 * tclWinTime.c --
 *	Contains Windows specific versions of Tcl functions that
 *	obtain time values from the operating system.
 * Copyright 1995-1998 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
 * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
 * RCS: @(#) $Id: tclWinTime.c,v 1.27 2004/06/05 17:31:08 kennykb Exp $

#include "tclInt.h"

#define SECSPERDAY (60L * 60L * 24L)

 * Number of samples over which to estimate the performance counter
#define SAMPLES 64

 * The following arrays contain the day of year for the last day of
 * each month, where index 1 is January.

static int normalDays[] = {
    -1, 30, 58, 89, 119, 150, 180, 211, 242, 272, 303, 333, 364

static int leapDays[] = {
    -1, 30, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365

typedef struct ThreadSpecificData {
    char tzName[64];		/* Time zone name */
    struct tm tm;		/* time information */
} ThreadSpecificData;
static Tcl_ThreadDataKey dataKey;

 * Data for managing high-resolution timers.

typedef struct TimeInfo {

    CRITICAL_SECTION cs;	/* Mutex guarding this structure */

    int initialized;		/* Flag == 1 if this structure is
				 * initialized. */

    int perfCounterAvailable;	/* Flag == 1 if the hardware has a
				 * performance counter */

    HANDLE calibrationThread;	/* Handle to the thread that keeps the
				 * virtual clock calibrated. */

    HANDLE readyEvent;		/* System event used to
				 * trigger the requesting thread
				 * when the clock calibration procedure
				 * is initialized for the first time */

    HANDLE exitEvent; 		/* Event to signal out of an exit handler
				 * to tell the calibration loop to
				 * terminate */

    LARGE_INTEGER nominalFreq;	/* Nominal frequency of the system
				 * performance counter, that is, the value
				 * returned from QueryPerformanceFrequency. */

     * The following values are used for calculating virtual time.
     * Virtual time is always equal to:
     *    lastFileTime + (current perf counter - lastCounter) 
     *				* 10000000 / curCounterFreq
     * and lastFileTime and lastCounter are updated any time that
     * virtual time is returned to a caller.

    ULARGE_INTEGER fileTimeLastCall;
    LARGE_INTEGER perfCounterLastCall;
    LARGE_INTEGER curCounterFreq;

     * Data used in developing the estimate of performance counter
     * frequency
    Tcl_WideUInt fileTimeSample[SAMPLES];
				/* Last 64 samples of system time */
    Tcl_WideInt perfCounterSample[SAMPLES];
				/* Last 64 samples of performance counter */
    int sampleNo;		/* Current sample number */

} TimeInfo;

static TimeInfo timeInfo = {
    { NULL },
    (LARGE_INTEGER) (Tcl_WideInt) 0,
    (LARGE_INTEGER) (Tcl_WideInt) 0,
    (LARGE_INTEGER) (Tcl_WideInt) 0,
    { 0 },
    { 0 },

 * Declarations for functions defined later in this file.

static struct tm *	ComputeGMT _ANSI_ARGS_((const time_t *tp));
static void		StopCalibration _ANSI_ARGS_(( ClientData ));
static DWORD WINAPI     CalibrationThread _ANSI_ARGS_(( LPVOID arg ));
static void 		UpdateTimeEachSecond _ANSI_ARGS_(( void ));
static void		ResetCounterSamples _ANSI_ARGS_((
			    Tcl_WideUInt fileTime, 
                            Tcl_WideInt perfCounter,
			    Tcl_WideInt perfFreq
static Tcl_WideInt		AccumulateSample _ANSI_ARGS_((
			    Tcl_WideInt perfCounter,
			    Tcl_WideUInt fileTime
 * TclpGetSeconds --
 *	This procedure returns the number of seconds from the epoch.
 *	On most Unix systems the epoch is Midnight Jan 1, 1970 GMT.
 * Results:
 *	Number of seconds from the epoch.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

unsigned long
    Tcl_Time t;
    Tcl_GetTime( &t );
    return t.sec;
 * TclpGetClicks --
 *	This procedure returns a value that represents the highest
 *	resolution clock available on the system.  There are no
 *	guarantees on what the resolution will be.  In Tcl we will
 *	call this value a "click".  The start time is also system
 *	dependant.
 * Results:
 *	Number of clicks from some start time.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

unsigned long
     * Use the Tcl_GetTime abstraction to get the time in microseconds,
     * as nearly as we can, and return it.

