# # Makefile for Borland C++ 5.5 (or C++ Builder 5), adapted from the makefile # for Visual C++ that came with tcl 8.3.3 # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation. # TIP #59 information. # # This makefile does not set the following configuration cpp # defines. Behind the defines are the makefile variables listed to set # to -D... when that feature is enabled. # # - TCL_CFG_PROFILED PROFDEFINES # - TCL_CFG_OPTIMIZED OPTDEFINES # - TCL_CFG_DO64BIT SIXFOURDEFINES # Have a look at the complete description on how to build and test Tcl with # the current Borland compilers at www.ratiosoft.com/tcl/borland. # # Usage: # - Adapt the paths below to match your compiler's location # - Make sure the compiler's bin directory is on your path # - Open a console # - To make a debug version enter # make -fmakefile.bc -DNODEBUG=0 xxx # where 'xxx' is the target you want (e.g. 'all', 'test', ...) # Please note: I omitted the 'd' suffix for debug versions because Tcl # will always call tclpip83.dll and not tclpip83d.dll, causing an error. # ^ # Besides, the debug version goes into a separate directory, so there # should be no problem having DLLs and EXEs with the same name. # If you prefer your debug version having the 'd' suffix just uncomment # the line # #DBGX = d # # - To make a 'normal' version enter # make -fmakefile.bc xxx # where 'xxx' is the target you want (e.g. 'all', 'test', ...) # # DISCLAIMER: # This makefile has an experimental status - that is those targets which # have been modified do in fact compile and link with Borland's C++ # Builder 5 and with the free Borland compiler (Borland C++ 5.5). # However the author assumes no responsiblity for any effect which the use of # this makefile or of the resulting programs might have on your system. # # Not yet modified: # - The 'plug-in-DLL' and the associated shell. # # Suggestions and / or improvements are always welcome. # # May 2001, H. Giese (hgiese@ratiosoft.com) # # Does not depend on the presence of any environment variables in # order to compile tcl; all needed information is derived from # location of the compiler directories. # # Project directories # # ROOT = top of source tree # # TOOLS32 = location of Borland development tools. # # INSTALLDIR = where the install-targets should copy the binaries and # support files # ROOT = .. INSTALLDIR = c:\program files\tcl # If you have C++ Builder 5 or the free Borland C++ 5.5 compiler # adapt the following paths as appropriate for your system TOOLS32 = c:\dev\bcc55 TOOLS32_rc = c:\dev\bcc55 #TOOLS32 = c:\bc55 #TOOLS32_rc = c:\bc55 cc32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\bcc32.exe" link32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\ilink32.exe" lib32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\tlib.exe" rc32 = "$(TOOLS32_rc)\bin\brcc32.exe" include32 = -I"$(TOOLS32)\include" libpath32 = -L"$(TOOLS32)\lib" # Uncomment the following line to compile with thread support #THREADDEFINES = -DTCL_THREADS=1 # Allow definition of NDEBUG via command line # Set NODEBUG to 0 to compile with symbols !if !defined(NODEBUG) NODEBUG = 1 !endif # CFG_ENCODING=encoding # name of encoding for configuration information. Defaults # to cp1252 !if !defined(CFG_ENCODING) CFG_ENCODING = \"cp1252\" !endif # The following defines can be used to control the amount of debugging # code that is added to the compilation. # # -DTCL_MEM_DEBUG Enables the debugging memory allocator. # -DTCL_COMPILE_DEBUG Enables byte compilation logging. # -DTCL_COMPILE_STATS Enables byte compilation statistics gathering. # -DUSE_TCLALLOC=0 Disables the Tcl memory allocator in favor # of the native malloc implementation. This is # needed when using Purify. # #DEBUGDEFINES = -DTCL_MEM_DEBUG -DTCL_COMPILE_DEBUG -DTCL_COMPILE_STATS #DEBUGDEFINES = -DUSE_TCLALLOC=0 ###################################################################### # Do not modify below this line ###################################################################### NAMEPREFIX = tcl