path: root/tests
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authordgp <>2007-11-25 19:19:21 (GMT)
committerdgp <>2007-11-25 19:19:21 (GMT)
commit0d5bca3169f4ef93357a7a379ca5c0aa69e8131c (patch)
tree2fd7bf20dacfae0b55220ec099b052d5bb20a5ab /tests
parent9b25df64820fb2cc1ae0bdc5d0b6ce2a81942844 (diff)
merge updates from HEAD
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
3 files changed, 99 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ttk/notebook.test b/tests/ttk/notebook.test
index de286f9..93b555e 100644
--- a/tests/ttk/notebook.test
+++ b/tests/ttk/notebook.test
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# $Id: notebook.test,v 2007/10/27 04:23:17 dgp Exp $
+# $Id: notebook.test,v 2007/11/25 19:19:22 dgp Exp $
package require Tk 8.5
@@ -158,9 +158,10 @@ test notebook-6.1 "Hide selected tab" -setup {
} -body {
set result [list]
lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
- $nb tab $nb.f2 -state hidden
+ $nb hide $nb.f2
lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
-} -result [list 1 1 2 0]
+ update idletasks; lappend result [winfo ismapped $nb.f3]
+} -result [list 1 1 2 0 1]
# See 1370833
test notebook-6.2 "Forget selected tab" -setup {
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ test notebook-6.3 "Hide first tab when it's the current" -setup {
} -body {
set result [list]
lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f1]
- $nb tab $nb.f1 -state hidden
+ $nb hide $nb.f1
lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f1]
} -result [list 0 1 1 0]
@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ test notebook-6.5 "Hide last tab when it's the current" -setup {
} -body {
set result [list]
lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f3]
- $nb tab $nb.f3 -state hidden
+ $nb hide $nb.f3
lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f3]
} -result [list 2 1 1 0]
@@ -248,7 +249,7 @@ test notebook-6.7 "Hide a middle tab when it's the current" -setup {
} -body {
set result [list]
lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
- $nb tab $nb.f2 -state hidden
+ $nb hide $nb.f2
lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
} -result [list 1 1 2 0]
@@ -278,7 +279,7 @@ test notebook-6.9 "Hide a non-current tab < current" -setup {
} -body {
set result [list]
lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
- $nb tab $nb.f1 -state hidden
+ $nb hide $nb.f1
lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
} -result [list 1 1 1 1]
@@ -308,10 +309,27 @@ test notebook-6.11 "Hide a non-current tab > current" -setup {
} -body {
set result [list]
lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
- $nb tab $nb.f3 -state hidden
+ $nb hide $nb.f3
lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
} -result [list 1 1 1 1]
+test notebook-6.12 "Hide and re-add a tab" -setup {
+ pack [set nb [ttk::notebook .nb]]; update
+ $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f1]
+ $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f2]
+ $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f3]
+ $nb select $nb.f2
+} -cleanup {
+ destroy $nb
+} -body {
+ set result [list]
+ lappend result [$nb index current] [$nb tab $nb.f2 -state]
+ $nb hide $nb.f2
+ lappend result [$nb index current] [$nb tab $nb.f2 -state]
+ $nb add $nb.f2
+ lappend result [$nb index current] [$nb tab $nb.f2 -state]
+} -result [list 1 normal 2 hidden 2 normal]
# Insert:
@@ -454,4 +472,26 @@ test notebook-1817596-3 "insert/configure" -body {
} -result [list [list .nb.l2 .nb.l0 .nb.l1] L2 L0 L1] -cleanup { destroy .nb }
+# See #1343984
+test notebook-1343984-1 "don't autoselect on destroy - setup" -body {
+ ttk::notebook .nb
+ set ::history [list]
+ bind TestFrame <Map> { lappend history MAP %W }
+ bind TestFrame <Destroy> { lappend history DESTROY %W }
+ .nb add [ttk::frame .nb.frame1 -class TestFrame] -text "Frame 1"
+ .nb add [ttk::frame .nb.frame2 -class TestFrame] -text "Frame 2"
+ .nb add [ttk::frame .nb.frame3 -class TestFrame] -text "Frame 3"
+ pack .nb -fill both -expand 1
+ update
+ set ::history
+} -result [list MAP .nb.frame1]
+test notebook-1343984-2 "don't autoselect on destroy" -body {
+ set ::history [list]
+ destroy .nb
+ update
+ set ::history
+} -result [list DESTROY .nb.frame1 DESTROY .nb.frame2 DESTROY .nb.frame3]
diff --git a/tests/ttk/panedwindow.test b/tests/ttk/panedwindow.test
index c5c509f..68cbfe4 100644
--- a/tests/ttk/panedwindow.test
+++ b/tests/ttk/panedwindow.test
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-# $Id: panedwindow.test,v 2007/06/12 16:22:43 dgp Exp $
+# $Id: panedwindow.test,v 2007/11/25 19:19:22 dgp Exp $
package require Tk 8.5
package require tcltest ; namespace import -force tcltest::*
+proc propagate-geometry {} { update idletasks }
# Basic sanity checks:
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@ test paned-sashpos-setup "Setup for sash position test" -body {
.pw add [frame .pw.f3 -width 20 -height 20]
.pw add [frame .pw.f4 -width 20 -height 20]
- update idletasks
+ propagate-geometry
list [winfo reqwidth .pw] [winfo reqheight .pw]
} -result [list 20 [expr {20*4 + 5*3}]]
@@ -246,4 +247,49 @@ test paned-sashpos-restore "Set height then sash positions" -body {
test paned-sashpos-cleanup "Clean up" -body { destroy .pw }
+test paned-propagation-setup "Setup." -body {
+ ttk::style theme use default
+ ttk::style configure -sashthickness 5
+ wm geometry . {}
+ ttk::panedwindow .pw -orient vertical
+ frame .pw.f1 -width 100 -height 50
+ frame .pw.f2 -width 100 -height 50
+ list [winfo reqwidth .pw.f1] [winfo reqheight .pw.f1]
+} -result [list 100 50]
+test paned-propagation-1 "Initial request size" -body {
+ .pw add .pw.f1
+ .pw add .pw.f2
+ propagate-geometry
+ list [winfo reqwidth .pw] [winfo reqheight .pw]
+} -result [list 100 105]
+test paned-propagation-2 "Slave change before map" -body {
+ .pw.f1 configure -width 200 -height 100
+ propagate-geometry
+ list [winfo reqwidth .pw] [winfo reqheight .pw]
+} -result [list 200 155]
+test paned-propagation-3 "Map window" -body {
+ pack .pw -expand true -fill both
+ update
+ list [winfo width .pw] [winfo height .pw] [.pw sashpos 0]
+} -result [list 200 155 100]
+test paned-propagation-4 "Slave change after map, off-axis" -body {
+ .pw.f1 configure -width 100 ;# should be granted
+ propagate-geometry
+ list [winfo reqwidth .pw] [winfo reqheight .pw] [.pw sashpos 0]
+} -result [list 100 155 100]
+test paned-propagation-5 "Slave change after map, on-axis" -body {
+ .pw.f1 configure -height 50 ;# should be denied
+ propagate-geometry
+ list [winfo reqwidth .pw] [winfo reqheight .pw] [.pw sashpos 0]
+} -result [list 100 155 100]
+test paned-propagation-cleanup "Clean up." -body { destroy .pw }
diff --git a/tests/ttk/ttk.test b/tests/ttk/ttk.test
index cd3291b..fab6c2c 100644
--- a/tests/ttk/ttk.test
+++ b/tests/ttk/ttk.test
@@ -589,13 +589,13 @@ test ttk-14.3 "-textvariable in nonexistant namespace" -body {
test ttk-15.1 "style element create: insufficient args" -body {
ttk::style element create
-} -returnCodes 1 -match glob -result "wrong # args:*"
+} -returnCodes 1 -result "wrong # args: should be \"ttk::style element create name type ?options...?\""
test ttk-15.2 "style element create: insufficient args" -body {
ttk::style element create plain.background
-} -returnCodes 1 -match glob -result "wrong # args:*"
+} -returnCodes 1 -result "wrong # args: should be \"ttk::style element create name type ?options...?\""
test ttk-15.3 "style element create: insufficient args" -body {
ttk::style element create plain.background from
-} -returnCodes 1 -match glob -result "wrong # args:*"
+} -returnCodes 1 -result "wrong # args: should be \"theme ?element?\""
test ttk-15.4 "style element create: valid" -body {
ttk::style element create plain.background from default
} -returnCodes 0 -result ""