This is an old version of the file "porting.notes". It contains porting information that people submitted for Tcl releases numbered 7.3 and earlier. You may find information in this file useful if there is no information available for your machine in the current version of "porting.notes". I don't have personal access to any of these machines, so I make no guarantees that the notes are correct, complete, or up-to-date. If you see the word "I" in any explanations, it refers to the person who contributed the information, not to me; this means that I probably can't answer any questions about any of this stuff. In some cases, a person has volunteered to act as a contact point for questions about porting Tcl to a particular machine; in these cases the person's name and e-mail address are listed. sccsid = RCS: @(#) $Id: porting.old,v 1.2 1998/09/14 18:40:16 stanton Exp $ --------------------------------------------- Cray machines running UNICOS: Contact: John Freeman ( --------------------------------------------- 1. There is an error in the strstr function in UNICOS such that if the string to be searched is empty (""), the search will continue past the end of the string. Because of this, the history substitution loop will sometimes run past the end of its target string and trash malloc's free list, resulting in a core dump some time later. (As you can probably guess, this took a while to diagnose.) I've submitted a problem report to the C library maintainers, but in the meantime here is a workaround. ----------------------------------------------------------------- diff -c1 -r1.1 tclHistory.c *** 1.1 1991/11/12 16:01:58 --- tclHistory.c 1991/11/12 16:14:22 *************** *** 23,24 **** --- 23,29 ---- #include "tclInt.h" + + #ifdef _CRAY + /* There is a bug in strstr in UNICOS; this works around it. */ + #define strstr(s1,s2) ((s1)?(*(s1)?strstr((s1),(s2)):0):0) + #endif _CRAY --------------------------------------------- MIPS systems runing EP/IX: --------------------------------------------- 1. Need to add a line "#include <bsd/sys/time.h>" in tclUnix.h. 2. Need to add "-lbsd" into the line that makes tclTest: ${CC} ${CFLAGS} tclTest.o libtcl.a -lbsd -o tclTest --------------------------------------------- IBM RS/6000 systems running AIX: --------------------------------------------- 1. The system version of strtoul is buggy, at least under some versions of AIX. If the expression tests fail, try forcing Tcl to use its own version of strtoul instead of the system version. To do this, first copy strtoul.c from the compat subdirectory up to the main Tcl directory. Then modify the Makefile so that the definition for COMPAT_OBJS includes "strtoul.o". Note: the "config" script should now detect the buggy strtoul and substitute Tcl's version automatically. 2. You may have to comment out the declaration of open in tclUnix.h. 3. You may need to add "-D_BSD -lbsd" to the CFLAGS definition. This causes the system include files to look like BSD include files and causes C library routines to act like bsd library routines. Without this, the system may choke on "struct wait". --------------------------------------------- AT&T 4.03 OS: --------------------------------------------- Machine: i386/33Mhz i387 32k Cache 16MByte OS: AT&T SYSV Release 4 Version 3 X: X11R5 fixlevel 9 Xserver: X386 1.2 1. Change the Tk Makefile as follows: XLIB = -lX11 should be changed to: XLIB = -lX11 -lsocket -lnsl ------------------------------------------------------- Silicon Graphics systems: ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Change the CC variable in the Makefile to: CC = cc -xansi -D__STDC__ -signed 2. In Irix releases 4.0.1 or earlier the C compiler has a buggy optimizer. If Tcl fails its test suite or generates inexplicable errors, compile tclVar.c with -O0 instead of -O. 3. For IRIX 5.1 or later, comments 1 and 2 are no longer relevant, but you must add -D_BSD_SIGNALS to CFLAGS to get the proper signal routines. 4. Add a "-lsun" switch in the targets for tclsh and tcltest, just before ${MATH_LIBS}. 5. Rumor has it that you also need to add the "-lmalloc" library switch in the targets for tclsh and tcltest. 6. In IRIX 5.2 you'll have to modify Makefile to fix the following problems: - The "-c" option is illegal with this version of install, but the "-F" switch is needed instead. Change this in the "INSTALL =" definition line. - The order of file and directory have to be changed in all the invocations of INSTALL_DATA or INSTALL_PROGRAM. --------------------------------------------- NeXT machines running NeXTStep 3.1: --------------------------------------------- 1. Run configure with predefined CPP: CPP='cc -E' ./configure (If your shell is [t]csh, do a "setenv CPP 'cc -E' ") 2. Edit Makefile: -add tmpnam.o to COMPAT_OBJS: COMPAT_OBJS = getcwd.o waitpid.o strtod.o tmpnam.o -add the following to AC_FLAGS: -Dstrtod=tcl_strtod 3. Edit compat/tmpnam.c and replace "/usr/tmp" with "/tmp" After this, tcl7.0 will be build fine on NeXT (ignore linker warning) and run all the tests. There are some formatting problems in printf() or scanf() which come from NeXT's lacking POSIX conformance. Ignore those errors, they don't matter much. 4. Additional information that may apply to NeXTStep 3.2 only: The problem on NEXTSTEP 3.2 is that the configure script makes some bad assumptions about the uid_t and gid_t types. Actually, the may have been valid for NEXTSTEP 3.0, or it may be NEXTSTEP's rudimentary attempt at POSIX support under 3.2, but no matter what the reason, the configure script sets up the Makefile with CFLAGS '-Duid_t=int' and '-Dgid_t=int', which are, unfortunately, incorrect, since they shoudl actually be (I think) unsigned shorts. This causes problems when the 'stat' structure is included, since it throws off the field offsets from what the 'fstat' function thinks they should be. Anyway, the quick fix is to run configure and then edit the Makefile to remove the uid_t and gid_t defines. This will allow tcl and Tk to compile and run. There are some other problems on NEXTSTEP, specifically with %g in the printf family of functions, but making the uid_t and gid_t change will get it up and running. --------------------------------------------- NeXT machines running NeXTStep 3.2: --------------------------------------------- 1. Run configure with predefined CPP: CPP='cc -E' ./configure (If your shell is [t]csh, do a "setenv CPP 'cc -E' ") 2. Edit Makefile: -add tmpnam.o to COMPAT_OBJS: COMPAT_OBJS = getcwd.o waitpid.o strtod.o tmpnam.o -add the following to AC_FLAGS: -Dstrtod=tcl_strtod -add '-m' to MATH_LIBS: MATH_LIBS = -m -lm -add '-O2 -arch m68k -arch i386' to CFLAGS: CFLAGS = -O2 -arch m68k -arch i386 ------------------------------------------------- ISC 2.2 UNIX (using standard ATT SYSV compiler): ------------------------------------------------- In Makefile, change CFLAGS = -g -I. -DTCL_LIBRARY=\"${TCL_LIBRARY}\" to CFLAGS = -g -I. -DPOSIX_JC -DTCL_LIBRARY=\"${TCL_LIBRARY}\" This brings in the typedef for pid_t, which is needed for /usr/include/sys/wait.h in tclUnix.h. --------------------------------------------- DEC Alphas: --------------------------------------------- 1. There appears to be a compiler/library bug that causes core-dumps unless you compile tclVar.c without optimization (remove the -O compiler switch). The problem appears to have been fixed in the 1.3-4 version of the compiler. --------------------------------------------- CDC 4680MP, EP/IX 1.4.3: --------------------------------------------- The installation was done in the System V environment (-systype sysv) with the BSD extensions available (-I/usr/include/bsd and -lbsd). It was built with the 2.20 level C compiler. The 2.11 level should not be used because it has a problem with detecting NaN values in lines like: if (x != x) ... which appear in the TCL code. To make the configure script find the BSD extensions, I set environment variable DEFS to "-I/usr/include/bsd" and LIBS to "-lbsd" before running it. I would have also set CC to "cc2.20", but that compiler driver has a bug that loader errors (e.g. not finding a library routine, which the script uses to tell what is available) do not cause an error status to be returned to the shell (but see the comments about "-non_shared" below in the 2.1.1 notes). There is a bug in the <sys/wait.h> include file that mis-defines the structure fields and causes WIFEXITED and WIFSIGNALED to return incorrect values. My solution was to create a subdirectory "sys" of the main TCL source directory and put a corrected wait.h in it. The "-I." already on all the compile lines causes it to be used instead of the system version. To fix this, compare the structure definition in /usr/include/bsd/sys/wait.h with /bsd43/include/sys/wait.h (or mail to John Jackson,, and he'll send you a context diff). After running configure, I made the following changes to Makefile: 1) In AC_FLAGS, change: -DNO_WAIT3=1 to -DNO_WAIT3=0 -Dwait3=wait2 EP/IX (in the System V environment) provides a wait2() system call with what TCL needs (the WNOHANG flag). The extra parameter TCL passes to what it thinks is wait3() (the resources used by the child process) is always zero and will be safely ignored. 2) Change: CC=cc to CC=cc2.20 because of the NaN problem mentioned earlier. Skip this if the default compiler is already 2.20 (or later). 3) Add "-lbsd" to the commands that create tclsh and tcltest (look for "-o"). --------------------------------------------- CDC 4680MP, EP/IX 2.1.1: --------------------------------------------- The installation was done in the System V environment (-systype sysv) with the BSD extensions available (-I/usr/include/bsd and -lbsd). It was built with the 3.11 level C compiler. The 2.11 level should not be used because it has a problem with detecting NaN values in lines like: if (x != x) ... which appear in the TCL code. The 2.20 compiler does not have this problem. To make the configure script find the BSD extensions, I set environment variable DEFS to: "-I/usr/include/bsd -D__STDC__=0 -non_shared" and LIBS to: "-lbsd" before running it. The "-non_shared" is needed because with shared libraries, the compiler (actually, the loader) does not report an error for "missing" routines. The configuration script depends on this error to know what routines are available. This is the real problem I reported above for EP/IX 1.4.3 that I incorrectly attributed to a compiler driver bug. I don't have 1.4.3 available any more, but it's possible using "-non_shared" on it would have solved the problem. The same <sys/wait.h> bug exists at 2.1.1 (yes, I have reported it to CDC), and the same fix as described in the 1.4.3 porting notes works. In addition to the three Makefile changes described in the 1.4.3 notes, you can remove the "-non_shared" flag from AC_FLAGS. It is only needed for the configuration step, not the build. You will get duplicate definition compilation warnings of: DBL_MIN DBL_MAX FLT_MIN FLT_MAX during tclExpr.c. These can be ignored. During expr.test, you will get a failure for one of the "fmod" tests unless you have CDC patch CC40038311 installed. --------------------------------------------- Convex systems, OS 10.1 and 10.2: Contact: Lennart Sorth ( --------------------------------------------- 1. tcl7.0b2 compiles on Convex systems (OS 10.1 and 10.2) by just running configure, typing make, except tclUnixUtil.c needs to be compiled with option "-pcc" (portable cc, =!ANSI) due to: cc: Error on line 1111 of tclUnixUtil.c: 'waitpid' redeclared: incompatible types. ------------------------------------------------- Pyramid, OSx 5.1a (UCB universe, GCC installed): ------------------------------------------------- 1. The procedures memcpy, strchr, fmod, and strrchr are all missing, so you'll need to provide substitutes for them. After you do that everything should compile fine. There will be one error in a scan test, but it's an obscure one because of a non-ANSI implementation of sscanf on the machine; you can ignore it. 2. You may also have to add "tmpnam.o" to COMPAT_OBJS in Makefile: the system version appears to be bad. ------------------------------------------------- Encore 91, UMAX V ------------------------------------------------- 1. Modify the CFLAGS assignment in file to include the -DENCORE flag in Makefile: CFLAGS = -O -DENCORE 2. "mkdir" does not by default create the parent directories. The mkdir directives should be modified to "midir -p". ------------------------------------------------- Sequent machines running Dynix: Contact: Andrew Swan ( ------------------------------------------------- 1. Use gcc instead of the cc distributed by Sequent 2. The distributed math library does not include the fmod function. Source for fmod can be retrieved from a BSD source archive (such as and included in the compat directory. Add fmod.o to the COMPAT_OBJS variable in the Makefile. You may need to comment out references to 'isnan' and 'finite' in fmod.c 3. If the linker complains that there are two copies of the 'tanh' function, use the ar command to extract the objects from the math library and build a new one without tanh.o 4. The *scanf functions in the Sequent libraries are apparently broken, which will cause the scanning tests to fail. The cases that fail are fairly obscure. Using GNU libc apparently solves this problem. ------------------------------------------------- Systems running Interactive 4.0: ------------------------------------------------- 1. Add "-posix -D_SYSV3" to CFLAGS in Makefile (or ------------------------------------------------- Systems running FreeBSD ------------------------------------------------- The following changes comprise the entire porting effort of tcl7.3 to FreeBSD (i.e. these were the changes to tclTest.c) and should probably be made part of the tcl distribution. The changes only effect the way that floating point exceptions are reported. I've choosen to move the changes out of tclTest.c and into tclBasic.c. in tclBasic.c at top-of-file: #ifdef BSD_NET2 #include <floatingpoint.h> #endif in tclBasic.c in Tcl_Init(): #ifdef BSD_NET2 fpsetround(FP_RN); fpsetmask(0L); #endif