STUBPREFIX = $(NAMEPREFIX)stub DOTVERSION = 8.6 VERSION = 86 DDEVERSION = 14 DDEDOTVERSION = 1.4 REGVERSION = 13 REGDOTVERSION = 1.3 BINROOT = .. !IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1" TMPDIRNAME = Release DBGX = SYMDEFINES = -DNDEBUG !ELSE TMPDIRNAME = Debug #DBGX = d DBGX = SYMDEFINES = -DTCL_CFG_DEBUG !ENDIF TMPDIR = $(BINROOT)\$(TMPDIRNAME) OUTDIRNAME = $(TMPDIRNAME) OUTDIR = $(TMPDIR) TCLLIB = $(OUTDIR)\$(NAMEPREFIX)$(VERSION)$(DBGX).lib TCLDLLNAME = $(NAMEPREFIX)$(VERSION)$(DBGX).dll TCLDLL = $(OUTDIR)\$(TCLDLLNAME) TCLSTUBLIBNAME = $(STUBPREFIX)$(VERSION)$(DBGX).lib TCLSTUBLIB = $(OUTDIR)\$(TCLSTUBLIBNAME) TCLPLUGINLIB = $(OUTDIR)\$(NAMEPREFIX)$(VERSION)p$(DBGX).lib TCLPLUGINDLLNAME = $(NAMEPREFIX)$(VERSION)p$(DBGX).dll TCLPLUGINDLL = $(OUTDIR)\$(TCLPLUGINDLLNAME) TCLSH = $(OUTDIR)\$(NAMEPREFIX)sh$(VERSION)$(DBGX).exe TCLSHP = $(OUTDIR)\$(NAMEPREFIX)shp$(VERSION)$(DBGX).exe TCLREGDLLNAME = $(NAMEPREFIX)reg$(REGVERSION)$(DBGX).dll TCLREGDLL = $(OUTDIR)\$(TCLREGDLLNAME) TCLDDEDLLNAME = $(NAMEPREFIX)dde$(DDEVERSION)$(DBGX).dll TCLDDEDLL = $(OUTDIR)\$(TCLDDEDLLNAME) TCLTEST = $(OUTDIR)\$(NAMEPREFIX)test.exe CAT32 = $(TMPDIR)\cat32.exe RMDIR = .\rmd.bat MKDIR = .\mkd.bat RM = del LIB_INSTALL_DIR = $(INSTALLDIR)\lib BIN_INSTALL_DIR = $(INSTALLDIR)\bin SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR = $(INSTALLDIR)\lib\tcl$(DOTVERSION) INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR = $(INSTALLDIR)\include TCLSHOBJS = \ $(TMPDIR)\tclAppInit.obj TCLTESTOBJS = \ $(TMPDIR)\tclTest.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclTestObj.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclTestProcBodyObj.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclThreadTest.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinTest.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\testMain.obj TCLOBJS = \ $(TMPDIR)\regcomp.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\regexec.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\regfree.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\regerror.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclAlloc.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclAsync.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclBasic.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclBinary.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclCkalloc.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclClock.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclCmdAH.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclCmdIL.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclCmdMZ.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclCompCmds.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclCompCmdsGR.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclCompCmdsSZ.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclCompExpr.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclCompile.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclConfig.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclDate.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclDictObj.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclDisassemble.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclEncoding.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclEnsemble.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclEnv.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclEvent.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclExecute.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclFCmd.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclFileName.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclGet.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclHash.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclHistory.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclIndexObj.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclInterp.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclIO.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclIOCmd.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclIOGT.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclIOSock.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclIOUtil.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclLink.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclLiteral.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclListObj.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclLoad.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclMain.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclNamesp.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclNotify.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclOO.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclOOBasic.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclOOCall.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclOODefineCmds.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclOOInfo.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclOOMethod.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclOOStubInit.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclObj.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclOptimize.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclPanic.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclParse.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclPipe.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclPkg.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclPkgConfig.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclPosixStr.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclPreserve.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclProc.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclRegexp.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclResolve.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclResult.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclScan.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclStringObj.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclStubInit.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclThread.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclThreadJoin.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclTimer.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclTrace.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclUtf.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclUtil.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclVar.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWin32Dll.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinChan.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinConsole.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinSerial.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinError.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinFCmd.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinFile.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinInit.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinLoad.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinNotify.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinPipe.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinSock.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinThrd.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinTime.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclZlib.obj TCLSTUBOBJS = \ $(TMPDIR)\tclStubLib.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclStubLibTbl.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclTomMathStubLib.obj \ $(TMPDIR)\tclOOStubLib.obj WINDIR = $(ROOT)\win GENERICDIR = $(ROOT)\generic TCL_INCLUDES = -I"$(WINDIR)" -I"$(GENERICDIR)" TCL_DEFINES = $(DEBUGDEFINES) $(THREADDEFINES) $(SYMDEFINES) \ $(PROFDEFINES) $(OPTDEFINES) $(SIXFOURDEFINES) \ -DTCL_CFGVAL_ENCODING=${CFG_ENCODING} ### TODO: Add -DHAVE_ZLIB=1 ###################################################################### # Compiler flags ###################################################################### !IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1" # these macros cause maximum optimization and no symbols cdebug = -v- -vi- -O2 -D_DEBUG !ELSE # these macros enable debugging cdebug = -k -Od -r- -v -vi- -y !ENDIF SYSDEFINES = _MT;NO_STRICT;_NO_VCL # declarations common to all compiler options cbase = -c -q -3 -a4 -g0 -tWM -Ve -Vx -X- WARNINGS = -w-rch -w-pch -w-par -w-dup -w-pro -w-dpu ccons = -tWC INCLUDEPATH = $(include32) $(TCL_INCLUDES) CFLAGS = $(cdebug) $(cbase) $(INCLUDEPATH) $(WARNINGS) -D$(SYSDEFINES) TCL_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) $(TCL_DEFINES) CONS_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) $(TCL_DEFINES) $(ccons) ###################################################################### # Linker flags ###################################################################### !IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1" ldebug = !ELSE ldebug = -v !ENDIF # declarations common to all linker options LNFLAGS = -D"" -Gn -I$(TMPDIR) -x $(ldebug) $(libpath32) # -Gi: create lib file (is -Gl in doc) # -aa: Windows app, -ap: Windows console app LNFLAGS_DLL = -ap -Gi -Tpd LNFLAGS_CONS = -ap -Tpe LNLIBS = import32 cw32mt ###################################################################### # Project specific targets ###################################################################### release: setup $(TCLSH) dlls dlls: setup $(TCLREGDLL) $(TCLDDEDLL) all: setup $(TCLSH) dlls $(CAT32) tcltest: setup $(TCLTEST) dlls $(CAT32) plugin: setup $(TCLPLUGINDLL) $(TCLSHP) install: install-binaries install-libraries test: setup $(TCLTEST) dlls $(CAT32) set TCL_LIBRARY=$(ROOT)/library $(TCLTEST) $(ROOT)/tests/all.tcl setup: @if not exist $(OUT_DIR)\nul mkdir $(OUT_DIR) &\ echo *** Created directory '$(OUT_DIR)' @if not exist $(TMP_DIR)\nul mkdir $(TMP_DIR) &\ echo *** Created directory '$(TMP_DIR)' $(TCLLIB): $(TCLDLL) $(TCLDLL): $(TCLOBJS) $(TMPDIR)\$(NAMEPREFIX).res $(link32) $(ldebug) $(LNFLAGS) $(LNFLAGS_DLL) $(TOOLS32)\lib\c0d32 @&&! $(TCLOBJS), $@, -x, $(LNLIBS),, $(TMPDIR)\$(NAMEPREFIX).res ! $(TCLSTUBLIB): $(TCLSTUBOBJS) $(lib32) /u $@ $(TCLSTUBOBJS) $(TCLPLUGINLIB): $(TCLPLUGINDLL) $(TCLPLUGINDLL): $(TCLOBJS) $(TMPDIR)\tcl.res $(link32) $(ldebug) $(dlllflags) \ -out:$@ $(TMPDIR)\tcl.res $(guilibsdll) @&&! $(TCLOBJS) ! $(TCLSH): $(TCLSHOBJS) $(TCLLIB) $(TMPDIR)\$(NAMEPREFIX)sh.res $(link32) $(ldebug) -S:2400000 $(LNFLAGS) $(LNFLAGS_CONS) $(TOOLS32)\lib\c0x32 @&&! $(TCLSHOBJS), $@, -x, $(LNLIBS) $(TCLLIB),, $(TMPDIR)\$(NAMEPREFIX)sh.res ! $(TCLSHP): $(TCLSHOBJS) $(TCLPLUGINLIB) $(TMPDIR)\tclsh.res $(link32) $(ldebug) $(conlflags) $(TMPDIR)\tclsh.res -stack:2300000 \ -out:$@ $(conlibsdll) $(TCLPLUGINLIB) $(TCLSHOBJS) $(TCLTEST): $(TCLTESTOBJS) $(TCLLIB) $(TMPDIR)\$(NAMEPREFIX)sh.res $(link32) $(ldebug) -S:2400000 $(LNFLAGS) $(LNFLAGS_CONS) $(TOOLS32)\lib\c0x32 @&&! $(TCLTESTOBJS), $@, -x, $(LNLIBS) $(TCLLIB),, $(TMPDIR)\$(NAMEPREFIX)sh.res ! $(TCLDDEDLL): $(TMPDIR)\tclWinDde.obj $(TCLSTUBLIB) $(link32) $(ldebug) $(LNFLAGS) $(LNFLAGS_DLL) $(TOOLS32)\lib\c0d32 \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinDde.obj, $@, -x, $(LNLIBS) $(TCLSTUBLIB),, \ $(TMPDIR)\$(NAMEPREFIX).res $(TCLREGDLL): $(TMPDIR)\tclWinReg.obj $(TCLSTUBLIB) $(link32) $(ldebug) $(LNFLAGS) $(LNFLAGS_DLL) $(TOOLS32)\lib\c0d32 \ $(TMPDIR)\tclWinReg.obj, $@, -x, $(LNLIBS) $(TCLSTUBLIB),, \ $(TMPDIR)\$(NAMEPREFIX).res $(CAT32): $(WINDIR)\cat.c $(cc32) $(CONS_CFLAGS) -o$(TMPDIR)\cat.obj $? $(link32) $(ldebug) $(LNFLAGS) $(LNFLAGS_CONS) $(TOOLS32)\lib\c0x32 \ $(TMPDIR)\cat.obj, $@, -x, $(LNLIBS),, install-binaries: $(TCLSH) $(MKDIR) "$(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)" $(MKDIR) "$(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)" @echo installing $(TCLDLLNAME) @copy "$(TCLDLL)" "$(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)" @copy "$(TCLLIB)" "$(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)" @echo installing "$(TCLSH)" @copy "$(TCLSH)" "$(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)" @echo installing $(TCLSTUBLIBNAME) @copy "$(TCLSTUBLIB)" "$(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)" @echo installing $(WINDIR)\tclooConfig.sh @copy "$(WINDIR)\tclooConfig.sh" "$(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)" install-libraries: -@$(MKDIR) "$(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)" -@$(MKDIR) "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)" -@$(MKDIR) "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)" @echo installing http1.0 -@$(MKDIR) "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\http1.0" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\http1.0\http.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\http1.0" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\http1.0\pkgIndex.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\http1.0" @echo installing http2.8 -@$(MKDIR) "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\http2.8" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\http\http.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\http2.8" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\http\pkgIndex.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\http2.8" @echo installing opt0.4 -@$(MKDIR) "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\opt0.4" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\opt\optparse.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\opt0.4" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\opt\pkgIndex.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\opt0.4" @echo installing msgcat1.5 -@$(MKDIR) "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\msgcat1.5" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\msgcat\msgcat.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\msgcat1.5" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\msgcat\pkgIndex.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\msgcat1.5" @echo installing tcltest2.3 -@$(MKDIR) "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\tcltest2.3" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\tcltest\tcltest.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\tcltest2.3" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\tcltest\pkgIndex.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\tcltest2.3" @echo installing platform1.0 -@$(MKDIR) "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\platform1.0" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\platform\platform.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\platform1.0" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\platform\shell.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\platform1.0" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\platform\pkgIndex.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\platform1.0" @echo installing $(TCLDDEDLLNAME) -@$(MKDIR) "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\dde1.3" -@copy "$(TCLDDEDLL)" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\dde1.3" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\dde\pkgIndex.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\dde1.3" @echo installing $(TCLREGDLLNAME) -@$(MKDIR) "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\reg1.2" -@copy "$(TCLREGDLL)" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\reg1.3" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\reg\pkgIndex.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\reg1.2" @echo installing encoding files -@$(MKDIR) "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\encoding" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\encoding\*.enc" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\encoding" @echo installing library files -@copy "$(GENERICDIR)\tcl.h" "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)" -@copy "$(GENERICDIR)\tclDecls.h" "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)" -@copy "$(GENERICDIR)\tclOO.h" "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)" -@copy "$(GENERICDIR)\tclOODecls.h" "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)" -@copy "$(GENERICDIR)\tclPlatDecls.h" "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\history.