# # $Id: combobox.tcl,v 1.2 2006/11/27 06:53:55 jenglish Exp $ # # Ttk widget set: combobox bindings. # # Each combobox $cb has a child $cb.popdown, which contains # a listbox $cb.popdown.l and a scrollbar. The listbox -listvariable # is set to a namespace variable, which is used to synchronize the # combobox values with the listbox values. # namespace eval ttk::combobox { variable Values ;# Values($cb) is -listvariable of listbox widget variable State set State(entryPress) 0 } ### Combobox bindings. # # Duplicate the Entry bindings, override if needed: # ttk::copyBindings TEntry TCombobox bind TCombobox { ttk::combobox::Post %W } bind TCombobox { ttk::combobox::Unpost %W } bind TCombobox { ttk::combobox::Press "" %W %x %y } bind TCombobox { ttk::combobox::Press "s" %W %x %y } bind TCombobox { ttk::combobox::Press "2" %W %x %y } bind TCombobox { ttk::combobox::Press "3" %W %x %y } bind TCombobox { ttk::combobox::Drag %W %x } bind TCombobox { ttk::combobox::Scroll %W [expr {%D/-120}] } if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "x11"} { bind TCombobox { ttk::combobox::Scroll %W -1 } bind TCombobox { ttk::combobox::Scroll %W 1 } } bind TCombobox <> { ttk::combobox::TraverseIn %W } ### Combobox listbox bindings. # bind ComboboxListbox { focus %W ; continue } bind ComboboxListbox { ttk::combobox::LBSelected %W } bind ComboboxListbox { ttk::combobox::LBSelected %W } bind ComboboxListbox { ttk::combobox::LBCancel %W } bind ComboboxListbox { ttk::combobox::LBTab %W next } bind ComboboxListbox <> { ttk::combobox::LBTab %W prev } bind ComboboxListbox { ttk::combobox::LBCleanup %W } # Default behavior is to follow selection on mouseover bind ComboboxListbox { %W selection clear 0 end %W activate @%x,%y %W selection set @%x,%y } # The combobox has a global grab active when the listbox is posted, # but on Windows and OSX that doesn't prevent the user from interacting # with other applications. We need to popdown the listbox when this happens. # # On OSX, the listbox gets a event. This doesn't happen # on Windows or X11, but it does get a event. However on OSX # in Tk 8.5, the listbox gets spurious events when the listbox # is posted (see #1349811). # # The following seems to work: # switch -- [tk windowingsystem] { win32 { bind ComboboxListbox { ttk::combobox::LBCancel %W } } aqua { bind ComboboxListbox { ttk::combobox::LBCancel %W } } } ### Option database settings. # if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "x11"} { option add *TCombobox*Listbox.background white } # The following ensures that the popdown listbox uses the same font # as the combobox entry field (at least for the standard Ttk themes). # option add *TCombobox*Listbox.font TkTextFont ### Binding procedures. # ## combobox::Press $mode $x $y -- # ButtonPress binding for comboboxes. # Either post/unpost the listbox, or perform Entry widget binding, # depending on widget state and location of button press. # proc ttk::combobox::Press {mode w x y} { variable State set State(entryPress) [expr { [$w instate {!readonly !disabled}] && [string match *textarea [$w identify $x $y]] }] if {$State(entryPress)} { focus $w switch -- $mode { s { ttk::entry::Shift-Press $w $x ; # Shift } 2 { ttk::entry::Select $w $x word ; # Double click} 3 { ttk::entry::Select $w $x line ; # Triple click } "" - default { ttk::entry::Press $w $x } } } else { TogglePost $w } } ## combobox::Drag -- # B1-Motion binding for comboboxes. # If the initial ButtonPress event was handled by Entry binding, # perform Entry widget drag binding; otherwise nothing. # proc ttk::combobox::Drag {w x} { variable State if {$State(entryPress)} { ttk::entry::Drag $w $x } } ## TraverseIn -- receive focus due to keyboard navigation # For editable comboboxes, set the selection and insert cursor. # proc ttk::combobox::TraverseIn {w} { $w instate {!readonly !disabled} { $w selection range 0 end $w icursor end } } ## SelectEntry $cb $index -- # Set the combobox selection in response to a user action. # proc ttk::combobox::SelectEntry {cb index} { $cb current $index $cb selection range 0 end $cb icursor end event generate $cb <> } ## Scroll -- Mousewheel binding # proc ttk::combobox::Scroll {cb dir} { $cb instate disabled { return } set max [llength [$cb cget -values]] set current [$cb current] incr current $dir if {$max != 0 && $current == $current % $max} { SelectEntry $cb $current } } ## LBSelected $lb -- Activation binding for listbox # Set the combobox value to the currently-selected listbox value # and unpost the listbox. # proc ttk::combobox::LBSelected {lb} { set cb [LBMaster $lb] set selection [$lb curselection] Unpost $cb focus $cb if {[llength $selection] == 1} { SelectEntry $cb [lindex $selection 0] } } ## LBCancel -- # Unpost the listbox. # proc ttk::combobox::LBCancel {lb} { Unpost [LBMaster $lb] } ## LBTab -- # Tab key binding for combobox listbox: # Set the selection, and navigate to next/prev widget. # proc ttk::combobox::LBTab {lb dir} { set cb [LBMaster $lb] switch -- $dir { next { set newFocus [tk_focusNext $cb] } prev { set newFocus [tk_focusPrev $cb] } } if {$newFocus ne ""} { LBSelected $lb # The [grab release] call in [Unpost] queues events that later # re-set the focus. [update] to make sure these get processed first: update tk::TabToWindow $newFocus } } ## PopdownShell -- # Returns the popdown shell widget associated with a combobox, # creating it if necessary. # proc ttk::combobox::PopdownShell {cb} { if {![winfo exists $cb.popdown]} { set popdown [toplevel $cb.popdown -relief solid -bd 1] wm withdraw $popdown wm overrideredirect $popdown 1 wm transient $popdown [winfo toplevel $cb] # XXX Until we have a proper native scrollbar on Aqua, use # XXX the regular Tk one if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} { scrollbar $popdown.sb -orient vertical \ -command [list $popdown.l yview] } else { ttk::scrollbar $popdown.sb -orient vertical \ -command [list $popdown.l yview] } listbox $popdown.l \ -listvariable ttk::combobox::Values($cb) \ -yscrollcommand [list $popdown.sb set] \ -exportselection false \ -selectmode browse \ -borderwidth 2 -relief flat \ -highlightthickness 0 \ -activestyle none \ ; bindtags $popdown.l \ [list $popdown.l ComboboxListbox Listbox $popdown all] grid $popdown.l $popdown.sb -sticky news grid columnconfigure $popdown 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $popdown 0 -weight 1 } return $cb.popdown } ## combobox::Post $cb -- # Pop down the associated listbox. # proc ttk::combobox::Post {cb} { variable State variable Values # Don't do anything if disabled: # $cb instate disabled { return } # Run -postcommand callback: # uplevel #0 [$cb cget -postcommand] # Combobox is in 'pressed' state while listbox posted: # $cb state pressed set popdown [PopdownShell $cb] set values [$cb cget -values] set current [$cb current] if {$current < 0} { set current 0 ;# no current entry, highlight first one } set Values($cb) $values $popdown.l selection clear 0 end $popdown.l selection set $current $popdown.l activate $current $popdown.l see $current # Should allow user to control listbox height set height [llength $values] if {$height > 10} { set height 10 } $popdown.l configure -height $height update idletasks # Position listbox (@@@ factor with menubutton::PostPosition # set x [winfo rootx $cb] set y [winfo rooty $cb] set w [winfo width $cb] set h [winfo height $cb] if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} { # Adjust for platform-specific bordering to ensure the box is # directly under actual 'entry square' set xoff 3 set yoff 2 incr x $xoff set w [expr {$w - $xoff*2}] } else { set yoff 0 } set H [winfo reqheight $popdown] if {$y + $h + $H > [winfo screenheight $popdown]} { set Y [expr {$y - $H - $yoff}] } else { set Y [expr {$y + $h - $yoff}] } wm geometry $popdown ${w}x${H}+${x}+${Y} # Post the listbox: # wm deiconify $popdown raise $popdown # @@@ Workaround for TrackElementState bug: event generate $cb # /@@@ ttk::globalGrab $cb focus $popdown.l } ## combobox::Unpost $cb -- # Unpost the listbox, restore focus to combobox widget. # proc ttk::combobox::Unpost {cb} { $cb state !pressed ttk::releaseGrab $cb if {[winfo exists $cb.popdown]} { wm withdraw $cb.popdown } focus $cb } ## combobox::TogglePost $cb -- # Post the listbox if unposted, unpost otherwise. # proc ttk::combobox::TogglePost {cb} { if {[$cb instate pressed]} { Unpost $cb } { Post $cb } } ## LBMaster $lb -- # Return the combobox main widget that owns the listbox. # proc ttk::combobox::LBMaster {lb} { winfo parent [winfo parent $lb] } ## LBCleanup $lb -- # binding for combobox listboxes. # Cleans up by unsetting the linked textvariable. # # Note: we can't just use { unset [%W cget -listvariable] } # because the widget command is already gone when this binding fires). # [winfo parent] still works, fortunately. # proc ttk::combobox::LBCleanup {lb} { variable Values unset Values([LBMaster $lb]) } #*EOF*