path: root/library/ttk/sizegrip.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'library/ttk/sizegrip.tcl')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/ttk/sizegrip.tcl b/library/ttk/sizegrip.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1b87b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/ttk/sizegrip.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# $Id: sizegrip.tcl,v 1.1 2006/10/31 01:42:27 hobbs Exp $
+# Ttk widget set -- sizegrip widget bindings.
+# Dragging a sizegrip widget resizes the containing toplevel.
+# NOTE: the sizegrip widget must be in the lower right hand corner.
+option add *TSizegrip.cursor $::ttk::Cursors(seresize)
+namespace eval ttk::sizegrip {
+ variable State
+ array set State {
+ pressed 0
+ pressX 0
+ pressY 0
+ width 0
+ height 0
+ widthInc 1
+ heightInc 1
+ toplevel {}
+ }
+bind TSizegrip <ButtonPress-1> { ttk::sizegrip::Press %W %X %Y }
+bind TSizegrip <B1-Motion> { ttk::sizegrip::Drag %W %X %Y }
+bind TSizegrip <ButtonRelease-1> { ttk::sizegrip::Release %W %X %Y }
+proc ttk::sizegrip::Press {W X Y} {
+ variable State
+ set top [winfo toplevel $W]
+ # Sanity-checks:
+ # If a negative X or Y position was specified for [wm geometry],
+ # just bail out -- there's no way to handle this cleanly.
+ #
+ if {[scan [wm geometry $top] "%dx%d+%d+%d" width height _x _y] != 4} {
+ return;
+ }
+ # Account for gridded geometry:
+ #
+ set grid [wm grid $top]
+ if {[llength $grid]} {
+ set State(widthInc) [lindex $grid 2]
+ set State(heightInc) [lindex $grid 3]
+ } else {
+ set State(widthInc) [set State(heightInc) 1]
+ }
+ set State(toplevel) $top
+ set State(pressX) $X
+ set State(pressY) $Y
+ set State(width) $width
+ set State(height) $height
+ set State(pressed) 1
+proc ttk::sizegrip::Drag {W X Y} {
+ variable State
+ if {!$State(pressed)} { return }
+ set w [expr {$State(width) + ($X - $State(pressX))/$State(widthInc)}]
+ set h [expr {$State(height) + ($Y - $State(pressY))/$State(heightInc)}]
+ if {$w <= 0} { set w 1 }
+ if {$h <= 0} { set h 1 }
+ wm geometry $State(toplevel) ${w}x${h}
+proc ttk::sizegrip::Release {W X Y} {
+ variable State
+ set State(pressed) 0