75 -> 0x7868 - 62 hanzi added to Rows 88 and 89 (the gaps from the above are filled in). These were mostly to account for multiple traditional hanzi collapsing into a single simplified form. - The following code point mappings illustrate how all of these 103 hanzi are related to hanzi between Rows 16 and 87 (note how many of these 103 hanzi map to a single code point): 0x7821 -> 0x305A 0x7844 -> 0x3D2A 0x7867 -> 0x4961 0x7822 -> 0x3065 0x7845 -> 0x3E21 0x7868 -> 0x4A75 0x7823 -> 0x316D 0x7846 -> 0x3E5D 0x7869 -> 0x4B49 0x7824 -> 0x3170 0x7847 -> 0x3E6D 0x786A -> 0x4B55 0x7825 -> 0x3237 0x7848 -> 0x3F4B 0x786B -> 0x4C28 0x7826 -> 0x3245 0x7849 -> 0x3F64 0x786C -> 0x4C28 0x7827 -> 0x3327 0x784A -> 0x4027 0x786D -> 0x4C28 0x7828 -> 0x3365 0x784B -> 0x402F 0x786E -> 0x4C33 0x7829 -> 0x3373 0x784C -> 0x4030 0x786F -> 0x4D3F 0x782A -> 0x3376 0x784D -> 0x405B 0x7870 -> 0x4D45 0x782B -> 0x3531 0x784E -> 0x406F 0x7871 -> 0x4D72 0x782C -> 0x3533 0x784F -> 0x407A 0x7872 -> 0x4F35 0x782D -> 0x356D 0x7850 -> 0x4131 0x7873 -> 0x4F35 0x782E -> 0x362C 0x7851 -> 0x414B 0x7874 -> 0x4F4C 0x782F -> 0x3637 0x7852 -> 0x4231 0x7875 -> 0x4F72 0x7830 -> 0x3671 0x7853 -> 0x425E 0x7876 -> 0x506B 0x7831 -> 0x3722 0x7854 -> 0x4339 0x7877 -> 0x5229 0x7832 -> 0x3736 0x7855 -> 0x4349 0x7878 -> 0x5236 0x7833 -> 0x3761 0x7856 -> 0x4349 0x7879 -> 0x5374 0x7834 -> 0x3834 0x7857 -> 0x4349 0x787A -> 0x5379 0x7835 -> 0x3849 0x7858 -> 0x4356 0x787B -> 0x5375 0x7836 -> 0x3948 0x7859 -> 0x4366 0x787C -> 0x5438 0x7837 -> 0x394E 0x785A -> 0x436F 0x787D -> 0x5446 0x7838 -> 0x3963 0x785B -> 0x3159 0x787E -> 0x5460 0x7839 -> 0x6358 0x785C -> 0x463B 0x7921 -> 0x5622 0x783A -> 0x3A7A 0x785D -> 0x463E 0x7922 -> 0x563B 0x783B -> 0x3B2E 0x785E -> 0x464B 0x7923 -> 0x563B 0x783C -> 0x3B58 0x785F -> 0x464D 0x7924 -> 0x5642 0x783D -> 0x3B63 0x7860 -> 0x4653 0x7925 -> 0x5646 0x783E -> 0x3B71 0x7861 -> 0x4727 0x7926 -> 0x5656 0x783F -> 0x3C22 0x7862 -> 0x4729 0x7927 -> 0x566C 0x7840 -> 0x3C38 0x7863 -> 0x4F4B 0x7928 -> 0x567E 0x7841 -> 0x3C52 0x7864 -> 0x476F 0x7929 -> 0x573C 0x7842 -> 0x3C5B 0x7865 -> 0x477A 0x7843 -> 0x3C76 0x7866 -> 0x4837 So, if we total everything up, we see that GB/T 12345-90 has 2,180 hanzi (2,118 are replacements for GB 2312-80 code points, and 62 are additional) and 29 non-hanzi not found in GB 2312-80. Note that the printing of the GB/T 12345-90 has some character-form errors. The errors I am aware of are as follows: Code Point Description of Error ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 0x4125 The upper-left element should be "tree" instead of "warrior" 0x596C The "bird" radical should not include the "fire" element 2.2.8: GB/T 13131-9X This character set is identical to GB 7589-87 (see Section 2.2.4) in terms of number of characters, but simplified hanzi are replaced by their traditional versions. The exact number of such substitutions is currently unknown to this author. GB/T 13131-9X is also known as the "Third Supplementary Set" or GB3. 2.2.9: GB/T 13132-9X This character set is identical to GB 7590-87 (see Section 2.2.5) in terms of number of characters, but simplified hanzi are replaced by their traditional versions. The exact number of such substitutions is currently unknown to this author. GB/T 13132-9X is also known as the "Fifth Supplementary Set" or GB5. 2.2.10: GB 13000.1-93 This document is, for all practical purposes, the Chinese translation of ISO 10646-1:1993 (see Section 2.5.1). 2.2.11: ISO-IR-165:1992 This standard, also known as the CCITT Chinese Set, is a variant of GB 2312-80 with the following characteristics: o GB 6345.1-86 modifications (including the undocumented one) and additions, namely 132 characters (see Section 2.2.3) o GB 8565.2-88 additions, namely 705 characters (see Section 2.2.6) o Row 6 contains 22 background (shading) characters (06-60 through 06-81) o Row 12 contains 94 hanzi o Row 13 contains 44 additional hanzi (13-51 through 13-94; fills the row) o Row 15 contains 1 additional hanzi (15-94) ISO-IR-165:1992 can therefore be considered a superset of GB 2312-80, GB 6345.1-86, and GB 8565.2-88. This means 8,443 total characters compared to the 7,445 in GB 2312-80, 7,577 in GB 6345.1-86, and the 8,150 in GB 8565.2-88. 2.2.12: OBSOLETE STANDARDS Most GB standards seem to be revised through other documents, so it is hard to point to a standard and claim that it is obsolete. The only revision I am aware of is the GB 1988-89 (the original was named GB 1988-80). 2.3: CHINESE (TAIWAN) The sections below describe two major Taiwanese character sets, namely Big Five and CNS 11643-1992. As you will learn they are somewhat compatible. CCCII, also developed in Taiwan, is described in Section 2.5.2. 2.3.1: BIG FIVE The Big Five character set is composed of 94 rows of 157 characters each (the 157 characters of each row are encoded in an initial group of 63 codes followed by the remaining 94 codes). The following is a break-down of its contents: o Row 1: 157 symbols o Row 2: 157 symbols o Row 3: 94 symbols o Rows 4 through 38: 5,401 hanzi (Level 1 Hanzi; last is 38-63) o Rows 41 through 89: 7,652 hanzi (Level 2 Hanzi; last is 89-116) This forms what I consider to be the basic Big Five set. Actually, two of the hanzi in Level 2 are duplicates, so there are actually only 7,650 unique hanzi in Level 2. There are two major extensions to Big Five. The first really has no name, and can be considered part of the basic Big Five set as specified above. It adds the following characters: o Rows 38-39: 4 Japanese iteration marks, 83 hiragana, 86 katakana, 66 uppercase and lowercase Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet, 10 circled digits, and 10 parenthesized digits The other extension was developed by a company called ETen Information System in Taiwan, and is actually considered to be the most widely used version of Big Five. It provides the following extensions to Big Five (different from the above extension): o Rows 38-40: 10 circled digits, 10 parenthesized digits, 10 lowercase Roman numerals, 25 classical radicals, 15 Japanese-specific symbols, 83 hiragana, 86 katakana, 66 uppercase and lowercase Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet, 3 arrows, 10 radical-like hanzi elements, 40 fraction-like digits, and 7 symbols o Row 89: 7 hanzi, 33 double-lined line-drawing elements, and a black box It is *very* important to note that while these two extensions have many common portions (in particular, hiragana, katakana, the Cyrillic alphabet, and so on), they do not share the same code points for such characters. Appendix G (pp 407-450) of "Developing International Software for Windows 95 and Windows NT" by Nadine Kano illustrates the Big Five character set standard by Big Five code (Microsoft calls this Code Page 950). Code Page 950 incorporates some of the ETen extensions, namely those in Row 89. 2.3.2: CNS 11643-1992 CNS 11643-1992 (also known as CNS 11643 X 5012), by definition, consists of 16 planes of characters, seven of which have character assignments. Each plane is a 94-row-by-94-cell matrix capable of holding a total of 8,836 characters. CNS stands for "Chinese National Standard." CNS 11643-1992 specifies characters only in the first seven planes. A break-down of characters, by plane, is as follows: o Plane 1: - 438 symbols in Rows 1 through 6 - 213 classical radicals in Rows 7 through 9 - 33 graphic representations of control characters in Row 34 - 5,401 hanzi in Rows 36 through 93 (last is 93-43) o Plane 2: 7,650 hanzi in Rows 1 through 82 (last is 82-36) o Plane 3: 6,148 hanzi in Rows 1 through 66 (last is 66-38) o Plane 4: 7,298 hanzi in Rows 1 through 78 (last is 78-60) o Plane 5: 8,603 hanzi in Rows 1 through 92 (last is 92-49) o Plane 6: 6,388 hanzi in Rows 1 through 68 (last is 68-90) o Plane 7: 6,539 hanzi in Rows 1 through 70 (last is 70-53) The total number of characters in CNS 11643-1992 is a staggering 48,711 characters, 48,027 of which are hanzi. Also note that number of hanzi in Plane 1 is identical to Level 1 hanzi of Big Five (see Section 2.3.1). The 2 extra hanzi in Level 2 hanzi of Big Five are actually redundant, and are therefore not in CNS 11643-1992 Plane 2. It is rumored that Plane 8 is currently being defined, and will add yet more hanzi to this standard. 2.3.3: CNS 5205 This character set is Taiwan's analog to ASCII and ISO 646, and is reportedly rarely used. How it differs from ASCII, if at all, is unknown to this author. 2.3.4: OBSOLETE STANDARDS CNS 11643-1986 specified characters only in the first three planes, as described in Section 2.3.2. Also, Plane 3 of CNS 11643-1992 was called Plane 14 of CNS 11643-1986. 2.4: KOREAN The sections below describe the most current Korean character sets, namely KS C 5636-1993, KS C 5601-1992, KS C 5657-1991, and KS C 5700-1995. "KS" stands for "Korean Standard." 2.4.1: KS C 5636-1993 This character set (published on January 6, 1993), formerly KS C 5636-1989 (published on April 22, 1989) and sometimes referred to as KS-Roman, is the Korean analog to ASCII and ISO 646-1991. The primary difference is that the ASCII backslash (0x5C) is represented as a Won symbol. 2.4.2: KS C 5601-1992 This basic Korean character set standard enumerates 8,224 characters, 4,888 of which are hanja, and 2,350 of which are pre- combined hangul. The hanja and hangul blocks are arranged by reading. The following is a break-down of its contents: o Row 1: 94 symbols o Row 2: 69 abbreviations and symbols o Row 3: 94 full-width KS C 5636-1993 characters (see Section 2.4.1) o Row 4: 94 hangul elements o Row 5: 68 lowercase and uppercase Roman numerals and lowercase and uppercase Greek alphabet o Row 6: 68 line-drawing elements o Row 7: 79 abbreviations o Row 8: 91 phonetic symbols, circled characters, and fractions o Row 9: 94 phonetic symbols, parenthesized characters, subscripts, and superscripts o Row 10: 83 hiragana o Row 11: 86 katakana o Row 12: 66 lowercase and uppercase Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet o Rows 16 through 40: 2,350 pre-combined hangul (last is 40-94) o Rows 42 through 93: 4,888 hanja (last is 93-94) Rows 41 and 94 are designated for user-defined characters. There are many similarities with JIS X 0208-1990 and GB 2312-80, such as hiragana, katakana, Greek, and Cyrillic characters, but they are assigned to different rows. There is an interesting note about the hanja block (Rows 42 through 93). Although there are 4,888 hanja, not all are unique. The hanja block is arranged by reading, and in those cases when a hanja has more than one reading, that hanja is duplicated (sometimes more than once) in the same character set. There are 268 such cases of duplicate hanja in KS C 5601-1992, meaning that it contains 4,620 unique hanja. If you have a copy of the KS C 5601-1992 manual handy, you can compare the following four code points: 0x6445 0x5162 0x5525 0x6879 While most of these cases involve two hanja instances, there are four hanja that have three instances, and one (listed above) that has four! This is the only CJK character set that has this property of intentionally duplicating Chinese characters. See Section 4.4 for more details. Annex 3 of this standard defines the complete set of 11,172 pre-combined hangul characters, also known as Johab. Johab refers to the encoding method, and is almost like encoding all possible three- letter words (meaning that most are nonsense). See Section 3.3.5 for more details on Johab encoding. 2.4.3: KS C 5657-1991 This character set standard provides supplemental characters for Korean writing, to include symbols, pre-combined hangul, and hanja. The following is a break-down of its contents: o Rows 1 through 7: 613 lowercase and uppercase Latin characters with diacritics (see note below) o Rows 8 through 10: 273 lowercase and uppercase Greek characters with diacritics o Rows 11 through 13: 275 symbols o Row 14: 27 compound hangul elements o Rows 16 through 36: 1,930 pre-combined hangul (last is 36-50) o Rows 37 through 54: 1,675 pre-combined hangul (last is 54-77; see note below) o Rows 55 through 85: 2,856 hanja (last is 85-36) The KS C 5657-1991 manual has a possible error (or at least an inconsistency) for Rows 1 through 7. The manual says that there are 615 characters in that range, but I only counted 613. The difference can be found on page 19 as the following two characters: Character Code Character ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ 0x2137 X 0x217A TM An "X" doesn't belong there (it is already in KS C 5601-1992 at code point 0x2358), and the trademark symbol is also part of KS C 5601-1992 at code point 0x2262. This is why I feel that my count of 613 is more accurate than what is explicitly stated in the manual on page 2. Also, page 2 of the manual says that Rows 37 through 54 contains 1,677 pre-combined hangul, but I only counted 1,675 (17 rows of 94 characters plus a final row with 77 characters -- do the math for yourself). Here's another interesting note. My official copy of this standard has all of its 2,856 hanja hand-written. 2.4.4: GB 12052-89 You may be asking yourself why a GB standard is listed under the Korean section of this document. Well, there is a rather large Korean population in China (Korea was considered part of China before the 1890s), and they need a character set standard for communicating using hangul. GB 12052-89 is a Korean character set standard established by China (PRC), and enumerates a total of 5,979 characters. The following is the arrangement of this character set: o Row 1: 94 symbols o Row 2: 72 numerals o Row 3: 94 full-width ASCII characters o Row 4: 83 hiragana o Row 5: 86 katakana o Row 6: 48 uppercase and lowercase Greek alphabet o Row 7: 66 uppercase and lowercase Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet o Row 8: 26 Pinyin and 37 Bopomofo characters o Row 9: 76 line-drawing elements (09-04 through 09-79) o Rows 16 through 37: 2,068 pre-combined hangul (Level 1 Hangul, Part 1; last is 37-94) o Rows 38 through 52: 1,356 pre-combined hangul (Level 1 Hangul, Part 2; last is 52-40) o Rows 53 through 71: 1,779 pre-combined hangul (Level 2 Hangul; last is 71-87) o Rows 71 through 72: 94 "Idu" hanja (71-89 through 72-88) There are a few interesting notes I can make about this character set: o Rows 1 through 9 are identical to the same rows in GB 2312-80, except that 03-04 is a dollar sign, not a Chinese Yuan (currency) symbol. o The GB 12052-89 manual states on pp 1 and 3 that Rows 53 through 72 contain 1,876 characters, but I only counted 1,873 (1,779 hangul plus 94 hanja). o The total number of characters, 5,979, is correctly stated in the manual although the hangul count is incorrect. o The arrangement and ordering of these hangul bear no relationship to that of KS C 5601-1992. Both standards order by reading, which is the only way in which they are similar. I am not aware to what extent this character set is being used (and who might be using it). 2.4.5: KS C 5700-1995 Korea has developed a new character set standard called KS C 5700-1995. It is equivalent to ISO 10646-1:1993, but have pre-combined hangul as provided (and ordered) in Unicode Version 2.0 (meaning that all 11,172 hangul are in a contiguous block). 2.4.6: OBSOLETE STANDARDS KS C 5601-1986, KS C 5601-1987, and KS C 5601-1989 are the same, character-set wise, to KS C 5601-1992. The 1992 edition provides more material in the form of annexes. KS C 5601-1982, the original version, enumerated only the 51 basic hangul elements in a one-byte 7- and 8-bit encoding. This information is still part of KS C 5601-1992, but in Annex 4. There were two earlier multiple-byte standards called KS C 5619-1982 and KIPS. KS C 5619-1982 enumerated 51 hangul elements, 1,316 pre-combined hangul, and 1,672 hanja. KIPS (Korean Information Processing System) enumerated 2,058 pre-combined hangul and 2,392 hanja. Both have been rendered obsolete by KS C 5601-1987. 2.5: CJK The only true CJK character sets available today are CCCII, ANSI Z39.64-1989 (also known as EACC or REACC), and ISO 10646-1:1993. ISO 10646-1:1993 is unique in that it goes beyond CJK (Chinese characters) to provide virtually all commonly-used alphabetic scripts. Of these three, only ISO 10646-1:1993 is expected to gain wide-spread acceptance. CCCII and ANSI Z39.64-1989 are still used today, but primarily for bibliographic purposes. 2.5.1: ISO 10646-1:1993 Published by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in Switzerland, this character set enumerates over 34,000 characters. Its I-zone ("I" stands for "Ideograph") enumerates approximately 21,000 Chinese characters, which is the result of a massive effort by the CJK-JRG (CJK Joint Research Group) called "Han Unification." The CJK-JRG is now called the IRG (Ideographic Rapporteur Group), and is off doing additional research for future Chinese character allocations to ISO 10646-1:1993. The Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) of ISO 10646-1:1993 is equivalent to Unicode. While Unicode is comprised of a single plane of characters (which doesn't allow much room for future expansion), ISO 10646-1:1993 contains hundreds of such planes. One very nice feature of this standard's manual are the CJK code correspondence tables in Section 26 (pp 262-698). Four columns are provided for each ISO 10646-1:1993 I-zone code point -- simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. If the ISO 10646-1:1993 Chinese character maps to one of these locales, the hexadecimal character code, (decimal) row-cell value, and glyph for that locale is provided. The corresponding tables in Volume 2 of "The Unicode Standard" provide character codes (sometimes the hexadecimal character code, and sometimes the row-cell value) and a single glyph. Quite unfortunate. I hear that a new edition of "The Unicode Standard" is about to be released. I hope that this problem has been addressed. ISO 10646-1:1993 does not replace existing national character set standards. It simply provides a single character set that is a superset of *most* national character sets. For example, only a fraction of the 48,027 hanzi in CNS 11643-1992 are included in ISO 10646-1:1993. I feel that it is best to think of ISO 10646-1:1993 as "just another character set." My philosophy is to support the maximum number of character sets and encodings as possible. A note about ordering this standard. If you order through ANSI in the United States, try to get an original manual. It is not easy, though. You see, ANSI has duplication rights for ISO documents. Photocopying Section 26 (pp 262-698) doesn't do the Chinese characters much justice, and some characters become hard-to-read. Unfortunately, there is no way to indicate that you want an original ISO document through ANSI's ordering process, so some post-ordering haggling may become necessary. More information on ISO 10646-1:1993 can be found at the following URL: http://www.unicode.org/ Japan, China (PRC), and Korea have developed their own national standards that are based on ISO 10646-1:1993. They are designated as JIS X 0221-1995 (see Section 2.1.4), GB 13000.1-93 (see Section 2.2.10), and KS C 5700-1995 (see Section 2.4.5), respectively. Note that these national-standard versions of Unicode are aligned differently with its three versions: Unicode Version 1.0 Unicode Version 1.1 <-> ISO 10646-1:1993, JIS X 0221-1995, GB 13000.1-93 Unicode Version 2.0 <-> KS C 5700-1995 One of the major changes made for Unicode Version 2.0 is the inclusion of all 11,172 hangul. Versions 1.1 has 6,656 hangul. 2.5.2: CCCII The Chinese Character Analysis Group in Taiwan developed CCCII (Chinese Character Code for Information Interchange) in the 1980s. This character set is composed of 94 planes that have 94 rows and 94 cells (94 x 94 x 94 = 830,584 characters). Furthermore, every six planes constitute a "layer" (6 x 94 x 94 = 53,016 characters). The following is the contents of each of the 16 layers (the 16th layer contains only four planes): o Layer 1: Symbols and Traditional Chinese characters o Layer 2: Simplified Chinese characters from PRC o Layers 3 through 12: Variant Chinese character forms o Layer 13: Japanese kana and kokuji (Japanese-made kanji) o Layer 14: Korean hangul o Layer 15: Reserved o Layer 16: Miscellaneous characters (Japanese and Korean) Layers 1 through 12 have a special meaning and relationship. The same code point in these layers is designed to hold the same character, but with different forms. Layer 1 code points contain the traditional character forms, Layer 2 code points contain the simplified character forms (if any), and Layers 3 through 12 contain variant character forms (if any). For example, given a Chinese character with three forms, its encoding and arrangement may be as follows: Character Form Code Point Layer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ Traditional 0x224E41 1 Simplified 0x284E41 2 Variant 0x2E4E41 3 Note how the second and third bytes (0x4E41) are identical in all three instances -- only the first byte's value, which indicates the layer, differs. Needless to say, this method of arrangement provides easy access to related Chinese character forms. No wonder it is used for bibliographic purposes. The first layer is composed as follows: o Plane 1/Row 2: 56 mathematical symbols o Plane 1/Row 3: The ASCII character set o Plane 1/Row 11: 35 Chinese punctuation marks o Plane 1/Rows 12 through 14: 214 classical radicals o Plane 1/Row 15: 41 Chinese numerical symbols, 37 phonetic symbols, and 4 tone marks o Plane 1/Rows 16 through 67: 4,808 common Chinese characters o Plane 1/Row 68 through Plane 3/Row 64: 17,032 less common Chinese characters o Plane 3/Row 65 through Plane 6/Row 5: 20,583 rare Chinese characters Note that Row 1 of all planes is reserved, and never assigned characters. Take this into account when studying the above table ranges that span planes (that is, skip Row 1). In addition to the above, there are 11,517 simplified Chinese characters in Layer 2 (3,625 are considered PRC simplified forms, and the remaining 7,892 are regular simplified forms). This provides a total of 53,940 Chinese characters. Further information on CCCII (to include very interesting historical notes) can be found on pp 146-149 of John Clews' "Language Automation Worldwide: The Development of Character Set Standards" and Chapter 6 of Huang & Huang's "An Introduction to Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Computing." 2.5.3: ANSI Z39.64-1989 This national standard is designated as ANSI Z39.64-1989 and named "East Asian Character Code" (EACC), but was originally known as REACC (RLIN East Asian Character Code), that is, before it became a national standard. RLIN stands for "Research Libraries Information Network," which was developed by the Research Libraries Group (RLG) located in Mountain View, California. RLG's Home Page is at the following URL: http://www.rlg.org/ The structure of ANSI Z39.64-1989 is based on CCCII, but with a few differences. Many consider it to be superior to and a replacement for CCCII (see Section 2.5.2). The ANSI Z39.64-1989 standard is available through ANSI, but you should be aware that it is distributed in the form of several microfiche. Not a terribly useful storage medium these days. I had my set tranformed into tangible printed pages. You can also obtain this standard through NISO (National Information Standards Organization) Press Fulfillment. Their URL is: http://www.niso.org/ EACC has been designated by the Library of Congress as a character set for use in USMARC (United States MAchine-Readable Cataloging) records, and is used extensively by East Asian libraries across North America. EACC is also being used in Australia for the National CJK Project. Check out the following URL for more details: http://www.nla.gov.au/1/asian/ncjk/cjkhome.html Further information on ANSI Z39.64-1989 (to include very interesting historical notes) can be found on pp 150-156 of John Clews' "Language Automation Worldwide: The Development of Character Set Standards" (although a source at RLG tells me that some of Clews' facts are wrong) and Chapter 6 of Huang & Huang's "An Introduction to Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Computing." The authoritative paper on EACC is "RLIN East Asian Character Code and the RLIN CJK Thesaurus" by Karen Smith Yoshimura and Alan Tucker, published in "Proceedings of the Second Asian-Pacific Conference on Library Science," May 20-24,1985, Seoul, Korea. 2.6: OTHER This section includes character set standards that don't properly fall under the above sections. 2.6.1: GB 8045-87 GB 8045-87 is a Mongolian character set standard established by China (PRC). This standard enumerates 94 Mongolian characters. Of these 94 characters, 12 are punctuation (vertically-oriented), and the remaining 82 are characters specific to the Mongolian script. Mongolian is written vertically like Chinese. I do not discuss the encoding for GB 8045-87 in Part 3, so will do it here. The GB 8045-87 manual describes a 7- and 8-bit encoding. The 7-bit encoding puts these 94 characters in the standard ASCII printable range, namely 0x21 through 0x7E. Code point 0x20 is marked as "MSP" which stands for "Mongolian space." The 8-bit encoding puts these 94 characters in the range 0xA1 through 0xFE, with the "MSP" character at code point 0xA0. The GB 1988-89 set is then encoded in the range 0x21 through 0x7E. 2.6.2: TCVN-5773:1993 TCVN-5773:1993 (also called NSCII, which is short for Nom Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the Vietnamese analog to ISO 10646-1:1993, but adds 1,775 Vietnamese-specific Chinese characters. These 1,775 characters are encoded in the range 0xA000 through 0xA6EE. More information on TCVN-5773:1993 can be found at the following URL: ftp://unicode.org/pub/MappingTables/EastAsiaMaps/ There are two files at the above URL that pertain to this standard. The first is a README, and the second is a Macintosh HyperCard stack (requires HyperCard): TCVN-NSCII.README TCVN-NSCIIstack_1.0.sea.hqx PART 3: CJK ENCODING SYSTEMS These sections describe the various systems for encoding the character set standards listed in Part 2. The first two described, 7-bit ISO 2022 and EUC, are not specific to a locale, and in some cases not specific to CJK. The CJK Character Set Server at the following URL can generate character sets based on encodings described in this section: http://jasper.ora.com/lunde/cjk-char.html I suggest that you use this as a way to obtain files that illustrate these encodings in action. But first, please take a peek at the following table, which is an attempt to illustrate how two Chinese characters (that stand for "kanji/hanzi/hanja") are encoded using the various methods presented in the following sections (character codes as hexadecimal digits, and escape sequences or shift sequences as printable characters): o Japanese (JIS X 0208-1990 & JIS X 0201-1976): - 7-bit ISO 2022 <ESC> & @ <ESC> $ B 0x3441 0x3B7A <ESC> ( J - ISO-2022-JP <ESC> $ B 0x3441 0x3B7A <ESC> ( J - EUC 0xB4C1 0xBBFA - Shift-JIS 0x8ABF 0x8E9A o Simplified Chinese (GB 2312-80 & GB 1988-89 or ASCII): - 7-bit ISO 2022 <ESC> $ A 0x3A3A 0x5756 <ESC> ( T - ISO-2022-CN <ESC> $ ) A <SO> 0x3A3A 0x5756 <SI> - EUC 0xBABA 0xD7D6 - HZ (HZ-GB-2312) ~{ 0x3A3A 0x5756 ~} - zW zW 0x3A3A 0x5756 o Traditional Chinese (CNS 11643-1992): - 7-bit ISO 2022 <ESC> $ ( G 0x6947 0x4773 <ESC> ( B - ISO-2022-CN <ESC> $ ) G <SO> 0x6947 0x4773 <SI> - EUC 0xE9C7 0xC7F3 or 0x8EA1E9C7 0x8EA1C7F3 o Traditional Chinese (Big Five): - Big Five 0xBA7E 0xA672 o Korean (KS C 5601-1992 & ASCII): - 7-bit ISO 2022 <ESC> $ ( C 0x7953 0x6D2E <ESC> ( B - ISO-2022-KR <ESC> $ ) C <SO> 0x7953 0x6D2E <SI> - EUC 0xF9D3 0xEDAE - Johab 0xF7D3 0xF1AE o CJK (ISO 10646-1:1993, JIS X 0221-1995, GB 13000.1-93, or KS C 5700-1995): - UCS-2 0x6F22 0x5B57 - UCS-4 0x00006F22 0x00005B57 The above should have given you a taste of what information the following sections provide. 3.1: 7-BIT ISO 2022 ENCODING 7-bit ISO 2022 is the name commonly given to the encoding system that uses escape sequences to shift between character sets. (ISO 2022 encoded Japanese text is also known as "JIS" encoding, but is different from ISO-2022-JP and ISO-2022-JP-2, and will be explained in Section 3.1.3.) This encoding comes from the ISO 2022-1993 standard. An escape sequence, as the name implies, consists of an escape character followed by a sequence of one or more characters. These escape sequences are used to change character set of the text stream. This may also mean a shift from one- to two-byte-per-character mode (or vice versa). 7-bit ISO 2022 Character sets fall into two types: one-byte and two-byte. CJK character sets, for obvious reasons, fall into the latter group. One advantage that 7-bit ISO 2022 encoding has over other encoding systems is that its escape sequences specify the character set, thus specify the locale. 7-bit ISO 2022 encoding also encodes text using only seven-bit bytes, which has the benefit of being able to survive Internet travel (e-mail). 3.1.1: CODE SPACE Each byte in the representation of graphic (printable) characters fall into the range 0x21 (decimal 33) through 0x7E (decimal 126). For one-byte character sets, this means a maximum of 94 characters. For two-byte character sets, this means a maximum of 8,836 characters (94 x 94 = 8,836). One-byte Characters Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0x21-0x7E Two-byte Characters Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0x21-0x7E second byte range 0x21-0x7E White space and control characters (of which the "escape" character is one) are still found in 0x00-0x20 and 0x7F. 3.1.2: ISO-REGISTERED ESCAPE SEQUENCES The following is a table that provides the ISO-registered escape sequences for various one- and two-byte character sets mentioned in Part 2 of this document (ISO registration numbers provided in the fourth column): One-byte Character Set Escape Sequence Hexadecimal ISO Reg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ASCII (ANSI X3.4-1986) <ESC> ( B 0x1B2842 6 Half-width katakana <ESC> ( I 0x1B2849 13 JIS X 0201-1976 Roman <ESC> ( J 0x1B284A 14 GB 1988-89 Roman <ESC> ( T 0x1B2854 57 Two-byte Character Set Escape Sequence Hexadecimal ISO Reg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ JIS C 6226-1978 <ESC> $ @ 0x1B2440 42 GB 2312-80 <ESC> $ A 0x1B2441 58 JIS X 0208-1983 <ESC> $ B 0x1B2442 87 KS C 5601-1992 <ESC> $ ( C 0x1B242843 149 JIS X 0212-1990 <ESC> $ ( D 0x1B242844 159 ISO-IR-165:1992 <ESC> $ ( E 0x1B242845 165 JIS X 0208-1990 <ESC> & @ <ESC> $ B 0x1B26401B2442 168 CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1 <ESC> $ ( G 0x1B242847 171 CNS 11643-1992 Plane 2 <ESC> $ ( H 0x1B242848 172 CNS 11643-1992 Plane 3 <ESC> $ ( I 0x1B242849 183 CNS 11643-1992 Plane 4 <ESC> $ ( J 0x1B24284A 184 CNS 11643-1992 Plane 5 <ESC> $ ( K 0x1B24284B 185 CNS 11643-1992 Plane 6 <ESC> $ ( L 0x1B24284C 186 CNS 11643-1992 Plane 7 <ESC> $ ( M 0x1B24284D 187 Note that the first four two-byte character sets do not use an opening parenthesis (0x28 or "(") in their escape sequences, which means that they don't follow the 7-bit ISO 2022 rules precisely. They are shorter for historical reasons, and are retained for backwards compatibility. Also note that not all of the CJK character set standards described in Part 2 have ISO-registered escape sequences. There are other encoding methods that are similar to 7-bit ISO 2022 in that they are suitable for Internet use, but are locale- specific. These include HZ and zW encoding, both of which are specific to the GB 2312-80 character set (see Sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.3). ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-KR, ISO-2022-CN, and ISO-2022-CN-EXT are described below. 3.1.3: ISO-2022-JP AND ISO-2022-JP-2 ISO-2022-JP is best described as a subset of 7-bit ISO 2022 encoding for Japanese, and reflects how Japanese text is encoded for e-mail messages. ISO-2022-JP-2 is an extension that supports additional character sets. There are only four escape sequences permitted in ISO-2022-JP, indicated as follows: One-byte Character Set Escape Sequence Hexadecimal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ASCII (ANSI X3.4-1986) <ESC> ( B 0x1B2842 JIS X 0201-1976 Roman <ESC> ( J 0x1B284A Two-byte Character Set Escape Sequence Hexadecimal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ JIS C 6226-1978 <ESC> $ @ 0x1B2440 JIS X 0208-1983 <ESC> $ B 0x1B2442 Note the lack of JIS X 0208-1990, JIS X 0212-1990, and half-width katakana escape sequences. The JIS X 0208-1983 escape sequence is used to indicate both JIS X 0208-1983 and JIS X 0208-1990 (for practical reasons). ISO-2022-JP-2 permits additional escape sequences, indicated as follows: One-byte Character Set Escape Sequence Hexadecimal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ASCII (ANSI X3.4-1986) <ESC> ( B 0x1B2842 JIS X 0201-1976 Roman <ESC> ( J 0x1B284A Two-byte Character Set Escape Sequence Hexadecimal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ JIS C 6226-1978 <ESC> $ @ 0x1B2440 JIS X 0208-1983 <ESC> $ B 0x1B2442 JIS X 0212-1990 <ESC> $ ( D 0x1B242844 GB 2312-80 <ESC> $ A 0x1B2441 KS C 5601-1992 <ESC> $ ( C 0x1B242843 With the introduction of ISO-2022-KR (see Section 3.1.4), ISO-2022-CN (see Section 3.1.5), and ISO-2022-CN-EXT (see Section 3.1.5), the usefulness of supporting GB 2312-80 and KS C 5601-1992 can be questioned. However, ISO-2022-JP-2 provides support for JIS X 0212-1990. More detailed information on ISO-2022-JP encoding can be found in RFC 1468. And, more detailed information on ISO-2022-JP-2 encoding can be found in RFC 1554. 3.1.4: ISO-2022-KR ISO-2022-KR is similar to ISO-2022-JP (see Section 3.1.3) in that it reflects how Korean text is encoded for e-mail messages. However, its actual implementation is a bit different. Below is a summary. There are only two shift sequences used in ISO-2022-KR, indicated as follows: One-byte Character Set Shift Sequence Hexadecimal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ASCII (ANSI X3.4-1986) <SI> 0x0F Two-byte Character Set Shift Sequence Hexadecimal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ KS C 5601-1992 <SO> 0x0E Furthermore, the following designator sequence must appear only once, at the beginning of a line, before any KS C 5601-1992 characters (this usually means that it appears by itself on the first line of the file): <ESC> $ ) C 0x1B242943 It almost looks the same as the KS C 5601-1992 escape sequence in 7-bit ISO 2022, but look again. The opening parenthesis (0x28 or "(") is replaced by a closing parenthesis (0x29 or ")"). This designator sequence serves a different purpose than an escape sequence. It is like a flag indicating that "this document contains KS C 5601-1992 characters." The <SO> and <SI> control characters actually perform the switching between one- (ASCII) and two-byte (KS C 5601-1992) codes. More detailed information on ISO-2022-KR encoding can be found in RFC 1557. 3.1.5: ISO-2022-CN AND ISO-2022-CN-EXT ISO-2022-CN and ISO-2022-CN-EXT are similar to ISO-2022-JP (see Section 3.1.3) and ISO-2022-KR (see Section 3.1.4) in that they reflect how Chinese text is encoded for e-mail messages. Like with ISO-2022-KR, there are only two shift sequences, indicated as follows: One-byte Character Set Shift Sequence Hexadecimal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ASCII (ANSI X3.4-1986) <SI> 0x0F Two-byte Character Set Shift Sequence Hexadecimal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ <Too Many to List> <SO> 0x0E But, unlike ISO-2022-KR, there are single shift sequences. Single shift means that they are used before every (single) character, not before sequences of characters. Single Shift Type Shift Sequence Hexadecimal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ SS2 <ESC> N 0x1B4E SS3 <ESC> O (not zero!) 0x1B4F ISO-2022-CN supports the following character sets using SO and SS2 designations: Character Set Type Designation Sequence Hexadecimal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ GB 2312-80 SO <ESC> $ ) A 0x1B242941 CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1 SO <ESC> $ ) G 0x1B242947 CNS 11643-1992 Plane 2 SS2 <ESC> $ * H 0x1B242A48 The designator sequences must appear once on a line before any instance of the character set it designates. If two lines contain characters from the same character set, both lines must include the designator sequence (this is so the text can be displayed correctly when scroll back in a window). This is different behavior from ISO-2022-KR where the designator sequence appears once in the entire file (this is because ISO-2022-KR supports a single two-byte character set). ISO-2022-CN-EXT supports the following character sets using SO, SS2, and SS3 designations (notice how ISO-2022-CN is still supported in the same manner): Character Set Type Designation Sequence Hexadecimal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ GB 2312-80 SO <ESC> $ ) A 0x1B242941 GB/T 12345-90 SO NOT REGISTERED ISO-IR-165 SO <ESC> $ ) E 0x1B242945 CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1 SO <ESC> $ ) G 0x1B242947 CNS 11643-1992 Plane 2 SS2 <ESC> $ * H 0x1B242A48 GB 7589-87 SS2 NOT REGISTERED GB/T 13131-9X SS2 NOT REGISTERED CNS 11643-1992 Plane 3 SS3 <ESC> $ + I 0x1B242B49 CNS 11643-1992 Plane 4 SS3 <ESC> $ + J 0x1B242B4A CNS 11643-1992 Plane 5 SS3 <ESC> $ + K 0x1B242B4B CNS 11643-1992 Plane 6 SS3 <ESC> $ + L 0x1B242B4C CNS 11643-1992 Plane 7 SS3 <ESC> $ + M 0x1B242B4D GB 7590-87 SS3 NOT REGISTERED GB/T 13132-9X SS3 NOT REGISTERED Support for character sets indicated as NOT REGISTERED will be added once they are ISO-registered. More detailed information on ISO-2022-CN and ISO-2022-CN-EXT encodings can be found in RFC 1922. 3.2: EUC ENCODING EUC stands for "Extended UNIX Code," and is a rich encoding system from ISO 2022-1993 that is designed to handle large or multiple character sets. It is primarily used on UNIX systems, such as Sun's Solaris. EUC consists of four codes sets, numbered 0 through 3. The only code set that is more or less fixed by definition is code set 0, which is specified to contain ASCII or a locale's equivalent (such as JIS X 0201-1976 for Japanese or GB 1988-89 for PRC Chinese). It is quite common to append the locale name to "EUC" when designating a specific instance of EUC encoding. Common designations include EUC-JP, EUC-CN, EUC-KR, and EUC-TW. 3.2.1: JAPANESE REPRESENTATION The following table illustrates the Japanese representation of EUC packed format: EUC Code Sets Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Code set 0 (ASCII or JIS X 0201-1976 Roman): 0x21-0x7E Code set 1 (JIS X 0208): 0xA1A1-0xFEFE Code set 2 (half-width katakana): 0x8EA1-0x8EDF Code set 3 (JIS X 0212-1990): 0x8FA1A1-0x8FFEFE An earlier version of EUC for Japanese used code set 3 as the user- defined range. 3.2.2: CHINESE (PRC) REPRESENTATION The following table illustrates the Chinese (PRC) representation of EUC packed format: EUC Code Sets Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Code set 0 (ASCII or GB 1988-89): 0x21-0x7E Code set 1 (GB 2312-80): 0xA1A1-0xFEFE Code set 2: unused Code set 3: unused Note how code sets 2 and 3 are unused. The encoding used on Macintosh is quite similar, but has a shortened two-byte range (0xA1A1 through 0xFCFE) plus additional one-byte code points, namely 0x80 ("u" with dieresis), 0xFD ("copyright" symbol: "c" in a circle), 0xFE ("trademark" symbol: "TM" as a superscript), and 0xFF ("ellipsis" symbol: three dots). 3.2.3: CHINESE (TAIWAN) REPRESENTATION The following table illustrates the Chinese (Taiwan) representation of EUC packed format: EUC Code Sets Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Code set 0 (ASCII): 0x21-0x7E Code set 1 (CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1): 0xA1A1-0xFEFE Code set 2 (CNS 11643-1992 Planes 1-16): 0x8EA1A1A1-0x8EB0FEFE Code set 3: unused Note how CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1 is redundantly encoded in code set 1 (two-byte) and code set 2 (four-byte). The second byte of code set 2 indicates the plane number. For example, 0xA1 is Plane 1 and so on up until 0xB0, which is Plane 16. 3.2.4: KOREAN REPRESENTATION The following table illustrates the Korean representation of EUC packed format (this is also known as "Wansung" encoding -- the Korean word "wansung" means "pre-compose"): EUC Code Sets Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Code set 0 (ASCII or KS C 5636-1993): 0x21-0x7E Code set 1 (KS C 5601-1992): 0xA1A1-0xFEFE Code set 2: unused Code set 3: unused Note how code sets 2 and 3 are unused. The encoding used on Macintosh is quite similar, but has a shortened two-byte range (0xA1A1 through 0xFDFE) plus additional one-byte code points, namely 0x81 ("won" symbol), 0x82 (hyphen), 0x83 ("copyright" symbol: "c" in a circle), 0xFE ("trademark" symbol: "TM" as a superscript), and 0xFF ("ellipsis" symbol: three dots). See Section 3.3.17 for a description of Microsoft's extension to this encoding, called Unified Hangul Code. 3.3: LOCALE-SPECIFIC ENCODINGS The encoding systems described in the following sections are considered to be locale-specific, namely that are used to encode a specific character set standard. This is not to say that they are not widely used (actually, some of these are among the most widely used encoding systems!), but rather that they are tied to a specific character set. 3.3.1: SHIFT-JIS Shift-JIS (also known as MS Kanji, SJIS, or DBCS-PC) is the encoding system used on machines that support MS-DOS or Windows, and also for Macintosh (KanjiTalk or Japanese Language Kit). It was originally developed by Microsoft Corporation as a way to support the Japanese character set on MS-DOS. The following tables provide the Shift-JIS encoding ranges: Two-byte Standard Characters Encoding Ranges ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte ranges 0x81-0x9F, 0xE0-0xEF second byte ranges 0x40-0x7E, 0x80-0xFC Two-byte User-defined Characters Encoding Ranges ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0xF0-0xFC second byte ranges 0x40-0x7E, 0x80-0xFC One-byte Characters Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Half-width katakana 0xA1-0xDF ASCII/JIS-Roman 0x21-0x7E It is important to note that the user-defined range does not correspond to code points in other encodings that support Japanese, such as 7-bit ISO 2022 or EUC. This is a portability problem. It is also unique in that it does not support the JIS X 0212-1990 character set standard. The encoding used on Macintosh is quite similar to the above table, but has additional one-byte code points, namely 0x80 (backslash), 0xFD ("copyright" symbol: "c" in a circle), 0xFE ("trademark" symbol: "TM" as a superscript), and 0xFF ("ellipsis" symbol: three dots). 3.3.2: HZ (HZ-GB-2312) HZ is a simple yet very powerful and reliable system for encoding GB 2312-80 text which was developed by Fung Fung Lee (lee@umunhum.stanford.edu). HZ encoding is commonly used when exchanging e-mail or posting messages to Usenet News (specifically, to alt.chinese.text). The actual encoding ranges used for one- and two-byte characters is almost identical to 7-bit ISO 2022 encoding (see Section 3.1.1). The first-byte range is limited to 0x21 through 0x77. But, instead of using an escape sequence to shift between one- and two-byte character modes, a simple string of two printable characters is used. One-byte Character Set Shift Sequence Hexadecimal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ASCII ~} 0x7E7D Two-byte Character Set Shift Sequence Hexadecimal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ GB 2312-80 ~{ 0x7E7B The tilde character (0x7E) is interpreted as an escape character in HZ encoding, so it has special meaning. If a tilde character is to appear in one-byte-per-character mode, it must be doubled (so ~~ would appear as just ~). This means that there are three escape sequences used in HZ encoding: Escape Sequence Meaning ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ~~ ~ in one-byte-per-character mode ~} Shift into one-byte-per-character mode ~{ Shift into two-byte-per-character mode There is also a fourth escape sequence, namely ~ plus a newline character (~\n). This escape sequence is a line-continuation marker to be consumed with no output produced. This method works without problems because the shift sequences represent empty positions in the very last row of the GB 2312-80 table (actually, the second- and third-from-last code points). HZ encoding makes 77 of the 94 rows accessible, and because there are no defined characters beyond row 77, this causes no problems. The complete HZ specification is part of the HZ package, described in RFC 1843, and available in HTML format. These are available at the following URLs: ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/HZ-2.0.tar.gz ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/Ch9/rfc-1843.txt http://umunhum.stanford.edu/~lee/chicomp/HZ_spec.html In addition, RFC 1842 establishes "HZ-GB-2312" as the "charset" parameter in MIME-encoded e-mail headers. Its properties are identical to HZ encoding as described in RFC 1843. 3.3.3: zW zW encoding, developed by Ya-Gui Wei and Edmund Lai, is older than and somewhat similar to HZ encoding (HZ is considered to be a better encoding system, and users are encouraged to switch over to HZ encoding). zW encoding is named by how it encodes each line of GB 2312-80 text, namely lines that contain Chinese text must begin with the two characters "z" and "W" ("zW"). This encoding method does not permit the mixture of one- (ASCII) and two-byte (GB 2312-80) characters on a per-character basis, but rather on a per-line basis. That is, each line can contain only Chinese or ASCII text, but not both. More information on zW encoding can be found as part of the ZWDOS package available at the following URL: ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/dos/ZWDOS/ 3.3.4: BIG FIVE Big Five is the encoding system used on machines that support MS-DOS or Windows, and also for Macintosh (such as the Chinese Language Kit or the fully-localized operating system). Two-byte Standard Characters Encoding Ranges ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0xA1-0xFE second byte ranges 0x40-0x7E, 0xA1-0xFE One-byte Characters Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ASCII 0x21-0x7E The encoding used on Macintosh is quite similar to the above, but has a slightly shortened two-byte range (second byte range up to 0xFC only) plus additional one-byte code points, namely 0x80 (backslash), 0xFD ("copyright" symbol: "c" in a circle), 0xFE ("trademark" symbol: "TM" as a superscript), and 0xFF ("ellipsis" symbol: three dots). 3.3.5: JOHAB Korean hangul characters are typically encoded in what is known as pre-combined form, namely 2 or 3 hangul elements bound into a single character. KS C 5601-1992 enumerates 2,350 such pre-combined forms. While this number is felt to be sufficient for most purposes, it does not account for the total number of possible permutations. The encoding system that encodes all possible pre-combined hangul is known as Johab encoding (also known as "two-byte combination code" -- the Korean word "johab" means "combine"), and is described in Annex 3 of the KS C 5601-1992 standard. This encoding is almost like encoding all possible three-letter words in English -- while all combinations are possible, only a fraction represent *real* words. Pre-combined hangul can be composed of 19 different initial, 21 different medial, and 27 different final hangul elements (28, actually, if you count the placeholder). This provides a maximum of 11,172 pre-combined hangul. Of these 67 hangul elements, 51 are unique (some can occur in different positions). Each of these positions are encoded using five bits each (five bits can encode up to 32 unique objects). The encoding array looks as follows: o Bit 1: always on o Bits 2-6: initial hangul element o Bits 7-11: medial hangul element o Bits 12-16: final hangul element Initial and final elements are consonants, and the medial elements are vowels. This encoding must be treated as a 16-bite entity because the bit array of the medial hangul element spans the first and second byte. Johab encoding also provides the complete set of KS C 5601- 1992 symbols and hanja, but in different code points. Annex 3 of the KS C 5601-1992 manual (pp 33-34) contains a complete symbol and hanja mapping table between EUC and Johab code points. (The KS C 5601-1989 manual did not have this.) The code space ranges for Johab encoding are as follows: One-byte Characters Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ASCII or KS C 5636-1993 0x21-0x7E Two-byte Pre-combined Hangul Encoding Ranges ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0x84-0xD3 second byte ranges 0x41-0x7E, 0x81-0xFE Two-byte Symbols and Hanja Encoding Ranges ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte ranges 0xD8-0xDE, 0xE0-0xF9 second byte ranges 0x31-0x7E, 0x91-0xFE Note that the second byte ranges encode a total of 188 characters, and that the second byte ranges for hangul and symbols/hanja are slightly different (yet the same size, namely 188 characters). Here is a summary of the above table, which better describes what is encoded where. Rows 0x84 through 0xD3 provide 80 rows of 188 characters each (15,040 code points, which is more than enough for the 11,172 pre-combined hangul). Row 0xD8 provides 188 user-defined positions, the same as Rows 41 and 94 in the standard KS C 5601-1992 table. Rows 0xD9 through 0xDE encode Rows 1 through 12 of the standard KS C 5601-1992 table (symbols). Rows 0xE0 through 0xF9 encode Rows 42 through 94 of the KS C 5601-1992 table (hanja). The following URL provides a complete mapping table for the KS C 5601-1992 symbols and hanja: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/map/non-hangul-codes.txt The following URLs provides similar information (they are the same file), but only for the 11,172 pre-combined hangul: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/map/hangul-codes.txt ftp://unicode.org/pub/MappingTables/EastAsiaMaps/hangul-codes.txt Of further interest may be that Microsoft designates Johab encoding as its Code Page 1361. Microsoft if planning to support Johab encoding for Korean Windows NT. 3.3.6: N-BYTE HANGUL In the days before full two-byte capable operating systems, each of the 51 basic hangul elements were encoding using a single (7-bit) byte. The encoding range spans 0x40 through 0x7C, but there are several unassigned gaps. This is known as the "N-byte Hangul" code, and is described in Annex 4 (page 35) of the KS C 5601-1992 manual. The following table illustrates these 51 one-byte code points (the pronunciation or meaning of the hangul element is provided in parentheses) and how they map to the three 5-bit arrays in Johab encoding (expressed as binary patterns): Element Initial Medial Final ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ 0x40 ("fill") 00001 00010 00001 0x41 (g) 00010 ***** 00010 0x42 (gg) 00011 ***** 00011 0x43 (gs) ***** ***** 00100 0x44 (n) 00100 ***** 00101 0x45 (nj) ***** ***** 00110 0x46 (nh) ***** ***** 00111 0x47 (d) 00101 ***** 01000 0x48 (dd) 00110 ***** ***** 0x49 (r) 00111 ***** 01001 0x4A (rg) ***** ***** 01010 0x4B (rm) ***** ***** 01011 0x4C (rb) ***** ***** 01100 0x4D (rs) ***** ***** 01101 0x4E (rt) ***** ***** 01110 0x4F (rp) ***** ***** 01111 0x50 (rh) ***** ***** 10000 0x51 (m) 01000 ***** 10001 0x52 (b) 01001 ***** 10011 0x53 (bb) 01010 ***** ***** 0x54 (bs) ***** ***** 10100 0x55 (s) 01011 ***** 10101 0x56 (ss) 01100 ***** 10110 0x57 (ng) 01101 ***** 10111 0x58 (j) 01110 ***** 11000 0x59 (jj) 01111 ***** ***** 0x5A (c) 10000 ***** 11001 0x5B (k) 10001 ***** 11010 0x5C (t) 10010 ***** 11011 0x5D (p) 10011 ***** 11100 0x5E (h) 10100 ***** 11101 0x5F UNASSIGNED 0x60 UNASSIGNED 0x61 UNASSIGNED 0x62 (a) ***** 00011 ***** 0x63 (ae) ***** 00100 ***** 0x64 (ya) ***** 00101 ***** 0x65 (yae) ***** 00110 ***** 0x66 (eo) ***** 00111 ***** 0x67 (e) ***** 01010 ***** 0x68 UNASSIGNED 0x69 UNASSIGNED 0x6A (yeo) ***** 01011 ***** 0x6B (ye) ***** 01100 ***** 0x6C (o) ***** 01101 ***** 0x6D (wa) ***** 01110 ***** 0x6E (wae) ***** 01111 ***** 0x6F (oe) ***** 10010 ***** 0x70 UNASSIGNED 0x71 UNASSIGNED 0x72 (yo) ***** 10011 ***** 0x73 (u) ***** 10100 ***** 0x74 (weo) ***** 10101 ***** 0x75 (we) ***** 10110 ***** 0x76 (wi) ***** 10111 ***** 0x77 (yu) ***** 11010 ***** 0x78 UNASSIGNED 0x79 UNASSIGNED 0x7A (eu) ***** 11011 ***** 0x7B (yi) ***** 11100 ***** 0x7C (i) ***** 11101 ***** There are utilities to convert N-byte Hangul code to other, more widely-used, encoding methods. Pointers to these and other code conversion utilities can be found in Section 4.7. 