/* * tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c -- * * This file implements functions that decode & handle mouse events on * MacOS X. * * Copyright © 2001-2009 Apple Inc. * Copyright © 2005-2009 Daniel A. Steffen * * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of * this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. */ #include "tkMacOSXPrivate.h" #include "tkMacOSXWm.h" #include "tkMacOSXInt.h" #include "tkMacOSXDebug.h" #include "tkMacOSXConstants.h" typedef struct { unsigned int state; long delta; Window window; Point global; Point local; } MouseEventData; static Tk_Window captureWinPtr = NULL; /* Current capture window; may be * NULL. */ static int GenerateButtonEvent(MouseEventData *medPtr); #pragma mark TKApplication(TKMouseEvent) enum { NSWindowWillMoveEventType = 20 }; /* * In OS X 10.6 an NSEvent of type NSMouseMoved would always have a non-Nil * window attribute pointing to the key window. As of 10.8 this behavior had * changed. The new behavior was that if the mouse were ever moved outside of * a window, all subsequent NSMouseMoved NSEvents would have a Nil window * attribute until the mouse returned to the window. In 11.1 it changed again. * The window attribute can be non-nil, but referencing a window which does not * belong to the application. */ /* The basic job of tkProcessMouseEvent is to generate a call to * Tk_UpdatePointer. That function receives a Tk_Window which (ignoring cases * when a grab is in effect) should be the highest window within the focused * toplevel that contains the pointer, as well as the pointer location in * screen coordinates and the current button state. Tk maintains a cache of * these three values. A change in any of these values causes Tk_UpdatePointer * to generate, respectively, Enter/Leave events, or Motion events, or * button Press/Release events. The Tk_Window value is allowed to be NULL, * which indicates that the pointer is not in the focused toplevel. * * Enter or Leave events for toplevel windows are generated when the Tk_Window * value changes to or from NULL. This is problematic on macOS due to the fact * that Tk_UpdatePointer does not generate Motion events when the Tk_Window * value is NULL. A consequence of this is that Tk_UpdatePointer will either * fail to generate correct Enter/Leave events for toplevels or else be unable * to generate Motion events when the pointer is outside of the focus window. * It is important to be able to generate such events because otherwise a * scrollbar on the edge of a toplevel becomes unusable. Any time that the * pointer wanders out of the window during a scroll, the scroll will stop. * That is an extremely annoying and unexpected behavior. Much of the code in * this module, including the trickiest parts, is devoted to working around * this problem. The other tricky parts are related to transcribing Apple's * NSMouseEntered, NSMouseExited, and NSLeftMouseDragged events into a form * that makes sense to Tk. */ @implementation TKApplication(TKMouseEvent) - (NSEvent *) tkProcessMouseEvent: (NSEvent *) theEvent { NSWindow *eventWindow = [theEvent window]; NSEventType eventType = [theEvent type]; TKContentView *contentView = [eventWindow contentView]; NSPoint location = [theEvent locationInWindow]; //NSPoint viewLocation = [contentView convertPoint:location fromView:nil]; TkWindow *winPtr = NULL, *grabWinPtr, *scrollTarget = NULL; Tk_Window tkwin = NULL, capture, target; NSPoint local, global; NSInteger button; TkWindow *newFocus = NULL; int win_x, win_y; unsigned int buttonState = 0; Bool isTestingEvent = NO; Bool isMotionEvent = NO; Bool isOutside = NO; Bool firstDrag = NO; static Bool ignoreDrags = NO; static Bool ignoreUpDown = NO; static NSTimeInterval timestamp = 0; #ifdef TK_MAC_DEBUG_EVENTS TKLog(@"-[%@(%p) %s] %@", [self class], self, sel_getName(_cmd), theEvent); #endif /* * If this event is not for a Tk toplevel, it should normally just be * passed up the responder chain. However, there is are two exceptions. * One is for synthesized events, which are used in testing. Those events * are recognized by having their timestamp set to 0. The other is for * motion events sent by the local event monitor, which will have their * window attribute set to nil. */ if (![eventWindow isMemberOfClass:[TKWindow class]] && ![eventWindow isMemberOfClass:[TKPanel class]]) { if ([theEvent timestamp] == 0) { isTestingEvent = YES; eventWindow = [NSApp keyWindow]; } if (eventType == NSLeftMouseDragged || eventType == NSMouseMoved) { eventWindow = [NSApp keyWindow]; isMotionEvent = YES; } if (!isTestingEvent && !isMotionEvent) { return theEvent; } } else if (!NSPointInRect(location, [contentView bounds])) { isOutside = YES; } button = [theEvent buttonNumber] + Button1; if ((button & -2) == Button2) { button ^= 1; /* Swap buttons 2/3 */ } switch (eventType) { case NSRightMouseUp: case NSOtherMouseUp: buttonState &= ~Tk_GetButtonMask(button); break; case NSLeftMouseDragged: buttonState |= Tk_GetButtonMask(button); if (![NSApp tkDragTarget]) { if (isOutside) { ignoreDrags = YES; } else { firstDrag = YES; } } if (ignoreDrags) { return theEvent; } if (![NSApp tkDragTarget]) { [NSApp setTkDragTarget: [NSApp tkEventTarget]]; } break; case NSRightMouseDragged: case NSOtherMouseDragged: isMotionEvent = YES; case NSRightMouseDown: case NSOtherMouseDown: buttonState |= Tk_GetButtonMask(button); break; case NSMouseEntered: if (![eventWindow isKeyWindow] || isOutside) { return theEvent; } [NSApp setTkLiveResizeEnded:NO]; [NSApp setTkPointerWindow:[NSApp tkEventTarget]]; break; case NSMouseExited: if (![eventWindow isKeyWindow] || !isOutside) { return theEvent; } [NSApp setTkPointerWindow:nil]; break; case NSLeftMouseUp: [NSApp setTkDragTarget: nil]; if ([theEvent clickCount] == 2) { ignoreUpDown = NO; } if (ignoreUpDown) { return theEvent; } if (ignoreDrags) { ignoreDrags = NO; return theEvent; } buttonState &= ~Tk_GetButtonMask(Button1); break; case NSLeftMouseDown: /* * There are situations where Apple does not send NSLeftMouseUp events * even though the mouse button has been released. One of these is * whenever a menu is posted on the screen. This causes Tk to have an * inaccurate idea of the current button state and to behave strangely. * (See ticket[a132b5507e].) As a work-around we watch for NSButtonDown * events that arrive when Tk thinks the button is already down and * we attempt to correct Tk's cached button state by insering a call to * Tk_UpdatePointer showing the button as up. */ if ([NSApp tkButtonState] & Tk_GetButtonMask(Button1)) { int fakeState = [NSApp tkButtonState] & ~Tk_GetButtonMask(Button1); int x = location.x; int y = floor(TkMacOSXZeroScreenHeight() - location.y); Tk_UpdatePointer((Tk_Window) [NSApp tkEventTarget], x, y, fakeState); } /* * Ignore left mouse button events which are in an NSWindow but outside * of its contentView (see tickets [d72abe6b54] and [39cbacb9e8]). * Ignore the first left button press after a live resize ends. (Apple * sends the button press event that started the resize after the * resize ends. It should not be seen by Tk. See tickets [d72abe6b54] * and [39cbacb9e8]). Ignore button press events when ignoreUpDown is * set. These are extraneous events which appear when double-clicking * in a window without focus, causing duplicate Double-1 events (see * ticket [7bda9882cb]). When a LeftMouseDown event with clickCount 2 * is received we set the ignoreUpDown flag and we clear it when the * matching LeftMouseUp with click count 2 is received. */ /* * Make sure we don't ignore LeftMouseUp and LeftMouseDown forever. * Currently tkBind.c sets NEARBY_MS to 500 (the Windows default). */ if ([theEvent timestamp] - timestamp > 1) { ignoreUpDown = NO; } if ([theEvent clickCount] == 2) { if (ignoreUpDown == YES) { return theEvent; } else { timestamp = [theEvent timestamp]; ignoreUpDown = YES; } } if (!isTestingEvent) { NSRect bounds = [contentView bounds]; NSRect grip = NSMakeRect(bounds.size.width - 10, 0, 10, 10); bounds = NSInsetRect(bounds, 2.0, 2.0); if (!NSPointInRect(location, bounds)) { return theEvent; } if (NSPointInRect(location, grip)) { return theEvent; } if ([NSApp tkLiveResizeEnded]) { [NSApp setTkLiveResizeEnded:NO]; return