path: root/win/
diff options
authorwolfsuit <wolfsuit>2002-06-10 05:38:22 (GMT)
committerwolfsuit <wolfsuit>2002-06-10 05:38:22 (GMT)
commitdf0db6490b910ca58d2fcdf9ecda4a309040beb7 (patch)
treec9c9fd7040d98dbd9ff16934d14ed4aeb2a9101a /win/
parent62b2e5a6d41984327fb1459770b4c654bf2b9177 (diff)
Merging with TOT as of 06/09/2002.
Diffstat (limited to 'win/')
1 files changed, 701 insertions, 394 deletions
diff --git a/win/ b/win/
index efde149..6e74559 100644
--- a/win/
+++ b/win/
@@ -1,494 +1,740 @@
-# Visual C++ makefile
+# --
+# Microsoft Visual C++ makefile for use with nmake.exe v1.62+ (VC++ 5.0+)
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Ajuba Solutions.
# Copyright (c) 2001 ActiveState Corporation.
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2002 David Gravereaux.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id:,v 1.42 2001/10/12 13:30:32 tmh Exp $
-# Does not depend on the presence of any environment variables in
-# order to compile tcl; all needed information is derived from
-# location of the compiler directories.
+# RCS: @(#) $Id:,v 2002/06/10 05:38:27 wolfsuit Exp $
+!if "$(MSVCDIR)" == ""
+MSG = ^
+You'll need to run vcvars32.bat from Developer Studio, first, to setup^
+the environment. Jump to this line to read the new instructions.
+!error $(MSG)
+# HOW TO USE this makefile:
-# Project directories
+# 1) It is now necessary to have MSVCDir set in the environment. This is used
+# as a check to see if vcvars32.bat had been run prior to running nmake or
+# during the install of Microsoft Developer Studio, MSVCDir had been set
+# globally and the PATH adjusted. Either way is valid.
-# ROOT = top of source tree
+# You'll need to run vcvars32.bat contained in the MsDev's vc(98)/bin
+# directory to setup the proper environment, if needed, for your current
+# setup. This is a needed bootstrap requirement and allows the swapping of
+# different environments to be easier.
-# TMPDIR = location where .obj files should be stored during build
+# 2) To use the Platform SDK (not expressly needed), run setenv.bat after
+# vcvars32.bat according to the instructions for it. This can also turn on
+# the 64-bit compiler, if your SDK has it.
-# TOOLS32 = location of VC++ 32-bit development tools. Note that the
-# VC++ 2.0 header files are broken, so you need to use the
-# ones that come with the developer network CD's, or later
-# versions of VC++.
+# 3) Targets are:
+# release -- builds the core, the shell. (default)
+# core -- Only builds the core.
+# all -- builds everything.
+# test -- builds and runs the test suite.
+# tktest -- just builds the binaries for the test suite.
+# install -- installs the built binaries and libraries to $(INSTALLDIR)
+# as the root of the install tree.
+# console-wish -- builds a console version of wish.
+# clean -- removes the contents of $(TMP_DIR)
+# hose -- removes the contents of $(TMP_DIR) and $(OUT_DIR)
+# genstubs -- rebuilds the Stubs table and support files (dev only).
+# depend -- Generates an accurate set of source dependancies for this
+# makefile. Helpful to avoid problems when the sources are
+# refreshed and you rebuild, but can "overbuild" when common
+# headers like tkInt.h just get small changes.
+# winhelp -- builds the windows .hlp file for Tcl from the troff man
+# files.
-# TCLDIR = location of top of Tcl source heirarchy
+# 4) Macros usable on the commandline:
+# TCLDIR=<path>
+# Sets the location for where to find the Tcl headers and
+# libraries. The install point is assumed when not specified.
+# Tk does need the source directory, though. Tk comes very close
+# to not needing the sources, but does, in fact, require them.
+# INSTALLDIR=<path>
+# Sets where to install Tcl from the built binaries.
+# C:\Progra~1\Tcl is assumed when not specified.
+# OPTS=static,msvcrt,linkexten,threads,symbols,profile,none
+# Sets special options for the core. The default is for none.
+# Any combination of the above may be used (comma separated).
+# 'none' will over-ride everything to nothing.
+# static = Builds a static library of the core instead of a
+# dll. The shell will be static (and large), as well.
+# msvcrt = Effects the static option only to switch it from
+# using libcmt(d) as the C runtime [by default] to
+# msvcrt(d). This is useful for static embedding
+# support.
+# linkexten = Affects the static option only to switch wishXX.exe
+# to have the dde and reg extension linked inside it.
+# threads = Turns on full multithreading support.
+# symbols = Adds symbols for step debugging.
+# profile = Adds profiling hooks. Map file is assumed.
+# STATS=memdbg,compdbg,none
+# Sets optional memory and bytecode compiler debugging code added
+# to the core. The default is for none. Any combination of the
+# above may be used (comma separated). 'none' will over-ride
+# everything to nothing.
+# memdbg = Enables the debugging memory allocator.
+# compdbg = Enables byte compilation logging.
+# Set the machine type used for the compiler, linker, and
+# resource compiler. This hook is needed to tell the tools
+# when alternate platforms are requested. IX86 is the default
+# when not specified.
+# TMP_DIR=<path>
+# OUT_DIR=<path>
+# Hooks to allow the intermediate and output directories to be
+# changed. $(OUT_DIR) is assumed to be
+# $(BINROOT)\(Release|Debug) based on if symbols are requested.
+# $(TMP_DIR) will de $(OUT_DIR)\<buildtype> by default.
+# TESTPAT=<file>
+# Reads the tests requested to be run from this file.
+# 5) Examples:
+# Basic syntax of calling nmake looks like this:
+# nmake [-nologo] -f [target|macrodef [target|macrodef] [...]]
+# Standard (no frills)
+# c:\tk_src\win\>c:\progra~1\micros~1\vc98\bin\vcvars32.bat
+# Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual C++ tools.
+# c:\tk_src\win\>nmake -f release
+# c:\tk_src\win\>nmake -f install INSTALLDIR=c:\progra~1\tcl
+# Building for Win64
+# c:\tk_src\win\>c:\progra~1\micros~1\vc98\bin\vcvars32.bat
+# Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual C++ tools.
+# c:\tk_src\win\>c:\progra~1\platfo~1\setenv.bat /pre64 /RETAIL
+# Targeting Windows pre64 RETAIL
+# c:\tk_src\win\>nmake -f MACHINE=IA64
-ROOT = ..
-TCLDIR = ..\..\tcl8.4
-INSTALLDIR = C:\Progra~1\tcl
-# Set this to the appropriate value of /MACHINE: for your platform
-# Choices: IX86, IA64, ALPHA
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "IA64"
-# IA64 support is based on the standard setup with v2 of the
-# Microsoft SDK for XP, RC1
-TOOLS32 = C:\Progra~1\Microsoft SDK
-TOOLS32_rc = C:\Progra~1\Microsoft SDK
-cc32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\Win64\cl.exe"
-link32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\Win64\link.exe"
-libpath32 = /LIBPATH:"$(TOOLS32)\lib\IA64"
-lib32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\Win64\lib.exe"
+# //==================================================================\\
+# >>[ -> Do not modify below this line. <- ]<<
+# >>[ Please, use the commandline macros to modify how Tcl is built. ]<<
+# >>[ If you need more features, send us a patch for more macros. ]<<
+# \\==================================================================//
-# Visual Studio 5 default
-TOOLS32 = C:\Progra~1\devstudio\vc
-TOOLS32_rc = C:\Progra~1\devstudio\sharedide
-# Visual Studio 6 default
-#TOOLS32 = C:\Progra~1\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98
-#TOOLS32_rc = C:\Progra~1\Microsoft Visual Studio\common\MSDev98
-cc32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\cl.exe"
-link32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\link.exe"
-libpath32 = /LIBPATH:"$(TOOLS32)\lib"
-lib32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\lib.exe"
+!if !exist("")
+MSG = ^
+You must run this makefile only from the directory it is in.^
+Please `cd` to its location first.
+!error $(MSG)
+!include ""
-rc32 = "$(TOOLS32_rc)\bin\rc.exe"
-include32 = -I"$(TOOLS32)\include"
-# Uncomment the following line to compile with thread support
+!if !defined(TCLDIR)
+!if exist($(_INSTALLDIR)\include\tcl.h)
+Don't know where tcl.h is. Set the _TCLDIR macro.
+!error $(MSG)
+_TCLDIR = $(TCLDIR:/=\)
+!if exist($(_TCLDIR)\include\tcl.h)
+!elseif exist($(_TCLDIR)\generic\tcl.h)
+MSG =^
+Don't know where tcl.h is. the TCLDIR macro doesn't appear correct.
+!error $(MSG)
-# Set NODEBUG to 0 to compile with symbols
+!message *** Warning: Tk requires the source distribution of Tcl to build from,
+!message *** at this time, sorry. Please set the TCLDIR macro to point to the
+!message *** Tcl sources.
-# uncomment the following two lines to compile with TCL_MEM_DEBUG
-# Do not modify below this line
+ROOT = ..
+TCLREGLIBNAME = tclreg10$(SUFX:t=).lib
+TCLDDELIBNAME = tcldde12$(SUFX:t=).lib
+TCLSH = $(_INSTALLDIR)\bin\tclsh$(VERSION)$(SUFX).exe
+TCLTMP_DIR = \must\have\tcl\sources\to\build\this\target
+COFFBASE = \must\have\tcl\sources\to\build\this\target
+TOOLSDIR = \must\have\tcl\sources\to\build\this\target
+TCL_LIBRARY = $(_TCLDIR)\library
+TCLTMP_DIR = $(_TCLDIR)\win\$(TMP_DIR:tk=tcl)
+COFFBASE = $(_TCLDIR)\win\coffbase.txt
+TOOLSDIR = $(_TCLDIR)\tools
+TKTEST = $(OUT_DIR)\$(PROJECT)test.exe
+CAT32 = $(OUT_DIR)\cat32.exe
+RMDIR = .\rmd.bat
+RM = del
-!IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1"
-DBGX = d
-CAT32 = $(TMPDIR)\cat32.exe
- $(TMPDIR)\winMain.obj
+ $(TMP_DIR)\winMain.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\wish.res
- $(TMPDIR)\tkTest.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkSquare.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\testMain.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinTest.obj \
- $(TCLLIBDIR)\tclThreadTest.obj
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkTest.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkSquare.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\testMain.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinTest.obj \
+ $(TCLTMP_DIR)\tclThreadTest.obj
- $(TMPDIR)\xcolors.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\xdraw.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\xgc.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ximage.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\xutil.obj
+ $(TMP_DIR)\xcolors.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\xdraw.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\xgc.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\ximage.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\xutil.obj
- $(TMPDIR)\tkConsole.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkUnixMenubu.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkUnixScale.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkConsole.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkUnixMenubu.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkUnixScale.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWin3d.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWin32Dll.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinButton.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinClipboard.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinColor.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinConfig.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinCursor.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinDialog.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinDraw.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinEmbed.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinFont.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinImage.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinInit.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinKey.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinMenu.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinPixmap.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinPointer.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinRegion.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinScrlbr.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinSend.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinWindow.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinWm.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWinX.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\stubs.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tk3d.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkArgv.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkAtom.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkBind.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkBitmap.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkButton.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkCanvArc.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkCanvBmap.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkCanvImg.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkCanvLine.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkCanvPoly.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkCanvPs.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkCanvText.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkCanvUtil.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkCanvWind.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkCanvas.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkClipboard.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkCmds.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkColor.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkConfig.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkCursor.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkEntry.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkError.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkEvent.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkFileFilter.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkFocus.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkFont.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkFrame.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkGC.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkGeometry.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkGet.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkGrab.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkGrid.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkImage.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkImgBmap.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkImgGIF.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkImgPPM.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkImgPhoto.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkImgUtil.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkListbox.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkMacWinMenu.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkMain.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkMenu.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkMenubutton.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkMenuDraw.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkMessage.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkObj.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkOldConfig.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkOption.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkPack.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkPlace.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkPointer.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkRectOval.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkScale.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkScrollbar.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkSelect.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkText.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkTextBTree.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkTextDisp.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkTextImage.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkTextIndex.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkTextMark.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkTextTag.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkTextWind.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkTrig.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkUtil.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkVisual.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkStubInit.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkStubLib.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkWindow.obj
-TKSTUBOBJS = $(TMPDIR)\tkStubLib.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\tkStubImg.obj
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWin3d.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWin32Dll.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinButton.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinClipboard.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinColor.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinConfig.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinCursor.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinDialog.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinDraw.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinEmbed.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinFont.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinImage.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinInit.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinKey.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinMenu.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinPixmap.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinPointer.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinRegion.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinScrlbr.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinSend.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinWindow.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinWm.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWinX.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\stubs.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tk3d.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkArgv.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkAtom.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkBind.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkBitmap.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkButton.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkCanvArc.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkCanvBmap.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkCanvImg.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkCanvLine.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkCanvPoly.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkCanvPs.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkCanvText.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkCanvUtil.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkCanvWind.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkCanvas.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkClipboard.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkCmds.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkColor.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkConfig.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkCursor.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkEntry.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkError.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkEvent.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkFileFilter.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkFocus.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkFont.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkFrame.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkGC.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkGeometry.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkGet.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkGrab.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkGrid.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkImage.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkImgBmap.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkImgGIF.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkImgPPM.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkImgPhoto.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkImgUtil.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkListbox.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkMacWinMenu.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkMain.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkMenu.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkMenubutton.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkMenuDraw.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkMessage.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkPanedWindow.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkObj.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkOldConfig.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkOption.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkPack.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkPlace.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkPointer.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkRectOval.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkScale.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkScrollbar.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkSelect.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkText.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkTextBTree.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkTextDisp.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkTextImage.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkTextIndex.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkTextMark.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkTextTag.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkTextWind.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkTrig.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkUtil.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkVisual.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkStubInit.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkStubLib.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkWindow.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tk.res
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkStubLib.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tkStubImg.obj
WINDIR = $(ROOT)\win
GENERICDIR = $(ROOT)\generic
XLIBDIR = $(ROOT)\xlib
BITMAPDIR = $(ROOT)\bitmaps
+DOCDIR = $(ROOT)\doc
- -I$(TCLDIR)\generic
+TCL_INCLUDES = -I "$(_TCLDIR)\include"
+TCL_INCLUDES = -I "$(_TCLDIR)\win" -I "$(_TCLDIR)\generic"
# Compile flags
-!IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1"
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "IA64"
-cdebug = -O2i -Gs
-# NOTE: Due to a bug in MSVC, we cannot use -O2 here or Tk starts to misbehave.
-cdebug = -Oti -Gs -GD
-!ELSE IF "$(MACHINE)" == "IA64"
-cdebug = -Od -Zi
-cdebug = -Z7 -Od -WX
+!if $(DEBUG)
+!if "$(MACHINE)" == "IA64"
+cdebug = -Od -Zi
+cdebug = -Z7 -Od -WX
+# This cranks the optimization level up. We can't use -02 because sometimes
+# it causes problems.
+cdebug = -Oti
# declarations common to all compiler options
-cflags = -c -W3 -nologo -Fp$(TMPDIR)\ -YX
-cvarsdll = -MD$(DBGX)
+cflags = -nologo -c -W3 -YX -Fp$(TMP_DIR)^\
+!if $(PENT_0F_ERRATA)
+cflags = $(cflags) -QI0f
+cflags = $(cflags) -QIA64_Bx
+!if $(MSVCRT)
+crt = -MD$(DBGX)
+crt = -MT$(DBGX)
-CON_CFLAGS = $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(include32) -DCONSOLE
-TK_CFLAGS = $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvarsdll) $(include32) \
-WISH_CFLAGS = $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvarsdll) $(include32) \
+BASE_CLFAGS = $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(crt) $(TK_INCLUDES)
+CON_CFLAGS = $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(crt) -DCONSOLE
# Link flags
-!IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1"
-ldebug = /RELEASE
+!if $(DEBUG)
ldebug = -debug:full -debugtype:cv
+ldebug = -release -opt:ref -opt:icf,3
# declarations common to all linker options
-lflags = $(lcommon) /MACHINE:$(MACHINE) $(libpath32)
-# declarations for use on Intel i386, i486, and Pentium systems
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "IX86"
-conlflags = $(lflags) -subsystem:console -entry:mainCRTStartup
-guilflags = $(lflags) -subsystem:windows -entry:WinMainCRTStartup
-dlllflags = $(lflags) -entry:_DllMainCRTStartup$(DLLENTRY) -dll
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "PPC"
-libc = libc$(DBGX).lib
-libcdll = crtdll$(DBGX).lib
-libc = libc$(DBGX).lib oldnames.lib
-libcdll = msvcrt$(DBGX).lib oldnames.lib
-baselibs = kernel32.lib $(optlibs) advapi32.lib
-winlibs = $(baselibs) user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib \
- imm32.lib
-guilibs = $(libc) $(winlibs)
-conlibs = $(libc) $(baselibs)
-guilibsdll = $(libcdll) $(winlibs)
-# Project specific targets
+lflags = -nologo -machine:$(MACHINE) $(ldebug)
+!if $(PROFILE)
+lflags = $(lflags) -profile
+!if $(ALIGN98_HACK) && !$(STATIC_BUILD)
+# align sections for PE size savings.
