## ## Utility functions for Man->HTML converter. Note that these ## functions are specifically intended to work with the format as used ## by Tcl and Tk; they do not cope with arbitrary nroff markup. ## ## Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Roger E. Critchlow Jr ## Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Donal K. Fellows set ::manual(report-level) 1 proc manerror {msg} { global manual set name {} set subj {} set procname [lindex [info level -1] 0] if {[info exists manual(name)]} { set name $manual(name) } if {[info exists manual(section)] && [string length $manual(section)]} { puts stderr "$name: $manual(section): $procname: $msg" } else { puts stderr "$name: $procname: $msg" } } proc manreport {level msg} { global manual if {$level < $manual(report-level)} { uplevel 1 [list manerror $msg] } } proc fatal {msg} { global manual uplevel 1 [list manerror $msg] exit 1 } ## ## templating ## proc indexfile {} { if {[info exists ::TARGET] && $::TARGET eq "devsite"} { return "index.tml" } else { return "contents.htm" } } proc copyright {copyright {level {}}} { # We don't actually generate a separate copyright page anymore #set page "${level}copyright.htm" #return "<A HREF=\"$page\">Copyright</A> © [htmlize-text [lrange $copyright 2 end]]" # obfuscate any email addresses that may appear in name set who [string map {@ (at)} [lrange $copyright 2 end]] return "Copyright © [htmlize-text $who]" } proc copyout {copyrights {level {}}} { set count 0 set out "<div class=\"copy\">" foreach c $copyrights { if {$count > 0} { append out <BR> } append out "[copyright $c $level]\n" incr count } append out "</div>" return $out } proc CSS {{level ""}} { return "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"${level}$::CSSFILE\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\">\n" } proc DOCTYPE {} { return "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">" } proc htmlhead {title header args} { set level "" if {[lindex $args end] eq "../[indexfile]"} { # XXX hack - assume same level for CSS file set level "../" } set out "[DOCTYPE]\n<HTML>\n<HEAD><TITLE>$title</TITLE>\n[CSS $level]</HEAD>\n" foreach {uptitle url} $args { set header "<a href=\"$url\">$uptitle</a> <small>></small> $header" } append out "<BODY><H2>$header</H2>" global manual if {[info exists manual(subheader)]} { set subs {} foreach {name subdir} $manual(subheader) { if {$name eq $title} { lappend subs $name } else { lappend subs "<A HREF=\"${level}$subdir/[indexfile]\">$name</A>" } } append out "\n<H3>[join $subs { | }]</H3>" } return $out } ## ## parsing ## proc unquote arg { return [string map [list \" {}] $arg] } proc parse-directive {line codename restname} { upvar 1 $codename code $restname rest return [regexp {^(\.[.a-zA-Z0-9]*) *(.*)} $line all code rest] } proc htmlize-text {text {charmap {}}} { # contains some extras for use in nroff->html processing # build on the list passed in, if any lappend charmap \ "–" "–" \ {&} {&} \ {\\} "\" \ {\e} "\" \ {\ } { } \ {\|} { } \ {\0} { } \ \" {"} \ {<} {<} \ {>} {>} \ \u201c "“" \ \u201d "”" return [string map $charmap $text] } proc process-text {text} { global manual # preprocess text; note that this is an incomplete map, and will probably # need to have things added to it as the manuals expand to use them. set charmap [list \ {\&} "\t" \ {\%} {} \ "\\\n" "\n" \ {\(r!} "¡" \ {\(ct} "¢" \ {\(Po} "£" \ {\(Cs} "¤" \ {\(Ye} "¥" \ {\(bb} "¦" \ {\(sc} "§" \ {\(ad} "¨" \ {\(co} "©" \ {\(Of} "ª" \ {\(Fo} "«" \ {\(no} "¬" \ {\(rg} "®" \ {\(a-} "¯" \ {\(de} "°" \ {\(+-} "±" \ {\(S2} "²" \ {\(S3} "³" \ {\(aa} "´" \ {\(mc} "µ" \ {\(ps} "¶" \ {\(pc} "·" \ {\(ac} "¸" \ {\(S1} "¹" \ {\(Om} "º" \ {\(Fc} "»" \ {\(14} "¼" \ {\(12} "½" \ {\(34} "¾" \ {\(r?} "¿" \ {\(AE} "Æ" \ {\(-D} "Ð" \ {\(mu} "×" \ {\(TP} "Þ" \ {\(ss} "ß" \ {\(ae} "æ" \ {\(Sd} "ð" \ {\(di} "÷" \ {\(Tp} "þ" \ {\(em} "—" \ {\(en} "–" \ {\(fm} "′" \ {\(mi} "−" \ {\(.i} "ı" \ {\(.j} "ȷ" \ {\(Fn} "ƒ" \ {\(OE} "Œ" \ {\(oe} "œ" \ {\(IJ} "IJ" \ {\(ij} "ij" \ {\(<-} "<font size=\"+1\">←</font>" \ {\(->} "<font size=\"+1\">→</font>" \ {\(eu} "€" \ {\fP} {\fR} \ {\.} . \ {\(bu} "•" \ {\*(qo} "ô" \ ] # This might make a few invalid mappings, but we don't use them foreach c {a c e g i l n o s t u y z A C E G I L N O S T U Y Z} { foreach {prefix suffix} { o ring / slash : uml ' acute ^ circ ` grave ~ tilde , cedil v caron } { lappend charmap "\\\[${prefix}${c}\]" "&${c}${suffix};" lappend charmap "\\(${prefix}${c}" "&${c}${suffix};" } } lappend charmap {\-\|\-} -- ; # two hyphens lappend charmap {\-} - ; # a hyphen set text [htmlize-text $text $charmap] # General quoted entity regsub -all {\\N'(\d+)'} $text "\\&#\\1;" text while {[string first "\\" $text] >= 0} { # C R if {[regsub {^([^\\]*)\\fC([^\\]*)\\fR(.*)$} $text \ {\1<TT>\2</TT>\3} text]} continue # B R if {[regsub {^([^\\]*)\\fB([^\\]*)\\fR(.*)$} $text \ {\1<B>\2</B>\3} text]} continue # B I if {[regsub {^([^\\]*)\\fB([^\\]*)\\fI(.*)$} $text \ {\1<B>\2</B>\\fI\3} text]} continue # I R if {[regsub {^([^\\]*)\\fI([^\\]*)\\fR(.*)$} $text \ {\1<I>\2</I>\3} text]} continue # I B if {[regsub {^([^\\]*)\\fI([^\\]*)\\fB(.*)$} $text \ {\1<I>\2</I>\\fB\3} text]} continue # B B, I I, R R if { [regsub {^([^\\]*)\\fB([^\\]*)\\fB(.*)$} $text \ {\1\\fB\2\3} ntext] || [regsub {^([^\\]*)\\fI([^\\]*)\\fI(.*)$} $text \ {\1\\fI\2\3} ntext] || [regsub {^([^\\]*)\\fR([^\\]*)\\fR(.*)$} $text \ {\1\\fR\2\3} ntext] } { manerror "impotent font change: $text" set text $ntext continue } # unrecognized manerror "uncaught backslash: $text" set text [string map [list "\\" "\"] $text] } return $text } ## ## pass 2 text input and matching ## proc open-text {} { global manual set manual(text-length) [llength $manual(text)] set manual(text-pointer) 0 } proc more-text {} { global manual return [expr {$manual(text-pointer) < $manual(text-length)}] } proc next-text {} { global manual if {[more-text]} { set text [lindex $manual(text) $manual(text-pointer)] incr manual(text-pointer) return $text } manerror "read past end of text" error "fatal" } proc is-a-directive {line} { return [string match .* $line] } proc split-directive {line opname restname} { upvar 1 $opname op $restname rest set op [string range $line 0 2] set rest [string trim [string range $line 3 end]] } proc next-op-is {op restname} { global manual upvar 1 $restname rest if {[more-text]} { set text [lindex $manual(text) $manual(text-pointer)] if {[string equal -length 3 $text $op]} { set rest [string range $text 4 end] incr manual(text-pointer) return 1 } } return 0 } proc backup-text {n} { global manual if {$manual(text-pointer)-$n >= 0} { incr manual(text-pointer) -$n } } proc match-text args { global manual set nargs [llength $args] if {$manual(text-pointer) + $nargs > $manual(text-length)} { return 0 } set nback 0 foreach arg $args { if {![more-text]} { backup-text $nback return 0 } set arg [string trim $arg] set targ [string trim [lindex $manual(text) $manual(text-pointer)]] if {$arg eq $targ} { incr nback incr manual(text-pointer) continue } if {[regexp {^@(\w+)$} $arg all name]} { upvar 1 $name var set var $targ incr nback incr manual(text-pointer) continue } if {[regexp -nocase {^(\.[A-Z][A-Z])@(\w+)$} $arg all op name]\ && [string equal $op [lindex $targ 0]]} { upvar 1 $name var set var [lrange $targ 1 end] incr nback incr manual(text-pointer) continue } backup-text $nback return 0 } return 1 } proc expand-next-text {n} { global manual return [join [lrange $manual(text) $manual(text-pointer) \ [expr {$manual(text-pointer)+$n-1}]] \n\n] } ## ## pass 2 output ## proc man-puts {text} { global manual lappend manual(output-$manual(wing-file)-$manual(name)) $text } ## ## build hypertext links to tables of contents ## proc long-toc {text} { global manual set here M[incr manual(section-toc-n)] set manual($manual(name)-id-$text) $here set there L[incr manual(long-toc-n)] lappend manual(section-toc) \ "<DD><A HREF=\"$manual(name).htm#$here\" NAME=\"$there\">$text</A>" return "<A NAME=\"$here\">$text</A>" } proc option-toc {name class switch} { global manual # Special case handling, oh we hate it but must do it if {[string match "*OPTIONS" $manual(section)]} { if {$manual(name) ne "ttk_widget" && ($manual(name) ne "ttk_entry" || ![string match validate* $name])} { # link the defined option into the long table of contents set link [long-toc "$switch, $name, $class"] regsub -- "$switch, $name, $class" $link "$switch" link return $link } } elseif {"$manual(name):$manual(section)" ne "options:DESCRIPTION"} { error "option-toc in $manual(name) section $manual(section)" } # link the defined standard option to the long table of contents and make # a target for the standard option references from other man pages. set first [lindex $switch 0] set here M$first set there L[incr manual(long-toc-n)] set manual(standard-option-$manual(name)-$first) \ "<A HREF=\"$manual(name).htm#$here\">$switch, $name, $class</A>" lappend manual(section-toc) \ "<DD><A HREF=\"$manual(name).htm#$here\" NAME=\"$there\">$switch, $name, $class</A>" return "<A NAME=\"$here\">$switch</A>" } proc std-option-toc {name page} { global manual if {[info exists manual(standard-option-$page-$name)]} { lappend manual(section-toc) <DD>$manual(standard-option-$page-$name) return $manual(standard-option-$page-$name) } manerror "missing reference to \"$name\" in $page.n" set here M[incr manual(section-toc-n)] set there L[incr manual(long-toc-n)] set other M$name lappend manual(section-toc) "<DD><A HREF=\"$page.htm#$other\">$name</A>" return "<A HREF=\"$page.htm#$other\">$name</A>" } ## ## process the widget option section ## in widget and options man pages ## proc output-widget-options {rest} { global manual man-puts <DL> lappend manual(section-toc) <DL> backup-text 1 set para {} while {[next-op-is .OP rest]} { switch -exact -- [llength $rest] { 3 { lassign $rest switch name class } 5 { set switch [lrange $rest 0 2] set name [lindex $rest 3] set class [lindex $rest 4] } default { fatal "bad .OP $rest" } } if {![regexp {^(<.>)([-\w ]+)(</.>)$} $switch \ all oswitch switch cswitch]} { if {![regexp {^(<.>)([-\w ]+) or ([-\w ]+)(</.>)$} $switch \ all oswitch switch1 switch2 cswitch]} { error "not Switch: $switch" } set switch "$switch1$cswitch or $oswitch$switch2" } if {![regexp {^(<.>)([\w]*)(</.>)$} $name all oname name cname]} { error "not Name: $name" } if {![regexp {^(<.>)([\w]*)(</.>)$} $class all oclass class cclass]} { error "not Class: $class" } man-puts "$para<DT>Command-Line Name: $oswitch[option-toc $name $class $switch]$cswitch" man-puts "<DT>Database Name: $oname$name$cname" man-puts "<DT>Database Class: $oclass$class$cclass" man-puts <DD>[next-text] set para <P> if {[next-op-is .RS rest]} { while {[more-text]} { set line [next-text] if {[is-a-directive $line]} { split-directive $line code rest switch -exact -- $code { .RE { break } .SH - .SS { manerror "unbalanced .RS at section end" backup-text 1 break } default { output-directive $line } } } else { man-puts $line } } } } man-puts </DL> lappend manual(section-toc) </DL> } ## ## process .RS lists ## proc output-RS-list {} { global manual if {[next-op-is .IP rest]} { output-IP-list .RS .IP $rest if {[match-text .RE .sp .RS @rest .IP @rest2]} { man-puts <P>$rest output-IP-list .RS .IP $rest2 } if {[match-text .RE .sp .RS @rest .RE]} { man-puts <P>$rest return } if {[next-op-is .RE rest]} { return } } man-puts <DL><DD> while {[more-text]} { set line [next-text] if {[is-a-directive $line]} { split-directive $line code rest switch -exact -- $code { .RE { break } .SH - .SS { manerror "unbalanced .RS at section end" backup-text 1 break } default { output-directive $line } } } else { man-puts $line } } man-puts </DL> } ## ## process .IP lists which may be plain indents, ## numeric lists, or definition lists ## proc output-IP-list {context code rest} { global manual if {![string length $rest]} { # blank label, plain indent, no contents entry man-puts <DL><DD> while {[more-text]} { set line [next-text] if {[is-a-directive $line]} { split-directive $line code rest if {$code eq ".IP" && $rest eq {}} { man-puts "<P>" continue } if {$code in {.br .DS .RS}} { output-directive $line } else { backup-text 1 break } } else { man-puts $line } } man-puts </DL> } else { # labelled list, make contents if {$context ne ".SH" && $context ne ".SS"} { man-puts <P> } set dl "<DL class=\"[string tolower $manual(section)]\">" set enddl "</DL>" if {$code eq ".IP"} { if {[regexp {^\[[\da-f]+\]|\(?[\da-f]+\)$} $rest]} { set dl "<OL class=\"[string tolower $manual(section)]\">" set enddl "</OL>" } elseif {"•" eq $rest} { set dl "<UL class=\"[string tolower $manual(section)]\">" set enddl "</UL>" } } man-puts $dl lappend manual(section-toc) $dl backup-text 1 set accept_RE 0 set para {} while {[more-text]} { set line [next-text] if {[is-a-directive $line]} { split-directive $line code rest switch -exact -- $code { .IP { if {$accept_RE} { output-IP-list .IP $code $rest continue } if {$manual(section) eq "ARGUMENTS"} { man-puts "$para<DT>$rest<DD>" } elseif {[regexp {^\[([\da-f]+)\]$} $rest -> value]} { man-puts "$para<LI value=\"$value\">" } elseif {[regexp {^\(?([\da-f]+)\)$} $rest -> value]} { man-puts "$para<LI value=\"$value\">" } elseif {"•" eq $rest} { man-puts "$para<LI>" } else { man-puts "$para<DT>[long-toc $rest]<DD>" } } .sp - .br - .DS - .CS { output-directive $line } .RS { if {[match-text .RS]} { output-directive $line incr accept_RE 1 } elseif {[match-text .CS]} { output-directive .CS incr accept_RE 1 } elseif {[match-text .PP]} { output-directive .PP incr accept_RE 1 } elseif {[match-text .DS]} { output-directive .DS incr accept_RE 1 } else { output-directive $line } } .PP { if {[match-text @rest1 .br @rest2 .RS]} { # yet another nroff kludge as above man-puts "$para<DT>[long-toc $rest1]" man-puts "<DT>[long-toc $rest2]<DD>" incr accept_RE 1 } elseif {[match-text @rest .RE]} { # gad, this is getting ridiculous if {!$accept_RE} { man-puts "$enddl<P>$rest$dl" backup-text 1 set para {} break } man-puts "<P>$rest" incr accept_RE -1 } elseif {$accept_RE} { output-directive $line } else { backup-text 1 break } } .RE { if {!$accept_RE} { backup-text 1 break } incr accept_RE -1 } default { backup-text 1 break } } } else { man-puts $line } set para <P> } man-puts "$para$enddl" lappend manual(section-toc) $enddl if {$accept_RE} { manerror "missing .RE in output-IP-list" } } } ## ## handle the NAME section lines ## there's only one line in the NAME section, ## consisting of a comma separated list of names, ## followed by a hyphen and a short description. ## proc output-name {line} { global manual # split name line into pieces regexp {^([^-]+) - (.*)$} [regsub -all {[ \n\r\t]+} $line " "] -> head tail # output line to manual page untouched man-puts "$head — $tail" # output line to long table of contents lappend manual(section-toc) "<DL><DD>$head — $tail</DD></DL>" # separate out the names for future reference foreach name [split $head ,] { set name [string trim $name] if {[llength $name] > 1} { manerror "name has a space: {$name}\nfrom: $line" } lappend manual(wing-toc) $name lappend manual(name-$name) $manual(wing-file)/$manual(name) } set manual(tooltip-$manual(wing-file)/$manual(name).htm) $line } ## ## build a cross-reference link if appropriate ## proc cross-reference {ref} { global manual remap_link_target global ensemble_commands exclude_refs_map exclude_when_followed_by_map set manname $manual(name) set mantail $manual(tail) if {[string match "Tcl_*" $ref] || [string match "Tk_*" $ref] || [string match "Ttk_*" $ref] || [string match "Itcl_*" $ref] || [string match "Tdbc_*" $ref]} { regexp {^\w+} $ref lref ## ## apply a link remapping if available ## if {[info exists remap_link_target($lref)]} { set lref $remap_link_target($lref) } } elseif {$ref eq "Tcl"} { set lref $ref } elseif { [regexp {^[A-Z0-9 ?!]+$} $ref] && [info exists manual($manname-id-$ref)] } { return "<A HREF=\"#$manual($manname-id-$ref)\">$ref</A>" } else { set lref [string tolower $ref] ## ## apply a link remapping if available ## if {[info exists remap_link_target($lref)]} { set lref $remap_link_target($lref) } } ## ## nothing to reference ## if {![info exists manual(name-$lref)]} { foreach name $ensemble_commands { if { [regexp "^$name \[a-z0-9]*\$" $lref] && [info exists manual(name-$name)] && $mantail ne "$name.n" && (![info exists exclude_refs_map($mantail)] || $manual(name-$name) ni $exclude_refs_map($mantail)) } { return "<A HREF=\"../$manual(name-$name).htm\">$ref</A>" } } if {$lref in {end}} { # no good place to send this tcl token? } return $ref } set manref $manual(name-$lref) ## ## would be a self reference ## foreach name $manref { if {"$manual(wing-file)/$manname" in $name} { return $ref } } ## ## multiple choices for reference ## if {[llength $manref] > 1} { set tcl_i [lsearch -glob $manref *TclCmd*] if {$tcl_i >= 0 && $manual(wing-file) eq "TclCmd" || $manual(wing-file) eq "TclLib"} { set tcl_ref [lindex $manref $tcl_i] return "<A HREF=\"../$tcl_ref.htm\">$ref</A>" } set tk_i [lsearch -glob $manref *TkCmd*] if {$tk_i >= 0 && $manual(wing-file) eq "TkCmd" || $manual(wing-file) eq "TkLib"} { set tk_ref [lindex $manref $tk_i] return "<A HREF=\"../$tk_ref.htm\">$ref</A>" } if {$lref eq "exit" && $mantail eq "tclsh.1" && $tcl_i >= 0} { set tcl_ref [lindex $manref $tcl_i] return "<A HREF=\"../$tcl_ref.htm\">$ref</A>" } puts stderr "multiple cross reference to $ref in $manref from $manual(wing-file)/$mantail" return $ref } ## ## exceptions, sigh, to the rule ## if {[info exists exclude_when_followed_by_map($mantail)]} { upvar 1 text tail set following_word [lindex [regexp -inline {\S+} $tail] 0] foreach {this that} $exclude_when_followed_by_map($mantail) { # only a ref if $this is not followed by $that if {$lref eq $this && [string match $that* $following_word]} { return $ref } } } if { [info exists exclude_refs_map($mantail)] && $lref in $exclude_refs_map($mantail) } { return $ref } ## ## return the cross reference ## return "<A HREF=\"../$manref.htm\">$ref</A>" } ## ## reference generation errors ## proc reference-error {msg text} { global manual puts stderr "$manual(tail): $msg: {$text}" return $text } ## ## insert as many cross references into this text string as are appropriate ## proc insert-cross-references {text} { global manual set result "" while 1 { ## ## we identify cross references by: ## ``quotation'' ## <B>emboldening</B> ## Tcl_ prefix ## Tk_ prefix ## [a-zA-Z0-9]+ manual entry ## and we avoid messing with already anchored text ## ## ## find where each item lives - EXPENSIVE - and accumulate a list ## unset -nocomplain offsets foreach {name pattern} { anchor {<A } end-anchor {</A>} quote {``} end-quote {''} bold {<B>} end-bold {</B>} c.tcl {Tcl_} c.tk {Tk_} c.ttk {Ttk_} c.tdbc {Tdbc_} c.itcl {Itcl_} Tcl1 {Tcl manual entry} Tcl2 {Tcl overview manual entry} url {http://} } { set o [string first $pattern $text] if {[set offset($name) $o] >= 0} { set invert($o) $name lappend offsets $o } } ## ## if nothing, then we're done. ## if {![info exists offsets]} { return [append result $text] } ## ## sort the offsets ## set offsets [lsort -integer $offsets] ## ## see which we want to use ## switch -exact -- $invert([lindex $offsets 0]) { anchor { if {$offset(end-anchor) < 0} { return [reference-error {Missing end anchor} $text] } append result [string range $text 0 $offset(end-anchor)] set text [string range $text[set text ""] \ [expr {$offset(end-anchor)+1}] end] continue } quote { if {$offset(end-quote) < 0} { return [reference-error "Missing end quote" $text] } if {$invert([lindex $offsets 1]) in {tcl tk ttk}} { set offsets [lreplace $offsets 1 1] } switch -exact -- $invert([lindex $offsets 1]) { end-quote { append result [string range $text 0 [expr {$offset(quote)-1}]] set body [string range $text [expr {$offset(quote)+2}] \ [expr {$offset(end-quote)-1}]] set text [string range $text[set text ""] \ [expr {$offset(end-quote)+2}] end] append result `` [cross-reference $body] '' continue } bold - anchor { append result [string range $text \ 0 [expr {$offset(end-quote)+1}]] set text [string range $text[set text ""] \ [expr {$offset(end-quote)+2}] end] continue } } return [reference-error "Uncaught quote case" $text] } bold { if {$offset(end-bold) < 0} { return [append result $text] } if {[string match "c.*" $invert([lindex $offsets 1])]} { set offsets [lreplace $offsets 1 1] } switch -exact -- $invert([lindex $offsets 1]) { url - end-bold { append result \ [string range $text 0 [expr {$offset(bold)-1}]] set body [string range $text [expr {$offset(bold)+3}] \ [expr {$offset(end-bold)-1}]] set text [string range $text[set text ""] \ [expr {$offset(end-bold)+4}] end] regsub {http://[\w/.-]+} $body {<A HREF="&">&</A>} body append result <B> [cross-reference $body] </B> continue } anchor { append result \ [string range $text 0 [expr {$offset(end-bold)+3}]] set text [string range $text[set text ""] \ [expr {$offset(end-bold)+4}] end] continue } default { return [reference-error "Uncaught bold case" $text] } } } c.tk - c.ttk - c.tcl - c.tdbc - c.itcl { append result [string range $text 0 \ [expr {[lindex $offsets 0]-1}]] regexp -indices -start [lindex $offsets 0] {\w+} $text range set body [string range $text {*}$range] set text [string range $text[set text ""] \ [expr {[lindex $range 1]+1}] end] append result [cross-reference $body] continue } Tcl1 - Tcl2 { set off [lindex $offsets 0] append result [string range $text 0 [expr {$off-1}]] set text [string range $text[set text ""] [expr {$off+3}] end] append result [cross-reference Tcl] continue } url { set off [lindex $offsets 0] append result [string range $text 0 [expr {$off-1}]] regexp -indices -start $off {http://[\w/.-]+} $text range set url [string range $text {*}$range] append result "<A HREF=\"[string trimright $url .]\">$url</A>" set text [string range $text[set text ""] \ [expr {[lindex $range 1]+1}] end] continue } end-anchor - end-bold - end-quote { return [reference-error "Out of place $invert([lindex $offsets 0])" $text] } } } } ## ## process formatting directives ## proc output-directive {line} { global manual # process format directive split-directive $line code rest switch -exact -- $code { .BS - .BE { # man-puts <HR> } .SH - .SS { # drain any open lists # announce the subject set manual(section) $rest # start our own stack of stuff set manual($manual(name)-$manual(section)) {} lappend manual(has-$manual(section)) $manual(name) if {$code ne ".SS"} { man-puts "<H3>[long-toc $manual(section)]</H3>" } else { man-puts "<H4>[long-toc $manual(section)]</H4>" } # some sections can simply free wheel their way through the text # some sections can be processed in their own loops switch -exact -- [string index $code end]:$manual(section) { H:NAME { set names {} while {1} { set line [next-text] if {[is-a-directive $line]} { backup-text 1 if {[llength $names]} { output-name [join $names { }] } return } lappend names [string trim $line] } } H:SYNOPSIS { lappend manual(section-toc) <DL> while {1} { if { [next-op-is .nf rest] || [next-op-is .br rest] || [next-op-is .fi rest] } { continue } if { [next-op-is .SH rest] || [next-op-is .SS rest] || [next-op-is .BE rest] || [next-op-is .SO rest] } { backup-text 1 break } if {[next-op-is .sp rest]} { #man-puts <P> continue } set more [next-text] if {[is-a-directive $more]} { manerror "in SYNOPSIS found $more" backup-text 1 break } foreach more [split $more \n] { regexp {^(\s*)(.*)} $more -> spaces more set spaces [string map {" " " "} $spaces] if {[string length $spaces]} { set spaces <TT>$spaces</TT> } man-puts $spaces$more<BR> if {$manual(wing-file) in {TclLib TkLib}} { lappend manual(section-toc) <DD>$more } } } lappend manual(section-toc) </DL> return } {H:SEE ALSO} { while {[more-text]} { if {[next-op-is .SH rest] || [next-op-is .SS rest]} { backup-text 1 return } set more [next-text] if {[is-a-directive $more]} { manerror "$more" backup-text 1 return } set nmore {} foreach cr [split $more ,] { set cr [string trim $cr] if {![regexp {^<B>.*</B>$} $cr]} { set cr <B>$cr</B> } if {[regexp {^<B>(.*)\([13n]\)</B>$} $cr all name]} { set cr <B>$name</B> } lappend nmore $cr } man-puts [join $nmore {, }] } return } H:KEYWORDS { while {[more-text]} { if {[next-op-is .SH rest] || [next-op-is .SS rest]} { backup-text 1 return } set more [next-text] if {[is-a-directive $more]} { manerror "$more" backup-text 1 return } set keys {} foreach key [split $more ,] { set key [string trim $key] lappend manual(keyword-$key) [list $manual(name) \ $manual(wing-file)/$manual(name).htm] set initial [string toupper [string index $key 0]] lappend keys "<A href=\"../Keywords/$initial.htm\#$key\">$key</A>" } man-puts [join $keys {, }] } return } } if {[next-op-is .IP rest]} { output-IP-list $code .IP $rest return } if {[next-op-is .PP rest]} { return } return } .SO { # When there's a sequence of multiple .SO chunks, process into one set optslist {} while 1 { if {[match-text @stuff .SE]} { foreach opt [split $stuff \n\t] { lappend optslist [list $opt $rest] } } else { manerror "unexpected .SO format:\n[expand-next-text 2]" } if {![next-op-is .SO rest]} { break } } output-directive {.SH STANDARD OPTIONS} man-puts <DL> lappend manual(section-toc) <DL> foreach optionpair [lsort -dictionary -index 0 $optslist] { lassign $optionpair option targetPage man-puts "<DT><B>[std-option-toc $option $targetPage]</B>" } man-puts </DL> lappend manual(section-toc) </DL> } .OP { output-widget-options $rest return } .IP { output-IP-list .IP .IP $rest return } .PP - .sp { man-puts <P> } .RS { output-RS-list return } .br { man-puts <BR> return } .DS { if {[next-op-is .ta rest]} { # skip the leading .ta directive if it is there } if {[match-text @stuff .DE]} { set td "<td><p class=\"tablecell\">" set bodyText [string map [list \n <tr>$td \t $td] \n$stuff] man-puts "<dl><dd><table border=\"0\">$bodyText</table></dl>" #man-puts <PRE>$stuff</PRE> } elseif {[match-text .fi @ul1 @ul2 .nf @stuff .DE]} { man-puts "<PRE>[lindex $ul1 1][lindex $ul2 1]\n$stuff</PRE>" } else { manerror "unexpected .DS format:\n[expand-next-text 2]" } return } .CS { if {[next-op-is .ta rest]} { # ??? } if {[match-text @stuff .CE]} { man-puts <PRE>$stuff</PRE> } else { manerror "unexpected .CS format:\n[expand-next-text 2]" } return } .nf { if {[match-text @more .fi]} { foreach more [split $more \n] { man-puts $more<BR> } } elseif {[match-text .RS @more .RE .fi]} { man-puts <DL><DD> foreach more [split $more \n] { man-puts $more<BR> } man-puts </DL> } elseif {[match-text .RS @more .RS @more2 .RE .RE .fi]} { man-puts <DL><DD> foreach more [split $more \n] { man-puts $more<BR> } man-puts <DL><DD> foreach more2 [split $more2 \n] { man-puts $more2<BR> } man-puts </DL></DL> } elseif {[match-text .RS @more .RS @more2 .RE @more3 .RE .fi]} { man-puts <DL><DD> foreach more [split $more \n] { man-puts $more<BR> } man-puts <DL><DD> foreach more2 [split $more2 \n] { man-puts $more2<BR> } man-puts </DL><DD> foreach more3 [split $more3 \n] { man-puts $more3<BR> } man-puts </DL> } elseif {[match-text .sp .RS @more .RS @more2 .sp .RE .RE .fi]} { man-puts <P><DL><DD> foreach more [split $more \n] { man-puts $more<BR> } man-puts <DL><DD> foreach more2 [split $more2 \n] { man-puts $more2<BR> } man-puts </DL></DL><P> } elseif {[match-text .RS .sp @more .sp .RE .fi]} { man-puts <P><DL><DD> foreach more [split $more \n] { man-puts $more<BR> } man-puts </DL><P> } else { manerror "ignoring $line" } } .RE - .DE - .CE { manerror "unexpected $code" return } .ta - .fi - .na - .ad - .UL - .ie - .el - .ne { manerror "ignoring $line" } default { manerror "unrecognized format directive: $line" } } } ## ## merge copyright listings ## proc merge-copyrights {l1 l2} { set merge {} set re1 {^Copyright +(?:\(c\)|\\\(co|©) +(\w.*?)(?:all rights reserved)?(?:\. )*$} set re2 {^(\d+) +(?:by +)?(\w.*)$} ;# date who set re3 {^(\d+)-(\d+) +(?:by +)?(\w.*)$} ;# from to who set re4 {^(\d+), *(\d+) +(?:by +)?(\w.*)$} ;# date1 date2 who foreach copyright [concat $l1 $l2] { if {[regexp -nocase -- $re1 $copyright -> info]} { set info [string trimright $info ". "] ; # remove extra period if {[regexp -- $re2 $info -> date who]} { lappend dates($who) $date continue } elseif {[regexp -- $re3 $info -> from to who]} { for {set date $from} {$date <= $to} {incr date} { lappend dates($who) $date } continue } elseif {[regexp -- $re3 $info -> date1 date2 who]} { lappend dates($who) $date1 $date2 continue } } puts "oops: $copyright" } foreach who [array names dates] { set list [lsort -dictionary $dates($who)] if {[llength $list] == 1 || [lindex $list 0] eq [lrange $list end end]} { lappend merge "Copyright © [lindex $list 0] $who" } else { lappend merge "Copyright © [lindex $list 0]-[lrange $list end end] $who" } } return [lsort -dictionary $merge] } ## ## foreach of the man pages in the section specified by ## sectionDescriptor, convert manpages into hypertext in ## the directory specified by outputDir. ## proc make-manpage-section {outputDir sectionDescriptor} { global manual overall_title tcltkdesc verbose global excluded_pages forced_index_pages process_first_patterns set LQ \u201c set RQ \u201d lassign $sectionDescriptor \ manual(wing-glob) \ manual(wing-name) \ manual(wing-file) \ manual(wing-description) set manual(wing-copyrights) {} makedirhier $outputDir/$manual(wing-file) set manual(wing-toc-fp) [open $outputDir/$manual(wing-file)/[indexfile] w] # whistle puts stderr "scanning section $manual(wing-name)" # put the entry for this section into the short table of contents if {[regexp {^(.+), version (.+)$} $manual(wing-name) -> name version]} { puts $manual(short-toc-fp) "<DT><A HREF=\"$manual(wing-file)/[indexfile]\" TITLE=\"version $version\">$name</A></DT><DD>$manual(wing-description)</DD>" } else { puts $manual(short-toc-fp) "<DT><A HREF=\"$manual(wing-file)/[indexfile]\">$manual(wing-name)</A></DT><DD>$manual(wing-description)</DD>" } # initialize the wing table of contents puts $manual(wing-toc-fp) [htmlhead $manual(wing-name) \ $manual(wing-name) $overall_title "../[indexfile]"] # initialize the short table of contents for this section set manual(wing-toc) {} # initialize the man directory for this section makedirhier $outputDir/$manual(wing-file) # initialize the long table of contents for this section set manual(long-toc-n) 1 # get the manual pages for this section set manual(pages) [lsort -dictionary [glob -nocomplain $manual(wing-glob)]] # Some pages have to go first so that their links override others foreach pat $process_first_patterns { set n [lsearch -glob $manual(pages) $pat] if {$n >= 0} { set f [lindex $manual(pages) $n] puts stderr "shuffling [file tail $f] to front of processing queue" set manual(pages) \ [linsert [lreplace $manual(pages) $n $n] 0 $f] } } # set manual(pages) [lrange $manual(pages) 0 5] foreach manual_page $manual(pages) { set manual(page) [file normalize $manual_page] # whistle if {$verbose} { puts stderr "scanning page $manual(page)" } else { puts -nonewline stderr . } set manual(tail) [file tail $manual(page)] set manual(name) [file root $manual(tail)] set manual(section) {} if {$manual(name) in $excluded_pages} { # obsolete if {!$verbose} { puts stderr "" } manerror "discarding $manual(name)" continue } set manual(infp) [open $manual(page)] set manual(text) {} set manual(partial-text) {} foreach p {.RS .DS .CS .SO} { set manual($p) 0 } set manual(stack) {} set manual(section) {} set manual(section-toc) {} set manual(section-toc-n) 1 set manual(copyrights) {} lappend manual(all-pages) $manual(wing-file)/$manual(tail) lappend manual(all-page-domains) $manual(wing-name) manreport 100 $manual(name) while {[gets $manual(infp) line] >= 0} { manreport 100 $line if {[regexp {^[`'][/\\]} $line]} { if {[regexp {Copyright (?:\(c\)|\\\(co).*$} $line copyright]} { lappend manual(copyrights) $copyright } # comment continue } if {"$line" eq {'}} { # comment continue } if {![parse-directive $line code rest]} { addbuffer $line continue } switch -exact -- $code { .if - .nr - .ti - .in - .ie - .el - .ad - .na - .so - .ne - .AS - .HS - .VE - .VS - . { # ignore continue } } switch -exact -- $code { .SH - .SS { flushbuffer if {[llength $rest] == 0} { gets $manual(infp) rest } lappend manual(text) "$code [unquote $rest]" } .TH { flushbuffer lappend manual(text) "$code [unquote $rest]" } .QW { lassign [regexp -all -inline {\"(?:[^""]+)\"|\S+} $rest] \ inQuote afterwards addbuffer $LQ [unquote $inQuote] $RQ [unquote $afterwards] } .PQ { lassign [regexp -all -inline {\"(?:[^""]+)\"|\S+} $rest] \ inQuote punctuation afterwards addbuffer ( $LQ [unquote $inQuote] $RQ \ [unquote $punctuation] ) [unquote $afterwards] } .QR { lassign [regexp -all -inline {\"(?:[^""]+)\"|\S+} $rest] \ rangeFrom rangeTo afterwards addbuffer $LQ [unquote $rangeFrom] "–" \ [unquote $rangeTo] $RQ [unquote $afterwards] } .MT { addbuffer $LQ$RQ } .HS - .UL - .ta { flushbuffer lappend manual(text) "$code [unquote $rest]" } .BS - .BE - .br - .fi - .sp - .nf { flushbuffer if {$rest ne ""} { if {!$verbose} { puts stderr "" } manerror "unexpected argument: $line" } lappend manual(text) $code } .AP { flushbuffer lappend manual(text) [concat .IP [process-text \ "[lindex $rest 0] \\fB[lindex $rest 1]\\fR ([lindex $rest 2])"]] } .IP { flushbuffer regexp {^(.