diff options
authorjan.nijtmans <>2024-07-04 14:38:44 (GMT)
committerjan.nijtmans <>2024-07-04 14:38:44 (GMT)
commita9e70540b4068a1d0edddba49d7c94360312117c (patch)
parente590ca021e88f87e0272588072077926e2edf37f (diff)
parent9479f547499af9bbbfe2110158d1309e8d63c7cd (diff)
Merge 9.0
7 files changed, 1218 insertions, 236 deletions
diff --git a/library/print.tcl b/library/print.tcl
index 1a7f710..5908b41 100644
--- a/library/print.tcl
+++ b/library/print.tcl
@@ -652,271 +652,606 @@ namespace eval ::tk::print {
#end win32 procedures
+# Begin X11 procedures. They depends on Cups being installed.
+# X11 procedures abstracts print management with a "cups" ensemble command
+# cups defaultprinter returns the default printer
+# cups getprinters returns a dictionary of printers along
+# with printer info
+# cups print $printer $data ?$options?
+# print the data (binary) on a given printer
+# with the provided (supported) options:
+# -colormode -copies -format -margins
+# -media -nup -orientation
+# -prettyprint -title -tzoom
+# Some output configuration that on other platforms is managed through
+# the printer driver/dialog is configured through the canvas postscript command.
+if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "x11"} {
+ if {[info commands ::tk::print::cups] eq ""} {
+ namespace eval ::tk::print::cups {
+ # Pure Tcl cups ensemble command implementation
+ variable pcache
+ }
+ proc ::tk::print::cups::defaultprinter {} {
+ set default {}
+ regexp {: ([^[:space:]]+)$} [exec lpstat -d] _ default
+ return $default
+ }
+ proc ::tk::print::cups::getprinters {} {
+ variable pcache
+ # Test for existence of lpstat command to obtain the list of
+ # printers.
+ # Return an error if not found.
+ set res {}
+ try {
+ set printers [lsort -unique [split [exec lpstat -e] \n]]
+ foreach printer $printers {
+ set options [Parseoptions [exec lpoptions -p $printer]]
+ dict set res $printer $options
+ }
+ } trap {POSIX ENOENT} {e o} {
+ # no such command in PATH
+ set cmd [lindex [dict get $o -errorstack ] 1 2]
+ return -code error "Unable to obtain the list of printers.\
+ Command \"$cmd\" not found.\
+ Please install the CUPS package for your system."
+ } trap {CHILDSTATUS} {} {
+ # command returns a non-0 exit status. Wrong print system?
+ set cmd [lindex [dict get $o -errorstack ] 1 2]
+ return -code error "Command \"$cmd\" return with errors"
+ }
+ return [set pcache $res]
+ }
+ # Parseoptions
+ # Parse lpoptions -d output. It has three forms
+ # option-key
+ # option-key=option-value
+ # option-key='option value with spaces'
+ # Arguments:
+ # data - data to process.
+ #
+ proc ::tk::print::cups::Parseoptions {data} {
+ set res {}
+ set re {[^ =]+|[^ ]+='[^']+'|[^ ]+=[^ ']+}
+ foreach tok [regexp -inline -all $re $data] {
+ lassign [split $tok "="] k v
+ dict set res $k [string trim $v "'"]
+ }
+ return $res
+ }
+ proc ::tk::print::cups::print {printer data args} {
+ variable pcache
+ if {$printer ni [dict keys $pcache]} {
+ return -code error "unknown printer or class \"$printer\""
+ }
+ set title "Tk print job"
+ set options {
+ -colormode -copies -format -margins -media -nup -orientation
+ -prettyprint -title -tzoom
+ }
+ while {[llength $args]} {
+ set opt [tcl::prefix match $options [lpop args 0]]
+ switch $opt {
+ -colormode {
+ set opts {auto monochrome color}
+ set val [tcl::prefix match $opts [lpop args 0]]
+ lappend printargs -o print-color-mode=$val
+ }
+ -copies {
+ set val [lpop args 0]
+ if {![string is integer -strict $val] ||
+ $val < 0 || $val > 100
+ } {
+ # save paper !!
+ return -code error "copies must be an integer\
+ between 0 and 100"
+ }
+ lappend printargs -o copies=$val
+ }
+ -format {
+ set opts {auto pdf postscript text}
+ set val [tcl::prefix match $opts [lpop args 0]]
+ # lpr uses auto always
+ }
+ -margins {
+ set val [lpop args 0]
+ if {[llength $val] != 4 ||
+ ![string is integer -strict [lindex $val 0]] ||
+ ![string is integer -strict [lindex $val 1]] ||
+ ![string is integer -strict [lindex $val 2]] ||
+ ![string is integer -strict [lindex $val 3]]
+ } {
+ return -code error "margins must be a list of 4\
+ integers: top left bottom right"
+ }
+ lappend printargs -o page-top=[lindex $val 0]
+ lappend printargs -o page-left=[lindex $val 1]
+ lappend printargs -o page-bottom=[lindex $val 2]
+ lappend printargs -o page-right=[lindex $val 3]
+ }
+ -media {
+ set opts {a4 legal letter}
+ set val [tcl::prefix match $opts [lpop args 0]]
+ lappend printargs -o media=$val
+ }
+ -nup {
+ set val [lpop args 0]
+ if {$val ni {1 2 4 6 9 16}} {
+ return -code error "number-up must be 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 or\
+ 16"
+ }
+ lappend printargs -o number-up=$val
+ }
+ -orientation {
+ set opts {portrait landscape}
+ set val [tcl::prefix match $opts [lpop args 0]]
+ if {$val eq "landscape"}
+ lappend printargs -o landscape=true
+ }
+ -prettyprint {
+ lappend printargs -o prettyprint=true
+ # prettyprint mess with these default values if set
+ # so we force them.
+ # these will be overriden if set after this point
+ if {[lsearch $printargs {cpi=*}] == -1} {
+ lappend printargs -o cpi=10.0
+ lappend printargs -o lpi=6.0
+ }
+ }
+ -title {
+ set title [lpop args 0]
+ }
+ -tzoom {
+ set val [lpop args 0]
+ if {![string is double -strict $val] ||
+ $val < 0.5 || $val > 2.0
+ } {
+ return -code error "text zoom must be a number between\
+ 0.5 and 2.0"
+ }
+ # CUPS text filter defaults to lpi=6 and cpi=10
+ lappend printargs -o cpi=[expr {10.0 / $val}]
+ lappend printargs -o lpi=[expr {6.0 / $val}]
+ }
+ default {
+ # shouldn't happen
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # build our options
+ lappend printargs -T $title
+ lappend printargs -P $printer
+ # open temp file
+ set fd [file tempfile fname tk_print]
+ chan configure $fd -encoding binary -translation binary
+ chan puts $fd $data
+ chan close $fd
+ # add -r to automatically delete temp files
+ exec lpr {*}$printargs -r $fname &
+ }
- #begin X11 procedures
+ namespace eval ::tk::print::cups {
+ namespace export defaultprinter getprinters print
+ namespace ensemble create
+ }
+ };# ::tk::print::cups
+ namespace eval ::tk::print {
+ variable mcmap
+ set mcmap(media) [dict create \
+ [mc "Letter"] letter \
+ [mc "Legal"] legal \
+ [mc "A4"] a4]
+ set mcmap(orient) [dict create \
+ [mc "Portrait"] portrait \
+ [mc "Landscape"] landscape]
+ set mcmap(color) [dict create \
+ [mc "RGB"] color \
+ [mc "Grayscale"] gray]
+ # available print options
+ variable optlist
+ set optlist(printer) {}
+ set optlist(media) [dict keys $mcmap(media)]
+ set optlist(orient) [dict keys $mcmap(orient)]
+ set optlist(color) [dict keys $mcmap(color)]
+ set optlist(number-up) {1 2 4 6 9 16}
- # X11 procedures wrap standard Unix shell commands such as lp/lpr and
- # lpstat for printing. Some output configuration that on other platforms
- # is managed through the printer driver/dialog is configured through the
- # canvas postscript command.
+ # selected options
+ variable option
+ set option(printer) {}
+ # Initialize with sane defaults.
+ set option(copies) 1
+ set option(media) [mc "A4"]
+ # Canvas options
+ set option(orient) [mc "Portrait"]
+ set option(color) [mc "RGB"]
+ set option(czoom) 100
+ # Text options.
+ # See libcupsfilter's cfFilterTextToPDF() and cups-filters's texttopdf
+ # known options:
+ # prettyprint, wrap, columns, lpi, cpi
+ set option(number-up) 1
+ set option(tzoom) 100; # we derive lpi and cpi from this value
+ set option(pprint) 0 ; # pretty print
+ set option(margin-top) 20 ; # ~ 7mm (~ 1/4")
+ set option(margin-left) 20 ; # ~ 7mm (~ 1/4")
+ set option(margin-right) 20 ; # ~ 7mm (~ 1/4")
+ set option(margin-bottom) 20 ; # ~ 7mm (~ 1/4")
+ # array to collect printer information
+ variable pinfo
+ array set pinfo {}
+ # a map for printer state -> human readable message
+ variable statemap
+ dict set statemap 3 [mc "Idle"]
+ dict set statemap 4 [mc "Printing"]
+ dict set statemap 5 [mc "Printer stopped"]
+ }
- if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "x11"} {
- variable printcmd {}
+ # ttk version of [tk_optionMenu]
+ # var should be a full qualified varname
+ proc ::tk::print::ttk_optionMenu {w var args} {
+ ttk::menubutton $w -textvariable $var -menu $
+ menu $
+ foreach option $args {
+ $ add command \
+ -label $option \
+ -command [list set $var $option]
+ }
+ # return the same value as tk_optionMenu
+ return $
+ }
- # print options
+ # _setprintenv
+ # Set the print environtment - list of printers, state and options.
+ # Arguments:
+ # none.
+ #
+ proc ::tk::print::_setprintenv {} {
+ variable option
variable optlist
+ variable pinfo
set optlist(printer) {}
- set optlist(paper) [list [mc "Letter"] [mc "Legal"] [mc "A4"]]
- set optlist(orient) [list [mc "Portrait"] [mc "Landscape"]]
- set optlist(color) [list [mc "Grayscale"] [mc "RGB"]]
- set optlist(zoom) {100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10}
+ dict for {printer options} [cups getprinters] {
+ lappend optlist(printer) $printer
+ set pinfo($printer) $options
+ }
- # selected options
- variable sel
- array set sel {
- printer {}
- copies {}
- paper {}
- orient {}
- color {}
- zoom {}
+ # It's an error to not have any printer configured
+ if {[llength $optlist(printer)] == 0} {
+ return -code error "No installed printers found.\
+ Please check or update your CUPS installation."
+ # If no printer is selected, check for the default one
+ # If none found, use the first one from the list
+ if {$option(printer) eq ""} {
+ set option(printer) [cups defaultprinter]
+ if {$option(printer) eq ""} {
+ set option(printer) [lindex $optlist(printer) 0]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # _print
+ # Main printer dialog.
+ # Select printer, set options, and fire print command.
+ # Arguments:
+ # w - widget with contents to print.
+ #
+ proc ::tk::print::_print {w} {
+ variable optlist
+ variable option
+ variable pinfo
+ variable statemap
# default values for dialog widgets
option add *Printdialog*TLabel.anchor e
option add *Printdialog*TMenubutton.Menu.tearOff 0
option add *Printdialog*TMenubutton.width 12
option add *Printdialog*TSpinbox.width 12
- # this is tempting to add, but it's better to leave it to user's taste
+ # this is tempting to add, but it's better to leave it to
+ # user's taste.
# option add *Printdialog*Menu.background snow
- # returns the full qualified var name
- proc myvar {varname} {
- set fqvar [uplevel 1 [list namespace which -variable $varname]]
- # assert var existence
- if {$fqvar eq ""} {
- return -code error "Wrong varname \"$varname\""
- }
- return $fqvar
- }
- # ttk version of [tk_optionMenu]
- # var should be a full qualified varname
- proc ttk_optionMenu {w var args} {
- ttk::menubutton $w \
- -textvariable $var \
- -menu $
- menu $
- foreach option $args {
- $ add command \
- -label $option \
- -command [list set $var $option]
- }
- # return the same value as tk_optionMenu
- return $
- }
- # _setprintenv
- # Set the print environtment - print command, and list of printers.
- # Arguments:
- # none.
- proc _setprintenv {} {
- variable printcmd
- variable optlist
- #Test for existence of lpstat command to obtain list of printers. Return error
- #if not found.
- catch {exec lpstat -a} msg
- set notfound "command not found"
- if {[string first $notfound $msg] >= 0} {
- error "Unable to obtain list of printers. Please install the CUPS package \
- for your system."
