diff options
8 files changed, 231 insertions, 188 deletions
diff --git a/doc/menu.n b/doc/menu.n
index ac60e65..338ce6a 100644
--- a/doc/menu.n
+++ b/doc/menu.n
@@ -470,18 +470,19 @@ a menu entry does not automatically unpost the menu; the default
bindings normally take care of this before invoking the \fBinvoke\fR
widget command.
-\fIpathName \fBpost \fIx y\fR
+\fIpathName \fBpost \fIx y\fR ?\fIindex\fR?
Arrange for the menu to be displayed on the screen at the root-window
-coordinates given by \fIx\fR and \fIy\fR. These coordinates are
-adjusted if necessary to guarantee that the entire menu is visible on
-the screen. This command normally returns an empty string.
-If the \fB\-postcommand\fR option has been specified, then its value is
-executed as a Tcl script before posting the menu and the result of
-that script is returned as the result of the \fBpost\fR widget
-If an error returns while executing the command, then the error is
-returned without posting the menu.
+coordinates given by \fIx\fR and \fIy\fR. If an index is specified
+the menu will be located so that the entry with that index is
+displayed at the point. These coordinates are adjusted if necessary to
+guarantee that the entire menu is visible on the screen. This command
+normally returns an empty string. If the \fB\-postcommand\fR option
+has been specified, then its value is executed as a Tcl script before
+posting the menu and the result of that script is returned as the
+result of the \fBpost\fR widget command. If an error returns while
+executing the command, then the error is returned without posting the
\fIpathName \fBpostcascade \fIindex\fR
diff --git a/generic/tkMenu.c b/generic/tkMenu.c
index 26ffc88..f1ea8ff 100644
--- a/generic/tkMenu.c
+++ b/generic/tkMenu.c
@@ -870,32 +870,46 @@ MenuWidgetObjCmd(
case MENU_POST: {
- int x, y;
+ int x, y, entry = -1;
- if (objc != 4) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "x y");
+ if (objc != 4 && objc != 5) {
+ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "x y ?entry?");
goto error;
if ((Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[2], &x) != TCL_OK)
|| (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[3], &y) != TCL_OK)) {
goto error;
+ if (objc == 5) {
+ if (menuPtr->menuType == TEAROFF_MENU) {
+ Tcl_AppendResult(interp,
+ "the index option is invalid for tearoff menus", NULL);
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[4], &entry) != TCL_OK) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
- * Tearoff menus are posted differently on Mac and Windows than
- * non-tearoffs. TkpPostMenu does not actually map the menu's window
- * on those platforms, and popup menus have to be handled specially.
- * Also, menubar menues are not intended to be posted (bug 1567681,
- * 2160206).
+ * Tearoff menus are the same as ordinary menus on the Mac and are
+ * posted differently on Windows than non-tearoffs. TkpPostMenu
+ * does not actually map the menu's window on those platforms, and
+ * popup menus have to be handled specially. Also, menubar menus are
+ * not intended to be posted (bug 1567681, 2160206).
if (menuPtr->menuType == MENUBAR) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "a menubar menu cannot be posted", NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
} else if (menuPtr->menuType != TEAROFF_MENU) {
- result = TkpPostMenu(interp, menuPtr, x, y);
+ result = TkpPostMenu(interp, menuPtr, x, y, entry);
} else {
+#ifdef TK_MAC_OSX
+ result = TkpPostMenu(interp, menuPtr, x, y, entry);
result = TkPostTearoffMenu(interp, menuPtr, x, y);
diff --git a/generic/tkMenu.h b/generic/tkMenu.h
index bac51aa..92bf8b2 100644
--- a/generic/tkMenu.h
+++ b/generic/tkMenu.h
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ MODULE_SCOPE void TkpMenuInit(void);
MODULE_SCOPE int TkpMenuNewEntry(TkMenuEntry *mePtr);
MODULE_SCOPE int TkpNewMenu(TkMenu *menuPtr);
MODULE_SCOPE int TkpPostMenu(Tcl_Interp *interp, TkMenu *menuPtr,
- int x, int y);
+ int x, int y, int entry);
MODULE_SCOPE void TkpSetWindowMenuBar(Tk_Window tkwin, TkMenu *menuPtr);
#endif /* _TKMENU */
diff --git a/library/menu.tcl b/library/menu.tcl
index a406ae3..cdfcc13 100644
--- a/library/menu.tcl
+++ b/library/menu.tcl
@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ proc ::tk::MbLeave w {
# ::tk::MbPost --
# Given a menubutton, this procedure does all the work of posting
# its associated menu and unposting any other menu that is currently
@@ -274,124 +275,25 @@ proc ::tk::MbPost {w {x {}} {y {}}} {
if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} {
set Priv(relief) [$w cget -relief]
$w configure -relief raised
- set xoffset {0 0 0 0 0}
- set yoffset {0 0 0 0 0}
} else {
$w configure -state active
- # Compensate for offsets created by the macOS window manager.
