Tk 8.4 for Macintosh

Originally by Ray Johnson while at Sun Microsystems Labs
with major help from Jim Ingham while at Cygnus Solutions

RCS: @(#) $Id: README,v 2005/12/04 00:51:29 das Exp $


Note that Tk on Mac OS Classic is no longer supported and likely no longer
compiles, the last release known to work is 8.4.2. The 'mac' source
directory and all other Mac Classic code have been removed from Tk 8.5.

The Mac OS X port of Tk can be found in the 'macosx' source directory.

The information and URLs below are known to be outdated and incorrect.


1. Introduction

This is the README file for the Macintosh version of the Tk
extension for the Tcl scripting language.  The file consists of
information specific to the Macintosh version of Tcl and Tk.  For more
general information please read the README file in the main Tk

3. Mac specific features

There are several features or enhancements in Tk that are unique to 
the Macintosh version of Tk.  The list of these features is
maintained at

4. The Distribution

Macintosh Tk is distributed in three different forms.  This should
make it easier to only download what you need.  Replace <version>
with the current version of Tk.  The packages are as follows:


    This distribution is a "binary" only release.  It contains an
    installer program that will install a 68k, PowerPC, or Fat
    version of the "Wish" application.  In addition, in installs
    the Tcl & Tk libraries in the Extensions folder inside your
    System Folder.  (No "INIT"'s or Control Pannels are installed.)


    This release contains the full release of Tcl and Tk for the
    Macintosh plus the More Files package on which Macintosh Tcl and
    Tk rely.


    This release contains the complete source to Tk for the Macintosh
    In addition, Metrowerks CodeWarrior libraries and project files
    are included.  However, you must already have the More Files
    package to compile this code.

5. Compiling Tk

In order to compile Macintosh Tk you must have the 
following items:

	CodeWarrior Pro 5 or higher
	Mac Tcl (source)
	  (which requires More Files 1.4.9)
	Mac Tk (source)

The project  files included with the Mac Tcl source should work 
fine.  The only thing you may need to update are the access paths.
As with Tcl, you need to upgrade to the 2.0.1 version of the C
compilers or later to build the CFM68K version of Tcl/Tk.

Special notes:

* Check out the file bugs.doc for information about known bugs.

* We are starting to support the new Appearance Manager that shipped
  with MacOS 8.0.  The Tk 8.0.3 release is the first Tk release
  that supported the Appearance Manager well.  Tk 8.0.4 extended this support
  to the menu system, though you have to have Appearance 1.0.1 or later
  installed for this to work.

If you have comments or Bug reports, use our on-line database at