diff options
authorjenglish <>2007-05-25 22:55:01 (GMT)
committerjenglish <>2007-05-25 22:55:01 (GMT)
commit516b65ea9d1477002daf957fb00bc2a4161dc172 (patch)
parentc694a3105e5382574e9e6ada27fd4c9814c0ea7b (diff)
Removed ttk::dialog and dependencies.
FossilOrigin-Name: 6a266d8cb35e10b3d0fb4210ff9e43d2b99f5e97
7 files changed, 11 insertions, 680 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index e9dd600..3621829 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+2007-05-25 Joe English <>
+ * library/ttk/ttk.tcl: Omit ttk::dialog and dependencies.
+ * library/ttk/dialog.tcl, library/ttk/icons.tcl,
+ library/ttk/keynav.tcl: Removed.
+ * tests/ttk/misc.test: Removed.
+ * doc/ttk_dialog.tcl: Removed.
2007-05-25 Donal K. Fellows <>
* doc/canvas.n: Fixed documentation of default -joinstyle option
diff --git a/doc/ttk_dialog.n b/doc/ttk_dialog.n
deleted file mode 100644
index f8b9398..0000000
--- a/doc/ttk_dialog.n
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-'\" Copyright (c) 2005 Joe English
-'\" See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
-'\" of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-'\" RCS: @(#) $Id: ttk_dialog.n,v 1.4 2007/05/03 23:55:30 dkf Exp $
-'\" man.macros
-.TH ttk_dialog n 8.5 Tk "Tk Themed Widget"
-.\" Use _ instead of :: as the name becomes a filename on install
-ttk_dialog \- create a dialog box
-\fBttk::dialog\fR \fIpathname\fR ?\fIoptions...\fR?
-\fBttk::dialog::define\fR \fIdialogType\fR ?\fIoptions...\fR?
-A dialog box is a transient top-level window
-containing an icon, a short message, an optional, longer, detail message,
-and a row of command buttons.
-When the user presses any of the buttons,
-a callback function is invoked
-and then the dialog is destroyed.
-Additional widgets may be added in the dialog \fIclient frame\fR.
-.OP \-title undefined undefined
-Specifies a string to use as the window manager title.
-.OP \-message undefined undefined
-Specifies the message to display in this dialog.
-.OP \-detail undefined undefined
-Specifies a longer auxiliary message.
-.OP \-command undefined undefined
-Specifies a command prefix to be invoked when the user presses
-one of the command buttons.
-The symbolic name of the button is passed as an additional argument
-to the command.
-The dialog is dismissed after invoking the command.
-.OP \-parent undefined undefined
-Specifies a toplevel window for which the dialog is transient.
-If omitted, the default is the nearest ancestor toplevel.
-If set to the empty string, the dialog will not be a transient window.
-.OP \-type undefined undefined
-Specifies a built-in or user-defined dialog type.
-.OP \-icon undefined undefined
-Specifies one of the stock dialog icons,
-\fBinfo\fR, \fBquestion\fR, \fBwarning\fR, \fBerror\fR,
-\fBauth\fR, or \fBbusy\fR.
-If set to the empty string (the default), no icon is displayed.
-.OP \-buttons undefined undefined
-A list of symbolic button names.
-.OP \-labels undefined undefined
-A dictionary mapping symbolic button names to textual labels.
-May be omitted if all the buttons are predefined.
-.OP \-default undefined undefined
-The symbolic name of the default button.
-.OP \-cancel undefined undefined
-The symbolic name of the "cancel" button.
-The cancel button is invoked if the user presses the Escape key
-and when the dialog is closed from the window manager.
-If \fB-cancel\fR is not specified,
-the dialog ignores window manager close commands (WM_DELETE_WINDOW).
-\fBttk::dialog::clientframe \fIdlg\fR
-Returns the widget path of the client frame.
-Other widgets may be added to the client frame.
-The client frame appears between the detail message and the command buttons.
-The \fB-type\fR option, if present, specifies default values
-for other options. \fBttk::dialog::define \fItype options...\fR
-specifies a new stock dialog \fItype\fR.
-The following stock dialog types are predefined:
-ttk::dialog::define ok \e
- -icon info -buttons {ok} -default ok
-ttk::dialog::define okcancel \e
- -icon info -buttons {ok cancel} -default ok -cancel cancel
-ttk::dialog::define yesno \e
- -icon question -buttons {yes no}
-ttk::dialog::define yesnocancel \e
- -icon question -buttons {yes no cancel} -cancel cancel
-ttk::dialog::define retrycancel \e
- -icon question -buttons {retry cancel} -cancel cancel
-The following ``stock'' symbolic button names have predefined labels:
-\fByes\fR, \fBno\fR, \fBok\fR, \fBcancel\fR, and \fBretry\fR.
