path: root/library/ttk/notebook.tcl
diff options
authorhobbs <hobbs>2006-10-31 01:42:25 (GMT)
committerhobbs <hobbs>2006-10-31 01:42:25 (GMT)
commit397a2c9832bf618f26be267501cf49ab06a562ec (patch)
tree61d5e957eccfcba57b0dd27ebc73db085385834e /library/ttk/notebook.tcl
parent18d330543869e240c2bd12fc9fbb8d5027f5cad6 (diff)
* doc/ttk_Geometry.3, doc/ttk_Theme.3, doc/ttk_button.n:
* doc/ttk_checkbutton.n, doc/ttk_combobox.n, doc/ttk_dialog.n: * doc/ttk_entry.n, doc/ttk_frame.n, doc/ttk_image.n: * doc/ttk_intro.n, doc/ttk_label.n, doc/ttk_labelframe.n: * doc/ttk_menubutton.n, doc/ttk_notebook.n, doc/ttk_panedwindow.n: * doc/ttk_progressbar.n, doc/ttk_radiobutton.n, doc/ttk_scrollbar.n: * doc/ttk_separator.n, doc/ttk_sizegrip.n, doc/ttk_style.n: * doc/ttk_treeview.n, doc/ttk_widget.n,: * generic/ttk/ttk.decls, generic/ttk/ttkBlink.c: * generic/ttk/ttkButton.c, generic/ttk/ttkCache.c: * generic/ttk/ttkClamTheme.c, generic/ttk/ttkClassicTheme.c: * generic/ttk/ttkDecls.h, generic/ttk/ttkDefaultTheme.c: * generic/ttk/ttkElements.c, generic/ttk/ttkEntry.c: * generic/ttk/ttkFrame.c, generic/ttk/ttkImage.c: * generic/ttk/ttkInit.c, generic/ttk/ttkLabel.c: * generic/ttk/ttkLayout.c, generic/ttk/ttkManager.c: * generic/ttk/ttkManager.h, generic/ttk/ttkNotebook.c: * generic/ttk/ttkPanedwindow.c, generic/ttk/ttkProgress.c: * generic/ttk/ttkScale.c, generic/ttk/ttkScroll.c: * generic/ttk/ttkScrollbar.c, generic/ttk/ttkSeparator.c: * generic/ttk/ttkSquare.c, generic/ttk/ttkState.c: * generic/ttk/ttkStubInit.c, generic/ttk/ttkStubLib.c: * generic/ttk/ttkTagSet.c, generic/ttk/ttkTheme.c: * generic/ttk/ttkTheme.h, generic/ttk/ttkThemeInt.h: * generic/ttk/ttkTrace.c, generic/ttk/ttkTrack.c: * generic/ttk/ttkTreeview.c, generic/ttk/ttkWidget.c: * generic/ttk/ttkWidget.h: * library/demos/ttk_demo.tcl, library/demos/ttk_iconlib.tcl: * library/demos/ttk_repeater.tcl: * library/ttk/altTheme.tcl, library/ttk/aquaTheme.tcl: * library/ttk/button.tcl, library/ttk/clamTheme.tcl: * library/ttk/classicTheme.tcl, library/ttk/combobox.tcl: * library/ttk/cursors.tcl, library/ttk/defaults.tcl: * library/ttk/dialog.tcl, library/ttk/entry.tcl: * library/ttk/fonts.tcl, library/ttk/icons.tcl: * library/ttk/keynav.tcl, library/ttk/menubutton.tcl: * library/ttk/notebook.tcl, library/ttk/panedwindow.tcl: * library/ttk/progress.tcl, library/ttk/scale.tcl: * library/ttk/scrollbar.tcl, library/ttk/sizegrip.tcl: * library/ttk/treeview.tcl, library/ttk/ttk.tcl: * library/ttk/utils.tcl, library/ttk/winTheme.tcl: * library/ttk/xpTheme.tcl: * macosx/ttkMacOSXTheme.c: * tests/ttk/all.tcl, tests/ttk/bwidget.test, tests/ttk/combobox.test: * tests/ttk/entry.test, tests/ttk/image.test: * tests/ttk/labelframe.test, tests/ttk/layout.test: * tests/ttk/misc.test, tests/ttk/notebook.test: * tests/ttk/panedwindow.test, tests/ttk/progressbar.test: * tests/ttk/scrollbar.test, tests/ttk/treetags.test: * tests/ttk/treeview.test, tests/ttk/ttk.test, tests/ttk/validate.test: * win/ttkWinMonitor.c, win/ttkWinTheme.c, win/ttkWinXPTheme.c: First import of Ttk themed Tk widgets as branched from tile 0.7.8 * generic/tkInt.h, generic/tkWindow.c: add Ttk_Init call, copy tk classic widgets to ::tk namespace. * library/tk.tcl: add source of ttk/ttk.tcl, define $::ttk::library. * unix/, win/ add Ttk build bits * win/configure, win/ check for uxtheme.h (XP theme).
Diffstat (limited to 'library/ttk/notebook.tcl')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/ttk/notebook.tcl b/library/ttk/notebook.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2edddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/ttk/notebook.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# $Id: notebook.tcl,v 1.1 2006/10/31 01:42:27 hobbs Exp $
+# Bindings for TNotebook widget
+namespace eval ttk::notebook {
+ variable TLNotebooks ;# See enableTraversal
+bind TNotebook <ButtonPress-1> { ttk::notebook::Press %W %x %y }
+bind TNotebook <Key-Right> { ttk::notebook::CycleTab %W 1; break }
+bind TNotebook <Key-Left> { ttk::notebook::CycleTab %W -1; break }
+bind TNotebook <Control-Key-Tab> { ttk::notebook::CycleTab %W 1; break }
+bind TNotebook <Control-Shift-Key-Tab> { ttk::notebook::CycleTab %W -1; break }
+catch {
+bind TNotebook <Control-ISO_Left_Tab> { ttk::notebook::CycleTab %W -1; break }
+bind TNotebook <Destroy> { ttk::notebook::Cleanup %W }
+# ActivateTab $nb $tab --
+# Select the specified tab and set focus.
+# If $tab was already the current tab, set the focus to the
+# notebook widget. Otherwise, set the focus to the first
+# traversable widget in the pane. The behavior is that the
+# notebook takes focus when the user selects the same tab
+# a second time. This mirrors Windows tab behavior.
+proc ttk::notebook::ActivateTab {w tab} {
+ if {[$w index $tab] eq [$w index current]} {
+ focus $w
+ } else {
+ $w select $tab
+ update ;# needed so focus logic sees correct mapped/unmapped states
+ if {[set f [ttk::focusFirst [$w select]]] ne ""} {
+ tk::TabToWindow $f
+ }
+ }
+# ttk::focusFirst $w --
+# Return the first descendant of $w, in preorder traversal order,
+# that can take keyboard focus, "" if none do.
+# See also: tk_focusNext
+proc ttk::focusFirst {w} {
+ if {[ttk::takesFocus $w]} {
+ return $w
+ }
+ foreach child [winfo children $w] {
+ if {[set c [ttk::focusFirst $child]] ne ""} {
+ return $c
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+# Press $nb $x $y --
+# ButtonPress-1 binding for notebook widgets.
+# Activate the tab under the mouse cursor, if any.
+proc ttk::notebook::Press {w x y} {
+ set index [$w index @$x,$y]
+ if {$index ne ""} {
+ ActivateTab $w $index
+ }
+# CycleTab --
+# Select the next/previous tab in the list.
+proc ttk::notebook::CycleTab {w dir} {
+ if {[$w index end] != 0} {
+ set current [$w index current]
+ set select [expr {($current + $dir) % [$w index end]}]
+ while {[$w tab $select -state] != "normal" && ($select != $current)} {
+ set select [expr {($select + $dir) % [$w index end]}]
+ }
+ if {$select != $current} {
+ ActivateTab $w $select
+ }
+ }
+# MnemonicTab $nb $key --
+# Scan all tabs in the specified notebook for one with the
+# specified mnemonic. If found, returns path name of tab;
+# otherwise returns ""
+proc ttk::notebook::MnemonicTab {nb key} {
+ set key [string toupper $key]
+ foreach tab [$nb tabs] {
+ set label [$nb tab $tab -text]
+ set underline [$nb tab $tab -underline]
+ set mnemonic [string toupper [string index $label $underline]]
+ if {$mnemonic ne "" && $mnemonic eq $key} {
+ return $tab
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+# +++ Toplevel keyboard traversal.
+# enableTraversal --
+# Enable keyboard traversal for a notebook widget
+# by adding bindings to the containing toplevel window.
+# TLNotebooks($top) keeps track of the list of all traversal-enabled
+# notebooks contained in the toplevel
+proc ttk::notebook::enableTraversal {nb} {
+ variable TLNotebooks
+ set top [winfo toplevel $nb]
+ if {![info exists TLNotebooks($top)]} {
+ # Augment $top bindings:
+ #
+ bind $top <Control-Key-Tab> {+ttk::notebook::TLCycleTab %W 1}
+ bind $top <Shift-Control-Key-Tab> {+ttk::notebook::TLCycleTab %W -1}
+ catch {
+ bind $top <Control-Key-ISO_Left_Tab> {+ttk::notebook::TLCycleTab %W -1}
+ }
+ bind $top <Alt-KeyPress> \
+ +[list ttk::notebook::MnemonicActivation $top %K]
+ bind $top <Destroy> {+ttk::notebook::TLCleanup %W}
+ }
+ lappend TLNotebooks($top) $nb
+# TLCleanup -- <Destroy> binding for traversal-enabled toplevels
+proc ttk::notebook::TLCleanup {w} {
+ variable TLNotebooks
+ if {$w eq [winfo toplevel $w]} {
+ unset -nocomplain -please TLNotebooks($w)
+ }
+# Cleanup -- <Destroy> binding for notebooks
+proc ttk::notebook::Cleanup {nb} {
+ variable TLNotebooks
+ set top [winfo toplevel $nb]
+ if {[info exists TLNotebooks($top)]} {
+ set index [lsearch -exact $TLNotebooks($top) $nb]
+ set TLNotebooks($top) [lreplace $TLNotebooks($top) $index $index]
+ }
+# EnclosingNotebook $w --
+# Return the nearest traversal-enabled notebook widget
+# that contains $w.
+# BUGS: this only works properly for tabs that are direct children
+# of the notebook widget. This routine should follow the
+# geometry manager hierarchy, not window ancestry, but that
+# information is not available in Tk.
+proc ttk::notebook::EnclosingNotebook {w} {
+ variable TLNotebooks
+ set top [winfo toplevel $w]
+ if {![info exists TLNotebooks($top)]} { return }
+ while {$w ne $top && $w ne ""} {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $TLNotebooks($top) $w] >= 0} {
+ return $w
+ }
+ set w [winfo parent $w]
+ }
+ return ""
+# TLCycleTab --
+# toplevel binding procedure for Control-Tab / Shift-Control-Tab
+# Select the next/previous tab in the nearest ancestor notebook.
+proc ttk::notebook::TLCycleTab {w dir} {
+ set nb [EnclosingNotebook $w]
+ if {$nb ne ""} {
+ CycleTab $nb $dir
+ return -code break
+ }
+# MnemonicActivation $nb $key --
+# Alt-KeyPress binding procedure for mnemonic activation.
+# Scan all notebooks in specified toplevel for a tab with the
+# the specified mnemonic. If found, activate it and return TCL_BREAK.
+proc ttk::notebook::MnemonicActivation {top key} {
+ variable TLNotebooks
+ foreach nb $TLNotebooks($top) {
+ if {[set tab [MnemonicTab $nb $key]] ne ""} {
+ ActivateTab $nb [$nb index $tab]
+ return -code break
+ }
+ }