    Tcl_Time now;		/* Current Tcl time */
    unsigned long retval;	/* Value to return */

    Tcl_GetTime( &now );
    retval = ( now.sec * 1000000 ) + now.usec;
    return retval;

 * TclpGetTimeZone --
 *	Determines the current timezone.  The method varies wildly
 *	between different Platform implementations, so its hidden in
 *	this function.
 * Results:
 *	Minutes west of GMT.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

TclpGetTimeZone (currentTime)
    unsigned long  currentTime;
    int timeZone;

    timeZone = timezone / 60;

    return timeZone;
 * Tcl_GetTime --
 *	Gets the current system time in seconds and microseconds
 *	since the beginning of the epoch: 00:00 UCT, January 1, 1970.
 * Results:
 *	Returns the current time in timePtr.
 * Side effects:
 *	On the first call, initializes a set of static variables to
 *	keep track of the base value of the performance counter, the
 *	corresponding wall clock (obtained through ftime) and the
 *	frequency of the performance counter.  Also spins a thread
 *	whose function is to wake up periodically and monitor these
 *	values, adjusting them as necessary to correct for drift
 *	in the performance counter's oscillator.

    Tcl_Time *timePtr;		/* Location to store time information. */
    struct timeb t;

    int useFtime = 1;		/* Flag == TRUE if we need to fall back
				 * on ftime rather than using the perf
				 * counter */

    /* Initialize static storage on the first trip through. */

     * Note: Outer check for 'initialized' is a performance win
     * since it avoids an extra mutex lock in the common case.

    if ( !timeInfo.initialized ) { 
	if ( !timeInfo.initialized ) {
		= QueryPerformanceFrequency( &timeInfo.nominalFreq );

	     * Some hardware abstraction layers use the CPU clock
	     * in place of the real-time clock as a performance counter
	     * reference.  This results in:
	     *    - inconsistent results among the processors on
	     *      multi-processor systems.
	     *    - unpredictable changes in performance counter frequency
	     *      on "gearshift" processors such as Transmeta and
	     *      SpeedStep.
	     * There seems to be no way to test whether the performance
	     * counter is reliable, but a useful heuristic is that
	     * if its frequency is 1.193182 MHz or 3.579545 MHz, it's
	     * derived from a colorburst crystal and is therefore
	     * the RTC rather than the TSC.
	     * A sloppier but serviceable heuristic is that the RTC crystal
	     * is normally less than 15 MHz while the TSC crystal is
	     * virtually assured to be greater than 100 MHz.  Since Win98SE
	     * appears to fiddle with the definition of the perf counter
	     * frequency (perhaps in an attempt to calibrate the clock?)
	     * we use the latter rule rather than an exact match.

	    if ( timeInfo.perfCounterAvailable
		 /* The following lines would do an exact match on
		  * crystal frequency:
		  * && timeInfo.nominalFreq.QuadPart != (Tcl_WideInt) 1193182
		  * && timeInfo.nominalFreq.QuadPart != (Tcl_WideInt) 3579545
		 && timeInfo.nominalFreq.QuadPart > (Tcl_WideInt) 15000000 ) {

		 * As an exception, if every logical processor on the system
		 * is on the same chip, we use the performance counter anyway,
		 * presuming that everyone's TSC is locked to the same
		 * oscillator.

		SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo;
		unsigned int regs[4];
		GetSystemInfo( &systemInfo );
		if ( TclWinCPUID( 0, regs ) == TCL_OK

		     && regs[1] == 0x756e6547 /* "Genu" */
		     && regs[3] == 0x49656e69 /* "ineI" */
		     && regs[2] == 0x6c65746e /* "ntel" */

		     && TclWinCPUID( 1, regs ) == TCL_OK 

		     && ( (regs[0] & 0x00000F00) == 0x00000F00 /* Pentium 4 */
			  || ( (regs[0] & 0x00F00000)    /* Extended family */
			       && (regs[3] & 0x10000000) ) ) /* Hyperthread */
		     && ( ( ( regs[1] & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) /* CPU count */
			  == systemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors ) 

		    ) {
		    timeInfo.perfCounterAvailable = TRUE;
		} else {
		    timeInfo.perfCounterAvailable = FALSE;


	     * If the performance counter is available, start a thread to
	     * calibrate it.