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\init.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\parray.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\safe.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\tclIndex" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\package.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\word.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)" -@copy "$(ROOT)\library\auto.tcl" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)" # # Regenerate the stubs files. # genstubs: tclsh$(VERSION) $(ROOT)\tools\genStubs.tcl $(GENERICDIR) \ $(GENERICDIR)\tcl.decls $(GENERICDIR)\tclInt.decls # # Special case object file targets # $(TMPDIR)\tclWinInit.obj: $(WINDIR)\tclWinInit.c $(cc32) -DBUILD_tcl $(TCL_CFLAGS) -o$(TMPDIR)\$@ $? $(TMPDIR)\testMain.obj: $(WINDIR)\tclAppInit.c $(cc32) $(TCL_CFLAGS) -DTCL_TEST -o$(TMPDIR)\testMain.obj $? $(TMPDIR)\tclTest.obj: $(GENERICDIR)\tclTest.c $(cc32) $(TCL_CFLAGS) -o$(TMPDIR)\$@ $? $(TMPDIR)\tclTestObj.obj: $(GENERICDIR)\tclTestObj.c $(cc32) $(TCL_CFLAGS) -o$(TMPDIR)\$@ $? $(TMPDIR)\tclWinTest.obj: $(WINDIR)\tclWinTest.c $(cc32) $(TCL_CFLAGS) -o$(TMPDIR)\$@ $? $(TMP_DIR)\tclPkgConfig.obj: $(GENERICDIR)\tclPkgConfig.c $(cc32) $(TCL_CFLAGS) \ -DCFG_INSTALL_EXEC_PREFIX=\"$(INSTALL_EXEC_PREFIX)\" \ -DCFG_INSTALL_PREFIX=\"$(INSTALL_PREFIX)\" \ -DCFG_RUNTIME_EXEC_PREFIX=\"$(RUNTIME_EXEC_PREFIX)\" \ -DCFG_RUNTIME_PREFIX=\"$(RUNTIME_PREFIX)\" \ -o$(TMPDIR)\$@ $? $(TMPDIR)\tclAppInit.obj : $(WINDIR)\tclAppInit.c $(cc32) $(TCL_CFLAGS) -o$(TMPDIR)\$@ $? # The following objects should be built using the stub interfaces # tclWinReg: Produces errors in ANSI mode $(TMPDIR)\tclWinReg.obj : $(WINDIR)\tclWinReg.c $(cc32) $(TCL_CFLAGS) -DUSE_TCL_STUBS -o$(TMPDIR)\$@ $? # tclWinDde: Produces errors in ANSI mode $(TMPDIR)\tclWinDde.obj : $(WINDIR)\tclWinDde.c $(cc32) $(TCL_CFLAGS) -DUSE_TCL_STUBS -o$(TMPDIR)\$@ $? # The following objects are part of the stub library and should not # be built as DLL objects but none of the symbols should be exported $(TMPDIR)\tclStubLib.obj : $(GENERICDIR)\tclStubLib.c $(cc32) $(TCL_CFLAGS) -DSTATIC_BUILD -o$(TMPDIR)\$@ $? $(TMPDIR)\tclStubLibTbl.obj : $(GENERICDIR)\tclStubLibTbl.c $(cc32) $(TCL_CFLAGS) -DSTATIC_BUILD -o$(TMPDIR)\$@ $? $(TMPDIR)\tclTomMathStubLib.obj : $(GENERICDIR)\tclTomMathStubLib.c $(cc32) $(TCL_CFLAGS) -DSTATIC_BUILD -o$(TMPDIR)\$@ $? $(TMPDIR)\tclOOStubLib.obj : $(GENERICDIR)\tclOOStubLib.c $(cc32) $(TCL_CFLAGS) -DSTATIC_BUILD -o$(TMPDIR)\$@ $? # Dedependency rules $(GENERICDIR)\regcomp.c: \ $(GENERICDIR)\regguts.h \ $(GENERICDIR)\regc_lex.c \ $(GENERICDIR)\regc_color.c \ $(GENERICDIR)\regc_nfa.c \ $(GENERICDIR)\regc_cvec.c \ $(GENERICDIR)\regc_locale.c $(GENERICDIR)\regcustom.h: \ $(GENERICDIR)\tclInt.h \ $(GENERICDIR)\tclPort.h \ $(GENERICDIR)\regex.h $(GENERICDIR)\regexec.c: \ $(GENERICDIR)\rege_dfa.c \ $(GENERICDIR)\regguts.h $(GENERICDIR)\regerror.c: $(GENERICDIR)\regguts.h $(GENERICDIR)\regfree.c: $(GENERICDIR)\regguts.h $(GENERICDIR)\regfronts.c: $(GENERICDIR)\regguts.h $(GENERICDIR)\regguts.h: $(GENERICDIR)\regcustom.h # # Implicit rules # {$(WINDIR)}.c{$(TMPDIR)}.obj: $(cc32) -DBUILD_tcl $(TCL_CFLAGS) -o$@ $< {$(GENERICDIR)}.c{$(TMPDIR)}.obj: $(cc32) -DBUILD_tcl $(TCL_CFLAGS) -o$@ $< {$(ROOT)\compat}.c{$(TMPDIR)}.obj: $(cc32) -DBUILD_tcl $(TCL_CFLAGS) -o$@ $< {$(WINDIR)}.rc{$(TMPDIR)}.res: $(rc32) $(INCLUDEPATH) -D$(USERDEFINES);$(SYSDEFINES) -fo$@ $< clean: -@$(RM) $(OUTDIR)\*.exp -@$(RM) $(OUTDIR)\*.lib -@$(RM) $(OUTDIR)\*.dll -@$(RM) $(OUTDIR)\*.exe -@$(RM) $(OUTDIR)\*.pdb -@$(RM) $(TMPDIR)\*.pch -@$(RM) $(TMPDIR)\*.obj -@$(RM) $(TMPDIR)\*.res -@$(RM) $(TMPDIR)\*.exe -@$(RMDIR) $(OUTDIR) -@$(RMDIR) $(TMPDIR) # Local Variables: # mode: makefile # End: