path: root/library/xmfbox.tcl
diff options
authorrjohnson <rjohnson>1998-04-01 09:51:44 (GMT)
committerrjohnson <rjohnson>1998-04-01 09:51:44 (GMT)
commit066ea7fd88d49cb456f74da71dbe875e4fc0aabb (patch)
tree8fb30cb152c4dc191be47fa043d2e6f5ea38c7ba /library/xmfbox.tcl
parent13242623d2ff3ea02ab6a62bfb48a7dbb5c27e22 (diff)
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'library/xmfbox.tcl')
1 files changed, 635 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/xmfbox.tcl b/library/xmfbox.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52f8b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/xmfbox.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+# xmfbox.tcl --
+# Implements the "Motif" style file selection dialog for the
+# Unix platform. This implementation is used only if the
+# "tk_strictMotif" flag is set.
+# SCCS: @(#) xmfbox.tcl 1.6 97/10/01 15:06:07
+# Copyright (c) 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+# tkMotifFDialog --
+# Implements a file dialog similar to the standard Motif file
+# selection box.
+# Return value:
+# A list of two members. The first member is the absolute
+# pathname of the selected file or "" if user hits cancel. The
+# second member is the name of the selected file type, or ""
+# which stands for "default file type"
+proc tkMotifFDialog {args} {
+ global tkPriv
+ set w __tk_filedialog
+ upvar #0 $w data
+ if ![string compare [lindex [info level 0] 0] tk_getOpenFile] {
+ set type open
+ } else {
+ set type save
+ }
+ tkMotifFDialog_Config $w $type $args
+ if {![string compare $data(-parent) .]} {
+ set w .$w
+ } else {
+ set w $data(-parent).$w
+ }
+ # (re)create the dialog box if necessary
+ #
+ if {![winfo exists $w]} {
+ tkMotifFDialog_Create $w
+ } elseif {[string compare [winfo class $w] TkMotifFDialog]} {
+ destroy $w
+ tkMotifFDialog_Create $w
+ }
+ wm transient $w $data(-parent)
+ tkMotifFDialog_Update $w
+ # 5. Withdraw the window, then update all the geometry information
+ # so we know how big it wants to be, then center the window in the
+ # display and de-iconify it.
+ wm withdraw $w
+ update idletasks
+ set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $w]/2 - [winfo reqwidth $w]/2 \
+ - [winfo vrootx [winfo parent $w]]]
+ set y [expr [winfo screenheight $w]/2 - [winfo reqheight $w]/2 \
+ - [winfo vrooty [winfo parent $w]]]
+ wm geom $w +$x+$y
+ wm deiconify $w
+ wm title $w $data(-title)
+ # 6. Set a grab and claim the focus too.
+ set oldFocus [focus]
+ set oldGrab [grab current $w]
+ if {$oldGrab != ""} {
+ set grabStatus [grab status $oldGrab]
+ }
+ grab $w
+ focus $data(sEnt)
+ $data(sEnt) select from 0
+ $data(sEnt) select to end
+ # 7. Wait for the user to respond, then restore the focus and
+ # return the index of the selected button. Restore the focus
+ # before deleting the window, since otherwise the window manager
+ # may take the focus away so we can't redirect it. Finally,
+ # restore any grab that was in effect.
