 * tkWindow.c --
 *	This file provides basic window-manipulation procedures,
 *	which are equivalent to procedures in Xlib (and even
 *	invoke them) but also maintain the local Tk_Window
 *	structure.
 * Copyright (c) 1989-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
 * Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
 * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
 * RCS: @(#) $Id: tkWindow.c,v 2006/03/30 01:38:39 hobbs Exp $

#include "tkPort.h"
#include "tkInt.h"

#if !( defined(__WIN32__) || defined(MAC_TCL) || defined(MAC_OSX_TK))
#include "tkUnixInt.h"

 * Type used to keep track of Window objects that were
 * only partically deallocated by Tk_DestroyWindow.

#define HD_CLEANUP		1
#define HD_FOCUS		2
#define HD_MAIN_WIN		4
#define HD_DESTROY_EVENT	0x10

typedef struct TkHalfdeadWindow {
    int flags;
    struct TkWindow *winPtr;
    struct TkHalfdeadWindow *nextPtr;
} TkHalfdeadWindow;

typedef struct ThreadSpecificData {
    int numMainWindows;    /* Count of numver of main windows currently
			    * open in this thread. */
    TkMainInfo *mainWindowList;
                           /* First in list of all main windows managed
			    * by this thread. */
    TkHalfdeadWindow *halfdeadWindowList;
                           /* First in list of partially deallocated
			    * windows. */
    TkDisplay *displayList;
                           /* List of all displays currently in use by 
			    * the current thread. */
    int initialized;       /* 0 means the structures above need 
			    * initializing. */
} ThreadSpecificData;
static Tcl_ThreadDataKey dataKey;

 * The Mutex below is used to lock access to the Tk_Uid structs above. 


 * Default values for "changes" and "atts" fields of TkWindows.  Note
 * that Tk always requests all events for all windows, except StructureNotify
 * events on internal windows:  these events are generated internally.

static XWindowChanges defChanges = {
    0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, Above
    KeyPressMask|KeyReleaseMask|ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask| \
    EnterWindowMask|LeaveWindowMask|PointerMotionMask|ExposureMask| \
static XSetWindowAttributes defAtts= {
    None,			/* background_pixmap */
    0,				/* background_pixel */
    CopyFromParent,		/* border_pixmap */
    0,				/* border_pixel */
    NorthWestGravity,		/* bit_gravity */
    NorthWestGravity,		/* win_gravity */
    NotUseful,			/* backing_store */
    (unsigned) ~0,		/* backing_planes */
    0,				/* backing_pixel */
    False,			/* save_under */
    ALL_EVENTS_MASK,		/* event_mask */
    0,				/* do_not_propagate_mask */
    False,			/* override_redirect */
    CopyFromParent,		/* colormap */
    None			/* cursor */

 * The following structure defines all of the commands supported by
 * Tk, and the C procedures that execute them.

typedef struct {
    char *name;			/* Name of command. */
    Tcl_CmdProc *cmdProc;	/* Command's string-based procedure. */
    Tcl_ObjCmdProc *objProc;	/* Command's object-based procedure. */
    int isSafe;			/* If !0, this command will be exposed in
                                 * a safe interpreter. Otherwise it will be
                                 * hidden in a safe interpreter. */
    int passMainWindow;		/* 0 means provide NULL clientData to
				 * command procedure; 1 means pass main
				 * window as clientData to command
				 * procedure. */
} TkCmd;

static TkCmd commands[] = {
     * Commands that are part of the intrinsics:

    {"bell",		NULL,			Tk_BellObjCmd,		0, 1},
    {"bind",		NULL,			Tk_BindObjCmd,		1, 1},
    {"bindtags",	NULL,			Tk_BindtagsObjCmd,	1, 1},
    {"clipboard",	NULL,			Tk_ClipboardObjCmd,	0, 1},
    {"destroy",		NULL,			Tk_DestroyObjCmd,	1, 1},
    {"event",		NULL,			Tk_EventObjCmd,		1, 1},
    {"focus",		NULL,			Tk_FocusObjCmd,		1, 1},
    {"font",		NULL,			Tk_FontObjCmd,		1, 1},
    {"grab",		NULL,			Tk_GrabObjCmd,		0, 1},
    {"grid",		NULL,			Tk_GridObjCmd,		1, 1},
    {"image",		NULL,			Tk_ImageObjCmd,		1, 1},
    {"lower",		NULL,			Tk_LowerObjCmd,		1, 1},
    {"option",		NULL,			Tk_OptionObjCmd,	1, 1},
    {"pack",		NULL,			Tk_PackObjCmd,		1, 1},
    {"place",		NULL,			Tk_PlaceObjCmd,		1, 0},
    {"raise",		NULL,			Tk_RaiseObjCmd,		1, 1},
    {"selection",	NULL,			Tk_SelectionObjCmd,	0, 1},
    {"tk",		NULL,			Tk_TkObjCmd,		1, 1},
    {"tkwait",		NULL,			Tk_TkwaitObjCmd,	1, 1},
#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(MAC_TCL) || defined(MAC_OSX_TK)
    {"tk_chooseColor",  NULL,			Tk_ChooseColorObjCmd,	0, 1},
    {"tk_chooseDirectory", NULL,		Tk_ChooseDirectoryObjCmd, 0, 1},
    {"tk_getOpenFile",  NULL,			Tk_GetOpenFileObjCmd,	0, 1},
    {"tk_getSaveFile",  NULL,			Tk_GetSaveFileObjCmd,	0, 1},
#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(MAC_OSX_TK)
    {"tk_messageBox",   NULL,			Tk_MessageBoxObjCmd,	0, 1},
    {"update",		NULL,			Tk_UpdateObjCmd,	1, 1},
    {"winfo",		NULL,			Tk_WinfoObjCmd,		1, 1},
    {"wm",		NULL,			Tk_WmObjCmd,		0, 1},

     * Widget class commands.

    {"button",		NULL,			Tk_ButtonObjCmd,	1, 0},
    {"canvas",		NULL,			Tk_CanvasObjCmd,	1, 1},
    {"checkbutton",	NULL,			Tk_CheckbuttonObjCmd,	1, 0},
    {"entry",		NULL,                   Tk_EntryObjCmd,		1, 0},
    {"frame",		NULL,			Tk_FrameObjCmd,		1, 0},
    {"label",		NULL,			Tk_LabelObjCmd,		1, 0},
    {"labelframe",	NULL,			Tk_LabelframeObjCmd,	1, 0},
    {"listbox",		NULL,			Tk_ListboxObjCmd,	1, 0},
    {"menubutton",	NULL,                   Tk_MenubuttonObjCmd,	1, 0},
    {"message",		NULL,			Tk_MessageObjCmd,	1, 0},
    {"panedwindow",	NULL,			Tk_PanedWindowObjCmd,	1, 0},
    {"radiobutton",	NULL,			Tk_RadiobuttonObjCmd,	1, 0},
    {"scale",		NULL,	                Tk_ScaleObjCmd,		1, 0},
    {"scrollbar",	Tk_ScrollbarCmd,	NULL,			1, 1},
    {"spinbox",		NULL,                   Tk_SpinboxObjCmd,	1, 0},
    {"text",		Tk_TextCmd,		NULL,			1, 1},
    {"toplevel",	NULL,			Tk_ToplevelObjCmd,	0, 0},

     * Misc.

#if defined(MAC_TCL) || defined(MAC_OSX_TK)
	    		NULL,	TkUnsupported1ObjCmd,			1, 1},
    {(char *) NULL,	(int (*) _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData, Tcl_Interp *, int, CONST char **))) NULL, NULL, 0}

 * The variables and table below are used to parse arguments from
 * the "argv" variable in Tk_Init.

static int synchronize = 0;
static char *name = NULL;
static char *display = NULL;
static char *geometry = NULL;
static char *colormap = NULL;
static char *use = NULL;
static char *visual = NULL;
static int rest = 0;

static Tk_ArgvInfo argTable[] = {
    {"-colormap", TK_ARGV_STRING, (char *) NULL, (char *) &colormap,
	"Colormap for main window"},
    {"-display", TK_ARGV_STRING, (char *) NULL, (char *) &display,
	"Display to use"},
    {"-geometry", TK_ARGV_STRING, (char *) NULL, (char *) &geometry,
	"Initial geometry for window"},
    {"-name", TK_ARGV_STRING, (char *) NULL, (char *) &name,
	"Name to use for application"},
    {"-sync", TK_ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) 1, (char *) &synchronize,
	"Use synchronous mode for display server"},
    {"-visual", TK_ARGV_STRING, (char *) NULL, (char *) &visual,
	"Visual for main window"},
    {"-use", TK_ARGV_STRING, (char *) NULL, (char *) &use,
	"Id of window in which to embed application"},
    {"--", TK_ARGV_REST, (char *) 1, (char *) &rest,
	"Pass all remaining arguments through to script"},
    {(char *) NULL, TK_ARGV_END, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
	(char *) NULL}

 * Forward declarations to procedures defined later in this file:

static Tk_Window	CreateTopLevelWindow _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
			    Tk_Window parent, CONST char *name, 
			    CONST char *screenName, unsigned int flags));
static void		DeleteWindowsExitProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
			    ClientData clientData));
static TkDisplay *	GetScreen _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
			    CONST char *screenName, int *screenPtr));
static int		Initialize _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp));
static int		NameWindow _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
			    TkWindow *winPtr, TkWindow *parentPtr,
			    CONST char *name));
static void		UnlinkWindow _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr));
 * TkCloseDisplay --
 *	Closing the display can lead to order of deletion problems.
 *	We defer it until exit handling for Mac/Win, but since Unix can
 *	use many displays, try and clean it up as best as possible.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	Resources associated with the display will be free.
 *	The display may not be referenced at all after this.

static void
TkCloseDisplay(TkDisplay *dispPtr)

    if (dispPtr->name != NULL) {

    if (dispPtr->atomInit) {
	dispPtr->atomInit = 0;

    if (dispPtr->errorPtr != NULL) {
	TkErrorHandler *errorPtr;
	for (errorPtr = dispPtr->errorPtr;
	     errorPtr != NULL;
	     errorPtr = dispPtr->errorPtr) {
	    dispPtr->errorPtr = errorPtr->nextPtr;
	    ckfree((char *) errorPtr);



     * Delete winTable after TkpCloseDisplay since special windows
     * may need call Tk_DestroyWindow and it checks the winTable.


    ckfree((char *) dispPtr);

     * There is more to clean up, we leave it at this for the time being.
 * CreateTopLevelWindow --
 *	Make a new window that will be at top-level (its parent will
 *	be the root window of a screen).
 * Results:
 *	The return value is a token for the new window, or NULL if
 *	an error prevented the new window from being created.  If
 *	NULL is returned, an error message will be left in
 *	the interp's result.
 * Side effects:
 *	A new window structure is allocated locally.  An X
 *	window is NOT initially created, but will be created
 *	the first time the window is mapped.

static Tk_Window
CreateTopLevelWindow(interp, parent, name, screenName, flags)
    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Interpreter to use for error reporting. */
    Tk_Window parent;		/* Token for logical parent of new window
				 * (used for naming, options, etc.).  May
				 * be NULL. */
    CONST char *name;		/* Name for new window;  if parent is
				 * non-NULL, must be unique among parent's
				 * children. */
    CONST char *screenName;	/* Name of screen on which to create
				 * window.  NULL means use DISPLAY environment
				 * variable to determine.  Empty string means
				 * use parent's screen, or DISPLAY if no
				 * parent. */
    unsigned int flags;		/* Additional flags to set on the window. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr;
    register TkDisplay *dispPtr;
    int screenId;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = (ThreadSpecificData *) 
            Tcl_GetThreadData(&dataKey, sizeof(ThreadSpecificData));

    if (!tsdPtr->initialized) {
	tsdPtr->initialized = 1;

	 * Create built-in image types.


	 * Create built-in photo image formats.


	 * Create exit handler to delete all windows when the application
	 * exits.  This must be a thread exit handler, but there may be
	 * ordering issues with other exit handlers
	 * (i.e. OptionThreadExitProc).

		(ClientData) tsdPtr);

    if ((parent != NULL) && (screenName != NULL) && (screenName[0] == '\0')) {
	dispPtr = ((TkWindow *) parent)->dispPtr;
	screenId = Tk_ScreenNumber(parent);
    } else {
	dispPtr = GetScreen(interp, screenName, &screenId);
	if (dispPtr == NULL) {
	    return (Tk_Window) NULL;

    winPtr = TkAllocWindow(dispPtr, screenId, (TkWindow *) parent);

     * Set the flags specified in the call.
    winPtr->flags |= flags;
     * Force the window to use a border pixel instead of border pixmap. 
     * This is needed for the case where the window doesn't use the
     * default visual.  In this case, the default border is a pixmap
     * inherited from the root window, which won't work because it will
     * have the wrong visual.

    winPtr->dirtyAtts |= CWBorderPixel;

     * (Need to set the TK_TOP_HIERARCHY flag immediately here;  otherwise
     * Tk_DestroyWindow will core dump if it is called before the flag
     * has been set.)


    if (parent != NULL) {
        if (NameWindow(interp, winPtr, (TkWindow *) parent, name) != TCL_OK) {
	    Tk_DestroyWindow((Tk_Window) winPtr);
	    return (Tk_Window) NULL;

    return (Tk_Window) winPtr;
 * GetScreen --
 *	Given a string name for a display-plus-screen, find the
 *	TkDisplay structure for the display and return the screen
 *	number too.
 * Results:
 *	The return value is a pointer to information about the display,
 *	or NULL if the display couldn't be opened.  In this case, an
 *	error message is left in the interp's result.  The location at
 *	*screenPtr is overwritten with the screen number parsed from
 *	screenName.
 * Side effects:
 *	A new connection is opened to the display if there is no
 *	connection already.  A new TkDisplay data structure is also
 *	setup, if necessary.

static TkDisplay *
GetScreen(interp, screenName, screenPtr)
    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Place to leave error message. */
    CONST char *screenName;	/* Name for screen.  NULL or empty means
				 * use DISPLAY envariable. */
    int *screenPtr;		/* Where to store screen number. */
    register TkDisplay *dispPtr;
    CONST char *p;
    int screenId;
    size_t length;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = (ThreadSpecificData *) 
            Tcl_GetThreadData(&dataKey, sizeof(ThreadSpecificData));

     * Separate the screen number from the rest of the display
     * name.  ScreenName is assumed to have the syntax
     * <display>.<screen> with the dot and the screen being
     * optional.

    screenName = TkGetDefaultScreenName(interp, screenName);
    if (screenName == NULL) {
		"no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable",
	return (TkDisplay *) NULL;
    length = strlen(screenName);
    screenId = 0;
    p = screenName+length-1;
    while (isdigit(UCHAR(*p)) && (p != screenName)) {
    if ((*p == '.') && (p[1] != '\0')) {
	length = p - screenName;
	screenId = strtoul(p+1, (char **) NULL, 10);

     * See if we already have a connection to this display.  If not,
     * then open a new connection.

    for (dispPtr = tsdPtr->displayList; ; dispPtr = dispPtr->nextPtr) {
	if (dispPtr == NULL) {
	     * The private function zeros out dispPtr when it is created,
	     * so we only need to initialize the non-zero items.
	    dispPtr = TkpOpenDisplay(screenName);
	    if (dispPtr == NULL) {
		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "couldn't connect to display \"",
			screenName, "\"", (char *) NULL);
		return (TkDisplay *) NULL;
	    dispPtr->nextPtr = tsdPtr->displayList; /* TkGetDisplayList(); */
	    tsdPtr->displayList = dispPtr;

	    dispPtr->lastEventTime = CurrentTime;
	    dispPtr->bindInfoStale = 1;
	    dispPtr->cursorFont = None;
	    dispPtr->warpWindow = None;
	    dispPtr->multipleAtom = None;
	     * By default we do want to collapse motion events in
	     * Tk_QueueWindowEvent.

	    Tcl_InitHashTable(&dispPtr->winTable, TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS);

	    dispPtr->name = (char *) ckalloc((unsigned) (length+1));
	    strncpy(dispPtr->name, screenName, length);
	    dispPtr->name[length] = '\0';

	if ((strncmp(dispPtr->name, screenName, length) == 0)
		&& (dispPtr->name[length] == '\0')) {
    if (screenId >= ScreenCount(dispPtr->display)) {
	char buf[32 + TCL_INTEGER_SPACE];
	sprintf(buf, "bad screen number \"%d\"", screenId);
	Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE);
	return (TkDisplay *) NULL;
    *screenPtr = screenId;
    return dispPtr;
 * TkGetDisplay --
 *	Given an X display, TkGetDisplay returns the TkDisplay 
 *      structure for the display.
 * Results:
 *	The return value is a pointer to information about the display,
 *	or NULL if the display did not have a TkDisplay structure.
 * Side effects:
 *      None.

TkDisplay *
     Display *display;          /* X's display pointer */
    TkDisplay *dispPtr;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = (ThreadSpecificData *) 
            Tcl_GetThreadData(&dataKey, sizeof(ThreadSpecificData));

    for (dispPtr = tsdPtr->displayList; dispPtr != NULL;
	    dispPtr = dispPtr->nextPtr) {
	if (dispPtr->display == display) {
    return dispPtr;
 * TkGetDisplayList --
 *	This procedure returns a pointer to the thread-local
 *      list of TkDisplays corresponding to the open displays.
 * Results:
 *	The return value is a pointer to the first TkDisplay
 *      structure in thread-local-storage.
 * Side effects:
 *      None.
TkDisplay *
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = (ThreadSpecificData *) 
            Tcl_GetThreadData(&dataKey, sizeof(ThreadSpecificData));
    return tsdPtr->displayList;
 * TkGetMainInfoList --
 *	This procedure returns a pointer to the list of structures
 *      containing information about all main windows for the
 *      current thread.
 * Results:
 *	The return value is a pointer to the first TkMainInfo
 *      structure in thread local storage.
 * Side effects:
 *      None.
TkMainInfo *
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = (ThreadSpecificData *) 
            Tcl_GetThreadData(&dataKey, sizeof(ThreadSpecificData));
    return tsdPtr->mainWindowList;
 * TkAllocWindow --
 *	This procedure creates and initializes a TkWindow structure.
 * Results:
 *	The return value is a pointer to the new window.
 * Side effects:
 *	A new window structure is allocated and all its fields are
 *	initialized.

TkWindow *
TkAllocWindow(dispPtr, screenNum, parentPtr)
    TkDisplay *dispPtr;		/* Display associated with new window. */
    int screenNum;		/* Index of screen for new window. */
    TkWindow *parentPtr;	/* Parent from which this window should
				 * inherit visual information.  NULL means
				 * use screen defaults instead of
				 * inheriting. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr;

    winPtr = (TkWindow *) ckalloc(sizeof(TkWindow));
    winPtr->display = dispPtr->display;
    winPtr->dispPtr = dispPtr;
    winPtr->screenNum = screenNum;
    if ((parentPtr != NULL) && (parentPtr->display == winPtr->display)
	    && (parentPtr->screenNum == winPtr->screenNum)) {
	winPtr->visual = parentPtr->visual;
	winPtr->depth = parentPtr->depth;
    } else {
	winPtr->visual = DefaultVisual(dispPtr->display, screenNum);
	winPtr->depth = DefaultDepth(dispPtr->display, screenNum);
    winPtr->window = None;
    winPtr->childList = NULL;
    winPtr->lastChildPtr = NULL;
    winPtr->parentPtr = NULL;
    winPtr->nextPtr = NULL;
    winPtr->mainPtr = NULL;
    winPtr->pathName = NULL;
    winPtr->nameUid = NULL;
    winPtr->classUid = NULL;
    winPtr->changes = defChanges;
    winPtr->dirtyChanges = CWX|CWY|CWWidth|CWHeight|CWBorderWidth;
    winPtr->atts = defAtts;
    if ((parentPtr != NULL) && (parentPtr->display == winPtr->display)
	    && (parentPtr->screenNum == winPtr->screenNum)) {
	winPtr->atts.colormap = parentPtr->atts.colormap;
    } else {
	winPtr->atts.colormap = DefaultColormap(dispPtr->display, screenNum);
    winPtr->dirtyAtts = CWEventMask|CWColormap|CWBitGravity;
    winPtr->flags = 0;
    winPtr->handlerList = NULL;
    winPtr->inputContext = NULL;
    winPtr->tagPtr = NULL;
    winPtr->numTags = 0;
    winPtr->optionLevel = -1;
    winPtr->selHandlerList = NULL;
    winPtr->geomMgrPtr = NULL;
    winPtr->geomData = NULL;
    winPtr->reqWidth = winPtr->reqHeight = 1;
    winPtr->internalBorderLeft = 0;
    winPtr->wmInfoPtr = NULL;
    winPtr->classProcsPtr = NULL;
    winPtr->instanceData = NULL;
    winPtr->privatePtr = NULL;
    winPtr->internalBorderRight = 0;
    winPtr->internalBorderTop = 0;
    winPtr->internalBorderBottom = 0;
    winPtr->minReqWidth = 0;
    winPtr->minReqHeight = 0;

    return winPtr;
 * NameWindow --
 *	This procedure is invoked to give a window a name and insert
 *	the window into the hierarchy associated with a particular
 *	application.
 * Results:
 *	A standard Tcl return value.
 * Side effects:
 *      See above.

static int
NameWindow(interp, winPtr, parentPtr, name)
    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Interpreter to use for error reporting. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr;	/* Window that is to be named and inserted. */
    TkWindow *parentPtr;	/* Pointer to logical parent for winPtr
				 * (used for naming, options, etc.). */
    CONST char *name;		/* Name for winPtr;   must be unique among
				 * parentPtr's children. */
#define FIXED_SIZE 200
    char staticSpace[FIXED_SIZE];
    char *pathName;
    int new;
    Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr;
    int length1, length2;

     * Setup all the stuff except name right away, then do the name stuff
     * last.  This is so that if the name stuff fails, everything else
     * will be properly initialized (needed to destroy the window cleanly
     * after the naming failure).
    winPtr->parentPtr = parentPtr;
    winPtr->nextPtr = NULL;
    if (parentPtr->childList == NULL) {
	parentPtr->childList = winPtr;
    } else {
	parentPtr->lastChildPtr->nextPtr = winPtr;
    parentPtr->lastChildPtr = winPtr;
    winPtr->mainPtr = parentPtr->mainPtr;

     * If this is an anonymous window (ie, it has no name), just return OK
     * now.
    if (winPtr->flags & TK_ANONYMOUS_WINDOW) {
	return TCL_OK;

     * For non-anonymous windows, set up the window name.

    winPtr->nameUid = Tk_GetUid(name);

     * Don't permit names that start with an upper-case letter:  this
     * will just cause confusion with class names in the option database.

    if (isupper(UCHAR(name[0]))) {
		"window name starts with an upper-case letter: \"",
		name, "\"", (char *) NULL);
	return TCL_ERROR;

     * To permit names of arbitrary length, must be prepared to malloc
     * a buffer to hold the new path name.  To run fast in the common
     * case where names are short, use a fixed-size buffer on the
     * stack.

    length1 = strlen(parentPtr->pathName);
    length2 = strlen(name);
    if ((length1+length2+2) <= FIXED_SIZE) {
	pathName = staticSpace;
    } else {
	pathName = (char *) ckalloc((unsigned) (length1+length2+2));
    if (length1 == 1) {
	pathName[0] = '.';
	strcpy(pathName+1, name);
    } else {
	strcpy(pathName, parentPtr->pathName);
	pathName[length1] = '.';
	strcpy(pathName+length1+1, name);
    hPtr = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&parentPtr->mainPtr->nameTable, pathName, &new);
    if (pathName != staticSpace) {
    if (!new) {
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "window name \"", name,
		"\" already exists in parent", (char *) NULL);
	return TCL_ERROR;
    Tcl_SetHashValue(hPtr, winPtr);
    winPtr->pathName = Tcl_GetHashKey(&parentPtr->mainPtr->nameTable, hPtr);
    return TCL_OK;
 * TkCreateMainWindow --
 *	Make a new main window.  A main window is a special kind of
 *	top-level window used as the outermost window in an
 *	application.
 * Results:
 *	The return value is a token for the new window, or NULL if
 *	an error prevented the new window from being created.  If
 *	NULL is returned, an error message will be left in
 *	the interp's result.
 * Side effects:
 *	A new window structure is allocated locally;  "interp" is
 *	associated with the window and registered for "send" commands
 *	under "baseName".  BaseName may be extended with an instance
 *	number in the form "#2" if necessary to make it globally
 *	unique.  Tk-related commands are bound into interp.

TkCreateMainWindow(interp, screenName, baseName)
    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Interpreter to use for error reporting. */
    CONST char *screenName;	/* Name of screen on which to create
				 * window.  Empty or NULL string means
				 * use DISPLAY environment variable. */
    char *baseName;		/* Base name for application;  usually of the
				 * form "prog instance". */
    Tk_Window tkwin;
    int dummy;
    int isSafe;
    Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr;
    register TkMainInfo *mainPtr;
    register TkWindow *winPtr;
    register TkCmd *cmdPtr;
    ClientData clientData;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = (ThreadSpecificData *) 
            Tcl_GetThreadData(&dataKey, sizeof(ThreadSpecificData));
     * Panic if someone updated the TkWindow structure without
     * also updating the Tk_FakeWin structure (or vice versa).

    if (sizeof(TkWindow) != sizeof(Tk_FakeWin)) {
	panic("TkWindow and Tk_FakeWin are not the same size");

     * Create the basic TkWindow structure.

    tkwin = CreateTopLevelWindow(interp, (Tk_Window) NULL, baseName,
	    screenName, /* flags */ 0);
    if (tkwin == NULL) {
	return NULL;
     * Create the TkMainInfo structure for this application, and set
     * up name-related information for the new window.

    winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;
    mainPtr = (TkMainInfo *) ckalloc(sizeof(TkMainInfo));
    mainPtr->winPtr = winPtr;
    mainPtr->refCount = 1;
    mainPtr->interp = interp;
    Tcl_InitHashTable(&mainPtr->nameTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
    mainPtr->deletionEpoch = 0l;
    mainPtr->tlFocusPtr = NULL;
    mainPtr->displayFocusPtr = NULL;
    mainPtr->optionRootPtr = NULL;
    Tcl_InitHashTable(&mainPtr->imageTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
    mainPtr->strictMotif = 0;
    if (Tcl_LinkVar(interp, "tk_strictMotif", (char *) &mainPtr->strictMotif,
    mainPtr->nextPtr = tsdPtr->mainWindowList;
    tsdPtr->mainWindowList = mainPtr;
    winPtr->mainPtr = mainPtr;
    hPtr = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&mainPtr->nameTable, ".", &dummy);
    Tcl_SetHashValue(hPtr, winPtr);
    winPtr->pathName = Tcl_GetHashKey(&mainPtr->nameTable, hPtr);

     * We have just created another Tk application; increment the refcount
     * on the display pointer.


     * Register the interpreter for "send" purposes.

    winPtr->nameUid = Tk_GetUid(Tk_SetAppName(tkwin, baseName));

     * Bind in Tk's commands.

    isSafe = Tcl_IsSafe(interp);
    for (cmdPtr = commands; cmdPtr->name != NULL; cmdPtr++) {
	if ((cmdPtr->cmdProc == NULL) && (cmdPtr->objProc == NULL)) {
	    panic("TkCreateMainWindow: builtin command with NULL string and object procs");
	if (cmdPtr->passMainWindow) {
	    clientData = (ClientData) tkwin;
	} else {
	    clientData = (ClientData) NULL;
	if (cmdPtr->cmdProc != NULL) {
	    Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, cmdPtr->name, cmdPtr->cmdProc,
		    clientData, (void (*) _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData))) NULL);
	} else {
	    Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, cmdPtr->name, cmdPtr->objProc,
		    clientData, NULL);
        if (isSafe) {
            if (!(cmdPtr->isSafe)) {
                Tcl_HideCommand(interp, cmdPtr->name, cmdPtr->name);


     * Set variables for the intepreter.

    Tcl_SetVar(interp, "tk_patchLevel", TK_PATCH_LEVEL, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
    Tcl_SetVar(interp, "tk_version", TK_VERSION, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);

    return tkwin;
 * Tk_CreateWindow --
 *	Create a new internal or top-level window as a child of an
 *	existing window.
 * Results:
 *	The return value is a token for the new window.  This
 *	is not the same as X's token for the window.  If an error
 *	occurred in creating the window (e.g. no such display or
 *	screen), then an error message is left in the interp's result and
 *	NULL is returned.
 * Side effects:
 *	A new window structure is allocated locally.  An X
 *	window is not initially created, but will be created
 *	the first time the window is mapped.

Tk_CreateWindow(interp, parent, name, screenName)
    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Interpreter to use for error reporting.
				 * the interp's result is assumed to be
				 * initialized by the caller. */
    Tk_Window parent;		/* Token for parent of new window. */
    CONST char *name;		/* Name for new window.  Must be unique
				 * among parent's children. */
    CONST char *screenName;	/* If NULL, new window will be internal on
				 * same screen as its parent.  If non-NULL,
				 * gives name of screen on which to create
				 * new window;  window will be a top-level
				 * window. */
    TkWindow *parentPtr = (TkWindow *) parent;
    TkWindow *winPtr;

    if ((parentPtr != NULL) && (parentPtr->flags & TK_ALREADY_DEAD)) {
		"can't create window: parent has been destroyed",
		(char *) NULL);
	return NULL;
    } else if ((parentPtr != NULL) &&
	    (parentPtr->flags & TK_CONTAINER)) {
		"can't create window: its parent has -container = yes",
		(char *) NULL);
	return NULL;
    if (screenName == NULL) {
	winPtr = TkAllocWindow(parentPtr->dispPtr, parentPtr->screenNum,
	if (NameWindow(interp, winPtr, parentPtr, name) != TCL_OK) {
	    Tk_DestroyWindow((Tk_Window) winPtr);
	    return NULL;
	} else {
            return (Tk_Window) winPtr;
    } else {
	return CreateTopLevelWindow(interp, parent, name, screenName,
		/* flags */ 0);
 * Tk_CreateAnonymousWindow --
 *	Create a new internal or top-level window as a child of an
 *	existing window; this window will be anonymous (unnamed), so
 *	it will not be visible at the Tcl level.
 * Results:
 *	The return value is a token for the new window.  This
 *	is not the same as X's token for the window.  If an error
 *	occurred in creating the window (e.g. no such display or
 *	screen), then an error message is left in the interp's result and
 *	NULL is returned.
 * Side effects:
 *	A new window structure is allocated locally.  An X
 *	window is not initially created, but will be created
 *	the first time the window is mapped.

Tk_CreateAnonymousWindow(interp, parent, screenName)
    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Interpreter to use for error reporting.
				 * the interp's result is assumed to be
				 * initialized by the caller. */
    Tk_Window parent;		/* Token for parent of new window. */
    CONST char *screenName;	/* If NULL, new window will be internal on
				 * same screen as its parent.  If non-NULL,
				 * gives name of screen on which to create
				 * new window;  window will be a top-level
				 * window. */
    TkWindow *parentPtr = (TkWindow *) parent;
    TkWindow *winPtr;

    if ((parentPtr != NULL) && (parentPtr->flags & TK_ALREADY_DEAD)) {
		"can't create window: parent has been destroyed",
		(char *) NULL);
	return NULL;
    } else if ((parentPtr != NULL) &&
	    (parentPtr->flags & TK_CONTAINER)) {
		"can't create window: its parent has -container = yes",
		(char *) NULL);
	return NULL;
    if (screenName == NULL) {
	winPtr = TkAllocWindow(parentPtr->dispPtr, parentPtr->screenNum,
	 * Add the anonymous window flag now, so that NameWindow will behave
	 * correctly.

	winPtr->flags |= TK_ANONYMOUS_WINDOW;
	if (NameWindow(interp, winPtr, parentPtr, (char *)NULL) != TCL_OK) {
	    Tk_DestroyWindow((Tk_Window) winPtr);
	    return NULL;
	return (Tk_Window) winPtr;
    } else {
	return CreateTopLevelWindow(interp, parent, (char *)NULL, screenName,
 * Tk_CreateWindowFromPath --
 *	This procedure is similar to Tk_CreateWindow except that
 *	it uses a path name to create the window, rather than a
 *	parent and a child name.
 * Results:
 *	The return value is a token for the new window.  This
 *	is not the same as X's token for the window.  If an error
 *	occurred in creating the window (e.g. no such display or
 *	screen), then an error message is left in the interp's result and
 *	NULL is returned.
 * Side effects:
 *	A new window structure is allocated locally.  An X
 *	window is not initially created, but will be created
 *	the first time the window is mapped.

Tk_CreateWindowFromPath(interp, tkwin, pathName, screenName)
    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Interpreter to use for error reporting.
				 * the interp's result is assumed to be
				 * initialized by the caller. */
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Token for any window in application
				 * that is to contain new window. */
    CONST char *pathName;	/* Path name for new window within the
				 * application of tkwin.  The parent of
				 * this window must already exist, but
				 * the window itself must not exist. */
    CONST char *screenName;	/* If NULL, new window will be on same
				 * screen as its parent.  If non-NULL,
				 * gives name of screen on which to create
				 * new window;  window will be a top-level
				 * window. */
#define FIXED_SPACE 5
    char fixedSpace[FIXED_SPACE+1];
    char *p;
    Tk_Window parent;
    int numChars;

     * Strip the parent's name out of pathName (it's everything up
     * to the last dot).  There are two tricky parts: (a) must
     * copy the parent's name somewhere else to avoid modifying
     * the pathName string (for large names, space for the copy
     * will have to be malloc'ed);  (b) must special-case the
     * situation where the parent is ".".

    p = strrchr(pathName, '.');
    if (p == NULL) {
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad window path name \"", pathName,
		"\"", (char *) NULL);
	return NULL;
    numChars = (int) (p-pathName);
    if (numChars > FIXED_SPACE) {
	p = (char *) ckalloc((unsigned) (numChars+1));
    } else {
	p = fixedSpace;
    if (numChars == 0) {
	*p = '.';
	p[1] = '\0';
    } else {
	strncpy(p, pathName, (size_t) numChars);
	p[numChars] = '\0';

     * Find the parent window.

    parent = Tk_NameToWindow(interp, p, tkwin);
    if (p != fixedSpace) {
    if (parent == NULL) {
	return NULL;
    if (((TkWindow *) parent)->flags & TK_ALREADY_DEAD) {
	    "can't create window: parent has been destroyed", (char *) NULL);
	return NULL;
    } else if (((TkWindow *) parent)->flags & TK_CONTAINER) {
	    "can't create window: its parent has -container = yes",
		(char *) NULL);
	return NULL;

     * Create the window.

    if (screenName == NULL) {
	TkWindow *parentPtr = (TkWindow *) parent;
	TkWindow *winPtr;

	winPtr = TkAllocWindow(parentPtr->dispPtr, parentPtr->screenNum,
	if (NameWindow(interp, winPtr, parentPtr, pathName+numChars+1)
		!= TCL_OK) {
	    Tk_DestroyWindow((Tk_Window) winPtr);
	    return NULL;
	} else {
	    return (Tk_Window) winPtr;
    } else {
	return CreateTopLevelWindow(interp, parent, pathName+numChars+1,
		screenName, /* flags */ 0);
 * Tk_DestroyWindow --
 *	Destroy an existing window.  After this call, the caller
 *	should never again use the token. Note that this function
 *	can be reentered to destroy a window that was only
 *	partially destroyed before a call to exit.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	The window is deleted, along with all of its children.
 *	Relevant callback procedures are invoked.

    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to destroy. */
    TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;
    TkDisplay *dispPtr = winPtr->dispPtr;
    XEvent event;
    TkHalfdeadWindow *halfdeadPtr, *prev_halfdeadPtr;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = (ThreadSpecificData *) 
            Tcl_GetThreadData(&dataKey, sizeof(ThreadSpecificData));

    if (winPtr->flags & TK_ALREADY_DEAD) {
	 * A destroy event binding caused the window to be destroyed
	 * again.  Ignore the request.

    winPtr->flags |= TK_ALREADY_DEAD;

     * Unless we are cleaning up a half dead
     * window from DeleteWindowsExitProc,
     * add this window to the half dead list.

    if (tsdPtr->halfdeadWindowList &&
	    (tsdPtr->halfdeadWindowList->flags & HD_CLEANUP) &&
	    (tsdPtr->halfdeadWindowList->winPtr == winPtr)) {
	halfdeadPtr = tsdPtr->halfdeadWindowList;
    } else {
	halfdeadPtr = (TkHalfdeadWindow *) ckalloc(sizeof(TkHalfdeadWindow));
	halfdeadPtr->flags = 0;
	halfdeadPtr->winPtr = winPtr;
	halfdeadPtr->nextPtr = tsdPtr->halfdeadWindowList;
	tsdPtr->halfdeadWindowList = halfdeadPtr;

     * Some cleanup needs to be done immediately, rather than later,
     * because it needs information that will be destoyed before we
     * get to the main cleanup point.  For example, TkFocusDeadWindow
     * needs to access the parentPtr field from a window, but if
     * a Destroy event handler deletes the window's parent this
     * field will be NULL before the main cleanup point is reached.

    if (!(halfdeadPtr->flags & HD_FOCUS)) {
	halfdeadPtr->flags |= HD_FOCUS;

     * If this is a main window, remove it from the list of main
     * windows.  This needs to be done now (rather than later with
     * all the other main window cleanup) to handle situations where
     * a destroy binding for a window calls "exit".  In this case
     * the child window cleanup isn't complete when exit is called.
     * This situation is dealt with using the half dead window
     * list. Windows that are half dead gets cleaned up during exit.
     * Also decrement the display refcount so that if this is the
     * last Tk application in this process on this display, the display
     * can be closed and its data structures deleted.

    if (!(halfdeadPtr->flags & HD_MAIN_WIN) &&
	    winPtr->mainPtr != NULL && winPtr->mainPtr->winPtr == winPtr) {
	halfdeadPtr->flags |= HD_MAIN_WIN;
	if (tsdPtr->mainWindowList == winPtr->mainPtr) {
	    tsdPtr->mainWindowList = winPtr->mainPtr->nextPtr;
	} else {
	    TkMainInfo *prevPtr;

	    for (prevPtr = tsdPtr->mainWindowList;
		    prevPtr->nextPtr != winPtr->mainPtr;
		    prevPtr = prevPtr->nextPtr) {
		/* Empty loop body. */
	    prevPtr->nextPtr = winPtr->mainPtr->nextPtr;

     * Recursively destroy children. Note that this child
     * window block may need to be run multiple times
     * in the case where a child window has a Destroy
     * binding that calls exit.

    if (!(halfdeadPtr->flags & HD_DESTROY_COUNT)) {
	halfdeadPtr->flags |= HD_DESTROY_COUNT;

    while (winPtr->childList != NULL) {
	TkWindow *childPtr;
	childPtr = winPtr->childList;
	childPtr->flags |= TK_DONT_DESTROY_WINDOW;
	Tk_DestroyWindow((Tk_Window) childPtr);
	if (winPtr->childList == childPtr) {
	     * The child didn't remove itself from the child list, so
	     * let's remove it here.  This can happen in some strange
	     * conditions, such as when a Destroy event handler for a
	     * window destroys the window's parent.

	    winPtr->childList = childPtr->nextPtr;
	    childPtr->parentPtr = NULL;
    if ((winPtr->flags & (TK_CONTAINER|TK_BOTH_HALVES))
	 * This is the container for an embedded application, and
	 * the embedded application is also in this process.  Delete
	 * the embedded window in-line here, for the same reasons we
	 * delete children in-line (otherwise, for example, the Tk
	 * window may appear to exist even though its X window is
	 * gone; this could cause errors).  Special note: it's possible
	 * that the embedded window has already been deleted, in which
	 * case TkpGetOtherWindow will return NULL.