- return
- }
- set notfound "No destinations added"
- if {[string first $notfound $msg] != -1} {
- error "Please check or update your CUPS installation."
- return
+ set class [winfo class $w]
+ if {$class ni {Text Canvas}} {
+ return -code error "printing windows of class \"$class\"\
+ is not supported"
+ }
+ # Should this be called with every invocaton?
+ # Yes. It allows dynamic discovery of newly added printers
+ # whithout having to restart the app
+ _setprintenv
+ set p ._print
+ destroy $p
+ # Copy the current values to a dialog's temporary variable.
+ # This allow us to cancel the dialog discarding any changes
+ # made to the options
+ namespace eval dlg {variable option}
+ array set dlg::option [array get option]
+ set var [namespace which -variable dlg::option]
+ # The toplevel of our dialog
+ toplevel $p -class Printdialog
+ place [ttk::frame $p.background] -x 0 -y 0 -relwidth 1.0 -relheight 1.0
+ wm title $p [mc "Print"]
+ wm resizable $p 0 0
+ wm attributes $p -type dialog
+ wm transient $p [winfo toplevel $w]
+ # The printer to use
+ set pf [ttk::frame $p.printerf]
+ pack $pf -side top -fill x -expand no -padx 9p -pady 9p
+ ttk::label $pf.printerl -text "[mc "Printer"]"
+ set tv [ttk::treeview $pf.prlist -height 5 \
+ -columns {printer location state} \
+ -show headings \
+ -selectmode browse]
+ $tv configure \
+ -yscrollcommand [namespace code [list _scroll $]] \
+ -xscrollcommand [namespace code [list _scroll $]]
+ ttk::scrollbar $ -command [list $tv yview]
+ ttk::scrollbar $ -command [list $tv xview] -orient horizontal
+ $tv heading printer -text [mc "Printer"]
+ $tv heading location -text [mc "Location"]
+ $tv heading state -text [mc "State"]
+ $tv column printer -width 200 -stretch 0
+ $tv column location -width 100 -stretch 0
+ $tv column state -width 250 -stretch 0
+ foreach printer $optlist(printer) {
+ set location [dict getdef $pinfo($printer) printer-location ""]
+ set nstate [dict getdef $pinfo($printer) printer-state 0]
+ set state [dict getdef $statemap $nstate ""]
+ switch -- $nstate {
+ 3 - 4 {
+ set accepting [dict getdef $pinfo($printer) \
+ printer-is-accepting-jobs ""]
+ if {$accepting ne ""} {
+ append state ". " [mc "Printer is accepting jobs"]
+ }
+ }
+ 5 {
+ set reason [dict getdef $pinfo($printer) \
+ printer-state-reasons ""]
+ if {$reason ne ""} {
+ append state ". (" $reason ")"
+ }
+ }
- # Select print command. We prefer lpr, but will fall back to lp if
- # necessary.
- if {[auto_execok lpr] ne ""} {
- set printcmd lpr
- } else {
- set printcmd lp
+ set id [$tv insert {} end \
+ -values [list $printer $location $state]]
+ if {$option(printer) eq $printer} {
+ $tv selection set $id
+ }
- #Build list of printers
- set printers {}
- set printdata [exec lpstat -a]
- foreach item [split $printdata \n] {
- lappend printers [lindex [split $item] 0]
- }
- # filter out duplicates
- set optlist(printer) [lsort -unique $printers]
+ grid $pf.printerl -sticky w
+ grid $pf.prlist $ -sticky news
+ grid $ -sticky ew
+ grid remove $ $
+ bind $tv <<TreeviewSelect>> [namespace code {_onselect %W}]
+ # Start of printing options
+ set of [ttk::labelframe $p.optionsframe -text [mc "Options"]]
+ pack $of -fill x -padx 9p -pady {0 9p} -ipadx 2p -ipady 2p
+ ttk::label $of.copiesl -text "[mc "Copies"] :"
+ ttk::spinbox $of.copies -textvariable ${var}(copies) \
+ -from 1 -to 1000
+ grid $of.copiesl $of.copies -sticky ew -padx 2p -pady 2p
+ $of.copies state readonly
+ ttk::label $of.medial -text "[mc "Paper"] :"
+ ttk_optionMenu $ ${var}(media) {*}$optlist(media)
+ grid $of.medial $ -sticky ew -padx 2p -pady 2p
+ if {$class eq "Canvas"} {
+ # additional options for Canvas output
+ ttk::label $of.percentl -text "[mc "Scale"] :"
+ ttk::spinbox $of.percent -textvariable ${var}(czoom) \
+ -from 5 -to 500 -increment 5
+ grid $of.percentl $of.percent -sticky ew -padx 2p -pady 2p
+ $of.percent state readonly
+ ttk::label $of.orientl -text "[mc "Orientation"] :"
+ ttk_optionMenu $of.orient ${var}(orient) {*}$optlist(orient)
+ grid $of.orientl $of.orient -sticky ew -padx 2p -pady 2p
+ ttk::label $of.colorl -text "[mc "Output"] :"
+ ttk_optionMenu $of.color ${var}(color) {*}$optlist(color)
+ grid $of.colorl $of.color -sticky ew -padx 2p -pady 2p
+ } elseif {$class eq "Text"} {
+ # additional options for Text output
+ ttk::label $of.nupl -text "[mc "Pages per sheet"] :"
+ ttk_optionMenu $of.nup ${var}(number-up) {*}$optlist(number-up)
+ grid $of.nupl $of.nup -sticky ew -padx 2p -pady 2p
+ ttk::label $of.tzooml -text "[mc "Text scale"] :"
+ ttk::spinbox $of.tzoom -textvariable ${var}(tzoom) \
+ -from 50 -to 200 -increment 5
+ grid $of.tzooml $of.tzoom -sticky ew -padx 2p -pady 2p
+ $of.tzoom state readonly
+ # PRETTY PRINT (banner on top)
+ ttk::checkbutton $of.pprint -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
+ -text [mc "Pretty print"] \
+ -variable ${var}(pprint)
+ grid $of.pprint - -sticky ew -padx 2p -pady 2p
- # _print
- # Main printer dialog. Select printer, set options, and
- # fire print command.
- # Arguments:
- # w - widget with contents to print.
- #
+ # The buttons frame.
+ set bf [ttk::frame $p.buttonf]
+ pack $bf -fill x -expand no -side bottom -padx 9p -pady {0 9p}
- proc _print {w} {
- # TODO: revise padding
- variable optlist
- variable sel
- # should this be called with every invocaton?
- _setprintenv
- if {$sel(printer) eq "" && [llength $optlist(printer)] > 0} {
- set sel(printer) [lindex $optlist(printer) 0]
- }
- set p ._print
- catch {destroy $p}
- # copy the current values to a dialog's temorary variable
- # this allow us to cancel the dialog discarding any changes
- # made to the options
- namespace eval dlg {variable sel}
- array set dlg::sel [array get sel]
- # The toplevel of our dialog
- toplevel $p -class Printdialog
- place [ttk::frame $p.background] -x 0 -y 0 -relwidth 1.0 -relheight 1.0
- wm title $p [mc "Print"]
- wm resizable $p 0 0
- wm attributes $p -type dialog
- # The printer to use
- set pf [ttk::frame $p.printerf]
- pack $pf -side top -fill x -expand no -padx 9p -pady 9p
- ttk::label $pf.printerl -text "[mc "Printer"] :"
- ttk::combobox $pf.printer \
- -textvariable [myvar dlg::sel](printer) \
- -state readonly \
- -values $optlist(printer)
- pack $pf.printerl -side left -padx {0 4.5p}
- pack $pf.printer -side left
- # Start of printing options
- set of [ttk::labelframe $p.optionsframe -text [mc "Options"]]
- pack $of -fill x -padx 9p -pady {0 9p} -ipadx 2p -ipady 2p
- ttk::label $of.copiesl -text "[mc "Copies"] :"
- ttk::spinbox $of.copies -from 1 -to 1000 \
- -textvariable [myvar dlg::sel](copies)
- grid $of.copiesl $of.copies -sticky ew -padx 2p -pady 2p
- ttk::label $of.paperl -text "[mc "Paper"] :"
- ttk_optionMenu $of.paper [myvar dlg::sel](paper) {*}$optlist(paper)
- grid $of.paperl $of.paper -sticky ew -padx 2p -pady 2p
- # additional options for canvas output
- if {[winfo class $w] eq "Canvas"} {
- ttk::label $of.percentl -text "[mc "Scale"] :"
- ttk_optionMenu $of.percent [myvar dlg::sel](zoom) {*}$optlist(zoom)
- grid $of.percentl $of.percent -sticky ew -padx 2p -pady 2p
- ttk::label $of.orientl -text "[mc "Orientation"] :"
- ttk_optionMenu $of.orient [myvar dlg::sel](orient) {*}$optlist(orient)
- grid $of.orientl $of.orient -sticky ew -padx 2p -pady 2p
- ttk::label $of.colorl -text "[mc "Output"] :"
- ttk_optionMenu $of.color [myvar dlg::sel](color) {*}$optlist(color)
- grid $of.colorl $of.color -sticky ew -padx 2p -pady 2p
- }
- # The buttons frame.
- set bf [ttk::frame $p.buttonf]
- pack $bf -fill x -expand no -side bottom -padx 9p -pady {0 9p}
- ttk::button $bf.print -text [mc "Print"] \
- -command [namespace code [list _runprint $w $p]]
- ttk::button $bf.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] \
- -command [namespace code [list _cancel $p]]
- pack $bf.print -side right
- pack $bf.cancel -side right -padx {0 4.5p}
- #Center the window as a dialog.
- ::tk::PlaceWindow $p
- }
- proc _cancel {p} {
- namespace delete dlg
- destroy $p
- }
- # _runprint -
- # Execute the print command--print the file.
- # Arguments:
- # w - widget with contents to print.
- #
- proc _runprint {w p} {
- variable printcmd
- variable sel
+ ttk::button $bf.print -text [mc "Print"] \
+ -command [namespace code [list _runprint $w $class $p]]
+ ttk::button $bf.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] \
+ -command [list destroy $p]
+ pack $bf.print -side right
+ pack $bf.cancel -side right -padx {0 4.5p}
- # copy the values back from the dialog
- array set sel [array get dlg::sel]
- namespace delete dlg
+ # cleanup binding
+ bind $bf <Destroy> [namespace code [list _cleanup $p]]
- #First, generate print file.
- if {[winfo class $w] eq "Text"} {
- set file [makeTempFile tk_text.txt [$w get 1.0 end]]
- }
+ # Center the window as a dialog.
+ ::tk::PlaceWindow $p
+ }
- if {[winfo class $w] eq "Canvas"} {
- if {$sel(color) eq [mc "RGB"]} {
- set colormode color
- } else {
- set colormode gray
- }
+ # _onselect
+ # Updates the selected printer when treeview selection changes.
+ # Arguments:
+ # tv - treeview pathname.
+ #
+ proc ::tk::print::_onselect {tv} {
+ variable dlg::option
+ set id [$tv selection]
+ if {$id eq ""} {
+ # is this even possible?
+ set option(printer) ""
+ } else {
+ set option(printer) [$tv set $id printer]
+ }
+ }
- if {$sel(orient) eq [mc "Landscape"]} {
- set willrotate "1"
- } else {
- set willrotate "0"
- }
+ # _scroll
+ # Implements autoscroll for the printers view
+ #
+ proc ::tk::print::_scroll {sbar from to} {
+ if {$from == 0.0 && $to == 1.0} {
+ grid remove $sbar
+ } else {
+ grid $sbar
+ $sbar set $from $to
+ }
+ }
- #Scale based on size of widget, not size of paper.
- set printwidth [expr {$sel(zoom) / 100.00 * [winfo width $w]}]
- set file [makeTempFile]
- $w postscript -file $file -colormode $colormode \
- -rotate $willrotate -pagewidth $printwidth
- }
+ # _cleanup
+ # Perform cleanup when the dialog is destroyed.
+ # Arguments:
+ # p - print dialog pathname (not used).
+ #
+ proc ::tk::print::_cleanup {p} {
+ namespace delete dlg
+ }
- #Build list of args to pass to print command.
- set printargs {}
- if {$printcmd eq "lpr"} {
- lappend printargs -P $sel(printer) -# $sel(copies)
- } else {
- lappend printargs -d $sel(printer) -n $sel(copies)
+ # _runprint -
+ # Execute the print command--print the file.
+ # Arguments:
+ # w - widget with contents to print.
+ # class - class of the widget to print (Canvas or Text).
+ # p - print dialog pathname.
+ #
+ proc ::tk::print::_runprint {w class p} {
+ variable option
+ variable mcmap
+ # copy the values back from the dialog
+ array set option [array get dlg::option]
+ # get (back) name of media from the translated one
+ set media [dict get $mcmap(media) $option(media)]
+ set printargs {}
+ lappend printargs -title "[tk appname]: Tk window $w"
+ lappend printargs -copies $option(copies)
+ lappend printargs -media $media
+ if {$class eq "Canvas"} {
+ set colormode [dict get $mcmap(color) $option(color)]
+ set rotate 0
+ if {[dict get $mcmap(orient) $option(orient)] eq "landscape"} {
+ set rotate 1
- # launch the job in the background
- after 0 [list exec $printcmd {*}$printargs -o PageSize=$sel(paper) $file]
- destroy $p
+ # Scale based on size of widget, not size of paper.
+ # TODO: is this correct??
+ set printwidth [expr {
+ $option(czoom) / 100.0 * [winfo width $w]
+ }]
+ set data [encoding convertto iso8859-1 [$w postscript \
+ -colormode $colormode -rotate $rotate -pagewidth $printwidth]]
+ } elseif {$class eq "Text"} {
+ set tzoom [expr {$option(tzoom) / 100.0}]
+ if {$option(tzoom) != 100} {
+ lappend printargs -tzoom $tzoom
+ }
+ if {$option(pprint)} {
+ lappend printargs -prettyprint
+ }
+ if {$option(number-up) != 1} {
+ lappend printargs -nup $option(number-up)
+ }
+ # these are hardcoded. Should we allow the user to control
+ # margins?
+ lappend printargs -margins [list \
+ $option(margin-top) $option(margin-left) \
+ $option(margin-bottom) $option(margin-right) ]
+ # get the data in shape. Cupsfilter's text filter wraps lines
+ # at character level, not words, so we do it by ourselves.
+ # compute usable page width in inches
+ set pw [dict get {a4 8.27 legal 8.5 letter 8.5} $media]
+ set pw [expr {
+ $pw - ($option(margin-left) + $option(margin-right)) / 72.0
+ }]
+ # set the wrap length at 98% of computed page width in chars
+ # the 9.8 constant is the product 10.0 (default cpi) * 0.95
+ set wl [expr {int( 9.8 * $pw / $tzoom )}]
+ set data [encoding convertto utf-8 [_wrapLines [$w get 1.0 end] $wl]]
- # Initialize with sane defaults.
- set sel(copies) 1
- set sel(paper) [mc "A4"]
- set sel(orient) [mc "Portrait"]
- set sel(color) [mc "RGB"]
- set sel(zoom) 100
+ # launch the job in the background
+ after idle [namespace code \
+ [list cups print $option(printer) $data {*}$printargs]]
+ destroy $p
+ }
+ # _wrapLines -
+ # wrap long lines into lines of at most length wl at word boundaries
+ # Arguments:
+ # str - string to be wrapped
+ # wl - wrap length
+ #
+ proc ::tk::print::_wrapLines {str wl} {
+ # This is a really simple algorithm: it breaks a line on space or tab
+ # character, collapsing them only at the breaking point.
+ # Leading space is left as-is.
+ # For a full fledged line breaking algorithm see
+ # Unicode® Standard Annex #14 "Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm"
+ set res {}
+ incr wl -1
+ set re [format {((?:^|[^[:blank:]]).{0,%d})(?:[[:blank:]]|$)} $wl]
+ foreach line [split $str \n] {
+ lappend res {*}[lmap {_ l} [regexp -all -inline -- $re $line] {
+ set l
+ }]
+ }
+ return [join $res \n]
- #end X11 procedures
+#end X11 procedures
+namespace eval ::tk::print {
#begin macOS Aqua procedures
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
# makePDF -
diff --git a/unix/ b/unix/
index a157615..543b388 100644
--- a/unix/
+++ b/unix/
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@ TCL_STUB_FLAGS = @TCL_STUB_FLAGS@
# Libraries to use when linking. This definition is determined by the
# configure script.
# The symbols below provide support for dynamic loading and shared
# libraries. See for a description of what the
@@ -299,6 +299,10 @@ REZ_SWITCHES = @REZ_FLAGS@ -i $(GENERIC_DIR) -i $(TCL_GENERIC_DIR)
+# support for libcups
# The information below is modified by the configure script when
# Makefile is generated from You shouldn't normally
@@ -394,7 +398,8 @@ X11_OBJS = tkUnix.o tkUnix3d.o tkUnixButton.o tkUnixColor.o tkUnixConfig.o \
tkUnixCursor.o tkUnixDraw.o tkUnixEmbed.o tkUnixEvent.o tkIcu.o \
tkUnixFocus.o $(FONT_OBJS) tkUnixInit.o tkUnixKey.o tkUnixMenu.o \
tkUnixMenubu.o tkUnixScale.o tkUnixScrlbr.o tkUnixSelect.o \
- tkUnixSend.o tkUnixSysNotify.o tkUnixSysTray.o tkUnixWm.o tkUnixXId.o
+ tkUnixSend.o tkUnixSysNotify.o tkUnixSysTray.o tkUnixWm.o tkUnixXId.o \
+ tkUnixPrint.o
AQUA_OBJS = tkMacOSXBitmap.o tkMacOSXButton.o tkMacOSXClipboard.o \
tkMacOSXColor.o tkMacOSXConfig.o tkMacOSXCursor.o tkMacOSXDebug.o \
@@ -516,7 +521,8 @@ X11_SRCS = \
$(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixScale.c $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixScrlbr.c \
$(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixSelect.c $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixSend.c \
$(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixSysNotify $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixSysTray.c \
- $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixWm.c $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixXId.c
+ $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixWm.c $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixXId.c \
+ $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixPrint.c
$(MAC_OSX_DIR)/tkMacOSXBitmap.c $(MAC_OSX_DIR)/tkMacOSXButton.c \
@@ -1330,6 +1336,9 @@ tkUnixMenu.o: $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixMenu.c
tkUnixMenubu.o: $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixMenubu.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_SWITCHES) $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixMenubu.c
+tkUnixPrint.o: $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixPrint.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CC_SWITCHES) $(CUPS_CFLAGS) $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixPrint.c
tkUnixScale.o: $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixScale.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_SWITCHES) $(UNIX_DIR)/tkUnixScale.c
diff --git a/unix/configure b/unix/configure
index ff77a98..85fa9fb 100755
--- a/unix/configure
+++ b/unix/configure
@@ -696,6 +696,8 @@ ZIP_PROG
@@ -811,6 +813,7 @@ enable_symbols
@@ -1464,6 +1467,7 @@ Optional Features:
--enable-symbols build with debugging symbols (default: off)
--enable-aqua=yes|no use Aqua windowingsystem on Mac OS X (default: no)
--enable-xft use freetype/fontconfig/xft (default: on)
+ --enable-libcups use libcups (default: on)
--enable-xss use XScreenSaver for activity timer (default: on)
--enable-framework package shared libraries in MacOSX frameworks
(default: off)
@@ -8630,6 +8634,66 @@ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_XFT 1" >>confdefs.h
+# Check for libcups support
+if test $tk_aqua = no; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to use libcups" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to use libcups... " >&6; }
+ # Check whether --enable-libcups was given.
+if test ${enable_libcups+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_libcups; enable_libcups=$enableval
+else case e in #(
+ e) enable_libcups="default" ;;
+ if test "$enable_libcups" = "no" ; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $enable_libcups" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$enable_libcups" >&6; }
+ else
+ found_cups=`cups-config 2>/dev/null`
+ if test "$found_cups" = ""; then
+ found_cups=no
+ else
+ found_cups=yes
+ CUPS_LIBS=`cups-config --libs`
+ fi
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $found_cups" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$found_cups" >&6; }
+ if test "$found_cups" = "yes" ; then
+ tk_oldCFlags=$CFLAGS
+ tk_oldLibs=$LIBS
+ ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "cups/cups.h" "ac_cv_header_cups_cups_h" "#include <cups/cups.h>
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_cups_cups_h" = xyes
+then :
+else case e in #(
+ e)
+ found_cups=no
+ ;;
+ CFLAGS=$tk_oldCFlags
+ LIBS=$tk_oldLibs
+ fi
+ fi
# XXX Do this last.
# It might modify XLIBSW which could affect other tests.
diff --git a/unix/ b/unix/
index 3bacf8b..4281a14 100644
--- a/unix/
+++ b/unix/
@@ -467,6 +467,52 @@ if test $tk_aqua = no; then
+# Check for libcups support
+if test $tk_aqua = no; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use libcups])
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(libcups,
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-libcups],
+ [use libcups (default: on)]),
+ [enable_libcups=$enableval], [enable_libcups="default"])
+ if test "$enable_libcups" = "no" ; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_libcups])
+ else
+ found_cups=`cups-config 2>/dev/null`
+ dnl make sure package configurator (cups-config)
+ dnl says that libcups is present.
+ if test "$found_cups" = ""; then
+ found_cups=no
+ else
+ found_cups=yes
+ CUPS_LIBS=`cups-config --libs`
+ fi
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([$found_cups])
+ dnl make sure that compiling against CUPS header file doesn't bomb
+ if test "$found_cups" = "yes" ; then
+ tk_oldCFlags=$CFLAGS
+ tk_oldLibs=$LIBS
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER(cups/cups.h, [], [
+ found_cups=no
+ ],[#include <cups/cups.h>])
+ CFLAGS=$tk_oldCFlags
+ LIBS=$tk_oldLibs
+ fi
+ fi
# XXX Do this last.
# It might modify XLIBSW which could affect other tests.
diff --git a/unix/tkUnixInit.c b/unix/tkUnixInit.c
index 34b67fc..c8acf22 100644
--- a/unix/tkUnixInit.c
+++ b/unix/tkUnixInit.c
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ TkpInit(
(void)SysNotify_Init (interp);
+ Cups_Init(interp);
return TCL_OK;
diff --git a/unix/tkUnixInt.h b/unix/tkUnixInt.h
index 5429236..f46212e 100644
--- a/unix/tkUnixInt.h
+++ b/unix/tkUnixInt.h
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
MODULE_SCOPE int Tktray_Init (Tcl_Interp* interp);
MODULE_SCOPE int SysNotify_Init (Tcl_Interp* interp);
+MODULE_SCOPE int Cups_Init (Tcl_Interp* interp);
#endif /* _TKUNIXINT */
diff --git a/unix/tkUnixPrint.c b/unix/tkUnixPrint.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..830f580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unix/tkUnixPrint.c
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+ * tkUnixPrint.c --
+ *
+ * tkUnixPrint.c implements a "::tk::print::cups" Tcl command which
+ * interfaces the libcups2 API with the [tk print] command.
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2024 Emiliano Gavilán.
+ *
+ * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
+ * this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+ */
+#include "tkUnixInt.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_CUPS
+#include <cups/cups.h>
+typedef int (CupsSubCmdOp)(Tcl_Interp *, int, Tcl_Obj *const []);
+static Tcl_ObjCmdProc Cups_Cmd;
+static CupsSubCmdOp DefaultPrinterOp;
+static CupsSubCmdOp GetPrintersOp;
+static CupsSubCmdOp PrintOp;
+static Tcl_ArgvGenFuncProc ParseEnumOptions;
+static Tcl_ArgvGenFuncProc ParseOptions;
+static Tcl_ArgvGenFuncProc ParseMargins;
+static Tcl_ArgvGenFuncProc ParseNup;
+static cups_dest_t* GetPrinterFromObj(Tcl_Obj *);
+static cups_dest_t *
+GetPrinterFromObj(Tcl_Obj *nameObj)
+ cups_dest_t *printer;
+ Tcl_Size len;
+ const char *nameStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(nameObj, &len);
+ char *p;
+ char *name, *instance = NULL;
+ Tcl_DString ds;
+ Tcl_DStringInit(&ds);
+ name = Tcl_DStringAppend(&ds, nameStr, len);
+ p = strchr(name, '/');
+ if (p) {
+ *p = '\0';
+ instance = p+1;
+ }
+ printer = cupsGetNamedDest(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, name, instance);
+ Tcl_DStringFree(&ds);
+ return printer;
+static int
+ TCL_UNUSED(void *),
+ Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ int objc,
+ Tcl_Obj *const objv[])
+ static const struct CupsCmds {
+ const char *subcmd;
+ CupsSubCmdOp *subCmd;
+ } cupsCmds[] = {
+ {"defaultprinter" , DefaultPrinterOp},
+ {"getprinters" , GetPrintersOp},
+ {"print" , PrintOp},
+ };
+ int index;
+ if (objc < 2) {
+ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "subcommand ?arg ...?");
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[1], cupsCmds,
+ sizeof(struct CupsCmds), "subcommand", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return cupsCmds[index].subCmd(interp, objc, objv);
+static int
+ Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ TCL_UNUSED(int),
+ TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Obj *const *))
+ cups_dest_t *printer;
+ Tcl_Obj *resultObj;
+ printer = cupsGetNamedDest(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL);
+ if (printer) {
+ if (printer->instance) {
+ resultObj = Tcl_ObjPrintf("%s/%s", printer->name,
+ printer->instance);
+ } else {
+ resultObj = Tcl_NewStringObj(printer->name, -1);
+ }
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, resultObj);
+ }
+ cupsFreeDests(1, printer);
+ return TCL_OK;
+static int
+ Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ int objc,
+ Tcl_Obj *const objv[])
+ cups_dest_t *dests;
+ cups_option_t *option;
+ int num_dests, i, j;
+ Tcl_Obj *keyPtr, *optPtr, *resultObj;
+ if (objc != 2) {
+ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, NULL);
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ num_dests = cupsGetDests2(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, &dests);
+ resultObj = Tcl_NewObj();
+ for (i = 0; i < num_dests; i++) {
+ if (dests[i].instance)
+ keyPtr = Tcl_ObjPrintf("%s/%s", dests[i].name, dests[i].instance);
+ else
+ keyPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj(dests[i].name, -1);
+ option = dests[i].options;
+ optPtr = Tcl_NewObj();
+ for(j = 0; j < dests[i].num_options; j++) {
+ Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, optPtr,
+ Tcl_NewStringObj(option[j].name, -1),
+ Tcl_NewStringObj(option[j].value, -1));
+ }
+ Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, resultObj, keyPtr, optPtr);
+ }
+ cupsFreeDests(num_dests, dests);
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, resultObj);
+ return TCL_OK;
+/* Information needed for parsing */
+struct CupsOptions {
+ const char *name;
+ const char *cupsName;
+static const struct CupsOptions colormodeOpts[] = {
+static const struct CupsOptions formatOpts[] = {
+ {"auto", CUPS_FORMAT_AUTO},
+ {"pdf", CUPS_FORMAT_PDF},
+ {"postscript", CUPS_FORMAT_POSTSCRIPT},
+ {"text", CUPS_FORMAT_TEXT},
+static const struct CupsOptions mediaOpts[] = {
+ {"a4", CUPS_MEDIA_A4},
+ {"legal", CUPS_MEDIA_LEGAL},
+ {"letter", CUPS_MEDIA_LETTER},
+static const struct CupsOptions orientationOpts[] = {
+static const struct ParseData {
+ const char *message;
+ const struct CupsOptions *optionTable;
+} parseData[] = {
+ {"colormode", colormodeOpts},
+ {"format", formatOpts},
+ {"media", mediaOpts},
+ {"orientation", orientationOpts},
+static int
+ Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ int objc,
+ Tcl_Obj *const objv[])
+ cups_dest_t *printer;
+ cups_dinfo_t *info;
+ int result = TCL_OK;
+ int job_id;
+ /* variables for Tcl_ParseArgsObjv */
+ Tcl_Obj *const *parseObjv;
+ Tcl_Size count;
+ /* options related vaiables */
+ cups_option_t *options = NULL;
+ int num_options = 0;
+ int copies = 0, pprint = 0;
+ const char *media = NULL, *color = NULL, *orient = NULL, *format = NULL,
+ *nup = NULL, *title = NULL;
+ Tcl_Obj *marginsObj = NULL, *optionsObj = NULL;
+ double tzoom = 1.0;
+ /* Data to print
+ * this is a binary buffer, since it can contain data such as
+ * jpg or compressed pdf which might contain any bytes.
+ * USE [encoding convertto] with a proper encoding when passing
+ * text data to print.
+ */
+ const unsigned char *buffer; Tcl_Size buflen;
+ const Tcl_ArgvInfo argTable[] = {
+ {TCL_ARGV_GENFUNC, "-colormode", ParseEnumOptions, &color,
+ "color mode", (void *)&parseData[PARSECOLORMODE]},
+ {TCL_ARGV_INT , "-copies", NULL, &copies,
+ "number of copies", NULL},
+ {TCL_ARGV_GENFUNC, "-format", ParseEnumOptions, &format,
+ "data format", (void *)&parseData[PARSEFORMAT]},
+ {TCL_ARGV_GENFUNC, "-margins", ParseMargins, &marginsObj,
+ "media page size", NULL},
+ {TCL_ARGV_GENFUNC, "-media", ParseEnumOptions, &media,
+ "media page size", (void *)&parseData[PARSEMEDIA]},
+ {TCL_ARGV_GENFUNC, "-nup", ParseNup, &nup,
+ "pages per sheet", NULL},
+ {TCL_ARGV_GENFUNC, "-options", ParseOptions, &optionsObj,
+ "generic options", NULL},
+ {TCL_ARGV_GENFUNC, "-orientation", ParseEnumOptions, &orient,
+ "page orientation", (void *)&parseData[PARSEORIENTATION]},
+ {TCL_ARGV_CONSTANT, "-prettyprint", (void *)1, &pprint,
+ "print header", NULL},
+ {TCL_ARGV_STRING, "-title", NULL, &title,
+ "job title", NULL},
+ {TCL_ARGV_FLOAT, "-tzoom", NULL, &tzoom,
+ "text zoom", NULL},
+ };
+ if (objc < 4) {
+ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "printer data ?-opt arg ...?");
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ printer = GetPrinterFromObj(objv[2]);
+ if (!printer) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp,
+ Tcl_ObjPrintf("unknown printer or class \"%s\"",
+ Tcl_GetString(objv[2])));
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* T_PAO discards the first arg, but we have 4 before the options */
+ parseObjv = objv+3;
+ count = objc-3;
+ if (Tcl_ParseArgsObjv(interp, argTable, &count, parseObjv, NULL)!=TCL_OK) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (copies < 0 || copies > 100) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("copies must be an integer"
+ "between 0 and 100", -1));
+ cupsFreeDests(1, printer);
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (tzoom < 0.5 || tzoom > 2.0) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("tzoom must be a number"
+ "between 0.5 and 2.0", -1));
+ cupsFreeDests(1, printer);
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+/* Add options */
+ if (copies != 0) {
+ char copiesbuf[4];
+ snprintf(copiesbuf, 4, "%d", copies);
+ num_options = cupsAddOption(CUPS_COPIES, copiesbuf,
+ num_options, &options);
+ }
+ if (color) {
+ num_options = cupsAddOption(CUPS_PRINT_COLOR_MODE, color,
+ num_options, &options);
+ }
+ if (media) {
+ num_options = cupsAddOption(CUPS_MEDIA, media,
+ num_options, &options);
+ }
+ if (nup) {
+ num_options = cupsAddOption(CUPS_NUMBER_UP, nup,
+ num_options, &options);
+ }
+ if (orient) {
+ num_options = cupsAddOption(CUPS_ORIENTATION, orient,
+ num_options, &options);
+ }
+ if (pprint) {
+ num_options = cupsAddOption("prettyprint", "yes",
+ num_options, &options);
+ }
+ if (marginsObj) {
+ Tcl_Size n;
+ Tcl_Obj **listArr;
+ Tcl_ListObjGetElements(NULL, marginsObj, &n, &listArr);
+ num_options = cupsAddOption("page-top", Tcl_GetString(listArr[0]),
+ num_options, &options);
+ num_options = cupsAddOption("page-left", Tcl_GetString(listArr[1]),
+ num_options, &options);
+ num_options = cupsAddOption("page-bottom", Tcl_GetString(listArr[2]),
+ num_options, &options);
+ num_options = cupsAddOption("page-right", Tcl_GetString(listArr[3]),
+ num_options, &options);
+ }
+ if (optionsObj) {
+ Tcl_DictSearch search;
+ int done = 0;
+ Tcl_Obj *key, *value;
+ for (Tcl_DictObjFirst(interp, optionsObj, &search, &key, &value, &done)
+ ; !done ; Tcl_DictObjNext(&search, &key, &value, &done))
+ {
+ num_options = cupsAddOption(Tcl_GetString(key),
+ Tcl_GetString(value), num_options, &options);
+ }
+ }
+ /* prettyprint mess with the default values if set, so we force it */
+ if (tzoom != 1.0 || pprint) {
+ char cpibuf[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE + 1];
+ char lpibuf[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE + 1];
+ Tcl_PrintDouble(interp, 10.0 / tzoom, cpibuf);
+ Tcl_PrintDouble(interp, 6.0 / tzoom, lpibuf);
+ num_options = cupsAddOption("cpi", cpibuf,
+ num_options, &options);
+ num_options = cupsAddOption("lpi", lpibuf,
+ num_options, &options);
+ }
+ /* set title and format */
+ if (!title) {
+ title = "Tk print job";
+ }
+ if (!format) {
+ format = CUPS_FORMAT_AUTO;
+ }
+ info = cupsCopyDestInfo(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, printer);
+ if (cupsCreateDestJob(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, printer, info, &job_id,
+ title, num_options, options) != IPP_STATUS_OK) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf("Error creating job: \"%s\"",
+ cupsLastErrorString()));
+ result = TCL_ERROR;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ buffer = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(objv[3], &buflen);
+ if (cupsStartDestDocument(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, printer, info, job_id,
+ "(stdin)", format, 0, NULL, 1) != HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE) {
+ // Can't start document
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf("Error starting document: \"%s\"",
+ cupsLastErrorString()));
+ result = TCL_ERROR;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (cupsWriteRequestData(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT,(char *) buffer, buflen) !=
+ // some error ocurred
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf("Error writing data: \"%s\"",
+ cupsLastErrorString()));
+ result = TCL_ERROR;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (cupsFinishDestDocument(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, printer, info) ==
+ // all OK
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(job_id));
+ } else {
+ // some error ocurred
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf("Error finishing document: \"%s\"",
+ cupsLastErrorString()));
+ result = TCL_ERROR;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ cupsFreeDestInfo(info);
+ cupsFreeOptions(num_options, options);
+ cupsFreeDests(1, printer);
+ return result;
+static Tcl_Size
+ void *clientData,
+ Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Size),
+ Tcl_Obj *const *objv,
+ void *dstPtr)
+ int index;
+ const char **dest = (const char **) dstPtr;
+ struct ParseData *pdata = (struct ParseData *)clientData;
+ if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[0], pdata->optionTable,
+ sizeof(struct CupsOptions), pdata->message, 0, &index) != TCL_OK) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *dest = pdata->optionTable[index].cupsName;
+ return 1;
+static Tcl_Size
+ TCL_UNUSED(void *),
+ Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Size),
+ Tcl_Obj *const *objv,
+ void *dstPtr)
+ Tcl_Obj **objPtr = (Tcl_Obj **) dstPtr;
+ Tcl_Size n;
+ /* check for a valid dictionary */
+ if (Tcl_DictObjSize(NULL, objv[0], &n) != TCL_OK) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("options must be a proper"
+ "dictionary", -1));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *objPtr = objv[0];
+ return 1;
+static Tcl_Size
+ TCL_UNUSED(void *),
+ Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Size),
+ Tcl_Obj *const *objv,
+ void *dstPtr)
+ Tcl_Obj **objPtr = (Tcl_Obj **) dstPtr;
+ Tcl_Obj **listArr;
+ Tcl_Size n;
+ int i;
+ if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(NULL, objv[0], &n, &listArr) != TCL_OK ||
+ n != 4 ||
+ Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, listArr[0], &i) != TCL_OK ||
+ Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, listArr[1], &i) != TCL_OK ||
+ Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, listArr[2], &i) != TCL_OK ||
+ Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, listArr[3], &i) != TCL_OK
+ ) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("margins must be a list "
+ "of four integers: top left bottom right" , -1));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *objPtr = objv[0];
+ return 1;
+static Tcl_Size
+ TCL_UNUSED(void *),
+ Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Size),
+ Tcl_Obj *const *objv,
+ void *dstPtr)
+ const char **nup = (const char **) dstPtr;
+ int n;
+ if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, objv[0], &n) != TCL_OK ||
+ (n != 1 && n != 2 && n != 4 && n != 6 && n != 9 && n != 16)
+ ) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("wrong number-up value: "
+ "should be 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 or 16", -1));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *nup = Tcl_GetString(objv[0]);
+ return 1;
+#endif /*HAVE_CUPS*/
+#ifdef HAVE_CUPS
+Cups_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp)
+ Tcl_Namespace *ns;
+ ns = Tcl_FindNamespace(interp, "::tk::print", NULL, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
+ if (!ns)
+ ns = Tcl_CreateNamespace(interp, "::tk::print", NULL, NULL);
+ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "::tk::print::cups", Cups_Cmd, NULL, NULL);
+ Tcl_Export(interp, ns, "cups", 0);
+Cups_Init(TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Interp *))
+ /* Do nothing */
+ return TCL_OK;