 * tclWinInit.c --
 *	Contains the Windows-specific interpreter initialization functions.
 * Copyright © 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * Copyright © 1998-1999 Scriptics Corporation.
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
 * this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

#include "tclWinInt.h"
#include <winnt.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <lmcons.h>

 * GetUserNameW() is found in advapi32.dll
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#   pragma comment(lib, "advapi32.lib")

 * The following declaration is a workaround for some Microsoft brain damage.
 * The SYSTEM_INFO structure is different in various releases, even though the
 * layout is the same. So we overlay our own structure on top of it so we can
 * access the interesting slots in a uniform way.

typedef struct {
    WORD wProcessorArchitecture;
    WORD wReserved;
} OemId;

 * The following arrays contain the human readable strings for the
 * processor values.

static const char *const processors[NUMPROCESSORS] = {
    "intel", "mips", "alpha", "ppc", "shx", "arm", "ia64", "alpha64", "msil",
    "amd64", "ia32_on_win64", "neutral", "arm64", "arm32_on_win64", "ia32_on_arm64"

 * The default directory in which the init.tcl file is expected to be found.

static TclInitProcessGlobalValueProc	InitializeDefaultLibraryDir;
static ProcessGlobalValue defaultLibraryDir =
	{0, 0, NULL, NULL, InitializeDefaultLibraryDir, NULL, NULL};

static TclInitProcessGlobalValueProc	InitializeSourceLibraryDir;
static ProcessGlobalValue sourceLibraryDir =
	{0, 0, NULL, NULL, InitializeSourceLibraryDir, NULL, NULL};

static void		AppendEnvironment(Tcl_Obj *listPtr, const char *lib);
 * TclpInitPlatform --
 *	Initialize all the platform-dependent things like signals,
 *	floating-point error handling and sockets.
 *	Called at process initialization time.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

    WSADATA wsaData;
    WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2);

    tclPlatform = TCL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS;

     * Initialize the winsock library. On Windows XP and higher this
     * can never fail.
    WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData);

     * If we are in a statically linked executable, then we need to explicitly
     * initialize the Windows function tables here since DllMain() will not be
     * invoked.

 * TclpInitLibraryPath --
 *	This is the fallback routine that sets the library path if the
 *	application has not set one by the first time it is needed.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	Sets the library path to an initial value.

    char **valuePtr,
    TCL_HASH_TYPE *lengthPtr,
    Tcl_Encoding *encodingPtr)
#define LIBRARY_SIZE	    64
    Tcl_Obj *pathPtr;
    char installLib[LIBRARY_SIZE];
    const char *bytes;
    Tcl_Size length;


     * Initialize the substring used when locating the script library. The
     * installLib variable computes the script library path relative to the
     * installed DLL.

    snprintf(installLib, sizeof(installLib), "lib/tcl%s", TCL_VERSION);

     * Look for the library relative to the TCL_LIBRARY env variable. If the
     * last dirname in the TCL_LIBRARY path does not match the last dirname in
     * the installLib variable, use the last dir name of installLib in
     * addition to the original TCL_LIBRARY path.

    AppendEnvironment(pathPtr, installLib);

     * Look for the library in its default location.

    Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, pathPtr,

     * Look for the library in its source checkout location.

    Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, pathPtr,

    *encodingPtr = NULL;
    bytes = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(pathPtr, &length);
    *lengthPtr = length++;
    *valuePtr = (char *)Tcl_Alloc(length);
    memcpy(*valuePtr, bytes, length);
 * AppendEnvironment --
 *	Append the value of the TCL_LIBRARY environment variable onto the path
 *	pointer. If the env variable points to another version of tcl (e.g.
 *	"tcl7.6") also append the path to this version (e.g.,
 *	"tcl7.6/../tcl8.2")
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

static void
    Tcl_Obj *pathPtr,
    const char *lib)
    Tcl_Size pathc;
    char buf[MAX_PATH * 3];
    Tcl_Obj *objPtr;
    Tcl_DString ds;
    const char **pathv;
    char *shortlib;

     * The shortlib value needs to be the tail component of the lib path. For
     * example, "lib/tcl8.4" -> "tcl8.4" while "usr/share/tcl8.5" -> "tcl8.5".

    for (shortlib = (char *) &lib[strlen(lib)-1]; shortlib>lib ; shortlib--) {
	if (*shortlib == '/') {
	    if ((size_t)(shortlib - lib) == strlen(lib) - 1) {
		Tcl_Panic("last character in lib cannot be '/'");
    if (shortlib == lib) {
	Tcl_Panic("no '/' character found in lib");

     * The "L" preceding the TCL_LIBRARY string is used to tell VC++ that
     * this is a Unicode string.

    GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"TCL_LIBRARY", wBuf, MAX_PATH);
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wBuf, -1, buf, MAX_PATH * 3, NULL, NULL);

    if (buf[0] != '\0') {
	objPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj(buf, TCL_INDEX_NONE);
	Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, pathPtr, objPtr);

	Tcl_SplitPath(buf, &pathc, &pathv);

	 * The lstrcmpiA() will work even if pathv[pathc-1] is random UTF-8
	 * chars because I know shortlib is ascii.

	if ((pathc > 0) && (lstrcmpiA(shortlib, pathv[pathc - 1]) != 0)) {
	     * TCL_LIBRARY is set but refers to a different tcl installation
	     * than the current version. Try fiddling with the specified
	     * directory to make it refer to this installation by removing the
	     * old "tclX.Y" and substituting the current version string.

	    pathv[pathc - 1] = shortlib;
	    (void) Tcl_JoinPath(pathc, pathv, &ds);
	    objPtr = Tcl_DStringToObj(&ds);
	} else {
	    objPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj(buf, TCL_INDEX_NONE);
	Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, pathPtr, objPtr);
	Tcl_Free((void *)pathv);
 * InitializeDefaultLibraryDir --
 *	Locate the Tcl script library default location relative to the
 *	location of the Tcl DLL.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

static void
    char **valuePtr,
    size_t *lengthPtr,
    Tcl_Encoding *encodingPtr)
    HMODULE hModule = (HMODULE)TclWinGetTclInstance();
    char name[(MAX_PATH + LIBRARY_SIZE) * 3];
    char *end, *p;

    GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, wName, sizeof(wName)/sizeof(WCHAR));
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wName, -1, name, sizeof(name), NULL, NULL);

    end = strrchr(name, '\\');
    *end = '\0';
    p = strrchr(name, '\\');
    if (p != NULL) {
	end = p;
    *end = '\\';

    snprintf(end + 1, LIBRARY_SIZE, "lib/tcl%s", TCL_VERSION);
    *lengthPtr = strlen(name);
    *valuePtr = (char *)Tcl_Alloc(*lengthPtr + 1);
    *encodingPtr = NULL;
    memcpy(*valuePtr, name, *lengthPtr + 1);
 * InitializeSourceLibraryDir --
 *	Locate the Tcl script library default location relative to the
 *	location of the Tcl DLL as it exists in the build output directory
 *	associated with the source checkout.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

static void
    char **valuePtr,
    size_t *lengthPtr,
    Tcl_Encoding *encodingPtr)
    HMODULE hModule = (HMODULE)TclWinGetTclInstance();
    char name[(MAX_PATH + LIBRARY_SIZE) * 3];
    char *end, *p;

    GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, wName, sizeof(wName)/sizeof(WCHAR));
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wName, -1, name, sizeof(name), NULL, NULL);

    end = strrchr(name, '\\');
    *end = '\0';
    p = strrchr(name, '\\');
    if (p != NULL) {
	end = p;
    *end = '\\';

    snprintf(end + 1, LIBRARY_SIZE, "../library");
    *lengthPtr = strlen(name);
    *valuePtr = (char *)Tcl_Alloc(*lengthPtr + 1);
    *encodingPtr = NULL;
    memcpy(*valuePtr, name, *lengthPtr + 1);
 * TclpSetInitialEncodings --
 *	Based on the locale, determine the encoding of the operating system
 *	and the default encoding for newly opened files.
 *	Called at process initialization time, and part way through startup,
 *	we verify that the initial encodings were correctly setup. Depending
 *	on Tcl's environment, there may not have been enough information first
 *	time through (above).
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	The Tcl library path is converted from native encoding to UTF-8, on
 *	the first call, and the encodings may be changed on first or second
 *	call.

    Tcl_DString encodingName;


const char *
    Tcl_DString *bufPtr)
    UINT acp = GetACP();

    if (acp == CP_UTF8) {
	Tcl_DStringAppend(bufPtr, "utf-8", 5);
    } else {
	Tcl_DStringSetLength(bufPtr, 2+TCL_INTEGER_SPACE);
	snprintf(Tcl_DStringValue(bufPtr), 2+TCL_INTEGER_SPACE, "cp%d", GetACP());
	Tcl_DStringSetLength(bufPtr, strlen(Tcl_DStringValue(bufPtr)));
    return Tcl_DStringValue(bufPtr);
const char *
    Tcl_DString *bufferPtr)	/* Uninitialized or free DString filled with
				 * the name of user. */

    if (TclGetEnv("USERNAME", bufferPtr) == NULL) {
	WCHAR szUserName[UNLEN+1];
	DWORD cchUserNameLen = UNLEN;

	if (!GetUserNameW(szUserName, &cchUserNameLen)) {
	    return NULL;
	Tcl_WCharToUtfDString(szUserName, cchUserNameLen, bufferPtr);
    return Tcl_DStringValue(bufferPtr);
 * TclpSetVariables --
 *	Performs platform-specific interpreter initialization related to the
 *	tcl_platform and env variables, and other platform-specific things.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	Sets "tcl_platform", and "env(HOME)" Tcl variables.

