'\" Copyright (c) 2005 Joe English
'\" See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
'\" of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
'\" RCS: @(#) $Id: ttk_labelframe.n,v 1.3 2006/12/13 23:04:33 hobbs Exp $
.so man.macros
.TH ttk_labelframe n 8.5 Tk "Tk Themed Widget"
.\" Use _ instead of :: as the name becomes a filename on install
ttk_labelframe \- Container widget with optional label
\fBttk::labelframe\fR \fIpathName \fR?\fIoptions\fR?

A \fBttk::labelframe\fR widget is a container used to group other widgets
together.  It has an optional label, which may be a plain text string or
another widget.
\-class	\-cursor	\-takefocus	\-style

'\" XXX: Currently included, but may go away: 
'\" XXX: .OP -borderwidth borderWidth BorderWidth
'\" XXX: The desired width of the widget border.  Default is theme-dependent.
'\" XXX: .OP -relief relief Relief
'\" XXX: One of the standard Tk border styles:
'\" XXX: \fBflat\fR, \fBgroove\fR, \fBraised\fR, \fBridge\fR,
'\" XXX: \fBsolid\fR, or \fBsunken\fR.
'\" XXX: Default is theme-dependent.
.OP -labelanchor labelAnchor LabelAnchor
Specifies where to place the label.  
Allowed values are (clockwise from the top upper left corner):
\fBnw\fR, \fBn\fR, \fBne\fR, \fBen\fR, \fBe\fR, \fBes\fR,
\fBse\fR, \fBs\fR,\fBsw\fR, \fBws\fR, \fBw\fR and \fBwn\fR.
The default value is theme-dependent.
'\" Alternate explanation: The first character must be one of n, s, e, or w
'\" and specifies which side the label should be placed on;
'\" the remaining characters specify how the label is aligned on that side.
'\" NOTE: Now allows other values as well; leave this undocumented for now
.OP -text text Text
Specifies the text of the label.
.OP -underline underline Underline
If set, specifies the integer index (0-based) of a character to 
underline in the text string.
The underlined character is used for mnemonic activation.  
Mnemonic activation for a \fBttk::labelframe\fR 
sets the keyboard focus to the first child of the \fBttk::labelframe\fR widget.
.OP -padding padding Padding
Additional padding to include inside the border.
.OP -labelwidget labelWidget LabelWidget
The name of a widget to use for the label.
If set, overrides the \fB-text\fR option.
The \fB-labelwidget\fR must be a child of the \fBlabelframe\fR widget
or one of the \fBlabelframe\fR's ancestors, and must belong to the
same top-level widget as the \fBlabelframe\fR.
.OP -width width Width
If specified, the widget's requested width in pixels.
.OP -height height Height
If specified, the widget's requested height in pixels.
(See \fIttk_frame(n)\fR for further notes on \fB-width\fR and \fB-height\fR).

Supports the standard widget commands
\fBconfigure\fR, \fBcget\fR, \fBinstate\fR, and \fBstate\fR;
see \fIttk_widget(n)\fR.

ttk_widget(n), ttk_frame(n), labelframe(n)

widget, frame, container, label, groupbox