- set xoffset {9 9 18 9 0}
- set yoffset {6 13 13 13 9}
set Priv(postedMb) $w
set Priv(focus) [focus]
$menu activate none
GenerateMenuSelect $menu
- # If this looks like an option menubutton then post the menu so
- # that the current entry is on top of the mouse. Otherwise post
- # the menu just below the menubutton, as for a pull-down.
update idletasks
- if {[catch {
- switch [$w cget -direction] {
- above {
- set x [expr {[winfo rootx $w]}]
- set y [expr {[winfo rooty $w] - [winfo reqheight $menu]}]
- # if we go offscreen to the top, show as 'below'
- if {$y < [winfo vrooty $w]} {
- set y [expr {[winfo vrooty $w] + [winfo rooty $w] + [winfo reqheight $w]}]
- }
- incr x [lindex $xoffset 0]
- incr y [lindex $yoffset 0]
- PostOverPoint $menu $x $y
- }
- below {
- set x [expr {[winfo rootx $w]}]
- set y [expr {[winfo rooty $w] + [winfo height $w]}]
- # if we go offscreen to the bottom, show as 'above'
- set mh [winfo reqheight $menu]
- if {($y + $mh) > ([winfo vrooty $w] + [winfo vrootheight $w])} {
- set y [expr {[winfo vrooty $w] + [winfo vrootheight $w] + [winfo rooty $w] - $mh}]
- }
- incr x [lindex $xoffset 1]
- incr y [lindex $yoffset 1]
- PostOverPoint $menu $x $y
- }
- left {
- set x [expr {[winfo rootx $w] - [winfo reqwidth $menu]}]
- set y [expr {(2 * [winfo rooty $w] + [winfo height $w]) / 2}]
- set entry [MenuFindName $menu [$w cget -text]]
- if {$entry eq ""} {
- set entry 0
- }
- if {[$w cget -indicatoron]} {
- if {$entry == [$menu index last]} {
- incr y [expr {-([$menu yposition $entry] \
- + [winfo reqheight $menu])/2}]
- } else {
- incr y [expr {-([$menu yposition $entry] \
- + [$menu yposition [expr {$entry+1}]])/2}]
- }
- }
- incr x [lindex $xoffset 2]
- incr y [lindex $yoffset 2]
- PostOverPoint $menu $x $y
- if {$entry ne "" \
- && [$menu entrycget $entry -state] ne "disabled"} {
- $menu activate $entry
- GenerateMenuSelect $menu
- }
- }
- right {
- set x [expr {[winfo rootx $w] + [winfo width $w]}]
- set y [expr {(2 * [winfo rooty $w] + [winfo height $w]) / 2}]
- set entry [MenuFindName $menu [$w cget -text]]
- if {$entry eq ""} {
- set entry 0
- }
- if {[$w cget -indicatoron]} {
- if {$entry == [$menu index last]} {
- incr y [expr {-([$menu yposition $entry] \
- + [winfo reqheight $menu])/2}]
- } else {
- incr y [expr {-([$menu yposition $entry] \
- + [$menu yposition [expr {$entry+1}]])/2}]
- }
- }
- incr x [lindex $xoffset 3]
- incr y [lindex $yoffset 3]
- PostOverPoint $menu $x $y
- if {$entry ne "" \
- && [$menu entrycget $entry -state] ne "disabled"} {
- $menu activate $entry
- GenerateMenuSelect $menu
- }
- }
- default {
- incr x [lindex $xoffset 4]
- incr y [lindex $yoffset 4]
- if {[$w cget -indicatoron]} {
- if {$y eq ""} {
- set x [expr {[winfo rootx $w] + [winfo width $w]/2}]
- set y [expr {[winfo rooty $w] + [winfo height $w]/2}]
- }
- PostOverPoint $menu $x $y [MenuFindName $menu [$w cget -text]]
- } else {
- PostOverPoint $menu [winfo rootx $w] [expr {[winfo rooty $w]+[winfo height $w]}]
