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1 files changed, 62 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/tests/event.test b/tests/event.test
index 30d40b9..b43f2d3 100644
--- a/tests/event.test
+++ b/tests/event.test
@@ -20,57 +20,10 @@ namespace import -force tcltest::test
proc _init_keypress_lookup {} {
global keypress_lookup
- scan A %c start
- scan Z %c finish
- for {set i $start} {$i <= $finish} {incr i} {
- set l [format %c $i]
- set keypress_lookup($l) $l
- }
- scan a %c start
- scan z %c finish
- for {set i $start} {$i <= $finish} {incr i} {
- set l [format %c $i]
- set keypress_lookup($l) $l
- }
- scan 0 %c start
- scan 9 %c finish
- for {set i $start} {$i <= $finish} {incr i} {
- set l [format %c $i]
- set keypress_lookup($l) $l
- }
- # Most punctuation
- array set keypress_lookup {
- ! exclam
- % percent
- & ampersand
- ( parenleft
- ) parenright
- * asterisk
- + plus
- , comma
- - minus
- . period
- / slash
- : colon
- < less
- = equal
- > greater
- ? question
- @ at
- ^ asciicircum
- _ underscore
- | bar
- ~ asciitilde
- ' apostrophe
- }
# Characters with meaning to Tcl...
array set keypress_lookup [list \
+ - minus \
+ > greater \
\" quotedbl \
\# numbersign \
\$ dollar \
@@ -81,6 +34,7 @@ proc _init_keypress_lookup {} {
\{ braceleft \
\} braceright \
" " space \
+ \xA0 nobreakspace \
"\n" Return \
"\t" Tab]
@@ -862,6 +816,65 @@ test event-8 {event generate with keysyms corresponding to
} -result {OK}
+test event-9.1 {enter . window by destroying a toplevel - bug b1d115fa60} -setup {
+ set EnterBind [bind . <Enter>]
+} -body {
+ wm geometry . 200x200+300+300
+ wm deiconify .
+ _pause 200
+ toplevel .top2 -width 200 -height 200
+ wm geometry .top2 +[expr {[winfo rootx .]+50}]+[expr {[winfo rooty .]+50}]
+ update idletasks
+ wm deiconify .top2
+ update idletasks
+ raise .top2
+ _pause 400
+ event generate .top2 <Motion> -warp 1 -x 50 -y 50
+ _pause 100
+ bind . <Enter> {lappend res %W}
+ set res [list ]
+ destroy .top2
+ update idletasks
+ _pause 200
+ set res
+} -cleanup {
+ deleteWindows
+ bind . <Enter> $EnterBind
+} -result {.}
+test event-9.2 {enter toplevel window by destroying a toplevel - bug b1d115fa60} -setup {
+ set iconified false
+ if {[winfo ismapped .]} {
+ wm iconify .
+ update
+ set iconified true
+ }
+} -body {
+ toplevel .top1
+ wm geometry .top1 200x200+300+300
+ wm deiconify .top1
+ _pause 200
+ toplevel .top2 -width 200 -height 200
+ wm geometry .top2 +[expr {[winfo rootx .top1]+50}]+[expr {[winfo rooty .top1]+50}]
+ _pause 200
+ wm deiconify .top2
+ update idletasks
+ raise .top2
+ _pause 400
+ event generate .top2 <Motion> -warp 1 -x 50 -y 50
+ _pause 100
+ bind .top1 <Enter> {lappend res %W}
+ set res [list ]
+ destroy .top2
+ _pause 200
+ set res
+} -cleanup {
+ deleteWindows ; # destroy all children of ".", this already includes .top1
+ if {$iconified} {
+ wm deiconify .
+ update
+ }
+} -result {.top1}
proc waitForWindowEvent {w event {timeout 1000}} {
# This proc is intended to overcome latency of windowing system
# notifications when toplevel windows are involved. These latencies vary