path: root/tests/listbox.test
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authordgp <>2016-07-21 20:06:34 (GMT)
committerdgp <>2016-07-21 20:06:34 (GMT)
commit6e21967c0573ca7a2744d318dc3ee0222875e273 (patch)
treecd7aaee28e7876e8bfdd77e835c534b13cbe5f98 /tests/listbox.test
parent5ad0f56fe1463cf9fb13dee7ee3319665e7d8fd6 (diff)
parent6ddcf9ad5374d63e332d9cf75792b0eb445efd5e (diff)
merge 8.6
FossilOrigin-Name: 0cb77e7f99a32d51ab693f35524f4e7138da07b4
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/listbox.test')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/tests/listbox.test b/tests/listbox.test
index f50267e..407420c 100644
--- a/tests/listbox.test
+++ b/tests/listbox.test
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ proc mkPartial {{w .partial}} {
# like border width have predictable values.
option add *Listbox.borderWidth 2
+option add *Listbox.selectBorderWidth 1
option add *Listbox.highlightThickness 2
option add *Listbox.font {Helvetica -12 bold}
@@ -203,6 +204,21 @@ test listbox-1.31 {configuration options} -body {
} -cleanup {
.l configure -highlightthickness [lindex [.l configure -highlightthickness] 3]
} -result {0 0}
+test listbox-1.32.1 {configuration options} -setup {
+ set res {}
+} -body {
+ .l configure -justify left
+ set res [list [lindex [.l configure -justify] 4] [.l cget -justify]]
+ .l configure -justify center
+ lappend res [lindex [.l configure -justify] 4] [.l cget -justify]
+ .l configure -justify right
+ lappend res [lindex [.l configure -justify] 4] [.l cget -justify]
+} -cleanup {
+ .l configure -justify [lindex [.l configure -justify] 3]
+} -result {left left center center right right}
+test listbox-1.32.2 {configuration options} -body {
+ .l configure -justify bogus
+} -returnCodes error -result {bad justification "bogus": must be left, right, or center}
test listbox-1.33 {configuration options} -body {
.l configure -relief groove
list [lindex [.l configure -relief] 4] [.l cget -relief]
@@ -441,6 +457,58 @@ test listbox-3.18 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option, partial last line}
list [.partial.l bbox 3] [.partial.l bbox 4]
} -result {{5 56 24 14} {5 73 23 14}}
+test listbox-3.18a {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option, justified} -constraints {
+ fonts
+} -setup {
+ destroy .top.l .top
+ unset -nocomplain res
+} -body {
+ toplevel .top
+ listbox .top.l -justify left
+ .top.l insert end Item1 LongerItem2 MuchLongerItem3
+ pack .top.l
+ update
+ lappend res [.top.l bbox 0] [.top.l bbox 1] [.top.l bbox 2]
+ .top.l configure -justify center
+ lappend res [.top.l bbox 0] [.top.l bbox 1] [.top.l bbox 2]
+ .top.l configure -justify right
+ lappend res [.top.l bbox 0] [.top.l bbox 1] [.top.l bbox 2]
+} -cleanup {
+ destroy .top.l .top
+ unset -nocomplain res
+} -result [list \
+ {5 5 34 14} {5 22 74 14} {5 39 106 14} \
+ {58 5 34 14} {38 22 74 14} {22 39 106 14} \
+ {111 5 34 14} {71 22 74 14} {39 39 106 14} \
+test listbox-3.18b {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option, justified, non-default borderwidth} -setup {
+ destroy .top.l .top
+ unset -nocomplain lres res
+} -body {
+ # This test checks whether all "x" values from bbox for different size
+ # items with different justification settings are all positive or zero
+ # This checks a bit the calculation of this x value with non-default
+ # borders widths of the listbox
+ toplevel .top
+ listbox .top.l -justify left -borderwidth 17 -highlightthickness 19 -selectborderwidth 22
+ .top.l insert end Item1 LongerItem2 MuchLongerItem3
+ .top.l selection set 1
+ pack .top.l
+ update
+ lappend lres [.top.l bbox 0] [.top.l bbox 1] [.top.l bbox 2]
+ .top.l configure -justify center
+ lappend lres [.top.l bbox 0] [.top.l bbox 1] [.top.l bbox 2]
+ .top.l configure -justify right
+ lappend lres [.top.l bbox 0] [.top.l bbox 1] [.top.l bbox 2]
+ set res 1
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $lres]} {incr i 4} {
+ set res [expr {$res * [expr {[lindex $lres $i] >= 0}] }]
+ }
+ set res
+} -cleanup {
+ destroy .top.l .top
+ unset -nocomplain lres res
+} -result {1}
test listbox-3.19 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} -body {
.l cget
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l cget option"}
@@ -455,7 +523,7 @@ test listbox-3.22 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} -body {
} -result {0}
test listbox-3.23 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} -body {
llength [.l configure]
-} -result {27}
+} -result {28}
test listbox-3.24 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} -body {
.l configure -gorp
} -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-gorp"}
@@ -3102,6 +3170,7 @@ test listbox-31.2 {<<ListboxSelect>> event on lost selection} -setup {
focus -force .l
event generate .l <1> -x 5 -y 5 ; # <<ListboxSelect>> fires
selection clear ; # <<ListboxSelect>> fires again
+ update
set res
} -cleanup {
destroy .l