/* * Entry.c -- * * This module implements entry and spinbox widgets for the Tk toolkit. * An entry displays a string and allows the string to be edited. * A spinbox expands on the entry by adding up/down buttons that control * the value of the entry widget. * * Copyright (c) 1990-1994 The Regents of the University of California. * Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2000 Ajuba Solutions. * Copyright (c) 2002 ActiveState Corporation. * * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. * * RCS: @(#) $Id: tkEntry.c,v 2007/04/29 02:24:02 das Exp $ */ #include "tkInt.h" #include "default.h" #include "tkEntry.h" /* * The following macro defines how many extra pixels to leave on each * side of the text in the entry. */ #define XPAD 1 #define YPAD 1 /* * A comparison function for double values. For Spinboxes. */ #define MIN_DBL_VAL 1E-9 #define DOUBLES_EQ(d1, d2) (fabs((d1) - (d2)) < MIN_DBL_VAL) static char *stateStrings[] = { "disabled", "normal", "readonly", (char *) NULL }; /* * Definitions for -validate option values: */ static char *validateStrings[] = { "all", "key", "focus", "focusin", "focusout", "none", (char *) NULL }; enum validateType { VALIDATE_ALL, VALIDATE_KEY, VALIDATE_FOCUS, VALIDATE_FOCUSIN, VALIDATE_FOCUSOUT, VALIDATE_NONE, /* * These extra enums are for use with EntryValidateChange */ VALIDATE_FORCED, VALIDATE_DELETE, VALIDATE_INSERT, VALIDATE_BUTTON }; #define DEF_ENTRY_VALIDATE "none" #define DEF_ENTRY_INVALIDCMD "" /* * Information used for Entry objv parsing. */ static Tk_OptionSpec entryOptSpec[] = { {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-background", "background", "Background", DEF_ENTRY_BG_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, normalBorder), 0, (ClientData) DEF_ENTRY_BG_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-bd", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, -1, 0, (ClientData) "-borderwidth", 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-bg", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, -1, 0, (ClientData) "-background", 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-borderwidth", "borderWidth", "BorderWidth", DEF_ENTRY_BORDER_WIDTH, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, borderWidth), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_CURSOR, "-cursor", "cursor", "Cursor", DEF_ENTRY_CURSOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, cursor), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-disabledbackground", "disabledBackground", "DisabledBackground", DEF_ENTRY_DISABLED_BG_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, disabledBorder), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, (ClientData) DEF_ENTRY_DISABLED_BG_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-disabledforeground", "disabledForeground", "DisabledForeground", DEF_ENTRY_DISABLED_FG, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, dfgColorPtr), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "-exportselection", "exportSelection", "ExportSelection", DEF_ENTRY_EXPORT_SELECTION, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, exportSelection), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-fg", "foreground", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, -1, 0, (ClientData) "-foreground", 0}, {TK_OPTION_FONT, "-font", "font", "Font", DEF_ENTRY_FONT, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, tkfont), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-foreground", "foreground", "Foreground", DEF_ENTRY_FG, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, fgColorPtr), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-highlightbackground", "highlightBackground", "HighlightBackground", DEF_ENTRY_HIGHLIGHT_BG, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, highlightBgColorPtr), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-highlightcolor", "highlightColor", "HighlightColor", DEF_ENTRY_HIGHLIGHT, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, highlightColorPtr), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-highlightthickness", "highlightThickness", "HighlightThickness", DEF_ENTRY_HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, highlightWidth), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-insertbackground", "insertBackground", "Foreground", DEF_ENTRY_INSERT_BG, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, insertBorder), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-insertborderwidth", "insertBorderWidth", "BorderWidth", DEF_ENTRY_INSERT_BD_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, insertBorderWidth), 0, (ClientData) DEF_ENTRY_INSERT_BD_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_INT, "-insertofftime", "insertOffTime", "OffTime", DEF_ENTRY_INSERT_OFF_TIME, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, insertOffTime), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_INT, "-insertontime", "insertOnTime", "OnTime", DEF_ENTRY_INSERT_ON_TIME, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, insertOnTime), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-insertwidth", "insertWidth", "InsertWidth", DEF_ENTRY_INSERT_WIDTH, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, insertWidth), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-invalidcommand", "invalidCommand", "InvalidCommand", DEF_ENTRY_INVALIDCMD, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, invalidCmd), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-invcmd", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, -1, 0, (ClientData) "-invalidcommand", 0}, {TK_OPTION_JUSTIFY, "-justify", "justify", "Justify", DEF_ENTRY_JUSTIFY, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, justify), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-readonlybackground", "readonlyBackground", "ReadonlyBackground", DEF_ENTRY_READONLY_BG_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, readonlyBorder), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, (ClientData) DEF_ENTRY_READONLY_BG_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_RELIEF, "-relief", "relief", "Relief", DEF_ENTRY_RELIEF, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, relief), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-selectbackground", "selectBackground", "Foreground", DEF_ENTRY_SELECT_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, selBorder), 0, (ClientData) DEF_ENTRY_SELECT_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-selectborderwidth", "selectBorderWidth", "BorderWidth", DEF_ENTRY_SELECT_BD_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, selBorderWidth), 0, (ClientData) DEF_ENTRY_SELECT_BD_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-selectforeground", "selectForeground", "Background", DEF_ENTRY_SELECT_FG_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, selFgColorPtr), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, (ClientData) DEF_ENTRY_SELECT_FG_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-show", "show", "Show", DEF_ENTRY_SHOW, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, showChar), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING_TABLE, "-state", "state", "State", DEF_ENTRY_STATE, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, state), 0, (ClientData) stateStrings, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-takefocus", "takeFocus", "TakeFocus", DEF_ENTRY_TAKE_FOCUS, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, takeFocus), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-textvariable", "textVariable", "Variable", DEF_ENTRY_TEXT_VARIABLE, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, textVarName), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING_TABLE, "-validate", "validate", "Validate", DEF_ENTRY_VALIDATE, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, validate), 0, (ClientData) validateStrings, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-validatecommand", "validateCommand", "ValidateCommand", (char *) NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, validateCmd), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-vcmd", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, -1, 0, (ClientData) "-validatecommand", 0}, {TK_OPTION_INT, "-width", "width", "Width", DEF_ENTRY_WIDTH, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, prefWidth), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-xscrollcommand", "xScrollCommand", "ScrollCommand", DEF_ENTRY_SCROLL_COMMAND, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, scrollCmd), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_END, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0} }; /* * Information used for Spinbox objv parsing. */ #define DEF_SPINBOX_REPEAT_DELAY "400" #define DEF_SPINBOX_REPEAT_INTERVAL "100" #define DEF_SPINBOX_CMD "" #define DEF_SPINBOX_FROM "0" #define DEF_SPINBOX_TO "0" #define DEF_SPINBOX_INCREMENT "1" #define DEF_SPINBOX_FORMAT "" #define DEF_SPINBOX_VALUES "" #define DEF_SPINBOX_WRAP "0" static Tk_OptionSpec sbOptSpec[] = { {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-activebackground", "activeBackground", "Background", DEF_BUTTON_ACTIVE_BG_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Spinbox, activeBorder), 0, (ClientData) DEF_BUTTON_ACTIVE_BG_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-background", "background", "Background", DEF_ENTRY_BG_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, normalBorder), 0, (ClientData) DEF_ENTRY_BG_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-bd", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, -1, 0, (ClientData) "-borderwidth", 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-bg", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, -1, 0, (ClientData) "-background", 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-borderwidth", "borderWidth", "BorderWidth", DEF_ENTRY_BORDER_WIDTH, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, borderWidth), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-buttonbackground", "Button.background", "Background", DEF_BUTTON_BG_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Spinbox, buttonBorder), 0, (ClientData) DEF_BUTTON_BG_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_CURSOR, "-buttoncursor", "Button.cursor", "Cursor", DEF_BUTTON_CURSOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Spinbox, bCursor), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_RELIEF, "-buttondownrelief", "Button.relief", "Relief", DEF_BUTTON_RELIEF, -1, Tk_Offset(Spinbox, bdRelief), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_RELIEF, "-buttonuprelief", "Button.relief", "Relief", DEF_BUTTON_RELIEF, -1, Tk_Offset(Spinbox, buRelief), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-command", "command", "Command", DEF_SPINBOX_CMD, -1, Tk_Offset(Spinbox, command), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_CURSOR, "-cursor", "cursor", "Cursor", DEF_ENTRY_CURSOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, cursor), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-disabledbackground", "disabledBackground", "DisabledBackground", DEF_ENTRY_DISABLED_BG_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, disabledBorder), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, (ClientData) DEF_ENTRY_DISABLED_BG_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-disabledforeground", "disabledForeground", "DisabledForeground", DEF_ENTRY_DISABLED_FG, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, dfgColorPtr), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "-exportselection", "exportSelection", "ExportSelection", DEF_ENTRY_EXPORT_SELECTION, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, exportSelection), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-fg", "foreground", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, -1, 0, (ClientData) "-foreground", 0}, {TK_OPTION_FONT, "-font", "font", "Font", DEF_ENTRY_FONT, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, tkfont), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-foreground", "foreground", "Foreground", DEF_ENTRY_FG, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, fgColorPtr), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-format", "format", "Format", DEF_SPINBOX_FORMAT, -1, Tk_Offset(Spinbox, reqFormat), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_DOUBLE, "-from", "from", "From", DEF_SPINBOX_FROM, -1, Tk_Offset(Spinbox, fromValue), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-highlightbackground", "highlightBackground", "HighlightBackground", DEF_ENTRY_HIGHLIGHT_BG, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, highlightBgColorPtr), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-highlightcolor", "highlightColor", "HighlightColor", DEF_ENTRY_HIGHLIGHT, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, highlightColorPtr), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-highlightthickness", "highlightThickness", "HighlightThickness", DEF_ENTRY_HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, highlightWidth), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_DOUBLE, "-increment", "increment", "Increment", DEF_SPINBOX_INCREMENT, -1, Tk_Offset(Spinbox, increment), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-insertbackground", "insertBackground", "Foreground", DEF_ENTRY_INSERT_BG, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, insertBorder), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-insertborderwidth", "insertBorderWidth", "BorderWidth", DEF_ENTRY_INSERT_BD_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, insertBorderWidth), 0, (ClientData) DEF_ENTRY_INSERT_BD_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_INT, "-insertofftime", "insertOffTime", "OffTime", DEF_ENTRY_INSERT_OFF_TIME, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, insertOffTime), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_INT, "-insertontime", "insertOnTime", "OnTime", DEF_ENTRY_INSERT_ON_TIME, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, insertOnTime), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-insertwidth", "insertWidth", "InsertWidth", DEF_ENTRY_INSERT_WIDTH, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, insertWidth), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-invalidcommand", "invalidCommand", "InvalidCommand", DEF_ENTRY_INVALIDCMD, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, invalidCmd), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-invcmd", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, -1, 0, (ClientData) "-invalidcommand", 0}, {TK_OPTION_JUSTIFY, "-justify", "justify", "Justify", DEF_ENTRY_JUSTIFY, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, justify), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_RELIEF, "-relief", "relief", "Relief", DEF_ENTRY_RELIEF, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, relief), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-readonlybackground", "readonlyBackground", "ReadonlyBackground", DEF_ENTRY_READONLY_BG_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, readonlyBorder), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, (ClientData) DEF_ENTRY_READONLY_BG_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_INT, "-repeatdelay", "repeatDelay", "RepeatDelay", DEF_SPINBOX_REPEAT_DELAY, -1, Tk_Offset(Spinbox, repeatDelay), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_INT, "-repeatinterval", "repeatInterval", "RepeatInterval", DEF_SPINBOX_REPEAT_INTERVAL, -1, Tk_Offset(Spinbox, repeatInterval), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-selectbackground", "selectBackground", "Foreground", DEF_ENTRY_SELECT_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, selBorder), 0, (ClientData) DEF_ENTRY_SELECT_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-selectborderwidth", "selectBorderWidth", "BorderWidth", DEF_ENTRY_SELECT_BD_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, selBorderWidth), 0, (ClientData) DEF_ENTRY_SELECT_BD_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-selectforeground", "selectForeground", "Background", DEF_ENTRY_SELECT_FG_COLOR, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, selFgColorPtr), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, (ClientData) DEF_ENTRY_SELECT_FG_MONO, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING_TABLE, "-state", "state", "State", DEF_ENTRY_STATE, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, state), 0, (ClientData) stateStrings, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-takefocus", "takeFocus", "TakeFocus", DEF_ENTRY_TAKE_FOCUS, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, takeFocus), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-textvariable", "textVariable", "Variable", DEF_ENTRY_TEXT_VARIABLE, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, textVarName), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_DOUBLE, "-to", "to", "To", DEF_SPINBOX_TO, -1, Tk_Offset(Spinbox, toValue), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING_TABLE, "-validate", "validate", "Validate", DEF_ENTRY_VALIDATE, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, validate), 0, (ClientData) validateStrings, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-validatecommand", "validateCommand", "ValidateCommand", (char *) NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, validateCmd), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-values", "values", "Values", DEF_SPINBOX_VALUES, -1, Tk_Offset(Spinbox, valueStr), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-vcmd", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, -1, 0, (ClientData) "-validatecommand", 0}, {TK_OPTION_INT, "-width", "width", "Width", DEF_ENTRY_WIDTH, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, prefWidth), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "-wrap", "wrap", "Wrap", DEF_SPINBOX_WRAP, -1, Tk_Offset(Spinbox, wrap), 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-xscrollcommand", "xScrollCommand", "ScrollCommand", DEF_ENTRY_SCROLL_COMMAND, -1, Tk_Offset(Entry, scrollCmd), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_END, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0} }; /* * The following tables define the entry widget commands (and sub- * commands) and map the indexes into the string tables into * enumerated types used to dispatch the entry widget command. */ static CONST char *entryCmdNames[] = { "bbox", "cget", "configure", "delete", "get", "icursor", "index", "insert", "scan", "selection", "validate", "xview", (char *) NULL }; enum entryCmd { COMMAND_BBOX, COMMAND_CGET, COMMAND_CONFIGURE, COMMAND_DELETE, COMMAND_GET, COMMAND_ICURSOR, COMMAND_INDEX, COMMAND_INSERT, COMMAND_SCAN, COMMAND_SELECTION, COMMAND_VALIDATE, COMMAND_XVIEW }; static CONST char *selCmdNames[] = { "adjust", "clear", "from", "present", "range", "to", (char *) NULL }; enum selCmd { SELECTION_ADJUST, SELECTION_CLEAR, SELECTION_FROM, SELECTION_PRESENT, SELECTION_RANGE, SELECTION_TO }; /* * The following tables define the spinbox widget commands (and sub- * commands) and map the indexes into the string tables into * enumerated types used to dispatch the spinbox widget command. */ static CONST char *sbCmdNames[] = { "bbox", "cget", "configure", "delete", "get", "icursor", "identify", "index", "insert", "invoke", "scan", "selection", "set", "validate", "xview", (char *) NULL }; enum sbCmd { SB_CMD_BBOX, SB_CMD_CGET, SB_CMD_CONFIGURE, SB_CMD_DELETE, SB_CMD_GET, SB_CMD_ICURSOR, SB_CMD_IDENTIFY, SB_CMD_INDEX, SB_CMD_INSERT, SB_CMD_INVOKE, SB_CMD_SCAN, SB_CMD_SELECTION, SB_CMD_SET, SB_CMD_VALIDATE, SB_CMD_XVIEW }; static CONST char *sbSelCmdNames[] = { "adjust", "clear", "element", "from", "present", "range", "to", (char *) NULL }; enum sbselCmd { SB_SEL_ADJUST, SB_SEL_CLEAR, SB_SEL_ELEMENT, SB_SEL_FROM, SB_SEL_PRESENT, SB_SEL_RANGE, SB_SEL_TO }; /* * Extra for selection of elements */ /* * This is the string array corresponding to the enum in selelement. * If you modify them, you must modify the strings here. */ static CONST char *selElementNames[] = { "none", "buttondown", "buttonup", (char *) NULL, "entry" }; /* * Flags for GetEntryIndex procedure: */ #define ZERO_OK 1 #define LAST_PLUS_ONE_OK 2 /* * Forward declarations for procedures defined later in this file: */ static int ConfigureEntry _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, Entry *entryPtr, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[], int flags)); static void DeleteChars _ANSI_ARGS_((Entry *entryPtr, int index, int count)); static void DestroyEntry _ANSI_ARGS_((char *memPtr)); static void DisplayEntry _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData)); static void EntryBlinkProc _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData)); static void EntryCmdDeletedProc _ANSI_ARGS_(( ClientData clientData)); static void EntryComputeGeometry _ANSI_ARGS_((Entry *entryPtr)); static void EntryEventProc _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, XEvent *eventPtr)); static void EntryFocusProc _ANSI_ARGS_ ((Entry *entryPtr, int gotFocus)); static int EntryFetchSelection _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, int offset, char *buffer, int maxBytes)); static void EntryLostSelection _ANSI_ARGS_(( ClientData clientData)); static void EventuallyRedraw _ANSI_ARGS_((Entry *entryPtr)); static void EntryScanTo _ANSI_ARGS_((Entry *entryPtr, int y)); static void EntrySetValue _ANSI_ARGS_((Entry *entryPtr, CONST char *value)); static void EntrySelectTo _ANSI_ARGS_(( Entry *entryPtr, int index)); static char * EntryTextVarProc _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, CONST char *name1, CONST char *name2, int flags)); static void EntryUpdateScrollbar _ANSI_ARGS_((Entry *entryPtr)); static int EntryValidate _ANSI_ARGS_((Entry *entryPtr, char *cmd)); static int EntryValidateChange _ANSI_ARGS_((Entry *entryPtr, char *change, CONST char *new, int index, int type)); static void ExpandPercents _ANSI_ARGS_((Entry *entryPtr, CONST char *before, char *change, CONST char *new, int index, int type, Tcl_DString *dsPtr)); static void EntryValueChanged _ANSI_ARGS_((Entry *entryPtr, CONST char *newValue)); static void EntryVisibleRange _ANSI_ARGS_((Entry *entryPtr, double *firstPtr, double *lastPtr)); static int EntryWidgetObjCmd _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])); static void EntryWorldChanged _ANSI_ARGS_(( ClientData instanceData)); static int GetEntryIndex _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, Entry *entryPtr, char *string, int *indexPtr)); static void InsertChars _ANSI_ARGS_((Entry *entryPtr, int index, char *string)); /* * These forward declarations are the spinbox specific ones: */ static int SpinboxWidgetObjCmd _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])); static int GetSpinboxElement _ANSI_ARGS_((Spinbox *sbPtr, int x, int y)); static int SpinboxInvoke _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, Spinbox *sbPtr, int element)); static int ComputeFormat _ANSI_ARGS_((Spinbox *sbPtr)); /* * The structure below defines widget class behavior by means of procedures * that can be invoked from generic window code. */ static Tk_ClassProcs entryClass = { sizeof(Tk_ClassProcs), /* size */ EntryWorldChanged, /* worldChangedProc */ }; /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * Tk_EntryObjCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the "entry" Tcl * command. See the user documentation for details on what * it does. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Tk_EntryObjCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv) ClientData clientData; /* NULL. */ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */ int objc; /* Number of arguments. */ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]; /* Argument objects. */ { register Entry *entryPtr; Tk_OptionTable optionTable; Tk_Window tkwin; char *tmp; if (objc < 2) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "pathName ?options?"); return TCL_ERROR; } tkwin = Tk_CreateWindowFromPath(interp, Tk_MainWindow(interp), Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), (char *) NULL); if (tkwin == NULL) { return TCL_ERROR; } /* * Create the option table for this widget class. If it has already * been created, Tk will return the cached value. */ optionTable = Tk_CreateOptionTable(interp, entryOptSpec); /* * Initialize the fields of the structure that won't be initialized * by ConfigureEntry, or that ConfigureEntry requires to be * initialized already (e.g. resource pointers). Only the non-NULL/0 * data must be initialized as memset covers the rest. */ entryPtr = (Entry *) ckalloc(sizeof(Entry)); memset((VOID *) entryPtr, 0, sizeof(Entry)); entryPtr->tkwin = tkwin; entryPtr->display = Tk_Display(tkwin); entryPtr->interp = interp; entryPtr->widgetCmd = Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, Tk_PathName(entryPtr->tkwin), EntryWidgetObjCmd, (ClientData) entryPtr, EntryCmdDeletedProc); entryPtr->optionTable = optionTable; entryPtr->type = TK_ENTRY; tmp = (char *) ckalloc(1); tmp[0] = '\0'; entryPtr->string = tmp; entryPtr->selectFirst = -1; entryPtr->selectLast = -1; entryPtr->cursor = None; entryPtr->exportSelection = 1; entryPtr->justify = TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT; entryPtr->relief = TK_RELIEF_FLAT; entryPtr->state = STATE_NORMAL; entryPtr->displayString = entryPtr->string; entryPtr->inset = XPAD; entryPtr->textGC = None; entryPtr->selTextGC = None; entryPtr->highlightGC = None; entryPtr->avgWidth = 1; entryPtr->validate = VALIDATE_NONE; /* * Keep a hold of the associated tkwin until we destroy the listbox, * otherwise Tk might free it while we still need it. */ Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) entryPtr->tkwin); Tk_SetClass(entryPtr->tkwin, "Entry"); Tk_SetClassProcs(entryPtr->tkwin, &entryClass, (ClientData) entryPtr); Tk_CreateEventHandler(entryPtr->tkwin, ExposureMask|StructureNotifyMask|FocusChangeMask, EntryEventProc, (ClientData) entryPtr); Tk_CreateSelHandler(entryPtr->tkwin, XA_PRIMARY, XA_STRING, EntryFetchSelection, (ClientData) entryPtr, XA_STRING); if ((Tk_InitOptions(interp, (char *) entryPtr, optionTable, tkwin) != TCL_OK) || (ConfigureEntry(interp, entryPtr, objc-2, objv+2, 0) != TCL_OK)) { Tk_DestroyWindow(entryPtr->tkwin); return TCL_ERROR; } Tcl_SetResult(interp, Tk_PathName(entryPtr->tkwin), TCL_STATIC); return TCL_OK; } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryWidgetObjCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the Tcl command * that corresponds to a widget managed by this module. * See the user documentation for details on what it does. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int EntryWidgetObjCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv) ClientData clientData; /* Information about entry widget. */ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */ int objc; /* Number of arguments. */ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]; /* Argument objects. */ { Entry *entryPtr = (Entry *) clientData; int cmdIndex, selIndex, result; Tcl_Obj *objPtr; if (objc < 2) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "option ?arg arg ...?"); return TCL_ERROR; } /* * Parse the widget command by looking up the second token in * the list of valid command names. */ result = Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[1], entryCmdNames, "option", 0, &cmdIndex); if (result != TCL_OK) { return result; } Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) entryPtr); switch ((enum entryCmd) cmdIndex) { case COMMAND_BBOX: { int index, x, y, width, height; char buf[TCL_INTEGER_SPACE * 4]; if (objc != 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "index"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if ((index == entryPtr->numChars) && (index > 0)) { index--; } Tk_CharBbox(entryPtr->textLayout, index, &x, &y, &width, &height); sprintf(buf, "%d %d %d %d", x + entryPtr->layoutX, y + entryPtr->layoutY, width, height); Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE); break; } case COMMAND_CGET: { if (objc != 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "option"); goto error; } objPtr = Tk_GetOptionValue(interp, (char *) entryPtr, entryPtr->optionTable, objv[2], entryPtr->tkwin); if (objPtr == NULL) { goto error; } else { Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, objPtr); } break; } case COMMAND_CONFIGURE: { if (objc <= 3) { objPtr = Tk_GetOptionInfo(interp, (char *) entryPtr, entryPtr->optionTable, (objc == 3) ? objv[2] : (Tcl_Obj *) NULL, entryPtr->tkwin); if (objPtr == NULL) { goto error; } else { Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, objPtr); } } else { result = ConfigureEntry(interp, entryPtr, objc-2, objv+2, 0); } break; } case COMMAND_DELETE: { int first, last; if ((objc < 3) || (objc > 4)) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "firstIndex ?lastIndex?"