	    if ( timeInfo.perfCounterAvailable ) {
		DWORD id;
		InitializeCriticalSection( &timeInfo.cs );
		timeInfo.readyEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
		timeInfo.exitEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
		timeInfo.calibrationThread = CreateThread( NULL,
							   (LPVOID) NULL,
							   &id );
		SetThreadPriority( timeInfo.calibrationThread,

		 * Wait for the thread just launched to start running,
		 * and create an exit handler that kills it so that it
		 * doesn't outlive unloading tclXX.dll

		WaitForSingleObject( timeInfo.readyEvent, INFINITE );
		CloseHandle( timeInfo.readyEvent );
		Tcl_CreateExitHandler( StopCalibration, (ClientData) NULL );
	    timeInfo.initialized = TRUE;

    if ( timeInfo.perfCounterAvailable 
		&& timeInfo.curCounterFreq.QuadPart!=0 ) {
	 * Query the performance counter and use it to calculate the
	 * current time.

	LARGE_INTEGER curCounter;
				/* Current performance counter */

	Tcl_WideInt curFileTime;
				/* Current estimated time, expressed
				 * as 100-ns ticks since the Windows epoch */

	static LARGE_INTEGER posixEpoch;
				/* Posix epoch expressed as 100-ns ticks
				 * since the windows epoch */

	Tcl_WideInt usecSincePosixEpoch;
				/* Current microseconds since Posix epoch */

	posixEpoch.LowPart = 0xD53E8000;
	posixEpoch.HighPart = 0x019DB1DE;

	EnterCriticalSection( &timeInfo.cs );

	QueryPerformanceCounter( &curCounter );

	 * If it appears to be more than 1.1 seconds since the last trip
	 * through the calibration loop, the performance counter may
	 * have jumped forward. (See MSDN Knowledge Base article
	 * Q274323 for a description of the hardware problem that makes
	 * this test necessary.) If the counter jumps, we don't want
	 * to use it directly. Instead, we must return system time.
	 * Eventually, the calibration loop should recover.
	if ( curCounter.QuadPart - timeInfo.perfCounterLastCall.QuadPart
	     < 11 * timeInfo.curCounterFreq.QuadPart / 10 ) {
	    curFileTime = timeInfo.fileTimeLastCall.QuadPart
		+ ( ( curCounter.QuadPart - timeInfo.perfCounterLastCall.QuadPart )
		    * 10000000 / timeInfo.curCounterFreq.QuadPart );
	    timeInfo.fileTimeLastCall.QuadPart = curFileTime;
	    timeInfo.perfCounterLastCall.QuadPart = curCounter.QuadPart;
	    usecSincePosixEpoch = ( curFileTime - posixEpoch.QuadPart ) / 10;
	    timePtr->sec = (time_t) ( usecSincePosixEpoch / 1000000 );
	    timePtr->usec = (unsigned long ) ( usecSincePosixEpoch % 1000000 );
	    useFtime = 0;

	LeaveCriticalSection( &timeInfo.cs );
    if ( useFtime ) {
	/* High resolution timer is not available.  Just use ftime */

	timePtr->sec = t.time;
	timePtr->usec = t.millitm * 1000;
 * StopCalibration --
 *	Turns off the calibration thread in preparation for exiting the
 *	process.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	Sets the 'exitEvent' event in the 'timeInfo' structure to ask
 *	the thread in question to exit, and waits for it to do so.

static void
StopCalibration( ClientData unused )
				/* Client data is unused */
    SetEvent( timeInfo.exitEvent );
     * If Tcl_Finalize was called from DllMain, the calibration thread
     * is in a paused state so we need to timeout and continue.
    WaitForSingleObject( timeInfo.calibrationThread, 100 );
    CloseHandle( timeInfo.exitEvent );
    CloseHandle( timeInfo.calibrationThread );
 * TclpGetTZName --
 *	Gets the current timezone string.
 * Results:
 *	Returns a pointer to a static string, or NULL on failure.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

char *
TclpGetTZName(int dst)
    int len;
    char *zone, *p;
    Tcl_Encoding encoding;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);
    char *name = tsdPtr->tzName;

     * tzset() under Borland doesn't seem to set up tzname[] at all.
     * tzset() under MSVC has the following weird observed behavior:
     *	 First time we call "clock format [clock seconds] -format %Z -gmt 1"
     *	 we get "GMT", but on all subsequent calls we get the current time 
     *	 zone string, even though env(TZ) is GMT and the variable _timezone 
     *   is 0.

    name[0] = '\0';

    zone = getenv("TZ");
    if (zone != NULL) {
	 * TZ is of form "NST-4:30NDT", where "NST" would be the
	 * name of the standard time zone for this area, "-4:30" is
	 * the offset from GMT in hours, and "NDT is the name of 
	 * the daylight savings time zone in this area.  The offset 
	 * and DST strings are optional.

	len = strlen(zone);
	if (len > 3) {
	    len = 3;
	if (dst != 0) {
	     * Skip the offset string and get the DST string.

	    p = zone + len;
	    p += strspn(p, "+-:0123456789");
	    if (*p != '\0') {
		zone = p;
		len = strlen(zone);
		if (len > 3) {
		    len = 3;
	Tcl_ExternalToUtf(NULL, NULL, zone, len, 0, NULL, name,
		sizeof(tsdPtr->tzName), NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (name[0] == '\0') {
	if (GetTimeZoneInformation(&tz) == TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN) {
	     * MSDN: On NT this is returned if DST is not used in
	     * the current TZ
	    dst = 0;
	encoding = Tcl_GetEncoding(NULL, "unicode");
	Tcl_ExternalToUtf(NULL, encoding, 
		(char *) ((dst) ? tz.DaylightName : tz.StandardName), -1, 
		0, NULL, name, sizeof(tsdPtr->tzName), NULL, NULL, NULL);
    return name;
 * TclpGetDate --
 *	This function converts between seconds and struct tm.  If
 *	useGMT is true, then the returned date will be in Greenwich
 *	Mean Time (GMT).  Otherwise, it will be in the local time zone.
 * Results:
 *	Returns a static tm structure.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

struct tm *
TclpGetDate(t, useGMT)
    CONST time_t *t;
    int useGMT;
    struct tm *tmPtr;
    time_t time;

    if (!useGMT) {

	 * If we are in the valid range, let the C run-time library
	 * handle it.  Otherwise we need to fake it.  Note that this
	 * algorithm ignores daylight savings time before the epoch.

	  Hm, Borland's localtime manages to return NULL under certain
	  circumstances (e.g. wintime.test, test 1.2). Nobody tests for this,
	  since 'localtime' isn't supposed to do this, possibly leading to
	  Patch: We only call this function if we are at least one day into
	  the epoch, else we handle it ourselves (like we do for times < 0).
	  H. Giese, June 2003
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
	if (*t >= SECSPERDAY) {
	if (*t >= 0) {
	    return TclpLocaltime(t);

	time = *t - timezone;
	 * If we aren't near to overflowing the long, just add the bias and
	 * use the normal calculation.  Otherwise we will need to adjust
	 * the result at the end.

	if (*t < (LONG_MAX - 2 * SECSPERDAY)
		&& *t > (LONG_MIN + 2 * SECSPERDAY)) {
	    tmPtr = ComputeGMT(&time);
	} else {
	    tmPtr = ComputeGMT(t);


	     * Add the bias directly to the tm structure to avoid overflow.
	     * Propagate seconds overflow into minutes, hours and days.

	    time = tmPtr->tm_sec - timezone;
	    tmPtr->tm_sec = (int)(time % 60);
	    if (tmPtr->tm_sec < 0) {
		tmPtr->tm_sec += 60;
		time -= 60;
	    time = tmPtr->tm_min + time/60;
	    tmPtr->tm_min = (int)(time % 60);
	    if (tmPtr->tm_min < 0) {
		tmPtr->tm_min += 60;
		time -= 60;

	    time = tmPtr->tm_hour + time/60;
	    tmPtr->tm_hour = (int)(time % 24);
	    if (tmPtr->tm_hour < 0) {
		tmPtr->tm_hour += 24;
		time -= 24;

	    time /= 24;
	    tmPtr->tm_mday += time;
	    tmPtr->tm_yday += time;
	    tmPtr->tm_wday = (tmPtr->tm_wday + time) % 7;
    } else {
	tmPtr = ComputeGMT(t);
    return tmPtr;
 * ComputeGMT --
 *	This function computes GMT given the number of seconds since
 *	the epoch (midnight Jan 1 1970).
 * Results:
 *	Returns a (per thread) statically allocated struct tm.
 * Side effects:
 *	Updates the values of the static struct tm.

static struct tm *
    const time_t *tp;
    struct tm *tmPtr;
    long tmp, rem;
    int isLeap;
    int *days;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);

    tmPtr = &tsdPtr->tm;

     * Compute the 4 year span containing the specified time.

    tmp = *tp / SECSPER4YEAR;
    rem = *tp % SECSPER4YEAR;

     * Correct for weird mod semantics so the remainder is always positive.

    if (rem < 0) {

     * Compute the year after 1900 by taking the 4 year span and adjusting
     * for the remainder.  This works because 2000 is a leap year, and
     * 1900/2100 are out of the range.

    tmp = (tmp * 4) + 70;
    isLeap = 0;
    if (rem >= SECSPERYEAR) {			  /* 1971, etc. */
	if (rem >= SECSPERYEAR) {		  /* 1972, etc. */
	    rem -= SECSPERYEAR;
	    if (rem >= SECSPERYEAR + SECSPERDAY) { /* 1973, etc. */
	    } else {
		isLeap = 1;
    tmPtr->tm_year = tmp;

     * Compute the day of year and leave the seconds in the current day in
     * the remainder.

    tmPtr->tm_yday = rem / SECSPERDAY;
    rem %= SECSPERDAY;
     * Compute the time of day.

    tmPtr->tm_hour = rem / 3600;
    rem %= 3600;
    tmPtr->tm_min = rem / 60;
    tmPtr->tm_sec = rem % 60;

     * Compute the month and day of month.

    days = (isLeap) ? leapDays : normalDays;
    for (tmp = 1; days[tmp] < tmPtr->tm_yday; tmp++) {
    tmPtr->tm_mon = --tmp;
    tmPtr->tm_mday = tmPtr->tm_yday - days[tmp];

     * Compute day of week.  Epoch started on a Thursday.

    tmPtr->tm_wday = (*tp / SECSPERDAY) + 4;
    if ((*tp % SECSPERDAY) < 0) {
    tmPtr->tm_wday %= 7;
    if (tmPtr->tm_wday < 0) {
	tmPtr->tm_wday += 7;

    return tmPtr;
 * CalibrationThread --
 *	Thread that manages calibration of the hi-resolution time
 *	derived from the performance counter, to keep it synchronized
 *	with the system clock.
 * Parameters:
 *	arg -- Client data from the CreateThread call.  This parameter
 *             points to the static TimeInfo structure.
 * Return value:
 *	None.  This thread embeds an infinite loop.
 * Side effects:
 *	At an interval of 1 s, this thread performs virtual time discipline.
 * Note: When this thread is entered, TclpInitLock has been called
 * to safeguard the static storage.  There is therefore no synchronization
 * in the body of this procedure.

CalibrationThread( LPVOID arg )
    FILETIME curFileTime;
    DWORD waitResult;

    /* Get initial system time and performance counter */

    GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &curFileTime );
    QueryPerformanceCounter( &timeInfo.perfCounterLastCall );
    QueryPerformanceFrequency( &timeInfo.curCounterFreq );
    timeInfo.fileTimeLastCall.LowPart = curFileTime.dwLowDateTime;
    timeInfo.fileTimeLastCall.HighPart = curFileTime.dwHighDateTime;

    ResetCounterSamples( timeInfo.fileTimeLastCall.QuadPart,
			 timeInfo.curCounterFreq.QuadPart );

     * Wake up the calling thread.  When it wakes up, it will release the
     * initialization lock.

    SetEvent( timeInfo.readyEvent );

    /* Run the calibration once a second */

    while (timeInfo.perfCounterAvailable) {

	/* If the exitEvent is set, break out of the loop. */

	waitResult = WaitForSingleObjectEx(timeInfo.exitEvent, 1000, FALSE);
	if ( waitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) {

    /* lint */
    return (DWORD) 0;
 * UpdateTimeEachSecond --
 *	Callback from the waitable timer in the clock calibration thread
 *	that updates system time.
 * Parameters:
 *	info -- Pointer to the static TimeInfo structure
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	Performs virtual time calibration discipline.

static void

    LARGE_INTEGER curPerfCounter;
				/* Current value returned from
				 * QueryPerformanceCounter */

    FILETIME curSysTime;	/* Current system time */

    LARGE_INTEGER curFileTime;	/* File time at the time this callback
				 * was scheduled. */

    Tcl_WideInt estFreq;	/* Estimated perf counter frequency */

    Tcl_WideInt vt0;		/* Tcl time right now */
    Tcl_WideInt vt1;		/* Tcl time one second from now */

    Tcl_WideInt tdiff;		/* Difference between system clock and
				 * Tcl time. */

    Tcl_WideInt driftFreq;	/* Frequency needed to drift virtual time
				 * into step over 1 second */

     * Sample performance counter and system time.

    QueryPerformanceCounter( &curPerfCounter );
    GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &curSysTime );
    curFileTime.LowPart = curSysTime.dwLowDateTime;
    curFileTime.HighPart = curSysTime.dwHighDateTime;

    EnterCriticalSection( &timeInfo.cs );

     * We devide by timeInfo.curCounterFreq.QuadPart in several places.
     * That value should always be positive on a correctly functioning
     * system.  But it is good to be defensive about such matters.
     * So if something goes wrong and the value does goes to zero, we
     * clear the timeInfo.perfCounterAvailable in order to cause the
     * calibration thread to shut itself down, then return without additional
     * processing.

    if( timeInfo.curCounterFreq.QuadPart==0 ){
	LeaveCriticalSection( &timeInfo.cs );
	timeInfo.perfCounterAvailable = 0;

     * Several things may have gone wrong here that have to
     * be checked for.
     * (1) The performance counter may have jumped.
     * (2) The system clock may have been reset.
     * In either case, we'll need to reinitialize the circular buffer
     * with samples relative to the current system time and the NOMINAL
     * performance frequency (not the actual, because the actual has
     * probably run slow in the first case). Our estimated frequency
     * will be the nominal frequency.

     * Store the current sample into the circular buffer of samples,
     * and estimate the performance counter frequency.

    estFreq = AccumulateSample( curPerfCounter.QuadPart,
				(Tcl_WideUInt) curFileTime.QuadPart );

     * We want to adjust things so that time appears to be continuous.
     * Virtual file time, right now, is 
     * vt0 = 10000000 * ( curPerfCounter - perfCounterLastCall )
     *       / curCounterFreq
     *       + fileTimeLastCall
     * Ideally, we would like to drift the clock into place over a
     * period of 2 sec, so that virtual time 2 sec from now will be
     * vt1 = 20000000 + curFileTime
     * The frequency that we need to use to drift the counter back into
     * place is estFreq * 20000000 / ( vt1 - vt0 )
    vt0 = 10000000 * ( curPerfCounter.QuadPart
		       - timeInfo.perfCounterLastCall.QuadPart )
	/ timeInfo.curCounterFreq.QuadPart
	+ timeInfo.fileTimeLastCall.QuadPart;
    vt1 = 20000000 + curFileTime.QuadPart;

     * If we've gotten more than a second away from system time,
     * then drifting the clock is going to be pretty hopeless.
     * Just let it jump. Otherwise, compute the drift frequency and
     * fill in everything.

    tdiff = vt0 - curFileTime.QuadPart;
    if ( tdiff > 10000000 || tdiff < -10000000 ) {
	timeInfo.fileTimeLastCall.QuadPart = curFileTime.QuadPart;
	timeInfo.curCounterFreq.QuadPart = estFreq;
    } else {
	driftFreq = estFreq * 20000000 / ( vt1 - vt0 );
	if ( driftFreq > 1003 * estFreq / 1000 ) {
	    driftFreq = 1003 * estFreq / 1000;
	if ( driftFreq < 997 * estFreq / 1000 ) {
	    driftFreq = 997 * estFreq / 1000;
	timeInfo.fileTimeLastCall.QuadPart = vt0;
	timeInfo.curCounterFreq.QuadPart = driftFreq;

    timeInfo.perfCounterLastCall.QuadPart = curPerfCounter.QuadPart;

    LeaveCriticalSection( &timeInfo.cs );


 * ResetCounterSamples --
 *	Fills the sample arrays in 'timeInfo' with dummy values that will
 *	yield the current performance counter and frequency.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	The array of samples is filled in so that it appears that there
 *	are SAMPLES samples at one-second intervals, separated by precisely
 *	the given frequency.

static void
ResetCounterSamples( Tcl_WideUInt fileTime,
				/* Current file time */
		     Tcl_WideInt perfCounter,
				/* Current performance counter */
		     Tcl_WideInt perfFreq )
				/* Target performance frequency */
    int i;
    for ( i = SAMPLES-1; i >= 0; --i ) {
	timeInfo.perfCounterSample[i] = perfCounter;
	timeInfo.fileTimeSample[i] = fileTime;
	perfCounter -= perfFreq;
	fileTime -= 10000000;
    timeInfo.sampleNo = 0;

 * AccumulateSample --
 *	Updates the circular buffer of performance counter and system
 *	time samples with a new data point.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	The new data point replaces the oldest point in the circular
 *	buffer, and the descriptive statistics are updated to accumulate
 *	the new point.
 * Several things may have gone wrong here that have to
 * be checked for.
 * (1) The performance counter may have jumped.
 * (2) The system clock may have been reset.
 * In either case, we'll need to reinitialize the circular buffer
 * with samples relative to the current system time and the NOMINAL
 * performance frequency (not the actual, because the actual has
 * probably run slow in the first case).

static Tcl_WideInt
AccumulateSample( Tcl_WideInt perfCounter,
		  Tcl_WideUInt fileTime )
    Tcl_WideUInt workFTSample;	/* File time sample being removed
				 * from or added to the circular buffer */

    Tcl_WideInt workPCSample;	/* Performance counter sample being
				 * removed from or added to the circular 
				 * buffer */

    Tcl_WideUInt lastFTSample;	/* Last file time sample recorded */

    Tcl_WideInt lastPCSample;	/* Last performance counter sample recorded */

    Tcl_WideInt FTdiff;		/* Difference between last FT and current */

    Tcl_WideInt PCdiff;		/* Difference between last PC and current */

    Tcl_WideInt estFreq;	/* Estimated performance counter frequency */

    /* Test for jumps and reset the samples if we have one. */

    if ( timeInfo.sampleNo == 0 ) {
	lastPCSample = timeInfo.perfCounterSample[ timeInfo.sampleNo
						   + SAMPLES - 1 ];
	lastFTSample = timeInfo.fileTimeSample[ timeInfo.sampleNo
						+ SAMPLES - 1 ];
    } else {
	lastPCSample = timeInfo.perfCounterSample[ timeInfo.sampleNo - 1 ];
	lastFTSample = timeInfo.fileTimeSample[ timeInfo.sampleNo - 1 ];
    PCdiff = perfCounter - lastPCSample;
    FTdiff = fileTime - lastFTSample;
    if ( PCdiff < timeInfo.nominalFreq.QuadPart * 9 / 10
	 || PCdiff > timeInfo.nominalFreq.QuadPart * 11 / 10
	 || FTdiff < 9000000
	 || FTdiff > 11000000 ) {
	ResetCounterSamples( fileTime, perfCounter,
			     timeInfo.nominalFreq.QuadPart );
	return timeInfo.nominalFreq.QuadPart;

    } else {
	/* Estimate the frequency */
	workPCSample = timeInfo.perfCounterSample[ timeInfo.sampleNo ];
	workFTSample = timeInfo.fileTimeSample[ timeInfo.sampleNo ];
	estFreq = 10000000 * ( perfCounter - workPCSample )
	    / ( fileTime - workFTSample );
	timeInfo.perfCounterSample[ timeInfo.sampleNo ] = perfCounter;
	timeInfo.fileTimeSample[ timeInfo.sampleNo ] = (Tcl_WideInt) fileTime;
	/* Advance the sample number */
	if ( ++timeInfo.sampleNo >= SAMPLES ) {
	    timeInfo.sampleNo = 0;
	return estFreq;
 * TclpGmtime --
 *	Wrapper around the 'gmtime' library function to make it thread
 *	safe.
 * Results:
 *	Returns a pointer to a 'struct tm' in thread-specific data.
 * Side effects:
 *	Invokes gmtime or gmtime_r as appropriate.

struct tm *
TclpGmtime( timePtr )
    CONST time_t *timePtr;	/* Pointer to the number of seconds
				 * since the local system's epoch */

     * The MS implementation of gmtime is thread safe because
     * it returns the time in a block of thread-local storage,
     * and Windows does not provide a Posix gmtime_r function.
    return gmtime( timePtr );
 * TclpLocaltime --
 *	Wrapper around the 'localtime' library function to make it thread
 *	safe.
 * Results:
 *	Returns a pointer to a 'struct tm' in thread-specific data.
 * Side effects:
 *	Invokes localtime or localtime_r as appropriate.

struct tm *
TclpLocaltime( timePtr )
    CONST time_t *timePtr;	/* Pointer to the number of seconds
				 * since the local system's epoch */

     * The MS implementation of localtime is thread safe because
     * it returns the time in a block of thread-local storage,
     * and Windows does not provide a Posix localtime_r function.
    return localtime( timePtr );