- }
- }
- }
- } msg opt]} {
+ if {[catch {PostMenubuttonMenu $w $menu} msg opt]} {
# Error posting menu (e.g. bogus -postcommand). Unpost it and
# reflect the error.
MenuUnpost {}
return -options $opt $msg
set Priv(tearoff) $tearoff
- if {$tearoff != 0} {
+ if {$tearoff != 0 && [tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} {
focus $menu
if {[winfo viewable $w]} {
SaveGrabInfo $w
@@ -1223,10 +1125,118 @@ proc ::tk::MenuFindName {menu s} {
return ""
+# ::tk::PostMenubuttonMenu --
+# Given a menubutton and a menu, this procedure posts the menu at the
+# appropriate location. If the menubutton looks like an option
+# menubutton, meaning that the indicator is on and the direction is
+# neither above nor below, then the menu is posted so that the current
+# entry is vertically aligned with the menubutton. On the Mac this
+# will expose a small amount of the blue indicator on the right hand
+# side. On other platforms the entry is centered over the button.
+if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
+ proc ::tk::PostMenubuttonMenu {button menu} {
+ set entry ""
+ if {[$button cget -indicatoron]} {
+ set entry [MenuFindName $menu [$button cget -text]]
+ if {$entry eq ""} {
+ set entry 0
+ }
+ }
+ set x [winfo rootx $button]
+ set y [expr {2 + [winfo rooty $button]}]
+ switch [$button cget -direction] {
+ above {
+ set entry ""
+ incr y [expr {4 - [winfo reqheight $menu]}]
+ }
+ below {
+ set entry ""
+ incr y [expr {2 + [winfo height $button]}]
+ }
+ left {
+ incr x [expr {-[winfo reqwidth $menu]}]
+ }
+ right {
+ incr x [winfo width $button]
+ }
+ default {
+ incr x [expr {[winfo width $button] - [winfo reqwidth $menu] - 5}]
+ }
+ }
+ PostOverPoint $menu $x $y $entry
+ }
+} else {
+ proc ::tk::PostMenubuttonMenu {button menu} {
+ set entry ""
+ if {[$button cget -indicatoron]} {
+ set entry [MenuFindName $menu [$button cget -text]]
+ if {$entry eq ""} {
+ set entry 0
+ }
+ }
+ if {$entry ne ""} {
+ if {$entry == [$menu index last]} {
+ set entryHeight [expr {[winfo reqheight $menu] \
+ - [$menu yposition $entry]}]
+ } else {
+ set entryHeight [expr {[$menu yposition [expr {$entry+1}]] \
+ - [$menu yposition $entry]}]
+ }
+ }
+ set x [winfo rootx $button]
+ set y [winfo rooty $button]
+ switch [$button cget -direction] {
+ above {
+ incr y [expr {-[winfo reqheight $menu]}]
+ # if we go offscreen to the top, show as 'below'
+ if {$y < [winfo vrooty $button]} {
+ set y [expr {[winfo vrooty $button] + [winfo rooty $button]\
+ + [winfo reqheight $button]}]
+ }
+ set entry {}
+ }
+ below {
+ incr y [winfo height $button]
+ # if we go offscreen to the bottom, show as 'above'
+ set mh [winfo reqheight $menu]
+ if {($y + $mh) > ([winfo vrooty $button] + [winfo vrootheight $button])} {
+ set y [expr {[winfo vrooty $button] + [winfo vrootheight $button] \
+ + [winfo rooty $button] - $mh}]
+ }
+ set entry {}
+ }
+ left {
+ # It is not clear why this is needed.
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
+ incr x [expr {-4 - [winfo reqwidth $button] / 2}]
+ }
+ incr x [expr {- [winfo reqwidth $menu]}]
+ }
+ right {
+ incr x [expr {[winfo width $button]}]
+ }
+ default {
+ if {[$button cget -indicatoron]} {
+ incr x [expr {([winfo width $button] - \
+ [winfo reqwidth $menu])/ 2}]
+ } else {
+ incr y [winfo height $button]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PostOverPoint $menu $x $y $entry
+ }
# ::tk::PostOverPoint --
-# This procedure posts a given menu such that a given entry in the
-# menu is centered over a given point in the root window. It also
-# activates the given entry.
+# This procedure posts a menu on the screen so that a given entry in
+# the menu is positioned with its upper left corner at a given point
+# in the root window. The procedure also activates that entry. If no
+# entry is specified the upper left corner of the entire menu is
+# placed at the point.
# Arguments:
# menu - Menu to post.
@@ -1235,19 +1245,24 @@ proc ::tk::MenuFindName {menu s} {
# If omitted or specified as {}, then the menu's
# upper-left corner goes at (x,y).
-proc ::tk::PostOverPoint {menu x y {entry {}}} {
- if {$entry ne ""} {
- if {$entry == [$menu index last]} {
- incr y [expr {-([$menu yposition $entry] \
- + [winfo reqheight $menu])/2}]
+if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "win32"} {
+ proc ::tk::PostOverPoint {menu x y {entry {}}} {
+ if {$entry ne ""} {
+ $menu post $x $y $entry
+ if {[$menu entrycget $entry -state] ne "disabled"} {
+ $menu activate $entry
+ GenerateMenuSelect $menu
+ }
} else {
- incr y [expr {-([$menu yposition $entry] \
- + [$menu yposition [expr {$entry+1}]])/2}]
+ $menu post $x $y
- incr x [expr {-[winfo reqwidth $menu]/2}]
+ return
- if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
+} else {
+ proc ::tk::PostOverPoint {menu x y {entry {}}} {
+ if {$entry ne ""} {
+ incr y [expr {-[$menu yposition $entry]}]
+ }
# osVersion is not available in safe interps
set ver 5
if {[info exists ::tcl_platform(osVersion)]} {
@@ -1263,7 +1278,7 @@ proc ::tk::PostOverPoint {menu x y {entry {}}} {
# manager provided with Vista and Windows 7.
if {$ver < 6} {
set yoffset [expr {[winfo screenheight $menu] \
- - $y - [winfo reqheight $menu] - 10}]
+ - $y - [winfo reqheight $menu] - 10}]
if {$yoffset < [winfo vrooty $menu]} {
# The bottom of the menu is offscreen, so adjust upwards
incr y [expr {$yoffset - [winfo vrooty $menu]}]
@@ -1275,11 +1290,11 @@ proc ::tk::PostOverPoint {menu x y {entry {}}} {
set y [winfo vrooty $menu]
- }
- $menu post $x $y
- if {$entry ne "" && [$menu entrycget $entry -state] ne "disabled"} {
- $menu activate $entry
- GenerateMenuSelect $menu
+ $menu post $x $y
+ if {$entry ne "" && [$menu entrycget $entry -state] ne "disabled"} {
+ $menu activate $entry
+ GenerateMenuSelect $menu
+ }
diff --git a/macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c b/macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c
index 6315638..c7610fc 100644
--- a/macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c
+++ b/macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c
@@ -755,7 +755,10 @@ TkpDestroyMenuEntry(
* TkpPostMenu --
- * Posts a menu on the screen
+ * Posts a menu on the screen. If entry is < 0 then the menu is
+ * drawn so its top left corner is located at the point with
+ * screen coordinates (x, y). Otherwise the top left corner of
+ * the specified entry is located at that point.
