# tclOOScript.h -- # # This file contains support scripts for TclOO. They are defined here so # that the code can be definitely run even in safe interpreters; TclOO's # core setup is safe. # # Copyright © 2012-2019 Donal K. Fellows # Copyright © 2013 Andreas Kupries # Copyright © 2017 Gerald Lester # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of # this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. ::namespace eval ::oo { ::namespace path {} # # Commands that are made available to objects by default. # namespace eval Helpers { namespace path {} # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # callback, mymethod -- # # Create a script prefix that calls a method on the current # object. Same operation, two names. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ proc callback {method args} { list [uplevel 1 {::namespace which my}] $method {*}$args } # Make the [callback] command appear as [mymethod] too. namespace export callback namespace eval tmp {namespace import ::oo::Helpers::callback} namespace export -clear rename tmp::callback mymethod namespace delete tmp # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # classvariable -- # # Link to a variable in the class of the current object. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ proc classvariable {name args} { # Get a reference to the class's namespace set ns [info object namespace [uplevel 1 {self class}]] # Double up the list of variable names foreach v [list $name {*}$args] { if {[string match *(*) $v]} { set reason "can't create a scalar variable that looks like an array element" return -code error -errorcode {TCL UPVAR LOCAL_ELEMENT} \ [format {bad variable name "%s": %s} $v $reason] } if {[string match *::* $v]} { set reason "can't create a local variable with a namespace separator in it" return -code error -errorcode {TCL UPVAR INVERTED} \ [format {bad variable name "%s": %s} $v $reason] } lappend vs $v $v } # Lastly, link the caller's local variables to the class's variables tailcall namespace upvar $ns {*}$vs } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # link -- # # Make a command that invokes a method on the current object. # The name of the command and the name of the method match by # default. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ proc link {args} { set ns [uplevel 1 {::namespace current}] foreach link $args { if {[llength $link] == 2} { lassign $link src dst } elseif {[llength $link] == 1} { lassign $link src set dst $src } else { return -code error -errorcode {TCL OO CMDLINK_FORMAT} \ "bad link description; must only have one or two elements" } if {![string match ::* $src]} { set src [string cat $ns :: $src] } interp alias {} $src {} ${ns}::my $dst trace add command ${ns}::my delete [list \ ::oo::UnlinkLinkedCommand $src] } return } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # UnlinkLinkedCommand -- # # Callback used to remove linked command when the underlying mechanism # that supports it is deleted. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc UnlinkLinkedCommand {cmd args} { if {[namespace which $cmd] ne {}} { rename $cmd {} } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # DelegateName -- # # Utility that gets the name of the class delegate for a class. It's # trivial, but makes working with them much easier as delegate names are # intentionally hard to create by accident. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc DelegateName {class} { string cat [info object namespace $class] {:: oo ::delegate} } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # MixinClassDelegates -- # # Support code called *after* [oo::define] inside the constructor of a # class that patches in the appropriate class delegates. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc MixinClassDelegates {class} { if {![info object isa class $class]} { return } set delegate [DelegateName $class] if {![info object isa class $delegate]} { return } foreach c [info class superclass $class] { set d [DelegateName $c] if {![info object isa class $d]} { continue } define $delegate ::oo::define::superclass -appendifnew $d } objdefine $class ::oo::objdefine::mixin -appendifnew $delegate } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # UpdateClassDelegatesAfterClone -- # # Support code that is like [MixinClassDelegates] except for when a # class is cloned. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc UpdateClassDelegatesAfterClone {originObject targetObject} { # Rebuild the class inheritance delegation class set originDelegate [DelegateName $originObject] set targetDelegate [DelegateName $targetObject] if { [info object isa class $originDelegate] && ![info object isa class $targetDelegate] } then { copy $originDelegate $targetDelegate objdefine $targetObject ::oo::objdefine::mixin -set \ {*}[lmap c [info object mixin $targetObject] { if {$c eq $originDelegate} {set targetDelegate} {set c} }] } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # oo::define::classmethod -- # # Defines a class method. See define(n) for details. # # Note that the ::oo::define namespace is semi-public and a bit weird # anyway, so we don't regard the namespace path as being under control: # fully qualified names are used for everything. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc define::classmethod {name args} { # Create the method on the class if the caller gave arguments and body ::set argc [::llength [::info level 0]] ::if {$argc == 3} { ::return -code error -errorcode {TCL WRONGARGS} [::format \ {wrong # args: should be "%s name ?args body?"} \ [::lindex [::info level 0] 0]] } ::set cls [::uplevel 1 self] ::if {$argc == 4} { ::oo::define [::oo::DelegateName $cls] method $name {*}$args } # Make the connection by forwarding ::tailcall forward $name myclass $name } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # oo::define::initialise, oo::define::initialize -- # # Do specific initialisation for a class. See define(n) for details. # # Note that the ::oo::define namespace is semi-public and a bit weird # anyway, so we don't regard the namespace path as being under control: # fully qualified names are used for everything. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc define::initialise {body} { ::set clsns [::info object namespace [::uplevel 1 self]] ::tailcall apply [::list {} $body $clsns] } # Make the [initialise] definition appear as [initialize] too namespace eval define { ::namespace export initialise ::namespace eval tmp {::namespace import ::oo::define::initialise} ::namespace export -clear ::rename tmp::initialise initialize ::namespace delete tmp } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Slot -- # # The class of slot operations, which are basically lists at the low # level of TclOO; this provides a more consistent interface to them. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- define Slot { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Slot Get -- # # Basic slot getter. Retrieves the contents of the slot. # Particular slots must provide concrete non-erroring # implementation. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ method Get -unexport {} { return -code error -errorcode {TCL OO ABSTRACT_SLOT} "unimplemented" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Slot Set -- # # Basic slot setter. Sets the contents of the slot. Particular # slots must provide concrete non-erroring implementation. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ method Set -unexport list { return -code error -errorcode {TCL OO ABSTRACT_SLOT} "unimplemented" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Slot Resolve -- # # Helper that lets a slot convert a list of arguments of a # particular type to their canonical forms. Defaults to doing # nothing (suitable for simple strings). # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ method Resolve -unexport list { return $list } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Slot -set, -append, -clear, --default-operation -- # # Standard public slot operations. If a slot can't figure out # what method to call directly, it uses --default-operation. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ method -set -export args { set my [namespace which my] set args [lmap a $args {uplevel 1 [list $my Resolve $a]}] tailcall my Set $args } method -append -export args { set my [namespace which my] set args [lmap a $args {uplevel 1 [list $my Resolve $a]}] set current [uplevel 1 [list $my Get]] tailcall my Set [list {*}$current {*}$args] } method -appendifnew -export args { set my [namespace which my] set current [uplevel 1 [list $my Get]] foreach a $args { set a [uplevel 1 [list $my Resolve $a]] if {$a ni $current} { lappend current $a } } tailcall my Set $current } method -clear -export {} {tailcall my Set {}} method -prepend -export args { set my [namespace which my] set args [lmap a $args {uplevel 1 [list $my Resolve $a]}] set current [uplevel 1 [list $my Get]] tailcall my Set [list {*}$args {*}$current] } method -remove -export args { set my [namespace which my] set args [lmap a $args {uplevel 1 [list $my Resolve $a]}] set current [uplevel 1 [list $my Get]] tailcall my Set [lmap val $current { if {$val in $args} continue else {set val} }] } # Default handling forward --default-operation my -append method unknown -unexport {args} { set def --default-operation if {[llength $args] == 0} { tailcall my $def } elseif {![string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} { tailcall my $def {*}$args } next {*}$args } # Hide destroy unexport destroy } # Set the default operation differently for these slots objdefine define::superclass forward --default-operation my -set objdefine define::mixin forward --default-operation my -set objdefine objdefine::mixin forward --default-operation my -set # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # oo::object -- # # Handler for cloning objects that clones basic bits (only!) of the # object's namespace. Non-procedures, traces, sub-namespaces, etc. need # more complex (and class-specific) handling. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- define object method -unexport {originObject} { # Copy over the procedures from the original namespace foreach p [info procs [info object namespace $originObject]::*] { set args [info args $p] set idx -1 foreach a $args { if {[info default $p $a d]} { lset args [incr idx] [list $a $d] } else { lset args [incr idx] [list $a] } } set b [info body $p] set p [namespace tail $p] proc $p $args $b } # Copy over the variables from the original namespace foreach v [info vars [info object namespace $originObject]::*] { upvar 0 $v vOrigin namespace upvar [namespace current] [namespace tail $v] vNew if {[info exists vOrigin]} { if {[array exists vOrigin]} { array set vNew [array get vOrigin] } else { set vNew $vOrigin } } } # General commands, sub-namespaces and advancd variable config (traces, # etc) are *not* copied over. Classes that want that should do it # themselves. } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # oo::class -- # # Handler for cloning classes, which fixes up the delegates. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- define class method -unexport {originObject} { next $originObject # Rebuild the class inheritance delegation class ::oo::UpdateClassDelegatesAfterClone $originObject [self] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # oo::singleton -- # # A metaclass that is used to make classes that only permit one instance # of them to exist. See singleton(n). # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- class create singleton { superclass class variable object unexport create createWithNamespace method new args { if {![info exists object] || ![info object isa object $object]} { set object [next {*}$args] ::oo::objdefine $object { method destroy {} { ::return -code error -errorcode {TCL OO SINGLETON} \ "may not destroy a singleton object" } method -unexport {originObject} { ::return -code error -errorcode {TCL OO SINGLETON} \ "may not clone a singleton object" } } } return $object } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # oo::abstract -- # # A metaclass that is used to make classes that can't be directly # instantiated. See abstract(n). # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- class create abstract { superclass class unexport create createWithNamespace new } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # oo::configuresupport -- # # Namespace that holds all the implementation details of TIP #558. # Also includes the commands: # # * readableproperties # * writableproperties # * objreadableproperties # * objwritableproperties # # Those are all slot implementations that provide access to the C layer # of property support (i.e., very fast cached lookup of property names). # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ::namespace eval configuresupport { namespace path ::tcl # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # oo::configuresupport -- # # A metaclass that is used to make classes that can be configured. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ proc PropertyImpl {readslot writeslot args} { for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $args]} {incr i} { # Parse the property name set prop [lindex $args $i] if {[string match "-*" $prop]} { return -code error -level 2 \ -errorcode {TCL OO PROPERTY_FORMAT} \ "bad property name \"$prop\": must not begin with -" } if {$prop ne [list $prop]} { return -code error -level 2 \ -errorcode {TCL OO PROPERTY_FORMAT} \ "bad property name \"$prop\": must be a simple word" } if {[string first "::" $prop] != -1} { return -code error -level 2 \ -errorcode {TCL OO PROPERTY_FORMAT} \ "bad property name \"$prop\": must not contain namespace separators" } if {[string match {*[()]*} $prop]} { return -code error -level 2 \ -errorcode {TCL OO PROPERTY_FORMAT} \ "bad property name \"$prop\": must not contain parentheses" } set realprop [string cat "-" $prop] set getter [format {::set [my varname %s]} $prop] set setter [format {::set [my varname %s] $value} $prop] set kind readwrite # Parse the extra options while {[set next [lindex $args [expr {$i + 1}]] string match "-*" $next]} { set arg [lindex $args [incr i 2]] switch [prefix match -error [list -level 2 -errorcode \ [list TCL LOOKUP INDEX option $next]] {-get -kind -set} $next] { -get { if {$i >= [llength $args]} { return -code error -level 2 \ -errorcode {TCL WRONGARGS} \ "missing body to go with -get option" } set getter $arg } -set { if {$i >= [llength $args]} { return -code error -level 2 \ -errorcode {TCL WRONGARGS} \ "missing body to go with -set option" } set setter $arg } -kind { if {$i >= [llength $args]} { return -code error -level 2\ -errorcode {TCL WRONGARGS} \ "missing kind value to go with -kind option" } set kind [prefix match -message "kind" -error [list \ -level 2 \ -errorcode [list TCL LOOKUP INDEX kind $arg]] { readable readwrite writable } $arg] } } } # Install the option set reader set writer switch $kind { readable { uplevel 2 [list $readslot -append $realprop] uplevel 2 [list $writeslot -remove $realprop] uplevel 2 [list method $reader -unexport {} $getter] } writable { uplevel 2 [list $readslot -remove $realprop] uplevel 2 [list $writeslot -append $realprop] uplevel 2 [list method $writer -unexport {value} $setter] } readwrite { uplevel 2 [list $readslot -append $realprop] uplevel 2 [list $writeslot -append $realprop] uplevel 2 [list method $reader -unexport {} $getter] uplevel 2 [list method $writer -unexport {value} $setter] } } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # oo::configuresupport::configurableclass, # oo::configuresupport::configurableobject -- # # Namespaces used as implementation vectors for oo::define and # oo::objdefine when the class/instance is configurable. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace eval configurableclass { ::proc property args { ::oo::configuresupport::PropertyImpl \ ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties \ ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties {*}$args } # Plural alias just in case; deliberately NOT documented! ::proc properties args {::tailcall property {*}$args} ::namespace path ::oo::define ::namespace export property } namespace eval configurableobject { ::proc property args { ::oo::configuresupport::PropertyImpl \ ::oo::configuresupport::objreadableproperties \ ::oo::configuresupport::objwritableproperties {*}$args } # Plural alias just in case; deliberately NOT documented! ::proc properties args {::tailcall property {*}$args} ::namespace path ::oo::objdefine ::namespace export property } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # oo::configuresupport::ReadAll -- # # The implementation of [$o configure] with no extra arguments. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ proc ReadAll {object my} { set result {} foreach prop [info object properties $object -all -readable] { try { dict set result $prop [$my ] } on error {msg opt} { dict set opt -level 2 return -options $opt $msg } on return {msg opt} { dict incr opt -level 2 return -options $opt $msg } on break {} { return -code error -level 2 -errorcode {TCL OO SHENANIGANS} \ "property getter for $prop did a break" } on continue {} { return -code error -level 2 -errorcode {TCL OO SHENANIGANS} \ "property getter for $prop did a continue" } } return $result } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # oo::configuresupport::ReadOne -- # # The implementation of [$o configure -prop] with that single # extra argument. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ proc ReadOne {object my propertyName} { set props [info object properties $object -all -readable] try { set prop [prefix match -message "property" $props $propertyName] } on error {msg} { catch { set wps [info object properties $object -all -writable] set wprop [prefix match $wps $propertyName] set msg "property \"$wprop\" is write only" } return -code error -level 2 -errorcode [list \ TCL LOOKUP INDEX property $propertyName] $msg } try { set value [$my ] } on error {msg opt} { dict set opt -level 2 return -options $opt $msg } on return {msg opt} { dict incr opt -level 2 return -options $opt $msg } on break {} { return -code error -level 2 -errorcode {TCL OO SHENANIGANS} \ "property getter for $prop did a break" } on continue {} { return -code error -level 2 -errorcode {TCL OO SHENANIGANS} \ "property getter for $prop did a continue" } return $value } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # oo::configuresupport::WriteMany -- # # The implementation of [$o configure -prop val ?-prop val...?]. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ proc WriteMany {object my setterMap} { set props [info object properties $object -all -writable] foreach {prop value} $setterMap { try { set prop [prefix match -message "property" $props $prop] } on error {msg} { catch { set rps [info object properties $object -all -readable] set rprop [prefix match $rps $prop] set msg "property \"$rprop\" is read only" } return -code error -level 2 -errorcode [list \ TCL LOOKUP INDEX property $prop] $msg } try { $my $value } on error {msg opt} { dict set opt -level 2 return -options $opt $msg } on return {msg opt} { dict incr opt -level 2 return -options $opt $msg } on break {} { return -code error -level 2 -errorcode {TCL OO SHENANIGANS} \ "property setter for $prop did a break" } on continue {} { return -code error -level 2 -errorcode {TCL OO SHENANIGANS} \ "property setter for $prop did a continue" } } return } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # oo::configuresupport::configurable -- # # The class that contains the implementation of the actual # 'configure' method (mixed into actually configurable classes). # Great care needs to be taken in these methods as they are # potentially used in classes where the current namespace is set # up very strangely. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ ::oo::class create configurable { private variable my # # configure -- # Method for providing client access to the property mechanism. # Has a user-facing API similar to that of [chan configure]. # method configure -export args { ::if {![::info exists my]} { ::set my [::namespace which my] } ::if {[::llength $args] == 0} { # Read all properties ::oo::configuresupport::ReadAll [self] $my } elseif {[::llength $args] == 1} { # Read a single property ::oo::configuresupport::ReadOne [self] $my \ [::lindex $args 0] } elseif {[::llength $args] % 2 == 0} { # Set properties, one or several ::oo::configuresupport::WriteMany [self] $my $args } else { # Invalid call ::return -code error -errorcode {TCL WRONGARGS} \ [::format {wrong # args: should be "%s"} \ "[self] configure ?-option value ...?"] } } definitionnamespace -instance configurableobject definitionnamespace -class configurableclass } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # oo::configurable -- # # A metaclass that is used to make classes that can be configured in # their creation phase (and later too). All the metaclass itself does is # arrange for the class created to have a 'configure' method and for # oo::define and oo::objdefine (on the class and its instances) to have # a property definition for setting things up for 'configure'. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- class create configurable { superclass class constructor {{definitionScript ""}} { next {mixin ::oo::configuresupport::configurable} next $definitionScript } definitionnamespace -class configuresupport::configurableclass } } # Local Variables: # mode: tcl # c-basic-offset: 4 # fill-column: 78 # End: