::msgcat::mcset nl "\"%1\$s\" must be an absolute pathname" "\"%1\$s\" moet een absolute pad-naam zijn"
::msgcat::mcset nl "%1\$s is not a toplevel window" "%1\$s is geen toplevel window"
::msgcat::mcset nl ", or" ", of"
::msgcat::mcset nl "-default, -icon, -message, -parent, -title, or -type" "-default, -icon, -message, -parent, -title, of -type"
::msgcat::mcset nl "-initialdir, -mustexist, -parent, or -title" "-initialdir, -mustexist, -parent, of -title"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Abort" "Afbreken"
::msgcat::mcset nl "About..." "Over..."
::msgcat::mcset nl "All Files" "Alle Bestanden"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Application Error" "Toepassingsfout"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Blue" "Blauw"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Cancel" "Annuleren"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Cannot change to the directory \"%1\$s\".\nPermission denied." "Kan niet naar map \"%1\$s\" gaan.\nU heeft geen toestemming hiervoor."
::msgcat::mcset nl "Choose Directory" "Kies map"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Clear" "Wissen"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Clear entry, Press OK; Enter %1\$s, press OK" "Wis veld, Druk op OK; Geef %1\$s in, druk op OK"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Color" "Kleur"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Console"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Copy" "Copi\u00ebren"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Cut" "Knippen"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Delete" "Wissen"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Details"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Details >>"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Directory \"%1\$s\" does not exist." "Map \"%1\$s\" bestaat niet."
::msgcat::mcset nl "Directory:" "Map:"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Enter \"%1\$s\", press OK" "Toets \"%1\$s\", druk op OK"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Enter \"%1\$s\", press OK, enter \"%2\$s\", press OK" "Toets \"%1\$s\", druk op OK, toets \"%2\$s\", druk op OK"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Error: %1\$s" "Fout: %1\$s"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Exit" "Be\u00ebindigen"
::msgcat::mcset nl "File \"%1\$s\" already exists.\n\n" "Bestand \"%1\$s\" bestaat al.\n\n"
::msgcat::mcset nl "File \"%1\$s\" already exists.\nDo you want to overwrite it?" "Bestand \"%1\$s\" bestaat al.\nWilt u het overschrijven?"
::msgcat::mcset nl "File \"%1\$s\" does not exist." "Bestand \"%1\$s\" bestaat niet."
::msgcat::mcset nl "File name:" "Bestandsnaam:"
::msgcat::mcset nl "File names:" "Bestandsnamen:"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Files of type:" "Bestanden van het type:"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Files:" "Bestanden:"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Filter"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Filter:"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Green" "Groen"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Hi" "H\u00e9"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Hide Console" "Verberg Console"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Ignore"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Invalid file name \"%1\$s\"." "Ongeldige bestandsnaam \"%1\$s\"."
::msgcat::mcset nl "Log Files" "Log Bestanden"
::msgcat::mcset nl "No" "Nee"
::msgcat::mcset nl "OK"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Ok"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Open" "Openen"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Open Multiple Files" "Open meerdere bestanden"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Paste" "Plakken"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Please press %1\$s" "Druk op %1\$s, A.U.B."
::msgcat::mcset nl "Please press ok" "Druk op ok, A.U.B."
::msgcat::mcset nl "Press Cancel" "Druk op Annuleren"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Press Ok" "Druk op Ok"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Quit" "Stoppen"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Red" "Rood"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Replace existing file?" "Vervang bestaand bestand?"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Retry" "Opnieuw"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Save" "Opslaan"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Save As" "Opslaan als"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Save To Log" "Opslaan naar Log"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Select Log File" "Selecteer Log bestand"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Select a file to source" "Selecteer bronbestand"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Selection:" "Selectie:"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Skip Messages" "Berichten overslaan"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Source..." "Bron..."
::msgcat::mcset nl "Tcl Scripts"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Tcl for Windows" "Tcl voor Windows"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Text Files" "Tekst Bestanden"
::msgcat::mcset nl "Yes" "Ja"
::msgcat::mcset nl "abort" "afbreken"
::msgcat::mcset nl "abort, retry, ignore, ok, cancel, no, or yes" "afbreken, opnieuw, negeren, ok, annuleren, nee, of ja"
::msgcat::mcset nl "abortretryignore, ok, okcancel, retrycancel, yesno, or yesnocancel" "abortretryignore, ok, okcancel, retrycancel, yesno, of yesnocancel"
::msgcat::mcset nl "bad %1\$s value \"%2\$s\": must be %3\$s" "foutieve %1\$s waarde \"%2\$s\": moet zijn %3\$s"
::msgcat::mcset nl "bad file type \"%1\$s\", should be" "foutief bestandstype \"%1\$s\", moet zijn"
::msgcat::mcset nl "bad option \"%1\$s\": should be %2\$s" "foutieve optie \"%1\$s\": moet zijn %2\$s"
::msgcat::mcset nl "bad window path name \"%1\$s\"" "foutieve window pad naam \"%1\$s\""
::msgcat::mcset nl "blue" "blauw"
::msgcat::mcset nl "can't post %1\$s:  it isn't a descendant of %2\$s (this is a new requirement in Tk versions 3.0 and later)" "kan %1\$s niet verzenden:  het is geen afstammeling van %2\$s (dit is een niewe verplichting in Tk versies 3.0 en later)"
::msgcat::mcset nl "cancel" "annuleren"
::msgcat::mcset nl "default button index greater than number of buttons specified for tk_dialog" "default knop index is groter dan het aantal knoppen beschikbaar voor tk_dialog"
::msgcat::mcset nl "display name to use (current one otherwise)" "te gebruiken schermnaam (anders huidige scherm)"
::msgcat::mcset nl "error, info, question, or warning" "error, info, question, of warning"
::msgcat::mcset nl "extension"
::msgcat::mcset nl "extensions"
::msgcat::mcset nl "focus group \"%1\$s\" doesn't exist" "focus groep \"%1\$s\" bestaat niet"
::msgcat::mcset nl "green" "groen"
::msgcat::mcset nl "history event %1\$s"
::msgcat::mcset nl "ignore" "negeren"
::msgcat::mcset nl "invalid default button \"%1\$s\"" "ongeldige default knop \"%1\$s\""
::msgcat::mcset nl "macType"
::msgcat::mcset nl "macTypes"
::msgcat::mcset nl "must specify a background color" "een achtergrondkleur is verplicht"
::msgcat::mcset nl "name of the slave interpreter" "naam van de slaaf interpreter"
::msgcat::mcset nl "no winfo screen . nor env(DISPLAY)" "geen winfo scherm . noch env(DISPLAY)"
::msgcat::mcset nl "ok"
::msgcat::mcset nl "red" "rood"
::msgcat::mcset nl "retry" "opnieuw"
::msgcat::mcset nl "should contain 5 or 4 elements" "moet 4 of 5 elementen bevatten"
::msgcat::mcset nl "spec"
::msgcat::mcset nl "tk_chooseDirectory command" "tk_chooseDirectory commando"
::msgcat::mcset nl "tk_chooseDirectory command, cancel gives null" "tk_chooseDirectory commando, annuleren geeft lege waarde"
::msgcat::mcset nl "tk_chooseDirectory command, initialdir" "tk_chooseDirectory commando, initi\u00eble map"
::msgcat::mcset nl "yes" "ja"