path: root/tests
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authoroehhar <>2019-03-05 15:43:30 (GMT)
committeroehhar <>2019-03-05 15:43:30 (GMT)
commita48a5b55179978d3f31371c90d9be6eaa6931f17 (patch)
tree0e35fe157b59d65a921b67ba59db8b9774eaf18c /tests
parent4ea25ded4fb5e2bcfea51ab015097a9c3faa4b84 (diff)
parent66463b7f19d9e14296571c368b1a5710c7d455fd (diff)
merge trunk
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
10 files changed, 1087 insertions, 277 deletions
diff --git a/tests/imgPhoto.test b/tests/imgPhoto.test
index df97185..8ab555f 100644
--- a/tests/imgPhoto.test
+++ b/tests/imgPhoto.test
@@ -1754,6 +1754,39 @@ test imgPhoto-14.5 {Bug [fbaed1f66b] - GIF decoder with deferred clear code} -se
image create photo -file $fileName -format "gif -index 2"
} -returnCodes error -result {no image data for this index}
+test imgPhoto-14.6 {Access Subimage after Subimage with buffer overflow. Ticket 4da2191b} -setup {
+ set data {
+ hxAjSpxIsaLFixgzatzIsaPHjyBDihxJsqTJkyhTqlzJsqXLlzBjypxJs6bN
+ mzhz6tzJs6fPn0CDCh1KtKhRiwoSKEXAtGlTpUqPGkyagOmCq1edNsWalWkC
+ BUSXIuDqFepBqFWtZv3KU+zYrkrBSqT6dgECtjOTbu16NwFHvV3lshRLti/J
+ qlgRCE6ZuO9ik4Dt+k0ZVyZiyVIvXr77ODPEy5g9T4zMWfTEzXdNz1VbWvXn
+ uqldP1TAOrbshqBb314Y2W7n3Qdpv7UNPCHpycUVbv6dnODy5sqzQldIe8H0
+ }
+} -body {
+ image create photo photo1 -data $data -format "GIF -index 1"
+} -cleanup {
+ catch {image delete photo1}
+} -result photo1
test imgPhoto-15.1 {photo images can fail to allocate memory gracefully} -constraints {
} -body {
diff --git a/tests/menu.test b/tests/menu.test
index 7101e21..87d8a9e 100644
--- a/tests/menu.test
+++ b/tests/menu.test
@@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@ test menu-3.47 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "post" option} -setup {
.m1 post
} -cleanup {
destroy .m1
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 post x y"}
+} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 post x y ?index?"}
test menu-3.48 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "post" option} -setup {
destroy .m1
} -body {
diff --git a/tests/menubut.test b/tests/menubut.test
index d7ff2e3..a9d0656 100644
--- a/tests/menubut.test
+++ b/tests/menubut.test
@@ -542,7 +542,11 @@ test menubutton-6.1 {MenuButtonCmdDeletedProc procedure} -setup {
} -result {{} {}}
+if {[tk windowingsystem] == "aqua"} {
+ set extraWidth 36
+} else {
+ set extraWidth 0
test menubutton-7.1 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
} -setup {
@@ -555,33 +559,33 @@ test menubutton-7.1 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
} -cleanup {
-} -result {38 23}
+} -result [list [expr {38 + $extraWidth}] 23]
test menubutton-7.2 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
} -setup {
image create test image1
} -body {
- menubutton .mb -image image1 -bd 1 -highlightthickness 2
+ menubutton .mb -image image1 -bd 3 -highlightthickness 1
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} -cleanup {
-} -result {36 21}
+} -result [list [expr {38 + $extraWidth}] 23]
test menubutton-7.3 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
} -setup {
image create test image1
} -body {
- menubutton .mb -image image1 -bd 0 -highlightthickness 2 -padx 5 -pady 5
+ menubutton .mb -image image1 -bd 1 -highlightthickness 3 -padx 5 -pady 5
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} -cleanup {
-} -result {34 19}
+} -result [list [expr {38 + $extraWidth}] 23]
test menubutton-7.4 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
} -setup {
@@ -595,7 +599,7 @@ test menubutton-7.4 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
} -cleanup {
-} -result {48 23}
+} -result [list [expr {48 + $extraWidth}] 23]
test menubutton-7.5 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
} -setup {
@@ -609,7 +613,7 @@ test menubutton-7.5 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
} -cleanup {
-} -result {38 38}
+} -result [list [expr {38 + $extraWidth}] 38]
test menubutton-7.6 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -619,7 +623,7 @@ test menubutton-7.6 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -setup {
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} -cleanup {
-} -result {25 35}
+} -result [list [expr {25 + $extraWidth}] 35]
test menubutton-7.7 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -629,7 +633,7 @@ test menubutton-7.7 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -setup {
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} -cleanup {
-} -result {46 33}
+} -result [list [expr {46 + $extraWidth}] 33]
test menubutton-7.8 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -639,7 +643,7 @@ test menubutton-7.8 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -setup {
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} -cleanup {
-} -result {23 56}
+} -result [list [expr {23 + $extraWidth}] 56]
test menubutton-7.9 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
} -setup {
diff --git a/tests/scale.test b/tests/scale.test
index d22c4c3..e9dbc65 100644
--- a/tests/scale.test
+++ b/tests/scale.test
@@ -1104,78 +1104,78 @@ test scale-13.6 {SetScaleValue procedure} -body {
destroy .s
pack [scale .s]
-test scale-14.1 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body {
+test scale-14.1 {RoundValueToResolution procedure} -body {
.s configure -from 0 -to 100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \
-orient horizontal -resolution 4.0
.s get 84 152
} -result 72
-test scale-14.2 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body {
+test scale-14.2 {RoundValueToResolution procedure} -body {
.s configure -from 0 -to 100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \
-orient horizontal -resolution 4.0
.s get 86 152
} -result 76
-test scale-14.3 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body {
+test scale-14.3 {RoundValueToResolution procedure} -body {
.s configure -from 100 -to 0 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \
-orient horizontal -resolution 4.0
.s get 84 152
} -result 28
-test scale-14.4 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body {
+test scale-14.4 {RoundValueToResolution procedure} -body {
.s configure -from 100 -to 0 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \
-orient horizontal -resolution 4.0
.s get 86 152
} -result 24
-test scale-14.5 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body {
+test scale-14.5 {RoundValueToResolution procedure} -body {
.s configure -from -100 -to 0 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \
-orient horizontal -resolution 4.0
.s get 84 152
} -result {-28}
-test scale-14.6 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body {
+test scale-14.6 {RoundValueToResolution procedure} -body {
.s configure -from -100 -to 0 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \
-orient horizontal -resolution 4.0
.s get 86 152
} -result {-24}
-test scale-14.7 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body {
+test scale-14.7 {RoundValueToResolution procedure} -body {
.s configure -from 0 -to -100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \
-orient horizontal -resolution 4.0
.s get 84 152
} -result {-72}
-test scale-14.8 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body {
+test scale-14.8 {RoundValueToResolution procedure} -body {
.s configure -from 0 -to -100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \
-orient horizontal -resolution 4.0
.s get 86 152
} -result {-76}
-test scale-14.9 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body {
+test scale-14.9 {RoundValueToResolution procedure} -body {
.s configure -from 0 -to 2.25 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \
-orient horizontal -resolution 0
.s get 84 152
} -result {1.64}
-test scale-14.10 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body {
+test scale-14.10 {RoundValueToResolution procedure} -body {
.s configure -from 0 -to 2.25 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \
-orient horizontal -resolution 0
.s get 86 152
} -result {1.69}
-test scale-14.11 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body {
+test scale-14.11 {RoundValueToResolution procedure} -body {
.s configure -from 0 -to 225 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \
-orient horizontal -resolution 0 -digits 5
.s get 84 152
} -result {164.25}
-test scale-14.12 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body {
+test scale-14.12 {RoundValueToResolution procedure} -body {
.s configure -from 0 -to 225 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \
-orient horizontal -resolution 0 -digits 5
@@ -1183,6 +1183,41 @@ test scale-14.12 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body {
} -result {168.75}
destroy .s
+test scale-14.13 {RoundValueToResolution procedure, round-off errors} -setup {
+ # see [220665ffff], and duplicates [220265ffff] and [779559ffff]
+ set x NotSet
+ pack [scale .s -orient horizontal -resolution .1 -from -180 -to 180 -command "set x"]
+ update
+} -body {
+ .s configure -background red
+ update
+ set x
+} -cleanup {
+ destroy .s
+} -result {NotSet}
+test scale-14a.1 {RoundValueToResolution, RoundIntervalToResolution procedures} -setup {
+ pack [scale .s -orient horizontal]
+ update
+} -body {
+ .s configure -length 400 -bd 0 -from 1 -to 9 -resolution 2 -tickinterval 1
+ update
+ .s get 200 0
+} -cleanup {
+ destroy .s
+} -result {5}
+test scale-14a.2 {RoundValueToResolution, RoundIntervalToResolution procedures} -setup {
+ pack [scale .s -orient horizontal]
+ update
+} -body {
+ .s configure -length 400 -bd 0 -from -1.5 -to 1.5 -resolution 1 \
+ -tickinterval 1 -digits 2
+ update
+ .s get 250 0
+} -cleanup {
+ destroy .s
+} -result {0.5}
test scale-15.1 {ScaleVarProc procedure} -setup {
diff --git a/tests/send.test b/tests/send.test
index 945d4d0..403a207 100644
--- a/tests/send.test
+++ b/tests/send.test
@@ -197,7 +197,8 @@ test send-7.4 {Tk_SetAppName procedure, name in use} {secureserver testsend} {
list [tk appname foo] [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
} "{foo #4} {$commId foo #4\n$id foo\n$id foo #2\n$id foo #3\n}"
-test send-8.1 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, options} {secureserver} {
+#macOS does not send to other processes
+test send-8.1 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, options} {secureserver notAqua} {
set app [dobg {tk appname}]
set a 66
@@ -222,10 +223,11 @@ test send-8.2 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, options} {secureserver altDisplay} {
set result
} {altDisplay homeDisplay}
-test send-8.3 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, options} {secureserver} {
+# Since macOS has no registry of interpreters, 8.3, 8.4 and 8.10 will fail.
+test send-8.3 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, options} {secureserver notAqua} {
list [catch {send -- -async foo bar baz} msg] $msg
} {1 {no application named "-async"}}
-test send-8.4 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, options} {secureserver} {
+test send-8.4 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, options} {secureserver notAqua} {
list [catch {send -gorp foo bar baz} msg] $msg
} {1 {no application named "-gorp"}}
test send-8.5 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, options} {secureserver} {
@@ -253,7 +255,7 @@ test send-8.9 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, local execution} {secureserver} {
"open bad_file"
invoked from within
"send [tk appname] open bad_file"} {posix enoent {no such file or directory}}}
-test send-8.10 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, no such interpreter} {secureserver} {
+test send-8.10 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, no such interpreter} {secureserver notAqua} {
list [catch {send bogus_name bogus_command} msg] $msg
} {1 {no application named "bogus_name"}}
@@ -542,7 +544,8 @@ test send-12.1 {TimeoutProc procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
catch {testsend prop root InterpRegistry ""}
-test send-12.2 {TimeoutProc procedure} {secureserver} {
+#macOS does not send to other processes
+test send-12.2 {TimeoutProc procedure} {secureserver notAqua} {
winfo interps
tk appname tktest
@@ -557,16 +560,17 @@ test send-12.2 {TimeoutProc procedure} {secureserver} {
set result
} {1 {target application died}}
+#macOS does not send to other processes
winfo interps
tk appname tktest
-test send-13.1 {DeleteProc procedure} {secureserver} {
+test send-13.1 {DeleteProc procedure} {secureserver notAqua} {
set app [dobg {rename send {}; tk appname}]
set result [list [catch {send $app foo} msg] $msg [winfo interps]]
set result
} {1 {no application named "tktest #2"} tktest}
-test send-13.2 {DeleteProc procedure} {secureserver} {
+test send-13.2 {DeleteProc procedure} {secureserver notAqua} {
winfo interps
tk appname tktest
rename send {}
diff --git a/tests/text.test b/tests/text.test
index 621a9eb..3314fc9 100644
--- a/tests/text.test
+++ b/tests/text.test
@@ -2948,11 +2948,13 @@ test text-11a.1 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "pendingsync" option} -setup {
} -cleanup {
destroy .yt
} -result {1 {wrong # args: should be ".yt pendingsync"}}
test text-11a.2 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "pendingsync" option} -setup {
destroy .top
} -body {
toplevel .top
pack [text]
+ update
set content {}
for {set i 1} {$i < 300} {incr i} {
append content [string repeat "$i " 15] \n
@@ -2990,9 +2992,11 @@ test text-11a.12 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "sync" option} -setup {
} -body {
toplevel .top
pack [text]
+ update
set content {}
+ # Use long lines so the line metrics will need updating.
for {set i 1} {$i < 30} {incr i} {
- append content [string repeat "$i " 15] \n
+ append content [string repeat "$i " 200] \n
} insert 1.0 $content
# wait for end of line metrics calculation to get correct $fraction1
@@ -3065,19 +3069,18 @@ test text-11a.31 {"<<WidgetViewSync>>" event} -setup {
for {set i 1} {$i < 300} {incr i} {
append content [string repeat "$i " 15] \n
- insert 1.0 $content
+ # Sync the widget and process <<WidgetViewSync>> events before binding.
+ sync
bind <<WidgetViewSync>> { if {%d} {set yud(%W) 1} }
- # wait for end of line metrics calculation to get correct $fraction1
- # as a reference
- if {[ pendingsync]} {vwait yud(}
+ insert 1.0 $content yview moveto 1
set fraction1 [lindex [ yview] 0]
set res [expr {$fraction1 > 0}] delete 1.0 end insert 1.0 $content
# synchronously wait for completion of line metrics calculation
- # and ensure the test is relevant
+ # and verify that the fractions agree.
set waited 0
if {[ pendingsync]} {set waited 1 ; vwait yud(}
lappend res $waited
@@ -3091,7 +3094,6 @@ test text-11a.31 {"<<WidgetViewSync>>" event} -setup {
test text-11a.41 {"sync" "pendingsync" and <<WidgetViewSync>>} -setup {
destroy .top
} -body {
- set res {}
toplevel .top
pack [text]
@@ -3099,15 +3101,21 @@ test text-11a.41 {"sync" "pendingsync" and <<WidgetViewSync>>} -setup {
for {set i 1} {$i < 300} {incr i} {
append content [string repeat "$i " 50] \n
+ # Sync the widget and process all <<WidgetViewSync>> events before binding.
+ sync
+ update
bind <<WidgetViewSync>> {lappend res Sync:%d}
+ set res {}
+ # The next line triggers <<WidgetViewSync>> with %d==0 i.e. out of sync. insert 1.0 $content
- vwait res ; # event dealt with by the event loop, with %d==0 i.e. we're out of sync
- # ensure the test is relevant
+ vwait res
+ # Verify that the line metrics are not up-to-date (pendingsync is 1).
lappend res "Pending:[ pendingsync]"
- # - <<WidgetViewSync>> fires when sync returns if there was pending syncs
- # - there is no more any pending sync after running 'sync'
+ # Update all line metrics by calling the sync command. sync
- vwait res ; # event dealt with by the event loop, with %d==1 i.e. we're in sync again
+ # <<WidgetViewSync>> should fire with %d==1 i.e. back in sync.
+ vwait res
+ # At this time the line metrics should be up-to-date (pendingsync is 0).
lappend res "Pending:[ pendingsync]"
set res
} -cleanup {
@@ -3122,6 +3130,7 @@ test text-11a.51 {<<WidgetViewSync>> calls TkSendVirtualEvent(),
set res {}
toplevel .top
pack [text .top.t]
+ update
for {set i 1} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {
.top.t insert end "Hello world!\n"
@@ -3477,6 +3486,12 @@ test text-14.18 {ConfigureText procedure} -constraints fonts -setup {
# minimum size and it was interfering with the size requested by the -setgrid.
# The "overrideredirect" gets rid of the titlebar so the toplevel can shrink
# to the appropriate size.
+# On macOS, however, there is no way to make the window overlap the menubar.
+if {[tk windowingsystem] == "aqua"} {
+ set minY 23
+} else {
+ set minY 0
test text-14.19 {ConfigureText procedure} -setup {
toplevel .top
text .top.t -font {Courier -12} -borderwidth 2 -highlightthickness 2
@@ -3484,16 +3499,17 @@ test text-14.19 {ConfigureText procedure} -setup {
.top.t configure -width 20 -height 10 -setgrid 1
wm overrideredirect .top 1
pack .top.t
- wm geometry .top +0+0
+ wm geometry .top +0+$minY
wm geometry .top
} -cleanup {
destroy .top
-} -result {20x10+0+0}
+} -result "20x10+0+$minY"
# This test was failing on Windows because the title bar on .t was a certain
# minimum size and it was interfering with the size requested by the -setgrid.
# The "overrideredirect" gets rid of the titlebar so the toplevel can shrink
# to the appropriate size.
+# On macOS we again use minY as a workaround.
test text-14.20 {ConfigureText procedure} -setup {
toplevel .top
text .top.t -font {Courier -12} -borderwidth 2 -highlightthickness 2
@@ -3501,7 +3517,7 @@ test text-14.20 {ConfigureText procedure} -setup {
.top.t configure -width 20 -height 10 -setgrid 1
wm overrideredirect .top 1
pack .top.t
- wm geometry .top +0+0
+ wm geometry .top +0+$minY
set result [wm geometry .top]
wm geometry .top 15x8
@@ -3512,7 +3528,7 @@ test text-14.20 {ConfigureText procedure} -setup {
lappend result [wm geometry .top]
} -cleanup {
destroy .top
-} -result {20x10+0+0 15x8+0+0 15x8+0+0}
+} -result "20x10+0+$minY 15x8+0+$minY 15x8+0+$minY"
test text-15.1 {TextWorldChanged procedure, spacing options} -constraints {
@@ -7429,6 +7445,194 @@ test text-32.1 {line heights on creation} -setup {
destroy .t
} -result {1}
+test text-32.2 {peer widget -start, -end and deletion (bug 1630262)} -setup {
+ destroy .t .pt
+ set res {}
+} -body {
+ text .t
+ .t peer create .pt
+ for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ .t insert end "Line $i\n"
+ }
+ .t configure -startline 5
+ # none of the following delete shall crash
+ # (all did before fixing bug 1630262)
+ # 1. delete on the same line: line1 == line2 in DeleteIndexRange,
+ # and resetView is true neither for .t not for .pt
+ .pt delete 2.0 2.2
+ # 2. delete just one line: line1 < line2 in DeleteIndexRange,
+ # and resetView is true only for .t, not for .pt
+ .pt delete 2.0 3.0
+ # 3. delete several lines: line1 < line2 in DeleteIndexRange,
+ # and resetView is true only for .t, not for .pt
+ .pt delete 2.0 5.0
+ # 4. delete to the end line: line1 < line2 in DeleteIndexRange,
+ # and resetView is true only for .t, not for .pt
+ .pt delete 2.0 end
+ # this test succeeds provided there is no crash
+ set res 1
+} -cleanup {
+ destroy .pt
+} -result {1}
+test text-32.3 {peer widget -start, -end and deletion (bug 1630262)} -setup {
+ destroy .t .pt
+ set res {}
+} -body {
+ text .t
+ .t peer create .pt
+ for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ .t insert end "Line $i\n"
+ }
+ .t configure -startline 5
+ .pt configure -startline 3
+ # the following delete shall not crash
+ # (it did before fixing bug 1630262)
+ .pt delete 2.0 3.0
+ # moreover -startline shall be correct
+ # (was wrong before fixing bug 1630262)
+ lappend res [.t cget -start] [.pt cget -start]
+} -cleanup {
+ destroy .pt
+} -result {4 3}
+test text-32.4 {peer widget -start, -end and deletion (bug 1630262)} -setup {
+ destroy .t .pt
+ set res {}
+} -body {
+ text .t
+ .t peer create .pt
+ for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ .t insert end "Line $i\n"
+ }
+ .t configure -startline 5 -endline 15
+ .pt configure -startline 8 -endline 12
+ # .pt now shows a range entirely inside the range of .pt
+ # from .t, delete lines located after [.pt cget -end]
+ .t delete 9.0 10.0
+ # from .t, delete lines straddling [.pt cget -end]
+ .t delete 6.0 9.0
+ lappend res [.t cget -start] [.t cget -end] [.pt cget -start] [.pt cget -end]
+ .t configure -startline 5 -endline 12
+ .pt configure -startline 8 -endline 12
+ # .pt now shows again a range entirely inside the range of .pt
+ # from .t, delete lines located before [.pt cget -start]
+ .t delete 2.0 3.0
+ # from .t, delete lines straddling [.pt cget -start]
+ .t delete 2.0 5.0
+ lappend res [.t cget -start] [.t cget -end] [.pt cget -start] [.pt cget -end]
+ .t configure -startline 22 -endline 31
+ .pt configure -startline 42 -endline 51
+ # .t now shows a range entirely before the range of .pt
+ # from .t, delete some lines, then do it from .pt
+ .t delete 2.0 3.0
+ .t delete 2.0 5.0
+ .pt delete 2.0 5.0
+ lappend res [.t cget -start] [.t cget -end] [.pt cget -start] [.pt cget -end]
+ .t configure -startline 55 -endline 75
+ .pt configure -startline 60 -endline 70
+ # .pt now shows a range entirely inside the range of .t
+ # from .t, delete a range straddling the entire range of .pt
+ .t delete 3.0 18.0
+ lappend res [.t cget -start] [.t cget -end] [.pt cget -start] [.pt cget -end]
+} -cleanup {
+ destroy .pt .t
+} -result {5 11 8 10 5 8 6 8 22 27 38 44 55 60 57 57}
+test text-32.2 {peer widget -start, -end and deletion (bug 1630262)} -setup {
+ destroy .t .pt
+ set res {}
+} -body {
+ text .t
+ .t peer create .pt
+ for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ .t insert end "Line $i\n"
+ }
+ .t configure -startline 5
+ # none of the following delete shall crash
+ # (all did before fixing bug 1630262)
+ # 1. delete on the same line: line1 == line2 in DeleteIndexRange,
+ # and resetView is true neither for .t not for .pt
+ .pt delete 2.0 2.2
+ # 2. delete just one line: line1 < line2 in DeleteIndexRange,
+ # and resetView is true only for .t, not for .pt
+ .pt delete 2.0 3.0
+ # 3. delete several lines: line1 < line2 in DeleteIndexRange,
+ # and resetView is true only for .t, not for .pt
+ .pt delete 2.0 5.0
+ # 4. delete to the end line: line1 < line2 in DeleteIndexRange,
+ # and resetView is true only for .t, not for .pt
+ .pt delete 2.0 end
+ # this test succeeds provided there is no crash
+ set res 1
+} -cleanup {
+ destroy .pt
+} -result {1}
+test text-32.3 {peer widget -start, -end and deletion (bug 1630262)} -setup {
+ destroy .t .pt
+ set res {}
+} -body {
+ text .t
+ .t peer create .pt
+ for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ .t insert end "Line $i\n"
+ }
+ .t configure -startline 5
+ .pt configure -startline 3
+ # the following delete shall not crash
+ # (it did before fixing bug 1630262)
+ .pt delete 2.0 3.0
+ # moreover -startline shall be correct
+ # (was wrong before fixing bug 1630262)
+ lappend res [.t cget -start] [.pt cget -start]
+} -cleanup {
+ destroy .pt
+} -result {4 3}
+test text-32.4 {peer widget -start, -end and deletion (bug 1630262)} -setup {
+ destroy .t .pt
+ set res {}
+} -body {
+ text .t
+ .t peer create .pt
+ for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ .t insert end "Line $i\n"
+ }
+ .t configure -startline 5 -endline 15
+ .pt configure -startline 8 -endline 12
+ # .pt now shows a range entirely inside the range of .pt
+ # from .t, delete lines located after [.pt cget -end]
+ .t delete 9.0 10.0
+ # from .t, delete lines straddling [.pt cget -end]
+ .t delete 6.0 9.0
+ lappend res [.t cget -start] [.t cget -end] [.pt cget -start] [.pt cget -end]
+ .t configure -startline 5 -endline 12
+ .pt configure -startline 8 -endline 12
+ # .pt now shows again a range entirely inside the range of .pt
+ # from .t, delete lines located before [.pt cget -start]
+ .t delete 2.0 3.0
+ # from .t, delete lines straddling [.pt cget -start]
+ .t delete 2.0 5.0
+ lappend res [.t cget -start] [.t cget -end] [.pt cget -start] [.pt cget -end]
+ .t configure -startline 22 -endline 31
+ .pt configure -startline 42 -endline 51
+ # .t now shows a range entirely before the range of .pt
+ # from .t, delete some lines, then do it from .pt
+ .t delete 2.0 3.0
+ .t delete 2.0 5.0
+ .pt delete 2.0 5.0
+ lappend res [.t cget -start] [.t cget -end] [.pt cget -start] [.pt cget -end]
+ .t configure -startline 55 -endline 75
+ .pt configure -startline 60 -endline 70
+ # .pt now shows a range entirely inside the range of .t
+ # from .t, delete a range straddling the entire range of .pt
+ .t delete 3.0 18.0
+ lappend res [.t cget -start] [.t cget -end] [.pt cget -start] [.pt cget -end]
+} -cleanup {
+ destroy .pt .t
+} -result {5 11 8 10 5 8 6 8 22 27 38 44 55 60 57 57}
test text-33.1 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "peer" option} -setup {
text .t
@@ -7561,100 +7765,6 @@ test text-34.1 {peer widget -start, -end and selection} -setup {
destroy .t
} -result {{10.0 20.0} {6.0 16.0} {6.0 11.0} {1.0 6.0} {1.0 2.0} {} {10.0 20.0}}
-test text-32.2 {peer widget -start, -end and deletion (bug 1630262)} -setup {
- destroy .t .pt
- set res {}
-} -body {
- text .t
- .t peer create .pt
- for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
- .t insert end "Line $i\n"
- }
- .t configure -startline 5
- # none of the following delete shall crash
- # (all did before fixing bug 1630262)
- # 1. delete on the same line: line1 == line2 in DeleteIndexRange,
- # and resetView is true neither for .t not for .pt
- .pt delete 2.0 2.2
- # 2. delete just one line: line1 < line2 in DeleteIndexRange,
- # and resetView is true only for .t, not for .pt
- .pt delete 2.0 3.0
- # 3. delete several lines: line1 < line2 in DeleteIndexRange,
- # and resetView is true only for .t, not for .pt
- .pt delete 2.0 5.0
- # 4. delete to the end line: line1 < line2 in DeleteIndexRange,
- # and resetView is true only for .t, not for .pt
- .pt delete 2.0 end
- # this test succeeds provided there is no crash
- set res 1
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .pt
-} -result {1}
-test text-32.3 {peer widget -start, -end and deletion (bug 1630262)} -setup {
- destroy .t .pt
- set res {}
-} -body {
- text .t
- .t peer create .pt
- for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
- .t insert end "Line $i\n"
- }
- .t configure -startline 5
- .pt configure -startline 3
- # the following delete shall not crash
- # (it did before fixing bug 1630262)
- .pt delete 2.0 3.0
- # moreover -startline shall be correct
- # (was wrong before fixing bug 1630262)
- lappend res [.t cget -start] [.pt cget -start]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .pt
-} -result {4 3}
-test text-32.4 {peer widget -start, -end and deletion (bug 1630262)} -setup {
- destroy .t .pt
- set res {}
-} -body {
- text .t
- .t peer create .pt
- for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
- .t insert end "Line $i\n"
- }
- .t configure -startline 5 -endline 15
- .pt configure -startline 8 -endline 12
- # .pt now shows a range entirely inside the range of .pt
- # from .t, delete lines located after [.pt cget -end]
- .t delete 9.0 10.0
- # from .t, delete lines straddling [.pt cget -end]
- .t delete 6.0 9.0
- lappend res [.t cget -start] [.t cget -end] [.pt cget -start] [.pt cget -end]
- .t configure -startline 5 -endline 12
- .pt configure -startline 8 -endline 12
- # .pt now shows again a range entirely inside the range of .pt
- # from .t, delete lines located before [.pt cget -start]
- .t delete 2.0 3.0
- # from .t, delete lines straddling [.pt cget -start]
- .t delete 2.0 5.0
- lappend res [.t cget -start] [.t cget -end] [.pt cget -start] [.pt cget -end]
- .t configure -startline 22 -endline 31
- .pt configure -startline 42 -endline 51
- # .t now shows a range entirely before the range of .pt
- # from .t, delete some lines, then do it from .pt
- .t delete 2.0 3.0
- .t delete 2.0 5.0
- .pt delete 2.0 5.0
- lappend res [.t cget -start] [.t cget -end] [.pt cget -start] [.pt cget -end]
- .t configure -startline 55 -endline 75
- .pt configure -startline 60 -endline 70
- # .pt now shows a range entirely inside the range of .t
- # from .t, delete a range straddling the entire range of .pt
- .t delete 3.0 18.0
- lappend res [.t cget -start] [.t cget -end] [.pt cget -start] [.pt cget -end]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .pt .t
-} -result {5 11 8 10 5 8 6 8 22 27 38 44 55 60 57 57}
test text-35.1 {widget dump -command alters tags} -setup {
proc Dumpy {key value index} {
#puts "KK: $key, $value"
diff --git a/tests/unixButton.test b/tests/unixButton.test
index 36064f9..9d54707 100644
--- a/tests/unixButton.test
+++ b/tests/unixButton.test
@@ -35,7 +35,15 @@ proc bogusTrace args {
error "trace aborted"
+if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
+ set smallIndicator 20
+ set bigIndicator 20
+ set defaultBorder 10
+} else {
+ set smallIndicator 27
+ set bigIndicator 40
+ set defaultBorder 20
test unixbutton-1.1 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
unix testImageType
} -setup {
@@ -57,7 +65,10 @@ test unixbutton-1.1 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
} -cleanup {
image delete image1
-} -result {68 48 74 54 112 52 112 52}
+} -result [list 68 48 \
+ 74 54 \
+ [expr {72 + $bigIndicator}] 52 \
+ [expr {72 + $bigIndicator}] 52]
test unixbutton-1.2 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
} -setup {
@@ -75,7 +86,10 @@ test unixbutton-1.2 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
[winfo reqwidth .b4] [winfo reqheight .b4]
} -cleanup {
-} -result {23 33 29 39 54 37 54 37}
+} -result [list 23 33 \
+ 29 39 \
+ [expr {27 + $smallIndicator}] 37 \
+ [expr {27 + $smallIndicator}] 37]
test unixbutton-1.3 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
} -setup {
@@ -186,7 +200,7 @@ test unixbutton-1.9 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
list [winfo reqwidth .b2] [winfo reqheight .b2]
} -cleanup {
-} -result {37 47}
+} -result [list [expr {17 + $defaultBorder}] [expr {27 + $defaultBorder}]]
test unixbutton-1.10 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
} -setup {
@@ -196,7 +210,7 @@ test unixbutton-1.10 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
list [winfo reqwidth .b2] [winfo reqheight .b2]
} -cleanup {
-} -result {37 47}
+} -result [list [expr {17 + $defaultBorder}] [expr {27 + $defaultBorder}]]
test unixbutton-1.11 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} -constraints {
} -setup {
diff --git a/tests/unixEmbed.test b/tests/unixEmbed.test
index 9916df2..99f7265 100644
--- a/tests/unixEmbed.test
+++ b/tests/unixEmbed.test
@@ -11,6 +11,37 @@ eval tcltest::configure $argv
namespace import -force tcltest::test
+namespace eval ::_test_tmp {}
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Proc ::_test_tmp::testInterp
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Command that creates an unsafe child interpreter and tries to load Tk.
+# This code is borrowed from safePrimarySelection.test
+# This is necessary for loading Tktest if the tests are done in the build
+# directory without installing Tk. In that case the usual auto_path loading
+# mechanism cannot work because the tk binary is not where pkgIndex.tcl says
+# it is.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace eval ::_test_tmp {
+ variable TkLoadCmd
+foreach pkg [info loaded] {
+ if {[lindex $pkg 1] eq "Tk"} {
+ set ::_test_tmp::TkLoadCmd [list load {*}$pkg]
+ break
+ }
+proc ::_test_tmp::testInterp {name} {
+ variable TkLoadCmd
+ interp create $name
+ $name eval [list set argv [list -name $name]]
+ catch {{*}$TkLoadCmd $name}
dobg {wm withdraw .}
@@ -97,7 +128,7 @@ test unixEmbed-1.4 {TkpUseWindow procedure, inheriting colormap} -constraints {
} -result {1}
test unixEmbed-1.5 {TkpUseWindow procedure, creating Container records} -constraints {
- unix testembed
+ unix testembed notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -113,8 +144,29 @@ test unixEmbed-1.5 {TkpUseWindow procedure, creating Container records} -constra
} -cleanup {
} -result {{{XXX {} {} .t}} 0}
+test unixEmbed-1.5a {TkpUseWindow procedure, creating Container records} -constraints {
+ unix testembed
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ frame .f2 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1 .f2
+ slave alias w winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t -use [w]
+ list [testembed] [expr {[lindex [lindex [testembed all] 0] 0] - [w]}]
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {{{XXX {} {} .t}} 0}
test unixEmbed-1.6 {TkpUseWindow procedure, creating Container records} -constraints {
- unix testembed
+ unix testembed notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -132,6 +184,29 @@ test unixEmbed-1.6 {TkpUseWindow procedure, creating Container records} -constra
} -cleanup {
} -result {{XXX {} {} .t2} {XXX {} {} .t1}}
+test unixEmbed-1.6a {TkpUseWindow procedure, creating Container records} -constraints {
+ unix testembed
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ frame .f2 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1 .f2
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave alias w2 winfo id .f2
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ toplevel .t2 -use [w2]
+ testembed
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {{XXX {} {} .t2} {XXX {} {} .t1}}
test unixEmbed-1.7 {TkpUseWindow procedure, container and embedded in same app} -constraints {
unix testembed
} -setup {
@@ -152,7 +227,7 @@ test unixEmbed-1.7 {TkpUseWindow procedure, container and embedded in same app}
test unixEmbed-2.1 {EmbeddedEventProc procedure} -constraints {
- unix testembed
+ unix testembed notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -172,8 +247,32 @@ test unixEmbed-2.1 {EmbeddedEventProc procedure} -constraints {
} -cleanup {
} -result {}
+test unixEmbed-2.1a {EmbeddedEventProc procedure} -constraints {
+ unix testembed
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ testembed
+ }
+ destroy .f1
+ update
+ slave eval {
+ testembed
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {}
test unixEmbed-2.2 {EmbeddedEventProc procedure} -constraints {
- unix testembed
+ unix testembed notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -190,8 +289,30 @@ test unixEmbed-2.2 {EmbeddedEventProc procedure} -constraints {
} -cleanup {
} -result {}
+test unixEmbed-2.2a {EmbeddedEventProc procedure} -constraints {
+ unix testembed
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ testembed
+ destroy .t1
+ testembed
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {}
test unixEmbed-2.3 {EmbeddedEventProc procedure} -constraints {
- unix testembed
+ unix testembed notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -207,21 +328,20 @@ test unixEmbed-2.4 {EmbeddedEventProc procedure} -constraints {
} -setup {
} -body {
- frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
- pack .f1
+ pack [frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50]
toplevel .t1 -use [winfo id .f1]
+ set x [testembed]
destroy .t1
- set x [testembed]
- list $x [testembed]
+ list $x [winfo exists .t1] [winfo exists .f1] [testembed]
} -cleanup {
-} -result {{{XXX .f1 {} {}}} {}}
+} -result "{{XXX .f1 {} .t1}} 0 0 {}"
test unixEmbed-3.1 {ContainerEventProc procedure, detect creation} -constraints {
- unix testembed nonPortable
+ unix testembed notPortable
} -body {
frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
pack .f1
@@ -236,10 +356,32 @@ test unixEmbed-3.1 {ContainerEventProc procedure, detect creation} -constraints
} -cleanup {
} -result {{{XXX .f1 {} {}}} {{XXX .f1 XXX {}}}}
+test unixEmbed-3.1a {ContainerEventProc procedure, detect creation} -constraints {
+ unix testembed
+} -setup {
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ set x [testembed]
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ wm withdraw .t1
+ }
+ list $x [testembed]
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {{{XXX .f1 {} {}}} {{XXX .f1 {} {}}}}
test unixEmbed-3.2 {ContainerEventProc procedure, set size on creation} -constraints {
} -setup {
+ update
} -body {
toplevel .t1 -container 1
wm geometry .t1 +0+0
@@ -250,7 +392,7 @@ test unixEmbed-3.2 {ContainerEventProc procedure, set size on creation} -constra
} -result {200x200+0+0}
test unixEmbed-3.3 {ContainerEventProc procedure, disallow position changes} -constraints {
- unix
+ unix notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -270,8 +412,31 @@ test unixEmbed-3.3 {ContainerEventProc procedure, disallow position changes} -co
} -cleanup {
} -result {200x200+0+0}
+test unixEmbed-3.3a {ContainerEventProc procedure, disallow position changes} -constraints {
+ unix
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1] -bd 2 -relief raised
+ update
+ wm geometry .t1 +30+40
+ update
+ wm geometry .t1
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {200x200+0+0}
test unixEmbed-3.4 {ContainerEventProc procedure, disallow position changes} -constraints {
- unix
+ unix notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -291,8 +456,31 @@ test unixEmbed-3.4 {ContainerEventProc procedure, disallow position changes} -co
} -cleanup {
} -result {300x100+0+0}
+test unixEmbed-3.4a {ContainerEventProc procedure, disallow position changes} -constraints {
+ unix
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ update
+ wm geometry .t1 300x100+30+40
+ update
+ wm geometry .t1
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {300x100+0+0}
test unixEmbed-3.5 {ContainerEventProc procedure, geometry requests} -constraints {
- unix
+ unix notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -312,8 +500,30 @@ test unixEmbed-3.5 {ContainerEventProc procedure, geometry requests} -constraint
} -cleanup {
} -result {300 80 300x80+0+0}
+test unixEmbed-3.5a {ContainerEventProc procedure, geometry requests} -constraints {
+ unix
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ .t1 configure -width 300 -height 80
+ update
+ }
+ list [winfo width .f1] [winfo height .f1] [slave eval {wm geometry .t1}]
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {300 80 300x80+0+0}
test unixEmbed-3.6 {ContainerEventProc procedure, map requests} -constraints {
- unix
+ unix notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -335,8 +545,33 @@ test unixEmbed-3.6 {ContainerEventProc procedure, map requests} -constraints {
} -cleanup {
} -result {mapped}
+test unixEmbed-3.6a {ContainerEventProc procedure, map requests} -constraints {
+ unix
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ set x unmapped
+ bind .t1 <Map> {set x mapped}
+ update
+ after 100
+ update
+ set x
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {mapped}
test unixEmbed-3.7 {ContainerEventProc procedure, destroy events} -constraints {
- unix
+ unix notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -358,10 +593,34 @@ test unixEmbed-3.7 {ContainerEventProc procedure, destroy events} -constraints {
} -cleanup {
} -result {dead 0}
+test unixEmbed-3.7a {ContainerEventProc procedure, destroy events} -constraints {
+ unix
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ bind .f1 <Destroy> {set x dead}
+ set x alive
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ update
+ destroy .t1
+ }
+ update
+ list $x [winfo exists .f1]
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {dead 0}
test unixEmbed-4.1 {EmbedStructureProc procedure, configure events} -constraints {
- unix
+ unix notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -383,8 +642,31 @@ test unixEmbed-4.1 {EmbedStructureProc procedure, configure events} -constraints
} -cleanup {
} -result {180x100+0+0}
+test unixEmbed-4.1a {EmbedStructureProc procedure, configure events} -constraints {
+ unix
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ update
+ .t1 configure -width 180 -height 100
+ update
+ winfo geometry .t1
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {180x100+0+0}
test unixEmbed-4.2 {EmbedStructureProc procedure, destroy events} -constraints {
- unix testembed
+ unix testembed notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -398,14 +680,38 @@ test unixEmbed-4.2 {EmbedStructureProc procedure, destroy events} -constraints {
set x [testembed]
destroy .f1
+ update
list $x [testembed]
} -cleanup {
} -result {{{XXX .f1 XXX {}}} {}}
+test unixEmbed-4.2a {EmbedStructureProc procedure, destroy events} -constraints {
+ unix testembed
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ update
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ }
+ set x [testembed]
+ destroy .f1
+ list $x [testembed]
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result "{{XXX .f1 {} {}}} {}"
test unixEmbed-5.1 {EmbedFocusProc procedure, FocusIn events} -constraints {
- unix
+ unix notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -425,8 +731,34 @@ test unixEmbed-5.1 {EmbedFocusProc procedure, FocusIn events} -constraints {
} -cleanup {
} -result {{focus in .t1}}
+test unixEmbed-5.1a {EmbedFocusProc procedure, FocusIn events} -constraints {
+ unix
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ bind .t1 <FocusIn> {lappend x "focus in %W"}
+ bind .t1 <FocusOut> {lappend x "focus out %W"}
+ update
+ set x {}
+ }
+ focus -force .f1
+ update
+ slave eval {set x}
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {{focus in .t1}}
test unixEmbed-5.2 {EmbedFocusProc procedure, focusing on dead window} -constraints {
- unix
+ unix notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -447,8 +779,32 @@ test unixEmbed-5.2 {EmbedFocusProc procedure, focusing on dead window} -constrai
} -cleanup {
} -result {}
+test unixEmbed-5.2a {EmbedFocusProc procedure, focusing on dead window} -constraints {
+ unix
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ update
+ after 200 {destroy .t1}
+ }
+ after 400
+ focus -force .f1
+ update
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {}
test unixEmbed-5.3 {EmbedFocusProc procedure, FocusOut events} -constraints {
- unix
+ unix notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -471,10 +827,39 @@ test unixEmbed-5.3 {EmbedFocusProc procedure, FocusOut events} -constraints {
} -cleanup {
} -result {{{focus in .t1}} {{focus in .t1} {focus out .t1}}}
+test unixEmbed-5.3a {EmbedFocusProc procedure, FocusOut events} -constraints {
+ unix
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ set x {}
+ bind .t1 <FocusIn> {lappend x "focus in %W"}
+ bind .t1 <FocusOut> {lappend x "focus out %W"}
+ update
+ }
+ focus -force .f1
+ update
+ set x [slave eval {update; set x }]
+ focus .
