proc cat fname { set fname [open $fname r] set data [read $fname] close $fname return $data } proc pkgIndexDir {root fout d1} { puts [format {%*sIndexing %s} [expr {4 * [info level]}] {} \ [file tail $d1]] set idx [string length $root] foreach ftail [glob -directory $d1 -nocomplain -tails *] { set f [file join $d1 $ftail] if {[file isdirectory $f] && [string compare CVS $ftail]} { pkgIndexDir $root $fout $f } elseif {[file tail $f] eq "pkgIndex.tcl"} { puts $fout "set dir \${VFSROOT}[string range $d1 $idx end]" puts $fout [cat $f] } } } ### # Script to build the VFS file system ### proc copyDir {d1 d2} { puts [format {%*sCreating %s} [expr {4 * [info level]}] {} \ [file tail $d2]] file delete -force -- $d2 file mkdir $d2 foreach ftail [glob -directory $d1 -nocomplain -tails *] { set f [file join $d1 $ftail] if {[file isdirectory $f] && [string compare CVS $ftail]} { copyDir $f [file join $d2 $ftail] } elseif {[file isfile $f]} { file copy -force $f [file join $d2 $ftail] if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {unix}} { file attributes [file join $d2 $ftail] -permissions 0644 } else { file attributes [file join $d2 $ftail] -readonly 1 } } } if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {unix}} { file attributes $d2 -permissions 0755 } else { file attributes $d2 -readonly 1 } } if {[llength $argv] < 3} { puts "Usage: VFS_ROOT TCLSRC_ROOT PLATFORM" exit 1 } set TCL_SCRIPT_DIR [lindex $argv 0] set TCLSRC_ROOT [lindex $argv 1] set PLATFORM [lindex $argv 2] set TKDLL [lindex $argv 3] set TKVER [lindex $argv 4] puts "Building [file tail $TCL_SCRIPT_DIR] for $PLATFORM" copyDir ${TCLSRC_ROOT}/library ${TCL_SCRIPT_DIR} if {$PLATFORM == "windows"} { set ddedll [glob -nocomplain ${TCLSRC_ROOT}/win/tcldde*.dll] puts "DDE DLL $ddedll" if {$ddedll != {}} { file copy $ddedll ${TCL_SCRIPT_DIR}/dde } set regdll [glob -nocomplain ${TCLSRC_ROOT}/win/tclreg*.dll] puts "REG DLL $ddedll" if {$regdll != {}} { file copy $regdll ${TCL_SCRIPT_DIR}/reg } } else { # Remove the dde and reg package paths file delete -force ${TCL_SCRIPT_DIR}/dde file delete -force ${TCL_SCRIPT_DIR}/reg } # For the following packages, cat their pkgIndex files to tclIndex file attributes ${TCL_SCRIPT_DIR}/tclIndex -readonly 0 set fout [open ${TCL_SCRIPT_DIR}/tclIndex a] puts $fout {# # MANIFEST OF INCLUDED PACKAGES # set VFSROOT $dir } if {$TKDLL ne {} && [file exists $TKDLL]} { file copy $TKDLL ${TCL_SCRIPT_DIR} puts $fout [list package ifneeded Tk $TKVER "load \$dir $TKDLL"] } pkgIndexDir ${TCL_SCRIPT_DIR} $fout ${TCL_SCRIPT_DIR} close $fout