    Tcl_Interp *interp)		/* Interp to initialize. */
    const char *ptr;
    char buffer[TCL_INTEGER_SPACE * 2];
    union {
	OemId oemId;
    } sys;
    static OSVERSIONINFOW osInfo;
    static int osInfoInitialized = 0;
    Tcl_DString ds;

    Tcl_SetVar2Ex(interp, "tclDefaultLibrary", NULL,
	    TclGetProcessGlobalValue(&defaultLibraryDir), TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);

    if (!osInfoInitialized) {
	HMODULE handle = GetModuleHandleW(L"NTDLL");
	int(__stdcall *getversion)(void *) =
		(int(__stdcall *)(void *))(void *)GetProcAddress(handle, "RtlGetVersion");
	osInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOW);
	if (!getversion || getversion(&osInfo)) {
	osInfoInitialized = 1;

     * Define the tcl_platform array.

    Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "tcl_platform", "platform", "windows",
    Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "tcl_platform", "os",
	    "Windows NT", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
    if (osInfo.dwMajorVersion == 10 && osInfo.dwBuildNumber >= 22000) {
	osInfo.dwMajorVersion = 11;
    snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%ld.%ld", osInfo.dwMajorVersion, osInfo.dwMinorVersion);
    Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "tcl_platform", "osVersion", buffer, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
    if (sys.oemId.wProcessorArchitecture < NUMPROCESSORS) {
	Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "tcl_platform", "machine",

     * Set up the HOME environment variable from the HOMEDRIVE & HOMEPATH
     * environment variables, if necessary.

    ptr = Tcl_GetVar2(interp, "env", "HOME", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
    if (ptr == NULL) {
	ptr = Tcl_GetVar2(interp, "env", "HOMEDRIVE", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
	if (ptr != NULL) {
	    Tcl_DStringAppend(&ds, ptr, TCL_INDEX_NONE);
	ptr = Tcl_GetVar2(interp, "env", "HOMEPATH", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
	if (ptr != NULL) {
	    Tcl_DStringAppend(&ds, ptr, TCL_INDEX_NONE);
	if (Tcl_DStringLength(&ds) > 0) {
	    Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "env", "HOME", Tcl_DStringValue(&ds),
	} else {
            /* None of HOME, HOMEDRIVE, HOMEPATH exists. Try USERPROFILE */
            ptr = Tcl_GetVar2(interp, "env", "USERPROFILE", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
            if (ptr != NULL && ptr[0]) {
                Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "env", "HOME", ptr, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
            } else {
                /* Last resort */
                Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "env", "HOME", "c:\\", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);

     * Initialize the user name from the environment first, since this is much
     * faster than asking the system.
     * Note: cchUserNameLen is number of characters including nul terminator.

    ptr = TclpGetUserName(&ds);
    Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "tcl_platform", "user", ptr ? ptr : "",

     * Define what the platform PATH separator is. [TIP #315]

    Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "tcl_platform","pathSeparator", ";", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
 * TclpFindVariable --
 *	Locate the entry in environ for a given name. On Unix this routine is
 *	case sensitive, on Windows this matches mixed case.
 * Results:
 *	The return value is the index in environ of an entry with the name
 *	"name", or -1 if there is no such entry. The integer
 *	at *lengthPtr is filled in with the length of name (if a matching
 *	entry is found) or the length of the environ array (if no
 *	matching entry is found).
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

#  define tenviron2utfdstr(string, len, dsPtr) \
		(char *)Tcl_Char16ToUtfDString((const unsigned short *)(string), ((((len) + 2) >> 1) - 1), (dsPtr))

    const char *name,		/* Name of desired environment variable
				 * (UTF-8). */
    Tcl_Size *lengthPtr)		/* Used to return length of name (for
				 * successful searches) or number of non-NULL
				 * entries in environ (for unsuccessful
				 * searches). */
    Tcl_Size i, length, result = -1;
    const WCHAR *env;
    const char *p1, *p2;
    char *envUpper, *nameUpper;
    Tcl_DString envString;

     * Convert the name to all upper case for the case insensitive comparison.

    length = strlen(name);
    nameUpper = (char *)Tcl_Alloc(length + 1);
    memcpy(nameUpper, name, length+1);

    for (i = 0, env = _wenviron[i];
	env != NULL;
	i++, env = _wenviron[i]) {
	 * Chop the env string off after the equal sign, then Convert the name
	 * to all upper case, so we do not have to convert all the characters
	 * after the equal sign.

	envUpper = Tcl_WCharToUtfDString(env, -1, &envString);
	p1 = strchr(envUpper, '=');
	if (p1 == NULL) {
	length = p1 - envUpper;
	Tcl_DStringSetLength(&envString, length+1);

	p1 = envUpper;
	p2 = nameUpper;
	for (; *p2 == *p1; p1++, p2++) {
	    /* NULL loop body. */
	if ((*p1 == '=') && (*p2 == '\0')) {
	    *lengthPtr = length;
	    result = i;
	    goto done;


    *lengthPtr = i;

    return result;
 * Local Variables:
 * mode: c
 * c-basic-offset: 4
 * fill-column: 78
 * End: