path: root/library/demos/rmt
diff options
authorrjohnson <rjohnson>1998-04-01 09:51:44 (GMT)
committerrjohnson <rjohnson>1998-04-01 09:51:44 (GMT)
commit066ea7fd88d49cb456f74da71dbe875e4fc0aabb (patch)
tree8fb30cb152c4dc191be47fa043d2e6f5ea38c7ba /library/demos/rmt
parent13242623d2ff3ea02ab6a62bfb48a7dbb5c27e22 (diff)
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'library/demos/rmt')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/demos/rmt b/library/demos/rmt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9310475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/demos/rmt
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# the next line restarts using wish \
+exec wish "$0" "$@"
+# rmt --
+# This script implements a simple remote-control mechanism for
+# Tk applications. It allows you to select an application and
+# then type commands to that application.
+# SCCS: @(#) rmt 1.10 96/06/24 16:42:38
+wm title . "Tk Remote Controller"
+wm iconname . "Tk Remote"
+wm minsize . 1 1
+# The global variable below keeps track of the remote application
+# that we're sending to. If it's an empty string then we execute
+# the commands locally.
+set app "local"
+# The global variable below keeps track of whether we're in the
+# middle of executing a command entered via the text.
+set executing 0
+# The global variable below keeps track of the last command executed,
+# so it can be re-executed in response to !! commands.
+set lastCommand ""
+# Create menu bar. Arrange to recreate all the information in the
+# applications sub-menu whenever it is cascaded to.
+frame .menu -relief raised -bd 2
+pack .menu -side top -fill x
+menubutton .menu.file -text "File" -menu .menu.file.m -underline 0
+menu .menu.file.m add cascade -label "Select Application" \
+ -menu .menu.file.m.apps -underline 0 add command -label "Quit" -command "destroy ." -underline 0
+menu .menu.file.m.apps -postcommand fillAppsMenu
+pack .menu.file -side left
+# Create text window and scrollbar.
+text .t -relief sunken -bd 2 -yscrollcommand ".s set" -setgrid true
+scrollbar .s -command ".t yview"
+pack .s -side right -fill both
+pack .t -side left
+# Create a binding to forward commands to the target application,
+# plus modify many of the built-in bindings so that only information
+# in the current command can be deleted (can still set the cursor
+# earlier in the text and select and insert; just can't delete).
+bindtags .t {.t Text . all}
+bind .t <Return> {
+ .t mark set insert {end - 1c}
+ .t insert insert \n
+ invoke
+ break
+bind .t <Delete> {
+ catch {.t tag remove sel sel.first promptEnd}
+ if {[.t tag nextrange sel 1.0 end] == ""} {
+ if [.t compare insert < promptEnd] {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+bind .t <BackSpace> {
+ catch {.t tag remove sel sel.first promptEnd}
+ if {[.t tag nextrange sel 1.0 end] == ""} {
+ if [.t compare insert <= promptEnd] {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+bind .t <Control-d> {
+ if [.t compare insert < promptEnd] {
+ break
+ }
+bind .t <Control-k> {
+ if [.t compare insert < promptEnd] {
+ .t mark set insert promptEnd
+ }
+bind .t <Control-t> {
+ if [.t compare insert < promptEnd] {
+ break
+ }
+bind .t <Meta-d> {
+ if [.t compare insert < promptEnd] {
+ break
+ }
+bind .t <Meta-BackSpace> {
+ if [.t compare insert <= promptEnd] {
+ break
+ }
+bind .t <Control-h> {
+ if [.t compare insert <= promptEnd] {
+ break
+ }
+auto_load tkTextInsert
+proc tkTextInsert {w s} {
+ if {$s == ""} {
+ return
+ }
+ catch {
+ if {[$w compare sel.first <= insert]
+ && [$w compare sel.last >= insert]} {
+ $w tag remove sel sel.first promptEnd
+ $w delete sel.first sel.last
+ }
+ }
+ $w insert insert $s
+ $w see insert
+.t tag configure bold -font {Courier 12 bold}
+# The procedure below is used to print out a prompt at the
+# insertion point (which should be at the beginning of a line
+# right now).
+proc prompt {} {
+ global app
+ .t insert insert "$app: "
+ .t mark set promptEnd {insert}
+ .t mark gravity promptEnd left
+ .t tag add bold {promptEnd linestart} promptEnd
+# The procedure below executes a command (it takes everything on the
+# current line after the prompt and either sends it to the remote
+# application or executes it locally, depending on "app".
+proc invoke {} {
+ global app executing lastCommand
+ set cmd [.t get promptEnd insert]
+ incr executing 1
+ if [info complete $cmd] {
+ if {$cmd == "!!\n"} {
+ set cmd $lastCommand
+ } else {
+ set lastCommand $cmd
+ }
+ if {$app == "local"} {
+ set result [catch [list uplevel #0 $cmd] msg]
+ } else {
+ set result [catch [list send $app $cmd] msg]
+ }
+ if {$result != 0} {
+ .t insert insert "Error: $msg\n"
+ } else {
+ if {$msg != ""} {
+ .t insert insert $msg\n
+ }
+ }
+ prompt
+ .t mark set promptEnd insert
+ }
+ incr executing -1
+ .t yview -pickplace insert
+# The following procedure is invoked to change the application that
+# we're talking to. It also updates the prompt for the current
+# command, unless we're in the middle of executing a command from
+# the text item (in which case a new prompt is about to be output
+# so there's no need to change the old one).
+proc newApp appName {
+ global app executing
+ set app $appName
+ if !$executing {
+ .t mark gravity promptEnd right
+ .t delete "promptEnd linestart" promptEnd
+ .t insert promptEnd "$appName: "
+ .t tag add bold "promptEnd linestart" promptEnd
+ .t mark gravity promptEnd left
+ }
+ return {}
+# The procedure below will fill in the applications sub-menu with a list
+# of all the applications that currently exist.
+proc fillAppsMenu {} {
+ catch {.menu.file.m.apps delete 0 last}
+ foreach i [lsort [winfo interps]] {
+ .menu.file.m.apps add command -label $i -command [list newApp $i]
+ }
+ .menu.file.m.apps add command -label local -command {newApp local}
+set app [winfo name .]
+focus .t