-It is not necessary to list these in the \fB-labels\fR dictionary.
-.\" The \fBttk::dialog\fR constructor is similar to
-.\" the Tk library procedure \fBtk_messageBox\fR,
-.\" but with the following notable differences:
-.\" .IP \(bu
-.\" The first argument to \fBttk::dialog\fR is the name of
-.\" the widget to create; \fBtk_messageBox\fR has
-.\" .IP \(bu
-.\" Ttk dialog boxes are non-modal by default.
-.\" .IP \(bu
-.\" The \fBtk_messageBox\fR command is blocking:
-.\" it does not return until the user presses one of the command buttons.
-.\" \fBttk::dialog\fR returns immediately after creating the dialog box.
-proc saveFileComplete {button} {
- switch -- $button {
- yes { # save file ... }
- no { exit }
- cancel { # no-op }
- }
-ttk::dialog .saveFileDialog \e
- -title "Save file?" \e
- -icon question \e
- -message "Save file before closing?" \e
- -detail "If you do not save the file, your work will be lost" \e
- -buttons [list yes no cancel] \e
- -labels [list yes "Save file" no "Don't save"] \e
- -command saveFileComplete \e
- ;
-tk_messageBox(n), wm(n), toplevel(n)
diff --git a/library/ttk/dialog.tcl b/library/ttk/dialog.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index cb3db47..0000000
--- a/library/ttk/dialog.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: dialog.tcl,v 1.1 2006/10/31 01:42:27 hobbs Exp $
-# Copyright (c) 2005, Joe English. Freely redistributable.
-# Ttk widget set: dialog boxes.
-# TODO: option to keep dialog onscreen ("persistent" / "transient")
-# TODO: accelerator keys.
-# TODO: use message catalogs for button labels
-# TODO: routines to selectively enable/disable individual command buttons
-# TODO: use megawidgetoid API [$dlg dismiss] vs. [ttk::dialog::dismiss $dlg]
-# TODO: MAYBE: option for app-modal dialogs
-# TODO: MAYBE: [wm withdraw] dialog on dismiss instead of self-destructing
-namespace eval ttk::dialog {
- variable Config
- #
- # Spacing parameters:
- # (taken from GNOME HIG 2.0, may need adjustment for other platforms)
- # (textwidth just a guess)
- #
- set Config(margin) 12 ;# space between icon and text
- set Config(interspace) 6 ;# horizontal space between buttons
- set Config(sepspace) 24 ;# vertical space above buttons
- set Config(textwidth) 400 ;# width of dialog box text (pixels)
- variable DialogTypes ;# map -type => list of dialog options
- variable ButtonOptions ;# map button name => list of button options
- # stockButton -- define new built-in button
- #
- proc stockButton {button args} {
- variable ButtonOptions
- set ButtonOptions($button) $args
- }
- # Built-in button types:
- #
- stockButton ok -text OK
- stockButton cancel -text Cancel
- stockButton yes -text Yes
- stockButton no -text No
- stockButton retry -text Retry
- # stockDialog -- define new dialog type.
- #
- proc stockDialog {type args} {
- variable DialogTypes
- set DialogTypes($type) $args
- }
- # Built-in dialog types:
- #
- stockDialog ok \
- -icon info -buttons {ok} -default ok
- stockDialog okcancel \
- -icon info -buttons {ok cancel} -default ok -cancel cancel
- stockDialog retrycancel \
- -icon question -buttons {retry cancel} -cancel cancel
- stockDialog yesno \
- -icon question -buttons {yes no}
- stockDialog yesnocancel \
- -icon question -buttons {yes no cancel} -cancel cancel
-## ttk::dialog::nop --
-# Do nothing (used as a default callback command).
-proc ttk::dialog::nop {args} { }
-## ttk::dialog -- dialog box constructor.