* Results:
* None.
@@ -770,49 +773,47 @@ int
Tcl_Interp *interp, /* The interpreter this menu lives in */
TkMenu *menuPtr, /* The menu we are posting */
- int x, /* The global x-coordinate of the top, left-
- * hand corner of where the menu is supposed
- * to be posted. */
- int y) /* The global y-coordinate */
+ int x, int y, /* The screen coordinates where the top left
+ * corner of the menu, or of the specified
+ * entry, will be located. */
+ int entry)
/* Get the object that holds this Tk Window.*/
- Tk_Window root;
- root = Tk_MainWindow(interp);
+ Tk_Window root = Tk_MainWindow(interp);
if (root == NULL) {
return TCL_ERROR;
+ if (menuPtr->menuType == TEAROFF_MENU) {
+ entry -= 1;
+ }
Drawable d = Tk_WindowId(root);
NSView *rootview = TkMacOSXGetRootControl(d);
NSWindow *win = [rootview window];
- int result;
+ NSView *view = [win contentView];
+ NSMenu *menu = (NSMenu *) menuPtr->platformData;
+ NSMenuItem *item = nil;
+ NSInteger index = entry;
+ NSPoint location = NSMakePoint(x, tkMacOSXZeroScreenHeight - y);
+ int result, oldMode;
inPostMenu = 1;
result = TkPreprocessMenu(menuPtr);
if (result != TCL_OK) {
inPostMenu = 0;
return result;
- int oldMode = Tcl_SetServiceMode(TCL_SERVICE_NONE);
- NSView *view = [win contentView];
- NSRect frame = NSMakeRect(x, tkMacOSXZeroScreenHeight - y, 1, 1);
- frame.origin = [view convertPoint:
- [win tkConvertPointFromScreen:frame.origin] fromView:nil];
- NSMenu *menu = (NSMenu *) menuPtr->platformData;
- NSPopUpButtonCell *popUpButtonCell = [[NSPopUpButtonCell alloc]
- initTextCell:@"" pullsDown:NO];
- [popUpButtonCell setAltersStateOfSelectedItem:NO];
- [popUpButtonCell setMenu:menu];
- [popUpButtonCell selectItem:nil];
- [popUpButtonCell performClickWithFrame:frame inView:view];
- [popUpButtonCell release];
+ if (index >= [menu numberOfItems]) {
+ index = [menu numberOfItems] - 1;
+ }
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ item = [menu itemAtIndex:index];
+ }
+ oldMode = Tcl_SetServiceMode(TCL_SERVICE_NONE);
+ [menu popUpMenuPositioningItem:item
+ atLocation:[win tkConvertPointFromScreen:location]
+ inView:view];
inPostMenu = 0;
return TCL_OK;
@@ -1087,6 +1088,7 @@ void
TkMenu *menuPtr) /* Structure describing menu. */
+ NSSize menuSize = [(NSMenu *)menuPtr->platformData size];
Tk_Font tkfont, menuFont;
Tk_FontMetrics menuMetrics, entryMetrics, *fmPtr;
int modifierCharWidth, menuModifierCharWidth;
@@ -1130,7 +1132,7 @@ TkpComputeStandardMenuGeometry(
for (i = 0; i < menuPtr->numEntries; i++) {
mePtr = menuPtr->entries[i];
if (mePtr->type == TEAROFF_ENTRY) {
@@ -1199,6 +1201,9 @@ TkpComputeStandardMenuGeometry(
height = size.height;
+ else {
+ /* image only. */
+ }
labelWidth = width + menuItemExtraWidth;
mePtr->height = height + menuItemExtraHeight;
if (mePtr->type == CASCADE_ENTRY) {
@@ -1237,18 +1242,12 @@ TkpComputeStandardMenuGeometry(
mePtr->x = x;
mePtr->y = y;
y += menuPtr->entries[i]->height + borderWidth;
- if (y > windowHeight) {
- windowHeight = y;
- }
- windowWidth = x + maxIndicatorSpace + maxWidth
- + 2 * activeBorderWidth + borderWidth;
- windowHeight += borderWidth;
+ windowWidth = menuSize.width;
if (windowWidth <= 0) {
windowWidth = 1;
+ windowHeight = menuSize.height;
if (windowHeight <= 0) {
windowHeight = 1;
diff --git a/tests/menu.test b/tests/menu.test
index 95699ff..dcc578f 100644
--- a/tests/menu.test
+++ b/tests/menu.test
@@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@ test menu-3.47 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "post" option} -setup {
.m1 post
} -cleanup {
destroy .m1
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 post x y"}
+} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 post x y ?entry?"}
test menu-3.48 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "post" option} -setup {
destroy .m1
} -body {
diff --git a/unix/tkUnixMenu.c b/unix/tkUnixMenu.c
index 38b6c58..f701819 100644
--- a/unix/tkUnixMenu.c
+++ b/unix/tkUnixMenu.c
@@ -889,7 +889,10 @@ DrawMenuUnderline(
* TkpPostMenu --
- * Posts a menu on the screen
+ * Posts a menu on the screen so that the top left corner of the
+ * specified entry is located at the point (x, y) in screen coordinates.
+ * If the entry parameter is negative, the upper left corner of the
+ * menu itself is placed at the point.
* Results:
* None.
@@ -904,8 +907,14 @@ int
Tcl_Interp *interp,
TkMenu *menuPtr,
- int x, int y)
+ int x, int y, int entry)
+ if (entry >= menuPtr->numEntries) {
+ entry = menuPtr->numEntries - 1;
+ }
+ if (entry >= 0) {
+ y -= menuPtr->entries[entry]->y;
+ }
return TkPostTearoffMenu(interp, menuPtr, x, y);
@@ -1721,7 +1730,6 @@ TkpComputeStandardMenuGeometry(
windowWidth = x + indicatorSpace + labelWidth + accelWidth
+ 2 * activeBorderWidth + borderWidth;
windowHeight += borderWidth;
diff --git a/win/tkWinMenu.c b/win/tkWinMenu.c
index a409764..2957b0e 100644
--- a/win/tkWinMenu.c
+++ b/win/tkWinMenu.c
@@ -743,7 +743,10 @@ ReconfigureWindowsMenu(
* TkpPostMenu --
- * Posts a menu on the screen
+ * Posts a menu on the screen so that the top left corner of the
+ * specified entry is located at the point (x, y) in screen coordinates.
+ * If the entry parameter is negative, the upper left corner of the
+ * menu itself is placed at the point.
* Results:
* None.
@@ -758,7 +761,7 @@ int
Tcl_Interp *interp,
TkMenu *menuPtr,
- int x, int y)
+ int x, int y, int entry)
HMENU winMenuHdl = (HMENU) menuPtr->platformData;
int result, flags;
@@ -770,7 +773,6 @@ TkpPostMenu(
Tcl_GetThreadData(&dataKey, sizeof(ThreadSpecificData));
result = TkPreprocessMenu(menuPtr);
@@ -779,6 +781,13 @@ TkpPostMenu(
return result;
+ if (entry >= menuPtr->numEntries) {
+ entry = menuPtr->numEntries - 1;
+ }
+ if (entry >= 0) {
+ y -= menuPtr->entries[entry]->y;
+ }
* The post commands could have deleted the menu, which means
* we are dead and should go away.
@@ -2897,7 +2906,6 @@ TkpComputeStandardMenuGeometry(
GetTearoffEntryGeometry(menuPtr, menuPtr->entries[i], tkfont,
fmPtr, &width, &height);
menuPtr->entries[i]->height = height;
} else {
* For each entry, compute the height required by that particular
@@ -2955,8 +2963,6 @@ TkpComputeStandardMenuGeometry(
windowWidth = x + indicatorSpace + labelWidth + accelWidth
+ 2 * activeBorderWidth + borderWidth;
windowHeight += borderWidth;