path: root/library/demos/widget
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Diffstat (limited to 'library/demos/widget')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/library/demos/widget b/library/demos/widget
index 162497e..1d838ad 100644
--- a/library/demos/widget
+++ b/library/demos/widget
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
package require Tk 8.5
package require msgcat
-package require Ttk
eval destroy [winfo child .]
set tk_demoDirectory [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]]]
@@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ catch {
ttk::frame .textFrame
-scrollbar .s -orient vertical -command {.t yview} -takefocus 1
+ttk::scrollbar .s -orient vertical -command {.t yview} -takefocus 1
pack .s -in .textFrame -side right -fill y
text .t -yscrollcommand {.s set} -wrap word -width 70 -height $textheight \
-font mainFont -setgrid 1 -highlightthickness 0 \
@@ -317,16 +316,13 @@ addFormattedText {
@@demo image1 Two labels displaying images
@@demo image2 A simple user interface for viewing images
@@demo labelframe Labelled frames
- @@new
@@demo ttkbut The simple Themed Tk widgets
@@subtitle Listboxes and Trees
@@demo states The 50 states
@@demo colors Colors: change the color scheme for the application
@@demo sayings A collection of famous and infamous sayings
- @@new
@@demo mclist A multi-column list of countries
- @@new
@@demo tree A directory browser tree
@@subtitle Entries, Spin-boxes and Combo-boxes
@@ -334,7 +330,6 @@ addFormattedText {
@@demo entry2 Entries with scrollbars
@@demo entry3 Validated entries and password fields
@@demo spin Spin-boxes
- @@new
@@demo combo Combo-boxes
@@demo form Simple Rolodex-like form
@@ -344,7 +339,6 @@ addFormattedText {
@@demo bind Hypertext (tag bindings)
@@demo twind A text widget with embedded windows and other features
@@demo search A search tool built with a text widget
- @@new
@@demo textpeer Peering text widgets
@@subtitle Canvases
@@ -355,7 +349,6 @@ addFormattedText {
@@demo ruler A ruler with adjustable tab stops
@@demo floor A building floor plan
@@demo cscroll A simple scrollable canvas
- @@new
@@demo knightstour A Knight's tour of the chess board
@@subtitle Scales and Progress Bars
@@ -363,38 +356,30 @@ addFormattedText {
@@demo vscale Vertical scale
@@demo ttkscale Themed scale linked to a label with traces
- @@new
@@demo ttkprogress Progress bar
@@subtitle Paned Windows and Notebooks
@@demo paned1 Horizontal paned window
@@demo paned2 Vertical paned window
- @@new
@@demo ttkpane Themed nested panes
- @@new
@@demo ttknote Notebook widget
@@subtitle Menus and Toolbars
@@demo menu Menus and cascades (sub-menus)
@@demo menubu Menu-buttons
- @@new
@@demo ttkmenu Themed menu buttons
- @@new
@@demo toolbar Themed toolbar
@@subtitle Common Dialogs
@@demo msgbox Message boxes
@@demo filebox File selection dialog
@@demo clrpick Color picker
+ @@demo fontchoose Font selection dialog
@@subtitle Animation
- @@new
@@demo anilabel Animated labels
- @@new
@@demo aniwave Animated wave
- @@new
@@demo pendulum Pendulum simulation
- @@new
@@demo goldberg A celebration of Rube Goldberg
@@subtitle Miscellaneous
@@ -579,8 +564,10 @@ proc showCode w {
-xscrollcommand [list $t.xscroll set] \
-yscrollcommand [list $t.yscroll set] \
-setgrid 1 -highlightthickness 0 -pady 2 -padx 3]
- scrollbar $t.xscroll -command [list $t.text xview] -orient horizontal
- scrollbar $t.yscroll -command [list $t.text yview] -orient vertical
+ ttk::scrollbar $t.xscroll -command [list $t.text xview] \
+ -orient horizontal
+ ttk::scrollbar $t.yscroll -command [list $t.text yview] \
+ -orient vertical
grid $t.text $t.yscroll -sticky news
#grid $t.xscroll
@@ -723,10 +710,10 @@ proc PrintTextWin32 {filename} {
proc tkAboutDialog {} {
tk_messageBox -icon info -type ok -title [mc "About Widget Demo"] \
-message [mc "Tk widget demonstration application"] -detail \
-"[mc {Copyright (c) %s} {1996-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.}]
-[mc {Copyright (c) %s} {1997-2000 Ajuba Solutions, Inc.}]
-[mc {Copyright (c) %s} {2001-2007 Donal K. Fellows}]
-[mc {Copyright (c) %s} {2002-2007 Daniel A. Steffen}]"
+"[mc "Copyright \u00a9 %s" {1996-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.}]
+[mc "Copyright \u00a9 %s" {1997-2000 Ajuba Solutions, Inc.}]
+[mc "Copyright \u00a9 %s" {2001-2009 Donal K. Fellows}]
+[mc "Copyright \u00a9 %s" {2002-2007 Daniel A. Steffen}]"
# Local Variables: