path: root/library/ttk/dialog.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'library/ttk/dialog.tcl')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/ttk/dialog.tcl b/library/ttk/dialog.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb3db47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/ttk/dialog.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# $Id: dialog.tcl,v 1.1 2006/10/31 01:42:27 hobbs Exp $
+# Copyright (c) 2005, Joe English. Freely redistributable.
+# Ttk widget set: dialog boxes.
+# TODO: option to keep dialog onscreen ("persistent" / "transient")
+# TODO: accelerator keys.
+# TODO: use message catalogs for button labels
+# TODO: routines to selectively enable/disable individual command buttons
+# TODO: use megawidgetoid API [$dlg dismiss] vs. [ttk::dialog::dismiss $dlg]
+# TODO: MAYBE: option for app-modal dialogs
+# TODO: MAYBE: [wm withdraw] dialog on dismiss instead of self-destructing
+namespace eval ttk::dialog {
+ variable Config
+ #
+ # Spacing parameters:
+ # (taken from GNOME HIG 2.0, may need adjustment for other platforms)
+ # (textwidth just a guess)
+ #
+ set Config(margin) 12 ;# space between icon and text
+ set Config(interspace) 6 ;# horizontal space between buttons
+ set Config(sepspace) 24 ;# vertical space above buttons
+ set Config(textwidth) 400 ;# width of dialog box text (pixels)
+ variable DialogTypes ;# map -type => list of dialog options
+ variable ButtonOptions ;# map button name => list of button options
+ # stockButton -- define new built-in button
+ #
+ proc stockButton {button args} {
+ variable ButtonOptions
+ set ButtonOptions($button) $args
+ }
+ # Built-in button types:
+ #
+ stockButton ok -text OK
+ stockButton cancel -text Cancel
+ stockButton yes -text Yes
+ stockButton no -text No
+ stockButton retry -text Retry
+ # stockDialog -- define new dialog type.
+ #
+ proc stockDialog {type args} {
+ variable DialogTypes
+ set DialogTypes($type) $args
+ }
+ # Built-in dialog types:
+ #
+ stockDialog ok \
+ -icon info -buttons {ok} -default ok
+ stockDialog okcancel \
+ -icon info -buttons {ok cancel} -default ok -cancel cancel
+ stockDialog retrycancel \
+ -icon question -buttons {retry cancel} -cancel cancel
+ stockDialog yesno \
+ -icon question -buttons {yes no}
+ stockDialog yesnocancel \
+ -icon question -buttons {yes no cancel} -cancel cancel
+## ttk::dialog::nop --
+# Do nothing (used as a default callback command).
+proc ttk::dialog::nop {args} { }
+## ttk::dialog -- dialog box constructor.
+interp alias {} ttk::dialog {} ttk::dialog::Constructor
+proc ttk::dialog::Constructor {dlg args} {
+ upvar #0 $dlg D
+ variable Config
+ variable ButtonOptions
+ variable DialogTypes
+ #
+ # Option processing:
+ #
+ array set defaults {
+ -title ""
+ -message ""
+ -detail ""
+ -command ttk::dialog::nop
+ -icon ""
+ -buttons {}
+ -labels {}
+ -default {}
+ -cancel {}
+ -parent #AUTO
+ }
+ array set options [array get defaults]
+ foreach {option value} $args {
+ if {$option eq "-type"} {
+ array set options $DialogTypes($value)
+ } elseif {![info exists options($option)]} {
+ set validOptions [join [lsort [array names options]] ", "]
+ return -code error \
+ "Illegal option $option: must be one of $validOptions"
+ }
+ }
+ array set options $args
+ # ...
+ #
+ array set buttonOptions [array get ::ttk::dialog::ButtonOptions]
+ foreach {button label} $options(-labels) {
+ lappend buttonOptions($button) -text $label
+ }
+ #
+ # Initialize dialog private data:
+ #
+ foreach option {-command -message -detail} {
+ set D($option) $options($option)
+ }
+ toplevel $dlg -class Dialog; wm withdraw $dlg
+ #
+ # Determine default transient parent.
+ #
+ # NB: menus (including menubars) are considered toplevels,
+ # so skip over those.
+ #
+ if {$options(-parent) eq "#AUTO"} {
+ set parent [winfo toplevel [winfo parent $dlg]]
+ while {[winfo class $parent] eq "Menu" && $parent ne "."} {
+ set parent [winfo toplevel [winfo parent $parent]]
+ }
+ set options(-parent) $parent
+ }
+ #
+ # Build dialog:
+ #
+ if {$options(-parent) ne ""} {
+ wm transient $dlg $options(-parent)
+ }
+ wm title $dlg $options(-title)
+ wm protocol $dlg WM_DELETE_WINDOW { }
+ set f [ttk::frame $dlg.f]
+ ttk::label $f.icon
+ if {$options(-icon) ne ""} {
+ $f.icon configure -image [ttk::stockIcon dialog/$options(-icon)]
+ }
+ ttk::label $f.message -textvariable ${dlg}(-message) \
+ -font TkCaptionFont -wraplength $Config(textwidth)\
+ -anchor w -justify left
+ ttk::label $f.detail -textvariable ${dlg}(-detail) \
+ -font TkTextFont -wraplength $Config(textwidth) \
+ -anchor w -justify left
+ #
+ # Command buttons:
+ #
+ set cmd [ttk::frame $f.cmd]
+ set column 0
+ grid columnconfigure $f.cmd 0 -weight 1
+ foreach button $options(-buttons) {
+ incr column
+ eval [linsert $buttonOptions($button) 0 ttk::button $cmd.$button]
+ $cmd.$button configure -command [list ttk::dialog::Done $dlg $button]
+ grid $cmd.$button -row 0 -column $column \
+ -padx [list $Config(interspace) 0] -sticky ew
+ grid columnconfigure $cmd $column -uniform buttons
+ }
+ if {$options(-default) ne ""} {
+ keynav::defaultButton $cmd.$options(-default)
+ focus $cmd.$options(-default)
+ }
+ if {$options(-cancel) ne ""} {
+ bind $dlg <KeyPress-Escape> \
+ [list event generate $cmd.$options(-cancel) <<Invoke>>]
+ wm protocol $dlg WM_DELETE_WINDOW \
+ [list event generate $cmd.$options(-cancel) <<Invoke>>]
+ }
+ #
+ # Assemble dialog.
+ #
+ pack $f.cmd -side bottom -expand false -fill x \
+ -pady [list $Config(sepspace) $Config(margin)] -padx $Config(margin)
+ if {0} {
+ # GNOME and Apple HIGs say not to use separators.
+ # But in case we want them anyway:
+ #
+ pack [ttk::separator $f.sep -orient horizontal] \
+ -side bottom -expand false -fill x \
+ -pady [list $Config(sepspace) 0] \
+ -padx $Config(margin)
+ }
+ if {$options(-icon) ne ""} {
+ pack $f.icon -side left -anchor n -expand false \
+ -pady $Config(margin) -padx $Config(margin)
+ }
+ pack $f.message -side top -expand false -fill x \
+ -padx $Config(margin) -pady $Config(margin)
+ if {$options(-detail) != ""} {
+ pack $f.detail -side top -expand false -fill x \
+ -padx $Config(margin)
+ }
+ # Client area goes here.
+ pack $f -expand true -fill both
+ keynav::enableMnemonics $dlg
+ wm deiconify $dlg
+## ttk::dialog::clientframe --
+# Returns the widget path of the dialog client frame,
+# creating and managing it if necessary.
+proc ttk::dialog::clientframe {dlg} {
+ variable Config
+ set client $dlg.f.client
+ if {![winfo exists $client]} {
+ pack [ttk::frame $client] -side top -expand true -fill both \
+ -pady $Config(margin) -padx $Config(margin)
+ lower $client ;# so it's first in keyboard traversal order
+ }
+ return $client
+## ttk::dialog::Done --
+# -command callback for dialog command buttons (internal)
+proc ttk::dialog::Done {dlg button} {
+ upvar #0 $dlg D
+ set rc [catch [linsert $D(-command) end $button] result]
+ if {$rc == 1} {
+ return -code $rc -errorinfo $::errorInfo -errorcode $::errorCode $result
+ } elseif {$rc == 3 || $rc == 4} {
+ # break or continue -- don't dismiss dialog
+ return
+ }
+ dismiss $dlg
+## ttk::dialog::activate $dlg $button --
+# Simulate a button press.
+proc ttk::dialog::activate {dlg button} {
+ event generate $dlg.f.cmd.$button <<Invoke>>
+## dismiss --
+# Dismiss the dialog (without invoking any actions).
+proc ttk::dialog::dismiss {dlg} {
+ uplevel #0 [list unset $dlg]
+ destroy $dlg