path: root/tests/canvPsImg.tcl
diff options
authorhobbs <hobbs>1999-12-14 06:53:11 (GMT)
committerhobbs <hobbs>1999-12-14 06:53:11 (GMT)
commitcc105ac04d3d06c27918887b8157b2fa3f8f9e62 (patch)
tree9cf936e1b6b3abcdf9ad5fd0f58caa549f438d21 /tests/canvPsImg.tcl
parent62e9e6611d2da6b8113210d5002611c40909231e (diff)
* tests/bind.test:
* tests/canvImg.test: * tests/canvPsArc.tcl: * tests/canvPsImg.tcl: (new file) * tests/canvRect.test: * tests/canvText.test: * tests/canvas.test: * tests/defs.tcl: * tests/entry.test: * tests/event.test: * tests/font.test: * tests/frame.test: * tests/imgPhoto.test: * tests/safe.test: * tests/scale.test: * tests/scrollbar.test: * tests/select.test: * tests/text.test: * tests/textDisp.test: * tests/textTag.test: * tests/unixFont.test: * tests/unixWm.test: * tests/visual_bb.test: * tests/winClipboard.test: tests for the dash patch changes
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/canvPsImg.tcl')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/canvPsImg.tcl b/tests/canvPsImg.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d460d03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/canvPsImg.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# This file creates a screen to exercise Postscript generation
+# for images in canvases. It is part of the Tk visual test suite,
+# which is invoked via the "visual" script.
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: canvPsImg.tcl,v 1.1 1999/12/14 06:53:12 hobbs Exp $
+# Build a test image in a canvas
+proc BuildTestImage {} {
+ global BitmapImage PhotoImage visual level
+ catch {destroy .t.f}
+ frame .t.f -visual $visual -colormap new
+ pack .t.f -side top -after
+ bind .t.f <Enter> {wm colormapwindows .t {.t.f .t}}
+ bind .t.f <Leave> {wm colormapwindows .t {.t .t.f}}
+ canvas .t.f.c -width 550 -height 350 -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
+ pack .t.f.c
+ .t.f.c create rectangle 25 25 525 325 -fill {} -outline black
+ .t.f.c create image 50 50 -anchor nw -image $BitmapImage
+ .t.f.c create image 250 50 -anchor nw -image $PhotoImage
+# Put postscript in a file
+proc FilePostscript { canvas } {
+ global level
+ $canvas postscript -file /tmp/ -colormode $level
+# Send postscript output to printer
+proc PrintPostcript { canvas } {
+ global level
+ $canvas postscript -file -colormode $level
+ exec lpr
+catch {destroy .t}
+toplevel .t
+wm title .t "Postscript Tests for Canvases: Images"
+wm iconname .t "Postscript"
+message .t.m -text {This screen exercises the Postscript-generation abilities of Tk canvas widgets for images. Click the buttons below to select a Visual type for the canvas and colormode for the Postscript output. Then click "Print" to send the results to the default printer, or "Print to file" to put the Postscript output in a file called "/tmp/". You can also click on items in the canvas to delete them.
+NOTE: Some Postscript printers may not be able to handle Postscript generated in color mode.} -width 6i
+pack .t.m -side top -fill both
+pack -side top
+frame -relief raised -borderwidth 2
+frame -relief raised -borderwidth 2
+pack -side left -fill both -expand 1
+label .t.visuals -text "Visuals"
+pack .t.visuals -in
+set visual [lindex [winfo visualsavailable .] 0]
+foreach v [winfo visualsavailable .] {
+ # The hack below is necessary for some systems, which have more than one
+ # visual of the same type...
+ if {![winfo exists .t.$v]} {
+ radiobutton .t.$v -text $v -variable visual -value $v \
+ -command BuildTestImage
+ pack .t.$v -in -anchor w
+ }
+label .t.levels -text "Color Levels"
+pack .t.levels -in
+set level monochrome
+foreach l { monochrome gray color } {
+ radiobutton .t.$l -text $l -variable level -value $l
+ pack .t.$l -in -anchor w
+set BitmapImage [image create bitmap -file $tk_library/demos/images/face \
+ -background white -foreground black]
+set PhotoImage [image create photo -file $tk_library/demos/images/teapot.ppm]
+pack -side top -fill x -expand 1
+button .t.file -text "Print to File" -command { FilePostscript .t.f.c }
+button .t.print -text "Print" -command { PrintPostscript .t.f.c }
+button .t.quit -text "Quit" -command { destroy .t }
+pack .t.file .t.print .t.quit -in -side left -fill x -expand 1