-interp alias {} ttk::dialog {} ttk::dialog::Constructor
-proc ttk::dialog::Constructor {dlg args} {
- upvar #0 $dlg D
- variable Config
- variable ButtonOptions
- variable DialogTypes
- #
- # Option processing:
- #
- array set defaults {
- -title ""
- -message ""
- -detail ""
- -command ttk::dialog::nop
- -icon ""
- -buttons {}
- -labels {}
- -default {}
- -cancel {}
- -parent #AUTO
- }
- array set options [array get defaults]
- foreach {option value} $args {
- if {$option eq "-type"} {
- array set options $DialogTypes($value)
- } elseif {![info exists options($option)]} {
- set validOptions [join [lsort [array names options]] ", "]
- return -code error \
- "Illegal option $option: must be one of $validOptions"
- }
- }
- array set options $args
- # ...
- #
- array set buttonOptions [array get ::ttk::dialog::ButtonOptions]
- foreach {button label} $options(-labels) {
- lappend buttonOptions($button) -text $label
- }
- #
- # Initialize dialog private data:
- #
- foreach option {-command -message -detail} {
- set D($option) $options($option)
- }
- toplevel $dlg -class Dialog; wm withdraw $dlg
- #
- # Determine default transient parent.
- #
- # NB: menus (including menubars) are considered toplevels,
- # so skip over those.
- #
- if {$options(-parent) eq "#AUTO"} {
- set parent [winfo toplevel [winfo parent $dlg]]
- while {[winfo class $parent] eq "Menu" && $parent ne "."} {
- set parent [winfo toplevel [winfo parent $parent]]
- }
- set options(-parent) $parent
- }
- #
- # Build dialog:
- #
- if {$options(-parent) ne ""} {
- wm transient $dlg $options(-parent)
- }
- wm title $dlg $options(-title)
- wm protocol $dlg WM_DELETE_WINDOW { }
- set f [ttk::frame $dlg.f]
- ttk::label $f.icon
- if {$options(-icon) ne ""} {
- $f.icon configure -image [ttk::stockIcon dialog/$options(-icon)]
- }
- ttk::label $f.message -textvariable ${dlg}(-message) \
- -font TkCaptionFont -wraplength $Config(textwidth)\
- -anchor w -justify left
- ttk::label $f.detail -textvariable ${dlg}(-detail) \
- -font TkTextFont -wraplength $Config(textwidth) \
- -anchor w -justify left
- #
- # Command buttons:
- #
- set cmd [ttk::frame $f.cmd]
- set column 0
- grid columnconfigure $f.cmd 0 -weight 1
- foreach button $options(-buttons) {
- incr column
- eval [linsert $buttonOptions($button) 0 ttk::button $cmd.$button]
- $cmd.$button configure -command [list ttk::dialog::Done $dlg $button]
- grid $cmd.$button -row 0 -column $column \
- -padx [list $Config(interspace) 0] -sticky ew
- grid columnconfigure $cmd $column -uniform buttons
- }
- if {$options(-default) ne ""} {
- keynav::defaultButton $cmd.$options(-default)
- focus $cmd.$options(-default)
- }
- if {$options(-cancel) ne ""} {
- bind $dlg <KeyPress-Escape> \
- [list event generate $cmd.$options(-cancel) <<Invoke>>]
- wm protocol $dlg WM_DELETE_WINDOW \
- [list event generate $cmd.$options(-cancel) <<Invoke>>]
- }
- #
- # Assemble dialog.
- #
- pack $f.cmd -side bottom -expand false -fill x \
- -pady [list $Config(sepspace) $Config(margin)] -padx $Config(margin)
- if {0} {
- # GNOME and Apple HIGs say not to use separators.
- # But in case we want them anyway:
- #
- pack [ttk::separator $f.sep -orient horizontal] \
- -side bottom -expand false -fill x \
- -pady [list $Config(sepspace) 0] \
- -padx $Config(margin)
- }
- if {$options(-icon) ne ""} {
- pack $f.icon -side left -anchor n -expand false \
- -pady $Config(margin) -padx $Config(margin)
- }
- pack $f.message -side top -expand false -fill x \
- -padx $Config(margin) -pady $Config(margin)
- if {$options(-detail) != ""} {
- pack $f.detail -side top -expand false -fill x \
- -padx $Config(margin)
- }
- # Client area goes here.
- pack $f -expand true -fill both
- keynav::enableMnemonics $dlg
- wm deiconify $dlg
-## ttk::dialog::clientframe --
-# Returns the widget path of the dialog client frame,
-# creating and managing it if necessary.