*) +\d+$} $rest all rest lappend manual(text) ".IP [process-text \ [unquote [string trim $rest]]]" } .TP { flushbuffer while {[is-a-directive [set next [gets $manual(infp)]]]} { if {!$verbose} { puts stderr "" } manerror "ignoring $next after .TP" } if {"$next" ne {'}} { lappend manual(text) ".IP [process-text $next]" } } .OP { flushbuffer lassign $rest cmdName dbName dbClass lappend manual(text) [concat .OP [process-text \ "\\fB$cmdName\\fR \\fB$dbName\\fR \\fB$dbClass\\fR"]] } .PP - .LP { flushbuffer lappend manual(text) {.PP} } .RS { flushbuffer incr manual(.RS) lappend manual(text) $code } .RE { flushbuffer incr manual(.RS) -1 lappend manual(text) $code } .SO { flushbuffer incr manual(.SO) if {[llength $rest] == 0} { lappend manual(text) "$code options" } else { lappend manual(text) "$code [unquote $rest]" } } .SE { flushbuffer incr manual(.SO) -1 lappend manual(text) $code } .DS { flushbuffer incr manual(.DS) lappend manual(text) $code } .DE { flushbuffer incr manual(.DS) -1 lappend manual(text) $code } .CS { flushbuffer incr manual(.CS) lappend manual(text) $code } .CE { flushbuffer incr manual(.CS) -1 lappend manual(text) $code } .de { while {[gets $manual(infp) line] >= 0} { if {[string match "..*" $line]} { break } } } .. { if {!$verbose} { puts stderr "" } error "found .. outside of .de" } default { if {!$verbose} { puts stderr "" } flushbuffer manerror "unrecognized format directive: $line" } } } flushbuffer close $manual(infp) # fixups if {$manual(.RS) != 0} { if {!$verbose} { puts stderr "" } puts "unbalanced .RS .RE" } if {$manual(.DS) != 0} { if {!$verbose} { puts stderr "" } puts "unbalanced .DS .DE" } if {$manual(.CS) != 0} { if {!$verbose} { puts stderr "" } puts "unbalanced .CS .CE" } if {$manual(.SO) != 0} { if {!$verbose} { puts stderr "" } puts "unbalanced .SO .SE" } # output conversion open-text set haserror 0 if {[next-op-is .HS rest]} { set manual($manual(wing-file)-$manual(name)-title) \ "[join [lrange $rest 1 end] { }] [lindex $rest 0] manual page" } elseif {[next-op-is .TH rest]} { set manual($manual(wing-file)-$manual(name)-title) \ "[lindex $rest 0] manual page - [join [lrange $rest 4 end] { }]" } else { set haserror 1 if {!$verbose} { puts stderr "" } manerror "no .HS or .TH record found" } if {!$haserror} { while {[more-text]} { set line [next-text] if {[is-a-directive $line]} { output-directive $line } else { man-puts $line } } man-puts [copyout $manual(copyrights) "../"] set manual(wing-copyrights) [merge-copyrights \ $manual(wing-copyrights) $manual(copyrights)] } # # make the long table of contents for this page # set manual(toc-$manual(wing-file)-$manual(name)) \ [concat <DL> $manual(section-toc) </DL>] } if {!$verbose} { puts stderr "" } if {![llength $manual(wing-toc)]} { fatal "not table of contents." } # # make the wing table of contents for the section # set width 0 foreach name $manual(wing-toc) { if {[string length $name] > $width} { set width [string length $name] } } set perline [expr {118 / $width}] set nrows [expr {([llength $manual(wing-toc)]+$perline)/$perline}] set n 0 catch {unset rows} foreach name [lsort -dictionary $manual(wing-toc)] { set tail $manual(name-$name) if {[llength $tail] > 1} { manerror "$name is defined in more than one file: $tail" set tail [lindex $tail [expr {[llength $tail]-1}]] } set tail [file tail $tail] if {[info exists manual(tooltip-$manual(wing-file)/$tail.htm)]} { set tooltip $manual(tooltip-$manual(wing-file)/$tail.htm) set tooltip [string map {[ {\[} ] {\]} $ {\$} \\ \\\\} $tooltip] regsub {^[^-]+-\s*(.)} $tooltip {[string totitle \1]} tooltip append rows([expr {$n%$nrows}]) \ "<td> <a href=\"$tail.htm\" title=\"[subst $tooltip]\">$name</a> </td>" } else { append rows([expr {$n%$nrows}]) \ "<td> <a href=\"$tail.htm\">$name</a> </td>" } incr n } puts $manual(wing-toc-fp) <table> foreach row [lsort -integer [array names rows]] { puts $manual(wing-toc-fp) <tr>$rows($row)</tr> } puts $manual(wing-toc-fp) </table> # # insert wing copyrights # puts $manual(wing-toc-fp) [copyout $manual(wing-copyrights) "../"] puts $manual(wing-toc-fp) "</BODY></HTML>" close $manual(wing-toc-fp) set manual(merge-copyrights) \ [merge-copyrights $manual(merge-copyrights) $manual(wing-copyrights)] } proc makedirhier {dir} { try { if {![file isdirectory $dir]} { file mkdir $dir } } on error msg { return -code error "cannot create directory $dir: $msg" } } proc addbuffer {args} { global manual if {$manual(partial-text) ne ""} { append manual(partial-text) \n } append manual(partial-text) [join $args ""] } proc flushbuffer {} { global manual if {$manual(partial-text) ne ""} { lappend manual(text) [process-text $manual(partial-text)] set manual(partial-text) "" } } return