path: root/library/ttk
diff options
authorculler <culler>2019-04-24 17:00:33 (GMT)
committerculler <culler>2019-04-24 17:00:33 (GMT)
commitc48fd5cadb4b8faadbd12969719825c5548df544 (patch)
tree955084499461ef974b690b2e179bf07bf903a2d0 /library/ttk
parente0ae8abb72aaa1eb4a5315cf945368030062fc14 (diff)
parent1c8361c420075b482b5eee473b2958e7b8e6b934 (diff)
Fix [9286526144]: adjust position of ttk::menubutton menus and streamline code.
Diffstat (limited to 'library/ttk')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/library/ttk/menubutton.tcl b/library/ttk/menubutton.tcl
index 2be064c..43b3cd8 100644
--- a/library/ttk/menubutton.tcl
+++ b/library/ttk/menubutton.tcl
@@ -61,43 +61,112 @@ if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "x11"} {
# PostPosition --
-# Returns the x and y coordinates where the menu
-# should be posted, based on the menubutton and menu size
-# and -direction option.
+# Returns x and y coordinates and a menu item index.
+# If the index is not an empty string the menu should
+# be posted so that the upper left corner of the indexed
+# menu item is located at the point (x, y). Otherwise
+# the top left corner of the menu itself should be located
+# at that point.
# TODO: adjust menu width to be at least as wide as the button
# for -direction above, below.
-proc ttk::menubutton::PostPosition {mb menu} {
- set x [winfo rootx $mb]
- set y [winfo rooty $mb]
- set dir [$mb cget -direction]
- set bw [winfo width $mb]
- set bh [winfo height $mb]
- set mw [winfo reqwidth $menu]
- set mh [winfo reqheight $menu]
- set sw [expr {[winfo screenwidth $menu] - $bw - $mw}]
- set sh [expr {[winfo screenheight $menu] - $bh - $mh}]
- switch -- $dir {
- above { if {$y >= $mh} { incr y -$mh } { incr y $bh } }
- below { if {$y <= $sh} { incr y $bh } { incr y -$mh } }
- left { if {$x >= $mw} { incr x -$mw } { incr x $bw } }
- right { if {$x <= $sw} { incr x $bw } { incr x -$mw } }
- flush {
- # post menu atop menubutton.
- # If there's a menu entry whose label matches the
- # menubutton -text, assume this is an optionmenu
- # and place that entry over the menubutton.
- set index [FindMenuEntry $menu [$mb cget -text]]
- if {$index ne ""} {
- incr y -[$menu yposition $index]
+if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
+ proc ::ttk::menubutton::PostPosition {mb menu} {
+ set menuPad 5
+ set buttonPad 1
+ set bevelPad 4
+ set mh [winfo reqheight $menu]
+ set bh [expr {[winfo height $mb]} + $buttonPad]
+ set bbh [expr {[winfo height $mb]} + $bevelPad]
+ set mw [winfo reqwidth $menu]
+ set bw [winfo width $mb]
+ set dF [expr {[winfo width $mb] - [winfo reqwidth $menu] - $menuPad}]
+ set entry ""
+ set entry [::tk::MenuFindName $menu [$mb cget -text]]
+ if {$entry eq ""} {
+ set entry 0
+ }
+ set x [winfo rootx $mb]
+ set y [winfo rooty $mb]
+ switch [$mb cget -direction] {
+ above {
+ set entry ""
+ incr y [expr {-$mh + 2 * $menuPad}]
+ }
+ below {
+ set entry ""
+ incr y $bh
+ }
+ left {
+ incr y $menuPad
+ incr x -$mw
+ }
+ right {
+ incr y $menuPad
+ incr x $bw
+ }
+ default {
+ incr y $bbh
+ return [list $x $y $entry]
+ }
+} else {
+ proc ::ttk::menubutton::PostPosition {mb menu} {
+ set mh [expr {[winfo reqheight $menu]}]
+ set bh [expr {[winfo height $mb]}]
+ set mw [expr {[winfo reqwidth $menu]}]
+ set bw [expr {[winfo width $mb]}]
+ set dF [expr {[winfo width $mb] - [winfo reqwidth $menu]}]
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
+ incr mh 6
+ incr mw 16
+ }
+ set entry {}
+ set entry [::tk::MenuFindName $menu [$mb cget -text]]
+ if {$entry eq {}} {
+ set entry 0
+ }
+ set x [winfo rootx $mb]
+ set y [winfo rooty $mb]
+ switch [$mb cget -direction] {
+ above {
+ set entry {}
+ incr y -$mh
+ # if we go offscreen to the top, show as 'below'
+ if {$y < [winfo vrooty $mb]} {
+ set y [expr {[winfo vrooty $mb] + [winfo rooty $mb]\
+ + [winfo reqheight $mb]}]
+ }
+ }
+ below {
+ set entry {}
+ incr y $bh
+ # if we go offscreen to the bottom, show as 'above'
+ if {($y + $mh) > ([winfo vrooty $mb] + [winfo vrootheight $mb])} {
+ set y [expr {[winfo vrooty $mb] + [winfo vrootheight $mb] \
+ + [winfo rooty $mb] - $mh}]
+ }
+ }
+ left {
+ incr x -$mw
+ }
+ right {
+ incr x $bw
+ }
+ default {
+ if {[$mb cget -style] eq ""} {
+ incr x [expr {([winfo width $mb] - \
+ [winfo reqwidth $menu])/ 2}]
+ } else {
+ incr y $bh
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return [list $x $y $entry]
- return [list $x $y]
# Popdown --
@@ -107,8 +176,8 @@ proc ttk::menubutton::Popdown {mb} {
if {[$mb instate disabled] || [set menu [$mb cget -menu]] eq ""} {
- foreach {x y} [PostPosition $mb $menu] { break }
- tk_popup $menu $x $y
+ foreach {x y entry} [PostPosition $mb $menu] { break }
+ tk_popup $menu $x $y $entry
# Pulldown (X11 only) --
@@ -121,13 +190,17 @@ proc ttk::menubutton::Pulldown {mb} {
if {[$mb instate disabled] || [set menu [$mb cget -menu]] eq ""} {
- foreach {x y} [PostPosition $mb $menu] { break }
set State(pulldown) 1
set State(oldcursor) [$mb cget -cursor]
$mb state pressed
$mb configure -cursor [$menu cget -cursor]
- $menu post $x $y
+ foreach {x y entry} [PostPosition $mb $menu] { break }
+ if {$entry ne {}} {
+ $menu post $x $y $entry
+ } else {
+ $menu post $x $y
+ }
tk_menuSetFocus $menu
@@ -143,6 +216,7 @@ proc ttk::menubutton::TransferGrab {mb} {
set State(pulldown) 0
set menu [$mb cget -menu]
+ foreach {x y entry} [PostPosition $mb $menu] { break }
tk_popup $menu [winfo rootx $menu] [winfo rooty $menu]