-proc ttk::dialog::clientframe {dlg} {
- variable Config
- set client $dlg.f.client
- if {![winfo exists $client]} {
- pack [ttk::frame $client] -side top -expand true -fill both \
- -pady $Config(margin) -padx $Config(margin)
- lower $client ;# so it's first in keyboard traversal order
- }
- return $client
-## ttk::dialog::Done --
-# -command callback for dialog command buttons (internal)
-proc ttk::dialog::Done {dlg button} {
- upvar #0 $dlg D
- set rc [catch [linsert $D(-command) end $button] result]
- if {$rc == 1} {
- return -code $rc -errorinfo $::errorInfo -errorcode $::errorCode $result
- } elseif {$rc == 3 || $rc == 4} {
- # break or continue -- don't dismiss dialog
- return
- }
- dismiss $dlg
-## ttk::dialog::activate $dlg $button --
-# Simulate a button press.
-proc ttk::dialog::activate {dlg button} {
- event generate $dlg.f.cmd.$button <<Invoke>>
-## dismiss --
-# Dismiss the dialog (without invoking any actions).
-proc ttk::dialog::dismiss {dlg} {
- uplevel #0 [list unset $dlg]
- destroy $dlg
diff --git a/library/ttk/icons.tcl b/library/ttk/icons.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 493bb0a..0000000
--- a/library/ttk/icons.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: icons.tcl,v 1.1 2006/10/31 01:42:27 hobbs Exp $
-# Ttk package -- stock icons.
-# Usage:
-# $w configure -image [ttk::stockIcon $context/$icon]
-# At present, only includes icons for dialog boxes,
-# dialog/info, dialog/warning, dialog/error, etc.
-# This list should be expanded.
-# See the Icon Naming Specification from the Tango project:
-# They've finally gotten around to publishing something.
-namespace eval ttk {
- variable Icons ;# Map: icon name -> image
- namespace eval icons {} ;# container namespace for images
-# stockIcon $name --
-# Returns a Tk image for built-in icon $name.
-proc ttk::stockIcon {name} {
- variable Icons
- return $Icons($name)
-# defineImage --
-# Define a new stock icon.
-proc ttk::defineImage {name args} {
- variable Icons
- set iconName ::ttk::icons::$name
- eval [linsert $args 0 image create photo $iconName]
- set Icons($name) $iconName
-# Stock icons for dialogs
-# SOURCE: dialog icons taken from BWidget toolkit.
-ttk::defineImage dialog/error -data {
- R0lGODlhIAAgALMAAIQAAISEhPf/Mf8AAP//////////////////////////
- /////////////////////yH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAgACAAAASwUMhJBbj41s0n
- HmAIYl0JiCgKlNWVvqHGnnA9mnY+rBytw4DAxhci2IwqoSdFaMKaSBFPQhxA
- nahrdKS0MK8ibSoorBbBVvS4XNOKgey2e7sOmLPvGvkezsPtR3M2e3JzdFIB
- gC9vfohxfVCQWI6PII1pkZReeIeWkzGJS1lHdV2bPy9koaKopUOtSatDfECq
- phWKOra3G3YuqReJwiwUiRkZwsPEuMnNycslzrIdEQAAOw==
-ttk::defineImage dialog/info -data {
- R0lGODlhIAAgALMAAAAAAAAA/4SEhMbGxvf/Mf//////////////////////
- /////////////////////yH5BAEAAAQALAAAAAAgACAAAAStkMhJibj41s0n
- HkUoDljXXaCoqqRgUkK6zqP7CvQQ7IGsAiYcjcejFYAb4ZAYMB4rMaeO51sN
- kBKlc/uzRbng0NWlnTF3XAAZzExj2ET3BV7cqufctv2Tj0vvFn11RndkVSt6
- GJMhs7WoIoC7v7i+v7uTwsO1o5HHu7TLtcodEQAAOw==
-ttk::defineImage dialog/question -data {
- R0lGODlhIAAgALMAAAAAAAAA/4SEhMbGxvf/Mf//////////////////////
- /////////////////////yH5BAEAAAQALAAAAAAgACAAAAS2kMhJibj41s0n
- HkUoDljXXaCoqqRgUkK6zqP7CnS+AiY+D4GgUKbibXwrYEoYIIqMHmcoqGLS
- BlBLzlrgzgC22FZYAJKvYG3ODPLS0khd+awDX+Qieh2Dnzb7dnE6VIAffYdl
- dmo6bHiBFlJVej+PizRuXyUTAIxBkSGBNpuImZoVAJ9roSYAqH1Yqzetrkmz
- GaI3F7MyoaYvHhicoLe/sk8axcnCisnKBczNxa3I0cW+1bm/EQAAOw==
-ttk::defineImage dialog/warning -data {
- R0lGODlhIAAgALMAAAAAAISEAISEhMbGxv//AP//////////////////////
- /////////////////////yH5BAEAAAUALAAAAAAgACAAAASrsMhJZ7g16y0D
- IQPAjZr3gYBAroV5piq7uWcoxHJFv3eun0BUz9cJAmHElhFow8lcIQBgwHOu
- aNJsDfk8ZgHH4TX4BW/Fo12ZjJ4Z10wuZ0cIZOny0jI6NTbnSwRaS3kUdCd2
- h0JWRYEhVIGFSoEfZo6FipRvaJkfUZB7cp2Cg5FDo6RSmn+on5qCPaivYTey
- s4sqtqswp2W+v743whTCxcbHyG0FyczJEhEAADs=
-ttk::defineImage dialog/auth -data {
- EQwEEap0dWagok1BswmMdbiursfIBHnBQs10oKF30tQ8QkISuAcB25UGQQ4R
- Dx65hiWKTIA4pRC7CxblORRA8E/HFfxfQo4KUiBfPgL0SDbkV0ElKZcmEjwE
- oJUrxi04TCzA0PQsWh9kMVx1u6UFA3116zLJGwIAOw==
-ttk::defineImage dialog/busy -data {
- /2AYBmRpkoC4BMlzvEkspypg3zitIsfjvgcEQifi+X7BoUpi9AGFxFATCV0u
- eMEDQFu1GrdbpZXZC0e9LvF4gkifl8aX2tt7bIPvz/Q5l9btcn0gTWBJeR1G
- bWBdO0EPPIuHHDmUSyxIMjM1lJVrnp+goaIfEQAAOw==
diff --git a/library/ttk/keynav.tcl b/library/ttk/keynav.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 090c8f5..0000000
--- a/library/ttk/keynav.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-# keynav package - Enhanced keyboard navigation
-# Copyright (C) 2003 Joe English
-# Freely redistributable; see the file license.terms for details.
-# $Id: keynav.tcl,v 1.1 2006/10/31 01:42:27 hobbs Exp $
-# Usage:
-# package require keynav
-# keynav::enableMnemonics $toplevel --
-# Enable mnemonic accelerators for toplevel widget. Pressing Alt-K,
-# where K is any alphanumeric key, will send an <<Invoke>> event to the
-# widget with mnemonic K (as determined by the -underline and -text
-# options).
-# Side effects: adds a binding for <Alt-KeyPress> to $toplevel
-# keynav::defaultButton $button --
-# Enables default activation for the toplevel window in which $button
-# appears. Pressing <Key-Return> invokes the default widget. The
-# default widget is set to the widget with keyboard focus if it is
-# defaultable, otherwise $button. A widget is _defaultable_ if it has
-# a -default option which is not set to "disabled".
-# Side effects: adds <FocusIn> and <KeyPress-Return> bindings
-# to the toplevel containing $button, and a <Destroy> binding
-# to $button.
-# $button must be a defaultable widget.
-namespace eval keynav {}
-package require Tcl 8.4
-package require Tk 8.4
-package provide keynav 1.0
-event add <<Help>> <KeyPress-F1>
-# Bindings for stock Tk widgets:
-# (NB: for 8.3 use tkButtonInvoke, tkMbPost instead)
-bind Button <<Invoke>> { tk::ButtonInvoke %W }
-bind Checkbutton <<Invoke>> { tk::ButtonInvoke %W }
-bind Radiobutton <<Invoke>> { tk::ButtonInvoke %W }
-bind Menubutton <<Invoke>> { tk::MbPost %W }
-proc keynav::enableMnemonics {w} {
- bind [winfo toplevel $w] <Alt-KeyPress> {+ keynav::Alt-KeyPress %W %K }
-# mnemonic $w --
-# Return the mnemonic character for widget $w,
-# as determined by the -text and -underline resources.
-proc keynav::mnemonic {w} {
- if {[catch {
- set label [$w cget -text]
- set underline [$w cget -underline]
- }]} { return "" }
- return [string index $label $underline]
-# FindMnemonic $w $key --
-# Locate the descendant of $w with mnemonic $key.
-proc keynav::FindMnemonic {w key} {
- if {[string length $key] != 1} { return }
- set Q [list [set top [winfo toplevel $w]]]
- while {[llength $Q]} {
- set QN [list]
- foreach w $Q {
- if {[string equal -nocase $key [mnemonic $w]]} {
- return $w
- }
- foreach c [winfo children $w] {
- if {[winfo ismapped $c] && [winfo toplevel $c] eq $top} {
- lappend QN $c
- }
- }
- }
- set Q $QN
- }
- return {}
-# Alt-KeyPress --
-# Alt-KeyPress binding for toplevels with mnemonic accelerators enabled.
-proc keynav::Alt-KeyPress {w k} {
- set w [FindMnemonic $w $k]
- if {$w ne ""} {
- event generate $w <<Invoke>>
- return -code break
- }
-# defaultButton $w --
-# Enable default activation for the toplevel containing $w,
-# and make $w the default default widget.
-proc keynav::defaultButton {w} {
- variable DefaultButton
- $w configure -default active
- set top [winfo toplevel $w]
- set DefaultButton(current.$top) $w
- set DefaultButton(default.$top) $w
- bind $w <Destroy> [list keynav::CleanupDefault $top]
- bind $top <FocusIn> [list keynav::ClaimDefault $top %W]
- bind $top <KeyPress-Return> [list keynav::ActivateDefault $top]
-proc keynav::CleanupDefault {top} {
- variable DefaultButton
- unset DefaultButton(current.$top)
- unset DefaultButton(default.$top)
-# ClaimDefault $top $w --
-# <FocusIn> binding for default activation.
-# Sets the default widget to $w if it is defaultable,
-# otherwise set it to the default default.
-proc keynav::ClaimDefault {top w} {
- variable DefaultButton
- if {![info exists DefaultButton(current.$top)]} {
- # Someone destroyed the default default, but not
- # the rest of the toplevel.
- return;
- }
- set default $DefaultButton(default.$top)
- if {![catch {$w cget -default} dstate] && $dstate ne "disabled"} {
- set default $w
- }
- if {$default ne $DefaultButton(current.$top)} {
- # Ignore errors -- someone may have destroyed the current default
- catch { $DefaultButton(current.$top) configure -default normal }
- $default configure -default active
- set DefaultButton(current.$top) $default
- }
-# ActivateDefault --
-# Invoke the default widget for toplevel window, if any.
-proc keynav::ActivateDefault {top} {
- variable DefaultButton
- if {[info exists DefaultButton(current.$top)]
- && [winfo exists $DefaultButton(current.$top)]} {
- event generate $DefaultButton(current.$top) <<Invoke>>
- }
diff --git a/library/ttk/ttk.tcl b/library/ttk/ttk.tcl
index b354958..ebe6a4c 100644
--- a/library/ttk/ttk.tcl
+++ b/library/ttk/ttk.tcl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# $Id: ttk.tcl,v 1.5 2007/02/06 22:28:44 jenglish Exp $
+# $Id: ttk.tcl,v 1.6 2007/05/25 22:55:03 jenglish Exp $
# Ttk widget set initialization script.
@@ -14,10 +14,8 @@ namespace eval ::ttk {
-source [file join $::ttk::library keynav.tcl]
source [file join $::ttk::library fonts.tcl]
source [file join $::ttk::library cursors.tcl]
-source [file join $::ttk::library icons.tcl]
source [file join $::ttk::library utils.tcl]
## ttk::deprecated $old $new --
@@ -109,7 +107,6 @@ source [file join $::ttk::library entry.tcl]
source [file join $::ttk::library combobox.tcl] ;# dependency: entry.tcl
source [file join $::ttk::library treeview.tcl]
source [file join $::ttk::library sizegrip.tcl]
-source [file join $::ttk::library dialog.tcl]
## Label and Labelframe bindings:
# (not enough to justify their own file...)
diff --git a/unix/ b/unix/
index 73965b8..5633343 100644
--- a/unix/
+++ b/unix/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# "autoconf" program (constructs like "@foo@" will get replaced in the
# actual Makefile.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id:,v 1.128 2007/05/14 20:58:27 dgp Exp $
+# RCS: @(#) $Id:,v 1.129 2007/05/25 22:55:03 jenglish Exp $
# Current Tk version; used in various names.
@@ -835,7 +835,6 @@ install-doc:
@echo "Installing and cross-linking command (.n) docs";
@for i in $(TOP_DIR)/doc/*.n; do \
- if [ "ttk_dialog.n" = `basename $$i` ] ; then continue ; fi ; \
$(UNIX_DIR)/installManPage $(MAN_FLAGS) $$i $(MANN_INSTALL_DIR); \