+ update
+ list $x [slave eval {update; set x}]
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {{{focus in .t1}} {{focus in .t1} {focus out .t1}}}
test unixEmbed-6.1 {EmbedGeometryRequest procedure, window changes size} -constraints {
- unix
+ unix notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -484,9 +869,7 @@ test unixEmbed-6.1 {EmbedGeometryRequest procedure, window changes size} -constr
dobg {
eval destroy [winfo child .]
toplevel .t1 -use $w1
- }
- update
- dobg {
+ update
bind .t1 <Configure> {lappend x {configure .t1 %w %h}}
set x {}
.t1 configure -width 300 -height 120
@@ -496,8 +879,33 @@ test unixEmbed-6.1 {EmbedGeometryRequest procedure, window changes size} -constr
} -cleanup {
} -result {{{configure .t1 300 120}} 300x120+0+0}
+test unixEmbed-6.1a {EmbedGeometryRequest procedure, window changes size} -constraints {
+ unix
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ update
+ bind .t1 <Configure> {set x {configure .t1 %w %h}}
+ set x {}
+ .t1 configure -width 300 -height 120
+ update
+ list $x [winfo geom .t1]
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {{configure .t1 300 120} 300x120+0+0}
test unixEmbed-6.2 {EmbedGeometryRequest procedure, window changes size} -constraints {
- unix
+ unix notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -507,25 +915,47 @@ test unixEmbed-6.2 {EmbedGeometryRequest procedure, window changes size} -constr
dobg {
eval destroy [winfo child .]
toplevel .t1 -use $w1
- }
- after 300 {set x done}
- vwait x
- dobg {
+ update
bind .t1 <Configure> {lappend x {configure .t1 %w %h}}
set x {}
.t1 configure -width 300 -height 120
- update
+ update
list $x [winfo geom .t1]
} -cleanup {
} -result {{{configure .t1 200 200}} 200x200+0+0}
+test unixEmbed-6.2a {EmbedGeometryRequest procedure, window changes size} -constraints {
+ unix
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ place .f1 -width 200 -height 200
+ update
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ update
+ bind .t1 <Configure> {set x {configure .t1 %w %h}}
+ set x {}
+ .t1 configure -width 300 -height 120
+ update
+ list $x [winfo geom .t1]
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {{configure .t1 200 200} 200x200+0+0}
# Can't think up any tests for TkpGetOtherWindow procedure.
test unixEmbed-7.1 {TkpRedirectKeyEvent procedure, forward keystroke} -constraints {
- unix
+ unix notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -553,8 +983,41 @@ test unixEmbed-7.1 {TkpRedirectKeyEvent procedure, forward keystroke} -constrain
bind . <KeyPress> {}
} -result {{{key a 1}} {}}
+test unixEmbed-7.1a {TkpRedirectKeyEvent procedure, forward keystroke} -constraints {
+ unix
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ deleteWindows
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ }
+ focus -force .
+ bind . <KeyPress> {lappend x {key %A %E}}
+ set x {}
+ set y [slave eval {
+ update
+ bind .t1 <KeyPress> {lappend y {key %A}}
+ set y {}
+ event generate .t1 <KeyPress> -keysym a
+ set y
+ }]
+ update
+ list $x $y
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+ bind . <KeyPress> {}
+} -result {{{key a 1}} {}}
test unixEmbed-7.2 {TkpRedirectKeyEvent procedure, don't forward keystroke width} -constraints {
- unix
+ unix notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
@@ -583,9 +1046,44 @@ test unixEmbed-7.2 {TkpRedirectKeyEvent procedure, don't forward keystroke width
bind . <KeyPress> {}
} -result {{} {{key b}}}
+test unixEmbed-7.2a {TkpRedirectKeyEvent procedure, don't forward keystroke width} -constraints {
+ unix
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1]
+ }
+ update
+ focus -force .f1
+ update
+ bind . <KeyPress> {lappend x {key %A}}
+ set x {}
+ set y [slave eval {
+ update
+ bind .t1 <KeyPress> {lappend y {key %A}}
+ set y {}
+ event generate .t1 <KeyPress> -keysym b
+ set y
+ }]
+ update
+ list $x $y
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+ bind . <KeyPress> {}
+} -result {{} {{key b}}}
-test unixEmbed-8.1 {TkpClaimFocus procedure} -constraints unix -setup {
+test unixEmbed-8.1 {TkpClaimFocus procedure} -constraints {
+ unix notAqua
+} -setup {
} -body {
frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
@@ -609,15 +1107,44 @@ test unixEmbed-8.1 {TkpClaimFocus procedure} -constraints unix -setup {
} -cleanup {
} -result {{{} .t1} .f1}
-test unixEmbed-8.2 {TkpClaimFocus procedure} -constraints unix -setup {
- deleteWindows
- catch {interp delete child}
+test unixEmbed-8.1a {TkpClaimFocus procedure} -constraints unix -setup {
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
} -body {
frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
frame .f2 -width 200 -height 50
pack .f1 .f2
+ update
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1] -highlightthickness 2 -bd 2 -relief sunken
+ }
+ # This should clear focus from the application embedded in .f1
+ focus -force .f2
+ update
+ list [slave eval {
+ set x [list [focus]]
+ focus .t1
+ update
+ lappend x [focus]
+ }] [focus]
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {{{} .t1} .f1}
+test unixEmbed-8.2 {TkpClaimFocus procedure} -constraints unix -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete child}
interp create child
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ frame .f2 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1 .f2
+ update
+ set w1 [winfo id .f1]
child eval "set argv {-use [winfo id .f1]}"
load {} Tk child
child eval {
@@ -636,7 +1163,6 @@ test unixEmbed-8.2 {TkpClaimFocus procedure} -constraints unix -setup {
} -result {{{} .} .f1}
catch {interp delete child}
test unixEmbed-9.1 {EmbedWindowDeleted procedure, check parentPtr} -constraints {
unix testembed
} -setup {
@@ -658,12 +1184,13 @@ test unixEmbed-9.1 {EmbedWindowDeleted procedure, check parentPtr} -constraints
} -result {{{XXX .f4 {} {}} {XXX .f3 {} {}} {XXX .f2 {} {}} {XXX .f1 {} {}}} {{XXX .f4 {} {}} {XXX .f2 {} {}} {XXX .f1 {} {}}} {{XXX .f2 {} {}} {XXX .f1 {} {}}} {{XXX .f2 {} {}}} {}}
test unixEmbed-9.2 {EmbedWindowDeleted procedure, check embeddedPtr} -constraints {
- unix testembed
+ unix testembed notAqua
} -setup {
} -body {
frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
pack .f1
+ update
dobg "set w1 [winfo id .f1]"
dobg {
eval destroy [winfo child .]
@@ -676,6 +1203,29 @@ test unixEmbed-9.2 {EmbedWindowDeleted procedure, check embeddedPtr} -constraint
} -cleanup {
} -result {{{XXX {} {} .t1}} {}}
+test unixEmbed-9.2a {EmbedWindowDeleted procedure, check embeddedPtr} -constraints {
+ unix testembed
+} -setup {
+ deleteWindows
+ catch {interp delete slave}
+ ::_test_tmp::testInterp slave
+ load {} Tktest slave
+} -body {
+ frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
+ pack .f1
+ slave alias w1 winfo id .f1
+ slave eval {
+ destroy [winfo child .]
+ toplevel .t1 -use [w1] -highlightthickness 2 -bd 2 -relief sunken
+ set x {}
+ lappend x [testembed]
+ destroy .t1
+ lappend x [testembed]
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ interp delete slave
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {{{XXX {} {} .t1}} {}}
test unixEmbed-10.1 {geometry propagation in tkUnixWm.c/UpdateGeometryInfo} -constraints {
@@ -685,6 +1235,7 @@ test unixEmbed-10.1 {geometry propagation in tkUnixWm.c/UpdateGeometryInfo} -con
} -body {
frame .f1 -container 1 -width 200 -height 50
pack .f1
+ update
toplevel .t1 -use [winfo id .f1] -width 150 -height 80
wm geometry .t1 +40+50
@@ -714,4 +1265,3 @@ deleteWindows
diff --git a/tests/unixWm.test b/tests/unixWm.test
index 067327d..28c8159 100644
--- a/tests/unixWm.test
+++ b/tests/unixWm.test
@@ -40,8 +40,23 @@ proc makeToplevels {} {
+# On macOS windows are not allowed to overlap the menubar at the top
+# of the screen. So tests which move a window and then check whether
+# it got moved to the requested location should use a y coordinate
+# larger than the height of the menubar (normally 23 pixels).
