path: root/library/demos/print.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'library/demos/print.tcl')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/demos/print.tcl b/library/demos/print.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1ef1f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/demos/print.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# print.tcl --
+# This demonstration script showcases the tk print commands.
+if {![info exists widgetDemo]} {
+ error "This script should be run from the \"widget\" demo."
+set w .print
+destroy $w
+toplevel $w
+wm title $w "Printing Demonstration"
+positionWindow $w
+pack [label $w.l -text "This demonstration showcases
+the tk print command. Clicking the buttons below
+prints the data from the canvas and text widgets
+using platform-native dialogs."] -side top
+## See Code / Dismiss buttons
+pack [addSeeDismiss $w.buttons $w] -side bottom -fill x
+frame $w.m
+image create photo logo -data {
+# Create a copy of the image just created, magnified according to the
+# display's DPI scaling level. Since the zooom factor must be an integer,
+# the copy will only be effectively magnified if $tk::scalingPct >= 200.
+image create photo logo2
+logo2 copy logo -zoom [expr {$tk::scalingPct / 100}]
+set c [canvas $w.m.c -bg white]
+pack $c -fill both -expand yes -fill both -side left
+# For scaling-awareness specify the coordinates of the canvas items in points
+# rather than pixels. Create the items with a left and top padding of 15 pt.
+$c create rectangle 15p 15p 165p 60p -fill blue -outline black ;# 150p x 45p
+$c create oval 15p 75p 165p 120p -fill green ;# 150p x 45p
+set imgId [$c create image 90p 135p -image logo2 -anchor n]
+# Compute the scaled y coordinate of the next canvas item's top edge in pixels
+lassign [$c bbox $imgId] x1 y1 x2 y2 ;# x1, y1, x2, y2 are in pixels
+incr y2 [expr {round(15 * [tk scaling])}] ;# convert 15 pt to pixels
+$c create text 15p $y2 -anchor nw -font {Helvetica 12} \
+ -text "A short demo of simple canvas elements."
+set txt {
+Tcl, or Tool Command Language, is an open-source multi-purpose C library which includes a powerful dynamic scripting language. Together they provide ideal cross-platform development environment for any programming project. It has served for decades as an essential system component in organizations ranging from NASA to Cisco Systems, is a must-know language in the fields of EDA, and powers companies such as FlightAware and F5 Networks.
+Tcl is fit for both the smallest and largest programming tasks, obviating the need to decide whether it is overkill for a given job or whether a system written in Tcl will scale up as needed. Wherever a shell script might be used Tcl is a better choice, and entire web ecosystems and mission-critical control and testing systems have also been written in Tcl. Tcl excels in all these roles due to the minimal syntax of the language, the unique programming paradigm exposed at the script level, and the careful engineering that has gone into the design of the Tcl internals.
+set t [text $w.m.t -wrap word]
+pack $t -side right -expand yes -fill both
+$t insert end $txt
+frame $w.f
+pack [button $w.f.c -text "Print Canvas" -command [list tk print $w.m.c]] \
+ -side left -anchor w -padx 3p
+pack [button $w.f.t -text "Print Text" -command [list tk print $w.m.t]] \
+ -side right -anchor e -padx 3p
+pack $w.f -side bottom -fill x
+pack $w.m -expand yes -fill both -side top