From 145840ca6f6edfb0993d3eb9ac0dedeb9398a2e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dkf <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 22:57:02 +0000
Subject: Better docs of [$photo put].  [Bug 728952]

 ChangeLog   |  4 ++++
 doc/photo.n | 23 +++++++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index d48f553..314ba7c 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 2003-07-17  Donal K. Fellows  <>
+	* doc/photo.n: [$photo put] has been able to take rectangles of
+	pixel colours, specified as lists of lists, for years.  Now this
+	is a documented feature.  [Bug 728952]
 	* doc/panedwindow.n: Removed warning invalidated by fix from Bug
 	738143. [Bug 747814]
diff --git a/doc/photo.n b/doc/photo.n
index 071ae9f..d5113c4 100644
--- a/doc/photo.n
+++ b/doc/photo.n
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 '\"	    Department of Computer Science,
 '\"	    Australian National University.
-'\" RCS: @(#) $Id: photo.n,v 1.15 2003/07/14 22:58:26 dkf Exp $
+'\" RCS: @(#) $Id: photo.n,v 1.16 2003/07/17 22:57:03 dkf Exp $
 .so man.macros
 .TH photo n 4.0 Tk "Tk Built-In Commands"
@@ -245,9 +245,13 @@ Sets pixels in \fI imageName\fR to the data specified in \fIdata\fR.
 This command first searches the list of image file format handlers for
 a handler that can interpret the data in \fIdata\fR, and then reads
 the image encoded within into \fIimageName\fR (the destination image).
-Note that \fIdata\fR may also be a single color name if you wish to
-fill a rectangular region with that color.  The following options may
-be specified:
+If \fIdata\fR does not match any known format, an attempt to interpret
+it as a (top-to-bottom) list of scan-lines is made, with each
+scan-line being a (left-to-right) list of pixel colors (see
+\fBTk_GetColor\fR for a description of valid colors.)  Every scan-line
+must be of the same length.  Note that when \fIdata\fR is a single
+color name, you are instructing Tk to fill a rectangular region with
+that color.  The following options may be specified:
 \fB\-format \fIformat-name\fR
@@ -257,10 +261,13 @@ Specifically, only image file format handlers whose names begin with
 format handler to read the data.
 \fB\-to \fIx1 y1\fR ?\fIx2 y2\fR?
-Specifies the coordinates of the top-left corner (\fIx1\fR,\fIy1\fR) of the
-region of \fIimageName\fR into which data from \fIfilename\fR are to be
-read.  The default is (0,0).  If \fIx2\fR,\fIy2\fR is given and \fIdata\fR
-is one color value, then a region extending to the bottom-right corner
+Specifies the coordinates of the top-left corner (\fIx1\fR,\fIy1\fR)
+of the region of \fIimageName\fR into which data from \fIfilename\fR
+are to be read.  The default is (0,0).  If \fIx2\fR,\fIy2\fR is given
+and \fIdata\fR is not large enough to cover the rectangle specified by
+this option, the image data extracted will be tiled so it covers the
+entire destination rectangle.  Note that if \fIdata\fR specifies a
+single color value, then a region extending to the bottom-right corner
 represented by (\fIx2\fR,\fIy2\fR) will be filled with that color.
cgit v0.12