theEvent; } } /* * If this click will change the focus, the Tk event should * be sent to the toplevel which will be receiving focus rather than to * the current focus window. So reset tkEventTarget. */ if (eventWindow != [NSApp keyWindow]) { NSWindow *w; if (eventWindow && isOutside) { return theEvent; } for (w in [NSApp orderedWindows]) { if (NSPointInRect([NSEvent mouseLocation], [w frame])) { newFocus = TkMacOSXGetTkWindow(w); break; } } if (newFocus) { [NSApp setTkEventTarget: newFocus]; [NSApp setTkPointerWindow: newFocus]; target = (Tk_Window) newFocus; } } buttonState |= Tk_GetButtonMask(Button1); break; case NSMouseMoved: if (eventWindow && eventWindow != [NSApp keyWindow]) { return theEvent; } isMotionEvent = YES; break; case NSScrollWheel: /* * Scroll wheel events are sent to the window containing the pointer, * or ignored if no window contains the pointer. See TIP #171. Note, * however, that TIP #171 proposed sending scroll wheel events to the * focus window when no window contains the pointer. That proposal was * ultimately rejected. */ scrollTarget = TkMacOSXGetTkWindow(eventWindow); #if 0 case NSCursorUpdate: case NSTabletPoint: case NSTabletProximity: #endif break; default: /* This type of event is ignored. */ return theEvent; } /* * Find the toplevel window for the event. */ if ([NSApp tkDragTarget]) { TkWindow *dragPtr = (TkWindow *) [NSApp tkDragTarget]; TKWindow *dragWindow = nil; MacDrawable *topMacWin; if (dragPtr) { dragWindow = (TKWindow *)TkMacOSXGetNSWindowForDrawable( dragPtr->window); } if (!dragWindow) { [NSApp setTkDragTarget: nil]; target = NULL; return theEvent; } topMacWin = TkMacOSXGetHostToplevel(dragPtr); if (topMacWin) { winPtr = topMacWin->winPtr; } } else if (eventType == NSScrollWheel) { winPtr = scrollTarget; } else { winPtr = [NSApp tkEventTarget]; } if (!winPtr) { /* * If we couldn't find a toplevel for this event we have to ignore it. * (But this should never happen.) */ #ifdef TK_MAC_DEBUG_EVENTS TkMacOSXDbgMsg("Event received with no Tk window."); #endif return theEvent; } tkwin = (Tk_Window) winPtr; /* * Compute the mouse position in local (toplevel) and global (screen) * coordinates. These are Tk coordinates, meaning that the local origin is * at the top left corner of the containing toplevel and the global origin * is at top left corner of the primary screen. */ global = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; local = [eventWindow tkConvertPointFromScreen: global]; global.x = floor(global.x); global.y = floor(TkMacOSXZeroScreenHeight() - global.y); local.x = floor(local.x); local.y = floor(eventWindow.frame.size.height - local.y); if (Tk_IsEmbedded(winPtr)) { TkWindow *contPtr = (TkWindow *)Tk_GetOtherWindow((Tk_Window)winPtr); if (Tk_IsTopLevel(contPtr)) { local.x -= contPtr->wmInfoPtr->xInParent; local.y -= contPtr->wmInfoPtr->yInParent; } else { MacDrawable *topMacWin = TkMacOSXGetHostToplevel(winPtr); if (topMacWin) { TkWindow* topPtr = topMacWin->winPtr; local.x -= (topPtr->wmInfoPtr->xInParent + contPtr->changes.x); local.y -= (topPtr->wmInfoPtr->yInParent + contPtr->changes.y); } } } else { if (winPtr && winPtr->wmInfoPtr) { local.x -= winPtr->wmInfoPtr->xInParent; local.y -= winPtr->wmInfoPtr->yInParent; } else { return theEvent; } } /* * Use the toplevel coordinates to decide which Tk window should receive * this event. Also convert the toplevel coordinates into the coordinate * system of that window. These converted coordinates are needed for * XEvents that we generate, namely ScrollWheel events and Motion events * when the mouse is outside of the focused toplevel. */ if ([NSApp tkDragTarget]) { Tk_Window dragTarget = (Tk_Window) [NSApp tkDragTarget]; Tk_Window dragWidget = NULL; int x, y; Tk_GetRootCoords(dragTarget, &x, &y); win_x = global.x - x; win_y = global.y - y; if (firstDrag) { dragWidget = Tk_TopCoordsToWindow(tkwin, local.x, local.y, &x, &y); if (dragWidget) { [NSApp setTkDragTarget: (TkWindow *) dragWidget]; } } target = (Tk_Window) [NSApp tkDragTarget]; } else { target = Tk_TopCoordsToWindow(tkwin, local.x, local.y, &win_x, &win_y); } grabWinPtr = winPtr->dispPtr->grabWinPtr; /* * Ignore the event if a local grab is in effect and the Tk window is * not in the grabber's subtree. */ if (grabWinPtr && /* There is a grab in effect ... */ !winPtr->dispPtr->grabFlags && /* and it is a local grab ... */ grabWinPtr->mainPtr == winPtr->mainPtr){ /* in the same application. */ Tk_Window w; if (!target) { return theEvent; } for (w = target; !Tk_IsTopLevel(w); w = Tk_Parent(w)) { if (w == (Tk_Window)grabWinPtr) { break; } } if (w != (Tk_Window)grabWinPtr) { return theEvent; } } /* * Ignore the event if a global grab is in effect and the Tk window is * not in the grabber's subtree. */ if (grabWinPtr && /* There is a grab in effect ... */ winPtr->dispPtr->grabFlags && /* and it is a global grab ... */ grabWinPtr->mainPtr == winPtr->mainPtr) { /* in the same application. */ Tk_Window w; if (!target) { return theEvent; } for (w = target; !Tk_IsTopLevel(w); w = Tk_Parent(w)) { if (w == (Tk_Window)grabWinPtr) { break; } } if (w != (Tk_Window)grabWinPtr) { /* Force the focus back to the grab window. */ TkpChangeFocus(grabWinPtr, 1); } } /* * Translate the current button state into Tk's format. */ unsigned int state = buttonState; NSUInteger modifiers = [theEvent modifierFlags]; if (modifiers & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask) { state |= LockMask; } if (modifiers & NSShiftKeyMask) { state |= ShiftMask; } if (modifiers & NSControlKeyMask) { state |= ControlMask; } if (modifiers & NSCommandKeyMask) { state |= Mod1Mask; /* command key */ } if (modifiers & NSAlternateKeyMask) { state |= Mod2Mask; /* option key */ } if (modifiers & NSNumericPadKeyMask) { state |= Mod3Mask; } if (modifiers & NSFunctionKeyMask) { state |= Mod4Mask; } [NSApp setTkButtonState:state]; /* * Send XEvents. We do this here for Motion events outside of the focused * toplevel and for MouseWheel events. In other cases the XEvents will be * sent when we call Tk_UpdatePointer. */ if (eventType != NSScrollWheel) { if ([NSApp tkDragTarget]) { /* * When dragging the mouse into the resize area Apple shows the * left button to be up, which confuses Tk_UpdatePointer. So * we make sure that the button state appears the way that Tk * expects. */ state |= Tk_GetButtonMask(Button1); } if (eventType == NSMouseEntered) { Tk_Window new_win = Tk_CoordsToWindow(global.x, global.y, (Tk_Window) [NSApp tkPointerWindow]); Tk_UpdatePointer(new_win, global.x, global.y, state); } else if (eventType == NSMouseExited) { if ([NSApp tkDragTarget]) { Tk_UpdatePointer((Tk_Window) [NSApp tkDragTarget], global.x, global.y, state); } else { Tk_UpdatePointer(NULL, global.x, global.y, state); } } else if (eventType == NSMouseMoved || eventType == NSLeftMouseDragged) { if ([NSApp tkPointerWindow]) { Tk_UpdatePointer(target, global.x, global.y, state); } else { XEvent xEvent = {0}; xEvent.type = MotionNotify; xEvent.xany.send_event = false; xEvent.xany.display = Tk_Display(target); xEvent.xany.window = Tk_WindowId(target); xEvent.xany.serial = LastKnownRequestProcessed(Tk_Display(tkwin)); xEvent.xmotion.x = win_x; xEvent.xmotion.y = win_y; xEvent.xmotion.x_root = global.x; xEvent.xmotion.y_root = global.y; xEvent.xmotion.state = state; Tk_QueueWindowEvent(&xEvent, TCL_QUEUE_TAIL); /* * Tk_UpdatePointer must not be called in this case. Doing so * will break scrollbars; dragging will stop when the mouse * leaves the window. */ } } else { Tk_UpdatePointer(target, global.x, global.y, state); } } else { static unsigned long scrollCounter = 0; int delta; CGFloat Delta; Bool deltaIsPrecise = [theEvent hasPreciseScrollingDeltas]; XEvent xEvent = {0}; xEvent.xbutton.x = win_x; xEvent.xbutton.y = win_y; xEvent.xbutton.x_root = global.x; xEvent.xbutton.y_root = global.y; xEvent.xany.send_event = false; xEvent.xany.display = Tk_Display(target); xEvent.xany.window = Tk_WindowId(target); if (deltaIsPrecise) { int deltaX = [theEvent scrollingDeltaX]; int deltaY = [theEvent scrollingDeltaY]; delta = (deltaX << 16) | (deltaY & 0xffff); if (delta != 0) { xEvent.type = TouchpadScroll; xEvent.xbutton.state = state; xEvent.xkey.keycode = delta; xEvent.xany.serial = scrollCounter++; Tk_QueueWindowEvent(&xEvent, TCL_QUEUE_TAIL); } } else { /* * A low precision scroll is 120 or -120 wheel units per click. * Each click generates one event. */ Delta = [theEvent scrollingDeltaY]; if (Delta != 0.0) { xEvent.type = MouseWheelEvent; xEvent.xbutton.state = state; xEvent.xkey.keycode = Delta > 0.0 ? 120 : -120; xEvent.xany.serial = LastKnownRequestProcessed(Tk_Display(tkwin)); Tk_QueueWindowEvent(&xEvent, TCL_QUEUE_TAIL); } Delta = [theEvent scrollingDeltaX]; if (Delta != 0.0) { xEvent.type = MouseWheelEvent; xEvent.xbutton.state = state | ShiftMask; xEvent.xkey.keycode = Delta > 0 ? 120 : -120; xEvent.xany.serial = LastKnownRequestProcessed(Tk_Display(tkwin)); Tk_QueueWindowEvent(&xEvent, TCL_QUEUE_TAIL); } } } /* * If button events are being captured, and the target is not in the * subtree below the capturing window, then the NSEvent should not be sent * up the responder chain. This avoids, for example, beeps when clicking * the mouse button outside of a posted combobox. See ticket [eb26d4ec8e]. */ capture = TkpGetCapture(); if (capture && eventType == NSLeftMouseDown) { Tk_Window w; for (w = target; w != NULL; w = Tk_Parent(w)) { if (w == capture) { break; } } if (w != capture) { return nil; } } return theEvent; } @end #pragma mark - /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TkMacOSXButtonKeyState -- * * Returns the current state of the button & modifier keys. * * Results: * A bitwise inclusive OR of a subset of the following: Button1Mask, * ShiftMask, LockMask, ControlMask, Mod*Mask. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ unsigned int TkMacOSXButtonKeyState(void) { return [NSApp tkButtonState]; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * XQueryPointer -- * * Check the current state of the mouse. This is not a complete * implementation of this function. It only computes the root coordinates * and the current mask. * * Results: * Sets root_x_return, root_y_return, and mask_return. Returns true on * success. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Bool XQueryPointer( TCL_UNUSED(Display *), Window w, TCL_UNUSED(Window *), TCL_UNUSED(Window *), int *root_x_return, int *root_y_return, int *win_x_return, int *win_y_return, unsigned int *mask_return) { int getGlobal = (root_x_return && root_y_return); int getLocal = (win_x_return && win_y_return && w != None); if (getGlobal || getLocal) { NSPoint global = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; if (getLocal) { MacDrawable *macWin = (MacDrawable *)w; NSWindow *win = TkMacOSXGetNSWindowForDrawable(w); if (win) { NSPoint local; local = [win tkConvertPointFromScreen:global]; local.y = [win frame].size.height - local.y; if (macWin->winPtr && macWin->winPtr->wmInfoPtr) { local.x -= macWin->winPtr->wmInfoPtr->xInParent; local.y -= macWin->winPtr->wmInfoPtr->yInParent; } *win_x_return = local.x; *win_y_return = local.y; } } if (getGlobal) { *root_x_return = global.x; *root_y_return = TkMacOSXZeroScreenHeight() - global.y; } } if (mask_return) { *mask_return = TkMacOSXButtonKeyState(); } return True; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TkGenerateButtonEventForXPointer -- * * This procedure generates an X button event for the current pointer * state as reported by XQueryPointer(). * * Results: * True if event(s) are generated - false otherwise. * * Side effects: * Additional events may be placed on the Tk event queue. Grab state may * also change. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ MODULE_SCOPE int TkGenerateButtonEventForXPointer( Window window) /* X Window containing button event. */ { MouseEventData med; int global_x, global_y, local_x, local_y; bzero(&med, sizeof(MouseEventData)); XQueryPointer(NULL, window, NULL, NULL, &global_x, &global_y, &local_x, &local_y, &med.state); med.global.h = global_x; med.global.v = global_y; med.local.h = local_x; med.local.v = local_y; med.window = window; return GenerateButtonEvent(&med); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TkGenerateButtonEvent -- * * Given a global x & y position and the button key status this procedure * generates the appropriate X button event. It also handles the state * changes needed to implement implicit grabs. * * Results: * True if event(s) are generated, false otherwise. * * Side effects: * Additional events may be placed on the Tk event queue. Grab state may * also change. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TkGenerateButtonEvent( int x, /* X location of mouse, */ int y, /* Y location of mouse. */ Window window, /* X Window containing button event. */ unsigned int state) /* Button Key state suitable for X event. */ { MacDrawable *macWin = (MacDrawable *)window; NSWindow *win = TkMacOSXGetNSWindowForDrawable(window); MouseEventData med; bzero(&med, sizeof(MouseEventData)); med.state = state; med.window = window; med.global.h = x; med.global.v = y; med.local = med.global; if (win) { NSPoint local = NSMakePoint(x, TkMacOSXZeroScreenHeight() - y); local = [win tkConvertPointFromScreen:local]; local.y = [win frame].size.height - local.y; if (macWin->winPtr && macWin->winPtr->wmInfoPtr) { local.x -= macWin->winPtr->wmInfoPtr->xInParent; local.y -= macWin->winPtr->wmInfoPtr->yInParent; } med.local.h = local.x; med.local.v = TkMacOSXZeroScreenHeight() - local.y; } return GenerateButtonEvent(&med); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GenerateButtonEvent -- * * Generate an X button event from a MouseEventData structure. Handles * the state changes needed to implement implicit grabs. * * Results: * True if event(s) are generated - false otherwise. * * Side effects: * Additional events may be placed on the Tk event queue. Grab state may * also change. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int GenerateButtonEvent( MouseEventData *medPtr) { Tk_Window tkwin; int dummy; TkDisplay *dispPtr; #ifdef UNUSED /* * ButtonDown events will always occur in the front window. ButtonUp * events, however, may occur anywhere on the screen. ButtonUp events * should only be sent to Tk if in the front window or during an implicit * grab. */ if ((medPtr->activeNonFloating == NULL) || ((!(TkpIsWindowFloating(medPtr->whichWin)) && (medPtr->activeNonFloating != medPtr->whichWin)) && TkpGetCapture() == NULL)) { return false; } #endif dispPtr = TkGetDisplayList(); tkwin = Tk_IdToWindow(dispPtr->display, medPtr->window); if (tkwin != NULL) { tkwin = Tk_TopCoordsToWindow(tkwin, medPtr->local.h, medPtr->local.v, &dummy, &dummy); } Tk_UpdatePointer(tkwin, medPtr->global.h, medPtr->global.v, medPtr->state); return true; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TkpWarpPointer -- * * Move the mouse cursor to the screen location specified by the warpX and * warpY fields of a TkDisplay. * * Results: * None * * Side effects: * The mouse cursor is moved. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TkpWarpPointer( TkDisplay *dispPtr) { CGPoint pt; if (dispPtr->warpWindow) { int x, y; Tk_GetRootCoords(dispPtr->warpWindow, &x, &y); pt.x = x + dispPtr->warpX; pt.y = y + dispPtr->warpY; } else { pt.x = dispPtr->warpX; pt.y = dispPtr->warpY; } CGWarpMouseCursorPosition(pt); if (dispPtr->warpWindow) { TkGenerateButtonEventForXPointer(Tk_WindowId(dispPtr->warpWindow)); } else { TkGenerateButtonEventForXPointer(None); } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TkpSetCapture -- * * This function captures the mouse so that all future events will be * reported to this window, even if the mouse is outside the window. If * the specified window is NULL, then the mouse is released. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Sets the capture flag and captures the mouse. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TkpSetCapture( TkWindow *winPtr) /* Capture window, or NULL. */ { while (winPtr && !Tk_IsTopLevel(winPtr)) { winPtr = winPtr->parentPtr; } captureWinPtr = (Tk_Window)winPtr; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TkpGetCapture -- * * Results: * Returns the current grab window * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Tk_Window TkpGetCapture(void) { return captureWinPtr; } /* * Local Variables: * mode: objc * c-basic-offset: 4 * fill-column: 79 * coding: utf-8 * End: */