path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 299 deletions
diff --git a/tests/canvText.test b/tests/canvText.test
index 96a362a..2ca02f0 100644
--- a/tests/canvText.test
+++ b/tests/canvText.test
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# All rights reserved.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id: canvText.test,v 1.21 2008/10/11 06:47:25 dkf Exp $
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: canvText.test,v 1.22 2008/11/22 18:08:51 dkf Exp $
package require tcltest 2.2
namespace import ::tcltest::*
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ test canvText-1.1 {configuration options: good value for "anchor"} -body {
test canvasText-1.2 {configuration options: bad value for "anchor"} -body {
.c itemconfigure test -anchor xyz
} -returnCodes error -result {bad anchor position "xyz": must be n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw, or center}
test canvText-1.3 {configuration options: good value for "fill"} -body {
.c itemconfigure test -fill #ff0000
list [lindex [.c itemconfigure test -fill] 4] [.c itemcget test -fill]
@@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ test canvText-1.5 {configuration options: good value for "fill"} -body {
.c itemconfigure test -fill {}
list [lindex [.c itemconfigure test -fill] 4] [.c itemcget test -fill]
} -result {{} {}}
test canvText-1.6 {configuration options: good value for "font"} -body {
.c itemconfigure test -font {Times 40}
list [lindex [.c itemconfigure test -font] 4] [.c itemcget test -font]
@@ -47,7 +45,6 @@ test canvText-1.6 {configuration options: good value for "font"} -body {
test canvasText-1.7 {configuration options: bad value for "font"} -body {
.c itemconfigure test -font {}
} -returnCodes error -result {font "" doesn't exist}
test canvText-1.8 {configuration options: good value for "justify"} -body {
.c itemconfigure test -justify left
list [lindex [.c itemconfigure test -justify] 4] [.c itemcget test -justify]
@@ -55,7 +52,6 @@ test canvText-1.8 {configuration options: good value for "justify"} -body {
test canvasText-1.9 {configuration options: bad value for "justify"} -body {
.c itemconfigure test -justify xyz
} -returnCodes error -result {bad justification "xyz": must be left, right, or center}
test canvText-1.10 {configuration options: good value for "stipple"} -body {
.c itemconfigure test -stipple gray50
list [lindex [.c itemconfigure test -stipple] 4] [.c itemcget test -stipple]
@@ -63,7 +59,6 @@ test canvText-1.10 {configuration options: good value for "stipple"} -body {
test canvasText-1.11 {configuration options: bad value for "stipple"} -body {
.c itemconfigure test -stipple xyz
} -returnCodes error -result {bitmap "xyz" not defined}
test canvText-1.12 {configuration options: good value for "underline"} -body {
.c itemconfigure test -underline 0
list [lindex [.c itemconfigure test -underline] 4] [.c itemcget test -underline]
@@ -71,7 +66,6 @@ test canvText-1.12 {configuration options: good value for "underline"} -body {
test canvasText-1.13 {configuration options: bad value for "underline"} -body {
.c itemconfigure test -underline xyz
} -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "xyz"}
test canvText-1.14 {configuration options: good value for "width"} -body {
.c itemconfigure test -width 6
list [lindex [.c itemconfigure test -width] 4] [.c itemcget test -width]
@@ -79,11 +73,25 @@ test canvText-1.14 {configuration options: good value for "width"} -body {
test canvasText-1.15 {configuration options: bad value for "width"} -body {
.c itemconfigure test -width xyz
} -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "xyz"}
test canvText-1.16 {configuration options: good value for "tags"} -body {
.c itemconfigure test -tags {test a b c}
list [lindex [.c itemconfigure test -tags] 4] [.c itemcget test -tags]
} -result {{test a b c} {test a b c}}
+test canvasText-1.17 {configuration options: bad value for "angle"} -body {
+ .c itemconfigure test -angle xyz
+} -returnCodes error -result {expected floating-point number but got "xyz"}
+test canvasText-1.18 {configuration options: good value for "angle"} -body {
+ .c itemconfigure test -angle 32.5
+ list [lindex [.c itemconfigure test -angle] 4] [.c itemcget test -angle]
+} -result {32.5 32.5}
+test canvasText-1.19 {configuration options: bounding of "angle"} -body {
+ .c itemconfigure test -angle 390
+ set result [.c itemcget test -angle]
+ .c itemconfigure test -angle -30
+ lappend result [.c itemcget test -angle]
+ .c itemconfigure test -angle -360
+ lappend result [.c itemcget test -angle]
+} -result {30.0 330.0 0.0}
.c delete test
@@ -93,17 +101,17 @@ test canvText-2.1 {CreateText procedure: args} -body {
test canvText-2.2 {CreateText procedure: args} -body {
.c create text xyz 0
} -cleanup {
- .c delete all
+ .c delete all
} -returnCodes {error} -result {bad screen distance "xyz"}
test canvText-2.3 {CreateText procedure: args} -body {
.c create text 0 xyz
} -cleanup {
- .c delete all
+ .c delete all
} -returnCodes {error} -result {bad screen distance "xyz"}
test canvText-2.4 {CreateText procedure: args} -body {
.c create text 0 0 -xyz xyz
} -cleanup {
- .c delete all
+ .c delete all
} -returnCodes {error} -result {unknown option "-xyz"}
test canvText-2.5 {CreateText procedure} -body {
.c create text 0 0 -tags x
@@ -114,29 +122,29 @@ test canvText-2.5 {CreateText procedure} -body {
test canvText-3.1 {TextCoords procedure} -body {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- .c coords test 0 0
- update
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ .c coords test 0 0
+ update
.c coords test
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {0.0 0.0}
test canvText-3.2 {TextCoords procedure} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
} -body {
.c coords test xyz 0
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -returnCodes {error} -result {bad screen distance "xyz"}
test canvText-3.3 {TextCoords procedure} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
} -body {
.c coords test 0 xyz
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -returnCodes {error} -result {bad screen distance "xyz"}
test canvText-3.4 {TextCoords procedure} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
} -body {
.c coords test 10 10
set result {}
@@ -145,75 +153,73 @@ test canvText-3.4 {TextCoords procedure} -setup {
return $result
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {10.0 10.0}
test canvText-3.5 {TextCoords procedure} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
} -body {
.c coords test 10
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -returnCodes {error} -result {wrong # coordinates: expected 2, got 1}
test canvText-3.6 {TextCoords procedure} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
} -body {
.c coords test 10 10 10
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -returnCodes {error} -result {wrong # coordinates: expected 0 or 2, got 3}
test canvText-4.1 {ConfigureText procedure} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
} -body {
.c itemconfig test -fill xyz
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -returnCodes {error} -result {unknown color name "xyz"}
test canvText-4.2 {ConfigureText procedure} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
} -body {
.c itemconfig test -fill blue
.c itemcget test -fill
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {blue}
test canvText-4.3 {ConfigureText procedure: construct font gcs} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
} -body {
.c itemconfig test -font "times 20" -fill black -stipple gray50
list [.c itemcget test -font] [.c itemcget test -fill] [.c itemcget test -stipple]
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {{times 20} black gray50}
test canvText-4.4 {ConfigureText procedure: construct cursor gc} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
.c itemconfig test -text "abcdefg"
.c select from test 2
.c select to test 4
.c icursor test 3
# Both black -> cursor becomes white.
.c config -insertbackground black
.c config -selectbackground black
.c itemconfig test -just left
# Both same color (and not black) -> cursor becomes black.
.c config -insertbackground red
.c config -selectbackground red
.c itemconfig test -just left
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {}
test canvText-4.5 {ConfigureText procedure: adjust selection} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
set x {}
} -body {
.c itemconfig test -text "abcdefghi"
@@ -235,10 +241,10 @@ test canvText-4.5 {ConfigureText procedure: adjust selection} -setup {
.c dchars test 4 end
lappend x [selection get]
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {cdefg 1 cdefg cd cdef cd}
test canvText-4.6 {ConfigureText procedure: adjust cursor} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
} -body {
.c itemconfig test -text "abcdefghi"
.c icursor test 6
@@ -250,154 +256,128 @@ test canvText-4.6 {ConfigureText procedure: adjust cursor} -setup {
test canvText-5.1 {ConfigureText procedure: adjust cursor} -body {
- .c create text 10 10 -tag x -fill blue -font "times 40" -stipple gray50 -text "xyz"
+ .c create text 10 10 -tag x -fill blue -font "times 40" -stipple gray50 \
+ -text "xyz"
.c delete x
} -result {}
-test canvText-6.1 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- .c delete test
+test canvText-6.1 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints fonts -setup {
+ .c delete test
} -body {
- set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
- set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
- set ax [font measure $font 0]
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+ set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
+ set ax [font measure $font 0]
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
.c itemconfig test -font $font -text 0
expr {[.c itemconfig test -anchor n; .c bbox test] \
- eq "[expr -$ax/2-1] 0 [expr $ax/2+1] $ay"}
+ eq "[expr -$ax/2-1] 0 [expr $ax/2+1] $ay"}
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result 1
-test canvText-6.2 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- .c delete test
+test canvText-6.2 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints fonts -setup {
+ .c delete test
} -body {
- set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
- set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
- set ax [font measure $font 0]
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+ set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
+ set ax [font measure $font 0]
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
.c itemconfig test -font $font -text 0
expr {[.c itemconfig test -anchor nw; .c bbox test] \
- eq "-1 0 [expr $ax+1] $ay"}
+ eq "-1 0 [expr $ax+1] $ay"}
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result 1
-test canvText-6.3 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- .c delete test
+test canvText-6.3 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints fonts -setup {
+ .c delete test
} -body {
- set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
- set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
- set ax [font measure $font 0]
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+ set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
+ set ax [font measure $font 0]
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
.c itemconfig test -font $font -text 0
expr {[.c itemconfig test -anchor w; .c bbox test] \
- eq "-1 [expr -$ay/2] [expr $ax+1] [expr $ay/2]"}
+ eq "-1 [expr -$ay/2] [expr $ax+1] [expr $ay/2]"}
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result 1
-test canvText-6.4 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- .c delete test
+test canvText-6.4 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints fonts -setup {
+ .c delete test
} -body {
- set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
- set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
- set ax [font measure $font 0]
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+ set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
+ set ax [font measure $font 0]
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
.c itemconfig test -font $font -text 0
expr {[.c itemconfig test -anchor sw; .c bbox test] \
- eq "-1 -$ay [expr $ax+1] 0"}
+ eq "-1 -$ay [expr $ax+1] 0"}
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result 1
-test canvText-6.5 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- .c delete test
+test canvText-6.5 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints fonts -setup {
+ .c delete test
} -body {
- set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
- set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
- set ax [font measure $font 0]
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+ set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
+ set ax [font measure $font 0]
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
.c itemconfig test -font $font -text 0
expr {[.c itemconfig test -anchor s; .c bbox test] \
- eq "[expr -$ax/2-1] -$ay [expr $ax/2+1] 0"}
+ eq "[expr -$ax/2-1] -$ay [expr $ax/2+1] 0"}
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result 1
-test canvText-6.6 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- .c delete test
+test canvText-6.6 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints fonts -setup {
+ .c delete test
} -body {
- set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
- set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
- set ax [font measure $font 0]
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+ set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
+ set ax [font measure $font 0]
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
.c itemconfig test -font $font -text 0
expr {[.c itemconfig test -anchor se; .c bbox test] \
- eq "[expr -$ax-1] -$ay 1 0"}
+ eq "[expr -$ax-1] -$ay 1 0"}
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result 1
-test canvText-6.7 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- .c delete test
+test canvText-6.7 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints fonts -setup {
+ .c delete test
} -body {
- set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
- set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
- set ax [font measure $font 0]
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+ set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
+ set ax [font measure $font 0]
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
.c itemconfig test -font $font -text 0
expr {[.c itemconfig test -anchor e; .c bbox test]\
- eq "[expr -$ax-1] [expr -$ay/2] 1 [expr $ay/2]"}
+ eq "[expr -$ax-1] [expr -$ay/2] 1 [expr $ay/2]"}
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result 1
-test canvText-6.8 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- .c delete test
+test canvText-6.8 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints fonts -setup {
+ .c delete test
} -body {
- set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
- set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
- set ax [font measure $font 0]
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+ set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
+ set ax [font measure $font 0]
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
.c itemconfig test -font $font -text 0
expr {[.c itemconfig test -anchor ne; .c bbox test] \
- eq "[expr -$ax-1] 0 1 $ay"}
+ eq "[expr -$ax-1] 0 1 $ay"}
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result 1
-test canvText-6.9 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- .c delete test
+test canvText-6.9 {ComputeTextBbox procedure} -constraints fonts -setup {
+ .c delete test
} -body {
- set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
- set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
- set ax [font measure $font 0]
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ set font "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-200-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+ set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
+ set ax [font measure $font 0]
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
.c itemconfig test -font $font -text 0
expr {[.c itemconfig test -anchor center; .c bbox test] \
- eq "[expr -$ax/2-1] [expr -$ay/2] [expr $ax/2+1] [expr $ay/2]"}
+ eq "[expr -$ax/2-1] [expr -$ay/2] [expr $ax/2+1] [expr $ay/2]"}
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result 1
@@ -409,100 +389,100 @@ focus .c
.c focus test
.c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
test canvText-7.1 {DisplayText procedure: stippling} -body {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
.c itemconfig test -stipple gray50
.c itemconfig test -stipple {}
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {}
test canvText-7.2 {DisplayText procedure: draw selection} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
- .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
+ .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
.c select from test 0
.c select to test end
selection get
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
test canvText-7.3 {DisplayText procedure: selection} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
- .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
+ .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
.c select from test 0
.c select to test end
selection get
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
test canvText-7.4 {DisplayText procedure: one line selection} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
- .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
+ .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
.c select from test 2
.c select to test 3
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {}
test canvText-7.5 {DisplayText procedure: multi-line selection} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
- .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
+ .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
.c select from test 2
.c select to test 12
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {}
test canvText-7.6 {DisplayText procedure: draw cursor} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
- .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
+ .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
.c icursor test 3
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {}
test canvText-7.7 {DisplayText procedure: selected text different color} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
.c config -selectforeground blue
.c itemconfig test -anchor n
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {}
test canvText-7.8 {DisplayText procedure: not selected} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
.c select clear
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {}
test canvText-7.9 {DisplayText procedure: select end} -setup {
- destroy .t
+ destroy .t
} -body {
toplevel .t
wm geometry .t +0+0
@@ -516,26 +496,26 @@ test canvText-7.9 {DisplayText procedure: select end} -setup {
#catch {destroy .t}
} -cleanup {
- destroy .t
+ destroy .t
} -result {}
test canvText-8.1 {TextInsert procedure: 0 length insert} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ .c itemconfig test -text "abcd\nefghi\njklmnopq"
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
.c insert test end {}
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {}
test canvText-8.2 {TextInsert procedure: before beginning/after end} -body {
# Can't test this because GetTextIndex filters out those numbers.
} -result {}
test canvText-8.3 {TextInsert procedure: inserting in a selected item} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
.c itemconfig test -text "abcdefg"
.c select from test 2
@@ -544,9 +524,9 @@ test canvText-8.3 {TextInsert procedure: inserting in a selected item} -setup {
.c itemcget test -text
} -result {axyzbcdefg}
test canvText-8.4 {TextInsert procedure: inserting before selection} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
.c itemconfig test -text "abcdefg"
.c select from test 2
@@ -555,9 +535,9 @@ test canvText-8.4 {TextInsert procedure: inserting before selection} -setup {
list [.c index test sel.first] [.c index test sel.last]
} -result {5 7}
test canvText-8.5 {TextInsert procedure: inserting in selection} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
.c itemconfig test -text "abcdefg"
.c select from test 2
@@ -566,9 +546,9 @@ test canvText-8.5 {TextInsert procedure: inserting in selection} -setup {
list [.c index test sel.first] [.c index test sel.last]
} -result {2 7}
test canvText-8.6 {TextInsert procedure: inserting after selection} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
.c itemconfig test -text "abcdefg"
.c select from test 2
@@ -577,9 +557,9 @@ test canvText-8.6 {TextInsert procedure: inserting after selection} -setup {
list [.c index test sel.first] [.c index test sel.last]
} -result {2 4}
test canvText-8.7 {TextInsert procedure: inserting in unselected item} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
.c itemconfig test -text "abcdefg"
.c select clear
@@ -587,9 +567,9 @@ test canvText-8.7 {TextInsert procedure: inserting in unselected item} -setup {
.c itemcget test -text
} -result {abcdexyzfg}
test canvText-8.8 {TextInsert procedure: inserting before cursor} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
.c itemconfig test -text "abcdefg"
.c icursor test 3
@@ -597,9 +577,9 @@ test canvText-8.8 {TextInsert procedure: inserting before cursor} -setup {
.c index test insert
} -result {6}
test canvText-8.9 {TextInsert procedure: inserting after cursor} -setup {
- .c create text 20 20 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
+ .c create text 20 20 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
} -body {
.c itemconfig test -text "abcdefg"
.c icursor test 3
@@ -712,7 +692,7 @@ test canvText-9.15 {TextInsert procedure: cursor doesn't move} -body {
test canvText-10.1 {TextToPoint procedure} -body {
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
.c itemconfig test -text 0 -anchor center
.c index test @0,0
} -cleanup {
@@ -721,22 +701,22 @@ test canvText-10.1 {TextToPoint procedure} -body {
test canvText-11.1 {TextToArea procedure} -setup {
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
-} -body {
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
+} -body {
.c itemconfig test -text 0 -anchor center
- set res1 [.c find overlapping 0 0 1 1]
- set res2 [.c find withtag test]
- expr {$res1 eq $res2}
+ set res1 [.c find overlapping 0 0 1 1]
+ set res2 [.c find withtag test]
+ expr {$res1 eq $res2}
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result 1
test canvText-11.2 {TextToArea procedure} -setup {
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
-} -body {
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
+} -body {
.c itemconfig test -text 0 -anchor center
.c find overlapping 1000 1000 1001 1001
} -cleanup {
@@ -745,7 +725,7 @@ test canvText-11.2 {TextToArea procedure} -setup {
test canvText-12.1 {ScaleText procedure} -body {
- .c create text 100 100 -tag test
+ .c create text 100 100 -tag test
.c scale all 50 50 2 2
format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.c coords test]
} -cleanup {
@@ -763,61 +743,60 @@ test canvText-13.1 {TranslateText procedure} -body {
test canvText-14.1 {GetTextIndex procedure} -setup {
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
-} -body {
- .c itemconfig test -text "abcdefghijklmno" -anchor nw
- .c select from test 5
- .c select to test 8
- .c icursor test 12
- .c coords test 0 0
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
+} -body {
+ .c itemconfig test -text "abcdefghijklmno" -anchor nw
+ .c select from test 5
+ .c select to test 8
+ .c icursor test 12
+ .c coords test 0 0
list [.c index test end] [.c index test insert] \
[.c index test sel.first] [.c index test sel.last] \
[.c index test @0,0] \
[.c index test -1] [.c index test 10] [.c index test 100]
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {15 12 5 8 0 0 10 15}
test canvText-14.2 {GetTextIndex procedure: select error} -setup {
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
-} -body {
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
+} -body {
.c select clear
.c index test sel.first
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -returnCodes {error} -result {selection isn't in item}
test canvText-14.3 {GetTextIndex procedure: select error} -setup {
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
-} -body {
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
+} -body {
.c select clear
.c index test sel.last
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -returnCodes {error} -result {selection isn't in item}
test canvText-14.4 {GetTextIndex procedure: select error} -setup {
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
-} -body {
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
+} -body {
.c select clear
.c index test sel.
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -returnCodes {error} -result {bad index "sel."}
test canvText-14.5 {GetTextIndex procedure: bad int or unknown index} -setup {
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
-} -body {
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
+} -body {
.c index test xyz
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -returnCodes {error} -result {bad index "xyz"}
test canvText-14.6 {select clear errors} -setup {
.c create text 0 0 -tag test
@@ -828,54 +807,51 @@ test canvText-14.6 {select clear errors} -setup {
} -returnCodes error -result "wrong \# args: should be \".c select clear\""
test canvText-15.1 {SetTextCursor procedure} -setup {
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
-} -body {
- .c itemconfig test -text "abcdefghijklmno" -anchor nw
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
+} -body {
+ .c itemconfig test -text "abcdefghijklmno" -anchor nw
.c itemconfig -text "abcdefg"
.c icursor test 3
.c index test insert
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {3}
test canvText-16.1 {GetSelText procedure} -setup {
- .c create text 0 0 -tag test
- focus .c
- .c focus test
-} -body {
+ .c create text 0 0 -tag test
+ focus .c
+ .c focus test
+} -body {
.c itemconfig test -text "abcdefghijklmno" -anchor nw
.c select from test 5
.c select to test 8
selection get
} -cleanup {
- .c delete test
+ .c delete test
} -result {fghi}
test canvText-17.1 {TextToPostscript procedure} -setup {
.c delete all
-} -body {
- set font {Courier 12 italic}
- set ax [font measure $font 0]
- set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
- set result "/Courier-Oblique findfont [font actual $font -size] scalefont ISOEncode setfont
+ set result {/Courier-Oblique findfont [font actual $font -size] scalefont ISOEncode setfont
0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor AdjustColor
-100 200 \[
+0 100 200 \[
-] $ay -0.5 0.0 0 false DrawText
+\] $ay -0.5 0 0 false DrawText
restore showpage
+} -body {
+ set font {Courier 12 italic}
+ set ax [font measure $font 0]
+ set ay [font metrics $font -linespace]
.c config -height 300 -highlightthickness 0 -bd 0
.c create text 100 100 -tags test
@@ -883,8 +859,8 @@ end
.c itemconfig test -anchor n -fill black
set x [.c postscript]
set x [string range $x [string first "/Courier-Oblique" $x] end]
- expr {$x eq $result}
-} -result 1
+ expr {$x eq [subst $result] ? "ok" : $x}
+} -result ok
test canvText-18.1 {bug fix 2525, find enclosed on text with newlines} -setup {
destroy .c
@@ -898,23 +874,19 @@ test canvText-18.1 {bug fix 2525, find enclosed on text with newlines} -setup {
.c find enclosed 99 99 [expr $x2 + 1] [expr $y2 + 1]
} -cleanup {
- destroy .c
+ destroy .c
} -result 1
test canvText-19.1 {patch 1006286, leading space caused wrap under Win32} -setup {
destroy .c
-} -body {
set c [canvas .c -bg black -width 964]
pack $c
$c delete all
- after 1000 "set done 1" ; vwait done
+ after 100 "set done 1"; vwait done
+} -body {
set f {Arial 28 bold}
set s1 { Yeah-ah-ah-ah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-Yow}
set s2 { Yeah ah ah ah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Yow}
$c create text 21 18 \
-font $f \
-text $s1 \
@@ -922,8 +894,7 @@ test canvText-19.1 {patch 1006286, leading space caused wrap under Win32} -setup
-width 922 \
-anchor nw \
-tags tbox1
- eval {$c create rect} [$c bbox tbox1] -outline red
+ $c create rect {*}[$c bbox tbox1] -outline red
$c create text 21 160 \
-font $f \
-text $s2 \
@@ -931,38 +902,50 @@ test canvText-19.1 {patch 1006286, leading space caused wrap under Win32} -setup
-width 922 \
-anchor nw \
-tags tbox2
- eval {$c create rect} [$c bbox tbox2] -outline red
- after 1000 "set done 1" ; vwait done
+ $c create rect {*}[$c bbox tbox2] -outline red
+ after 500 "set done 1" ; vwait done
set results [list]
$c select from tbox2 4
$c select to tbox2 8
lappend results [selection get]
$c select from tbox1 4
$c select to tbox1 8
lappend results [selection get]
array set metrics [font metrics $f]
set x [expr {21 + [font measure $f " "] \
+ ([font measure {Arial 28 bold} "Y"] / 2)}]
set y1 [expr {18 + ($metrics(-linespace) / 2)}]
set y2 [expr {160 + ($metrics(-linespace) / 2)}]
lappend results [$c index tbox1 @$x,$y1]
lappend results [$c index tbox2 @$x,$y2]
- return $results
} -cleanup {
- destroy .c
+ destroy .c
} -result {{Yeah } Yeah- 4 4}
+test canvText-20.1 {angled text bounding box} -setup {
+ destroy .c
+ canvas .c
+ proc transpose {bbox} {
+ lassign $bbox a b c d
+ list $b $a $d $c
+ }
+} -body {
+ .c create text 2 2 -tag t -anchor center -text 0 -font {Helvetica 24}
+ set bb0 [.c bbox t]
+ .c itemconf t -angle 90
+ set bb1 [.c bbox t]
+ .c itemconf t -angle 180
+ set bb2 [.c bbox t]
+ .c itemconf t -angle 270
+ set bb3 [.c bbox t]
+ list [expr {$bb0 eq $bb2 ? "ok" : "$bb0,$bb2"}] \
+ [expr {$bb1 eq $bb3 ? "ok" : "$bb1,$bb3"}] \
+ [expr {$bb0 eq [transpose $bb1] ? "ok" : "$bb0,$bb1"}] \
+} -cleanup {
+ destroy .c
+ rename transpose {}
+} -result {ok ok ok}
# cleanup