+ tkwait variable tkPriv(selectFilePath)
+ catch {focus $oldFocus}
+ grab release $w
+ wm withdraw $w
+ if {$oldGrab != ""} {
+ if {$grabStatus == "global"} {
+ grab -global $oldGrab
+ } else {
+ grab $oldGrab
+ }
+ }
+ return $tkPriv(selectFilePath)
+proc tkMotifFDialog_Config {w type argList} {
+ upvar #0 $w data
+ set data(type) $type
+ # 1: the configuration specs
+ #
+ set specs {
+ {-defaultextension "" "" ""}
+ {-filetypes "" "" ""}
+ {-initialdir "" "" ""}
+ {-initialfile "" "" ""}
+ {-parent "" "" "."}
+ {-title "" "" ""}
+ }
+ # 2: default values depending on the type of the dialog
+ #
+ if ![info exists data(selectPath)] {
+ # first time the dialog has been popped up
+ set data(selectPath) [pwd]
+ set data(selectFile) ""
+ }
+ # 3: parse the arguments
+ #
+ tclParseConfigSpec $w $specs "" $argList
+ if ![string compare $data(-title) ""] {
+ if ![string compare $type "open"] {
+ set data(-title) "Open"
+ } else {
+ set data(-title) "Save As"
+ }
+ }
+ # 4: set the default directory and selection according to the -initial
+ # settings
+ #
+ if [string compare $data(-initialdir) ""] {
+ if [file isdirectory $data(-initialdir)] {
+ set data(selectPath) [glob $data(-initialdir)]
+ } else {
+ error "\"$data(-initialdir)\" is not a valid directory"
+ }
+ }
+ set data(selectFile) $data(-initialfile)
+ # 5. Parse the -filetypes option. It is not used by the motif
+ # file dialog, but we check for validity of the value to make sure
+ # the application code also runs fine with the TK file dialog.
+ #
+ set data(-filetypes) [tkFDGetFileTypes $data(-filetypes)]
+ if ![info exists data(filter)] {
+ set data(filter) *
+ }
+ if ![winfo exists $data(-parent)] {
+ error "bad window path name \"$data(-parent)\""
+ }
+proc tkMotifFDialog_Create {w} {
+ set dataName [lindex [split $w .] end]
+ upvar #0 $dataName data
+ # 1: Create the dialog ...
+ #
+ toplevel $w -class TkMotifFDialog
+ set top [frame $ -relief raised -bd 1]
+ set bot [frame $ -relief raised -bd 1]
+ pack $ -side bottom -fill x
+ pack $ -side top -expand yes -fill both
+ set f1 [frame $top.f1]
+ set f2 [frame $top.f2]
+ set f3 [frame $top.f3]
+ pack $f1 -side top -fill x
+ pack $f3 -side bottom -fill x
+ pack $f2 -expand yes -fill both
+ set f2a [frame $f2.a]
+ set f2b [frame $f2.b]
+ grid $f2a -row 0 -column 0 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -padx 4 -pady 4 \
+ -sticky news
+ grid $f2b -row 0 -column 1 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -padx 4 -pady 4 \
+ -sticky news
+ grid rowconfig $f2 0 -minsize 0 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfig $f2 0 -minsize 0 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfig $f2 1 -minsize 150 -weight 2
+ # The Filter box
+ #
+ label $f1.lab -text "Filter:" -under 3 -anchor w
+ entry $f1.ent
+ pack $f1.lab -side top -fill x -padx 6 -pady 4
+ pack $f1.ent -side top -fill x -padx 4 -pady 0
+ set data(fEnt) $f1.ent
+ # The file and directory lists
+ #
+ set data(dList) [tkMotifFDialog_MakeSList $w $f2a Directory: 0 DList]
+ set data(fList) [tkMotifFDialog_MakeSList $w $f2b Files: 2 FList]
+ # The Selection box
+ #
+ label $f3.lab -text "Selection:" -under 0 -anchor w
+ entry $f3.ent
+ pack $f3.lab -side top -fill x -padx 6 -pady 0
+ pack $f3.ent -side top -fill x -padx 4 -pady 4
+ set data(sEnt) $f3.ent
+ # The buttons
+ #
+ set data(okBtn) [button $bot.ok -text OK -width 6 -under 0 \
+ -command "tkMotifFDialog_OkCmd $w"]
+ set data(filterBtn) [button $bot.filter -text Filter -width 6 -under 0 \
+ -command "tkMotifFDialog_FilterCmd $w"]
+ set data(cancelBtn) [button $bot.cancel -text Cancel -width 6 -under 0 \
+ -command "tkMotifFDialog_CancelCmd $w"]
+ pack $bot.ok $bot.filter $bot.cancel -padx 10 -pady 10 -expand yes \
+ -side left
+ # Create the bindings:
+ #
+ bind $w <Alt-t> "focus $data(fEnt)"
+ bind $w <Alt-d> "focus $data(dList)"
+ bind $w <Alt-l> "focus $data(fList)"
+ bind $w <Alt-s> "focus $data(sEnt)"
+ bind $w <Alt-o> "tkButtonInvoke $bot.ok "
+ bind $w <Alt-f> "tkButtonInvoke $bot.filter"
+ bind $w <Alt-c> "tkButtonInvoke $bot.cancel"
+ bind $data(fEnt) <Return> "tkMotifFDialog_ActivateFEnt $w"
+ bind $data(sEnt) <Return> "tkMotifFDialog_ActivateSEnt $w"
+ wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "tkMotifFDialog_CancelCmd $w"
+proc tkMotifFDialog_MakeSList {w f label under cmd} {
+ label $f.lab -text $label -under $under -anchor w
+ listbox $f.l -width 12 -height 5 -selectmode browse -exportselection 0\
+ -xscrollcommand "$f.h set" \
+ -yscrollcommand "$f.v set"
+ scrollbar $f.v -orient vertical -takefocus 0 \
+ -command "$f.l yview"
+ scrollbar $f.h -orient horizontal -takefocus 0 \
+ -command "$f.l xview"
+ grid $f.lab -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news -rowspan 1 -columnspan 2 \
+ -padx 2 -pady 2
+ grid $f.l -row 1 -column 0 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
+ grid $f.v -row 1 -column 1 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
+ grid $f.h -row 2 -column 0 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
+ grid rowconfig $f 0 -weight 0 -minsize 0
+ grid rowconfig $f 1 -weight 1 -minsize 0
+ grid columnconfig $f 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0
+ # bindings for the listboxes
+ #
+ set list $f.l
+ bind $list <Up> "tkMotifFDialog_Browse$cmd $w"
+ bind $list <Down> "tkMotifFDialog_Browse$cmd $w"
+ bind $list <space> "tkMotifFDialog_Browse$cmd $w"
+ bind $list <1> "tkMotifFDialog_Browse$cmd $w"
+ bind $list <B1-Motion> "tkMotifFDialog_Browse$cmd $w"
+ bind $list <Double-1> "tkMotifFDialog_Activate$cmd $w"
+ bind $list <Return> "tkMotifFDialog_Browse$cmd $w; tkMotifFDialog_Activate$cmd $w"
+ bindtags $list "Listbox $list [winfo toplevel $list] all"
+ tkListBoxKeyAccel_Set $list
+ return $f.l
+proc tkMotifFDialog_BrowseDList {w} {
+ upvar #0 [winfo name $w] data
+ focus $data(dList)
+ if ![string compare [$data(dList) curselection] ""] {
+ return
+ }
+ set subdir [$data(dList) get [$data(dList) curselection]]
+ if ![string compare $subdir ""] {
+ return
+ }
+ $data(fList) selection clear 0 end
+ set list [tkMotifFDialog_InterpFilter $w]
+ set data(filter) [lindex $list 1]
+ case $subdir {
+ . {
+ set newSpec [file join $data(selectPath) $data(filter)]
+ }
+ .. {
+ set newSpec [file join [file dirname $data(selectPath)] \
+ $data(filter)]
+ }
+ default {
+ set newSpec [file join $data(selectPath) $subdir $data(filter)]
+ }
+ }
+ $data(fEnt) delete 0 end
+ $data(fEnt) insert 0 $newSpec
+proc tkMotifFDialog_ActivateDList {w} {
+ upvar #0 [winfo name $w] data
+ if ![string compare [$data(dList) curselection] ""] {
+ return
+ }
+ set subdir [$data(dList) get [$data(dList) curselection]]
+ if ![string compare $subdir ""] {
+ return
+ }
+ $data(fList) selection clear 0 end
+ case $subdir {
+ . {
+ set newDir $data(selectPath)
+ }
+ .. {
+ set newDir [file dirname $data(selectPath)]
+ }
+ default {
+ set newDir [file join $data(selectPath) $subdir]
+ }
+ }
+ set data(selectPath) $newDir
+ tkMotifFDialog_Update $w
+ if [string compare $subdir ..] {
+ $data(dList) selection set 0
+ $data(dList) activate 0
+ } else {
+ $data(dList) selection set 1
+ $data(dList) activate 1
+ }
+proc tkMotifFDialog_BrowseFList {w} {
+ upvar #0 [winfo name $w] data
+ focus $data(fList)
+ if ![string compare [$data(fList) curselection] ""] {
+ return
+ }
+ set data(selectFile) [$data(fList) get [$data(fList) curselection]]
+ if ![string compare $data(selectFile) ""] {
+ return
+ }
+ $data(dList) selection clear 0 end
+ $data(fEnt) delete 0 end
+ $data(fEnt) insert 0 [file join $data(selectPath) $data(filter)]
+ $data(fEnt) xview end
+ $data(sEnt) delete 0 end
+ $data(sEnt) insert 0 [file join $data(selectPath) $data(selectFile)]
+ $data(sEnt) xview end
+proc tkMotifFDialog_ActivateFList {w} {
+ upvar #0 [winfo name $w] data
+ if ![string compare [$data(fList) curselection] ""] {
+ return
+ }
+ set data(selectFile) [$data(fList) get [$data(fList) curselection]]
+ if ![string compare $data(selectFile) ""] {
+ return
+ } else {
+ tkMotifFDialog_ActivateSEnt $w
+ }
+proc tkMotifFDialog_ActivateFEnt {w} {
+ upvar #0 [winfo name $w] data
+ set list [tkMotifFDialog_InterpFilter $w]
+ set data(selectPath) [lindex $list 0]
+ set data(filter) [lindex $list 1]
+ tkMotifFDialog_Update $w
+proc tkMotifFDialog_InterpFilter {w} {
+ upvar #0 [winfo name $w] data
+ set text [string trim [$data(fEnt) get]]
+ # Perform tilde substitution
+ #
+ if ![string compare [string index $text 0] ~] {
+ set list [file split $text]
+ set tilde [lindex $list 0]
+ catch {
+ set tilde [glob $tilde]
+ }
+ set text [eval file join [concat $tilde [lrange $list 1 end]]]
+ }
+ set resolved [file join [file dirname $text] [file tail $text]]
+ if [file isdirectory $resolved] {
+ set dir $resolved
+ set fil $data(filter)
+ } else {
+ set dir [file dirname $resolved]
+ set fil [file tail $resolved]
+ }
+ return [list $dir $fil]
+proc tkMotifFDialog_ActivateSEnt {w} {
+ global tkPriv
+ upvar #0 [winfo name $w] data
+ set selectFilePath [string trim [$data(sEnt) get]]
+ set selectFile [file tail $selectFilePath]
+ set selectPath [file dirname $selectFilePath]
+ if {![string compare $selectFilePath ""]} {
+ tkMotifFDialog_FilterCmd $w
+ return
+ }
+ if {[file isdirectory $selectFilePath]} {
+ set data(selectPath) [glob $selectFilePath]
+ set data(selectFile) ""
+ tkMotifFDialog_Update $w
+ return
+ }
+ if [string compare [file pathtype $selectFilePath] "absolute"] {
+ tk_messageBox -icon warning -type ok \
+ -message "\"$selectFilePath\" must be an absolute pathname"
+ return
+ }
+ if ![file exists $selectPath] {
+ tk_messageBox -icon warning -type ok \
+ -message "Directory \"$selectPath\" does not exist."
+ return
+ }
+ if ![file exists $selectFilePath] {
+ if ![string compare $data(type) open] {
+ tk_messageBox -icon warning -type ok \
+ -message "File \"$selectFilePath\" does not exist."
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ![string compare $data(type) save] {
+ set message [format %s%s \
+ "File \"$selectFilePath\" already exists.\n\n" \
+ "Replace existing file?"]
+ set answer [tk_messageBox -icon warning -type yesno \
+ -message $message]
+ if ![string compare $answer "no"] {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set tkPriv(selectFilePath) $selectFilePath
+ set tkPriv(selectFile) $selectFile
+ set tkPriv(selectPath) $selectPath
+proc tkMotifFDialog_OkCmd {w} {
+ upvar #0 [winfo name $w] data
+ tkMotifFDialog_ActivateSEnt $w
+proc tkMotifFDialog_FilterCmd {w} {
+ upvar #0 [winfo name $w] data
+ tkMotifFDialog_ActivateFEnt $w
+proc tkMotifFDialog_CancelCmd {w} {
+ global tkPriv
+ set tkPriv(selectFilePath) ""
+ set tkPriv(selectFile) ""
+ set tkPriv(selectPath) ""
+# tkMotifFDialog_Update
+# Load the files and synchronize the "filter" and "selection" fields
+# boxes.
+# popup:
+# If this is true, then update the selection field according to the
+# "-selection" flag
+proc tkMotifFDialog_Update {w} {
+ upvar #0 [winfo name $w] data
+ $data(fEnt) delete 0 end
+ $data(fEnt) insert 0 [file join $data(selectPath) $data(filter)]
+ $data(sEnt) delete 0 end
+ $data(sEnt) insert 0 [file join $data(selectPath) $data(selectFile)]
+ tkMotifFDialog_LoadFiles $w
+proc tkMotifFDialog_LoadFiles {w} {
+ upvar #0 [winfo name $w] data
+ $data(dList) delete 0 end
+ $data(fList) delete 0 end
+ set appPWD [pwd]
+ if [catch {
+ cd $data(selectPath)
+ }] {
+ cd $appPWD
+ $data(dList) insert end ".."
+ return
+ }
+ # Make the dir list
+ #
+ foreach f [lsort -command tclSortNoCase [glob -nocomplain .* *]] {
+ if [file isdir $f] {
+ $data(dList) insert end $f
+ }
+ }
+ # Make the file list
+ #
+ if ![string compare $data(filter) *] {
+ set files [lsort -command tclSortNoCase [glob -nocomplain .* *]]
+ } else {
+ set files [lsort -command tclSortNoCase \
+ [glob -nocomplain $data(filter)]]
+ }
+ set top 0
+ foreach f $files {
+ if ![file isdir $f] {
+ $data(fList) insert end $f
+ if [string match .* $f] {
+ incr top
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # The user probably doesn't want to see the . files. We adjust the view
+ # so that the listbox displays all the non-dot files
+ $data(fList) yview $top
+ cd $appPWD
+proc tkListBoxKeyAccel_Set {w} {
+ bind Listbox <Any-KeyPress> ""
+ bind $w <Destroy> "tkListBoxKeyAccel_Unset $w"
+ bind $w <Any-KeyPress> "tkListBoxKeyAccel_Key $w %A"
+proc tkListBoxKeyAccel_Unset {w} {
+ global tkPriv
+ catch {after cancel $tkPriv(lbAccel,$w,afterId)}
+ catch {unset tkPriv(lbAccel,$w)}
+ catch {unset tkPriv(lbAccel,$w,afterId)}
+proc tkListBoxKeyAccel_Key {w key} {
+ global tkPriv
+ append tkPriv(lbAccel,$w) $key
+ tkListBoxKeyAccel_Goto $w $tkPriv(lbAccel,$w)
+ catch {
+ after cancel $tkPriv(lbAccel,$w,afterId)
+ }
+ set tkPriv(lbAccel,$w,afterId) [after 500 tkListBoxKeyAccel_Reset $w]
+proc tkListBoxKeyAccel_Goto {w string} {
+ global tkPriv
+ set string [string tolower $string]
+ set end [$w index end]
+ set theIndex -1
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $end} {incr i} {
+ set item [string tolower [$w get $i]]
+ if {[string compare $string $item] >= 0} {
+ set theIndex $i
+ }
+ if {[string compare $string $item] <= 0} {
+ set theIndex $i
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if {$theIndex >= 0} {
+ $w selection clear 0 end
+ $w selection set $theIndex $theIndex
+ $w activate $theIndex
+ $w see $theIndex
+ }
+proc tkListBoxKeyAccel_Reset {w} {
+ global tkPriv
+ catch {unset tkPriv(lbAccel,$w)}