+if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
+ set Y0 23
+ set Y2 25
+ set Y5 28
+} else {
+ set Y0 0
+ set Y2 2
+ set Y5 5
set i 1
-foreach geom {+20+80 +80+20 +0+0} {
+foreach geom "+23+80 +80+23 +0+$Y0" {
destroy .t
test unixWm-1.$i {initial window position} unix {
toplevel .t -width 200 -height 150
@@ -67,7 +82,7 @@ update
scan [wm geom .t] %dx%d+%d+%d width height x y
set xerr [expr 150-$x]
set yerr [expr 150-$y]
-foreach geom {+20+80 +80+20 +0+0 -0-0 +0-0 -0+0 -10-5 -10+5 +10-5} {
+foreach geom "+20+80 +80+23 +0+$Y0 -0-0 +0-0 -0+$Y0 -10-5 -10+$Y5 +10-5" {
test unixWm-2.$i {moving window while mapped} unix {
wm geom .t $geom
@@ -79,7 +94,7 @@ foreach geom {+20+80 +80+20 +0+0 -0-0 +0-0 -0+0 -10-5 -10+5 +10-5} {
set i 1
-foreach geom {+20+80 +80+20 +0+0 -0-0 +0-0 -0+0 -10-5 -10+5 +10-5} {
+foreach geom "+20+80 +80+23 +0+$Y0 -0-0 +0-0 -0+$Y0 -10-5 -10+$Y5 +10-5" {
test unixWm-3.$i {moving window while iconified} unix {
wm iconify .t
sleep 200
@@ -95,7 +110,7 @@ foreach geom {+20+80 +80+20 +0+0 -0-0 +0-0 -0+0 -10-5 -10+5 +10-5} {
set i 1
-foreach geom {+20+80 +100+40 +0+0} {
+foreach geom "+20+80 +100+40 +0+$Y0" {
test unixWm-4.$i {moving window while withdrawn} unix {
wm withdraw .t
sleep 200
@@ -179,27 +194,27 @@ test unixWm-5.7 {compounded state changes} {unix nonPortable} {
destroy .t
toplevel .t -width 200 -height 100
-wm geom .t +10+10
+wm geom .t +10+23
wm minsize .t 1 1
test unixWm-6.1 {size changes} unix {
.t config -width 180 -height 150
wm geom .t
-} 180x150+10+10
+} 180x150+10+23
test unixWm-6.2 {size changes} unix {
wm geom .t 250x60
.t config -width 170 -height 140
wm geom .t
-} 250x60+10+10
+} 250x60+10+23
test unixWm-6.3 {size changes} unix {
wm geom .t 250x60
.t config -width 170 -height 140
wm geom .t {}
wm geom .t
-} 170x140+10+10
+} 170x140+10+23
test unixWm-6.4 {size changes} {unix nonPortable userInteraction} {
wm minsize .t 1 1
@@ -808,14 +823,15 @@ test unixWm-22.2 {Tk_WmCmd procedure, "iconbitmap" option} {unix testwrapper} {
WM_HINTS] 0]]]
lappend result [wm iconbitmap .t] $bit
} {{} questhead 0x4 {} 0x0}
-test unixWm-22.3.1 {Tk_WmCmd procedure, "iconbitmap" option for unix only} \
-{unix notAqua} {
- list [catch {wm iconbitmap .t bad-bitmap} msg] $msg
-} {1 {bitmap "bad-bitmap" not defined}}
-test unixWm-22.3.2 {Tk_WmCmd procedure, "iconbitmap" option for Aqua only} \
-Aqua {
+if {[tk windowingsystem] == "aqua"} {
+ set result_22_3 {0 {}}
+} else {
+ set result_22_3 {1 {bitmap "bad-bitmap" not defined}}
+test unixWm-22.3 {Tk_WmCmd procedure, "iconbitmap" option for unix only} \
+unix {
list [catch {wm iconbitmap .t bad-bitmap} msg] $msg
-} {1 {}}
+} $result_22_3
test unixWm-23.1 {Tk_WmCmd procedure, "iconify" option} unix {
list [catch {wm iconify .t 12} msg] $msg
@@ -1218,13 +1234,14 @@ test unixWm-34.2 {Tk_WmCmd procedure, "sizefrom" option} {unix testwrapper} {
test unixWm-34.3 {Tk_WmCmd procedure, "sizefrom" option} unix {
list [catch {wm sizefrom .t none} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad argument "none": must be program or user}}
-test unixWm-35.1.1 {Tk_WmCmd procedure, "state" option} {unix notAqua} {
- list [catch {wm state .t 1} msg] $msg
-} {1 {bad argument "1": must be normal, iconic, or withdrawn}}
-test unixWm-35.1.2 {Tk_WmCmd procedure, "state" option} Aqua {
+if {[tk windowingsystem] == "aqua"} {
+ set result_35_1 {1 {bad argument "1": must be normal, iconic, withdrawn, or zoomed}}
+} else {
+ set result_35_1 {1 {bad argument "1": must be normal, iconic, or withdrawn}}
+test unixWm-35.1 {Tk_WmCmd procedure, "state" option} {unix notAqua} {
list [catch {wm state .t 1} msg] $msg
-} {1 {bad argument "1": must be normal, iconic, withdrawn, or zoomed}}
+} $result_35_1
test unixWm-35.2 {Tk_WmCmd procedure, "state" option} unix {
list [catch {wm state .t iconic 1} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "wm state window ?state?"}}
@@ -1355,14 +1372,14 @@ test unixWm-40.1 {Tk_SetGrid procedure, set grid dimensions before turning on gr
test unixWm-40.2 {Tk_SetGrid procedure, turning on grid when dimensions already set} unix {
destroy .t
toplevel .t
- wm geometry .t 200x100+0+0
+ wm geometry .t 200x100+0+$Y0
listbox .t.l -height 20 -width 20
pack .t.l -fill both -expand 1
.t.l configure -setgrid 1
wm geometry .t
-} {20x20+0+0}
+} "20x20+0+$Y0"
test unixWm-41.1 {ConfigureEvent procedure, internally generated size changes} unix {
destroy .t
@@ -1557,10 +1574,10 @@ test unixWm-44.8 {UpdateGeometryInfo procedure, computing position} unix {
tkwait visibility .t
wm overrideredirect .t 1
- wm geometry .t -30+2
+ wm geometry .t -30+$Y2
list [winfo x .t] [winfo y .t]
-} [list [expr [winfo screenwidth .t] - 110] 2]
+} [list [expr [winfo screenwidth .t] - 110] $Y2]
destroy .t
test unixWm-44.9 {UpdateGeometryInfo procedure, updating fixed dimensions} {unix testwrapper} {
@@ -1777,88 +1794,103 @@ test unixWm-49.2 {Tk_GetRootCoords procedure, menubars} {unix testmenubar} {
} {52 7 12 62}
-wm iconify .
-test unixWm-50.1 {Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, finding a toplevel, x-coords} unix {
- deleteWindows
+wm withdraw .
+if {[tk windowingsystem] == "aqua"} {
+ # Modern mac windows have no border.
+ set result_50_1 {{} {} .t .t .t2 {} .t2 .t .t}
+} else {
+ # Windows are assumed to have a border (invisible in Gnome 3).
+ set result_50_1 {{} {} .t {} .t2 {} .t2 {} .t}
+test unixWm-50.1 {Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, finding a toplevel, x-coords, title bar} unix {
+ update
toplevel .t -width 300 -height 400 -bg green
- wm geom .t +40+0
+ wm geom .t +100+100
tkwait visibility .t
- toplevel .t2 -width 100 -height 80 -bg red
- wm geom .t2 +140+200
+ toplevel .t2 -width 100 -height 200 -bg red
+ wm geom .t2 +200+200
tkwait visibility .t2
raise .t2
+ update
set x [winfo rootx .t]
set y [winfo rooty .t]
- list [winfo containing [expr $x - 30] [expr $y + 250]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x - 1] [expr $y + 250]] \
- [winfo containing $x [expr $y + 250]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x + 99] [expr $y + 250]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x + 100] [expr $y + 250]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x + 199] [expr $y + 250]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x + 200] [expr $y + 250]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x + 220] [expr $y + 250]]
-} {{} {} .t {} .t2 .t2 {} .t}
+ list [winfo containing [expr $x - 30] [expr $y + 250]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x - 1] [expr $y + 250]] \
+ [winfo containing $x [expr $y + 250]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x + 99] [expr $y + 250]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x + 100] [expr $y + 250]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x + 150] [expr $y + 90]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x + 199] [expr $y + 250]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x + 200] [expr $y + 250]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x + 220] [expr $y + 250]] \
+} $result_50_1
test unixWm-50.2 {Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, finding a toplevel, y-coords and overrideredirect} unix {
- toplevel .t -width 300 -height 400 -bg yellow
- wm geom .t +0+50
+ toplevel .t -width 400 -height 300 -bg yellow
+ wm geom .t +100+100
tkwait visibility .t
- toplevel .t2 -width 100 -height 80 -bg blue
+ toplevel .t2 -width 200 -height 100 -bg blue
wm overrideredirect .t2 1
- wm geom .t2 +100+200
+ wm geom .t2 +200+200
tkwait visibility .t2
raise .t2
set x [winfo rootx .t]
set y [winfo rooty .t]
set y2 [winfo rooty .t2]
- list [winfo containing [expr $x +150] 10] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x +150] [expr $y - 1]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x +150] $y] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x +150] [expr $y2 - 1]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x +150] $y2] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x +150] [expr $y2 + 79]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x +150] [expr $y2 + 80]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x +150] [expr $y + 450]]
+ list [winfo containing [expr $x +200] [expr $y - 30]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x +200] [expr $y - 1]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x +200] $y] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x +200] [expr $y2 - 1]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x +200] $y2] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x +200] [expr $y2 + 99]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x +200] [expr $y2 + 100]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x +200] [expr $y + 450]]
} {{} {} .t .t .t2 .t2 .t {}}
test unixWm-50.3 {
Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, finding a toplevel with embedding
-} -constraints tempNotWin -setup {
+} tempNotWin {
+ catch {interp delete slave}
toplevel .t -width 300 -height 400 -bg blue
- wm geom .t +0+50
- frame .t.f -container 1
+ wm geom .t +100+100
+ frame .t.f -container 1 -bg red
place .t.f -x 150 -y 50
tkwait visibility .t.f
- setupbg
-} -body {
- dobg "
+ update
+ interp create slave
+ load {} Tk slave
+ slave alias frameid winfo id .t.f
+ slave eval {
wm withdraw .