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), &first) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (objc == 3) { last = first + 1; } else { if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[3]), &last) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } } if ((last >= first) && (entryPtr->state == STATE_NORMAL)) { DeleteChars(entryPtr, first, last - first); } break; } case COMMAND_GET: { if (objc != 2) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, (char *) NULL); goto error; } Tcl_SetStringObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), entryPtr->string, -1); break; } case COMMAND_ICURSOR: { if (objc != 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "pos"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), &entryPtr->insertPos) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); break; } case COMMAND_INDEX: { int index; if (objc != 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "string"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(index)); break; } case COMMAND_INSERT: { int index; if (objc != 4) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "index text"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (entryPtr->state == STATE_NORMAL) { InsertChars(entryPtr, index, Tcl_GetString(objv[3])); } break; } case COMMAND_SCAN: { int x; char *minorCmd; if (objc != 4) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "mark|dragto x"); goto error; } if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[3], &x) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } minorCmd = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]); if (minorCmd[0] == 'm' && (strncmp(minorCmd, "mark", strlen(minorCmd)) == 0)) { entryPtr->scanMarkX = x; entryPtr->scanMarkIndex = entryPtr->leftIndex; } else if ((minorCmd[0] == 'd') && (strncmp(minorCmd, "dragto", strlen(minorCmd)) == 0)) { EntryScanTo(entryPtr, x); } else { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad scan option \"", Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), "\": must be mark or dragto", (char *) NULL); goto error; } break; } case COMMAND_SELECTION: { int index, index2; if (objc < 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "option ?index?"); goto error; } /* * Parse the selection sub-command, using the command * table "selCmdNames" defined above. */ result = Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[2], selCmdNames, "selection option", 0, &selIndex); if (result != TCL_OK) { goto error; } /* * Disabled entries don't allow the selection to be modified, * but 'selection present' must return a boolean. */ if ((entryPtr->state == STATE_DISABLED) && (selIndex != SELECTION_PRESENT)) { goto done; } switch (selIndex) { case SELECTION_ADJUST: { if (objc != 4) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, "index"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[3]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (entryPtr->selectFirst >= 0) { int half1, half2; half1 = (entryPtr->selectFirst + entryPtr->selectLast)/2; half2 = (entryPtr->selectFirst + entryPtr->selectLast + 1)/2; if (index < half1) { entryPtr->selectAnchor = entryPtr->selectLast; } else if (index > half2) { entryPtr->selectAnchor = entryPtr->selectFirst; } else { /* * We're at about the halfway point in the * selection; just keep the existing anchor. */ } } EntrySelectTo(entryPtr, index); break; } case SELECTION_CLEAR: { if (objc != 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, (char *) NULL); goto error; } if (entryPtr->selectFirst >= 0) { entryPtr->selectFirst = -1; entryPtr->selectLast = -1; EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); } goto done; } case SELECTION_FROM: { if (objc != 4) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, "index"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[3]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } entryPtr->selectAnchor = index; break; } case SELECTION_PRESENT: { if (objc != 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, (char *) NULL); goto error; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewBooleanObj((entryPtr->selectFirst >= 0))); goto done; } case SELECTION_RANGE: { if (objc != 5) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, "start end"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[3]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[4]),& index2) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (index >= index2) { entryPtr->selectFirst = -1; entryPtr->selectLast = -1; } else { entryPtr->selectFirst = index; entryPtr->selectLast = index2; } if (!(entryPtr->flags & GOT_SELECTION) && (entryPtr->exportSelection)) { Tk_OwnSelection(entryPtr->tkwin, XA_PRIMARY, EntryLostSelection, (ClientData) entryPtr); entryPtr->flags |= GOT_SELECTION; } EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); break; } case SELECTION_TO: { if (objc != 4) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, "index"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[3]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } EntrySelectTo(entryPtr, index); break; } } break; } case COMMAND_VALIDATE: { int code; if (objc != 2) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, (char *) NULL); goto error; } selIndex = entryPtr->validate; entryPtr->validate = VALIDATE_ALL; code = EntryValidateChange(entryPtr, (char *) NULL, entryPtr->string, -1, VALIDATE_FORCED); if (entryPtr->validate != VALIDATE_NONE) { entryPtr->validate = selIndex; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewBooleanObj((code == TCL_OK))); break; } case COMMAND_XVIEW: { int index; if (objc == 2) { double first, last; char buf[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE * 2]; EntryVisibleRange(entryPtr, &first, &last); sprintf(buf, "%g %g", first, last); Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE); goto done; } else if (objc == 3) { if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } } else { double fraction; int count; index = entryPtr->leftIndex; switch (Tk_GetScrollInfoObj(interp, objc, objv, &fraction, &count)) { case TK_SCROLL_ERROR: { goto error; } case TK_SCROLL_MOVETO: { index = (int) ((fraction * entryPtr->numChars) + 0.5); break; } case TK_SCROLL_PAGES: { int charsPerPage; charsPerPage = ((Tk_Width(entryPtr->tkwin) - 2 * entryPtr->inset) / entryPtr->avgWidth) - 2; if (charsPerPage < 1) { charsPerPage = 1; } index += count * charsPerPage; break; } case TK_SCROLL_UNITS: { index += count; break; } } } if (index >= entryPtr->numChars) { index = entryPtr->numChars - 1; } if (index < 0) { index = 0; } entryPtr->leftIndex = index; entryPtr->flags |= UPDATE_SCROLLBAR; EntryComputeGeometry(entryPtr); EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); break; } } done: Tcl_Release((ClientData) entryPtr); return result; error: Tcl_Release((ClientData) entryPtr); return TCL_ERROR; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * DestroyEntry -- * * This procedure is invoked by Tcl_EventuallyFree or Tcl_Release * to clean up the internal structure of an entry at a safe time * (when no-one is using it anymore). * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Everything associated with the entry is freed up. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void DestroyEntry(memPtr) char *memPtr; /* Info about entry widget. */ { Entry *entryPtr = (Entry *) memPtr; /* * Free up all the stuff that requires special handling, then * let Tk_FreeOptions handle all the standard option-related * stuff. */ ckfree((char *)entryPtr->string); if (entryPtr->textVarName != NULL) { Tcl_UntraceVar(entryPtr->interp, entryPtr->textVarName, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY|TCL_TRACE_WRITES|TCL_TRACE_UNSETS, EntryTextVarProc, (ClientData) entryPtr); entryPtr->flags &= ~ENTRY_VAR_TRACED; } if (entryPtr->textGC != None) { Tk_FreeGC(entryPtr->display, entryPtr->textGC); } if (entryPtr->selTextGC != None) { Tk_FreeGC(entryPtr->display, entryPtr->selTextGC); } Tcl_DeleteTimerHandler(entryPtr->insertBlinkHandler); if (entryPtr->displayString != entryPtr->string) { ckfree((char *)entryPtr->displayString); } if (entryPtr->type == TK_SPINBOX) { Spinbox *sbPtr = (Spinbox *) entryPtr; if (sbPtr->listObj != NULL) { Tcl_DecrRefCount(sbPtr->listObj); sbPtr->listObj = NULL; } if (sbPtr->formatBuf) { ckfree(sbPtr->formatBuf); } } Tk_FreeTextLayout(entryPtr->textLayout); Tk_FreeConfigOptions((char *) entryPtr, entryPtr->optionTable, entryPtr->tkwin); Tcl_Release((ClientData) entryPtr->tkwin); entryPtr->tkwin = NULL; ckfree((char *) entryPtr); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ConfigureEntry -- * * This procedure is called to process an argv/argc list, plus * the Tk option database, in order to configure (or reconfigure) * an entry widget. * * Results: * The return value is a standard Tcl result. If TCL_ERROR is * returned, then the interp's result contains an error message. * * Side effects: * Configuration information, such as colors, border width, * etc. get set for entryPtr; old resources get freed, * if there were any. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ConfigureEntry(interp, entryPtr, objc, objv, flags) Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Used for error reporting. */ Entry *entryPtr; /* Information about widget; may or may not * already have values for some fields. */ int objc; /* Number of valid entries in argv. */ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]; /* Argument objects. */ int flags; /* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */ { Tk_SavedOptions savedOptions; Tk_3DBorder border; Tcl_Obj *errorResult = NULL; Spinbox *sbPtr = (Spinbox *) entryPtr; /* Only used when this widget * is of type TK_SPINBOX */ char *oldValues = NULL; /* lint initialization */ char *oldFormat = NULL; /* lint initialization */ int error; int oldExport = 0; /* lint initialization */ int valuesChanged = 0; /* lint initialization */ double oldFrom = 0.0; /* lint initialization */ double oldTo = 0.0; /* lint initialization */ /* * Eliminate any existing trace on a variable monitored by the entry. */ if ((entryPtr->textVarName != NULL) && (entryPtr->flags & ENTRY_VAR_TRACED)) { Tcl_UntraceVar(interp, entryPtr->textVarName, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY|TCL_TRACE_WRITES|TCL_TRACE_UNSETS, EntryTextVarProc, (ClientData) entryPtr); entryPtr->flags &= ~ENTRY_VAR_TRACED; } /* * Store old values that we need to effect certain behavior if * they change value */ oldExport = entryPtr->exportSelection; if (entryPtr->type == TK_SPINBOX) { oldValues = sbPtr->valueStr; oldFormat = sbPtr->reqFormat; oldFrom = sbPtr->fromValue; oldTo = sbPtr->toValue; } for (error = 0; error <= 1; error++) { if (!error) { /* * First pass: set options to new values. */ if (Tk_SetOptions(interp, (char *) entryPtr, entryPtr->optionTable, objc, objv, entryPtr->tkwin, &savedOptions, (int *) NULL) != TCL_OK) { continue; } } else { /* * Second pass: restore options to old values. */ errorResult = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp); Tcl_IncrRefCount(errorResult); Tk_RestoreSavedOptions(&savedOptions); } /* * A few other options also need special processing, such as parsing * the geometry and setting the background from a 3-D border. */ if ((entryPtr->state == STATE_DISABLED) && (entryPtr->disabledBorder != NULL)) { border = entryPtr->disabledBorder; } else if ((entryPtr->state == STATE_READONLY) && (entryPtr->readonlyBorder != NULL)) { border = entryPtr->readonlyBorder; } else { border = entryPtr->normalBorder; } Tk_SetBackgroundFromBorder(entryPtr->tkwin, border); if (entryPtr->insertWidth <= 0) { entryPtr->insertWidth = 2; } if (entryPtr->insertBorderWidth > entryPtr->insertWidth/2) { entryPtr->insertBorderWidth = entryPtr->insertWidth/2; } if (entryPtr->type == TK_SPINBOX) { if (sbPtr->fromValue > sbPtr->toValue) { Tcl_SetResult(interp, "-to value must be greater than -from value", TCL_VOLATILE); continue; } if (sbPtr->reqFormat && (oldFormat != sbPtr->reqFormat)) { /* * Make sure that the given format is somewhat correct, and * calculate the minimum space we'll need for the values as * strings. */ int min, max; size_t formatLen, formatSpace = TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE; char fbuf[4], *fmt = sbPtr->reqFormat; formatLen = strlen(fmt); if ((fmt[0] != '%') || (fmt[formatLen-1] != 'f')) { badFormatOpt: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad spinbox format specifier \"", sbPtr->reqFormat, "\"", (char *) NULL); continue; } if ((sscanf(fmt, "%%%d.%d%[f]", &min, &max, fbuf) == 3) && (max >= 0)) { formatSpace = min + max + 1; } else if (((sscanf(fmt, "%%.%d%[f]", &min, fbuf) == 2) || (sscanf(fmt, "%%%d%[f]", &min, fbuf) == 2) || (sscanf(fmt, "%%%d.%[f]", &min, fbuf) == 2)) && (min >= 0)) { formatSpace = min + 1; } else { goto badFormatOpt; } if (formatSpace < TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE) { formatSpace = TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE; } sbPtr->formatBuf = ckrealloc(sbPtr->formatBuf, formatSpace); /* * We perturb the value of oldFrom to allow us to go into * the branch below that will reformat the displayed value. */ oldFrom = sbPtr->fromValue - 1; } /* * See if we have to rearrange our listObj data */ if (oldValues != sbPtr->valueStr) { if (sbPtr->listObj != NULL) { Tcl_DecrRefCount(sbPtr->listObj); } sbPtr->listObj = NULL; if (sbPtr->valueStr != NULL) { Tcl_Obj *newObjPtr; int nelems; newObjPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj(sbPtr->valueStr, -1); if (Tcl_ListObjLength(interp, newObjPtr, &nelems) != TCL_OK) { valuesChanged = -1; continue; } sbPtr->listObj = newObjPtr; Tcl_IncrRefCount(sbPtr->listObj); sbPtr->nElements = nelems; sbPtr->eIndex = 0; valuesChanged++; } } } /* * Restart the cursor timing sequence in case the on-time or * off-time just changed. Set validate temporarily to none, * so the configure doesn't cause it to be triggered. */ if (entryPtr->flags & GOT_FOCUS) { int validate = entryPtr->validate; entryPtr->validate = VALIDATE_NONE; EntryFocusProc(entryPtr, 1); entryPtr->validate = validate; } /* * Claim the selection if we've suddenly started exporting it. */ if (entryPtr->exportSelection && (!oldExport) && (entryPtr->selectFirst != -1) && !(entryPtr->flags & GOT_SELECTION)) { Tk_OwnSelection(entryPtr->tkwin, XA_PRIMARY, EntryLostSelection, (ClientData) entryPtr); entryPtr->flags |= GOT_SELECTION; } /* * Recompute the window's geometry and arrange for it to be * redisplayed. */ Tk_SetInternalBorder(entryPtr->tkwin, entryPtr->borderWidth + entryPtr->highlightWidth); if (entryPtr->highlightWidth <= 0) { entryPtr->highlightWidth = 0; } entryPtr->inset = entryPtr->highlightWidth + entryPtr->borderWidth + XPAD; break; } if (!error) { Tk_FreeSavedOptions(&savedOptions); } /* * If the entry is tied to the value of a variable, create the variable if * it doesn't exist, and set the entry's value from the variable's value. */ if (entryPtr->textVarName != NULL) { CONST char *value; value = Tcl_GetVar(interp, entryPtr->textVarName, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); if (value == NULL) { EntryValueChanged(entryPtr, NULL); } else { EntrySetValue(entryPtr, value); } } if (entryPtr->type == TK_SPINBOX) { ComputeFormat(sbPtr); if (valuesChanged > 0) { Tcl_Obj *objPtr; /* * No check for error return, because there shouldn't be one * given the check for valid list above */ Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, sbPtr->listObj, 0, &objPtr); EntryValueChanged(entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objPtr)); } else if ((sbPtr->valueStr == NULL) && !DOUBLES_EQ(sbPtr->fromValue, sbPtr->toValue) && (!DOUBLES_EQ(sbPtr->fromValue, oldFrom) || !DOUBLES_EQ(sbPtr->toValue, oldTo))) { /* * If the valueStr is empty and -from && -to are specified, check * to see if the current string is within the range. If not, * it will be constrained to the nearest edge. If the current * string isn't a double value, we set it to -from. */ int code; double dvalue; code = Tcl_GetDouble(NULL, entryPtr->string, &dvalue); if (code != TCL_OK) { dvalue = sbPtr->fromValue; } else { if (dvalue > sbPtr->toValue) { dvalue = sbPtr->toValue; } else if (dvalue < sbPtr->fromValue) { dvalue = sbPtr->fromValue; } } sprintf(sbPtr->formatBuf, sbPtr->valueFormat, dvalue); EntryValueChanged(entryPtr, sbPtr->formatBuf); } } /* * Set up a trace on the variable's value after we've possibly * constrained the value according to new -from/-to values. */ if ((entryPtr->textVarName != NULL) && !(entryPtr->flags & ENTRY_VAR_TRACED)) { Tcl_TraceVar(interp, entryPtr->textVarName, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY|TCL_TRACE_WRITES|TCL_TRACE_UNSETS, EntryTextVarProc, (ClientData) entryPtr); entryPtr->flags |= ENTRY_VAR_TRACED; } EntryWorldChanged((ClientData) entryPtr); if (error) { Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, errorResult); Tcl_DecrRefCount(errorResult); return TCL_ERROR; } else { return TCL_OK; } } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryWorldChanged -- * * This procedure is called when the world has changed in some * way and the widget needs to recompute all its graphics contexts * and determine its new geometry. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Entry will be relayed out and redisplayed. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void EntryWorldChanged(instanceData) ClientData instanceData; /* Information about widget. */ { XGCValues gcValues; GC gc = None; unsigned long mask; Tk_3DBorder border; XColor *colorPtr; Entry *entryPtr = (Entry *) instanceData; entryPtr->avgWidth = Tk_TextWidth(entryPtr->tkfont, "0", 1); if (entryPtr->avgWidth == 0) { entryPtr->avgWidth = 1; } if (entryPtr->type == TK_SPINBOX) { /* * Compute the button width for a spinbox */ entryPtr->xWidth = entryPtr->avgWidth + 2 * (1+XPAD); if (entryPtr->xWidth < 11) { entryPtr->xWidth = 11; /* we want a min visible size */ } } /* * Default background and foreground are from the normal state. * In a disabled state, both of those may be overridden; in the readonly * state, the background may be overridden. */ border = entryPtr->normalBorder; colorPtr = entryPtr->fgColorPtr; switch (entryPtr->state) { case STATE_DISABLED: if (entryPtr->disabledBorder != NULL) { border = entryPtr->disabledBorder; } if (entryPtr->dfgColorPtr != NULL) { colorPtr = entryPtr->dfgColorPtr; } break; case STATE_READONLY: if (entryPtr->readonlyBorder != NULL) { border = entryPtr->readonlyBorder; } break; } Tk_SetBackgroundFromBorder(entryPtr->tkwin, border); gcValues.foreground = colorPtr->pixel; gcValues.font = Tk_FontId(entryPtr->tkfont); gcValues.graphics_exposures = False; mask = GCForeground | GCFont | GCGraphicsExposures; gc = Tk_GetGC(entryPtr->tkwin, mask, &gcValues); if (entryPtr->textGC != None) { Tk_FreeGC(entryPtr->display, entryPtr->textGC); } entryPtr->textGC = gc; if (entryPtr->selFgColorPtr != NULL) { gcValues.foreground = entryPtr->selFgColorPtr->pixel; } gcValues.font = Tk_FontId(entryPtr->tkfont); mask = GCForeground | GCFont; gc = Tk_GetGC(entryPtr->tkwin, mask, &gcValues); if (entryPtr->selTextGC != None) { Tk_FreeGC(entryPtr->display, entryPtr->selTextGC); } entryPtr->selTextGC = gc; /* * Recompute the window's geometry and arrange for it to be * redisplayed. */ EntryComputeGeometry(entryPtr); entryPtr->flags |= UPDATE_SCROLLBAR; EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); } #ifndef MAC_OSX_TK /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * TkpDrawEntryBorderAndFocus -- * * This procedure redraws the border of an entry widget. * It overrides the generic border drawing code if the * entry widget parameters are such that the native widget * drawing is a good fit. * This version just returns o, so platforms that don't * do special native drawing don't have to implement it. * * Results: * 1 if it has drawn the border, 0 if not. * * Side effects: * May draw the entry border into pixmap. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TkpDrawEntryBorderAndFocus(entryPtr, pixmap, isSpinbox) Entry *entryPtr; Drawable pixmap; int isSpinbox; { return 0; } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * TkpDrawSpinboxButtons -- * * This procedure redraws the buttons of an spinbox widget. * It overrides the generic button drawing code if the * spinbox widget parameters are such that the native widget * drawing is a good fit. * This version just returns 0, so platforms that don't * do special native drawing don't have to implement it. * * Results: * 1 if it has drawn the border, 0 if not. * * Side effects: * May draw the entry border into pixmap. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TkpDrawSpinboxButtons(sbPtr, pixmap) Spinbox *sbPtr; Pixmap pixmap; { return 0; } #endif /* Not MAC_OSX_TK */ /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * DisplayEntry -- * * This procedure redraws the contents of an entry window. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Information appears on the screen. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void DisplayEntry(clientData) ClientData clientData; /* Information about window. */ { Entry *entryPtr = (Entry *) clientData; Tk_Window tkwin = entryPtr->tkwin; int baseY, selStartX, selEndX, cursorX; int showSelection, xBound; Tk_FontMetrics fm; Pixmap pixmap; Tk_3DBorder border; entryPtr->flags &= ~REDRAW_PENDING; if ((entryPtr->flags & ENTRY_DELETED) || !Tk_IsMapped(tkwin)) { return; } Tk_GetFontMetrics(entryPtr->tkfont, &fm); /* * Update the scrollbar if that's needed. */ if (entryPtr->flags & UPDATE_SCROLLBAR) { entryPtr->flags &= ~UPDATE_SCROLLBAR; /* * Preserve/Release because updating the scrollbar can have * the side-effect of destroying or unmapping the entry widget. */ Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) entryPtr); EntryUpdateScrollbar(entryPtr); if ((entryPtr->flags & ENTRY_DELETED) || !Tk_IsMapped(tkwin)) { Tcl_Release((ClientData) entryPtr); return; } Tcl_Release((ClientData) entryPtr); } #ifndef TK_NO_DOUBLE_BUFFERING /* * In order to avoid screen flashes, this procedure redraws the * textual area of the entry into off-screen memory, then copies * it back on-screen in a single operation. This means there's * no point in time where the on-screen image has been cleared. */ pixmap = Tk_GetPixmap(entryPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), Tk_Width(tkwin), Tk_Height(tkwin), Tk_Depth(tkwin)); #else pixmap = Tk_WindowId(tkwin); #endif /* TK_NO_DOUBLE_BUFFERING */ /* * Compute x-coordinate of the pixel just after last visible * one, plus vertical position of baseline of text. */ xBound = Tk_Width(tkwin) - entryPtr->inset - entryPtr->xWidth; baseY = (Tk_Height(tkwin) + fm.ascent - fm.descent) / 2; /* * On Windows and Mac, we need to hide the selection whenever we * don't have the focus. */ if (TkpAlwaysShowSelection(entryPtr->tkwin)) { showSelection = 1; } else { showSelection = (entryPtr->flags & GOT_FOCUS); } /* * Draw the background in three layers. From bottom to top the * layers are: normal background, selection background, and * insertion cursor background. */ if ((entryPtr->state == STATE_DISABLED) && (entryPtr->disabledBorder != NULL)) { border = entryPtr->disabledBorder; } else if ((entryPtr->state == STATE_READONLY) && (entryPtr->readonlyBorder != NULL)) { border = entryPtr->readonlyBorder; } else { border = entryPtr->normalBorder; } Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, border, 0, 0, Tk_Width(tkwin), Tk_Height(tkwin), 0, TK_RELIEF_FLAT); if (showSelection && (entryPtr->state != STATE_DISABLED) && (entryPtr->selectLast > entryPtr->leftIndex)) { if (entryPtr->selectFirst <= entryPtr->leftIndex) { selStartX = entryPtr->leftX; } else { Tk_CharBbox(entryPtr->textLayout, entryPtr->selectFirst, &selStartX, NULL, NULL, NULL); selStartX += entryPtr->layoutX; } if ((selStartX - entryPtr->selBorderWidth) < xBound) { Tk_CharBbox(entryPtr->textLayout, entryPtr->selectLast, &selEndX, NULL, NULL, NULL); selEndX += entryPtr->layoutX; Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, entryPtr->selBorder, selStartX - entryPtr->selBorderWidth, baseY - fm.ascent - entryPtr->selBorderWidth, (selEndX - selStartX) + 2*entryPtr->selBorderWidth, (fm.ascent + fm.descent) + 2*entryPtr->selBorderWidth, entryPtr->selBorderWidth, #ifndef MAC_OSX_TK TK_RELIEF_RAISED #else MAC_OSX_ENTRY_SELECT_RELIEF #endif ); } } /* * Draw a special background for the insertion cursor, overriding * even the selection background. As a special hack to keep the * cursor visible when the insertion cursor color is the same as * the color for selected text (e.g., on mono displays), write * background in the cursor area (instead of nothing) when the * cursor isn't on. Otherwise the selection would hide the cursor. */ if ((entryPtr->state == STATE_NORMAL) && (entryPtr->flags & GOT_FOCUS)) { Tk_CharBbox(entryPtr->textLayout, entryPtr->insertPos, &cursorX, NULL, NULL, NULL); cursorX += entryPtr->layoutX; cursorX -= (entryPtr->insertWidth)/2; Tk_SetCaretPos(entryPtr->tkwin, cursorX, baseY - fm.ascent, fm.ascent + fm.descent); if (entryPtr->insertPos >= entryPtr->leftIndex) { if (cursorX < xBound) { if (entryPtr->flags & CURSOR_ON) { Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, entryPtr->insertBorder, cursorX, baseY - fm.ascent, entryPtr->insertWidth, fm.ascent + fm.descent, entryPtr->insertBorderWidth, TK_RELIEF_RAISED); } else if (entryPtr->insertBorder == entryPtr->selBorder) { Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, border, cursorX, baseY - fm.ascent, entryPtr->insertWidth, fm.ascent + fm.descent, 0, TK_RELIEF_FLAT); } } } } /* * Draw the text in two pieces: first the unselected portion, then the * selected portion on top of it. */ Tk_DrawTextLayout(entryPtr->display, pixmap, entryPtr->textGC, entryPtr->textLayout, entryPtr->layoutX, entryPtr->layoutY, entryPtr->leftIndex, entryPtr->numChars); if (showSelection && (entryPtr->state != STATE_DISABLED) && (entryPtr->selTextGC != entryPtr->textGC) && (entryPtr->selectFirst < entryPtr->selectLast)) { int selFirst; if (entryPtr->selectFirst < entryPtr->leftIndex) { selFirst = entryPtr->leftIndex; } else { selFirst = entryPtr->selectFirst; } Tk_DrawTextLayout(entryPtr->display, pixmap, entryPtr->selTextGC, entryPtr->textLayout, entryPtr->layoutX, entryPtr->layoutY, selFirst, entryPtr->selectLast); } if (entryPtr->type == TK_SPINBOX) { int startx, height, inset, pad, tHeight, xWidth; Spinbox *sbPtr = (Spinbox *) entryPtr; /* * Draw the spin button controls. */ if (TkpDrawSpinboxButtons(sbPtr, pixmap) == 0) { xWidth = entryPtr->xWidth; pad = XPAD + 1; inset = entryPtr->inset - XPAD; startx = Tk_Width(tkwin) - (xWidth + inset); height = (Tk_Height(tkwin) - 2*inset)/2; #if 0 Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, sbPtr->buttonBorder, startx, inset, xWidth, height, 1, sbPtr->buRelief); Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, sbPtr->buttonBorder, startx, inset+height, xWidth, height, 1, sbPtr->bdRelief); #else Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, sbPtr->buttonBorder, startx, inset, xWidth, height, 1, (sbPtr->selElement == SEL_BUTTONUP) ? TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN : TK_RELIEF_RAISED); Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, sbPtr->buttonBorder, startx, inset+height, xWidth, height, 1, (sbPtr->selElement == SEL_BUTTONDOWN) ? TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN : TK_RELIEF_RAISED); #endif xWidth -= 2*pad; /* * Only draw the triangles if we have enough display space */ if ((xWidth > 1)) { XPoint points[3]; int starty, space, offset; space = height - 2*pad; /* * Ensure width of triangle is odd to guarantee a sharp tip */ if (!(xWidth % 2)) { xWidth++; } tHeight = (xWidth + 1) / 2; if (tHeight > space) { tHeight = space; } space = (space - tHeight) / 2; startx += pad; starty = inset + height - pad - space; offset = (sbPtr->selElement == SEL_BUTTONUP); /* * The points are slightly different for the up and down arrows * because (for *.x), we need to account for a bug in the way * XFillPolygon draws triangles, and we want to shift * the arrows differently when allowing for depressed behavior. */ points[0].x = startx + offset; points[0].y = starty + (offset ? 0 : -1); points[1].x = startx + xWidth/2 + offset; points[1].y = starty - tHeight + (offset ? 0 : -1); points[2].x = startx + xWidth + offset; points[2].y = points[0].y; XFillPolygon(entryPtr->display, pixmap, entryPtr->textGC, points, 3, Convex, CoordModeOrigin); starty = inset + height + pad + space; offset = (sbPtr->selElement == SEL_BUTTONDOWN); points[0].x = startx + 1 + offset; points[0].y = starty + (offset ? 1 : 0); points[1].x = startx + xWidth/2 + offset; points[1].y = starty + tHeight + (offset ? 0 : -1); points[2].x = startx - 1 + xWidth + offset; points[2].y = points[0].y; XFillPolygon(entryPtr->display, pixmap, entryPtr->textGC, points, 3, Convex, CoordModeOrigin); } } } /* * Draw the border and focus highlight last, so they will overwrite * any text that extends past the viewable part of the window. */ if (!TkpDrawEntryBorderAndFocus(entryPtr, pixmap, (entryPtr->type == TK_SPINBOX))) { xBound = entryPtr->highlightWidth; if (entryPtr->relief != TK_RELIEF_FLAT) { Tk_Draw3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, border, xBound, xBound, Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2 * xBound, Tk_Height(tkwin) - 2 * xBound, entryPtr->borderWidth, entryPtr->relief); } if (xBound > 0) { GC fgGC, bgGC; bgGC = Tk_GCForColor(entryPtr->highlightBgColorPtr, pixmap); if (entryPtr->flags & GOT_FOCUS) { fgGC = Tk_GCForColor(entryPtr->highlightColorPtr, pixmap); TkpDrawHighlightBorder(tkwin, fgGC, bgGC, xBound, pixmap); } else { TkpDrawHighlightBorder(tkwin, bgGC, bgGC, xBound, pixmap); } } } #ifndef TK_NO_DOUBLE_BUFFERING /* * Everything's been redisplayed; now copy the pixmap onto the screen * and free up the pixmap. */ XCopyArea(entryPtr->display, pixmap, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), entryPtr->textGC, 0, 0, (unsigned) Tk_Width(tkwin), (unsigned) Tk_Height(tkwin), 0, 0); Tk_FreePixmap(entryPtr->display, pixmap); #endif /* TK_NO_DOUBLE_BUFFERING */ entryPtr->flags &= ~BORDER_NEEDED; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryComputeGeometry -- * * This procedure is invoked to recompute information about where * in its window an entry's string will be displayed. It also * computes the requested size for the window. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * The leftX and tabOrigin fields are recomputed for entryPtr, * and leftIndex may be adjusted. Tk_GeometryRequest is called * to register the desired dimensions for the window. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void EntryComputeGeometry(entryPtr) Entry *entryPtr; /* Widget record for entry. */ { int totalLength, overflow, maxOffScreen, rightX; int height, width, i; Tk_FontMetrics fm; char *p; if (entryPtr->displayString != entryPtr->string) { ckfree((char *)entryPtr->displayString); entryPtr->displayString = entryPtr->string; entryPtr->numDisplayBytes = entryPtr->numBytes; } /* * If we're displaying a special character instead of the value of * the entry, recompute the displayString. */ if (entryPtr->showChar != NULL) { Tcl_UniChar ch; char buf[TCL_UTF_MAX]; int size; /* * Normalize the special character so we can safely duplicate it * in the display string. If we didn't do this, then two malformed * characters might end up looking like one valid UTF character in * the resulting string. */ Tcl_UtfToUniChar(entryPtr->showChar, &ch); size = Tcl_UniCharToUtf(ch, buf); entryPtr->numDisplayBytes = entryPtr->numChars * size; p = (char *) ckalloc((unsigned) (entryPtr->numDisplayBytes + 1)); entryPtr->displayString = p; for (i = entryPtr->numChars; --i >= 0; ) { p += Tcl_UniCharToUtf(ch, p); } *p = '\0'; } Tk_FreeTextLayout(entryPtr->textLayout); entryPtr->textLayout = Tk_ComputeTextLayout(entryPtr->tkfont, entryPtr->displayString, entryPtr->numChars, 0, entryPtr->justify, TK_IGNORE_NEWLINES, &totalLength, &height); entryPtr->layoutY = (Tk_Height(entryPtr->tkwin) - height) / 2; /* * Recompute where the leftmost character on the display will * be drawn (entryPtr->leftX) and adjust leftIndex if necessary * so that we don't let characters hang off the edge of the * window unless the entire window is full. */ overflow = totalLength - (Tk_Width(entryPtr->tkwin) - 2*entryPtr->inset - entryPtr->xWidth); if (overflow <= 0) { entryPtr->leftIndex = 0; if (entryPtr->justify == TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT) { entryPtr->leftX = entryPtr->inset; } else if (entryPtr->justify == TK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT) { entryPtr->leftX = Tk_Width(entryPtr->tkwin) - entryPtr->inset - entryPtr->xWidth - totalLength; } else { entryPtr->leftX = (Tk_Width(entryPtr->tkwin) - entryPtr->xWidth - totalLength)/2; } entryPtr->layoutX = entryPtr->leftX; } else { /* * The whole string can't fit in the window. Compute the * maximum number of characters that may be off-screen to * the left without leaving empty space on the right of the * window, then don't let leftIndex be any greater than that. */ maxOffScreen = Tk_PointToChar(entryPtr->textLayout, overflow, 0); Tk_CharBbox(entryPtr->textLayout, maxOffScreen, &rightX, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rightX < overflow) { maxOffScreen++; } if (entryPtr->leftIndex > maxOffScreen) { entryPtr->leftIndex = maxOffScreen; } Tk_CharBbox(entryPtr->textLayout, entryPtr->leftIndex, &rightX, NULL, NULL, NULL); entryPtr->leftX = entryPtr->inset; entryPtr->layoutX = entryPtr->leftX - rightX; } Tk_GetFontMetrics(entryPtr->tkfont, &fm); height = fm.linespace + 2*entryPtr->inset + 2*(YPAD-XPAD); if (entryPtr->prefWidth > 0) { width = entryPtr->prefWidth*entryPtr->avgWidth + 2*entryPtr->inset; } else { if (totalLength == 0) { width = entryPtr->avgWidth + 2*entryPtr->inset; } else { width = totalLength + 2*entryPtr->inset; } } /* * Add one extra length for the spin buttons */ width += entryPtr->xWidth; Tk_GeometryRequest(entryPtr->tkwin, width, height); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * InsertChars -- * * Add new characters to an entry widget. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * New information gets added to entryPtr; it will be redisplayed * soon, but not necessarily immediately. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void InsertChars(entryPtr, index, value) Entry *entryPtr; /* Entry that is to get the new elements. */ int index; /* Add the new elements before this * character index. */ char *value; /* New characters to add (NULL-terminated * string). */ { int byteIndex, byteCount, oldChars, charsAdded, newByteCount; CONST char *string; char *new; string = entryPtr->string; byteIndex = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(string, index) - string; byteCount = strlen(value); if (byteCount == 0) { return; } newByteCount = entryPtr->numBytes + byteCount + 1; new = (char *) ckalloc((unsigned) newByteCount); memcpy(new, string, (size_t) byteIndex); strcpy(new + byteIndex, value); strcpy(new + byteIndex + byteCount, string + byteIndex); if ((entryPtr->validate == VALIDATE_KEY || entryPtr->validate == VALIDATE_ALL) && EntryValidateChange(entryPtr, value, new, index, VALIDATE_INSERT) != TCL_OK) { ckfree(new); return; } ckfree((char *)string); entryPtr->string = new; /* * The following construction is used because inserting improperly * formed UTF-8 sequences between other improperly formed UTF-8 * sequences could result in actually forming valid UTF-8 sequences; * the number of characters added may not be Tcl_NumUtfChars(string, -1), * because of context. The actual number of characters added is how * many characters are in the string now minus the number that * used to be there. */ oldChars = entryPtr->numChars; entryPtr->numChars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(new, -1); charsAdded = entryPtr->numChars - oldChars; entryPtr->numBytes += byteCount; if (entryPtr->displayString == string) { entryPtr->displayString = new; entryPtr->numDisplayBytes = entryPtr->numBytes; } /* * Inserting characters invalidates all indexes into the string. * Touch up the indexes so that they still refer to the same * characters (at new positions). When updating the selection * end-points, don't include the new text in the selection unless * it was completely surrounded by the selection. */ if (entryPtr->selectFirst >= index) { entryPtr->selectFirst += charsAdded; } if (entryPtr->selectLast > index) { entryPtr->selectLast += charsAdded; } if ((entryPtr->selectAnchor > index) || (entryPtr->selectFirst >= index)) { entryPtr->selectAnchor += charsAdded; } if (entryPtr->leftIndex > index) { entryPtr->leftIndex += charsAdded; } if (entryPtr->insertPos >= index) { entryPtr->insertPos += charsAdded; } EntryValueChanged(entryPtr, NULL); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * DeleteChars -- * * Remove one or more characters from an entry widget. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Memory gets freed, the entry gets modified and (eventually) * redisplayed. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void DeleteChars(entryPtr, index, count) Entry *entryPtr; /* Entry widget to modify. */ int index; /* Index of first character to delete. */ int count; /* How many characters to delete. */ { int byteIndex, byteCount, newByteCount; CONST char *string; char *new, *todelete; if ((index + count) > entryPtr->numChars) { count = entryPtr->numChars - index; } if (count <= 0) { return; } string = entryPtr->string; byteIndex = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(string, index) - string; byteCount = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(string + byteIndex, count) - (string + byteIndex); newByteCount = entryPtr->numBytes + 1 - byteCount; new = (char *) ckalloc((unsigned) newByteCount); memcpy(new, string, (size_t) byteIndex); strcpy(new + byteIndex, string + byteIndex + byteCount); todelete = (char *) ckalloc((unsigned) (byteCount + 1)); memcpy(todelete, string + byteIndex, (size_t) byteCount); todelete[byteCount] = '\0'; if ((entryPtr->validate == VALIDATE_KEY || entryPtr->validate == VALIDATE_ALL) && EntryValidateChange(entryPtr, todelete, new, index, VALIDATE_DELETE) != TCL_OK) { ckfree(new); ckfree(todelete); return; } ckfree(todelete); ckfree((char *)entryPtr->string); entryPtr->string = new; entryPtr->numChars -= count; entryPtr->numBytes -= byteCount; if (entryPtr->displayString == string) { entryPtr->displayString = new; entryPtr->numDisplayBytes = entryPtr->numBytes; } /* * Deleting characters results in the remaining characters being * renumbered. Update the various indexes into the string to reflect * this change. */ if (entryPtr->selectFirst >= index) { if (entryPtr->selectFirst >= (index + count)) { entryPtr->selectFirst -= count; } else { entryPtr->selectFirst = index; } } if (entryPtr->selectLast >= index) { if (entryPtr->selectLast >= (index + count)) { entryPtr->selectLast -= count; } else { entryPtr->selectLast = index; } } if (entryPtr->selectLast <= entryPtr->selectFirst) { entryPtr->selectFirst = -1; entryPtr->selectLast = -1; } if (entryPtr->selectAnchor >= index) { if (entryPtr->selectAnchor >= (index+count)) { entryPtr->selectAnchor -= count; } else { entryPtr->selectAnchor = index; } } if (entryPtr->leftIndex > index) { if (entryPtr->leftIndex >= (index + count)) { entryPtr->leftIndex -= count; } else { entryPtr->leftIndex = index; } } if (entryPtr->insertPos >= index) { if (entryPtr->insertPos >= (index + count)) { entryPtr->insertPos -= count; } else { entryPtr->insertPos = index; } } EntryValueChanged(entryPtr, NULL); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryValueChanged -- * * This procedure is invoked when characters are inserted into * an entry or deleted from it. It updates the entry's associated * variable, if there is one, and does other bookkeeping such * as arranging for redisplay. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void EntryValueChanged(entryPtr, newValue) Entry *entryPtr; /* Entry whose value just changed. */ CONST char *newValue; /* If this value is not NULL, we first * force the value of the entry to this */ { if (newValue != NULL) { EntrySetValue(entryPtr, newValue); } if (entryPtr->textVarName == NULL) { newValue = NULL; } else { newValue = Tcl_SetVar(entryPtr->interp, entryPtr->textVarName, entryPtr->string, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); } if ((newValue != NULL) && (strcmp(newValue, entryPtr->string) != 0)) { /* * The value of the variable is different than what we asked for. * This means that a trace on the variable modified it. In this * case our trace procedure wasn't invoked since the modification * came while a trace was already active on the variable. So, * update our value to reflect the variable's latest value. */ EntrySetValue(entryPtr, newValue); } else { /* * Arrange for redisplay. */ entryPtr->flags |= UPDATE_SCROLLBAR; EntryComputeGeometry(entryPtr); EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntrySetValue -- * * Replace the contents of a text entry with a given value. This * procedure is invoked when updating the entry from the entry's * associated variable. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * The string displayed in the entry will change. The selection, * insertion point, and view may have to be adjusted to keep them * within the bounds of the new string. Note: this procedure does * *not* update the entry's associated variable, since that could * result in an infinite loop. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void EntrySetValue(entryPtr, value) Entry *entryPtr; /* Entry whose value is to be changed. */ CONST char *value; /* New text to display in entry. */ { CONST char *oldSource; int valueLen, malloced = 0; if (strcmp(value, entryPtr->string) == 0) { return; } valueLen = strlen(value); if (entryPtr->flags & VALIDATE_VAR) { entryPtr->flags |= VALIDATE_ABORT; } else { /* * If we validate, we create a copy of the value, as it may * point to volatile memory, like the value of the -textvar * which may get freed during validation */ char *tmp = (char *) ckalloc((unsigned) (valueLen + 1)); strcpy(tmp, value); value = tmp; malloced = 1; entryPtr->flags |= VALIDATE_VAR; (void) EntryValidateChange(entryPtr, (char *) NULL, value, -1, VALIDATE_FORCED); entryPtr->flags &= ~VALIDATE_VAR; /* * If VALIDATE_ABORT has been set, then this operation should be * aborted because the validatecommand did something else instead */ if (entryPtr->flags & VALIDATE_ABORT) { entryPtr->flags &= ~VALIDATE_ABORT; ckfree((char *)value); return; } } oldSource = entryPtr->string; ckfree((char *)entryPtr->string); if (malloced) { entryPtr->string = value; } else { char *tmp = (char *) ckalloc((unsigned) (valueLen + 1)); strcpy(tmp, value); entryPtr->string = tmp; } entryPtr->numBytes = valueLen; entryPtr->numChars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(value, valueLen); if (entryPtr->displayString == oldSource) { entryPtr->displayString = entryPtr->string; entryPtr->numDisplayBytes = entryPtr->numBytes; } if (entryPtr->selectFirst >= 0) { if (entryPtr->selectFirst >= entryPtr->numChars) { entryPtr->selectFirst = -1; entryPtr->selectLast = -1; } else if (entryPtr->selectLast > entryPtr->numChars) { entryPtr->selectLast = entryPtr->numChars; } } if (entryPtr->leftIndex >= entryPtr->numChars) { if (entryPtr->numChars > 0) { entryPtr->leftIndex = entryPtr->numChars - 1; } else { entryPtr->leftIndex = 0; } } if (entryPtr->insertPos > entryPtr->numChars) { entryPtr->insertPos = entryPtr->numChars; } entryPtr->flags |= UPDATE_SCROLLBAR; EntryComputeGeometry(entryPtr); EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryEventProc -- * * This procedure is invoked by the Tk dispatcher for various * events on entries. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * When the window gets deleted, internal structures get * cleaned up. When it gets exposed, it is redisplayed. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void EntryEventProc(clientData, eventPtr) ClientData clientData; /* Information about window. */ XEvent *eventPtr; /* Information about event. */ { Entry *entryPtr = (Entry *) clientData; if ((entryPtr->type == TK_SPINBOX) && (eventPtr->type == MotionNotify)) { Spinbox *sbPtr = (Spinbox *) clientData; int elem; elem = GetSpinboxElement(sbPtr, eventPtr->xmotion.x, eventPtr->xmotion.y); if (elem != sbPtr->curElement) { Tk_Cursor cursor; sbPtr->curElement = elem; if (elem == SEL_ENTRY) { cursor = entryPtr->cursor; } else if ((elem == SEL_BUTTONDOWN) || (elem == SEL_BUTTONUP)) { cursor = sbPtr->bCursor; } else { cursor = None; } if (cursor != None) { Tk_DefineCursor(entryPtr->tkwin, cursor); } else { Tk_UndefineCursor(entryPtr->tkwin); } } return; } switch (eventPtr->type) { case Expose: EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); entryPtr->flags |= BORDER_NEEDED; break; case DestroyNotify: if (!(entryPtr->flags & ENTRY_DELETED)) { entryPtr->flags |= (ENTRY_DELETED | VALIDATE_ABORT); Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken(entryPtr->interp, entryPtr->widgetCmd); if (entryPtr->flags & REDRAW_PENDING) { Tcl_CancelIdleCall(DisplayEntry, clientData); } Tcl_EventuallyFree(clientData, DestroyEntry); } break; case ConfigureNotify: Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) entryPtr); entryPtr->flags |= UPDATE_SCROLLBAR; EntryComputeGeometry(entryPtr); EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); Tcl_Release((ClientData) entryPtr); break; case FocusIn: case FocusOut: if (eventPtr->xfocus.detail != NotifyInferior) { EntryFocusProc(entryPtr, (eventPtr->type == FocusIn)); } break; } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryCmdDeletedProc -- * * This procedure is invoked when a widget command is deleted. If * the widget isn't already in the process of being destroyed, * this command destroys it. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * The widget is destroyed. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void EntryCmdDeletedProc(clientData) ClientData clientData; /* Pointer to widget record for widget. */ { Entry *entryPtr = (Entry *) clientData; /* * This procedure could be invoked either because the window was * destroyed and the command was then deleted (in which case tkwin * is NULL) or because the command was deleted, and then this procedure * destroys the widget. */ if (!(entryPtr->flags & ENTRY_DELETED)) { Tk_DestroyWindow(entryPtr->tkwin); } } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GetEntryIndex -- * * Parse an index into an entry and return either its value * or an error. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. If all went well, then *indexPtr is * filled in with the character index (into entryPtr) corresponding to * string. The index value is guaranteed to lie between 0 and * the number of characters in the string, inclusive. If an * error occurs then an error message is left in the interp's result. * * Side effects: * None. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, string, indexPtr) Tcl_Interp *interp; /* For error messages. */ Entry *entryPtr; /* Entry for which the index is being * specified. */ char *string; /* Specifies character in entryPtr. */ int *indexPtr; /* Where to store converted character * index. */ { size_t length; length = strlen(string); if (string[0] == 'a') { if (strncmp(string, "anchor", length) == 0) { *indexPtr = entryPtr->selectAnchor; } else { badIndex: /* * Some of the paths here leave messages in the interp's result, * so we have to clear it out before storing our own message. */ Tcl_SetResult(interp, (char *) NULL, TCL_STATIC); Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad ", (entryPtr->type == TK_ENTRY) ? "entry" : "spinbox", " index \"", string, "\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } } else if (string[0] == 'e') { if (strncmp(string, "end", length) == 0) { *indexPtr = entryPtr->numChars; } else { goto badIndex; } } else if (string[0] == 'i') { if (strncmp(string, "insert", length) == 0) { *indexPtr = entryPtr->insertPos; } else { goto badIndex; } } else if (string[0] == 's') { if (entryPtr->selectFirst < 0) { Tcl_SetResult(interp, (char *) NULL, TCL_STATIC); Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "selection isn't in widget ", Tk_PathName(entryPtr->tkwin), (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } if (length < 5) { goto badIndex; } if (strncmp(string, "sel.first", length) == 0) { *indexPtr = entryPtr->selectFirst; } else if (strncmp(string, "sel.last", length) == 0) { *indexPtr = entryPtr->selectLast; } else { goto badIndex; } } else if (string[0] == '@') { int x, roundUp, maxWidth; if (Tcl_GetInt(interp, string + 1, &x) != TCL_OK) { goto badIndex; } if (x < entryPtr->inset) { x = entryPtr->inset; } roundUp = 0; maxWidth = Tk_Width(entryPtr->tkwin) - entryPtr->inset - entryPtr->xWidth - 1; if (x > maxWidth) { x = maxWidth; roundUp = 1; } *indexPtr = Tk_PointToChar(entryPtr->textLayout, x - entryPtr->layoutX, 0); /* * Special trick: if the x-position was off-screen to the right, * round the index up to refer to the character just after the * last visible one on the screen. This is needed to enable the * last character to be selected, for example. */ if (roundUp && (*indexPtr < entryPtr->numChars)) { *indexPtr += 1; } } else { if (Tcl_GetInt(interp, string, indexPtr) != TCL_OK) { goto badIndex; } if (*indexPtr < 0){ *indexPtr = 0; } else if (*indexPtr > entryPtr->numChars) { *indexPtr = entryPtr->numChars; } } return TCL_OK; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryScanTo -- * * Given a y-coordinate (presumably of the curent mouse location) * drag the view in the window to implement the scan operation. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * The view in the window may change. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void EntryScanTo(entryPtr, x) Entry *entryPtr; /* Information about widget. */ int x; /* X-coordinate to use for scan operation. */ { int newLeftIndex; /* * Compute new leftIndex for entry by amplifying the difference * between the current position and the place where the scan * started (the "mark" position). If we run off the left or right * side of the entry, then reset the mark point so that the current * position continues to correspond to the edge of the window. * This means that the picture will start dragging as soon as the * mouse reverses direction (without this reset, might have to slide * mouse a long ways back before the picture starts moving again). */ newLeftIndex = entryPtr->scanMarkIndex - (10 * (x - entryPtr->scanMarkX)) / entryPtr->avgWidth; if (newLeftIndex >= entryPtr->numChars) { newLeftIndex = entryPtr->scanMarkIndex = entryPtr->numChars - 1; entryPtr->scanMarkX = x; } if (newLeftIndex < 0) { newLeftIndex = entryPtr->scanMarkIndex = 0; entryPtr->scanMarkX = x; } if (newLeftIndex != entryPtr->leftIndex) { entryPtr->leftIndex = newLeftIndex; entryPtr->flags |= UPDATE_SCROLLBAR; EntryComputeGeometry(entryPtr); if (newLeftIndex != entryPtr->leftIndex) { entryPtr->scanMarkIndex = entryPtr->leftIndex; entryPtr->scanMarkX = x; } EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntrySelectTo -- * * Modify the selection by moving its un-anchored end. This could * make the selection either larger or smaller. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * The selection changes. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void EntrySelectTo(entryPtr, index) Entry *entryPtr; /* Information about widget. */ int index; /* Character index of element that is to * become the "other" end of the selection. */ { int newFirst, newLast; /* * Grab the selection if we don't own it already. */ if (!(entryPtr->flags & GOT_SELECTION) && (entryPtr->exportSelection)) { Tk_OwnSelection(entryPtr->tkwin, XA_PRIMARY, EntryLostSelection, (ClientData) entryPtr); entryPtr->flags |= GOT_SELECTION; } /* * Pick new starting and ending points for the selection. */ if (entryPtr->selectAnchor > entryPtr->numChars) { entryPtr->selectAnchor = entryPtr->numChars; } if (entryPtr->selectAnchor <= index) { newFirst = entryPtr->selectAnchor; newLast = index; } else { newFirst = index; newLast = entryPtr->selectAnchor; if (newLast < 0) { newFirst = newLast = -1; } } if ((entryPtr->selectFirst == newFirst) && (entryPtr->selectLast == newLast)) { return; } entryPtr->selectFirst = newFirst; entryPtr->selectLast = newLast; EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryFetchSelection -- * * This procedure is called back by Tk when the selection is * requested by someone. It returns part or all of the selection * in a buffer provided by the caller. * * Results: * The return value is the number of non-NULL bytes stored * at buffer. Buffer is filled (or partially filled) with a * NULL-terminated string containing part or all of the selection, * as given by offset and maxBytes. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int EntryFetchSelection(clientData, offset, buffer, maxBytes) ClientData clientData; /* Information about entry widget. */ int offset; /* Byte offset within selection of first * character to be returned. */ char *buffer; /* Location in which to place selection. */ int maxBytes; /* Maximum number of bytes to place at * buffer, not including terminating NULL * character. */ { Entry *entryPtr = (Entry *) clientData; int byteCount; CONST char *string; CONST char *selStart, *selEnd; if ((entryPtr->selectFirst < 0) || !(entryPtr->exportSelection)) { return -1; } string = entryPtr->displayString; selStart = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(string, entryPtr->selectFirst); selEnd = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(selStart, entryPtr->selectLast - entryPtr->selectFirst); byteCount = selEnd - selStart - offset; if (byteCount > maxBytes) { byteCount = maxBytes; } if (byteCount <= 0) { return 0; } memcpy(buffer, selStart + offset, (size_t) byteCount); buffer[byteCount] = '\0'; return byteCount; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryLostSelection -- * * This procedure is called back by Tk when the selection is * grabbed away from an entry widget. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * The existing selection is unhighlighted, and the window is * marked as not containing a selection. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void EntryLostSelection(clientData) ClientData clientData; /* Information about entry widget. */ { Entry *entryPtr = (Entry *) clientData; entryPtr->flags &= ~GOT_SELECTION; /* * On Windows and Mac systems, we want to remember the selection * for the next time the focus enters the window. On Unix, we need * to clear the selection since it is always visible. This is * controlled by ::tk::AlwaysShowSelection. */ if (TkpAlwaysShowSelection(entryPtr->tkwin) && (entryPtr->selectFirst >= 0) && entryPtr->exportSelection) { entryPtr->selectFirst = -1; entryPtr->selectLast = -1; EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * EventuallyRedraw -- * * Ensure that an entry is eventually redrawn on the display. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Information gets redisplayed. Right now we don't do selective * redisplays: the whole window will be redrawn. This doesn't * seem to hurt performance noticeably, but if it does then this * could be changed. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr) Entry *entryPtr; /* Information about widget. */ { if ((entryPtr->flags & ENTRY_DELETED) || !Tk_IsMapped(entryPtr->tkwin)) { return; } /* * Right now we don't do selective redisplays: the whole window * will be redrawn. This doesn't seem to hurt performance noticeably, * but if it does then this could be changed. */ if (!(entryPtr->flags & REDRAW_PENDING)) { entryPtr->flags |= REDRAW_PENDING; Tcl_DoWhenIdle(DisplayEntry, (ClientData) entryPtr); } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryVisibleRange -- * * Return information about the range of the entry that is * currently visible. * * Results: * *firstPtr and *lastPtr are modified to hold fractions between * 0 and 1 identifying the range of characters visible in the * entry. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void EntryVisibleRange(entryPtr, firstPtr, lastPtr) Entry *entryPtr; /* Information about widget. */ double *firstPtr; /* Return position of first visible * character in widget. */ double *lastPtr; /* Return position of char just after last * visible one. */ { int charsInWindow; if (entryPtr->numChars == 0) { *firstPtr = 0.0; *lastPtr = 1.0; } else { charsInWindow = Tk_PointToChar(entryPtr->textLayout, Tk_Width(entryPtr->tkwin) - entryPtr->inset - entryPtr->xWidth - entryPtr->layoutX - 1, 0); if (charsInWindow < entryPtr->numChars) { charsInWindow++; } charsInWindow -= entryPtr->leftIndex; if (charsInWindow == 0) { charsInWindow = 1; } *firstPtr = (double) entryPtr->leftIndex / entryPtr->numChars; *lastPtr = (double) (entryPtr->leftIndex + charsInWindow) / entryPtr->numChars; } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryUpdateScrollbar -- * * This procedure is invoked whenever information has changed in * an entry in a way that would invalidate a scrollbar display. * If there is an associated scrollbar, then this procedure updates * it by invoking a Tcl command. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * A Tcl command is invoked, and an additional command may be * invoked to process errors in the command. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void EntryUpdateScrollbar(entryPtr) Entry *entryPtr; /* Information about widget. */ { char args[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE * 2]; int code; double first, last; Tcl_Interp *interp; if (entryPtr->scrollCmd == NULL) { return; } interp = entryPtr->interp; Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) interp); EntryVisibleRange(entryPtr, &first, &last); sprintf(args, " %g %g", first, last); code = Tcl_VarEval(interp, entryPtr->scrollCmd, args, (char *) NULL); if (code != TCL_OK) { Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, "\n (horizontal scrolling command executed by "); Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, Tk_PathName(entryPtr->tkwin)); Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, ")"); Tcl_BackgroundError(interp); } Tcl_SetResult(interp, (char *) NULL, TCL_STATIC); Tcl_Release((ClientData) interp); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryBlinkProc -- * * This procedure is called as a timer handler to blink the * insertion cursor off and on. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * The cursor gets turned on or off, redisplay gets invoked, * and this procedure reschedules itself. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void EntryBlinkProc(clientData) ClientData clientData; /* Pointer to record describing entry. */ { Entry *entryPtr = (Entry *) clientData; if ((entryPtr->state == STATE_DISABLED) || (entryPtr->state == STATE_READONLY) || !(entryPtr->flags & GOT_FOCUS) || (entryPtr->insertOffTime == 0)) { return; } if (entryPtr->flags & CURSOR_ON) { entryPtr->flags &= ~CURSOR_ON; entryPtr->insertBlinkHandler = Tcl_CreateTimerHandler( entryPtr->insertOffTime, EntryBlinkProc, (ClientData) entryPtr); } else { entryPtr->flags |= CURSOR_ON; entryPtr->insertBlinkHandler = Tcl_CreateTimerHandler( entryPtr->insertOnTime, EntryBlinkProc, (ClientData) entryPtr); } EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryFocusProc -- * * This procedure is called whenever the entry gets or loses the * input focus. It's also called whenever the window is reconfigured * while it has the focus. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * The cursor gets turned on or off. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void EntryFocusProc(entryPtr, gotFocus) Entry *entryPtr; /* Entry that got or lost focus. */ int gotFocus; /* 1 means window is getting focus, 0 means * it's losing it. */ { Tcl_DeleteTimerHandler(entryPtr->insertBlinkHandler); if (gotFocus) { entryPtr->flags |= GOT_FOCUS | CURSOR_ON; if (entryPtr->insertOffTime != 0) { entryPtr->insertBlinkHandler = Tcl_CreateTimerHandler( entryPtr->insertOnTime, EntryBlinkProc, (ClientData) entryPtr); } if (entryPtr->validate == VALIDATE_ALL || entryPtr->validate == VALIDATE_FOCUS || entryPtr->validate == VALIDATE_FOCUSIN) { EntryValidateChange(entryPtr, (char *) NULL, entryPtr->string, -1, VALIDATE_FOCUSIN); } } else { entryPtr->flags &= ~(GOT_FOCUS | CURSOR_ON); entryPtr->insertBlinkHandler = (Tcl_TimerToken) NULL; if (entryPtr->validate == VALIDATE_ALL || entryPtr->validate == VALIDATE_FOCUS || entryPtr->validate == VALIDATE_FOCUSOUT) { EntryValidateChange(entryPtr, (char *) NULL, entryPtr->string, -1, VALIDATE_FOCUSOUT); } } EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryTextVarProc -- * * This procedure is invoked when someone changes the variable * whose contents are to be displayed in an entry. * * Results: * NULL is always returned. * * Side effects: * The text displayed in the entry will change to match the * variable. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ARGSUSED */ static char * EntryTextVarProc(clientData, interp, name1, name2, flags) ClientData clientData; /* Information about button. */ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter containing variable. */ CONST char *name1; /* Not used. */ CONST char *name2; /* Not used. */ int flags; /* Information about what happened. */ { Entry *entryPtr = (Entry *) clientData; CONST char *value; if (entryPtr->flags & ENTRY_DELETED) { /* * Just abort early if we entered here while being deleted. */ return (char *) NULL; } /* * If the variable is unset, then immediately recreate it unless * the whole interpreter is going away. */ if (flags & TCL_TRACE_UNSETS) { if ((flags & TCL_TRACE_DESTROYED) && !(flags & TCL_INTERP_DESTROYED)) { Tcl_SetVar(interp, entryPtr->textVarName, entryPtr->string, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_TraceVar(interp, entryPtr->textVarName, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY|TCL_TRACE_WRITES|TCL_TRACE_UNSETS, EntryTextVarProc, clientData); entryPtr->flags |= ENTRY_VAR_TRACED; } return (char *) NULL; } /* * Update the entry's text with the value of the variable, unless * the entry already has that value (this happens when the variable * changes value because we changed it because someone typed in * the entry). */ value = Tcl_GetVar(interp, entryPtr->textVarName, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); if (value == NULL) { value = ""; } EntrySetValue(entryPtr, value); return (char *) NULL; } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryValidate -- * * This procedure is invoked when any character is added or * removed from the entry widget, or a focus has trigerred validation. * * Results: * TCL_OK if the validatecommand passes the new string. * TCL_BREAK if the vcmd executed OK, but rejects the string. * TCL_ERROR if an error occurred while executing the vcmd * or a valid Tcl_Bool is not returned. * * Side effects: * An error condition may arise * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int EntryValidate(entryPtr, cmd) register Entry *entryPtr; /* Entry that needs validation. */ register char *cmd; /* Validation command (NULL-terminated * string). */ { register Tcl_Interp *interp = entryPtr->interp; int code, bool; code = Tcl_EvalEx(interp, cmd, -1, TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL | TCL_EVAL_DIRECT); /* * We accept TCL_OK and TCL_RETURN as valid return codes from the * command callback. */ if (code != TCL_OK && code != TCL_RETURN) { Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, "\n\t(in validation command executed by "); Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, Tk_PathName(entryPtr->tkwin)); Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, ")"); Tcl_BackgroundError(interp); return TCL_ERROR; } /* * The command callback should return an acceptable Tcl boolean. */ if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), &bool) != TCL_OK) { Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, "\nvalid boolean not returned by validation command"); Tcl_BackgroundError(interp); Tcl_SetResult(interp, NULL, 0); return TCL_ERROR; } Tcl_SetResult(interp, NULL, 0); return (bool ? TCL_OK : TCL_BREAK); } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * EntryValidateChange -- * * This procedure is invoked when any character is added or * removed from the entry widget, or a focus has trigerred validation. * * Results: * TCL_OK if the validatecommand accepts the new string, * TCL_ERROR if any problems occured with validatecommand. * * Side effects: * The insertion/deletion may be aborted, and the * validatecommand might turn itself off (if an error * or loop condition arises). * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int EntryValidateChange(entryPtr, change, new, index, type) register Entry *entryPtr; /* Entry that needs validation. */ char *change; /* Characters to be added/deleted * (NULL-terminated string). */ CONST char *new; /* Potential new value of entry string */ int index; /* index of insert/delete, -1 otherwise */ int type; /* forced, delete, insert, * focusin or focusout */ { int code, varValidate = (entryPtr->flags & VALIDATE_VAR); char *p; Tcl_DString script; if (entryPtr->validateCmd == NULL || entryPtr->validate == VALIDATE_NONE) { return (varValidate ? TCL_ERROR : TCL_OK); } /* * If we're already validating, then we're hitting a loop condition * Return and set validate to 0 to disallow further validations * and prevent current validation from finishing */ if (entryPtr->flags & VALIDATING) { entryPtr->validate = VALIDATE_NONE; return (varValidate ? TCL_ERROR : TCL_OK); } entryPtr->flags |= VALIDATING; /* * Now form command string and run through the -validatecommand */ Tcl_DStringInit(&script); ExpandPercents(entryPtr, entryPtr->validateCmd, change, new, index, type, &script); Tcl_DStringAppend(&script, "", 1); p = Tcl_DStringValue(&script); code = EntryValidate(entryPtr, p); Tcl_DStringFree(&script); /* * If e->validate has become VALIDATE_NONE during the validation, or * we now have VALIDATE_VAR set (from EntrySetValue) and didn't before, * it means that a loop condition almost occured. Do not allow * this validation result to finish. */ if (entryPtr->validate == VALIDATE_NONE || (!varValidate && (entryPtr->flags & VALIDATE_VAR))) { code = TCL_ERROR; } /* * It's possible that the user deleted the entry during validation. * In that case, abort future validation and return an error. */ if (entryPtr->flags & ENTRY_DELETED) { return TCL_ERROR; } /* * If validate will return ERROR, then disallow further validations * Otherwise, if it didn't accept the new string (returned TCL_BREAK) * then eval the invalidCmd (if it's set) */ if (code == TCL_ERROR) { entryPtr->validate = VALIDATE_NONE; } else if (code == TCL_BREAK) { /* * If we were doing forced validation (like via a variable * trace) and the command returned 0, the we turn off validation * because we assume that textvariables have precedence in * managing the value. We also don't call the invcmd, as it * may want to do entry manipulation which the setting of the * var will later wipe anyway. */ if (varValidate) { entryPtr->validate = VALIDATE_NONE; } else if (entryPtr->invalidCmd != NULL) { Tcl_DStringInit(&script); ExpandPercents(entryPtr, entryPtr->invalidCmd, change, new, index, type, &script); Tcl_DStringAppend(&script, "", 1); p = Tcl_DStringValue(&script); if (Tcl_EvalEx(entryPtr->interp, p, -1, TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL | TCL_EVAL_DIRECT) != TCL_OK) { Tcl_AddErrorInfo(entryPtr->interp, "\n\t(in invalidcommand executed by entry)"); Tcl_BackgroundError(entryPtr->interp); code = TCL_ERROR; entryPtr->validate = VALIDATE_NONE; } Tcl_DStringFree(&script); /* * It's possible that the user deleted the entry during validation. * In that case, abort future validation and return an error. */ if (entryPtr->flags & ENTRY_DELETED) { return TCL_ERROR; } } } entryPtr->flags &= ~VALIDATING; return code; } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * ExpandPercents -- * * Given a command and an event, produce a new command * by replacing % constructs in the original command * with information from the X event. * * Results: * The new expanded command is appended to the dynamic string * given by dsPtr. * * Side effects: * None. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void ExpandPercents(entryPtr, before, change, new, index, type, dsPtr) register Entry *entryPtr; /* Entry that needs validation. */ register CONST char *before; /* Command containing percent * expressions to be replaced. */ char *change; /* Characters to added/deleted * (NULL-terminated string). */ CONST char *new; /* Potential new value of entry string */ int index; /* index of insert/delete */ int type; /* INSERT or DELETE */ Tcl_DString *dsPtr; /* Dynamic string in which to append * new command. */ { int spaceNeeded, cvtFlags; /* Used to substitute string as proper Tcl * list element. */ int number, length; register CONST char *string; Tcl_UniChar ch; char numStorage[2*TCL_INTEGER_SPACE]; while (1) { if (*before == '\0') { break; } /* * Find everything up to the next % character and append it * to the result string. */ string = before; /* No need to convert '%', as it is in ascii range */ string = Tcl_UtfFindFirst(before, '%'); if (string == (char *) NULL) { Tcl_DStringAppend(dsPtr, before, -1); break; } else if (string != before) { Tcl_DStringAppend(dsPtr, before, string-before); before = string; } /* * There's a percent sequence here. Process it. */ before++; /* skip over % */ if (*before != '\0') { before += Tcl_UtfToUniChar(before, &ch); } else { ch = '%'; } if (type == VALIDATE_BUTTON) { /* * -command %-substitution */ switch (ch) { case 's': /* Current string value of spinbox */ string = entryPtr->string; break; case 'd': /* direction, up or down */ string = change; break; case 'W': /* widget name */ string = Tk_PathName(entryPtr->tkwin); break; default: length = Tcl_UniCharToUtf(ch, numStorage); numStorage[length] = '\0'; string = numStorage; break; } } else { /* * -validatecommand / -invalidcommand %-substitution */ switch (ch) { case 'd': /* Type of call that caused validation */ switch (type) { case VALIDATE_INSERT: number = 1; break; case VALIDATE_DELETE: number = 0; break; default: number = -1; break; } sprintf(numStorage, "%d", number); string = numStorage; break; case 'i': /* index of insert/delete */ sprintf(numStorage, "%d", index); string = numStorage; break; case 'P': /* 'Peeked' new value of the string */ string = new; break; case 's': /* Current string value of spinbox */ string = entryPtr->string; break; case 'S': /* string to be inserted/deleted, if any */ string = change; break; case 'v': /* type of validation currently set */ string = validateStrings[entryPtr->validate]; break; case 'V': /* type of validation in effect */ switch (type) { case VALIDATE_INSERT: case VALIDATE_DELETE: string = validateStrings[VALIDATE_KEY]; break; case VALIDATE_FORCED: string = "forced"; break; default: string = validateStrings[type]; break; } break; case 'W': /* widget name */ string = Tk_PathName(entryPtr->tkwin); break; default: length = Tcl_UniCharToUtf(ch, numStorage); numStorage[length] = '\0'; string = numStorage; break; } } spaceNeeded = Tcl_ScanCountedElement(string, -1, &cvtFlags); length = Tcl_DStringLength(dsPtr); Tcl_DStringSetLength(dsPtr, length + spaceNeeded); spaceNeeded = Tcl_ConvertCountedElement(string, -1, Tcl_DStringValue(dsPtr) + length, cvtFlags | TCL_DONT_USE_BRACES); Tcl_DStringSetLength(dsPtr, length + spaceNeeded); } } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * Tk_SpinboxObjCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the "spinbox" Tcl * command. See the user documentation for details on what * it does. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Tk_SpinboxObjCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv) ClientData clientData; /* NULL. */ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */ int objc; /* Number of arguments. */ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]; /* Argument objects. */ { register Entry *entryPtr; register Spinbox *sbPtr; Tk_OptionTable optionTable; Tk_Window tkwin; char *tmp; if (objc < 2) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "pathName ?options?"); return TCL_ERROR; } tkwin = Tk_CreateWindowFromPath(interp, Tk_MainWindow(interp), Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), (char *) NULL); if (tkwin == NULL) { return TCL_ERROR; } /* * Create the option table for this widget class. If it has already * been created, Tk will return the cached value. */ optionTable = Tk_CreateOptionTable(interp, sbOptSpec); /* * Initialize the fields of the structure that won't be initialized * by ConfigureEntry, or that ConfigureEntry requires to be * initialized already (e.g. resource pointers). Only the non-NULL/0 * data must be initialized as memset covers the rest. */ sbPtr = (Spinbox *) ckalloc(sizeof(Spinbox)); entryPtr = (Entry *) sbPtr; memset((VOID *) sbPtr, 0, sizeof(Spinbox)); entryPtr->tkwin = tkwin; entryPtr->display = Tk_Display(tkwin); entryPtr->interp = interp; entryPtr->widgetCmd = Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, Tk_PathName(entryPtr->tkwin), SpinboxWidgetObjCmd, (ClientData) sbPtr, EntryCmdDeletedProc); entryPtr->optionTable = optionTable; entryPtr->type = TK_SPINBOX; tmp = (char *) ckalloc(1); tmp[0] = '\0'; entryPtr->string = tmp; entryPtr->selectFirst = -1; entryPtr->selectLast = -1; entryPtr->cursor = None; entryPtr->exportSelection = 1; entryPtr->justify = TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT; entryPtr->relief = TK_RELIEF_FLAT; entryPtr->state = STATE_NORMAL; entryPtr->displayString = entryPtr->string; entryPtr->inset = XPAD; entryPtr->textGC = None; entryPtr->selTextGC = None; entryPtr->highlightGC = None; entryPtr->avgWidth = 1; entryPtr->validate = VALIDATE_NONE; sbPtr->selElement = SEL_NONE; sbPtr->curElement = SEL_NONE; sbPtr->bCursor = None; sbPtr->repeatDelay = 400; sbPtr->repeatInterval = 100; sbPtr->fromValue = 0.0; sbPtr->toValue = 100.0; sbPtr->increment = 1.0; sbPtr->formatBuf = (char *) ckalloc(TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE); sbPtr->bdRelief = TK_RELIEF_FLAT; sbPtr->buRelief = TK_RELIEF_FLAT; /* * Keep a hold of the associated tkwin until we destroy the listbox, * otherwise Tk might free it while we still need it. */ Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) entryPtr->tkwin); Tk_SetClass(entryPtr->tkwin, "Spinbox"); Tk_SetClassProcs(entryPtr->tkwin, &entryClass, (ClientData) entryPtr); Tk_CreateEventHandler(entryPtr->tkwin, PointerMotionMask|ExposureMask|StructureNotifyMask|FocusChangeMask, EntryEventProc, (ClientData) entryPtr); Tk_CreateSelHandler(entryPtr->tkwin, XA_PRIMARY, XA_STRING, EntryFetchSelection, (ClientData) entryPtr, XA_STRING); if (Tk_InitOptions(interp, (char *) sbPtr, optionTable, tkwin) != TCL_OK) { Tk_DestroyWindow(entryPtr->tkwin); return TCL_ERROR; } if (ConfigureEntry(interp, entryPtr, objc-2, objv+2, 0) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } Tcl_SetResult(interp, Tk_PathName(entryPtr->tkwin), TCL_STATIC); return TCL_OK; error: Tk_DestroyWindow(entryPtr->tkwin); return TCL_ERROR; } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * SpinboxWidgetObjCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the Tcl command * that corresponds to a widget managed by this module. * See the user documentation for details on what it does. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int SpinboxWidgetObjCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv) ClientData clientData; /* Information about spinbox widget. */ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */ int objc; /* Number of arguments. */ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]; /* Argument objects. */ { Entry *entryPtr = (Entry *) clientData; Spinbox *sbPtr = (Spinbox *) clientData; int cmdIndex, selIndex, result; Tcl_Obj *objPtr; if (objc < 2) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "option ?arg arg ...?"); return TCL_ERROR; } /* * Parse the widget command by looking up the second token in * the list of valid command names. */ result = Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[1], sbCmdNames, "option", 0, &cmdIndex); if (result != TCL_OK) { return result; } Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) entryPtr); switch ((enum sbCmd) cmdIndex) { case SB_CMD_BBOX: { int index, x, y, width, height; char buf[TCL_INTEGER_SPACE * 4]; if (objc != 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "index"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if ((index == entryPtr->numChars) && (index > 0)) { index--; } Tk_CharBbox(entryPtr->textLayout, index, &x, &y, &width, &height); sprintf(buf, "%d %d %d %d", x + entryPtr->layoutX, y + entryPtr->layoutY, width, height); Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE); break; } case SB_CMD_CGET: { if (objc != 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "option"); goto error; } objPtr = Tk_GetOptionValue(interp, (char *) entryPtr, entryPtr->optionTable, objv[2], entryPtr->tkwin); if (objPtr == NULL) { goto error; } else { Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, objPtr); } break; } case SB_CMD_CONFIGURE: { if (objc <= 3) { objPtr = Tk_GetOptionInfo(interp, (char *) entryPtr, entryPtr->optionTable, (objc == 3) ? objv[2] : (Tcl_Obj *) NULL, entryPtr->tkwin); if (objPtr == NULL) { goto error; } else { Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, objPtr); } } else { result = ConfigureEntry(interp, entryPtr, objc-2, objv+2, 0); } break; } case SB_CMD_DELETE: { int first, last; if ((objc < 3) || (objc > 4)) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "firstIndex ?lastIndex?"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), &first) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (objc == 3) { last = first + 1; } else { if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[3]), &last) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } } if ((last >= first) && (entryPtr->state == STATE_NORMAL)) { DeleteChars(entryPtr, first, last - first); } break; } case SB_CMD_GET: { if (objc != 2) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, (char *) NULL); goto error; } Tcl_SetStringObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), entryPtr->string, -1); break; } case SB_CMD_ICURSOR: { if (objc != 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "pos"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), &entryPtr->insertPos) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); break; } case SB_CMD_IDENTIFY: { int x, y, elem; if (objc != 4) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "x y"); goto error; } if ((Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[2], &x) != TCL_OK) || (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[3], &y) != TCL_OK)) { goto error; } elem = GetSpinboxElement(sbPtr, x, y); if (elem != SEL_NONE) { Tcl_SetStringObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), selElementNames[elem], -1); } break; } case SB_CMD_INDEX: { int index; if (objc != 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "string"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(index)); break; } case SB_CMD_INSERT: { int index; if (objc != 4) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "index text"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (entryPtr->state == STATE_NORMAL) { InsertChars(entryPtr, index, Tcl_GetString(objv[3])); } break; } case SB_CMD_INVOKE: { if (objc != 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "elemName"); goto error; } result = Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[2], selElementNames, "element", 0, &cmdIndex); if (result != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (entryPtr->state != STATE_DISABLED) { if (SpinboxInvoke(interp, sbPtr, cmdIndex) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } } break; } case SB_CMD_SCAN: { int x; char *minorCmd; if (objc != 4) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "mark|dragto x"); goto error; } if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[3], &x) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } minorCmd = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]); if (minorCmd[0] == 'm' && (strncmp(minorCmd, "mark", strlen(minorCmd)) == 0)) { entryPtr->scanMarkX = x; entryPtr->scanMarkIndex = entryPtr->leftIndex; } else if ((minorCmd[0] == 'd') && (strncmp(minorCmd, "dragto", strlen(minorCmd)) == 0)) { EntryScanTo(entryPtr, x); } else { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad scan option \"", Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), "\": must be mark or dragto", (char *) NULL); goto error; } break; } case SB_CMD_SELECTION: { int index, index2; if (objc < 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "option ?index?"); goto error; } /* * Parse the selection sub-command, using the command * table "sbSelCmdNames" defined above. */ result = Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[2], sbSelCmdNames, "selection option", 0, &selIndex); if (result != TCL_OK) { goto error; } /* * Disabled entries don't allow the selection to be modified, * but 'selection present' must return a boolean. */ if ((entryPtr->state == STATE_DISABLED) && (selIndex != SB_SEL_PRESENT)) { goto done; } switch (selIndex) { case SB_SEL_ADJUST: { if (objc != 4) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, "index"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[3]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (entryPtr->selectFirst >= 0) { int half1, half2; half1 = (entryPtr->selectFirst + entryPtr->selectLast)/2; half2 = (entryPtr->selectFirst + entryPtr->selectLast + 1)/2; if (index < half1) { entryPtr->selectAnchor = entryPtr->selectLast; } else if (index > half2) { entryPtr->selectAnchor = entryPtr->selectFirst; } else { /* * We're at about the halfway point in the * selection; just keep the existing anchor. */ } } EntrySelectTo(entryPtr, index); break; } case SB_SEL_CLEAR: { if (objc != 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, (char *) NULL); goto error; } if (entryPtr->selectFirst >= 0) { entryPtr->selectFirst = -1; entryPtr->selectLast = -1; EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); } goto done; } case SB_SEL_FROM: { if (objc != 4) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, "index"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[3]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } entryPtr->selectAnchor = index; break; } case SB_SEL_PRESENT: { if (objc != 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, (char *) NULL); goto error; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewBooleanObj((entryPtr->selectFirst >= 0))); goto done; } case SB_SEL_RANGE: { if (objc != 5) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, "start end"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[3]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[4]),& index2) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (index >= index2) { entryPtr->selectFirst = -1; entryPtr->selectLast = -1; } else { entryPtr->selectFirst = index; entryPtr->selectLast = index2; } if (!(entryPtr->flags & GOT_SELECTION) && (entryPtr->exportSelection)) { Tk_OwnSelection(entryPtr->tkwin, XA_PRIMARY, EntryLostSelection, (ClientData) entryPtr); entryPtr->flags |= GOT_SELECTION; } EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); break; } case SB_SEL_TO: { if (objc != 4) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, "index"); goto error; } if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[3]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } EntrySelectTo(entryPtr, index); break; } case SB_SEL_ELEMENT: { if ((objc < 3) || (objc > 4)) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, "?elemName?"); goto error; } if (objc == 3) { Tcl_SetStringObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), selElementNames[sbPtr->selElement], -1); } else { int lastElement = sbPtr->selElement; result = Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[3], selElementNames, "selection element", 0, &(sbPtr->selElement)); if (result != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (lastElement != sbPtr->selElement) { EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); } } break; } } break; } case SB_CMD_SET: { if (objc > 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "?string?"); goto error; } if (objc == 3) { EntryValueChanged(entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2])); } Tcl_SetStringObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), entryPtr->string, -1); break; } case SB_CMD_VALIDATE: { int code; if (objc != 2) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, (char *) NULL); goto error; } selIndex = entryPtr->validate; entryPtr->validate = VALIDATE_ALL; code = EntryValidateChange(entryPtr, (char *) NULL, entryPtr->string, -1, VALIDATE_FORCED); if (entryPtr->validate != VALIDATE_NONE) { entryPtr->validate = selIndex; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewBooleanObj((code == TCL_OK))); break; } case SB_CMD_XVIEW: { int index; if (objc == 2) { double first, last; char buf[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE * 2]; EntryVisibleRange(entryPtr, &first, &last); sprintf(buf, "%g %g", first, last); Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE); goto done; } else if (objc == 3) { if (GetEntryIndex(interp, entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), &index) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } } else { double fraction; int count; index = entryPtr->leftIndex; switch (Tk_GetScrollInfoObj(interp, objc, objv, &fraction, &count)) { case TK_SCROLL_ERROR: { goto error; } case TK_SCROLL_MOVETO: { index = (int) ((fraction * entryPtr->numChars) + 0.5); break; } case TK_SCROLL_PAGES: { int charsPerPage; charsPerPage = ((Tk_Width(entryPtr->tkwin) - 2 * entryPtr->inset - entryPtr->xWidth) / entryPtr->avgWidth) - 2; if (charsPerPage < 1) { charsPerPage = 1; } index += count * charsPerPage; break; } case TK_SCROLL_UNITS: { index += count; break; } } } if (index >= entryPtr->numChars) { index = entryPtr->numChars - 1; } if (index < 0) { index = 0; } entryPtr->leftIndex = index; entryPtr->flags |= UPDATE_SCROLLBAR; EntryComputeGeometry(entryPtr); EventuallyRedraw(entryPtr); break; } } done: Tcl_Release((ClientData) entryPtr); return result; error: Tcl_Release((ClientData) entryPtr); return TCL_ERROR; } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GetSpinboxElement -- * * Return the element associated with an x,y coord. * * Results: * Element type as enum selelement. * * Side effects: * None. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int GetSpinboxElement(sbPtr, x, y) Spinbox *sbPtr; /* Spinbox for which the index is being * specified. */ int x; /* x coord */ int y; /* y coord */ { Entry *entryPtr = (Entry *) sbPtr; if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (y > Tk_Height(entryPtr->tkwin)) || (x > Tk_Width(entryPtr->tkwin))) { return SEL_NONE; } if (x > (Tk_Width(entryPtr->tkwin) - entryPtr->inset - entryPtr->xWidth)) { if (y > (Tk_Height(entryPtr->tkwin) / 2)) { return SEL_BUTTONDOWN; } else { return SEL_BUTTONUP; } } return SEL_ENTRY; } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * SpinboxInvoke -- * * This procedure is invoked when the invoke method for the * widget is called. * * Results: * TCL_OK. * * Side effects: * An background error condition may arise when invoking the * callback. The widget value may change. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int SpinboxInvoke(interp, sbPtr, element) register Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */ register Spinbox *sbPtr; /* Spinbox to invoke. */ int element; /* element to invoke, either the "up" * or "down" button. */ { Entry *entryPtr = (Entry *) sbPtr; char *type; int code, up; Tcl_DString script; switch (element) { case SEL_BUTTONUP: type = "up"; up = 1; break; case SEL_BUTTONDOWN: type = "down"; up = 0; break; default: return TCL_OK; } if (fabs(sbPtr->increment) > MIN_DBL_VAL) { if (sbPtr->listObj != NULL) { Tcl_Obj *objPtr; Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, sbPtr->listObj, sbPtr->eIndex, &objPtr); if (strcmp(Tcl_GetString(objPtr), entryPtr->string)) { /* * Somehow the string changed from what we expected, * so let's do a search on the list to see if the current * value is there. If not, move to the first element of * the list. */ int i, listc, elemLen, length = entryPtr->numChars; char *bytes; Tcl_Obj **listv; Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, sbPtr->listObj, &listc, &listv); for (i = 0; i < listc; i++) { bytes = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(listv[i], &elemLen); if ((length == elemLen) && (memcmp(bytes, entryPtr->string, (size_t) length) == 0)) { sbPtr->eIndex = i; break; } } } if (up) { if (++sbPtr->eIndex >= sbPtr->nElements) { if (sbPtr->wrap) { sbPtr->eIndex = 0; } else { sbPtr->eIndex = sbPtr->nElements-1; } } } else { if (--sbPtr->eIndex < 0) { if (sbPtr->wrap) { sbPtr->eIndex = sbPtr->nElements-1; } else { sbPtr->eIndex = 0; } } } Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, sbPtr->listObj, sbPtr->eIndex, &objPtr); EntryValueChanged(entryPtr, Tcl_GetString(objPtr)); } else if (!DOUBLES_EQ(sbPtr->fromValue, sbPtr->toValue)) { double dvalue; if (Tcl_GetDouble(NULL, entryPtr->string, &dvalue) != TCL_OK) { /* * If the string is empty, or isn't a valid double value, * just use the -from value */ dvalue = sbPtr->fromValue; } else { if (up) { dvalue += sbPtr->increment; if (dvalue > sbPtr->toValue) { if (sbPtr->wrap) { dvalue = sbPtr->fromValue; } else { dvalue = sbPtr->toValue; } } else if (dvalue < sbPtr->fromValue) { /* * It's possible that when pressing up, we are * still less than the fromValue, because the * user may have manipulated the value by hand. */ dvalue = sbPtr->fromValue; } } else { dvalue -= sbPtr->increment; if (dvalue < sbPtr->fromValue) { if (sbPtr->wrap) { dvalue = sbPtr->toValue; } else { dvalue = sbPtr->fromValue; } } else if (dvalue > sbPtr->toValue) { /* * It's possible that when pressing down, we are * still greater than the toValue, because the * user may have manipulated the value by hand. */ dvalue = sbPtr->toValue; } } } sprintf(sbPtr->formatBuf, sbPtr->valueFormat, dvalue); EntryValueChanged(entryPtr, sbPtr->formatBuf); } } if (sbPtr->command != NULL) { Tcl_DStringInit(&script); ExpandPercents(entryPtr, sbPtr->command, type, "", 0, VALIDATE_BUTTON, &script); Tcl_DStringAppend(&script, "", 1); code = Tcl_EvalEx(interp, Tcl_DStringValue(&script), -1, TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL | TCL_EVAL_DIRECT); Tcl_DStringFree(&script); if (code != TCL_OK) { Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, "\n\t(in command executed by spinbox)"); Tcl_BackgroundError(interp); /* * Yes, it's an error, but a bg one, so we return OK */ return TCL_OK; } Tcl_SetResult(interp, NULL, 0); } return TCL_OK; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ComputeFormat -- * * This procedure is invoked to recompute the "format" fields * of a spinbox's widget record, which determines how the value * of the dial is converted to a string. * * Results: * Tcl result code. * * Side effects: * The format fields of the spinbox are modified. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ComputeFormat(sbPtr) Spinbox *sbPtr; /* Information about dial widget. */ { double maxValue, x; int mostSigDigit, numDigits, leastSigDigit, afterDecimal; int eDigits, fDigits; /* * Compute the displacement from the decimal of the most significant * digit required for any number in the dial's range. */ if (sbPtr->reqFormat) { sbPtr->valueFormat = sbPtr->reqFormat; return TCL_OK; } maxValue = fabs(sbPtr->fromValue); x = fabs(sbPtr->toValue); if (x > maxValue) { maxValue = x; } if (maxValue == 0) { maxValue = 1; } mostSigDigit = (int) floor(log10(maxValue)); if (fabs(sbPtr->increment) > MIN_DBL_VAL) { /* * A increment was specified, so use it. */ leastSigDigit = (int) floor(log10(sbPtr->increment)); } else { leastSigDigit = 0; } numDigits = mostSigDigit - leastSigDigit + 1; if (numDigits < 1) { numDigits = 1; } /* * Compute the number of characters required using "e" format and * "f" format, and then choose whichever one takes fewer characters. */ eDigits = numDigits + 4; if (numDigits > 1) { eDigits++; /* Decimal point. */ } afterDecimal = numDigits - mostSigDigit - 1; if (afterDecimal < 0) { afterDecimal = 0; } fDigits = (mostSigDigit >= 0) ? mostSigDigit + afterDecimal : afterDecimal; if (afterDecimal > 0) { fDigits++; /* Decimal point. */ } if (mostSigDigit < 0) { fDigits++; /* Zero to left of decimal point. */ } if (fDigits <= eDigits) { sprintf(sbPtr->digitFormat, "%%.%df", afterDecimal); } else { sprintf(sbPtr->digitFormat, "%%.%de", numDigits-1); } sbPtr->valueFormat = sbPtr->digitFormat; return TCL_OK; }