# all.tcl --
# This file contains a top-level script to run all of the Tk
# tests.  Execute it by invoking "source all.tcl" when running tktest
# in this directory.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: all.tcl,v 1.6 2002/04/12 09:18:52 hobbs Exp $

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    source [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]] defs.tcl]
set ::tcltest::testSingleFile false

puts stdout "Tk $tk_patchLevel tests running in interp:  [info nameofexecutable]"
puts stdout "Tests running in working dir:  $::tcltest::workingDir"
if {[llength $::tcltest::skip] > 0} {
    puts stdout "Skipping tests that match:  $::tcltest::skip"
if {[llength $::tcltest::match] > 0} {
    puts stdout "Only running tests that match:  $::tcltest::match"

# Use command line specified glob pattern (specified by -file or -f)
# if one exists.  Otherwise use *.test.  If given, the file pattern
# should be specified relative to the dir containing this file.  If no
# files are found to match the pattern, print an error message and exit.
set fileIndex [expr {[lsearch $argv "-file"] + 1}]
set fIndex [expr {[lsearch $argv "-f"] + 1}]
if {($fileIndex < 1) || ($fIndex > $fileIndex)} {
    set fileIndex $fIndex
if {$fileIndex > 0} {
    set globPattern [file join $::tcltest::testsDir [lindex $argv $fileIndex]]
    puts stdout "Sourcing files that match:  $globPattern"
} else {
    set globPattern [file join $::tcltest::testsDir *.test]
set fileList [glob -nocomplain $globPattern]
if {[llength $fileList] < 1} {
    puts "Error: no files found matching $globPattern"
set timeCmd {clock format [clock seconds]}
puts stdout "Tests began at [eval $timeCmd]"

# source each of the specified tests
foreach file [lsort $fileList] {
    set tail [file tail $file]
    if {[string match l.*.test $tail]} {
	# This is an SCCS lockfile; ignore it
    puts stdout $tail
    if {[catch {source $file} msg]} {
	puts stdout $msg

# cleanup
puts stdout "\nTests ended at [eval $timeCmd]"
::tcltest::cleanupTests 1