path: root/doc/ttk_notebook.n
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1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ttk_notebook.n b/doc/ttk_notebook.n
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+++ b/doc/ttk_notebook.n
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+'\" Copyright (c) 2004 Joe English
+'\" man.macros
+.TH ttk_notebook n 8.5 Tk "Tk Themed Widget"
+ttk::notebook \- Multi-paned container widget
+\fBttk::notebook\fR \fIpathName \fR?\fIoptions\fR?
+\fIpathName \fBadd\fR \fIpathName\fR.\fIsubwindow\fR ?\fIoptions...\fR?
+\fIpathName \fBinsert\fR \fIindex\fR \fIpathName\fR.\fIsubwindow\fR ?\fIoptions...\fR?
+A \fBnotebook\fP widget manages a collection of subpanes
+and displays a single one at a time.
+Each pane is associated with a tab, which the user
+may select to change the currently-displayed pane.
+\-class \-cursor \-takefocus \-style
+.OP \-height height Height
+If present and greater than zero,
+specifies the desired height of the pane area
+(not including internal padding or tabs).
+Otherwise, the maximum height of all panes is used.
+.OP \-padding padding Padding
+Specifies the amount of extra space to add around the outside
+of the notebook.
+The padding is a list of up to four length specifications
+\fIleft top right bottom\fR.
+If fewer than four elements are specified,
+\fIbottom\fR defaults to \fItop\fR,
+\fIright\fR defaults to \fIleft\fR, and
+\fItop\fR defaults to \fIleft\fR.
+.OP \-width width Width
+If present and greater than zero,
+specifies the desired width of the pane area
+(not including internal padding).
+Otherwise, the maximum width of all panes is used.
+The following options may be specified for individual notebook panes:
+.OP \-state state State
+Either \fBnormal\fP, \fBdisabled\fP or \fBhidden\fP.
+If \fBdisabled\fP, then the tab is not selectable. If \fBhidden\fP,
+then the tab is not shown.
+.OP \-sticky sticky Sticky
+Specifies how the child pane is positioned within the pane area.
+Value is a string containing zero or more of the characters
+\fBn, s, e,\fR or \fBw\fR.
+Each letter refers to a side (north, south, east, or west)
+that the child window will "stick" to,
+as per the \fBgrid\fR geometry manager.
+.OP \-padding padding Padding
+Specifies the amount of extra space to add between the notebook and this pane.
+Syntax is the same as for the widget \fB-padding\fP option.
+.OP \-text text Text
+Specifies a string to be displayed in the tab.
+.OP \-image image Image
+Specifies an image to display in the tab,
+which must have been created with the \fBimage create\fR command.
+.OP \-compound compound Compound
+Specifies how to display the image relative to the text,
+in the case both \fB-text\fR and \fB-image\fR are present.
+See \fIlabel(n)\fR for legal values.
+.OP \-underline underline Underline
+Specifies the integer index (0-based) of a character to underline
+in the text string.
+The underlined character is used for mnemonic activation
+if \fBttk::notebook::enableTraversal\fR is called.
+\fIpathname \fBadd \fIchild\fR ?\fIoptions...\fR?
+Adds a new tab to the notebook.
+When the tab is selected, the \fIchild\fR window
+will be displayed.
+\fIchild\fR must be a direct child of the notebook window.
+See \fBTAB OPTIONS\fR for the list of available \fIoptions\fR.
+\fIpathname \fBconfigure\fR ?\fIoptions\fR?
+See \fIwidget(n)\fR.
+\fIpathname \fBcget\fR \fIoption\fR
+See \fIwidget(n)\fR.
+\fIpathname \fBforget\fR \fItabid\fR
+Removes the tab specified by \fItabid\fR,
+unmaps and unmanages the associated child window.
+\fIpathname \fBindex\fR \fItabid\fR
+Returns the numeric index of the tab specified by \fItabid\fR,
+or the total number of tabs if \fItabid\fR is the string "\fBend\fR".
+\fIpathname \fBinsert\fR \fIpos\fR \fIsubwindow\fR \fIoptions...\fR
+Inserts a pane at the specified position.
+\fIpos\fR is either the string \fBend\fR, an integer index,
+or the name of a managed subwindow.
+If \fIsubwindow\fR is already managed by the notebook,
+moves it to the specified position.
+See \fBTAB OPTIONS\fR for the list of available options.
+\fIpathname \fBinstate\fR \fIstatespec \fR?\fIscript...\fR?
+See \fIwidget(n)\fR.
+\fIpathname \fBselect\fR ?\fItabid\fR?
+Selects the specified tab. The associated child pane will be displayed,
+and the previously-selected pane (if different) is unmapped.
+If \fItabid\fR is omitted, returns the widget name of the
+currently selected pane.
+\fIpathname \fBstate\fR ?\fIstatespec\fR?
+See \fIwidget(n)\fR.
+\fIpathname \fBtab\fR \fItabid\fR ?\fI-options \fR?\fIvalue ...\fR
+Query or modify the options of the specific tab.
+If no \fI-option\fR is specified, returns a dictionary of the tab option values.
+If one \fI-option\fP is specified, returns the value of that \fIoption\fR.
+Otherwise, sets the \fI-option\fRs to the corresponding \fIvalue\fRs.
+See \fBTAB OPTIONS\fR for the available options.
+\fIpathname \fBtabs\fR
+Returns a list of all windows managed by the widget.
+.\" Perhaps "panes" is a better name for this command?
+To enable keyboard traversal for a toplevel window
+containing a notebook widget \fI$nb\fR, call:
+ttk::notebook::enableTraversal $nb
+This will extend the bindings for the toplevel widget
+containing the notebook as follows:
+.IP \(bu
+\fBControl-Tab\fR selects the tab following the currently selected one.
+.IP \(bu
+\fBShift-Control-Tab\fR selects the tab preceding the currently selected one.
+.IP \(bu
+\fBAlt-K\fP, where \fBK\fP is the mnemonic (underlined) character
+of any tab, will select that tab.
+Multiple notebooks in a single toplevel may be enabled for traversal,
+including nested notebooks.
+However, notebook traversal only works properly if all panes
+are direct children of the notebook.
+The \fItabid\fR argument to the above commands may take
+any of the following forms:
+.IP \(bu
+An integer between zero and the number of tabs;
+.IP \(bu
+The name of a child pane window;
+.IP \(bu
+A positional specification of the form "@\fIx\fR,\fIy\fR",
+which identifies the tab
+.IP \(bu
+The literal string "\fBcurrent\fR",
+which identifies the currently-selected tab; or:
+.IP \(bu
+The literal string "\fBend\fR",
+which returns the number of tabs
+(only valid for "\fIpathname \fBindex\fR").
+The notebook widget generates a \fB<<NotebookTabChanged>>\fP
+virtual event after a new tab is selected.
+notebook .nb
+\.nb add [frame .nb.f1] -text "First tab"
+\.nb add [frame .nb.f2] -text "Second tab"
+\.nb select .nb.f2
+ttk::notebook::enableTraversal .nb
+widget(n), grid(n)
+pane, tab