	TkWindow *childPtr;
	childPtr = TkpGetOtherWindow(winPtr);
	if (childPtr != NULL) {
	    childPtr->flags |= TK_DONT_DESTROY_WINDOW;
	    Tk_DestroyWindow((Tk_Window) childPtr);

     * Generate a DestroyNotify event.  In order for the DestroyNotify
     * event to be processed correctly, need to make sure the window
     * exists.  This is a bit of a kludge, and may be unnecessarily
     * expensive, but without it no event handlers will get called for
     * windows that don't exist yet.
     * Note: if the window's pathName is NULL and the window is not an
     * anonymous window, it means that the window was not successfully
     * initialized in the first place, so we should not make the window exist
     * or generate the event.

    if (!(halfdeadPtr->flags & HD_DESTROY_EVENT) &&
	    winPtr->pathName != NULL &&
	    !(winPtr->flags & TK_ANONYMOUS_WINDOW)) {
	halfdeadPtr->flags |= HD_DESTROY_EVENT;
	if (winPtr->window == None) {
	event.type = DestroyNotify;
	event.xdestroywindow.serial =
	event.xdestroywindow.send_event = False;
	event.xdestroywindow.display = winPtr->display;
	event.xdestroywindow.event = winPtr->window;
	event.xdestroywindow.window = winPtr->window;

     * No additional bindings that could call exit
     * should be invoked from this point on,
     * so it is safe to remove this window
     * from the half dead list.

    for (prev_halfdeadPtr = NULL,
	    halfdeadPtr = tsdPtr->halfdeadWindowList;
	    halfdeadPtr != NULL; ) {
	if (halfdeadPtr->winPtr == winPtr) {
	    if (prev_halfdeadPtr == NULL)
	        tsdPtr->halfdeadWindowList = halfdeadPtr->nextPtr;
	        prev_halfdeadPtr->nextPtr = halfdeadPtr->nextPtr;
	    ckfree((char *) halfdeadPtr);
	prev_halfdeadPtr = halfdeadPtr;
	halfdeadPtr = halfdeadPtr->nextPtr;
    if (halfdeadPtr == NULL)
        panic("window not found on half dead list");

     * Cleanup the data structures associated with this window.

    if (winPtr->flags & TK_WIN_MANAGED) {
    } else if (winPtr->flags & TK_WM_COLORMAP_WINDOW) {
    if (winPtr->window != None) {
#if defined(MAC_TCL) || defined(MAC_OSX_TK) || defined(__WIN32__)
	XDestroyWindow(winPtr->display, winPtr->window);
	if ((winPtr->flags & TK_TOP_HIERARCHY)
		|| !(winPtr->flags & TK_DONT_DESTROY_WINDOW)) {
	     * The parent has already been destroyed and this isn't
	     * a top-level window, so this window will be destroyed
	     * implicitly when the parent's X window is destroyed;
	     * it's much faster not to do an explicit destroy of this
	     * X window.

	    dispPtr->lastDestroyRequest = NextRequest(winPtr->display);
	    XDestroyWindow(winPtr->display, winPtr->window);
	TkFreeWindowId(dispPtr, winPtr->window);
		(char *) winPtr->window));
	winPtr->window = None;
    if (winPtr->inputContext != NULL) {
	winPtr->inputContext = NULL;
    if (winPtr->tagPtr != NULL) {
    if (winPtr->mainPtr != NULL) {
	if (winPtr->pathName != NULL) {
		    (ClientData) winPtr->pathName);
             * The memory pointed to by pathName has been deallocated.
             * Keep users from accessing it after the window has been
             * destroyed by setting it to NULL.
            winPtr->pathName = NULL;

	     * Invalidate all objects referring to windows
	     * with the same main window
	if (winPtr->mainPtr->refCount == 0) {
	    register TkCmd *cmdPtr;

	     * We just deleted the last window in the application.  Delete
	     * the TkMainInfo structure too and replace all of Tk's commands
	     * with dummy commands that return errors.	Also delete the
	     * "send" command to unregister the interpreter.
	     * NOTE: Only replace the commands it if the interpreter is
	     * not being deleted. If it *is*, the interpreter cleanup will
	     * do all the needed work.

            if ((winPtr->mainPtr->interp != NULL) &&
                    (!Tcl_InterpDeleted(winPtr->mainPtr->interp))) {
                for (cmdPtr = commands; cmdPtr->name != NULL; cmdPtr++) {
                    Tcl_CreateCommand(winPtr->mainPtr->interp, cmdPtr->name,
                            TkDeadAppCmd, (ClientData) NULL,
                            (void (*) _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData))) NULL);
                Tcl_CreateCommand(winPtr->mainPtr->interp, "send",
                        TkDeadAppCmd, (ClientData) NULL, 
                        (void (*) _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData))) NULL);
                Tcl_UnlinkVar(winPtr->mainPtr->interp, "tk_strictMotif");

             * When embedding Tk into other applications, make sure 
             * that all destroy events reach the server. Otherwise
             * the embedding application may also attempt to destroy
             * the windows, resulting in an X error

            if (winPtr->flags & TK_EMBEDDED) {
                XSync(winPtr->display, False); 
	    ckfree((char *) winPtr->mainPtr);

             * If no other applications are using the display, close the
             * display now and relinquish its data structures.

#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(MAC_TCL) && defined(NOT_YET)
            if (dispPtr->refCount <= 0) {
                 * I have disabled this code because on Windows there are
                 * still order dependencies in close-down. All displays
                 * and resources will get closed down properly anyway at
                 * exit, through the exit handler. -- jyl
		 * Ideally this should be enabled, as unix Tk can use multiple
		 * displays.  However, there are order issues still, as well
		 * as the handling of queued events and such that must be
		 * addressed before this can be enabled.  The current cleanup
		 * works except for send event issues. -- hobbs 04/2002
                TkDisplay *theDispPtr, *backDispPtr;
                 * Splice this display out of the list of displays.
                for (theDispPtr = tsdPtr->displayList, backDispPtr = NULL;
                         (theDispPtr != winPtr->dispPtr) &&
                             (theDispPtr != NULL);
                         theDispPtr = theDispPtr->nextPtr) {
                    backDispPtr = theDispPtr;
                if (theDispPtr == NULL) {
                    panic("could not find display to close!");
                if (backDispPtr == NULL) {
                    tsdPtr->displayList = theDispPtr->nextPtr;
                } else {
                    backDispPtr->nextPtr = theDispPtr->nextPtr;

		 * Calling XSync creates X server traffic, but addresses a
		 * focus issue on close (but not the send issue). -- hobbs
		 XSync(dispPtr->display, True);

                 * Found and spliced it out, now actually do the cleanup.

    Tcl_EventuallyFree((ClientData) winPtr, TCL_DYNAMIC);
 * Tk_MapWindow --
 *	Map a window within its parent.  This may require the
 *	window and/or its parents to actually be created.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	The given window will be mapped.  Windows may also
 *	be created.

    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Token for window to map. */
    TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;
    XEvent event;

    if (winPtr->flags & TK_MAPPED) {
    if (winPtr->window == None) {
    if (winPtr->flags & TK_WIN_MANAGED) {
	 * Lots of special processing has to be done for top-level
	 * windows.  Let tkWm.c handle everything itself.

    winPtr->flags |= TK_MAPPED;
    XMapWindow(winPtr->display, winPtr->window);
    event.type = MapNotify;
    event.xmap.serial = LastKnownRequestProcessed(winPtr->display);
    event.xmap.send_event = False;
    event.xmap.display = winPtr->display;
    event.xmap.event = winPtr->window;
    event.xmap.window = winPtr->window;
    event.xmap.override_redirect = winPtr->atts.override_redirect;
 * Tk_MakeWindowExist --
 *	Ensure that a particular window actually exists.  This
 *	procedure shouldn't normally need to be invoked from
 *	outside the Tk package, but may be needed if someone
 *	wants to manipulate a window before mapping it.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	When the procedure returns, the X window associated with
 *	tkwin is guaranteed to exist.  This may require the
 *	window's ancestors to be created also.

    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Token for window. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;
    TkWindow *winPtr2;
    Window parent;
    Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr;
    Tk_ClassCreateProc *createProc;
    int new;

    if (winPtr->window != None) {

    if ((winPtr->parentPtr == NULL) || (winPtr->flags & TK_TOP_HIERARCHY)) {
	parent = XRootWindow(winPtr->display, winPtr->screenNum);
    } else {
	if (winPtr->parentPtr->window == None) {
	    Tk_MakeWindowExist((Tk_Window) winPtr->parentPtr);
	parent = winPtr->parentPtr->window;

    createProc = Tk_GetClassProc(winPtr->classProcsPtr, createProc);
    if (createProc != NULL) {
	winPtr->window = (*createProc)(tkwin, parent, winPtr->instanceData);
    } else {
	winPtr->window = TkpMakeWindow(winPtr, parent);

    hPtr = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&winPtr->dispPtr->winTable,
	    (char *) winPtr->window, &new);
    Tcl_SetHashValue(hPtr, winPtr);
    winPtr->dirtyAtts = 0;
    winPtr->dirtyChanges = 0;

    if (!(winPtr->flags & TK_TOP_HIERARCHY)) {
	 * If any siblings higher up in the stacking order have already
	 * been created then move this window to its rightful position
	 * in the stacking order.
	 * NOTE: this code ignores any changes anyone might have made
	 * to the sibling and stack_mode field of the window's attributes,
	 * so it really isn't safe for these to be manipulated except
	 * by calling Tk_RestackWindow.

	for (winPtr2 = winPtr->nextPtr; winPtr2 != NULL;
		winPtr2 = winPtr2->nextPtr) {
	    if ((winPtr2->window != None)
		    && !(winPtr2->flags & (TK_TOP_HIERARCHY|TK_REPARENTED))) {
		XWindowChanges changes;
		changes.sibling = winPtr2->window;
		changes.stack_mode = Below;
		XConfigureWindow(winPtr->display, winPtr->window,
			CWSibling|CWStackMode, &changes);

	 * If this window has a different colormap than its parent, add
	 * the window to the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property for its top-level.

	if ((winPtr->parentPtr != NULL) &&
		(winPtr->atts.colormap != winPtr->parentPtr->atts.colormap)) {
	    winPtr->flags |= TK_WM_COLORMAP_WINDOW;

     * Issue a ConfigureNotify event if there were deferred configuration
     * changes (but skip it if the window is being deleted;  the
     * ConfigureNotify event could cause problems if we're being called
     * from Tk_DestroyWindow under some conditions).

    if ((winPtr->flags & TK_NEED_CONFIG_NOTIFY)
	    && !(winPtr->flags & TK_ALREADY_DEAD)) {
	winPtr->flags &= ~TK_NEED_CONFIG_NOTIFY;
 * Tk_UnmapWindow, etc. --
 *	There are several procedures under here, each of which
 *	mirrors an existing X procedure.  In addition to performing
 *	the functions of the corresponding procedure, each
 *	procedure also updates the local window structure and
 *	synthesizes an X event (if the window's structure is being
 *	managed internally).
 * Results:
 *	See the manual entries.
 * Side effects:
 *	See the manual entries.

    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Token for window to unmap. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    if (!(winPtr->flags & TK_MAPPED) || (winPtr->flags & TK_ALREADY_DEAD)) {
    if (winPtr->flags & TK_WIN_MANAGED) {
	 * Special processing has to be done for top-level windows.  Let
	 * tkWm.c handle everything itself.

    winPtr->flags &= ~TK_MAPPED;
    XUnmapWindow(winPtr->display, winPtr->window);
    if (!(winPtr->flags & TK_TOP_HIERARCHY)) {
	XEvent event;

	event.type = UnmapNotify;
	event.xunmap.serial = LastKnownRequestProcessed(winPtr->display);
	event.xunmap.send_event = False;
	event.xunmap.display = winPtr->display;
	event.xunmap.event = winPtr->window;
	event.xunmap.window = winPtr->window;
	event.xunmap.from_configure = False;

Tk_ConfigureWindow(tkwin, valueMask, valuePtr)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to re-configure. */
    unsigned int valueMask;	/* Mask indicating which parts of
				 * *valuePtr are to be used. */
    XWindowChanges *valuePtr;	/* New values. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    if (valueMask & CWX) {
	winPtr->changes.x = valuePtr->x;
    if (valueMask & CWY) {
	winPtr->changes.y = valuePtr->y;
    if (valueMask & CWWidth) {
	winPtr->changes.width = valuePtr->width;
    if (valueMask & CWHeight) {
	winPtr->changes.height = valuePtr->height;
    if (valueMask & CWBorderWidth) {
	winPtr->changes.border_width = valuePtr->border_width;
    if (valueMask & (CWSibling|CWStackMode)) {
	panic("Can't set sibling or stack mode from Tk_ConfigureWindow.");

    if (winPtr->window != None) {
	XConfigureWindow(winPtr->display, winPtr->window,
		valueMask, valuePtr);
    } else {
	winPtr->dirtyChanges |= valueMask;
	winPtr->flags |= TK_NEED_CONFIG_NOTIFY;

Tk_MoveWindow(tkwin, x, y)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to move. */
    int x, y;			/* New location for window (within
				 * parent). */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    winPtr->changes.x = x;
    winPtr->changes.y = y;
    if (winPtr->window != None) {
	XMoveWindow(winPtr->display, winPtr->window, x, y);
    } else {
	winPtr->dirtyChanges |= CWX|CWY;
	winPtr->flags |= TK_NEED_CONFIG_NOTIFY;

Tk_ResizeWindow(tkwin, width, height)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to resize. */
    int width, height;		/* New dimensions for window. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    winPtr->changes.width = (unsigned) width;
    winPtr->changes.height = (unsigned) height;
    if (winPtr->window != None) {
	XResizeWindow(winPtr->display, winPtr->window, (unsigned) width,
		(unsigned) height);
    } else {
	winPtr->dirtyChanges |= CWWidth|CWHeight;
	winPtr->flags |= TK_NEED_CONFIG_NOTIFY;

Tk_MoveResizeWindow(tkwin, x, y, width, height)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to move and resize. */
    int x, y;			/* New location for window (within
				 * parent). */
    int width, height;		/* New dimensions for window. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    winPtr->changes.x = x;
    winPtr->changes.y = y;
    winPtr->changes.width = (unsigned) width;
    winPtr->changes.height = (unsigned) height;
    if (winPtr->window != None) {
	XMoveResizeWindow(winPtr->display, winPtr->window, x, y,
		(unsigned) width, (unsigned) height);
    } else {
	winPtr->dirtyChanges |= CWX|CWY|CWWidth|CWHeight;
	winPtr->flags |= TK_NEED_CONFIG_NOTIFY;

Tk_SetWindowBorderWidth(tkwin, width)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to modify. */
    int width;			/* New border width for window. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    winPtr->changes.border_width = width;
    if (winPtr->window != None) {
	XSetWindowBorderWidth(winPtr->display, winPtr->window,
		(unsigned) width);
    } else {
	winPtr->dirtyChanges |= CWBorderWidth;
	winPtr->flags |= TK_NEED_CONFIG_NOTIFY;

Tk_ChangeWindowAttributes(tkwin, valueMask, attsPtr)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to manipulate. */
    unsigned long valueMask;	/* OR'ed combination of bits,
				 * indicating which fields of
				 * *attsPtr are to be used. */
    register XSetWindowAttributes *attsPtr;
				/* New values for some attributes. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    if (valueMask & CWBackPixmap) {
	winPtr->atts.background_pixmap = attsPtr->background_pixmap;
    if (valueMask & CWBackPixel) {
	winPtr->atts.background_pixel = attsPtr->background_pixel;
    if (valueMask & CWBorderPixmap) {
	winPtr->atts.border_pixmap = attsPtr->border_pixmap;
    if (valueMask & CWBorderPixel) {
	winPtr->atts.border_pixel = attsPtr->border_pixel;
    if (valueMask & CWBitGravity) {
	winPtr->atts.bit_gravity = attsPtr->bit_gravity;
    if (valueMask & CWWinGravity) {
	winPtr->atts.win_gravity = attsPtr->win_gravity;
    if (valueMask & CWBackingStore) {
	winPtr->atts.backing_store = attsPtr->backing_store;
    if (valueMask & CWBackingPlanes) {
	winPtr->atts.backing_planes = attsPtr->backing_planes;
    if (valueMask & CWBackingPixel) {
	winPtr->atts.backing_pixel = attsPtr->backing_pixel;
    if (valueMask & CWOverrideRedirect) {
	winPtr->atts.override_redirect = attsPtr->override_redirect;
    if (valueMask & CWSaveUnder) {
	winPtr->atts.save_under = attsPtr->save_under;
    if (valueMask & CWEventMask) {
	winPtr->atts.event_mask = attsPtr->event_mask;
    if (valueMask & CWDontPropagate) {
		= attsPtr->do_not_propagate_mask;
    if (valueMask & CWColormap) {
	winPtr->atts.colormap = attsPtr->colormap;
    if (valueMask & CWCursor) {
	winPtr->atts.cursor = attsPtr->cursor;

    if (winPtr->window != None) {
	XChangeWindowAttributes(winPtr->display, winPtr->window,
		valueMask, attsPtr);
    } else {
	winPtr->dirtyAtts |= valueMask;

Tk_SetWindowBackground(tkwin, pixel)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to manipulate. */
    unsigned long pixel;	/* Pixel value to use for
				 * window's background. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    winPtr->atts.background_pixel = pixel;

    if (winPtr->window != None) {
	XSetWindowBackground(winPtr->display, winPtr->window, pixel);
    } else {
	winPtr->dirtyAtts = (winPtr->dirtyAtts & (unsigned) ~CWBackPixmap)
		| CWBackPixel;

Tk_SetWindowBackgroundPixmap(tkwin, pixmap)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to manipulate. */
    Pixmap pixmap;		/* Pixmap to use for window's
				 * background. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    winPtr->atts.background_pixmap = pixmap;

    if (winPtr->window != None) {
		winPtr->window, pixmap);
    } else {
	winPtr->dirtyAtts = (winPtr->dirtyAtts & (unsigned) ~CWBackPixel)
		| CWBackPixmap;

Tk_SetWindowBorder(tkwin, pixel)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to manipulate. */
    unsigned long pixel;	/* Pixel value to use for
				 * window's border. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    winPtr->atts.border_pixel = pixel;

    if (winPtr->window != None) {
	XSetWindowBorder(winPtr->display, winPtr->window, pixel);
    } else {
	winPtr->dirtyAtts = (winPtr->dirtyAtts & (unsigned) ~CWBorderPixmap)
		| CWBorderPixel;

Tk_SetWindowBorderPixmap(tkwin, pixmap)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to manipulate. */
    Pixmap pixmap;		/* Pixmap to use for window's
				 * border. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    winPtr->atts.border_pixmap = pixmap;

    if (winPtr->window != None) {
		winPtr->window, pixmap);
    } else {
	winPtr->dirtyAtts = (winPtr->dirtyAtts & (unsigned) ~CWBorderPixel)
		| CWBorderPixmap;

Tk_DefineCursor(tkwin, cursor)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to manipulate. */
    Tk_Cursor cursor;		/* Cursor to use for window (may be None). */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

#if defined(MAC_TCL) || defined(MAC_OSX_TK)
    winPtr->atts.cursor = (XCursor) cursor;
    winPtr->atts.cursor = (Cursor) cursor;
    if (winPtr->window != None) {
	XDefineCursor(winPtr->display, winPtr->window, winPtr->atts.cursor);
    } else {
	winPtr->dirtyAtts = winPtr->dirtyAtts | CWCursor;

    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to manipulate. */
    Tk_DefineCursor(tkwin, None);

Tk_SetWindowColormap(tkwin, colormap)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to manipulate. */
    Colormap colormap;		/* Colormap to use for window. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    winPtr->atts.colormap = colormap;

    if (winPtr->window != None) {
	XSetWindowColormap(winPtr->display, winPtr->window, colormap);
	if (!(winPtr->flags & TK_WIN_MANAGED)) {
	    winPtr->flags |= TK_WM_COLORMAP_WINDOW;
    } else {
	winPtr->dirtyAtts |= CWColormap;
 * Tk_SetWindowVisual --
 *	This procedure is called to specify a visual to be used
 *	for a Tk window when it is created.  This procedure, if
 *	called at all, must be called before the X window is created
 *	(i.e. before Tk_MakeWindowExist is called).
 * Results:
 *	The return value is 1 if successful, or 0 if the X window has
 *	been already created.
 * Side effects:
 *	The information given is stored for when the window is created.

Tk_SetWindowVisual(tkwin, visual, depth, colormap)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window to manipulate. */
    Visual *visual;		/* New visual for window. */
    int depth;			/* New depth for window. */
    Colormap colormap;		/* An appropriate colormap for the visual. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    if( winPtr->window != None ){
	/* Too late! */
	return 0;

    winPtr->visual = visual;
    winPtr->depth = depth;
    winPtr->atts.colormap = colormap;
    winPtr->dirtyAtts |= CWColormap;

     * The following code is needed to make sure that the window doesn't
     * inherit the parent's border pixmap, which would result in a BadMatch
     * error.

    if (!(winPtr->dirtyAtts & CWBorderPixmap)) {
	winPtr->dirtyAtts |= CWBorderPixel;
    return 1;
 * TkDoConfigureNotify --
 *	Generate a ConfigureNotify event describing the current
 *	configuration of a window.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	An event is generated and processed by Tk_HandleEvent.

    register TkWindow *winPtr;		/* Window whose configuration
					 * was just changed. */
    XEvent event;

    event.type = ConfigureNotify;
    event.xconfigure.serial = LastKnownRequestProcessed(winPtr->display);
    event.xconfigure.send_event = False;
    event.xconfigure.display = winPtr->display;
    event.xconfigure.event = winPtr->window;
    event.xconfigure.window = winPtr->window;
    event.xconfigure.x = winPtr->changes.x;
    event.xconfigure.y = winPtr->changes.y;
    event.xconfigure.width = winPtr->changes.width;
    event.xconfigure.height = winPtr->changes.height;
    event.xconfigure.border_width = winPtr->changes.border_width;
    if (winPtr->changes.stack_mode == Above) {
	event.xconfigure.above = winPtr->changes.sibling;
    } else {
	event.xconfigure.above = None;
    event.xconfigure.override_redirect = winPtr->atts.override_redirect;
 * Tk_SetClass --
 *	This procedure is used to give a window a class.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	A new class is stored for tkwin, replacing any existing
 *	class for it.

Tk_SetClass(tkwin, className)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Token for window to assign class. */
    CONST char *className;	/* New class for tkwin. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    winPtr->classUid = Tk_GetUid(className);
    if (winPtr->flags & TK_WIN_MANAGED) {
 * Tk_SetClassProcs --
 *	This procedure is used to set the class procedures and
 *	instance data for a window.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	A new set of class procedures and instance data is stored
 *	for tkwin, replacing any existing values.

Tk_SetClassProcs(tkwin, procs, instanceData)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Token for window to modify. */
    Tk_ClassProcs *procs;	/* Class procs structure. */
    ClientData instanceData;	/* Data to be passed to class procedures. */
    register TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;

    winPtr->classProcsPtr = procs;
    winPtr->instanceData = instanceData;
 * Tk_NameToWindow --
 *	Given a string name for a window, this procedure
 *	returns the token for the window, if there exists a
 *	window corresponding to the given name.
 * Results:
 *	The return result is either a token for the window corresponding
 *	to "name", or else NULL to indicate that there is no such
 *	window.  In this case, an error message is left in the interp's result.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

Tk_NameToWindow(interp, pathName, tkwin)
    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Where to report errors. */
    CONST char *pathName;	/* Path name of window. */
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Token for window:  name is assumed to
				 * belong to the same main window as tkwin. */
    Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr;

    if (tkwin == NULL) {
	 * Either we're not really in Tk, or the main window was destroyed and
	 * we're on our way out of the application
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "NULL main window", (char *)NULL);
	return NULL;
    hPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&((TkWindow *) tkwin)->mainPtr->nameTable,
    if (hPtr == NULL) {
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad window path name \"",
		pathName, "\"", (char *) NULL);
	return NULL;
    return (Tk_Window) Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr);
 * Tk_IdToWindow --
 *	Given an X display and window ID, this procedure returns the
 *	Tk token for the window, if there exists a Tk window corresponding
 *	to the given ID.
 * Results:
 *	The return result is either a token for the window corresponding
 *	to the given X id, or else NULL to indicate that there is no such
 *	window.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

Tk_IdToWindow(display, window)
    Display *display;		/* X display containing the window. */
    Window window;		/* X window window id. */
    TkDisplay *dispPtr;
    Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr;

    for (dispPtr = TkGetDisplayList(); ; dispPtr = dispPtr->nextPtr) {
	if (dispPtr == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	if (dispPtr->display == display) {

    hPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&dispPtr->winTable, (char *) window);
    if (hPtr == NULL) {
	return NULL;
    return (Tk_Window) Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr);
 * Tk_DisplayName --
 *	Return the textual name of a window's display.
 * Results:
 *	The return value is the string name of the display associated
 *	with tkwin.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

CONST char *
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window whose display name is desired. */
    return ((TkWindow *) tkwin)->dispPtr->name;
 * UnlinkWindow --
 *	This procedure removes a window from the childList of its
 *	parent.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	The window is unlinked from its childList.

static void
    TkWindow *winPtr;			/* Child window to be unlinked. */
    TkWindow *prevPtr;

    if (winPtr->parentPtr == NULL) {
    prevPtr = winPtr->parentPtr->childList;
    if (prevPtr == winPtr) {
	winPtr->parentPtr->childList = winPtr->nextPtr;
	if (winPtr->nextPtr == NULL) {
	    winPtr->parentPtr->lastChildPtr = NULL;
    } else {
	while (prevPtr->nextPtr != winPtr) {
	    prevPtr = prevPtr->nextPtr;
	    if (prevPtr == NULL) {
		panic("UnlinkWindow couldn't find child in parent");
	prevPtr->nextPtr = winPtr->nextPtr;
	if (winPtr->nextPtr == NULL) {
	    winPtr->parentPtr->lastChildPtr = prevPtr;
 * Tk_RestackWindow --
 *	Change a window's position in the stacking order.
 * Results:
 *	TCL_OK is normally returned.  If other is not a descendant
 *	of tkwin's parent then TCL_ERROR is returned and tkwin is
 *	not repositioned.
 * Side effects:
 *	Tkwin is repositioned in the stacking order.

Tk_RestackWindow(tkwin, aboveBelow, other)
    Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Token for window whose position in
				 * the stacking order is to change. */
    int aboveBelow;		/* Indicates new position of tkwin relative
				 * to other;  must be Above or Below. */
    Tk_Window other;		/* Tkwin will be moved to a position that
				 * puts it just above or below this window.
				 * If NULL then tkwin goes above or below
				 * all windows in the same parent. */
    TkWindow *winPtr = (TkWindow *) tkwin;
    TkWindow *otherPtr = (TkWindow *) other;

     * Special case:  if winPtr is a top-level window then just find
     * the top-level ancestor of otherPtr and restack winPtr above
     * otherPtr without changing any of Tk's childLists.

    if (winPtr->flags & TK_WIN_MANAGED) {
	while ((otherPtr != NULL) && !(otherPtr->flags & TK_TOP_HIERARCHY)) {
	    otherPtr = otherPtr->parentPtr;
	TkWmRestackToplevel(winPtr, aboveBelow, otherPtr);
	return TCL_OK;

     * Find an ancestor of otherPtr that is a sibling of winPtr.

    if (winPtr->parentPtr == NULL) {
	 * Window is going to be deleted shortly;  don't do anything.

	return TCL_OK;
    if (otherPtr == NULL) {
	if (aboveBelow == Above) {
	    otherPtr = winPtr->parentPtr->lastChildPtr;
	} else {
	    otherPtr = winPtr->parentPtr->childList;
    } else {
	while (winPtr->parentPtr != otherPtr->parentPtr) {
	    if ((otherPtr == NULL) || (otherPtr->flags & TK_TOP_HIERARCHY)) {
		return TCL_ERROR;
	    otherPtr = otherPtr->parentPtr;
    if (otherPtr == winPtr) {
	return TCL_OK;

     * Reposition winPtr in the stacking order.

    if (aboveBelow == Above) {
	winPtr->nextPtr = otherPtr->nextPtr;
	if (winPtr->nextPtr == NULL) {
	    winPtr->parentPtr->lastChildPtr = winPtr;
	otherPtr->nextPtr = winPtr;
    } else {
	TkWindow *prevPtr;

	prevPtr = winPtr->parentPtr->childList;
	if (prevPtr == otherPtr) {
	    winPtr->parentPtr->childList = winPtr;
	} else {
	    while (prevPtr->nextPtr != otherPtr) {
		prevPtr = prevPtr->nextPtr;
	    prevPtr->nextPtr = winPtr;
	winPtr->nextPtr = otherPtr;

     * Notify the X server of the change.  If winPtr hasn't yet been
     * created then there's no need to tell the X server now, since
     * the stacking order will be handled properly when the window
     * is finally created.

    if (winPtr->window != None) {
	XWindowChanges changes;
	unsigned int mask;

	mask = CWStackMode;
	changes.stack_mode = Above;
	for (otherPtr = winPtr->nextPtr; otherPtr != NULL;
		otherPtr = otherPtr->nextPtr) {
	    if ((otherPtr->window != None)
		    && !(otherPtr->flags & (TK_TOP_HIERARCHY|TK_REPARENTED))){
		changes.sibling = otherPtr->window;
		changes.stack_mode = Below;
		mask = CWStackMode|CWSibling;
	XConfigureWindow(winPtr->display, winPtr->window, mask, &changes);
    return TCL_OK;
 * Tk_MainWindow --
 *	Returns the main window for an application.
 * Results:
 *	If interp has a Tk application associated with it, the main
 *	window for the application is returned.  Otherwise NULL is
 *	returned and an error message is left in the interp's result.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

    Tcl_Interp *interp;			/* Interpreter that embodies the
					 * application.  Used for error
					 * reporting also. */
    TkMainInfo *mainPtr;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr;

    if (interp == NULL) {
	return NULL;
    if (tclStubsPtr == NULL) {
	return NULL;
    tsdPtr = (ThreadSpecificData *) 
	Tcl_GetThreadData(&dataKey, sizeof(ThreadSpecificData));

    for (mainPtr = tsdPtr->mainWindowList; mainPtr != NULL;
	    mainPtr = mainPtr->nextPtr) {
	if (mainPtr->interp == interp) {
	    return (Tk_Window) mainPtr->winPtr;
    Tcl_SetResult(interp, "this isn't a Tk application", TCL_STATIC);
    return NULL;
 * Tk_StrictMotif --
 *	Indicates whether strict Motif compliance has been specified
 *	for the given window.
 * Results:
 *	The return value is 1 if strict Motif compliance has been
 *	requested for tkwin's application by setting the tk_strictMotif
 *	variable in its interpreter to a true value.  0 is returned
 *	if tk_strictMotif has a false value.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

    Tk_Window tkwin;			/* Window whose application is
					 * to be checked. */
    return ((TkWindow *) tkwin)->mainPtr->strictMotif;
 * Tk_GetNumMainWindows --
 *	This procedure returns the number of main windows currently
 *	open in this process.
 * Results:
 *	The number of main windows open in this process.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr;

    if (tclStubsPtr == NULL) {
	return 0;

    tsdPtr = (ThreadSpecificData *) 
	Tcl_GetThreadData(&dataKey, sizeof(ThreadSpecificData));

    return tsdPtr->numMainWindows;
 * DeleteWindowsExitProc --
 *	This procedure is invoked as an exit handler.  It deletes all
 *	of the main windows in the current thread. We really should
 *	be using a thread local exit handler to delete windows and a
 *	process exit handler to close the display but Tcl does
 *	not provide support for this usage.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

static void
    ClientData clientData;		/* tsdPtr when handler was created. */
    TkDisplay *dispPtr, *nextPtr;
    Tcl_Interp *interp;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = (ThreadSpecificData *) clientData;

     * Finish destroying any windows that are in a
     * half-dead state. We must protect the interpreter
     * while destroying the window, because of <Destroy>
     * bindings which could destroy the interpreter
     * while the window is being deleted. This would
     * leave frames on the call stack pointing at
     * deleted memory, causing core dumps.

    while (tsdPtr->halfdeadWindowList != NULL) {
        interp = tsdPtr->halfdeadWindowList->winPtr->mainPtr->interp;
        Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) interp);
        tsdPtr->halfdeadWindowList->flags |= HD_CLEANUP;
        tsdPtr->halfdeadWindowList->winPtr->flags &= ~TK_ALREADY_DEAD;
        Tk_DestroyWindow((Tk_Window) tsdPtr->halfdeadWindowList->winPtr);
        Tcl_Release((ClientData) interp);

     * Destroy any remaining main windows.

    while (tsdPtr->mainWindowList != NULL) {        
        interp = tsdPtr->mainWindowList->interp;
        Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) interp);
        Tk_DestroyWindow((Tk_Window) tsdPtr->mainWindowList->winPtr);
        Tcl_Release((ClientData) interp);

     * Iterate destroying the displays until no more displays remain.
     * It is possible for displays to get recreated during exit by any
     * code that calls GetScreen, so we must destroy these new displays
     * as well as the old ones.

    for (dispPtr = tsdPtr->displayList;
         dispPtr != NULL;
         dispPtr = tsdPtr->displayList) {
         * Now iterate over the current list of open displays, and first
         * set the global pointer to NULL so we will be able to notice if
         * any new displays got created during deletion of the current set.
         * We must also do this to ensure that Tk_IdToWindow does not find
         * the old display as it is being destroyed, when it wants to see
         * if it needs to dispatch a message.

        for (tsdPtr->displayList = NULL; dispPtr != NULL; 
                dispPtr = nextPtr) {
            nextPtr = dispPtr->nextPtr;

    tsdPtr->numMainWindows = 0;
    tsdPtr->mainWindowList = NULL;
    tsdPtr->initialized = 0;
 * Tk_Init --
 *	This procedure is invoked to add Tk to an interpreter.  It
 *	incorporates all of Tk's commands into the interpreter and
 *	creates the main window for a new Tk application.  If the
 *	interpreter contains a variable "argv", this procedure
 *	extracts several arguments from that variable, uses them
 *	to configure the main window, and modifies argv to exclude
 *	the arguments (see the "wish" documentation for a list of
 *	the arguments that are extracted).
 * Results:
 *	Returns a standard Tcl completion code and sets the interp's result
 *	if there is an error.
 * Side effects:
 *	Depends on various initialization scripts that get invoked.

    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Interpreter to initialize. */
    return Initialize(interp);
 * Tk_SafeInit --
 *	This procedure is invoked to add Tk to a safe interpreter. It
 *	invokes the internal procedure that does the real work.
 * Results:
 *	Returns a standard Tcl completion code and sets the interp's result
 *	if there is an error.
 * Side effects:
 *	Depends on various initialization scripts that are invoked.

    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Interpreter to initialize. */
     * Initialize the interpreter with Tk, safely. This removes
     * all the Tk commands that are unsafe.
     * Rationale:
     * - Toplevel and menu are unsafe because they can be used to cover
     *   the entire screen and to steal input from the user.
     * - Continuous ringing of the bell is a nuisance.
     * - Cannot allow access to the clipboard because a malicious script
     *   can replace the contents with the string "rm -r *" and lead to
     *   surprises when the contents of the clipboard are pasted. Similarly,
     *   the selection command is blocked.
     * - Cannot allow send because it can be used to cause unsafe
     *   interpreters to execute commands. The tk command recreates the
     *   send command, so that too must be hidden.
     * - Focus can be used to grab the focus away from another window,
     *   in effect stealing user input. Cannot allow that.
     *   NOTE: We currently do *not* hide focus as it would make it
     *   impossible to provide keyboard input to Tk in a safe interpreter.
     * - Grab can be used to block the user from using any other apps
     *   on the screen.
     * - Tkwait can block the containing process forever. Use bindings,
     *   fileevents and split the protocol into before-the-wait and
     *   after-the-wait parts. More work but necessary.
     * - Wm is unsafe because (if toplevels are allowed, in the future)
     *   it can be used to remove decorations, move windows around, cover
     *   the entire screen etc etc.
     * Current risks:
     * - No CPU time limit, no memory allocation limits, no color limits.
     *  The actual code called is the same as Tk_Init but Tcl_IsSafe()
     *  is checked at several places to differentiate the two initialisations.

    return Initialize(interp);

extern TkStubs tkStubs;

 * Initialize --
 * Results:
 *	A standard Tcl result. Also leaves an error message in the interp's
 *	result if there was an error.
 * Side effects:
 *	Depends on the initialization scripts that are invoked.

static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Interpreter to initialize. */
    char *p;
    int argc, code;
    CONST char **argv; 
    char *args[20];
    CONST char *argString = NULL;
    Tcl_DString class;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr;
     * Ensure that we are getting the matching version of Tcl.  This is
     * really only an issue when Tk is loaded dynamically.

    if (Tcl_InitStubs(interp, TCL_VERSION, 1) == NULL) {
        return TCL_ERROR;

     * Ensure that our obj-types are registered with the Tcl runtime.

    tsdPtr = (ThreadSpecificData *) 
	Tcl_GetThreadData(&dataKey, sizeof(ThreadSpecificData));

     * Start by initializing all the static variables to default acceptable
     * values so that no information is leaked from a previous run of this
     * code.

    synchronize = 0;
    name = NULL;
    display = NULL;
    geometry = NULL;
    colormap = NULL;
    use = NULL;
    visual = NULL;
    rest = 0;

     * We start by resetting the result because it might not be clean

    if (Tcl_IsSafe(interp)) {
	 * Get the clearance to start Tk and the "argv" parameters
	 * from the master.
	Tcl_DString ds;
	 * Step 1 : find the master and construct the interp name
	 * (could be a function if new APIs were ok).
	 * We could also construct the path while walking, but there
	 * is no API to get the name of an interp either.
	Tcl_Interp *master = interp;

	while (1) {
	    master = Tcl_GetMaster(master);
	    if (master == NULL) {
		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "NULL master", (char *) NULL);
		return TCL_ERROR;
	    if (!Tcl_IsSafe(master)) {
		/* Found the trusted master. */
	 * Construct the name (rewalk...)
	if (Tcl_GetInterpPath(master, interp) != TCL_OK) {
	    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "error in Tcl_GetInterpPath",
		    (char *) NULL);
	    return TCL_ERROR;
	 * Build the string to eval.
	Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&ds, "::safe::TkInit");
	Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&ds, Tcl_GetStringResult(master));
	 * Step 2 : Eval in the master. The argument is the *reversed*
	 * interp path of the slave.
	if (Tcl_Eval(master, Tcl_DStringValue(&ds)) != TCL_OK) {
	     * We might want to transfer the error message or not.
	     * We don't. (no API to do it and maybe security reasons).
		    "not allowed to start Tk by master's safe::TkInit",
		    (char *) NULL);
	    return TCL_ERROR;
	 * Use the master's result as argv.
	 * Note: We don't use the Obj interfaces to avoid dealing with
	 * cross interp refcounting and changing the code below.

	argString = Tcl_GetStringResult(master);
    } else {
	 * If there is an "argv" variable, get its value, extract out
	 * relevant arguments from it, and rewrite the variable without
	 * the arguments that we used.

	argString = Tcl_GetVar2(interp, "argv", (char *) NULL, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
    argv = NULL;
    if (argString != NULL) {
	char buffer[TCL_INTEGER_SPACE];

	if (Tcl_SplitList(interp, argString, &argc, &argv) != TCL_OK) {
		    "\n    (processing arguments in argv variable)");
	    return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tk_ParseArgv(interp, (Tk_Window) NULL, &argc, argv,
		!= TCL_OK) {
	    ckfree((char *) argv);
	    goto argError;
	p = Tcl_Merge(argc, argv);
	Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "argv", (char *) NULL, p, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
	sprintf(buffer, "%d", argc);
	Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "argc", (char *) NULL, buffer, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);

     * Figure out the application's name and class.

    if (name == NULL) {
	int offset;
	TkpGetAppName(interp, &class);
	offset = Tcl_DStringLength(&class)+1;
	Tcl_DStringSetLength(&class, offset);
	Tcl_DStringAppend(&class, Tcl_DStringValue(&class), offset-1);
	name = Tcl_DStringValue(&class) + offset;
    } else {
	Tcl_DStringAppend(&class, name, -1);

    p = Tcl_DStringValue(&class);
    if (*p) {

     * Create an argument list for creating the top-level window,
     * using the information parsed from argv, if any.

    args[0] = "toplevel";
    args[1] = ".";
    args[2] = "-class";
    args[3] = Tcl_DStringValue(&class);
    argc = 4;
    if (display != NULL) {
	args[argc] = "-screen";
	args[argc+1] = display;
	argc += 2;

	 * If this is the first application for this process, save
	 * the display name in the DISPLAY environment variable so
	 * that it will be available to subprocesses created by us.

	if (tsdPtr->numMainWindows == 0) {
	    Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "env", "DISPLAY", display, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
    if (colormap != NULL) {
	args[argc] = "-colormap";
	args[argc+1] = colormap;
	argc += 2;
        colormap = NULL;
    if (use != NULL) {
	args[argc] = "-use";
	args[argc+1] = use;
	argc += 2;
        use = NULL;
    if (visual != NULL) {
	args[argc] = "-visual";
	args[argc+1] = visual;
	argc += 2;
        visual = NULL;
    args[argc] = NULL;
    code = TkCreateFrame((ClientData) NULL, interp, argc, args, 1, name);

    if (code != TCL_OK) {
	goto done;
    if (synchronize) {
	XSynchronize(Tk_Display(Tk_MainWindow(interp)), True);

     * Set the geometry of the main window, if requested.  Put the
     * requested geometry into the "geometry" variable.

    if (geometry != NULL) {
	Tcl_SetVar(interp, "geometry", geometry, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
	code = Tcl_VarEval(interp, "wm geometry . ", geometry, (char *) NULL);
	if (code != TCL_OK) {
	    goto done;
        geometry = NULL;

    if (Tcl_PkgRequire(interp, "Tcl", TCL_VERSION, 1) == NULL) {
	code = TCL_ERROR;
	goto done;

     * Provide Tk and its stub table.

    code = Tcl_PkgProvideEx(interp, "Tk", TK_VERSION, (ClientData) &tkStubs);
    if (code != TCL_OK) {
	goto done;
    } else {
	 * If we were able to provide ourselves as a package, then set
	 * the main loop procedure in Tcl to our main loop proc.  This
	 * will cause tclsh to be event-aware when Tk is dynamically
	 * loaded.  This will have no effect in wish, which already is
	 * prepared to run the event loop.


#ifdef Tk_InitStubs
#undef Tk_InitStubs

    Tk_InitStubs(interp, TK_VERSION, 1);

     * Invoke platform-specific initialization.

    code = TkpInit(interp);

    if (argv != NULL) {
	ckfree((char *) argv);
    return code;