/* square.c - Copyright (C) 2004 Pat Thoyts * * Minimal sample ttk widget. * * $Id: ttkSquare.c,v 1.1 2006/10/31 01:42:26 hobbs Exp $ */ #include #include "ttkTheme.h" #include "ttkWidget.h" #ifndef DEFAULT_BORDERWIDTH #define DEFAULT_BORDERWIDTH "2" #endif /* * First, we setup the widget record. The Ttk package provides a structure * that contains standard widget data so it is only necessary to define * a structure that holds the data required for our widget. We do this by * defining a widget part and then specifying the widget record as the * concatenation of the two structures. */ typedef struct { Tcl_Obj *widthObj; Tcl_Obj *heightObj; Tcl_Obj *reliefObj; Tcl_Obj *borderWidthObj; Tcl_Obj *foregroundObj; Tcl_Obj *paddingObj; Tcl_Obj *anchorObj; } SquarePart; typedef struct { WidgetCore core; SquarePart square; } Square; /* * Widget options. * * This structure is the same as the option specification structure used * for Tk widgets. For each option we provide the type, name and options * database name and class name and the position in the structure and * default values. At the bottom we bring in the standard widget option * defined for all widgets. */ static Tk_OptionSpec SquareOptionSpecs[] = { WIDGET_TAKES_FOCUS, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-borderwidth", "borderWidth", "BorderWidth", DEFAULT_BORDERWIDTH, Tk_Offset(Square,square.borderWidthObj), -1, 0,0,GEOMETRY_CHANGED }, {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-foreground", "foreground", "Foreground", DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, Tk_Offset(Square,square.foregroundObj), -1, 0, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-width", "width", "Width", "50", Tk_Offset(Square,square.widthObj), -1, 0, 0, GEOMETRY_CHANGED}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-height", "height", "Height", "50", Tk_Offset(Square,square.heightObj), -1, 0, 0, GEOMETRY_CHANGED}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-padding", "padding", "Pad", NULL, Tk_Offset(Square,square.paddingObj), -1, TK_OPTION_NULL_OK,0,GEOMETRY_CHANGED }, {TK_OPTION_RELIEF, "-relief", "relief", "Relief", NULL, Tk_Offset(Square,square.reliefObj), -1, TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, {TK_OPTION_ANCHOR, "-anchor", "anchor", "Anchor", NULL, Tk_Offset(Square,square.anchorObj), -1, TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, 0, 0}, WIDGET_INHERIT_OPTIONS(CoreOptionSpecs) }; /* * Almost all of the widget functionality is handled by the default Ttk * widget code and the contained element. The one thing that we must handle * is the -anchor option which positions the square element within the parcel * of space available for the widget. * To do this we must find out the layout preferences for the square * element and adjust its position within our region. * * Note that if we do not have a "square" elememt then just the default * layout will be done. So if someone places a label element into the * widget layout it will still be handled but the -anchor option will be * passed onto the label element instead of handled here. */ static void SquareDoLayout(void *clientData) { WidgetCore *corePtr = (WidgetCore *)clientData; Ttk_Box winBox; Ttk_LayoutNode *squareNode; squareNode = Ttk_LayoutFindNode(corePtr->layout, "square"); winBox = Ttk_WinBox(corePtr->tkwin); Ttk_PlaceLayout(corePtr->layout, corePtr->state, winBox); /* * Adjust the position of the square element within the widget according * to the -anchor option. */ if (squareNode) { Square *squarePtr = clientData; Tk_Anchor anchor = TK_ANCHOR_CENTER; Ttk_Box b; b = Ttk_LayoutNodeParcel(squareNode); if (squarePtr->square.anchorObj != NULL) Tk_GetAnchorFromObj(NULL, squarePtr->square.anchorObj, &anchor); b = Ttk_AnchorBox(winBox, b.width, b.height, anchor); Ttk_PlaceLayoutNode(corePtr->layout, squareNode, b); } } /* * Widget commands. A widget is impelemented as an ensemble and the * subcommands are listed here. Ttk provides default implementations * that are sufficient for our needs. */ static WidgetCommandSpec SquareCommands[] = { { "configure", WidgetConfigureCommand }, { "cget", WidgetCgetCommand }, { "identify", WidgetIdentifyCommand }, { "instate", WidgetInstateCommand }, { "state", WidgetStateCommand }, { NULL, NULL } }; /* * The Widget specification structure holds all the implementation * information about this widget and this is what must be registered * with Tk in the package initialization code (see bottom). */ WidgetSpec SquareWidgetSpec = { "TSquare", /* className */ sizeof(Square), /* recordSize */ SquareOptionSpecs, /* optionSpecs */ SquareCommands, /* subcommands */ NullInitialize, /* initializeProc */ NullCleanup, /* cleanupProc */ CoreConfigure, /* configureProc */ NullPostConfigure, /* postConfigureProc */ WidgetGetLayout, /* getLayoutProc */ WidgetSize, /* sizeProc */ SquareDoLayout, /* layoutProc */ WidgetDisplay /* displayProc */ }; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Square element * * In this section we demonstrate what is required to create a new themed * element. */ typedef struct { Tcl_Obj *borderObj; Tcl_Obj *foregroundObj; Tcl_Obj *borderWidthObj; Tcl_Obj *reliefObj; Tcl_Obj *widthObj; Tcl_Obj *heightObj; } SquareElement; static Ttk_ElementOptionSpec SquareElementOptions[] = { { "-background", TK_OPTION_BORDER, Tk_Offset(SquareElement,borderObj), DEFAULT_BACKGROUND }, { "-foreground", TK_OPTION_BORDER, Tk_Offset(SquareElement,foregroundObj), DEFAULT_BACKGROUND }, { "-borderwidth", TK_OPTION_PIXELS, Tk_Offset(SquareElement,borderWidthObj), DEFAULT_BORDERWIDTH }, { "-relief", TK_OPTION_RELIEF, Tk_Offset(SquareElement,reliefObj), "raised" }, { "-width", TK_OPTION_PIXELS, Tk_Offset(SquareElement,widthObj), "20"}, { "-height", TK_OPTION_PIXELS, Tk_Offset(SquareElement,heightObj), "20"}, { NULL } }; /* * The element geometry function is called when the layout code wishes to * find out how big this element wants to be. We must return our preferred * size and padding information */ static void SquareElementGeometry( void *clientData, void *elementRecord, Tk_Window tkwin, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr, Ttk_Padding *paddingPtr) { SquareElement *square = elementRecord; int borderWidth = 0; Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, square->borderWidthObj, &borderWidth); *paddingPtr = Ttk_UniformPadding((short)borderWidth); Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(NULL, tkwin, square->widthObj, widthPtr); Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(NULL, tkwin, square->heightObj, heightPtr); } /* * Draw the element in the box provided. */ static void SquareElementDraw(void *clientData, void *elementRecord, Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable d, Ttk_Box b, unsigned int state) { SquareElement *square = elementRecord; Tk_3DBorder border = NULL, foreground = NULL; int borderWidth = 1, relief = TK_RELIEF_FLAT; border = Tk_Get3DBorderFromObj(tkwin, square->borderObj); foreground = Tk_Get3DBorderFromObj(tkwin, square->foregroundObj); Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, square->borderWidthObj, &borderWidth); Tk_GetReliefFromObj(NULL, square->reliefObj, &relief); Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, d, foreground, b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height, borderWidth, relief); } static Ttk_ElementSpec SquareElementSpec = { TK_STYLE_VERSION_2, sizeof(SquareElement), SquareElementOptions, SquareElementGeometry, SquareElementDraw }; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Layout section. * * Every widget class needs a layout style that specifies which elements * are part of the widget and how they should be placed. The element layout * engine is similar to the Tk pack geometry manager. Read the documentation * for the details. In this example we just need to have the square element * that has been defined for this widget placed on a background. We will * also need some padding to keep it away from the edges. */ TTK_BEGIN_LAYOUT(SquareLayout) TTK_NODE("Square.background", TTK_FILL_BOTH) TTK_GROUP("Square.padding", TTK_FILL_BOTH, TTK_NODE("Square.square", 0)) TTK_END_LAYOUT /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Widget initialization. * * This file defines a new element and a new widget. We need to register * the element with the themes that will need it. In this case we will * register with the default theme that is the root of the theme inheritance * tree. This means all themes will find this element. * We then need to register the widget class style. This is the layout * specification. If a different theme requires an alternative layout, we * could register that here. For instance, in some themes the scrollbars have * one uparrow, in other themes there are two uparrow elements. * Finally we register the widget itself. This step creates a tcl command so * that we can actually create an instance of this class. The widget is * linked to a particular style by the widget class name. This is important * to realise as the programmer may change the classname when creating a * new instance. If this is done, a new layout will need to be created (which * can be done at script level). Some widgets may require particular elements * to be present but we try to avoid this where possible. In this widget's C * code, no reference is made to any particular elements. The programmer is * free to specify a new style using completely different elements. */ /* public */ int SquareWidget_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp) { Ttk_Theme theme = Ttk_GetDefaultTheme(interp); /* register the new elements for this theme engine */ Ttk_RegisterElement(interp, theme, "square", &SquareElementSpec, NULL); /* register the layout for this theme */ Ttk_RegisterLayout(theme, "TSquare", SquareLayout); /* register the widget */ RegisterWidget(interp, "ttk::square", &SquareWidgetSpec); return TCL_OK; }