3.3.7: UCS-2 UCS-2 (Universal Character Set containing 2 bytes) encoding is one way to encode ISO 10646-1:1993 text, and is considered identical to Unicode encoding. Its encoding range, which is quite simple, is as follows: ISO 10646-1:1993 Characters Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0x00-0xFF second byte range 0x00-0xFF Yes, folks, the whole range of 65,536 possible code points are available for encoding characters. The "signature" that indicates a file using UCS-2 is as follows: 0xFEFF Escape sequences for UCS-2 have already been registered with ISO, and are as follows: ISO 10646-1:1993 Escape Sequence Hexadecimal ISO Reg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ UCS-2 Level 1 <ESC> % / @ 0x1B252F40 162 UCS-2 Level 2 <ESC> % / C 0x1B252F43 174 UCS-2 Level 3 <ESC> % / E 0x1B252F45 176 So what do these three levels mean? Level 3 means all characters in ISO 10646-1:1993 with no restrictions (0x0000 through 0xFFFF). Level 2 begins to restrict the character set by not including the following characters or character ranges: 0x0300-0x0345 0x09D7 0x0BD7 0x11A8-0x11F9 0x0360-0x0361 0x0A3C 0x0C55-0x0C56 0x20D0-0x20E1 0x0483-0x0486 0x0A70-0x0A71 0x0CD5-0x0CD6 0x302A-0x302F 0x093C 0x0ABC 0x0D57 0x3099-0x309A 0x0953-0x0954 0x0B3C 0x1100-0x1159 0xFE20-0xFE23 0x09BC 0x0B56-0x0B57 0x115F-0x11A2 These are all combining characters, and represent 364 code points. Level 1 further restricts the character set by not including the following characters or character ranges: 0x05B0-0x05B9 0x09BE-0x09C4 0x0B47-0x0B48 0x0D02-0x0D03 0x05BB-0x05BD 0x09C7-0x09C8 0x0B4B-0x0B4D 0x0D3E-0x0D43 0x05BF 0x09CB-0x09CD 0x0B82-0x0B83 0x0D46-0x0D48 0x05C1-0x05C2 0x09E2-0x09E3 0x0BBE-0x0BC2 0x0D4A-0x0D4D 0x064B-0x0652 0x0A02 0x0BC6-0x0BC8 0x0E31 0x0670 0x0A3E-0x0A42 0x0BCA-0x0BCD 0x0E34-0x0E3A 0x06D6-0x06E4 0x0A47-0x0A48 0x0C01-0x0C03 0x0E47-0x0E4E 0x06E7-0x06E8 0x0A4B-0x0A4D 0x0C3E-0x0C44 0x0EB1 0x06EA-0x06ED 0x0A81-0x0A83 0x0C46-0x0C48 0x0EB4-0x0EB9 0x0901-0x0903 0x0ABE-0x0AC5 0x0C4A-0x0C4D 0x0EBB-0x0EBC 0x093E-0x094D 0x0AC7-0x0AC9 0x0C82-0x0C83 0x0EC8-0x0ECD 0x0951-0x0952 0x0ACB-0x0ACD 0x0CBE-0x0CC4 0xFB1E 0x0962-0x0963 0x0B01-0x0B03 0x0CC6-0x0CC8 0x0981-0x0983 0x0B3E-0x0B43 0x0CCA-0x0CCD These, too, are all combining characters, and represent 586 code points (222 above plus the 364 characters from the Level 2 restriction). 3.3.8: UCS-4 UCS-4 (Universal Character Set containing 4 bytes) encoding is another way to encode ISO 10646-1:1993 text, and is used for future expansion of the character set. Its encoding range is as follows: ISO 10646-1:1993 Characters Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0x00-0x7F second byte range 0x00-0xFF third byte range 0x00-0xFF fourth byte range 0x00-0xFF Note that the first byte range only goes up to 0x7F. This means that UCS-4 is a 31-bit encoding. And, in case you're wondering, 31 bits provide 2,147,483,648 code points. The "signature" that indicates a file using UCS-4 is as follows: 0x0000 0xFEFF Escape sequences for UCS-4 have already been registered with ISO, and are as follows: ISO 10646-1:1993 Escape Sequence Hexadecimal ISO Reg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ UCS-4 Level 1 <ESC> % / A 0x1B252F41 163 UCS-4 Level 2 <ESC> % / D 0x1B252F44 175 UCS-4 Level 3 <ESC> % / F 0x1B252F46 177 See the end of Section 3.3.7 for a description of these three levels. But, in the case of UCS-4, simply prepend "0000" to all the values. 3.3.9: UTF-7 It turns out that *raw* ISO 10646-1:1993 encoding (that is, UCS-2 or UCS-4) can cause problems because null bytes (0x00) are possible (and frequent). Several UTFs (UCS Transformation Formats) have been developed to deal with this and other problems. I must admit that I don't know too much about UTFs, and what I provide below is minimal, but does include pointers to more complete descriptions. UTF-7 is a mail-safe 7-bit transformation format for UCS-2 (including UTF-16). It uses straight ASCII for many ASCII characters, and switches into a Base64 encoding of UCS-2 or UTF-16 for everything else. It was designed to be usable in MIME-compliant e-mail headers as well as message bodies, and to pass through gateways to non-ASCII mail systems (like Bitnet). More detailed information on UTF-7 can be found in RFC 1642, and a UTF-7 converter is available. The following URLs provide this information: http://www.stonehand.com/unicode/standard/utf7.html ftp://unicode.org/pub/Programs/ConvertUTF/ 3.3.10: UTF-8 UTF-8 (also known as UTF-2 or FSS-UTF -- FSS stands for "file system safe") can represent any character in UCS-2 and UCS-4, and is officially an annex to ISO 10646-1:1993. It is different from UTF-7 in that it encodes character sets into 8-bit bytes. UCS-2 and UCS-4 have problems with some file systems and utilities, so this UTF was developed. More detailed information on UTF-8 and its relationship with ISO 10646-1:1993 can be found at the following URLs: http://www.stonehand.com/unicode/standard/utf8.html ftp://unicode.org/pub/Programs/ConvertUTF/ X/Open Company Limited also published a document that describes UTF-8 in detail (they call it FSS-UTF), and you can find information about it at the following URL: http://www.xopen.co.uk/public/pubs/catalog/c501.htm The new programming language called Java supports Unicode through UTF-8. More information on Java is at the following URL: http://www.javasoft.com/ 3.3.11: UTF-16 UTF-16 (formerly UCS-2E), like UTF-8, is now officially an annex to ISO 10646-1:1993. From what I've read, UTF-16 transforms UCS-4 into a 16-bit form. UTF-16 can then be further encoded in UTF-7 or UTF-8 (but doing this is not according to the standard -- there is little to gain by doing so). More detailed information on UTF-16 and its relationship with ISO 10646-1:1993 can be found at the following URLs: http://www.stonehand.com/unicode/standard/utf16.html ftp://unicode.org/pub/Programs/ConvertUTF/ 3.3.12: ANSI Z39.64-1989 The encoding used for ANSI Z39.64-1989 (and CCCII) is three- byte 7-bit ISO 2022, namely the following code space: Three-byte ANSI Z39.64-1989 Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0x21-0x7E second byte range 0x21-0x7E third byte range 0x21-0x7E 3.3.13: BASE64 Base64 encoding is mentioned here only because of its common usage in e-mail headers, and relationship with MIME (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions). It is also a source of confusion. Base64 is a method of encoding arbitrary bytes into the safest 64-character ASCII subset, and is defined in RFC 1341 (which adapted it from RFC 1113). RFC 1341 was made obsolete by RFC 1521. RFC 1522 also provides useful information, particularly for handling non-ASCII text, and obsoletes RFC 1342. Here is how it works. Every three bytes are encoded as a four-byte sequence. That is, the 24 bits that make up the three bytes are split into four 6-bit segments (6 bits can encode up to 64 characters). Each 6-bit segment is then converted into a character in the Base64 Alphabet (see below). There is a 65th character, "=", which has a special purpose (it functions as a "pad" if a full three-byte sequence is not found). This all may sound a bit like uuencoding, but it is different. The Base64 Alphabet is as follows: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ My name, written in Japanese kanji, is as follows when it is EUC-encoded (six bytes, expressed as three groups of hexadecimal values, one group for each character): 0xBEAE 0xCED3 0xB7F5 When these three EUC-encoded characters are converted to Base64 encoding, they appear as follows (eight bytes): vq7O07f1 Base64 encoding is most commonly used for encoding non-ASCII text that appears in e-mail headers. Of all the portions of an e-mail message, its header gets manipulated the most during transmission, and Base64 encoding offers a safe way to further encode non-ASCII text so that it is not altered by mail-routing software. This is where Base64 encoding can cause confusion. For example, what goes through your mind when you see the following chunk o' text? From: lunde@adobe.com (=?ISO-2022-JP?B?vq7O07f1?=) Many folks think that they are seeing ISO-2022-JP encoding. Not true. The "ISO-2022-JP" portion is just a flag that indicates the original encoding before Base64 encoding was applied. The actual Base64-encoded portion is enclosed between question marks (?) as follows: From: lunde@adobe.com (=?ISO-2022-JP?B?vq7O07f1?=) >^^^^^^^^< The whole string enclosed in parentheses has several components, and the following explains their purpose and relationships (using the above string as an example): Component Explanation ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ =? Signals start of encoded string ISO-2022-JP Charset name ("ISO-2022-JP" is for Japanese) ? Delimiter B Encoding ("B" is for Base64) ? Delimiter vq7O07f1 Example string of type "charset" encoded by "encoding" ?= Signals end of encoded string One typically does not need to worry about encoding text as Base64 (MIME-compliant mailing software usually performs this task for you). The problem is usually trying to decode Base64-encoded text. A Base64 decoder is available in Perl at the following URL: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/perl/b64decode.pl Note that this program takes "raw" Base64 data as input. Any non- Base64 stuff must be stripped. I usually run this from within Mule ("C-u M-| b64decode.pl") after defining a region around the Base64- encoded material. I hope to replace this program soon with one that automatically recognizes the Base64-encoded portions. Most MIME-compliant e-mail software can decode Base64-encoded text. 3.3.14: IBM DBCS-HOST The oldest two-byte encoding system is IBM's DBCS-Host. DBCS stands for Double-Byte Character Set. DBCS-Host is still in use on IBM's mainframe computer systems (hence the use of "Host"). DBCS-Host encoding is EBCDIC-based, and uses Shift characters, 0x0E and 0x0F, to switch between one- and two-byte mode. Its encoding specifications are as follows: Two-byte Characters Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0x41-0xFE second byte range 0x41-0xFE Two-byte "Space" Character Code Point ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ first- and second byte 0x4040 One-byte Characters Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ EBCDIC 0x41-0xF9 Shifting Characters Code Point ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Two-byte 0x0E One-byte 0x0F This same encoding specification is shared by all of IBM's CJK character sets, namely for Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean. 3.3.15: IBM DBCS-PC IBM's DBCS-PC encoding is used on IBM personal computers (that is where the "PC" comes from). DBCS-PC encoding is ASCII-based, and uses the values of characters' bytes themselves to switch between one- and two-byte mode. Its encoding specifications are as follows: Two-byte Characters Encoding Ranges ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0x81-0xFE second byte range 0x40-0x7E, 0x80-0xFE One-byte Characters Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ASCII 0x21-0x7E This same encoding specification is shared by all of IBM's CJK character sets, namely for Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean. DBCS-PC encoding for Japanese, although conforming to the above encoding specifications, actually uses the same encoding specifications for Shift-JIS, to include the full user-defined range (see Section 3.3.1 for more details on Shift-JIS encoding). One big accommodation is the half-width katakana range, namely 0xA1 through 0xDF. Further, the DBCS-PC code space that is outside the Shift-JIS specification is unused. DBCS-PC encoding for Korean uses the equivalent of EUC code set 1 code points (0xA1A1 through 0xFEFE) for those characters that are common with KS C 5601-1992. Those characters that are not common with KS C 5601-1992, namely IBM's extensions, are within the DBCS-PC encoding space, but outside EUC encoding space (0x9A through 0xA0). Many hanja and pre-combined hangul are part of IBM's Korean extension. Note that DBCS-PC is sort of useless without a corresponding SBCS (Single-Byte Character Set) for the one-byte range. Mixing DBCS and SBCS results in a MBCS (Multiple-Byte Character Set). How these are mixed to form MBCSs is detailed in Section 3.4. 3.3.16: IBM DBCS-/TBCS-EUC IBM has also developed DBCS-EUC and TBCS-EUC encodings. TBCS stands for Triple-Byte Character Set. These essentially follow the EUC encoding specifications, and were developed for use with IBM's AIX (Advanced Interactive Executive) operating system, which is UNIX-based. Refer to Section 3.2 for all the details on EUC encoding. 3.3.17: UNIFIED HANGUL CODE Microsoft has developed what is called "Unified Hangul Code" (UHC) for its Windows 95 operating system (this was also known as "Extended Wansung"). It is the optional, not standard, character set of Win95K. UHC provides full compatibility with KS C 5601-1992 EUC encoding (see Section 3.2.4), but adds additional encoding ranges for holding additional pre-combined hangul (more precisely, the 8,822 that are needed to fully support the Johab character set). The following is a table that provides the encoding ranges for UHC encoding: Two-byte Standard Characters Encoding Ranges ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0x81-0xFE second byte ranges 0x41-0x5A, 0x61-0x7A, and 0x81-0xFE One-byte Characters Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ASCII 0x21-0x7E Note that 0xA1A1 through 0xFEFE in the above encoding is still identical, in terms of character-to-code allocation, with KS C 5601- 1992 in EUC encoding. Appendix G (pp 345-406) of "Developing International Software for Windows 95 and Windows NT" by Nadine Kano illustrates the KS C 5601-1992 character set standard plus these Microsoft extensions (8,822 pre-combined hangul) by UHC code (Microsoft calls this Code Page 949). 3.3.18: TRON CODE TRON (The Real-time Operating system Nucleus) is an OS developed in Japan some time ago. Personal Media Corporation has done work to develop BTRON (Business TRON), which is unique in that it is the only commercially-available OS that supports JIS X 0212-1990. TRON Code provides a one- and two-byte encoding space and a method for switching between them. The following is how the two-byte space in TRON Code is allocated: A-Zone (8,836 characters; JIS X 0208-1990) Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0x21-0x7E second byte range 0x21-0x7E B-Zone (11,844 characters; JIS X 0212-1990) Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0x80-0xFD second byte range 0x21-0x7E C-Zone (11,844 characters; unassigned) Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0x21-0x7E second byte range 0x80-0xFD D-Zone (15,876 characters; unassigned) Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0x80-0xFD second byte range 0x80-0xFD Note how the B-Zone is larger that the conventional 94-by-94 matrix. In fact, the JIS X 0212-1990 portion of the B-Zone is restricted to 0xA121-0xFD7E (93-by-94 matrix -- 0xFE as a first-byte value is unavailable, and you will see why in a minute). TRON Code implements "language specifying codes" consisting of two bytes as follows: Two-byte Japanese 0xFE21 One-byte English 0xFE80 0xFE21 in a one-byte stream invokes two-byte Japanese mode, and 0xFE80 in a two-byte stream invokes one-byte English mode. The following is the one-byte encoding range for TRON Code: One-byte Characters 0x21-0x7E and 0x80-0xFD Control codes are in 0x00-0x20 and 0x7F (the usual ASCII control code range). Also, 0xA0 is reserved as a fixed-width space character. 3.3.19: GBK GBK is an extension to GB 2312-80 that adds all ISO 10646- 1:1993 (GB 13000.1-93) hanzi not already in GB 2312-80. GBK is defined as a normative annex of GB 13000.1-93 (see Section 2.2.10). The "K" in "GBK" is the first sound in the Chinese word meaning "extension" (read "Kuo Zhan"). GBK is divided into five levels as follows: Level Encoded Range Total Code Points Total Encoded Characters ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GBK/1 0xA1A1-0xA9FE 846 717 GBK/2 0xB0A1-0xF7FE 6,768 6,763 GBK/3 0x8140-0xA0FE 6,080 6,080 GBK/4 0xAA40-0xFEA0 8,160 8,160 GBK/5 0xA840-0xA9A0 192 166 There are also 1,894 user-defined code points as follows: Encoded Range Total Code Points ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 0xAAA1-0xAFFE 564 0xF8A1-0xFEFE 658 0xA140-0xA7A0 672 GBK thus provides a total of 23,940 code points, 21,886 of which are assigned. Each "row" in the GBK code table consists of 190 characters. The following describes the encoding ranges of GBK in detail: Two-byte Standard Characters Encoding Ranges ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first byte range 0x81-0xFE second byte ranges 0x40-0x7E and 0x80-0xFE One-byte Characters Encoding Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ASCII 0x21-0x7E Note that the sub-range 0xA1A1-0xFEFE in the above encoding is still identical, in terms of character-to-code allocation, with GB 2312-80 in EUC encoding. GBK is therefore backward-compatible with GB 2312-80 and forward-compatible with ISO 10646-1:1993. GBK is the standard character set and encoding for the Simplified Chinese version of Windows 95. 3.4: CJK CODE PAGES Many times one reads about references to "Code Pages" in material about CJK (and other) character sets and encodings. These are not literal pages, but rather references to a character set and encoding combination. In the case of CJK Code Pages, they definitely comprise more than one page! Microsoft refers to its supported CJK character sets and encodings through such Code Page designations. The following is a listing of several Microsoft CJK Code Pages along with their characteristics: Code Page Characteristics ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 932 JIS X 0208-1990 base, Shift-JIS encoding, Microsoft extensions (NEC Row 13 and IBM select characters in redundantly encoded in Rows 89 through 92 and Rows 115 through 119) 936 GB 2312-80 base, EUC encoding 949 KS C 5601-1992 base, Unified Hangul Code encoding, remaining 8,822 pre-combined hangul as extension (all of this is referred to as Unified Hangul Code) 950 Big Five base, Big Five encoding, Microsoft extensions (actually, the ETen extensions of Row 89) 1361 Johab base, Johab encoding IBM also uses Code Page designations, and, in fact, some designations (and associated characteristics) are nearly identical to those in the above table, most notably, Code Pages 932 and 936. IBM's Code Page 932 does not include NEC Row 13 or IBM select characters in Rows 89 through 92. The best way to describe IBM Code Page designations is by first listing the SBCS (Single-Byte Character Set) and DBCS (Double- Byte Character Set) Code Page designations (those designated by "Host" use EBCDIC-based encodings): IBM SBCS Code Page Characteristics ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 37 (US) SBCS-Host 290 (Japanese) SBCS-Host 833 (Korean) SBCS-Host 836 (Simplified Chinese) SBCS-Host 891 (Korean) SBCS-PC 897 (Japanese) SBCS-PC 903 (Simplified Chinese) SBCS-PC 904 (Traditional Chinese) SBCS-PC IBM DBCS Code Page Characteristics ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 300 (Japanese) DBCS-Host 301 (Japanese) DBCS-PC 834 (Korean) DBCS-Host 835 (Traditional Chinese) DBCS-Host 837 (Simplified Chinese) DBCS-Host 926 (Korean) DBCS-PC 927 (Traditional Chinese) DBCS-PC 928 (Simplified Chinese) DBCS-PC So far there appears to be no relationship with Microsoft's CJK Code Pages, but when we combine the above SBCS and DBCS Code Pages into MBCS (Multiple-Byte Character Set) Code Pages, things become a bit more revealing: IBM MBCS Code Page Characteristics ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 930 (Japanese) MBCS-Host (Code Pages 300 and 290) 932 (Japanese) MBCS-PC (Code Pages 301 and 897) 933 (Korean) MBCS-Host (Code Pages 834 and 833) 934 (Korean) MBCS-PC (Code Pages 926 and 891) 938 (Traditional Chinese) MBCS-PC (Code Pages 927 and 904) 936 (Simplified Chinese) MBCS-PC (Code Pages 928 and 903) 5031 (Simplified Chinese) MBCS-Host (Code Pages 837 and 836) 5033 (Traditional Chinese) MBCS-Host (Code Pages 835 and 37) So, you can now see that many of Microsoft's CJK Code Pages are derived from those established by IBM. More detailed information on the encoding specifications for DBCS-Host and DBCS-PC can be found in Sections 3.3.14 and 3.3.15, respectively. PART 4: CJK CHARACTER SET COMPATIBILITY ISSUES The sections below provide detailed information about compatibility issues between CJK character sets, to include tidbits of useful information. One thing to mention first is that conversion to and from IBM's DBCS-Host (Section 3.3.14) and DBCS-PC (Section 3.3.15) encodings is table-driven, and fully documented in the following IBM publication: o IBM Corporation. "Character Data Representation Architecture - Level 2, Registry." 1993. IBM order number SC09-1391-01. Unfortunately, the CJK-related tables are not supplied in machine- readable format, and must be obtained from IBM directly. The only real compatibility issue is trying to obtain the conversion tables from IBM. 4.1: JAPANESE In general, when a Japanese character set was revised, characters were simply added (usually appended at the end). However, when JIS C 6226-1978 was revised in 1983 (to become JIS X 0208-1983), a bit more happened (this is still a controversy). A detailed treatment of the two main transitions, JIS C 6226- 1978 to JIS X 0208-1983 and JIS X 0208-1983 to JIS X 0208-1990, is covered in Appendix J of UJIP. I provide machine-readable files that detail these transitions at the following URL: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/AppJ/ An interesting side note here is that there is a reason why there are many lists that illustrate JIS C 6226-1978 and JIS X 0208- 1983 kanji form differences. While most share the same basic set of changes, there are some inconsistencies. Well, it turns out that JIS C 6226-1978 had ten printings, and not all of them shared the same kanji forms. If comparisons between JIS C 6226-1978 and JIS X 0208-1983 were made using different printings of the JIS C 6226-1978 manual, the results can differ slightly. There are also interesting correspondences between JIS X 0208-1990 and JIS X 0212-1990. 28 kanji that vanished during the JIS C 6226-1978 to JIS X 0208-1983 transition (they were replaced by simplified versions) were restored in JIS X 0212-1990 (at totally different code points). Appendix J of UJIP discusses this, and a file at the following URL details the 28 mappings: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/AppJ/TJ2.jis 4.2: CHINESE (PRC) The basic PRC standard, GB 2312-80, has been revised, but not through a later version of the standard. Instead, the revisions were carried out in the form of three other documents. Specifically, they are (in order of publication): o GB 6345.1-86 (see Section 2.2.3) o GB 8565.2-88 (see Section 2.2.6) o GB/T 12345-90 (see Section 2.2.7) Unless you are aware of these documents, figuring out what has been corrected or added to GB 2312-80 is nearly impossible. 4.3: CHINESE (TAIWAN) The first question people think of with regard to Big Five and CNS 11643-1992 is compatibility. It turns out that Planes 1 and 2 of CNS 11643-1992 are more or less equivalent to Big Five, but a handful of hanzi are in a different order. The following tables detail the mapping from Big Five (with the ETen extension) to CNS 11643-1992 (when using this conversion table, keep in mind the encoding space ranges for both Big Five and CNS 11643-1992): Big Five Level 1 Correspondence to CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1: 0xA140-0xA1F5 <-> 0x2121-0x2256 0xA1F6 <-> 0x2258 0xA1F7 <-> 0x2257 0xA1F8-0xA2AE <-> 0x2259-0x234E 0xA2AF-0xA3BF <-> 0x2421-0x2570 0xA3C0-0xA3E0 <-> 0x4221-0x4241 # Symbols for control characters 0xA440-0xACFD <-> 0x4421-0x5322 # Level 1 Hanzi BEGIN 0xACFE <-> 0x5753 0xAD40-0xAFCF <-> 0x5323-0x5752 0xAFD0-0xBBC7 <-> 0x5754-0x6B4F 0xBBC8-0xBE51 <-> 0x6B51-0x6F5B 0xBE52 <-> 0x6B50 0xBE53-0xC1AA <-> 0x6F5C-0x7534 0xC1AB-0xC2CA <-> 0x7536-0x7736 0xC2CB <-> 0x7535 0xC2CC-0xC360 <-> 0x7737-0x782C 0xC361-0xC3B8 <-> 0x782E-0x7863 0xC3B9 <-> 0x7865 0xC3BA <-> 0x7864 0xC3BB-0xC455 <-> 0x7866-0x7961 0xC456 <-> 0x782D 0xC457-0xC67E <-> 0x7962-0x7D4B # Level 1 Hanzi END 0xC6A1-0xC6AA <-> 0x2621-0x262A # Circled numerals 0xC6AB-0xC6B4 <-> 0x262B-0x2634 # Parenthesized numerals 0xC6B5-0xC6BE <-> 0x2635-0x263E # Lowercase Roman numerals 0xC6BF-0xC6C0 <-> 0x2723-0x2724 # 213 radicals BEGIN 0xC6C1-0xC6C2 <-> 0x2726, 0x2728 0xC6C3-0xC6C5 <-> 0x272D-0x272F 0xC6C6-0xC6C7 <-> 0x2734, 0x2737 0xC6C8-0xC6C9 <-> 0x273A, 0x273C 0xC6CA-0xC6CB <-> 0x2742, 0x2747 0xC6CC-0xC6CD <-> 0x274E, 0x2753 0xC6CE-0xC6CF <-> 0x2754-0x2755 0xC6D0-0xC6D1 <-> 0x2759-0x275A 0xC6D2-0xC6D3 <-> 0x2761, 0x2766 0xC6D4-0xC6D5 <-> 0x2829-0x282A 0xC6D6-0xC6D7 <-> 0x2863, 0x286C # 213 radicals END 0xC6D8-0xC6E6 -> ****** # Japanese symbols 0xC6E7-0xC77A -> ****** # Hiragana 0xC77B-0xC7F2 -> ****** # Katakana 0xC7F3-0xC875 -> ****** # Cyrillic alphabet 0xC876-0xC878 -> ****** # Symbols 0xC87A -> ****** # Hanzi element 0xC87C -> ****** # Hanzi element 0xC87E-0xC8A1 -> ****** # Hanzi elements 0xC8A3-0xC8A4 -> ****** # Hanzi elements 0xC8A5-0xC8CC -> ****** # Combined numerals 0xC8CD-0xC8D3 -> ****** # Japanese symbols Big Five Level 1 Correspondences to CNS 11643-1992 Plane 4: 0xC879 <-> 0x2123 # Hanzi element 0xC87B <-> 0x2124 # Hanzi element 0xC87D <-> 0x212A # Hanzi element 0xC8A2 <-> 0x2152 # Hanzi element Big Five Level 2 Correspondence to CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1: 0xC94A -> 0x4442 # duplicate of 0xA461 Big Five Level 2 Correspondences to CNS 11643-1992 Plane 2: 0xC940-0xC949 <-> 0x2121-0x212A # Level 2 Hanzi BEGIN 0xC94B-0xC96B <-> 0x212B-0x214B 0xC96C-0xC9BD <-> 0x214D-0x217C 0xC9BE <-> 0x214C 0xC9BF-0xC9EC <-> 0x217D-0x224C 0xC9ED-0xCAF6 <-> 0x224E-0x2438 0xCAF7 <-> 0x224D 0xCAF8-0xD6CB <-> 0x2439-0x376E 0xD6CC <-> 0x3E63 0xD6CD-0xD779 <-> 0x3770-0x387D 0xD77A <-> 0x3F6A 0xD77B-0xDADE <-> 0x387E-0x3E62 0xDADF <-> 0x376F 0xDAE0-0xDBA6 <-> 0x3E64-0x3F69 0xDBA7-0xDDFB <-> 0x3F6B-0x4423 0xDDFC -> 0x4176 # duplicate of 0xDCD1 0xDDFD-0xE8A2 <-> 0x4424-0x554A 0xE8A3-0xE975 <-> 0x554C-0x5721 0xE976-0xEB5A <-> 0x5723-0x5A27 0xEB5B-0xEBF0 <-> 0x5A29-0x5B3E 0xEBF1 <-> 0x554B 0xEBF2-0xECDD <-> 0x5B3F-0x5C69 0xECDE <-> 0x5722 0xECDF-0xEDA9 <-> 0x5C6A-0x5D73 0xEDAA-0xEEEA <-> 0x5D75-0x6038 0xEEEB <-> 0x642F 0xEEEC-0xF055 <-> 0x6039-0x6242 0xF056 <-> 0x5D74 0xF057-0xF0CA <-> 0x6243-0x6336 0xF0CB <-> 0x5A28 0xF0CC-0xF162 <-> 0x6337-0x642E 0xF163-0xF16A <-> 0x6430-0x6437 0xF16B <-> 0x6761 0xF16C-0xF267 <-> 0x6438-0x6572 0xF268 <-> 0x6934 0xF269-0xF2C2 <-> 0x6573-0x664C 0xF2C3-0xF374 <-> 0x664E-0x6760 0xF375-0xF465 <-> 0x6762-0x6933 0xF466-0xF4B4 <-> 0x6935-0x6961 0xF4B5 <-> 0x664D 0xF4B6-0xF4FC <-> 0x6962-0x6A4A 0xF4FD-0xF662 <-> 0x6A4C-0x6C51 0xF663 <-> 0x6A4B 0xF664-0xF976 <-> 0x6C52-0x7165 0xF977-0xF9C3 <-> 0x7167-0x7233 0xF9C4 <-> 0x7166 0xF9C5 <-> 0x7234 0xF9C6 <-> 0x7240 0xF9C7-0xF9D1 <-> 0x7235-0x723F 0xF9D2-0xF9D5 <-> 0x7241-0x7244 # Level 2 Hanzi END 0xF9DD-0xF9FE -> ****** # Symbols Big Five Level 2 Correspondence to CNS 11643-1992 Plane 3: 0xF9D6 <-> 0x4337 # ETen-specific hanzi 0xF9D7 <-> 0x4F50 # ETen-specific hanzi 0xF9D8 <-> 0x444E # ETen-specific hanzi 0xF9D9 <-> 0x504A # ETen-specific hanzi 0xF9DA <-> 0x2C5D # ETen-specific hanzi 0xF9DB <-> 0x3D7E # ETen-specific hanzi 0xF9DC <-> 0x4B5C # ETen-specific hanzi I adapted the above from material Ross Paterson (rap@doc.ic.ac.uk) kindly made available at the following URL: http://www.ifcss.org:8001/www/pub/software/info/cjk-codes/ Check it out. Basically, I just changed the CNS 11643-1992 codes from decimal row-cell values to hexadecimal codes, and corrected the mappings to correspond to ETen's Big Five (which is considered to be the most standard). It turns out that corrections were made to Big Five (at least in the ETen and Microsoft implementations thereof) which made it a bit closer to CNS 11643-1992 as far as character ordering is concerned. The following six lines of code correspondences: 0xCAF8-0xD6CB <-> 0x2439-0x376E 0xD6CC <-> 0x3E63 0xD6CD-0xD779 <-> 0x3770-0x387D 0xD77A <-> 0x3F6A 0xD77B-0xDADE <-> 0x387E-0x3E62 0xDADF <-> 0x376F can now be expressed as the following three lines: 0xCAF8-0xD779 <-> 0x2439-0x387D 0xD77A <-> 0x3F6A 0xD77B-0xDBA6 <-> 0x387E-0x3F69 In essence, the ordering of Big Five characters 0xD6CC and 0xDADF were reversed. This resulted in the same order as found in CNS 11643-1992 Plane 2. As for the two duplicate hanzi in Big Five (as indicated in the above tables), they have been placed into a compatibility zone in ISO 10646-1:1993 (this allows for round-trip conversion). The mapping is as follows: Big Five ISO 10646-1:1993 ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 0xC94A -> 0xFA0C 0xDDFC -> 0xFA0D Speaking of duplicate hanzi, Plane 1 of CNS 11643-1992 contains 213 classical radicals in rows 27 through 29. However, 187 of them map directly to hanzi code points in Planes 1, 2, and 3 (and naturally to Big Five). Below is a detailed mapping of these 213 radicals: Radical CNS 11643 Big Five Radical CNS 11643 Big Five ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ 0x2721 -> 0x4421 0xA440 0x282E -> 0x4678 0xA5D8 0x2722 -> 0x2121 (3) ****** 0x282F -> 0x4679 0xA5D9 0x2723 -> 0x2122 (3) 0xC6BF 0x2830 -> 0x467A 0xA5DA 0x2724 -> 0x2123 (3) 0xC6C0 0x2831 -> 0x467B 0xA5DB 0x2725 -> 0x4422 0xA441 0x2832 -> 0x467C 0xA5DC 0x2726 -> 0x2124 (3) 0xC6C1 0x2833 -> 0x2167 (2) 0xC9A8 0x2727 -> 0x4428 0xA447 0x2834 -> 0x467D 0xA5DD 0x2728 -> ****** 0xC6C2 0x2835 -> 0x467E 0xA5DE 0x2729 -> 0x4429 0xA448 0x2836 -> 0x4721 0xA5DF 0x272A -> 0x442A 0xA449 0x2837 -> 0x484C 0xA6CB 0x272B -> 0x442B 0xA44A 0x2838 -> 0x484D 0xA6CC 0x272C -> 0x442C 0xA44B 0x2839 -> 0x484E 0xA6CD 0x272D -> 0x2127 (3) 0xC6C3 0x283A -> 0x484F 0xA6CE 0x272E -> 0x2128 (3) 0xC6C4 0x283B -> 0x2269 (2) 0xCA49 0x272F -> ****** 0xC6C5 0x283C -> 0x4850 0xA6CF 0x2730 -> 0x442D 0xA44C 0x283D -> 0x4851 0xA6D0 0x2731 -> 0x2123 (2) 0xC942 0x283E -> 0x4852 0xA6D1 0x2732 -> 0x442E 0xA44D 0x283F -> 0x4854 0xA6D3 0x2733 -> 0x4430 0xA44F 0x2840 -> 0x4855 0xA6D4 0x2734 -> ****** 0xC6C6 0x2841 -> 0x4856 0xA6D5 0x2735 -> 0x4431 0xA450 0x2842 -> 0x4857 0xA6D6 0x2736 -> 0x2124 (2) 0xC943 0x2843 -> 0x4858 0xA6D7 0x2737 -> 0x2129 (3) 0xC6C7 0x2844 -> 0x485B 0xA6DA 0x2738 -> 0x4432 0xA451 0x2845 -> 0x485C 0xA6DB 0x2739 -> 0x4433 0xA452 0x2846 -> 0x485D 0xA6DC 0x273A -> 0x212A (3) 0xC6C8 0x2847 -> 0x485E 0xA6DD 0x273B -> 0x2125 (2) 0xC944 0x2848 -> 0x485F 0xA6DE 0x273C -> 0x212B (3) 0xC6C9 0x2849 -> 0x4860 0xA6DF 0x273D -> 0x4434 0xA453 0x284A -> 0x4861 0xA6E0 0x273E -> 0x4447 0xA466 0x284B -> 0x4862 0xA6E1 0x273F -> 0x212A (2) 0xC949 0x284C -> 0x4863 0xA6E2 0x2740 -> 0x4448 0xA467 0x284D -> 0x226A (2) 0xCA4A 0x2741 -> 0x4449 0xA468 0x284E -> 0x226F (2) 0xCA4F 0x2742 -> 0x213A (3) 0xC6CA 0x284F -> 0x4865 0xA6E4 0x2743 -> 0x444A 0xA469 0x2850 -> 0x4866 0xA6E5 0x2744 -> 0x444B 0xA46A 0x2851 -> 0x4867 0xA6E6 0x2745 -> 0x444C 0xA46B 0x2852 -> 0x4868 0xA6E7 0x2746 -> 0x444D 0xA46C 0x2853 -> 0x2270 (2) 0xCA50 0x2747 -> 0x213B (3) 0xC6CB 0x2854 -> 0x4B44 0xA8A3 0x2748 -> 0x4450 0xA46F 0x2855 -> 0x4B45 0xA8A4 0x2749 -> 0x4451 0xA470 0x2856 -> 0x4B46 0xA8A5 0x274A -> 0x4452 0xA471 0x2857 -> 0x4B47 0xA8A6 0x274B -> 0x4453 0xA472 0x2858 -> 0x4B48 0xA8A7 0x274C -> 0x212B (2) 0xC94B 0x2859 -> 0x4B49 0xA8A8 0x274D -> 0x4454 0xA473 0x285A -> 0x2524 (2) 0xCBA4 0x274E -> 0x213C (3) 0xC6CC 0x285B -> 0x4B4A 0xA8A9 0x274F -> 0x4456 0xA475 0x285C -> 0x4B4B 0xA8AA 0x2750 -> 0x4457 0xA476 0x285D -> 0x4B4C 0xA8AB 0x2751 -> 0x445A 0xA479 0x285E -> 0x4B4D 0xA8AC 0x2752 -> 0x445B 0xA47A 0x285F -> 0x4B4E 0xA8AD 0x2753 -> 0x213D (3) 0xC6CD 0x2860 -> 0x4B4F 0xA8AE 0x2754 -> 0x213E (3) 0xC6CE 0x2861 -> 0x4B50 0xA8AF 0x2755 -> 0x213F (3) 0xC6CF 0x2862 -> 0x4B51 0xA8B0 0x2756 -> 0x445C 0xA47B 0x2863 -> 0x272F (3) 0xC6D6 0x2757 -> 0x445D 0xA47C 0x2864 -> 0x4B57 0xA8B6 0x2758 -> 0x445E 0xA47D 0x2865 -> 0x4B5C 0xA8BB 0x2759 -> 0x2140 (3) 0xC6D0 0x2866 -> 0x4B5D 0xA8BC 0x275A -> 0x2142 (3) 0xC6D1 0x2867 -> 0x4B5E 0xA8BD 0x275B -> 0x212C (2) 0xC94C 0x2868 -> 0x4F5A 0xAAF7 0x275C -> 0x4540 0xA4DF 0x2869 -> 0x4F5B 0xAAF8 0x275D -> 0x4541 0xA4E0 0x286A -> 0x4F5C 0xAAF9 0x275E -> 0x4542 0xA4E1 0x286B -> 0x4F5D 0xAAFA 0x275F -> 0x4543 0xA4E2 0x286C -> 0x2A7D (3) 0xC6D7 0x2760 -> 0x4545 0xA4E4 0x286D -> 0x4F63 0xAB41 0x2761 -> 0x2167 (3) 0xC6D2 0x286E -> 0x4F64 0xAB42 0x2762 -> 0x4546 0xA4E5 0x286F -> 0x4F65 0xAB43 0x2763 -> 0x4547 0xA4E6 0x2870 -> 0x4F66 0xAB44 0x2764 -> 0x4548 0xA4E7 0x2871 -> 0x5372 0xADB1 0x2765 -> 0x4549 0xA4E8 0x2872 -> 0x5373 0xADB2 0x2766 -> 0x2169 (3) 0xC6D3 0x2873 -> 0x5374 0xADB3 0x2767 -> 0x454A 0xA4E9 0x2874 -> 0x5375 0xADB4 0x2768 -> 0x454B 0xA4EA 0x2875 -> 0x5376 0xADB5 0x2769 -> 0x454C 0xA4EB 0x2876 -> 0x5377 0xADB6 0x276A -> 0x454D 0xA4EC 0x2877 -> 0x5378 0xADB7 0x276B -> 0x454E 0xA4ED 0x2878 -> 0x5379 0xADB8 0x276C -> 0x454F 0xA4EE 0x2879 -> 0x537A 0xADB9 0x276D -> 0x4550 0xA4EF 0x287A -> 0x537B 0xADBA 0x276E -> 0x213F (2) 0xC95F 0x287B -> 0x537C 0xADBB 0x276F -> 0x4551 0xA4F0 0x287C -> 0x586B 0xB0A8 0x2770 -> 0x4552 0xA4F1 0x287D -> 0x586C 0xB0A9 0x2771 -> 0x4553 0xA4F2 0x287E -> 0x586D 0xB0AA 0x2772 -> 0x4554 0xA4F3 0x2921 -> 0x334C (2) 0xD449 0x2773 -> 0x2141 (2) 0xC961 0x2922 -> 0x586E 0xB0AB 0x2774 -> 0x4555 0xA4F4 0x2923 -> 0x334D (2) 0xD44A 0x2775 -> 0x4556 0xA4F5 0x2924 -> 0x586F 0xB0AC 0x2776 -> 0x4557 0xA4F6 0x2925 -> 0x5870 0xB0AD 0x2777 -> 0x4558 0xA4F7 0x2926 -> 0x5E23 0xB3BD 0x2778 -> 0x4559 0xA4F8 0x2927 -> 0x5E24 0xB3BE 0x2779 -> 0x2142 (2) 0xC962 0x2928 -> 0x5E25 0xB3BF 0x277A -> 0x455A 0xA4F9 0x2929 -> 0x5E26 0xB3C0 0x277B -> 0x455B 0xA4FA 0x292A -> 0x5E27 0xB3C1 0x277C -> 0x455C 0xA4FB 0x292B -> 0x5E28 0xB3C2 0x277D -> 0x455D 0xA4FC 0x292C -> 0x6327 0xB6C0 0x277E -> 0x4668 0xA5C8 0x292D -> 0x6328 0xB6C1 0x2821 -> 0x4669 0xA5C9 0x292E -> 0x6329 0xB6C2 0x2822 -> 0x466A 0xA5CA 0x292F -> 0x4155 (2) 0xDCB0 0x2823 -> 0x466B 0xA5CB 0x2930 -> 0x4875 (2) 0xE0EF 0x2824 -> 0x466C 0xA5CC 0x2931 -> 0x676F 0xB9A9 0x2825 -> 0x466D 0xA5CD 0x2932 -> 0x6770 0xB9AA 0x2826 -> 0x466E 0xA5CE 0x2933 -> 0x6771 0xB9AB 0x2827 -> 0x4670 0xA5D0 0x2934 -> 0x6B7C 0xBBF3 0x2828 -> 0x4674 0xA5D4 0x2935 -> 0x6B7D 0xBBF4 0x2829 -> 0x225B (3) 0xC6D4 0x2936 -> 0x702F 0xBEA6 0x282A -> 0x225C (3) 0xC6D5 0x2937 -> 0x733E 0xC073 0x282B -> 0x4675 0xA5D5 0x2938 -> 0x733F 0xC074 0x282C -> 0x4676 0xA5D6 0x2939 -> 0x6142 (2) 0xEFB6 0x282D -> 0x4677 0xA5D7 4.4: KOREAN The 268 duplicate hanja in KS C 5601-1992 can cause problems when converting to and from other CJK character sets. When converting from KS C 5601-1992, two or more hanja can collapse into a single code point. When converting these 268 hanja to KS C 5601-1992, a decision about which KS C 5601-1992 code point to map to must be made. The only exception to this is mapping to and from ISO 10646-1:1993. That standard encodes these 268 duplicate hanja in a compatibility zone, namely from 0xF900 through 0xFA0B. The following is a listing of 262 hanja that map to two or more code points (four map to three code points, and one maps to four: a total of 268 redundantly-encoded hanja) in KS C 5601-1992: Standard Extra Standard Extra Standard Extra ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ 0x4A39 -> 0x4D4F 0x5573 -> 0x6631 0x573C -> 0x6B29 0x4B3D -> 0x7A22 0x5574 -> 0x6633 0x573E -> 0x6B3A 0x4C38 -> 0x7A66 0x5575 -> 0x6637 0x573F -> 0x6B3B 0x4C5A -> 0x4B56 0x5576 -> 0x6638 0x5740 -> 0x6B3D 0x4C78 -> 0x5050 0x5579 -> 0x663C 0x5741 -> 0x6B41 0x4D7A -> 0x4E2D 0x557B -> 0x6646 0x5743 -> 0x6B42 0x4E29 -> 0x7C29 0x557C -> 0x6647 0x5744 -> 0x6B46 0x4F23 -> 0x4F7B 0x557E -> 0x6652 0x5745 -> 0x6B47 0x4F4F -> 0x5022 0x5621 -> 0x6656 0x5747 -> 0x6B4C 0x5038 0x5622 -> 0x6659 0x5748 -> 0x6B4F 0x5142 -> 0x4B50 0x5623 -> 0x665F 0x5749 -> 0x6B50 0x5151 -> 0x505D 0x5624 -> 0x6661 0x574A -> 0x6B51 0x5159 -> 0x547C 0x5625 -> 0x6665 0x574C -> 0x6B58 0x5167 -> 0x552B 0x5626 -> 0x6664 0x574D -> 0x5270 0x522F -> 0x5155 0x5627 -> 0x6666 0x574E -> 0x5271 0x5233 -> 0x657C 0x5628 -> 0x6668 0x574F -> 0x5272 0x5234 -> 0x6644 0x562A -> 0x666A 0x5750 -> 0x5273 0x5235 -> 0x664A 0x562B -> 0x666B 0x5752 -> 0x5274 0x5236 -> 0x665C 0x562D -> 0x666F 0x5753 -> 0x5275 0x5237 -> 0x6676 0x562E -> 0x6671 0x5754 -> 0x5277 0x523A -> 0x6677 0x562F -> 0x6675 0x5755 -> 0x5278 0x523B -> 0x5638 0x5631 -> 0x6679 0x5757 -> 0x6C26 0x672C 0x5633 -> 0x6721 0x5759 -> 0x6C27 0x5241 -> 0x564D 0x5634 -> 0x6726 0x575B -> 0x6C2A 0x5263 -> 0x6871 0x5635 -> 0x6729 0x575D -> 0x6C30 0x526E -> 0x6A74 0x5637 -> 0x672A 0x575E -> 