- toplevel .x -width 100 -height 80 -use [winfo id .t.f] -bg yellow
- tkwait visibility .x"
- set result [dobg {
- set x [winfo rootx .x]
- set y [winfo rooty .x]
- list [winfo containing [expr $x - 1] [expr $y + 50]] \
- [winfo containing $x [expr $y +50]]
- }]
+ toplevel .x -width 100 -height 80 -use [frameid] -bg yellow
+ tkwait visibility .x
+ update
+ set x [winfo rootx .x]
+ set y [winfo rooty .x]
+ }
+ set result [list [slave eval {winfo containing [expr $x - 1] [expr $y + 50]}] \
+ [slave eval {winfo containing $x [expr $y + 50]}]]
+ interp delete slave
set x [winfo rootx .t]
set y [winfo rooty .t]
lappend result [winfo containing [expr $x + 200] [expr $y + 49]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x + 200] [expr $y +50]]
-} -cleanup {
- cleanupbg
-} -result {{} .x .t .t.f}
+ [winfo containing [expr $x + 200] [expr $y +50]]
+ set result
+} {{} .x .t .t.f}
test unixWm-50.4 {Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, window in other application} unix {
destroy .t
catch {interp delete slave}
toplevel .t -width 200 -height 200 -bg green
- wm geometry .t +0+0
+ wm geometry .t +100+100
tkwait visibility .t
+ update
interp create slave
load {} Tk slave
- slave eval {wm geometry . 200x200+0+0; tkwait visibility .}
- set result [list [winfo containing 100 100] \
- [slave eval {winfo containing 100 100}]]
+ slave eval {wm geometry . 200x200+100+100; tkwait visibility . ; update}
+ set result [list [winfo containing 200 200] \
+ [slave eval {winfo containing 200 200}]]
interp delete slave
set result
} {{} .}
@@ -1876,13 +1908,13 @@ test unixWm-50.5 {Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, handling menubars} {unix testmenu
set x [winfo rootx .t]
set y [winfo rooty .t]
- list [winfo containing $x [expr $y - 31]] \
- [winfo containing $x [expr $y - 30]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x + 50] [expr $y - 19]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x + 50] [expr $y - 18]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x + 50] $y] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x + 11] [expr $y + 152]] \
- [winfo containing [expr $x + 12] [expr $y + 152]]
+ list [winfo containing $x [expr $y - 31]] \
+ [winfo containing $x [expr $y - 30]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x + 50] [expr $y - 19]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x + 50] [expr $y - 18]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x + 50] $y] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x + 11] [expr $y + 152]] \
+ [winfo containing [expr $x + 12] [expr $y + 152]]
} {{} .t .t .t.f}
test unixWm-50.6 {Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, embedding within one app.} unix {
@@ -1947,6 +1979,7 @@ test unixWm-50.9 {Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, unmapped windows} unix {
tkwait visibility .t2
set result [list [winfo containing 100 100]]
wm iconify .t2
+ animationDelay
lappend result [winfo containing 100 100]
} {.t2 .t}
test unixWm-50.10 {Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, unmapped windows} unix {
@@ -2032,6 +2065,7 @@ test unixWm-51.6 {TkWmRestackToplevel procedure, window to be stacked isn't mapp
test unixWm-51.7 {TkWmRestackToplevel procedure, other window isn't mapped} unix {
foreach w {.t .t2 .t3} {
destroy $w
+ update
toplevel $w -width 200 -height 200 -bg green
wm geometry $w +0+0
@@ -2068,13 +2102,19 @@ test unixWm-51.8 {TkWmRestackToplevel procedure, overrideredirect windows} unix
raise .t2
lappend result [winfo containing $x $y]
} {.t2 .t .t2}
+# The mac won't put an overrideredirect window above the root,
+if {[tk windowingsystem] == "aqua"} {
+ wm withdraw .
test unixWm-51.9 {TkWmRestackToplevel procedure, other window overrideredirect} unix {
foreach w {.t .t2 .t3} {
destroy $w
+ update
toplevel $w -width 200 -height 200 -bg green
wm overrideredirect $w 1
wm geometry $w +0+0
tkwait visibility $w
+ update
lower .t3 .t2
@@ -2090,6 +2130,9 @@ test unixWm-51.9 {TkWmRestackToplevel procedure, other window overrideredirect}
lower .t2
lappend result [winfo containing $x $y]
} {.t2 .t3}
+if {[tk windowingsystem] == "aqua"} {
+ wm deiconify .
test unixWm-51.10 {TkWmRestackToplevel procedure, don't move window that's already in the right place} unix {
raise .raise1
@@ -2465,11 +2508,18 @@ test unixWm-59.3 {exit processing} unix {
# NOTE: since [wm attributes] is not guaranteed to have any effect,
# the only thing we can really test here is the syntax.
+if {[tk windowingsystem] == "aqua"} {
+ set result_60_1 {-alpha 1.0 -fullscreen 0 -modified 0 -notify 0\
+ -titlepath {} -topmost 0 -transparent 0\
+ -type unsupported}
+} else {
+ set result_60_1 {-alpha 1.0 -topmost 0 -zoomed 0 -fullscreen 0 -type {}}
test unixWm-60.1 {wm attributes - test} -constraints unix -body {
destroy .t
toplevel .t
wm attributes .t
-} -result [list -alpha 1.0 -topmost 0 -zoomed 0 -fullscreen 0 -type {}]
+} -result $result_60_1
test unixWm-60.2 {wm attributes - test} -constraints unix -body {
destroy .t
diff --git a/tests/wm.test b/tests/wm.test
index f56eaa7..df8d325 100644
--- a/tests/wm.test
+++ b/tests/wm.test
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ test wm-attributes-1.2.4 {usage} -constraints {unix notAqua} -returnCodes error
} -result {bad attribute "_": must be -alpha, -topmost, -zoomed, -fullscreen, or -type}
test wm-attributes-1.2.5 {usage} -constraints aqua -returnCodes error -body {
wm attributes . _
-} -result {bad attribute "_": must be -alpha, -fullscreen, -modified, -notify, -titlepath, -topmost, or -transparent}
+} -result {bad attribute "_": must be -alpha, -fullscreen, -modified, -notify, -titlepath, -topmost, -transparent, or -type}
### wm client ###
@@ -1519,7 +1519,7 @@ test wm-stackorder-5.1 {a menu is not a toplevel} -body {
test wm-stackorder-5.2 {A normal toplevel can't be raised above an \
overrideredirect toplevel on unix} -constraints x11 -body {
toplevel .t
- tkwait visibility .t
+ tkwait visibility .t
wm overrideredirect .t 1
raise .
@@ -1531,7 +1531,7 @@ test wm-stackorder-5.2 {A normal toplevel can't be raised above an \
test wm-stackorder-5.2.1 {A normal toplevel can be raised above an \
overrideredirect toplevel on macOS or win} -constraints aquaOrWin32 -body {
toplevel .t
- tkwait visibility .t
+ tkwait visibility .t
wm overrideredirect .t 1
raise .
@@ -1543,7 +1543,7 @@ test wm-stackorder-5.2.1 {A normal toplevel can be raised above an \
test wm-stackorder-5.3 {An overrideredirect window\
can be explicitly lowered} -body {
toplevel .t
- tkwait visibility .t
+ tkwait visibility .t
wm overrideredirect .t 1
lower .t
@@ -1640,14 +1640,24 @@ test wm-transient-1.7 {usage} -returnCodes error -body {
wm transient .master .master
} -cleanup {
-} -result {can't make ".master" its own master}
+} -result {setting ".master" as master creates a transient/master cycle}
test wm-transient-1.8 {usage} -returnCodes error -body {
+ toplevel .t1
+ toplevel .t2
+ toplevel .t3
+ wm transient .t2 .t1
+ wm transient .t3 .t2
+ wm transient .t1 .t3
+} -cleanup {
+ deleteWindows
+} -result {setting ".t3" as master creates a transient/master cycle}
+test wm-transient-1.9 {usage} -returnCodes error -body {
toplevel .master
frame .master.f
wm transient .master .master.f
} -cleanup {
-} -result {can't make ".master" its own master}
+} -result {setting ".master" as master creates a transient/master cycle}
test wm-transient-2.1 {basic get/set of master} -setup {
set results [list]