+lflags = $(lflags) -opt:nowin98
+!else if !$(ALIGN98_HACK) && $(STATIC_BUILD)
+# align sections for speed in loading by choosing the virtual page size.
+lflags = $(lflags) -align:4096
+!if $(LOIMPACT)
+lflags = $(lflags) -ws:aggressive
+dlllflags = $(lflags) -dll
+conlflags = $(lflags) -subsystem:console
+guilflags = $(lflags) -subsystem:windows
+baselibs = kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib
+guilibs = $(baselibs) gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib imm32.lib comctl32.lib
+# TkTest flags
+!if "$(TESTPAT)" != ""
-all: setup $(WISH) $(CAT32)
-install: install-binaries install-libraries
-plugin: setup $(TKPLUGINDLL) $(WISHP)
-tktest: setup $(TKTEST) $(CAT32)
-test: setup $(TKTEST) $(TKLIB) $(CAT32)
- set TCL_LIBRARY=$(TCLDIR)/library
- $(TKTEST) $(ROOT)/tests/all.tcl | $(CAT32)
+# Project specific targets
+release: setup $(TKSTUBLIB) $(WISH)
+all: release $(CAT32)
+core: setup $(TKSTUBLIB) $(TKLIB)
+console-wish : $(WISHC)
+install: install-binaries install-libraries install-docs
+tktest: setup $(TKTEST) $(CAT32)
+test: setup $(TKTEST) $(TKLIB) $(CAT32)
+ set PATH=$(_TCLDIR)\bin;$(PATH)
+!if "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT" || "$(MSVCDIR)" == "IDE"
+ $(TKTEST) $(ROOT)/tests/all.tcl $(TESTFLAGS) | $(CAT32)
+ $(TKTEST) $(ROOT)/tests/all.tcl $(TESTFLAGS) | $(CAT32)
runtest: setup $(TKTEST) $(TKLIB) $(CAT32)
- set TCL_LIBRARY=$(TCLDIR)/library
+ set PATH=$(_TCLDIR)\bin;$(PATH)
-console-wish : all $(WISHC)
- $(TCLDIR)\win\$(TMPDIRNAME)\tclsh$(VERSION)$(DBGX) \
- $(TCLDIR)\tools\genStubs.tcl $(GENERICDIR) \
- $(GENERICDIR)\tk.decls $(GENERICDIR)\tkInt.decls
+rundemo: setup $(TKTEST) $(TKLIB) $(CAT32)
+ set PATH=$(_TCLDIR)\bin;$(PATH)
+ $(TKTEST) $(ROOT)\library\demos\widget
- @mkd $(TMPDIR)
- @mkd $(OUTDIR)
+ @if not exist $(OUT_DIR)\nul mkdir $(OUT_DIR)
+ @if not exist $(TMP_DIR)\nul mkdir $(TMP_DIR)
- @mkd "$(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)"
- copy $(TKDLL) "$(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)"
- copy $(WISH) "$(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)"
- @mkd "$(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)"
- copy $(TKLIB) "$(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ $(lib32) -nologo -out:$@ @<<
+ $(link32) $(dlllflags) -base:@$(COFFBASE),tk -out:$@ $(guilibs) \
+ -@del $*.exp
- copy "$(GENERICDIR)\tkDecls.h" "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)"
- copy "$(GENERICDIR)\tkPlatDecls.h" "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)"
- copy "$(GENERICDIR)\tkIntXlibDecls.h" "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)"
- xcopy "$(XLIBDIR)\X11\*.h" "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)\X11"
- @mkd "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\images"
- @mkd "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\demos"
- @mkd "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\demos\images"
- xcopy "$(ROOT)\library" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)"
- xcopy "$(ROOT)\library\images" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\images"
- xcopy "$(ROOT)\library\demos" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\demos"
- xcopy "$(ROOT)\library\demos\images" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\demos\images"
- $(lib32) /out:$@ $(TKSTUBOBJS)
+ $(lib32) -nologo -out:$@ $**
-$(TKDLL): $(TKOBJS) $(TMPDIR)\tk.res
- $(link32) $(ldebug) $(dlllflags) \
- -out:$@ $(TMPDIR)\tk.res $(TCLLIBDIR)\$(TCLSTUBLIB) \
- $(guilibsdll) @<<
+ $(link32) $(guilflags) -out:$@ $(guilibs) $(TCLIMPLIB) $**
- $(link32) $(ldebug) $(dlllflags) \
- -out:$@ $(TMPDIR)\tk.res $(TCLLIBDIR)\$(TCLPLUGINLIB) \
- $(guilibsdll) @<<
+ $(link32) $(conlflags) -out:$@ $(guilibs) $(TCLIMPLIB) $**
-$(WISH): $(WISHOBJS) $(TKLIB) $(TMPDIR)\wish.res
- $(link32) $(ldebug) $(guilflags) $(TMPDIR)\wish.res -out:$@ \
- $(guilibsdll) $(TCLLIBDIR)\$(TCLLIB) $(TKLIB) $(WISHOBJS)
+ $(link32) $(guilflags) -out:$@ $(guilibs) $(TCLIMPLIB) $**
-$(WISHC): $(WISHOBJS) $(TKLIB) $(TMPDIR)\wish.res
- $(link32) $(ldebug) $(conlflags) $(TMPDIR)\wish.res -out:$@ \
- $(guilibsdll) $(TCLLIBDIR)\$(TCLLIB) $(TKLIB) $(WISHOBJS)
- $(link32) $(ldebug) $(guilflags) $(TMPDIR)\wish.res -out:$@ \
- $(guilibsdll) $(TCLLIBDIR)\$(TCLPLUGINLIB) \
+$(CAT32): $(_TCLDIR)\win\cat.c
+ $(cc32) $(CON_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMP_DIR)\ $?
+ $(link32) $(conlflags) -out:$@ -stack:16384 $(TMP_DIR)\cat.obj $(baselibs)
- $(link32) $(ldebug) $(guilflags) $(TMPDIR)\wish.res -out:$@ \
- $(guilibsdll) $(TCLLIBDIR)\$(TCLLIB) $(TKLIB) $(TKTESTOBJS)
+ @xcopy /i /y "$(WISH)" "$(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)\"
+!if "$(TKLIB)" != "$(TKIMPLIB)"
+ @xcopy /i /y "$(TKLIB)" "$(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)\"
+ @xcopy /i /y "$(TKIMPLIB)" "$(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)\"
+ @xcopy /i /y "$(TKSTUBLIB)" "$(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)\"
-$(CAT32): $(TCLDIR)\win\cat.c
- $(cc32) $(CON_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $?
- $(link32) $(conlflags) -out:$@ -stack:16384 $(TMPDIR)\cat.obj $(conlibs)
+ @xcopy /i /y "$(GENERICDIR)\tk.h" "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)\"
+ @xcopy /i /y "$(GENERICDIR)\tkDecls.h" "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)\"
+ @xcopy /i /y "$(GENERICDIR)\tkPlatDecls.h" "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)\"
+ @xcopy /i /y "$(GENERICDIR)\tkIntXlibDecls.h" "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)\"
+ @xcopy /i /y "$(XLIBDIR)\X11\*.h" "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)\X11\"
+ @xcopy /i /y "$(ROOT)\library" "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\" /s /exclude:<<
# Regenerate the stubs files.
- tclsh$(VERSION) $(TCLDIR)\tools\genStubs.tcl $(GENERICDIR) \
- $(GENERICDIR)\tk.decls $(GENERICDIR)\tkInt.decls
+ $(TCLSH) $(_TCLDIR)\tools\genStubs.tcl $(GENERICDIR) \
+# Generate the makefile depedancies.
+!if !exist($(TCLSH))
+ @echo Build tclsh first!
+ $(TCLSH) $(TOOLSDIR:\=/)/mkdepend.tcl -vc32 -out:"$(OUT_DIR)\" \
+ -passthru:"-DBUILD_tcl $(TK_INCLUDES:"="")" $(GENERICDIR) \
+# Regenerate the windows help files.
+MAN2HELP = $(DOCTMP_DIR)\man2help.tcl
+MAN2HELP2 = $(DOCTMP_DIR)\man2help2.tcl
+INDEX = $(DOCTMP_DIR)\index.tcl
+BMP = $(DOCTMP_DIR)\lamp.bmp
+BMP_NOPATH = lamp.bmp
+MAN2TCL = $(DOCTMP_DIR)\man2tcl.exe
+winhelp: docsetup $(HELPFILE)
+ @if not exist $(DOCTMP_DIR)\nul mkdir $(DOCTMP_DIR)
+ copy $(TOOLSDIR)\$(@F) $(@D)
+ copy $(WINDIR)\$(@F) $(@D)
+ cd $(DOCTMP_DIR)
+ start /wait hcrtf.exe -x <<$(PROJECT).hpj
+COMPRESS=12 Hall Zeck
+LCID=0x409 0x0 0x0 ; English (United States)
+TITLE=Tk Reference Manual
+main="Tcl/Tk Reference Manual",,27648,(r15263976),(r4227327)
+CreateButton(1, "Web", ExecFile(""))
+CreateButton(2, "SF", ExecFile(""))
+CreateButton(3, "Wiki", ExecFile(""))
+CreateButton(4, "FAQ", ExecFile(""))
+ cd $(MAKEDIR)
+ copy "$(DOCTMP_DIR)\$(@B).hlp" "$(OUT_DIR)"
+ copy "$(DOCTMP_DIR)\$(@B).cnt" "$(OUT_DIR)"
+$(MAN2TCL): $(TOOLSDIR)\$$(@B).c
+ $(cc32) -nologo -G4 -ML -O2 -Fo$(@D)\ $(TOOLSDIR)\$(@B).c -link -out:$@
+ $(TCLSH) $(MAN2HELP:\=/) -bitmap $(BMP_NOPATH) $(PROJECT) $(VERSION) $(DOCDIR:\=/)
+!if exist($(HELPFILE))
+ @xcopy /i /y "$(HELPFILE)" "$(DOC_INSTALL_DIR)\"
+ @xcopy /i /y "$(HELPCNT)" "$(DOC_INSTALL_DIR)\"
+ $(TCLSH) <<
+puts "Installing $(PROJECT)'s helpfile contents into Tcl's ..."
+set f [open "$(DOC_INSTALL_DIR:\=/)/tcl$(VERSION).cnt" r]
+while {![eof $$f]} {
+ if {[regexp {:Include $(PROJECT)([0-9]{2}).cnt} [gets $$f] dummy ver]} {
+ if {$$ver == $(VERSION)} {
+ puts "Already installed."
+ exit
+ } else {
+ # do something here logical to remove (or replace) it.
+ puts "$$ver != $(VERSION), unfinished code path, die, die!"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ }
+close $$f
+set f [open $(DOC_INSTALL_DIR:\=/)/tcl$(VERSION).cnt a]
+puts $$f {:Include $(HLPBASE).cnt}
+close $$f
+ start /wait winhlp32 -g $(DOC_INSTALL_DIR)\tcl$(VERSION).hlp
# Special case object file targets
-$(TMPDIR)\testMain.obj: $(WINDIR)\winMain.c
+$(TMP_DIR)\testMain.obj: $(WINDIR)\winMain.c
$(cc32) $(WISH_CFLAGS) -DTK_TEST -Fo$@ $?
-$(TMPDIR)\tkTest.obj: $(GENERICDIR)\tkTest.c
+$(TMP_DIR)\tkTest.obj: $(GENERICDIR)\tkTest.c
$(cc32) $(WISH_CFLAGS) -Fo$@ $?
-$(TMPDIR)\tkWinTest.obj: $(WINDIR)\tkWinTest.c
+$(TMP_DIR)\tkWinTest.obj: $(WINDIR)\tkWinTest.c
$(cc32) $(WISH_CFLAGS) -Fo$@ $?
-$(TMPDIR)\tkSquare.obj: $(GENERICDIR)\tkSquare.c
+$(TMP_DIR)\tkSquare.obj: $(GENERICDIR)\tkSquare.c
$(cc32) $(WISH_CFLAGS) -Fo$@ $?
-$(TMPDIR)\winMain.obj: $(WINDIR)\winMain.c
+$(TMP_DIR)\winMain.obj: $(WINDIR)\winMain.c
$(cc32) $(WISH_CFLAGS) -Fo$@ $?
-$(TMPDIR)\tkStubLib.obj : $(GENERICDIR)\tkStubLib.c
- $(cc32) $(TK_CFLAGS) -DSTATIC_BUILD -Fo$@ $?
-# Implicit rules
+# The following objects are part of the stub library and should not
+# be built as DLL objects but none of the symbols should be exported
+# and no reference made to a C runtime.
- $(cc32) -DDLL_BUILD -DBUILD_tk $(TK_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $<
+$(TMP_DIR)\tkStubLib.obj : $(GENERICDIR)\tkStubLib.c
+ $(cc32) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(TK_INCLUDES) -Zl -DSTATIC_BUILD -Fo$@ $?
- $(cc32) -DDLL_BUILD -DBUILD_tk $(TK_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $<
+$(TMP_DIR)\tkStubImg.obj : $(GENERICDIR)\tkStubImg.c
+ $(cc32) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(TK_INCLUDES) -Zl -DSTATIC_BUILD -Fo$@ $?
- $(cc32) -DDLL_BUILD -DBUILD_tk $(TK_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $<
- $(cc32) -DDLL_BUILD -DBUILD_tk $(TK_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $<
+# Dedependency rules
- $(rc32) -fo $@ -r -i "$(GENERICDIR)" -i "$(TOOLS32)\include" \
- -i "$(TCLDIR)\generic" \
-!if "$(NODEBUG)" == "0"
- -d DEBUG \
- $<
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.exp
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.lib
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.dll
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.exe
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.pdb
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.pch
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.obj
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.res
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.exe
- -@rmd $(OUTDIR)
- -@rmd $(TMPDIR)
-# dependencies
-$(TMPDIR)\tk.res: \
+$(TMP_DIR)\tk.res: \
$(RCDIR)\buttons.bmp \
$(RCDIR)\cursor*.cur \
@@ -502,6 +748,7 @@ $(GENERICDIR)/tkListbox.c: $(GENERICDIR)/default.h
$(GENERICDIR)/tkMenu.c: $(GENERICDIR)/default.h
$(GENERICDIR)/tkMenubutton.c: $(GENERICDIR)/default.h
$(GENERICDIR)/tkMessage.c: $(GENERICDIR)/default.h
+$(GENERICDIR)/tkPanedWindow.c: $(GENERICDIR)/default.h
$(GENERICDIR)/tkScale.c: $(GENERICDIR)/default.h
$(GENERICDIR)/tkScrollbar.c: $(GENERICDIR)/default.h
$(GENERICDIR)/tkText.c: $(GENERICDIR)/default.h
@@ -523,3 +770,63 @@ $(GENERICDIR)/tkMenu.c: $(GENERICDIR)/tkMenu.h
$(GENERICDIR)/tkMenuDraw.c: $(GENERICDIR)/tkMenu.h
$(WINDIR)/tkWinMenu.c: $(GENERICDIR)/tkMenu.h
+!if exist("$(OUT_DIR)\")
+!include "$(OUT_DIR)\"
+!message *** Dependency rules in effect.
+!message *** Dependency rules are not being used.
+### add a spacer in the output
+# Implicit rules
+ $(cc32) -DBUILD_tk $(TK_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMP_DIR)\ @<<
+ $(cc32) -DBUILD_tk $(TK_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMP_DIR)\ @<<
+ $(cc32) -DBUILD_tk $(TK_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMP_DIR)\ @<<
+ $(cc32) -DBUILD_tk $(TK_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMP_DIR)\ @<<
+ $(rc32) -fo $@ -r -i "$(GENERICDIR)" $(TCL_INCLUDES) \
+!if $(DEBUG)
+ -d DEBUG \
+ $<
+# Clean up
+ -@$(RMDIR) $(TMP_DIR)
+hose: clean
+ -@$(RMDIR) $(OUT_DIR)
+.SUFFIXES:.c .rc