0x6C31 0x526F -> 0x6B2A 0x563A -> 0x672D 0x5762 -> 0x6C35 0x527A -> 0x6C32 0x563B -> 0x6730 0x5765 -> 0x6C38 0x527B -> 0x6C49 0x563C -> 0x673F 0x5767 -> 0x6C3A 0x527C -> 0x6C4A 0x563E -> 0x6746 0x576A -> 0x6C40 0x527E -> 0x7331 0x5640 -> 0x6747 0x576B -> 0x6C41 0x5321 -> 0x552E 0x5642 -> 0x674B 0x576C -> 0x6C45 0x5358 -> 0x7738 0x5643 -> 0x674D 0x576E -> 0x6C46 0x536B -> 0x7748 0x5644 -> 0x674F 0x5770 -> 0x6C55 0x5378 -> 0x7674 0x5645 -> 0x6750 0x5772 -> 0x6C5D 0x5441 -> 0x5466 0x5647 -> 0x6753 0x5773 -> 0x6C5E 0x5457 -> 0x7753 0x5649 -> 0x675F 0x5774 -> 0x6C61 0x547A -> 0x5154 0x564A -> 0x6764 0x5776 -> 0x6C64 0x547B -> 0x5158 0x564B -> 0x6766 0x5777 -> 0x6C67 0x547D -> 0x515B 0x564C -> 0x523E 0x5778 -> 0x6C68 0x547E -> 0x515C 0x564F -> 0x5242 0x5779 -> 0x6C77 0x5521 -> 0x515D 0x5650 -> 0x5243 0x577A -> 0x6C78 0x5522 -> 0x515E 0x5653 -> 0x5244 0x577C -> 0x6C7A 0x5523 -> 0x515F 0x5654 -> 0x5246 0x5821 -> 0x6D21 0x5524 -> 0x5160 0x5655 -> 0x5247 0x5822 -> 0x6D22 0x5526 -> 0x5163 0x5656 -> 0x5248 0x5823 -> 0x6D23 0x5527 -> 0x5164 0x5657 -> 0x5249 0x5A72 -> 0x5B64 0x5528 -> 0x5165 0x5658 -> 0x524A 0x5C56 -> 0x5D25 0x552A -> 0x5166 0x565A -> 0x524B 0x5C5F -> 0x7870 0x552C -> 0x5168 0x565B -> 0x524D 0x5C74 -> 0x5D55 0x552D -> 0x5169 0x565C -> 0x524E 0x5D41 -> 0x5B45 0x552F -> 0x516A 0x565E -> 0x524F 0x5F2F -> 0x616D 0x5530 -> 0x516B 0x565F -> 0x5250 0x5F52 -> 0x6D6E 0x5531 -> 0x516D 0x5660 -> 0x5251 0x5F5D -> 0x5F61 0x5534 -> 0x516F 0x5661 -> 0x5252 0x5F63 -> 0x5E7E 0x5535 -> 0x5170 0x5662 -> 0x5253 0x6063 -> 0x612D 0x5536 -> 0x5172 0x5663 -> 0x5254 0x6672 0x5539 -> 0x5176 0x5665 -> 0x5255 0x607D -> 0x5F68 0x553D -> 0x517A 0x5666 -> 0x5256 0x6163 -> 0x574B 0x5540 -> 0x517C 0x5667 -> 0x5257 0x6B52 0x5541 -> 0x517D 0x566B -> 0x5259 0x6226 -> 0x5E7C 0x5543 -> 0x517E 0x566C -> 0x525A 0x6326 -> 0x6429 0x5544 -> 0x5222 0x566F -> 0x525E 0x635B -> 0x723D 0x5545 -> 0x5223 0x5670 -> 0x525F 0x6427 -> 0x727A 0x5546 -> 0x5227 0x5671 -> 0x5261 0x6442 -> 0x6777 0x5547 -> 0x5228 0x5674 -> 0x5262 0x6445 -> 0x5162 0x5548 -> 0x5229 0x5675 -> 0x6867 0x5525 0x5549 -> 0x522A 0x5676 -> 0x6868 0x6879 0x554D -> 0x522B 0x5677 -> 0x6870 0x6534 -> 0x652E 0x554E -> 0x522D 0x5679 -> 0x6877 0x6636 -> 0x6C2F 0x5552 -> 0x5232 0x567A -> 0x687B 0x6728 -> 0x6071 0x5553 -> 0x6531 0x567B -> 0x687E 0x6856 -> 0x6A41 0x5554 -> 0x6532 0x567E -> 0x6927 0x6C36 -> 0x5764 0x5555 -> 0x6539 0x5721 -> 0x692C 0x6C56 -> 0x666C 0x5557 -> 0x653B 0x5723 -> 0x694C 0x6D29 -> 0x7427 0x5558 -> 0x653C 0x5724 -> 0x5264 0x6D33 -> 0x6E5B 0x5559 -> 0x6544 0x5726 -> 0x5265 0x6F37 -> 0x746E 0x555D -> 0x654E 0x5727 -> 0x5266 0x7263 -> 0x6375 0x555E -> 0x6550 0x5728 -> 0x5267 0x7333 -> 0x4B67 0x555F -> 0x6552 0x5729 -> 0x5268 0x7351 -> 0x5F33 0x5561 -> 0x6556 0x572B -> 0x5269 0x742C -> 0x7676 0x5564 -> 0x657A 0x572C -> 0x526A 0x7658 -> 0x6421 0x5565 -> 0x657B 0x5730 -> 0x526B 0x7835 -> 0x5C25 0x5566 -> 0x657E 0x5731 -> 0x6A65 0x786C -> 0x785B 0x5569 -> 0x6621 0x5733 -> 0x6A77 0x7932 -> 0x5D74 0x556B -> 0x6624 0x5735 -> 0x6A7C 0x7A3C -> 0x7A21 0x556C -> 0x6627 0x5736 -> 0x6A7E 0x7B29 -> 0x6741 0x556F -> 0x662D 0x5738 -> 0x6B24 0x7C41 -> 0x4D68 0x5571 -> 0x662F 0x573A -> 0x6B27 0x7D3B -> 0x6977 0x5572 -> 0x6630 The above table represents a weekend of my time (but time well spent, in my opinion). 4.5: ISO 10646-1:1993 The Chinese character subset of ISO 10646-1:1993 has excellent round-trip conversion capability with the various national character sets. Those national character sets with duplicate characters, such as KS C 5601-1992 (268 hanja) and Big Five (2 hanzi), have corresponding code points in ISO 10646-1:1993 within a compatibility zone. See Sections 4.3 and 4.4 for more details. Other issues regarding ISO 10646-1:1993 have to do with proper character rendering (that is, how characters are displayed, printed, or otherwise imaged). Many (sometimes) subtle character form differences have been collapsed under ISO 10646-1:1993. Language or locale was not one of the factors used in performing Han Unification. This means that it is nearly impossible to create a single ISO 10646-1: 1993 font that meets the character form criteria of each of the four CJK locales. An ISO 10646-1:1993 code point is not enough information to render a Chinese character. If the font was specifically designed for a single locale, it is a non-problem, but if there is any CJK intent, text must be flagged for language or locale. 4.6: UNICODE One of the most interesting (and major) differences between the current three flavors of Unicode are the number and arrangement of pre-combined hangul. The following table provides a summary of the differences: Unicode Number of Pre-combined Hangul UCS-2 Ranges ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Version 1.0 2,350 Basic Hangul 0x3400-0x3D3D Version 1.1 2,350 Basic Hangul 0x3400-0x3D3D 1,930 Supplemental Hangul A 0x3D2E-0x44B7 2,376 Supplemental Hangul B 0x44BE-0x4DFF Version 2.0 11,172 Hangul 0xAC00-0xD7A3 Of the above three versions, the most controversial is Version 2.0. Why? Because it is located in the user-defined range of Unicode (O-Zone: 16,384 code points in 0xA000-0xDFFF), and occupies approximately two-thirds of its space. The information in the above table is courtesy of the following useful document: ftp://unicode.org/pub/MappingTables/EastAsiaMaps/Hangul-Codes.txt The same file is also mirrored at the following URL: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/map/hangul-codes.txt 4.7: CODE CONVERSION TIPS There are two types of conversions that can be performed. The first type is converting between different encodings for the same character set. This is usually without problems (but not always). The second type is converting from one character set to another (it is not usually relevant whether the underlying encoding has changed or not). This usually involves the handling of characters that are in one character set, but not the other. So, what to do? I suggest JConv for handling Japanese code conversion (this means converting between JIS, Shift-JIS, and EUC encodings). This is in the category of different encodings for the same character set. The following URLs provide executables or source code: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/mac/jconv-30.hqx ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/mac/jconv-dd-181.hqx ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/dos/jconv.exe ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/src/jconv.c There are other programs available that do the same basic thing as JConv, such as kc and nkf. They are available at the following URL: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/unix/ For software and tables that handles Chinese code conversion (this includes conversion to and from Japanese), I suggest browsing at the following URLs: ftp://etlport.etl.go.jp/pub/iso-2022-cn/convert/ ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/dos/convert/ ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/mac/convert/ ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/ms-win/convert/ ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/ ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/vms/convert/ ftp://ftp.net.tsinghua.edu.cn/pub/Chinese/convert/ ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/map/ ftp://ftp.seed.net.tw/Pub/Chinese/DOS/code-convert/ http://www.yajima.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp/staffs/yasuoka/CJK.html The latter URL has FTP links to tables created by Koichi Yasuoka (yasuoka@kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp). The following URLs provide utilities or tables for converting between various Korean encodings (the last represent the same file): ftp://cair-archive.kaist.ac.kr/pub/hangul/code/ ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/map/non-hangul-codes.txt ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/map/hangul-codes.txt ftp://unicode.org/pub/MappingTables/EastAsiaMaps/Hangul-Codes.txt A popular Korean code conversion utility seems to be "hcode" by June-Yub Lee (jylee@cims.nyu.edu). Finally, the following URLs provide many Unicode- and CJK- related mapping tables: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/map/ ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/unicode/ ftp://unicode.org/pub/MappingTables/ http://www.yajima.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp/staffs/yasuoka/CJK.html Note that the official and authoritative Unicode mapping tables (from Unicode values to various international, national and vendor standards) are maintained by the Unicode Consortium at the following URL: ftp://unicode.org/pub/MappingTables/ Version 2.0 of "The Unicode Standard" (to be published by Addison- Wesley shortly) will include these mapping tables on CD-ROM. PART 5: CJK-CAPABLE OPERATING SYSTEMS The first step in being able to display CJK text is to obtain an operating system that handles such text (or an application that sets up its own CJK-capable environment). Below I describe how different types of machines can handle CJK text. Actually, for the first few releases of CJK.INF, these subsections will be far from complete (some may even be empty!). The purpose of CJK.INF is to provide detailed information on character set standards and encoding systems, so I therefore consider this sort of information secondary. 5.1: MS-DOS I am not aware of any CJK-capable MS-DOS operating system, but localized versions do exist. CJK support has been introduced with Microsoft's Windows operating system (see Section 5.2). 5.2: WINDOWS Microsoft has CJK versions of its Windows operating system available. The latest versions of their Windows operating system are called Windows 95 and Windows NT. Windows 95 supports the same character sets and encodings as in Windows Version 3.1 -- Windows NT supports Unicode (ISO 10646-1:1993). Contact Microsoft Corporation for more details. The URL of their WWW Home Page is: http://www.microsoft.com/ Nadine Kano's "Developing International Software for Windows 95 and Windows NT" provides abundant reference material for how CJK is supported in Windows 95 and Windows NT. Check it out. TwinBridge is a package that adds CJK functionality to non-CJK Windows. Demo versions of TwinBridge for Japanese and Chinese are at the following URLs: ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/tw/twinbrg/Japanese/demo/tbjdemo.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/tw/twinbrg/Chinese/demo/tbcdemo.zip Another useful CJK add-on for Windows 95 is NJWIN (see Section 7.10) by Hongbo Data Systems. 5.3: MACINTOSH Macintosh is well-known as a computer that was designed to handle multilingual texts. There are currently fully-localized operating systems available for Japanese (KanjiTalk), Chinese (simplified and traditional available), and Korean (HangulTalk). In addition, Apple has developed "Language Kits" (*LK) for Chinese (CLK) and Japanese (JLK). A Korean Language Kit (KLK) will be released shortly. These localized operating systems can usually be installed together in order to make your system CJK-capable. The common portion of these CJK-capable operating systems is a technology Apple calls "WorldScript II" ("WorldScript I" is for one- byte scripts). It provides the basic one- and two-byte functionality. 5.4: UNIX AND X WINDOWS The typical encoding system used on UNIX and X Windows is EUC (see Section 3.2). Many systems, such as IBM's AIX, can be configured to handle both EUC and Shift-JIS (for Japanese). In addition, X11R6 (X Window System, Version 11, Release 6) has many CJK-capable features. If you have a fast PC and a good amount of RAM (more than 4MB), you should consider replacing MS-DOS (and Microsoft Windows, too, if you have it) with Linux, which is a full-blown UNIX operating system that runs on Intel processors. You can even run X Windows (X11R6). "Running Linux" by Matt Welsh and Lar Kaufman is an excellent guide to installing and using Linux. The companion volume, "Linux Network Administrator's Guide" by Olaf Kirch is also useful. Because there is a fine line -- or no line at all -- between a user and System Administrator when using Linux, "Essential System Administration" Second Edition by AEleen Frisch is a must-have. Linux and Linux information are available at the following URLs: ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/ http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/linux.html I personally use Linux, and find it quite useful and powerful. My bias comes from being a UNIX user. But, you can't beat the price (free), and all of my favorite text-manipulation tools (such as Perl) are readily available. 5.5: OTHERS No information yet. PART 6: CJK TEXT AND INTERNET SERVICES Part 5 described how CJK text is handled on a machine internally, but this part goes into the implications of handling such text externally, namely for information interchange purposes. This boils down to handling CJK text on Internet services. For more detailed information on how these and other Internet services are used, I suggest "The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog" by Ed Krol. For more information on setting up and maintaining these and other Internet services, I suggest "Managing Internet Information Services" by Cricket Liu et al. 6.1: ELECTRONIC MAIL The most basic Internet service is electronic mail (henceforth to be called "e-mail"), which is virtually guaranteed to be available to all users regardless of their system. Several Internet standards (called RFCs, short for Request For Comments) have been developed to describe how CJK text is to be handled over e-mail systems (see Section A.3.4). The bottom-line is that most e-mail systems do not support 8-bit characters (that is, bytes that have their 8th bit set). Some do offer 8-bit support, but you can never know what path your e-mail might take while on route to its recipient. This means that 7-bit ISO 2022 (or equivalent) is the ideal encoding to use when sending CJK text through e-mail. If your operating system processes another encoding system, you must convert from that encoding to one that is compatible with 7-bit ISO 2022. However, even 7-bit ISO 2022 encoding can get mangled by mail-routing software -- the escape character, sometimes even part of the escape sequence (meaning more than just the escape character), is stripped. The JConv tool described in Section 4.7 restores stripped escape sequences for Japanese 7-bit ISO 2022. If your mailing software is MIME-compliant, there is a means to identify the character set and encoding of the message using the "charset" parameter. Some valid "charset" values include the following: o iso-2022-jp (see Section 3.1.3) o iso-2022-jp-2 (see Section 3.1.3) o iso-2022-kr (see Section 3.1.4) o iso-2022-cn (see Section 3.1.5) o iso-2022-cn-ext (see Section 3.1.5) o iso-8859-1 Insertion of these values should happen automatically. A last-ditch effort to send CJK text through e-mail is to use uuencode or Base64 encoding (see Section 3.3.13). Base64 is something that is usually done automatically by mailing software -- explicit Base64 encoding is not common. The recipient must then run uudecode or a Base64 decoder to get the original file (if such utilities are available). 6.2: USENET NEWS Usenet News follows many of the same requirements as e-mail, namely that 7-bit ISO 2022 encoding is ideal. However, some newsgroups use specific encoding methods, such as: alt.chinese.text (HZ encoding used for Chinese text) alt.chinese.text.big5 (Big Five encoding used for Chinese text) chinese.flame (UTF-7) chinese.text.unicode (UTF-8) Also, the newsgroups in Korean (all begin with "han.*") use EUC (EUC- KR) because the news-handling software in Korea has been designed to handle eight-bit characters correctly. Mailing list versions of Korean newsgroups are likely to use ISO-2022-KR encoding. One common problem with Usenet News is that the escape characters used in 7-bit ISO 2022 encoding are sometimes stripped, usually by the software used to post the article. This can be quite annoying. There are programs available, such as JConv, that repair such files by restoring the escape characters. Another common problem are news readers that do not allow escape characters to function. One simple solution is to "pipe" the article through a display command, such as "more," "page," "less," or "cat." This is done by typing a "pipe" character (|) followed by the command name anywhere within the article being displayed. 6.3: GOPHER The World-Wide Web (WWW) has almost eliminated the need for using Gopher, so I won't discuss it here. Not that I don't appreciate Gopher servers, but what I mean is that WWW browsing software permits access to Gopher sites. 6.4: WORLD-WIDE WEB First, there are two types of WWW browsers available. The most common type is the graphics-based browser (examples include Mosaic and Netscape). Graphics-based browsers have the unfortunate requirement of a TCP/IP (SLIP and PPP support these protocols) connection. Lynx and the W3 client for Emacs, which are text-based browsers, can be run from the host computer through a standard terminal connection. They don't display all the pretty pictures that folks put into their WWW documents, but you get all the text (this is, in many ways, a blessing in disguise -- transferring graphics is what slows down graphics-based browsers the most). When the W3 client is run using Mule, it becomes a fully CJK-capable WWW browser. Both Lynx and the W3 client for Emacs are freely available. A Japanese-capable Lynx is available at the following URL: ftp://ftp.ipc.chiba-u.ac.jp/pub.asada/www/lynx/ There is also a WWW page that provides information on Japanese-capable Lynx. Its URL is as follows: http://www.icsd6.tj.chiba-u.ac.jp/lynx/ When WWW documents first came online, there was no method for handling CJK character sets. This has, fortunately, changed. As of this writing, two commercial WWW browsers support Japanese. They are Infomosaic by Fujitsu Limited, and Netscape Navigator by Netscape Communications Corporation (Version 1.1 added Japanese support). Both are graphics-based browsers. The former can be ordered at the following URL: http://www.fujitsu.co.jp/ The latter can be found at the following URLs: http://www.netscape.com/ ftp://ftp.netscape.com/ One can also use a delegate server to *filter* Japanese codes to the one supported by your browser. It is also possible to "Japanize" existing WWW browsers using assorted tools and patches. Katsuhiko Momoi (momoi@tigger.stcloud.msus.edu) has authored an excellent guide to Japanizing WWW browsers. Its URL is: http://condor.stcloud.msus.edu:20020/netscape.html I *highly* suggest reading it. Japanese-capable WWW browsers support automatic detection of the three Japanese encoding methods (JIS, Shift-JIS, and EUC). Hey, but, what about support for the "C" and "K" of CJK? Attempting to answer this question provides us an answer to another question: "What is the best encoding method to use for CJK WWW documents?" Encoding methods such as EUC and Shift-JIS provide for mixing only two character sets. This is because they provide no way to *flag* or *tag* text for locale (character set) information. Without flagging information, it is impossible to distinguish Japanese EUC from Chinese or Korean EUC. However, the escape sequences used in 7-bit ISO 2022 encoding explicitly provide locale information. 7-bit ISO 2022 is ideal for static documents, which is exactly what one finds on WWW. My personal recommendation (for the short-term) is to compose WWW documents (also called HTML documents; HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language) using 7-bit ISO 2022 encoding. The escape sequences themselves act as explicit flags that indicate locale. However, some WWW clients are confused by 7-bit ISO 2022 encoding, but the products by Netscape Communications and Fujitsu Limited prove that this can work. See the following URL for a description of this problem: http://www.ntt.jp/japan/note-on-JP/LibWWW-patch.html Check out the following URLs for information on and proposals for international support for WWW: http://www.ebt.com:8080/docs/multilingual-www.html http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/International/Overview/ There is currently an RFC in the works (called an Internet Draft) to address the problem of internationalizing HTML by using Unicode. It is very promising. The latest draft is available at the following URLs: ftp://ds.internic.net/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-html-i18n-04.txt.Z ftp://ftp.isi.edu/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-html-i18n-04.txt ftp://munnari.oz.au/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-html-i18n-04.txt.Z ftp://nic.nordu.net/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-html-i18n-04.txt Note that some have been compressed. 6.5: FILE TRANSFER TIPS Although CJK encoding systems such as Shift-JIS and EUC make extensive use of 8-bit bytes, that does not mean that you need to treat the data as binary. Such files are simply to be treated as text, and should be transferred in text mode (for example, FTP's ASCII mode, which is also called "Type A Transfer"). When text files are transferred in binary mode (such as FTP's BINARY mode, which is also called Type I Transfer"), line termination characters are left unaltered. For example, when transferring a text file from UNIX to Macintosh, a text transfer will translate the UNIX newline (0x0A) characters to Macintosh carriage return (0x0D) characters, but a binary transfer will make no such modifications. Text-style conversion is typically desired. The most common types of files that need to be handled as binary include tar archives (*.tar), compressed files (*.Z, *.gz, *.zip, *.zoo, *.lzh, and so on), and executables (*.exe, *.bin, and so on). PART 7: CJK TEXT HANDLING SOFTWARE This section describes various CJK-capable software packages. I expect this section to grow with future versions of this document. I define "CJK-capable" as being able to support Chinese, Japanese, and Korean text. The descriptions I provide below are intentionally short. You are encouraged to use the information pointers to obtain further information or the software itself. 7.1: MULE Mule (multilingual enhancement to GNU Emacs), written by Kenichi Handa (handa@etl.go.jp), is the first (and only?) CJK-capable editor for UNIX systems, and is freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Mule was developed from Nemacs (Nihongo Emacs). Mule is available at the following URL: ftp://etlport.etl.go.jp/pub/mule/ Mule, beginning with Version 2.2, includes handy utilities (any2ps and m2ps) for printing files in any of the encodings supported by Mule (which is a lot of encodings, by the way). These programs use BDF fonts. See the beginning of Part 2 for a list of URLs that have CJK BDF fonts. GNU Emacs is a fine editor, and Mule takes it several steps further by providing multilingual support. I personally use Mule together with SKK (for Japanese input) -- it is a superb combination. 7.2: CNPRINT CNPRINT, developed by Yidao Cai (cai@neurophys.wisc.edu), is a utility to print CJK text (or convert it to a PostScript file), and is available for MS-DOS, VMS, and UNIX systems. A wide range of encoding methods are supported by CNPRINT. CNPRINT is available at the following URLs: ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/{dos,unix,vms}/print/ ftp://neurophys.wisc.edu/[public.cn]/ 7.3: MASS MASS (Multilingual Application Support Service), developed at the National University of Singapore, is a suite of software tools that speed and ease the development of UNIX-based CJK (actually, more than just CJK) applications. It supports a wide variety of character sets and encodings, including ISO 10646-1:1993 (UCS-2, UTF-7, and UTF-8), EACC, and CCCII. More information on MASS, to include contact information for its developers, can be found at the following URL: http://www.iss.nus.sg/RND/MLP/Projects/MASS/MASS.html 7.4: ADOBE TYPE MANAGER (ATM) Adobe Type Manager for Macintosh, beginning with Version 3.8, is CJK-capable (as long as the underlying operating system is CJK- capable). Actually, ATM generically supports CID-keyed fonts, which are based on a newly-developed file specification for fonts with large numbers of characters (like CJK fonts). See Section 7.9 for more details. ATM is very easy to obtain. It is bundled with fonts and applications from Adobe Systems (chances are you have ATM if you recently purchased an Adobe product). But what about Windows? The Windows version of ATM should soon follow with identical functionality. 7.5: MACINTOSH SOFTWARE WorldScript II, a System Extension introduced with System 7, provides multi-byte script handling, namely CJK support. If a Macintosh product claims to support WorldScript II, chances are it is CJK-capable (provided that your operating system has the necessary extensions loaded). The CJK encodings that are supported by WorldScript II capable applications are the same as made available by the underlying Macintosh operating system. No import/export of other encodings is supported at the operating system level. You must run separate conversion utilities for both import and export. Anyway, below are some products that are known to be CJK capable. Nisus Writer, written by Nisus Software, is fully CJK-capable as long as you have the appropriate scripts installed (such as CLK for Chinese or JLK for Japanese). A "Language Key" (read "dongle") is also required for Chinese and Korean (and some one-byte scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew). A demo version of Nisus Writer is available at the following URL: ftp://ftp.nisus-soft.com/pub/nisus/demos/ Give it a try! Updates are also available at the same FTP site. Nisus Software can be contacted using the following e-mail address or through their WWW page: info@nisus-soft.com http://www.nisus-soft.com/ I also suggest reading "The Nisus Way" by Joe Kissell. Chapter 13 provides detailed information about using Nisus Writer with WorldScript, and includes a CD-ROM containing among other things a trial (expires after 90 days) version of Nisus Writer and a non-expiring version of Nisus Compact. ClarisWorks by Claris Corporation, beginning with Version 4.0, is compatible with WorldScript II and all Apple language kits. This translates into full CJK support. The following URL provides a trial version of ClarisWorks: ftp://ftp.claris.com/pub/USA-Macintosh/Trial_Software/ The following URL has detailed information on this and other Claris products: http://www.claris.com/ The latest version of WordPerfect by Novell Incorporated is also compatible with WorldScript II. The following URL has detailed information: http://wp.novell.com/tree.htm 7.6: MACBLUE TELNET Although MacBlue Telnet (a modified version of NCSA Telnet) is Macintosh software, I describe it separately because it does not require the various Apple Language Kits or localized operating systems. There are also input methods, adapted from cxterm (see Section 7.7), available that cover the CJK spectrum (Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean). MacBlue Telnet is available at the following URL: ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/mac/networking/MacBlueTelnet/ Its associated CJK input methods are at the following URL: ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/mac/input/ 7.7: CXTERM This program, cxterm, is a CJK-capable xterm for X Windows (works with X11R4, X11R5, and X11R6). It is based on the X11R6 xterm. It is available at the following URL: ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/x-win/cxterm/ The following URL is for a program that adds Unicode capability to cxterm: ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/hztty-2.0.tar.gz The following URL adds support for other encodings to cxterm: ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/BeTTY-1.534.tar.gz 7.8: UW-DBM UW-DBM, for Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows NT, is a program that allows users to handle Chinese (Big Five, GB-2312-80, or HZ code), Japanese (Shift-JIS), and Korean (KS C 5601-1992) simultaneously. More information on UW-DBM is available at the following URL: http://www.gy.com/ccd/win95/cjkw95.htm A demo version of UW-DBM is available at the following URL: ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/chinabus/uwdbm40.zip 7.9: POSTSCRIPT With the introduction of CID-keyed Font Technology, PostScript has become fully CJK capable. Adobe Systems has developed the following CJK character collection for CID-keyed fonts (font developers are encouraged to conform to these specifications): Character Collection CIDs Supported Character Sets & Encodings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Adobe-GB1-1 9,897 GB 2312-80 and GB/T 12345-90; 7-bit ISO 2022 and EUC Adobe-CNS1-0 14,099 Big Five (ETen extensions) and CNS 11643-1992 Planes 1 and 2; Big Five, 7-bit ISO 2022, and EUC Adobe-Japan1-2 8,720 JIS X 0208-1990; Shift-JIS, 7-bit ISO 2022, and EUC Adobe-Japan2-0 6,068 JIS X 0212-1990; 7-bit ISO 2022 and EUC Adobe-Korea1-1 18,155 KS C 5601-1992 (Macintosh extensions plus Johab); 7-bit ISO 2022, EUC, UHC, and Johab Note that Macintosh and Windows do not support any of the encodings for Adobe-Japan2-0, thus fonts based on that specification are unusable for those platforms. Adobe Systems also have a few things in the works (that is, they are either proposed or in draft form), all of which are supplements to above character collections (that is, they add CIDs): Character Collection CIDs Supported Character Sets & Encodings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Adobe-CNS1-1 +6,018 Add CNS 11643-1992 Plane 3 support (30 of the 6,148 hanzi are in Adobe-CNS1-0) To find out more about these CJK character collections or CID-keyed font technology, contact the Adobe Developers Association. Several CID-related documents have been published. ADA's contact information is as follows: Adobe Developers Association Adobe Systems Incorporated 1585 Charleston Road P.O. Box 7900 Mountain View, CA 94039-7900 USA +1-415-961-4111 (phone) +1-415-967-9231 (facsimile) devsupp-person@adobe.com http://www.adobe.com/Support/ Adobe Systems has recently developed the CID SDK (CID Software Developers Kit), which is on a single CD-ROM. Contact the Adobe Developers Association for information on obtaining a copy. The complete CID-keyed font file specification and an overview document are available at the following URLs (as a PostScript or PDF [Adobe Acrobat] file, respectively): ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/DeveloperSupport/TechNotes/PSfiles/ ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/DeveloperSupport/TechNotes/PDFfiles/ The file names (not provided above due to URL length) are: 5014.CMap_CIDFont_Spec.ps (complete CID engineering specification) 5014.CMap_CIDFont_Spec.pdf 5092.CID_Overview.ps (CID technology overview) 5092.CID_Overview.pdf Other related files, most character collection specifications, are available only in PDF format at the latter URL indicated above: 5004.AFM_Spec.pdf (Includes CID-keyed AFM specification) 5078b.pdf (Adobe-Japan1-2 character collection) 5079b.pdf (Adobe-GB1-0 character collection) 5080b.pdf (Adobe-CNS1-0 character collection) 5093b.pdf (Adobe-Korea1-0 character collection) 5094.pdf (Adobe CJK CMap file descriptions) 5097b.pdf (Adobe-Japan2-0 character collection) If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, there is a freely-available Acrobat Reader (for Macintosh, Windows, MS-DOS, and UNIX) at the following URL: ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/Applications/Acrobat/ I have also placed some CJK character collection materials, including prototype Unicode (UCS-2 and UTF-8) CMap files, at the following URL: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/adobe/ A sample (Adobe-Korea1-0) CIDFont is also available at the above URL. There is also a somewhat brief description of CID-keyed fonts at the end of Chapter 6 in UJIP. 7.10: NJWIN Hongbo Data Systems has recently release a ShareWare ($49 USD) product called NJWIN whose purpose is to force the display of CJK text in non-CJK applications running under US Windows 95. Actually, there are two versions: full CJK and Japanese only. NJWIN and its full description are available at the following URL: http://www.njstar.com.au/njstar/njwin.htm Other (popular) URLs that carry NJWIN are as follows: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/windows/ ftp://ftp.cc.monash.edu.au/pub/nihongo/ Hongbo Data Systems' e-mail address is: hongbo@njstar.com.au Their WWW Home Page is at the following URL: http://www.njstar.com.au/ PART 8: CJK PROGRAMMING ISSUES This new section describes issues related to using specific programming languages to process CJK text. 8.1: C AND C++ At one time I used C on a regular basis for my CJK programming needs, and released three tools for others to use: JConv, JChar, and JCode. While these tools are specific to Japanese, they can be easily adapted for CJK use. Their source code is available at the following URL: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/src/ I also provided several C code snippets in Chapter 7 of UJIP. These are available in machine-readable form at the following URL: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/Ch7/ 8.2: PERL Although Perl does not have any special CJK facilities (note that most implementations of C and C++ do not either), it provides a powerful programming environment that is useful for many CJK-related tasks. The noteworthy features of Perl are associative arrays and regular expressions. These are features not found in C or C++, and allow one to write meaningful code in little time. JPerl is an implementation of Perl that provides two-byte support for Japanese (EUC or Shift-JIS encoding). It is not ideal because JPerl scripts often cannot run under (non-Japanese) Perl. If you often write programs for internal use, I suggest that you check out Perl to see if it can offer you something. Chances are that it can. A good place to start looking at Perl are through books on the subject (see Section A.3.1) and at the following URL: http://www.perl.com/ For those who like additional reading, "The Perl Journal" is starting up, and information is at the following URL: http://work.media.mit.edu/the_perl_journal/ 8.3: JAVA I am just starting to learn about the Java programming language (and rightly so since my wife is Javanese!). It seems to have a lot to offer. The most interesting aspects of Java are: o Built-in support for Unicode and UTF-8. o The programmer must write code in the object-oriented paradigm. o Provides a portable way to supply compiled code. o Security features for Internet use. More information on Java are at the following URLs: http://www.gamelan.com/ http://www.javasoft.com/ Oh, Gamelan is the name of Javanese music. Of the books about Java published thus far, the one I consider to be the best is "Java in a Nutshell" by David Flanagan. One programming feature of Perl that I dearly miss in Java are regexes (regular expressions). Luckily, some kind person wrote a regex package for Java based on Perl regexes. Information on this Java regex package is available at the following URL: http://www.win.net/~stevesoft/pat/ A FINAL NOTE I hope that the information presented here will prove useful. I would like to keep the electronic version of this document as up-to-date as possible, and through readers' input, I am able to do so. Many readers will notice that I am very heavy into UNIX and Macintosh (well, I recently got my first PC). If anyone has any information on CJK-capable interfaces for other platforms, please feel free to send it to me, and I will be sure to include it in the next version of CJK.INF. Please include sources for the software or documentation by providing addresses, phone numbers, FTP sites, and so on. Please do not hesitate to ask me further question concerning any subject presented in this document. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my deepest thanks to Kazumasa Utashiro of Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ). He taught to me how to send and receive Japanese text using the 7-bit ISO 2022 codes back in 1989. With his help I was able to write JAPAN.INF, my book, and this document in order to inform others about what he has taught me plus more. Next, I thank all the folks at O'Reilly & Associates for publishing UJIP. Special thanks to Tim O'Reilly for accepting the book proposal, and to Peter Mui for guiding me through the process. I have had nothing but good experiences with "them there fine folks." I got to know Jack Halpern through UJIP, and he subsequently translated it into Japanese. Many thanks to him. I am also grateful to my employer, Adobe Systems, for letting me work on interesting CJK-related projects. I really like what I do here. In particular, I want to thank Dan Mills, my manager, for putting up with me for these past four years. Lastly, I would also like to thank the countless people who provided comments on JAPAN.INF, UJIP, and CJK.INF. I hope that this new document lives up to the spirit of my previous efforts. APPENDIX A: OTHER INFORMATION SOURCES One of the most useful types of information are pointers to other information sources. This appendix provides just that. A.1: USENET NEWSGROUPS AND MAILING LISTS Appendix L of UJIP provided information on a number of mailing lists. This section supplements that appendix with information on other useful mailing lists, and points out which ones in UJIP are relevant to readers of CJK.INF. A.1.1: USENET NEWSGROUPS The following Usenet Newsgroups typically have postings with information relevant to issues discussed in CJK.INF (in alphabetical order): alt.chinese.computing alt.chinese.text (HZ encoding used for Chinese text) alt.chinese.text.big5 (Big Five encoding used for Chinese text) alt.japanese.text (JIS encoding used for Japanese text) chinese.flame (UTF-7) chinese.text.unicode (UTF-8) comp.lang.c comp.lang.c++ comp.lang.java comp.lang.perl.misc comp.software.international comp.std.internat fj.editor.mule (JIS encoding used for Japanese text) fj.kanji (JIS encoding used for Japanese text) fj.net.infosystems.www.browsers (JIS encoding used for Japanese text) fj.news.reader (JIS encoding used for Japanese text) han.comp.hangul han.sys.mac sci.lang.japan (JIS encoding used for Japanese text) If your local news host does not provide a feed of the fj.* newsgroups (shame on them!), or if you do not have access to Usenet News, you can alternatively fetch them from the following URL: ftp://kuso.shef.ac.uk/pub/News/ The subdirectories correspond to the newsgroup name, but with the "dots" being replaced by "slashes." For example, the "fj.binaries.mac" newsgroup is archived in the "fj/binaries/mac" subdirectory. Many thanks to Earl Kinmonth (jp1ek@sunc.shef.uc.uk) for this service. There are some sites that carry full feeds of the fj.* newsgroups, and permit public access (meaning that you can configure your news reader to point to it). The only one I know of thus far is as follows: ume.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp A.1.2: MAILING LISTS The following are mailing lists that should interest readers of this document (some are more active than others). The first line after each entry indicates the address (or addresses) that can be used for subscribing. The second line is the address for posting. o CCNET-L MAILING LIST listserv@uga.uga.edu (or listserv@uga) ccnet-l@uga.uga.edu o China Net Mailing List majordomo@lists.mindspring.com (See http://www.asia-net.com/ or jobs@asia-net.com) o EASUG (East Asian Software Users Group) Mailing List easug-request@guvax.acc.georgetown.edu easug@guvax.acc.georgetown.edu o EBTI-L (Electronic Buddhist Text Initiative) Mailing List ebti-l-request@uxmail.ust.hk ebti-l@uxmail.ust.hk o EFJ (Electronic Frontiers Japan) Mailing List majordomo@lists.twics.com efj@lists.twics.com o Hangul Mailing List (han.comp.hangul newsgroup) majordomo@cair.kaist.ac.kr hangul@cair.kaist.ac.kr o INSOFT-L Mailing List majordomo@trans2.b30.ingr.com insoft-l@trans2.b30 o ISO 10646 Mailing List listproc@listproc.hcf.jhu.edu iso10646@listproc.hcf.jhu.edu o Japan Net Mailing List majordomo@lists.mindspring.com (See http://www.asia-net.com/ or jobs@asia-net.com) o KanjiTalk Mailing List kanjitalk-request@cs15.atr-sw.atr.co.jp (or kanjitalk-request@crl.go.jp) kanjitalk@cs15.atr-sw.atr.co.jp (or kanjitalk@crl.go.jp) o Mac Mailing List (han.sys.mac newsgroup) majordomo@krnic.net mac@krnic.net o Mule Mailing List mule-request@etl.go.jp mule@etl.go.jp or mule-jp@etl.go.jp o NIHONGO Mailing List (sci.lang.japan newsgroup) listserv@mitvma.mit.edu (or listserv@mitvma) nihongo@mitvma.mit.edu o Nihongo-Hiroba Mailing List listproc@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu nihongo-hiroba@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu o Nisus Mailing List listserv@dartmouth.edu nisus@dartmouth.edu o TLUG (Tokyo Linux User's Group) Mailing List majordomo@lists.twics.com tlug@lists.twics.com o Unicode Mailing List unicode-request@unicode.org unicode@unicode.org o WNN User Mailing List wnn-user-request@wnn.astem.or.jp wnn-user-jp@wnn.astem.or.jp o WWW Multilingual Mailing List www-mling-request@square.ntt.jp www-mling@square.ntt.jp If the name of the mailing list is part of the subscription address (such as "easug-request"), the message body should look like this: subscribe Including your name is optional. If username in the subscription address is "listserv" or "majordomo" (these are names of mailing list managing software), the mailing list name must appear after "subscribe" in the message body as follows: subscribe ccnet-l Again, including your name is optional. The following URL has information about Japanese-related mailing lists: gopher://gan1.ncc.go.jp/11/INFO/mail-lists/ A.2: INTERNET RESOURCES The Internet provides what I would consider to be the greatest information resources of all. These can be subcategorized into FTP, Telnet, Gopher, WWW, and e-mail. A.2.1: USEFUL FTP SITES Below are the URLs for useful FTP sites. The directory specified is the recommended place from which to start poking around for useful files. ftp://cair-archive.kaist.ac.kr/pub/hangul/ ftp://etlport.etl.go.jp/pub/mule/ ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/ ftp://ftp.cc.monash.edu.au/pub/nihongo/ ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/ ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/ ftp://ftp.sra.co.jp/pub/ ftp://ftp.uwtc.washington.edu/pub/Japanese/ ftp://kuso.shef.ac.uk/pub/Japanese/ ftp://unicode.org/pub/ This list is expected to grow. A.2.2: USEFUL TELNET SITES For those who have a NIFTY-Serve account, there is now a very convenient way to access NIFTY-Serve using telnet. The URL is as follows: telnet://r2.niftyserve.or.jp/ Information about what NIFTY-Serve has to offer (and how to subscribe) can be found at the following URL: http://www.nifty.co.jp/ Another information service with a similar access mechanism is CompuServe, whose URL is as follows: telnet://compuserve.com/ You will need to press the return key to get the "Host Name:" prompt, at which time you type "cis" (just follow the menus from this point on). You can also do a search on fj.* newsgroup articles at the following URL: telnet://asahi-net.or.jp/ You login as "fj-db" once you are connected. A.2.3: USEFUL GOPHER SITES I am not too much of a Gopher user. There, of course, is the following: gopher://gopher.ora.com/ Another Gopher site provides information on Japanese-related mailing lists: gopher://gan1.ncc.go.jp/11/INFO/mail-lists/ If you happen to know of others, please let me know. A.2.4: USEFUL WWW SITES Because the World-Wide Web is a constantly changing place (and more importantly, because I don't want to re-issue a new version of this document every month!), I will maintain links to useful documents at my WWW Home Page. Its URL is as follows: http://jasper.ora.com/lunde/ If you cannot get to my WWW Home Page, you couldn't get to any that I would list here anyway. A.2.5: USEFUL MAIL SERVERS In the past (that is, in JAPAN.INF) I included a full list of the domains in the "jp" hierarchy. That took up a lot of space, and changes very rapidly. You can now send a request to a mail server in order to return the most current listing. The mail server is: mail-server@nic.ad.jp The most common command is "send," and the following arguments can be supplied to retrieve specific documents (and should be in the message body, not on the "Subject:" line): send help send index send jpnic/domain-list.txt send jpnic/domain-list-e.txt The first sends back a help file, the second sends back a complete index of files that can be retrieved (use this one to see what other useful stuff is available), and the last two send back a complete listing of domains in the "fj" hierarchy (the last one send it back in English/romanized). A.3: OTHER RESOURCES This section provides pointers to specific documentation available electronically or in print. A.3.1: BOOKS There are other useful reference materials available in print or online, in addition to the various national and international standards mentioned throughout this document. The following are books that I recommend for further reading or mental stimulus. (Sorry for plugging my own books in this list, but they are relevant.) o Clews, John. "Language Automation Worldwide: The Development of Character Set Standards." SESAME Computer Projects. 1988. ISBN 1-870095-01-4. o Flanagan, David. "Java in a Nutshell." O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 1996. ISBN 1-56592-183-6. o Frisch, AEleen. "Essential System Administration." Second Edition. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 1995. ISBN 1-56592-127-5. o Huang, Jack & Timothy Huang. "An Introduction to Chinese, Japanese and Korean Computing." World Scientific Computing. 1989. ISBN 9971-50-664-5. o IBM Corporation. "Character Data Representation Architecture - Level 2, Registry." 1993. IBM order number SC09-1391-01. o Kano, Nadine. "Developing International Software for Windows 95 and Windows NT." Microsoft Press. 1995. ISBN 1-55615-840-8. o Kirch, Olaf. "Linux Network Administrator's Guide." O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 1995. ISBN 1-56592-087-2. o Kissell, Joe. "The Nisus Way." MIS:Press. 1996. ISBN 1-55828-455-9. o Krol, Ed. "The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog." Second Edition. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 1994. ISBN 1-56592-063-5. o Liu, Cricket et al. "Managing Internet Information Services." O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 1994. ISBN 1-56592-062-7. o Lunde, Ken. "Understanding Japanese Information Processing." O'Reilly & Associates, Incorporated. 1993. ISBN 1-56592-043-0. LCCN PL524.5.L86 1993. o Lunde, Ken. "Nihongo Joho Shori." SOFTBANK Corporation. 1995. ISBN 4-89052-708-7. o Luong, Tuoc V. et al. "Internationalization: Developing Software for Global Markets." John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. 1995. ISBN 0-471-07661-9. o Schwartz, Randal L. "Learning Perl." O'Reilly & Associates, Incorporated. 1993. ISBN 1-56592-042-2. o Stallman, Richard M. "GNU Emacs Manual." Tenth edition. Free Software Foundation. 1994. ISBN 1-882114-04-3. o Tuthill, Bill. "Solaris International Developer's Guide." SunSoft Press and PTR Prentice Hall. 1993. ISBN 0-13-031063-8. o Unicode Consortium, The. "The Unicode Standard: Worldwide Character Encoding." Version 1.0. Volume 2. Addison-Wesley. 1992. ISBN 0-201-60845-6. o Vromans, Johan. "Perl 5 Desktop Reference." O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 1996. ISBN 1-56592-187-9. o Wall, Larry & Randal L. Schwartz. "Programming Perl." O'Reilly & Associates, Incorporated. 1991. ISBN 0-937175-64-1. o Welsh, Matt & Lar Kaufman. "Running Linux." O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 1995. ISBN 1-56592-100-3. If you want to get your hands on any of the national or international standards mentioned in this document, I suggest the following: o The American National Standards Institute can provide ISO, KS, and JIS standards. Bear in mind that ISO standards will most likely arrive as a photocopy of the original. ANSI 11 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 USA +1-212-642-4900 (phone) +1-212-302-1286 (facsimile) o The International Organization for Standardization can provide ISO standards. ISO 1, rue de Varemb Case postale 56 CH-1211, Geneva 20 SWITZERLAND +41-22-749-01-11 (phone) +41-22-733-34-30 (facsimile) central@isocs.iso.ch (e-mail) http://www.iso.ch/ (WWW) o Chinese (GB and CNS) standards are the hardest to obtain. It is quite unfortunate. A.3.2: MAGAZINES o "Computing Japan," published monthly, ISSN 1340-7228, editors@cj.gol.com. o "MANGAJIN," published 10 times per year, ISSN 1051-8177. o "Multilingual Communications & Computing," published bi-monthly, ISSN 1065-7657, info@multilingual.com. o "The Perl Journal," published quarterly, ISSN 1087-903X, perl-journal-subscriptions@perl.com. A.3.3: JOURNALS o "Chinese Information Processing" (CIP), published bi-monthly, ISSN 1003-9082. (In Chinese.) o "Computer Processing of Chinese & Oriental Languages" (CPCOL), co-published twice a year by World Scientific Publishing and Chinese Language Computer Society (CLCS), ISSN 0715-9048. o "The Electronic Bodhidharma," published by the International Research Institute for Zen (IRIZ) Buddhism, Hanazono University, Japan. More information on the organization that publishes this journal is available at the following URL: http://www.iijnet.or.jp/iriz/irizhtml/irizhome.htm A.3.4: RFCs Many RFCs (Request For Comments) are relevant to this document. They are: o RFC 1341: "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions): Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies," by Nathaniel Borenstein and Ned Freed, June 1992. o RFC 1342: "Representation of Non-ASCII Text in Internet Message Headers," by Keith Moore, June 1992. o RFC 1468: "Japanese Character Encoding for Internet Messages," by Jun Murai et al., June 1993. o RFC 1521: "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies," by Nathaniel Borenstein and Ned Freed, September 1993. Obsoletes RFC 1341. o RFC 1522: "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Two: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text," by Keith Moore, September 1993. Obsoletes RFC 1342. o RFC 1554: "ISO-2022-JP-2: Multilingual Extension of ISO-2022-JP," by Masataka Ohta and Kenichi Handa, December 1993. o RFC 1557: "Korean Character Encoding for Internet Messages," by Uhhyung Choi et al., December 1993. o RFC 1642: "UTF-7: A Mail-Safe Transformation Format of Unicode," by David Goldsmith and Mark Davis, July 1994. o RFC 1815: "Character Sets ISO-10646 and ISO-10646-J-1," by Masataka Ohta, July 1995. o RFC 1842: "ASCII Printable Characters-Based Chinese Character Encoding for Internet Messages," by Ya-Gui Wei et al., August 1995. o RFC 1843: "HZ - A Data Format for Exchanging Files of Arbitrarily Mixed Chinese and ASCII Characters," by Fung Fung Lee, August 1995. o RFC 1922: "Chinese Character Encoding for Internet Messages," by Haifeng Zhu et al., March 1996. These RFCs can be obtained from FTP archives that contain all RFC documents, such as at the following URLs ftp://nic.ddn.mil/rfc/ ftp://ftp.uu.net/inet/rfc/ But these specific ones are mirrored at the following URL for convenience: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/Ch9/ A.3.5: FAQs There are several FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) files that provide useful information. The following is a listing of some along with their URLs: o "Japanese Language Information" FAQ (formerly the "sci.lang.japan" FAQ) by Rafael Santos (santos@mickey.ai.kyutech.ac.jp) at: http://www.mickey.ai.kyutech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/japanese/ Update announcements are usually posted to the sci.lang.japan newsgroup. o "Programming for Internationalization" FAQ by Michael Gschwind (mike@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at) at: ftp://ftp.vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at/pub/8bit/ISO-programming Also posted to the comp.software.international newsgroup. This and other internationalization documents are also accessible through the following URL: http://www.vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at/mike/i18n.html o Three FAQs about Internet Service Providers in Japan by Taki Naruto (tn@panix.com), Jesse Casman (jcasman@unm.edu), and Kenji Yoshida (kenny@mb.tokyo.infoweb.or.jp), respectively, at: http://www.panix.com/~tn/ispj.html http://nobunaga.unm.edu/internet.html http://cswww2.essex.ac.uk/users/whean/japan/net.html o "Internationalization Reference List" by Eugene Dorr (gdorr@pgh.legent.com) at: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/doc/i18n-books.txt Note really a FAQ, but quite useful because it is a very complete listing of I18N-related books. o "INSOFT-L Service" by Brian Tatro (btatro@tatro.com) at: http://iquest.com/~btatro/in2.html This includes a link to the FAQ for the INSOFT-L Mailing List (see Section A.1.2). o "How to Use Japanese on the Internet with a PC: From Login to WWW" by Hideki Hirayama (sgw01623@niftyserve.or.jp) at: ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/faq/jpn-inet.FAQ o "Hangul and Internet in Korea" FAQ by Jungshik Shin (jshin@minerva.cis.yale.edu) at: http://pantheon.cis.yale.edu/~jshin/faq/ --- END (CJK.INF VERSION 2.1 07/12/96) 185553 BYTES ---